The world

Why is it selling well in the United States?, Painkillers that kill 560000 people | Medicine | Family | Saxony | Doctors | America | Purdue | Condin
Why is it selling well in the United States?, Painkillers that kill 560000 people | Medicine | Family | Saxony | Doctors | America | Purdue | Condin

Author: Mao Yufei In 1985, at the luxurious villa of the Sackler family, family members held an important meeting. Richard Sackler stood against the light, his face half bright and half dark. Richard is responsible for product development and marketing at the family founded Purdue Pharmaceutical Company, and is a pending successor. The patent for Mesconazole, which once generated 25% of sales for Purdue, is about to expire. Richard has proposed a heavyweight plan to his family's predecessors: to develop a new opioid drug specifically designed to alleviate moderate pain. For this plan, several seniors frowned and said, "Opioid drugs are easily addictive and cannot be used repeatedly." Richard's uncle Arthur Sackler nodded and then waved at Richard, saying, "Don't get your mind too stuck. The market needs to find ways to create it yourself.". In 2015, in a battle against

Award 100000 yuan! Listed company's enlarged recruitment, "Three child Plan" | Data display | Rewards | Aspect | Benefits | Fertility | Shares | Employees
Award 100000

After Da Bei Nong launched an incentive program for employees to have better children, another listed company recently announced an increase in employee fertility benefits! According to the latest plan released by Qiaoyin Co., Ltd., the first domestic environmental sanitation company, the company will reimburse new employees for their children's milk powder, diapers, and other expenses during the 0-3 years old period, as well as the public kindergarten tuition fees for new employees who have a second child. In addition, the company will also give a one-time reward of 100000 yuan to employees who have a third child. The scope of this maternity benefit is for all employees of Qiaoyin Group, including frontline employees. According to the 2022 annual report data of Qiaoyin Group, the total number of employees in the company at the end of the period was 61700. A one-time reward of 100000 yuan will be given to employees for giving birth to three children. According to the news released on the official WeChat official account of Qiaoyin, Qiaoyin held a special event in Qiaoyin Building on May 31

There must be a big tomb below? Official announcement: A village in Henan Province has excavated a large stone turtle stone monument during road construction | Notification | Qinyang City | Investigation | Discovery | Stele Base | Department | Cultural Relics
There must be a big tomb below? Official announcement: A village in Henan Province has excavated a large stone turtle stone monument during road construction | Notification | Qinyang City | Investigation | Discovery | Stele Base | Department | Cultural Relics

Recently, it was rumored online that a village in Jiaozuo, Henan Province had dug up a large stone turtle during road construction, which attracted the attention of netizens. In response to this, the Qinyang Municipal Bureau of Cultural Relics has issued a report, the full text of which is as follows: The Qinyang Municipal Bureau of Cultural Relics has discovered a turtle shaped pedestal in Wangqu Township. In response to reports released by online self media on May 30, such as "A large stone turtle was excavated in a village in Jiaozuo, Henan, and netizens speculated that there was a large tomb...", in order to restore the original truth, after investigation and implementation by the cultural relics department, the report is as follows: On May 30, 2023, during the road renovation in Xiwangqu Village, Wangqu Township, Qinyang City, a stone turtle was discovered, and the construction personnel immediately notified the municipal cultural relics department. After receiving the report, the municipal cultural relics department immediately dispatched personnel to the scene to carry out the work. After investigation, it was confirmed that the discovered stone turtle is a bi xi and belongs to the pedestal of the stone tablet. The turtle leg is 167 centimeters long, 104 centimeters wide, and 60 centimeters high

Including 2 executives! Pixar Animation Studios has laid off 75 animation workers for the first time in a decade, resulting in a large-scale layoff
Including 2 executives! Pixar Animation Studios has laid off 75 animation workers for the first time in a decade, resulting in a large-scale layoff

On the 3rd local time, it was reported that Pixar Animation Studios, a subsidiary of Disney, has laid off 75 people, including at least 2 executives, marking the studio's first large-scale layoff in a decade. According to sources, the executives who have been laid off this time include the Vice President of Pixar Global Communications, a senior creative team member who has worked on multiple works such as Toy Story and Dreamland, as well as a producer who has been working at Pixar. Although several executives have not yet responded to the layoffs, there is widespread speculation that this is related to the dismal box office revenue of their latest film works. Disney CEO Robert Egger previously announced plans to lay off 7000 employees and cut costs by $5.5 billion. According to Reuters, the layoffs are part of this plan. Disney Company has

China's manned spacecraft has made significant breakthroughs in tracking and measuring black out areas | spacecraft | China
China's manned spacecraft has made significant breakthroughs in tracking and measuring black out areas | spacecraft | China

On the morning of June 4th, the Shenzhou-15 manned spacecraft successfully landed at the Dongfeng landing site. The stable tracking of the spacecraft during its passage through the black barrier area by scientific and technological personnel indicates that China has made significant breakthroughs in tracking and measuring the return of manned spacecraft through the black barrier area. When the spacecraft returns to Earth, it will experience severe friction with the atmosphere, causing a sharp increase in temperature, resulting in ionization of gas molecules and materials that have been eroded on the surface of the spacecraft. These continuously generated ionized gases wrap around the spacecraft, forming a plasma sheath that absorbs, attenuates, refracts, reflects, and scatters electromagnetic waves, causing abnormal or even interrupted radio communication between the interior of the spacecraft and the outside world. This is known as the black barrier phenomenon, and this process is also known as the black barrier zone. When the spacecraft passes through the black barrier area, it can only rely on radar and optical equipment for tracking and measurement. Can it be stable during this period

From October to November this year, the Shenzhou Sixteen and Shenzhou Seventeen crew will undergo rotation missions | Shenzhou | Astronauts
From October to November this year, the Shenzhou Sixteen and Shenzhou Seventeen crew will undergo rotation missions | Shenzhou | Astronauts

According to Lin Xiqiang, Deputy Director of the China Manned Space Engineering Office, the space station has entered the stage of application and development. During this stage, astronauts will continue to stay on the space station for a long time, usually undergoing two crew rotations and 1-2 supplies per year. At present, the three astronauts of Shenzhou 16, which is currently on the space station, plan to return to the Dongfeng landing site in November this year. Before they return, they will welcome the visit and docking of the Shenzhou 17 manned spacecraft. According to the basic information of the manned space mission for 2023 released by the China Manned Space Engineering Office, the Shenzhou-17 manned flight mission will be launched from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in October this year, and the flight crew will still be composed of three astronauts.

The representative of the People's Liberation Army questioned the US Defense Minister on site: Isn't this contradictory? Geography | Exclusivity | United States
The representative of the People's Liberation Army questioned the US Defense Minister on site: Isn't this contradictory? Geography | Exclusivity | United States

On June 3rd, at the 20th Shangri La Dialogue, US Defense Minister Austin delivered a speech. According to the video footage, during the on-site interaction, Chinese representative and associate professor of the National Security College at National Defense University, Zhang Chi, asked Austin, "The topic of today's discussion is the leadership of the United States. However, on the one hand, the United States says it wants to support ASEAN's central position in the region, while on the other hand, it has established many multilateral organizations similar to AUKUS and QUAD. How can we ensure ASEAN's central position?" "Is this the leadership played by the United States? Isn't this contradictory?" Zhang Chi asked in a qualitative manner. Zhang Chi questioned Austin on site, and the video screenshot showed Professor Zhang Chi's question hitting the nail on the head, while Austin's answer was evasive. As soon as he came up, he said, "I don't think I've grasped all the key points of the problem, but I think you're asking."

Some ambiguous areas still need to be clarified, as illegal mining cases are high and frequent
Some ambiguous areas still need to be clarified, as illegal mining cases are high and frequent

On the eve of the June 5th Environmental Day in 2023, many courts in various regions have successively released typical cases of environmental resource trials, in order to fully play the exemplary and leading role of typical cases, increase the punishment for environmental pollution and ecological destruction crimes, and maintain national ecological environment and natural resource security. These typical cases of environmental resource trials show that in recent years, illegal mining cases have been highly frequent. Illegal mining cases account for a large proportion of typical cases published in Shandong, Sichuan, Shanxi, Jiangxi, Chongqing, Gansu, Zhejiang and other regions. In April this year, the Ministry of Public Security announced 10 typical cases of crimes that damage the ecological environment, half of which involve illegal mining. The reporter from First Financial News also learned in an interview that due to the various changes in illegal mining in recent years, in judicial practice, the legality and illegality, mining and non mining, crime and non crime, and the severity of crime in mining activities are different

What are the consequences of repeated infection of COVID-19? Can antiviral drugs be used for prevention? Experts say that viruses | drugs | poisons
What are the consequences of repeated infection of COVID-19? Can antiviral drugs be used for prevention? Experts say that viruses | drugs | poisons

In the new round of COVID-19 infection, there are many "first positive" infected people, but there are also many "second positive" infected people. Some people are worried that there may even be "three suns" and "four suns" in the future. So what damage will repeated infection of COVID-19 do to the human body? Can COVID-19 antiviral drugs be used as prophylactic drugs? On June 3rd, at the International Hospital Infection Control Forum held in Shanghai, a reporter from First Financial interviewed Professor Lu Hongzhou, the director of Shenzhen Third People's Hospital, on a series of issues that people are concerned about. CBI: How is this round of COVID-19 infection different from the last round? Lu Hongzhou: In my opinion, the current round of COVID-19 infection cannot be called "the second wave", because it does not affect our normal life and work. A more accurate description should be called "echelon infection". Because most people already possess resistance

Who lost out on?, The mayor sentenced the 3000 acre unfinished project to 9 and a half years for Huan Park | Zhigao | unfinished project
Who lost out on?, The mayor sentenced the 3000 acre unfinished project to 9 and a half years for Huan Park | Zhigao | unfinished project

Attracting foreign investors to establish factories and promote local economic development through investment attraction is a common and effective practice in many places. However, in Huainan, Anhui, a investment attraction project claiming to have invested 10 billion yuan and planned to cover an area of 3200 acres ultimately became a abandoned project, and it has been suspended for more than ten years. The "Focus Interview" program aired on May 9th conducted an investigation and report on the reasons behind the failure of this "celebrity project". The animation industry park, which claims to invest billions of yuan, has now become a unfinished project. Anhui Huainan, once known as China's energy capital, relied heavily on coal for local fiscal revenue. In recent years, due to resource depletion, environmental protection, safety and other reasons, Huainan has closed a large number of small and medium-sized coal mines, causing a huge impact on the economy. In 2010, a company called Zhigao Culture and Technology Animation Industry

Biden signed it! Avoiding an economic crisis and collapse, global attention has been paid to debt | United States | Economy
Biden signed it! Avoiding an economic crisis and collapse, global attention has been paid to debt | United States | Economy

On June 3rd local time, US President Biden officially signed a bill on the federal government's debt ceiling and budget, suspending the debt ceiling until early 2025 and imposing spending restrictions on fiscal years 2024 and 2025. This is the 103rd time since the end of World War II that the United States has adjusted its debt ceiling. Previously, the bill had already been passed in the United States House of Representatives and Senate. Treasury Secretary Yellen previously warned congressional leaders that the federal government may run out of funds on June 5th, and if Congress does not raise the debt ceiling before Monday, it could lead to an economic disaster. Biden praised himself in his speech. The day before, Biden delivered a speech in the Oval Office of the White House, celebrating the agreement between the Democratic and Republican parties. This was also Biden's first speech in the Oval Office since taking office

Do we still need to establish a new international trade common currency to replace the US dollar?, British media: BRICS countries are considering expanding their foreign ministers | BRICS countries |
Do we still need to establish a new international trade common currency to replace the US dollar?, British media: BRICS countries are considering expanding their foreign ministers | BRICS countries |

According to the website of The Independent on June 2nd, the BRICS countries are considering expanding their membership and may even establish a new international trade common currency to replace the US dollar. According to reports, South African Foreign Minister Pandor said that the New Development Bank of the BRICS countries has introduced the possibility of introducing alternative currencies for international trade to the group. According to reports, the group issued a joint statement after the meeting that ended on the 2nd. The statement said, "The ministers emphasized the importance of encouraging the use of local currencies in international trade and financial transactions." Indian Foreign Minister Sujesen said that the meeting must "send a strong message that the world is multipolar and is rebalancing.". Brazilian Foreign Minister Mauro Vieira also stated that the BRICS countries are an indispensable mechanism for establishing a multipolar world order, which reflects the ways and needs of developing countries

Before obtaining the pre-sale permit, sales activities are not allowed, and intention contracts are not allowed to be entered into to prevent "abandoned buildings"! Guangxi introduces new regulations for real estate | pre-sale | licensing
Before obtaining the pre-sale permit, sales activities are not allowed, and intention contracts are not allowed to be entered into to prevent "abandoned buildings"! Guangxi introduces new regulations for real estate | pre-sale | licensing

Recently, the Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region issued the "Management Measures for Real Estate Development Enterprises in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region". It is reported that in order to prevent the risk of fund chain rupture and project "unfinished" of real estate development enterprises, the "Measures" have added provisions that real estate development enterprises should sign a tripartite supervision agreement for pre-sale funds with the real estate development regulatory department and commercial banks before applying for pre-sale permits for commercial housing, and have explained how to determine the key supervision quota and use the funds within the supervision quota. Keywords: Enterprise Qualification Delete the relevant content of the original third, fourth, and provisional qualifications of real estate enterprises. The Measures specify that real estate development enterprises determine their development and operation scope and construction scale according to the qualification level in accordance with the law. The construction scale of real estate projects undertaken by real estate development enterprises with first-class qualifications is not restricted; Secondary qualification room

Goal: To become a formal sports activity! Guandan has been listed as a performance event in the 5th National Intelligence Games | Guanpai | Sports Games
Goal: To become a formal sports activity! Guandan has been listed as a performance event in the 5th National Intelligence Games | Guanpai | Sports Games

On the road to becoming a formal sports event, the poker game Guanpai, originating from Huai'an, Jiangsu, has achieved considerable success. The 5th National Intelligence Games will be held in Hefei, Anhui Province from October 25th to November 4th this year. The games will include public speaking groups and performance events. According to the recent public disclosure by the Chess and Card Sports Management Center of the General Administration of Sport of China, Guanpai has been listed as a performance event in the 5th National Intelligence Games. In addition, in the public open group added to the 5th National Intelligence Games, Guanpai was also included in the network group along with chess, international chess, bridge, Gomoku, international checkers and other events. The official competition events of the 5th National Intelligence Games include 6 major events, including Go, Chess, International Chess, Bridge, Gomoku, and International Checkers, with 58 minor events.

How long will it take for the recovery of the divine fifteenth crew after their successful return from a space "business trip"? Medical Insurance | Recovery | Astronauts
How long will it take for the recovery of the divine fifteenth crew after their successful return from a space "business trip"? Medical Insurance | Recovery | Astronauts

How to arrange corresponding recovery and training for the three astronauts of the Shen-15 crew who are about to return to Beijing? What experiences have the medical supervision and insurance system learned from the recovery of past astronauts, and are there any ways to adjust and update them? According to Xu Chong, director of the astronaut medical supervision and insurance department at the China Astronaut Research and Training Center, the post recovery work of astronauts is carried out in three stages: the first stage is the isolation and recovery stage, which promotes the recovery of basic functions. It takes 3-4 weeks to eliminate the adverse effects on body function during flight. The second stage, which takes 4-5 weeks, is mainly the recuperation and recovery stage, ensuring comprehensive physical and mental recovery. The third stage, which takes about 4 months, is mainly the recovery observation stage, and various types of training begin to be carried out. After half a year of recovery, astronauts have entered the normal mission training period. Currently, the space station is responsible for

He claimed that his body was "10 years younger", breaking the world record for underwater life. An American professor lived under the sea for 95 days, according to the Guinness World Record. That means | life
He claimed that his body was "10 years younger", breaking the world record for underwater life. An American professor lived under the sea for 95 days, according to the Guinness World Record. That means | life

A scientist in the United States lived continuously at the bottom of the Atlantic for 95 days, breaking the Guinness World Record for underwater living. Even more surprisingly, the scientist claimed that being exposed to extreme stress for such a long time resulted in his body being 10 years younger. According to a report by the Daily Mail on June 1st, 55 year old Dituri, a professor at the University of South Florida in the United States, decided to push his limits. On March 1st of this year, he moved into Jules Underwater Cottage in southern Florida, at a depth of over 30 feet, and embarked on a 100 day underwater life challenge. The pressure inside the underwater cabin where Dituri lives is 1.7 times the pressure above water. As of now, Dituri has been underwater for 95 days, breaking the previous 73 day underwater living world record. Dituri stated that medical professionals

Intended to serve as a standing committee member of the municipal party committee at the prefecture level, she is Chen Yuhui, an inspector, and a party committee member
Intended to serve as a standing committee member of the municipal party committee at the prefecture level, she is Chen Yuhui, an inspector, and a party committee member

On June 2nd, the Organization Department of the Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee issued a pre appointment notice for cadres, and Chen Yuhui, the current Secretary of the Yilan County Party Committee and a second level inspector, plans to be appointed as a standing committee member of the prefecture level city party committee. Chen Yuhui was born in March 1972 in Leting, Hebei. He started working in 1997 and joined the Communist Party of China in May 1995. He graduated from Northeast Agricultural University with a major in vegetables. Chen Yuhui has been working in Harbin for a long time and has served as the Deputy Minister of the Organization Department of the Pingfang District Committee and the Secretary and Director of the Party Branch of the Heilongjiang Animation Industry Development Base Management Office. In 2014, he was appointed as a member of the Standing Committee of the Pingfang District Committee and Minister of the United Front Work Department. The following year, he was transferred to the position of Standing Committee Member and Minister of Propaganda Department of Nangang District Committee. In 2016, he was appointed as a member of the Standing Committee and Deputy District Mayor of Nangang District. In 2020, he was appointed as the Secretary of the Yilan County Party Committee, and later as the Secretary of the Yilan County Party Committee and a second level inspector. Therefore, he plans to make adjustments.

Ambassador to the United States Xie Feng Holds Celebration Event for Former Secretary of State Kissinger's Centenary Doctor | United States | Kissinger
Ambassador to the United States Xie Feng Holds Celebration Event for Former Secretary of State Kissinger's Centenary Doctor | United States | Kissinger

On the evening of May 31st, Ambassador Xie Feng held a celebration for the 100th birthday of former US Secretary of State Kissinger at the Chinese Consulate General in New York. Dr. Kissinger, Consul General Huang Ping in New York, and guests from the National Committee on US China Relations and the US China Trade Commission attended. Xie Feng stated in his speech that Dr. Kissinger is an old and good friend of the Chinese people, a pioneer and promoter of China US relations, and has made historic contributions to the normalization of China US relations. For over half a century, Dr. Kissinger has tirelessly promoted the development of China US relations and played an irreplaceable role in enhancing communication, cooperation, and friendship between the two countries. Xie Feng pointed out that in today's world of turmoil and interweaving, China US relations are facing serious difficulties, and history has once again reached a crossroads. The world needs Kissinger, and we need to learn from Dr. Kissinger's profound wisdom

Dragon Boat Festival tickets are 20% cheaper than May Day tickets! Have you decided where to go to play? China | Price | Air tickets
Dragon Boat Festival tickets are 20% cheaper than May Day tickets! Have you decided where to go to play? China | Price | Air tickets

Recently, multiple travel platforms have received notifications from airlines that starting from June 5th, the fuel surcharge prices for domestic air tickets in China will be lowered again. Industry insiders believe that this downgrade will have a positive impact on Dragon Boat Festival and summer travel. Have you decided where to go for Dragon Boat Festival? For the third time this year, it is understood that after the reduction of fuel surcharges for flight tickets, the fuel surcharges for adult passengers on flights of 800 kilometers and below will be reduced from 30 yuan to 20 yuan, and the fuel surcharges for flights of 800 kilometers and above will be reduced from 60 yuan to 30 yuan. That is to say, the flight segments below 800 kilometers and above 800 kilometers have decreased by 33.33% and 50% respectively. What is fuel surcharge? It is reported that aviation fuel surcharge is an additional fee charged by shipping companies to reflect changes in fuel prices. There is a fuel surcharge

But... the United States wants to persuade the so-called "wall riders" to confront China. Washington | Foreign Policy | The United States
But... the United States wants to persuade the so-called "wall riders" to confront China. Washington | Foreign Policy | The United States

On May 31st, the website of the bimonthly issue of Foreign Policy in the United States published an article titled "The Indo Pacific has chosen Gate Three", written by Kelly Greco, a senior researcher at the Stimson Center in the United States. The article excerpt is as follows: Washington wants to persuade the so-called "wall riders" - countries such as India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Vietnam - to join the alliance against China. In order to force many countries to "de risk" their economies, the United States has depicted a picture of dividing the region into two camps: those who support the United States and those who lean towards China. According to the logic of the United States, those countries that are currently "riding the wall" are just delaying, and Washington can tilt the balance towards itself with more attention, visits, and money. But not many Asia Pacific countries measure the challenges they face in half

Suspend the implementation of the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty! Russia's statement: unwavering decision | Russia | New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty
Suspend the implementation of the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty! Russia's statement: unwavering decision | Russia | New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Riyabkov stated on the 3rd that Russia's decision to suspend the implementation of the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty is unwavering and does not depend on the response measures of the United States. He also urged the United States to abandon its fundamental stance of being enemies with Russia. Riyabkov said that if the United States insists on using "ultimatum like" language, Russia will not accept dialogue conducted under this premise. He pointed out that due to the hostile policy adopted by the US, the pillars of the Russian US military control system are on the verge of collapse, and even in a state of "semi death". He emphasized that the condition for Russia's return to the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty is for the United States to abandon its fundamental position of being enemies with Russia. Riyabkov also said that according to the relevant treaties signed in 1988, Russia and the United States will still inform each other about the launch of intercontinental ballistic missiles and submarine launched missiles

Want to repair the relationship? AFP: Limited role. Antony Blinken will visit Saudi Arabia next week for strategy | the United States | role
Want to repair the relationship? AFP: Limited role. Antony Blinken will visit Saudi Arabia next week for strategy | the United States | role

The US State Department announced on the 2nd that Secretary of State Antony Blinken will visit Saudi Arabia next week to discuss "strategic cooperation" between the two countries. Some analysts said that Antony Blinken's visit sought to repair the bilateral relations between the United States and Saudi Arabia, and tried to promote the normalization of relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel, but it was difficult to make a breakthrough. The US State Department said in a brief press release that Antony Blinken's visit to Saudi Arabia from the 6th to the 8th will discuss "strategic cooperation in regional and global affairs" between the US and Saudi Arabia, as well as a series of bilateral affairs, including economic and security cooperation. During his visit, Antony Blinken will attend the ministerial meeting of the United States Gulf Arab States Cooperation Council to discuss cooperation between the United States and GCC countries in security, stability, economy and other aspects of the Middle East. In addition, combating extremist organizations was also the topic of Antony Blinken's visit. Reuters: The United States and Saudi Arabia

Li Shangfu: Mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win-win cooperation are the correct ways for China and the United States to coexist. Countries | China | Mutual respect
Li Shangfu: Mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win-win cooperation are the correct ways for China and the United States to coexist. Countries | China | Mutual respect

Chinese Defense Minister Li Shangfu stated in his speech titled "China's New Security Initiative" at the 20th Shangri La Dialogue today that the relationship between China and the United States is related to global strategic stability and is a focus of widespread concern among countries. The three principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win-win cooperation are the correct way for China and the United States to coexist. Li Shangfu stated that China believes that both China and the United States should live up to expectations and follow the trend of the times. The significance of China US relations has long exceeded bilateral and global reach. The international community generally hopes for the healthy and stable development of China US relations, and is concerned about conflicts and confrontations. It is undeniable that if there is a fierce conflict and confrontation between China and the United States, it will be an unbearable pain for the world. The Chinese side believes that a great country should have the appearance of a great power, and should not provoke camp confrontation for temporary gain. It should consider the overall situation, resolve differences through communication and cooperation, and respond accordingly

Remind candidates to take exams with integrity and beware of being deceived. The Ministry of Education has issued a warning for the college entrance examination, stating that the country | candidates | warning
Remind candidates to take exams with integrity and beware of being deceived. The Ministry of Education has issued a warning for the college entrance examination, stating that the country | candidates | warning

The college entrance examination is a major test in the lives of many students, which is closely related to the vital interests of candidates and has attracted social attention. As the 2023 college entrance examination approaches, a large number of candidates are actively adjusting their state, calmly and orderly preparing for the exam. However, some illegal elements are driven by economic interests to spread false information related to the exam, sell and create anxiety, and even carry out fraud and induce candidates to cheat in the exam, seriously disrupting the order of exam enrollment. To this end, the Ministry of Education, in conjunction with relevant departments and based on some typical cases that have emerged in recent years, solemnly reminds candidates and parents to be vigilant, beware of being deceived, and achieve integrity in exams. 1、 Organizing Cheating in the National College Entrance Examination, Unable to Escape the Recovery of the French Open [Case] Before the 2020 National College Entrance Examination, candidate Zhu and Wen discussed organizing cheating during the exam. Zhu provided the test questions, and Wen was responsible for finding the "gunman" and jointly funded the project

The defendant is in court! Famous actress once served as "store manager", with a large number of stores closed | Shanghai | store manager
The defendant is in court! Famous actress once served as "store manager", with a large number of stores closed | Shanghai | store manager

Recently, according to the Tianyancha App, a trial was held for a franchise contract dispute case between Guo and Shanghai Zhibing Brand Management Center, Chengdu Natural Dining Management Co., Ltd., Guan Xiaotong, and other related parties. The trial court was the People's Court of Tinghu District, Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province. Among them, Chengdu Natural Stay is the operating company of the tea beverage brand "Natural Stay", and Guan Xiaotong has repeatedly promoted and stood for "Natural Stay" as a "store manager". Other defendants include Sichuan Zhishan Brand Management Co., Ltd., Tongmeng Xinyuan Cultural Media Co., Ltd., Yancheng Qingnian Catering Management Co., Ltd., and Xu. This is not the first time that tea brand "Naturalstay" has been sued in court for "franchise contract disputes" multiple times this year. According to Tianyancha, since 2023, Chengdu Natural Stay has been affected by a "franchise contract dispute"

Beware of being "cut off" by online marketing, explore the "food" platform | Video | Food
Beware of being "cut off" by online marketing, explore the "food" platform | Video | Food

Recently, Mr. Wang from Shanghai came across a short video of a high-end restaurant exploring a restaurant on an online platform, claiming that he could "check in" for a high-end seafood buffet for over 700 yuan. There is an unlimited supply of ingredients such as Boston lobster, abalone, and peony shrimp, as well as one-on-one "butler style service". Mr. Wang, who was tempted, followed the recommendations of the store blogger and came to the store to consume. However, he found that the tempting peony shrimp and turtle shrimp in the video were not even available, and the emperor crab and Boston lobster were also greatly reduced. Only some "scraps" were limited in supply, and one-on-one high-quality service was not available. Placing an order would take a long time. The dining experience was seriously inconsistent with the content promoted by the blogger. Mr. Wang felt that the shop owner was suspected of false advertising, so he searched in the Dianping software. The search results show that only the first few pages are positive reviews from some food bloggers, while the latter

Is the live broadcast room directly connected to the "road to wealth"? The "Wealth Management" app is full of tricks! Finance | Live Room | App
Is the live broadcast room directly connected to the "road to wealth"? The "Wealth Management" app is full of tricks! Finance | Live Room | App

Customizing a well-known investment management company's "Wealth Management" app with the same name, establishing a stock trading exchange group, and opening a live broadcast room where financial experts attend classes every day and share "bull stocks" on a regular basis. The scam, known as "offering tips", is actually selling "wealth management products". From then on, a live broadcast room directly connected to the "road to wealth" began, and in less than three months, Fu and others profited nearly one million yuan. The victims were found in seven provinces including Beijing, Shandong, and Yunnan. In 2021, when the police in Runzhou District, Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province handled the fraud case of Mr. Li and others, they found that Mr. Li, the suspect involved in the case, had made a "wealth management" app and sold it to Mr. Fu, so they tried to catch up with Mr. Fu's gang. Recently, the Runzhou District Prosecutor's Office prosecuted Fu and his accomplices for fraud in accordance with the law. The court sentenced Fu and eight other defendants to ten years and three imprisonment for fraud

Can ride hailing software accurately locate people and cars by 5G+BeiDou? The role of high-precision positioning also includes these... Beidou | Signal | People and Vehicles
Can ride hailing software accurately locate people and cars by 5G+BeiDou? The role of high-precision positioning also includes these... Beidou | Signal | People and Vehicles

Recently, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology approved China Mobile to conduct 5G ground to air communication technology experiments in relevant provinces in China using some of its 4.9GHz 5G frequency resources for high-precision positioning. This technology will establish a ground to air communication link between the ground and the aircraft cabin, enabling passengers to access the Internet through wireless LAN access in the cabin, which will further enhance the spatial dimension of 5G network coverage and better meet the growing air access Internet needs of air passengers. The coverage range of 5G networks is becoming increasingly wide from the ground to the sky. Can such a wide coverage of 5G networks have other uses besides communication? The answer from Professor Deng Zhongliang of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications is "yes". "5G+Beidou" is exactly the answer given by Deng Zhongliang. 5G is an above ground network

Outlook | Promoting "Farmland to Dining Table" Grain Conservation Loss Reduction | Grain | Grain Conservation
Outlook | Promoting "Farmland to Dining Table" Grain Conservation Loss Reduction | Grain | Grain Conservation

Every year, the global grain loss from production to retail accounts for about 14% of the world's grain production. A 1 percentage point reduction in this loss is equivalent to an increase of more than 2700 million tons of grain, enough for 70 million people to eat for a year | "Liaowang" Newsweek reporter Chen Cong Yang Xuan Beidahuang Group Hongwei Farm Co., Ltd., in Shuangyashan City, Heilongjiang Province, unmanned Harvester Operating in the Field, saving food and advocating "CD" has gradually become a social consensus, but the phenomenon of wasting food still exists. Recently, the 2023 National Grain and Material Reserve Science and Technology Week with the theme of "Reserve Safety Science Deduction" was launched to protect the "granary of a big country" with science and technology"

Wheat Harvest Progress Over 30% "Three Summers" Large scale Wheat Machine Harvest Fully Launched | Wheat | 30% "Three Summers"
Wheat Harvest Progress Over 30% "Three Summers" Large scale Wheat Machine Harvest Fully Launched | Wheat | 30% "Three Summers"

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs's wheat harvesting scheduling shows that the national wheat harvesting progress has exceeded 30%, and the large-scale wheat harvesting in the "Three Summers" is fully underway. In the past two days, the weather in Henan Province has cleared up, and major grain producing counties south of the Yellow River have seized the opportunity to harvest mature wheat as quickly as possible. Pingyu County will divide the entire wheat field into grid areas, conduct supply-demand coordination in advance, allocate each agricultural machine reasonably to each grid for harvesting nearby, and reduce transfer time. CCTV reporter Shao Haicheng: I am currently in a wheat field in Pingyu County, Henan Province. The agricultural machinery workers are taking advantage of the sunny weather to increase their work hours and make every effort to harvest wheat. According to the target plan, over one million mu of wheat in the county should be harvested within three days before the next round of rainfall. Affected by rainy weather, the wheat harvest period has become more concentrated this year. In order to better