The world

Where have all the dogs gone?, The dilemma of rescuing stray animals: the base is empty, and stray dogs | the base | rescuing
Where have all the dogs gone?, The dilemma of rescuing stray animals: the base is empty, and stray dogs | the base | rescuing

■ Person in Charge: Due to economic pressure, the normal operation of the base could not be maintained, and the dogs were all given away ■ Doubts: Neither the adoption agreement nor the specific information of the adopter could be provided. Recently, the homeless animal rescue home in Neijiang City, Sichuan Province revealed on the Internet that "the homeless dog rescue base in Zigong City was empty", and the whereabouts of more than 100 dogs seen in the studio were unknown. On June 20, the relevant person in charge of the stray dog rescue base involved was interviewed by Chengdu Commercial Daily-Red Star News reporter that rescuing stray dogs is a personal hobby. Regarding the question of the source, he said that he had contacted the other party to explain it clearly. He hopes to return to a normal, smooth and simple life without being disturbed. Hu Junliang, head of the homeless animal rescue home in Neijiang City, confessed to reporters that the night the video was released.

4 billion times the sun! The Most Intense Optical Ultraviolet Radiance in the Universe Appears International | UV Light | Sun
4 billion times the sun! The Most Intense Optical Ultraviolet Radiance in the Universe Appears International | UV Light | Sun

On the 27th, the Zijinshan Astronomical Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences announced that an international team led by researchers Fan Yizhong and Jin Zhiping of the observatory had discovered the most intense optical ultraviolet radiation ever detected by humans with the Swift Satellite UV Optical Telescope. The research findings were published online on June 26th in the international academic journal Nature Astronomy. Gamma ray bursts, abbreviated as gamma bursts, are the most intense stellar scale explosions in the universe, with the main radiation energy concentrated in the soft gamma ray band. Therefore, soft gamma radiation is also known as the instantaneous radiation of gamma bursts. After the instantaneous radiation ends, people can often observe X-ray radiation, optical radiation, and even radio radiation that lasts for several weeks or even years, which is commonly known as afterglow radiation. On January 1, 2022, the Swift satellite detected a new gamma storm GR

When does the ordinary house decide to adjust its customs clearance? Consumers complain about the ordinary house | taxes | consumers
When does the ordinary house decide to adjust its customs clearance? Consumers complain about the ordinary house | taxes | consumers

Recently, both the 1-year and 5-year LPRs were cut by 10 basis points. After the cut, the first mortgage rate in Beijing fell from 4.85 per cent to 4.75 per cent, and the second mortgage rate fell from 5.35 per cent to 5.25 per cent. Some analysts believe that the LPR cut is an eight-month interest rate cut, lowering mortgage rates will help reduce the cost of home buyers. However, in addition to mortgage interest rates, the high-sounding adjustment of first-tier cities ordinary residential identification standards are also of concern to the people who just need to buy homes. When will the determination standard of ordinary residence in Beijing, which has been used for 9 years, be adjusted? Pay attention to the determination standard of ordinary residence is related to the down payment and the proportion of taxes and fees. On June 20, the central bank authorized the National Interbank Lending Center to announce that the quoted interest rate in the loan market is: 1-year LPR is 3.55%,5

"One size fits all" policy should not be adopted. Worker's Daily: Is it allowed to accompany and care for | Family members | Worker's Daily
"One size fits all" policy should not be adopted. Worker's Daily: Is it allowed to accompany and care for | Family members | Worker's Daily

According to a report by the Central Broadcasting Network on June 26, a family member of a patient recently reported to the media that during his family's hospitalization in a hospital in Beijing, the hospital did not allow the family members to accompany him by themselves and could only ask for another nurse. And the cost of nursing and additional accommodation, so that they have a lot of economic pressure. The reporter visited a number of hospitals in Beijing and found that hospitals, patients and their families had different views on the issue of escort. From the hospital's point of view, there is a certain reason for refusing to accompany family members. After all, the hospital environment is complex and there is a risk of cross-infection. At the same time, medical care is becoming more and more precise. Accompanying is no longer as simple as keeping vigil. Accompanying requirements such as observing illness and recording disease indicators are getting higher and higher. In addition, family escort is not conducive to creating a quiet hospital environment. However, the family members asked to accompany themselves for the same good reason. The company of relatives

The restrictive housing purchase policy is expected to further loosen, with nearly 20 cities relaxing housing purchase restrictions | Policy | Home Purchase
The restrictive housing purchase policy is expected to further loosen, with nearly 20 cities relaxing housing purchase restrictions | Policy | Home Purchase

Recently, many regions in China have adjusted and relaxed restrictive home purchase policies. On the 26th, the Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau of Lianyungang City, Jiangsu Province, issued 9 measures to further optimize real estate policies. This mainly involves optimizing housing provident fund loans and withdrawals, reducing the down payment ratio of the first housing provident fund from 30% to 20%, continuing to provide housing subsidies, extending the payment deadline for land transfer fees, and promoting "housing ticket" resettlement. On the 25th, Yangzhou City in Jiangsu Province issued a new policy stating that starting from July 1st, those who purchase improved housing in the urban area will no longer be subject to the purchase restriction policy, and their original housing will no longer be subject to the sales restriction policy, with a validity period of one year. This is about four months after the introduction of the new real estate policy in February this year, Yangzhou City has once again taken the initiative to adjust and optimize local real estate policies. After two adjustments, the purchase and sales restrictions in the Yangzhou real estate market have been basically lifted. Announced by Fuqing City, Fujian Province on June 15th

Being electrocuted, beaten... The man tells the story of 90 days of horror in northern Myanmar! High salary | Xiao Yong | Shocking soul
Being electrocuted, beaten... The man tells the story of 90 days of horror in northern Myanmar! High salary | Xiao Yong | Shocking soul

The scenes of being guarded by people with live ammunition, being electrocuted, beaten with sticks, and not having enough to eat, which are only seen in movies by ordinary people, are actually happening to Xiao Yong. When it comes to that nightmare like experience, Xiao Yong still has lingering fear... Recently, Xiushui Public Security and multiple departments have successfully rescued Xiao Yong, who was lured to northern Myanmar by high paying jobs and believed to be a "friend". 24-year-old Xiao Yong, a young man from Shangshan Township in Xiushui County, has been making a living by doing part-time work since graduating from junior high school. He always thinks of making money every day and getting rich as soon as possible. In early March of this year, a long lost "friend" was successfully rescued. Introduce a "high paying job" to Xiao Yong through WeChat, stating that working as a truck driver in a wholesale market in Yunnan not only provides food and accommodation for a month but also earns him 10000 to 20000 yuan in income. Xiao Yong is currently unemployed at home

The police have determined drunk driving! Commission for Discipline Inspection intervenes in investigation, cadre driving causes 1 death and 1 injury road traffic accident determination letter | Gu Moulin | Police
The police have determined drunk driving! Commission for Discipline Inspection intervenes in investigation, cadre driving causes 1 death and 1 injury road traffic accident determination letter | Gu Moulin | Police

At around 3:44 pm on June 5th, a car accident occurred in Nanzheng District, Hanzhong, Shaanxi, resulting in one death and one injury. On June 27th, Mr. Shuai, a resident of Hanzhong, told reporters that the deceased in this car accident was his father, and the injured person was his mother. After the incident, the driver who caused the accident, Gu Moulin, called 120 to take his parents to the hospital and disappeared. It was not until around 8:30 am the next day that Gu Moulin arrived at the scene. On June 13th, the Traffic Police Brigade of Nanzheng Branch of Hanzhong Public Security Bureau in Shaanxi Province issued a "Road Traffic Accident Identification Certificate", which showed that "after investigation, Gu Moulin drank alcohol before the incident and drove a motor vehicle.". Mr. Shuai said that the driver who caused the accident, Gu Moulin, is a cadre of the civil affairs system in Hanzhong City. Currently, Gu Moulin has been criminally detained by the police on suspicion of traffic accidents. Public information shows that Gu Moulin once served as a company in Hanzhong City

Chen Yu is appointed as the Deputy Secretary General of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee of the Hainan Provincial Party Committee | Secretary | Secretary General of the Hainan Provincial Party Committee
Chen Yu is appointed as the Deputy Secretary General of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee of the Hainan Provincial Party Committee | Secretary | Secretary General of the Hainan Provincial Party Committee

According to the official website of the Hainan Provincial High People's Court, on the morning of June 26, 2023, Luo Zengbin, member of the Standing Committee of the Hainan Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Haikou Municipal Party Committee, and Dai Jun, Secretary of the Party Group and President of the Hainan Provincial High People's Court, visited the Haikou National High tech Zone Trial Court of the Hainan Free Trade Port Intellectual Property Court to conduct research and conduct on-site visits to functional areas such as the trial court, collegiate room, mediation room, and consultation desk, comprehensively understanding the background and functional positioning of the trial court. The news mentioned that Liu Wenmin, a representative of the Provincial People's Congress, Li Jun, a member of the Provincial Political Consultative Conference, Chen Yu, Deputy Secretary General of the Provincial Political and Legal Committee, Pi Xiuyan, Vice President of the Provincial High Court, Xia Junli, President of the Intellectual Property Court of the Free Trade Port, Xiao Chao, Director of the Provincial Intellectual Property Bureau, Lin Haining, Deng Lisong, Zhang Baizhen, leaders of Haikou City, and representatives of relevant units and park enterprises in Haikou City attended. The above message shows that the former Communist Youth League member in Hainan Province

Losing over 10 billion yuan in three years! A certain state-owned enterprise's independent brand plans to introduce external investor projects | funds. As of | Brand
Losing over 10 billion yuan in three years! A certain state-owned enterprise's independent brand plans to introduce external investor projects | funds. As of | Brand

Recently, according to information from the Beijing Property Rights Exchange, FAW Besturn Car Co., Ltd. announced a capital increase project, intending to attract external investors through no more than 3% of the company's shares and raise no less than 165 million yuan in funds. This means that the current valuation of FAW Pentium is about 5.5 billion yuan. As of the end of May this year, the net assets of FAW Besturn were 1.657 billion yuan. The Pentium brand was established as early as 2006 and was previously affiliated with FAW sedan. It was one of the earliest independent brands in China. It was once very popular with the joint venture of FAW Mazda and its background as a state-owned enterprise. However, it gradually declined due to outdated products and insufficient innovation. In June 2019, FAW Besturn became independent due to a major asset restructuring incident involving FAW sedans. However, due to consecutive years of losses, it still had to rely solely on its wholly-owned shareholder

Sudden! Sanqi Interactive Entertainment and its actual controller under investigation Chairman | Company | Sanqi
Sudden! Sanqi Interactive Entertainment and its actual controller under investigation Chairman | Company | Sanqi

On the evening of June 27th, game company 37 Interactive Entertainment announced that the actual controller and chairman of the company, Li Weiwei, and vice chairman of the company, Zeng Kaitian, received the "Notice of Filing by the China Securities Regulatory Commission" issued by the China Securities Regulatory Commission on June 27th. Due to suspected illegal and irregular information disclosure, in accordance with laws and regulations such as the Securities Law of the People's Republic of China and the Administrative Penalty Law of the People's Republic of China, the China Securities Regulatory Commission has decided to file a case against the company, Li Weiwei, and Zeng Kaitian. In the evening of that day, Sanqi Interactive Entertainment told First Financial that the company's various business activities were carried out normally, and the relevant investigation work was being carried out in an orderly manner, which did not affect the normal operation of the company. The company and relevant parties will actively cooperate with the investigation work and strictly fulfill their information disclosure obligations in accordance with regulatory requirements. Among listed gaming companies, March 7th, 2023

Locally in the north, there may be 8-10 level thunderstorms, strong winds, and hail! Experts predict that this round of severe convection will have certain extremes, with the lowest temperature | weather | convection
Locally in the north, there may be 8-10 level thunderstorms, strong winds, and hail! Experts predict that this round of severe convection will have certain extremes, with the lowest temperature | weather | convection

On June 27th at 20:00, the Beijing Meteorological Observatory announced that it will be cloudy to overcast tonight, with thunderstorms in the western and southern regions, and wind speeds of two or three levels from south to north. The lowest temperature will be 26 ℃. Tomorrow's day will be cloudy with thunderstorms, locally strong winds and hail, with a north wind of about three levels and gusts of about six levels, with a maximum temperature of 30 ℃. According to Shi Yan, a meteorological analyst at China Weather Network, a new round of large-scale heavy rainfall will be launched this night, affecting 26 provinces, autonomous regions and cities including Sichuan, Anhui and Shaanxi. Many places will have heavy rainstorm and local heavy rainstorm. During this round of rainfall, severe convective weather was widespread in the north, with thunderstorms, strong winds, hail, and short-term heavy rainfall accompanying the rainfall in North China, Northeast China, and other regions. On June 28th, strong convective weather in Beijing, Hebei, Tianjin, Shandong, Liaoning and other areas showed certain extremes, with local or

The threshold for household registration has been lowered! There are also places to take action: residents can enjoy a subsidy of 660000 yuan →, these city policies | talents | threshold
The threshold for household registration has been lowered! There are also places to take action: residents can enjoy a subsidy of 660000 yuan →, these city policies | talents | threshold

In recent years, a new round of urban development has increasingly focused on the introduction of talents, and many regions have also issued policies to attract more outstanding talents to settle down. Recently, various regions in the Yangtze River Delta have announced a reduction in the threshold for household registration. In May of this year, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, lifted the threshold for local work to a college degree. Zhang Songming, who is responsible for verifying production line equipment at an automotive parts production enterprise in Qiantang District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, told reporters that he really likes Hangzhou and wants to develop here for the long term, but his college degree has not met the requirements for settling down before. After the new registered residence policy was introduced, he immediately submitted an application online. The head of the company stated that many job seekers had concerns about being unable to settle down in Hangzhou and having difficulty enrolling their children during previous recruitment. The introduction of the new registered residence policy has solved this problem for enterprises. New Policies for Self Settlement

The police pulled out a hat from the river and made a fuss? After the "calligrapher" committed the crime, he claimed that the woman who jumped into the river | Jin Chuangmin | the police
The police pulled out a hat from the river and made a fuss? After the "calligrapher" committed the crime, he claimed that the woman who jumped into the river | Jin Chuangmin | the police

On June 27th, an insider from Yongcheng City, Shangqiu City, Henan Province told Upstream News reporters that as of around 2 pm on June 27th, the "calligrapher" Jin Chuangmin, who was suspected of killing a woman, has not yet arrived at the case. After he committed the crime, he called his family and said he wanted to jump into the river. The police found the hat he was wearing when he committed the crime in the river. "It is possible that he threw the hat into the river to interfere with the reconnaissance line of sight, because his tracks have appeared in a township before." ▲ The police issued a reward notice. According to a report previously published by the local police Upstream News, "A" calligrapher "in Henan Province is suspected of a homicide and is being pursued with a reward. He is famous for fixing household appliances for a living and signing on WeChat, claiming to be ruthless." On the evening of June 23, a major criminal case occurred in Xincheng District, Yongcheng City, and Jin Chuangmin is suspected of committing the crime. When Jin Chuangmin introduced himself to the public, he said that his pen name was Nongmo Ren,

Pursuing a PhD in Computer Science!, 53 year old Zhou Hongyi brings good news! Admitted to Tsinghua Company | Zhou Hongyi | Tsinghua University
Pursuing a PhD in Computer Science!, 53 year old Zhou Hongyi brings good news! Admitted to Tsinghua Company | Zhou Hongyi | Tsinghua University

While high school graduates were busy choosing and filling out majors, they didn't expect to wait for the Tsinghua admission letter posted by Zhou Hongyi, the founder, chairman, and CEO of 360 Company. On the evening of June 27th, Zhou Hongyi posted an admission letter to Tsinghua University on his personal Weibo account, stating that "I have finally passed the exam and hope that 360 Intelligence Brain can help me graduate smoothly." The letter showed that Zhou Hongyi was admitted to the Electronic Information major of the Department of Computer Science and Technology at Tsinghua University and will pursue a part-time, targeted employment doctoral degree. This also means that 53 year old Zhou Hongyi is going to school again! Is pursuing a PhD or related to 360 Brain Intelligence? According to public information, Zhou Hongyi was born on October 4, 1970 in Zhumadian City, Henan Province, with ancestral roots in Hubei. Graduated from Xi'an Jiaotong University with a bachelor's degree in Telecommunications in 1992

There are new opportunities again! Someone has taken action and it will be officially implemented on July 1st! This industry parking lot | Hong Kong | Opportunity
There are new opportunities again! Someone has taken action and it will be officially implemented on July 1st! This industry parking lot | Hong Kong | Opportunity

Starting from this Saturday, July 1st, the policy of "Hong Kong vehicles heading north" will be officially implemented. Hong Kong motor vehicle owners who meet the conditions can drive through the Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge into Guangdong after booking and obtaining clearance approval. What is the current status of related appointments? "Hong Kong Motor Vehicles Going North" is about to be implemented, and the Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge Port is ready. △ Starting from June 1st, the CCTV Finance "On Time Finance" program video officially accepts applications from Hong Kong motor vehicle owners for "Hong Kong Motor Vehicles Going North". In order to ensure the orderly implementation of the new policy, a limit has been set on the number of applications, and application qualifications have been allocated through computer lottery. From the first round of drawing lots, a total of 16400 people registered and applied, and 1600 people finally qualified for the first round of application. After undergoing vehicle inspection in Hong Kong, purchasing insurance, and filing with mainland customs and border inspection departments, these vehicles

"Delete the word 'Japanese pirates' from the new version of the Xinhua Dictionary"? The survey results have been revised | Dictionary | Japanese Pirates
"Delete the word 'Japanese pirates' from the new version of the Xinhua Dictionary"? The survey results have been revised | Dictionary | Japanese Pirates

Recently, some netizens reported that the term "Japanese pirates" was removed from the new version of "Xinhua Dictionary", which aroused the attention of public opinion. Some media reports quoted the staff of the Commercial Press as saying that they were aware of the matter and were learning the details. In this regard, the "China Publishing and Marketing Weekly" WeChat public account published an article on June 27. According to the first investigation by the China Publishing and Media Business News, this report is not true. The investigation is as follows: 1. Xinhua Dictionary, as a small dictionary, focuses on the collection of characters. From the 1950 s to the present, the word "Japanese pirates" has not been included in all editions under the word "Japanese pirates". Therefore, the so-called "new edition deletion" is not true. "Xinhua Dictionary" 1957 Edition Text "Japanese" This picture is China Publishing and Marketing Weekly "Xinhua Dictionary" 12th Edition Text "Japanese"

How did the astronauts eat?, Cosmic level feast! 20 years of astronaut | food | feast
How did the astronauts eat?, Cosmic level feast! 20 years of astronaut | food | feast

From the launch of Shenzhou-5 in 2003 to the current rendezvous of Shenzhou-14, Shenzhou-15, and Shenzhou-16 astronauts in space, what changes have Chinese astronauts undergone in space over the past 20 years? What problems and interesting things have you encountered? In October 2003, Yang Liwei went into space for the first time and ate Babaofan (Rice pudding with eight-delicious ingredients) for 21 hours. Kung Pao chicken was just in the Mid Autumn Festival. There was also a row of floating mooncakes. It seemed easy to "review" the space meal before eating! In 2005, two astronauts from Shenzhou VI manned spacecraft started a five-day and five-night space trip. Although Yang Liwei was able to eat Babaofan (Rice pudding with eight-delicious ingredients), it was "cool". In 2005, Shenzhou VI was on the "food heater", and astronauts ate hot meals in space for the first time

Hou Youyi Reporting Resources | Judicial | Hou Youyi
Hou Youyi Reporting Resources | Judicial | Hou Youyi

According to Taiwanese media reports, Hou Youyi, the candidate for the 2024 Taiwan leadership of the Kuomintang, recently went to the Taipei City Police Station's Zhongzheng 1st Branch to accuse Lai Ching te and his spokesperson Dai Weishan of spreading false information, violating the "Social Order Maintenance Law" and spreading rumors, which could potentially affect public peace. Regarding this, Lai Ban said today that it is important to take good care of children and not to waste judicial resources. Hou Ban demanded that the Democratic Progressive Party take political responsibility and not dodge. Hou Ban: Please do not shift the focus. According to Taiwanese media reports, Jiang Yizhen, spokesperson for Hou Youyi's campaign studio, said that those responsible for fraud, whether it is Banqiao or Xizhi Kindergarten, have not yet been tested for drug feeding. The Democratic Progressive Party has spread rumors, caused panic, and made the people on the island bear huge social costs, even beating and shouting for help. Please ask the Democratic Progressive Party to take responsibility for politics

"Many countries do not support it", Zelensky proposed developing countries | Brazil | proposal
"Many countries do not support it", Zelensky proposed developing countries | Brazil | proposal

According to TASS, sources from the Brazilian Presidential Office said on June 26th that Brazil and other developing countries will not support the "peace plan" proposed by Ukrainian President Zelensky. According to the report, the source stated that the Brazilian President's Special Assistant for International Affairs, Celso Amorim, attended a meeting held in Copenhagen on the 24th, during which Western representatives attempted to persuade developing countries to oppose Russia in the situation in Ukraine. He said, "Developing countries, including Brazil, do not support Ukraine's' peace plan '. We also advocate for Russia to participate in future talks." Pakistan believes that Kiev's proposal is' futile' because Moscow's position was not taken into account. In addition, Amorin believes that involving China in subsequent talks is the right move. ▲ Materials and images: Reported by Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

The seawater here has turned red, and upon waking up, the sea surface | residents | seawater
The seawater here has turned red, and upon waking up, the sea surface | residents | seawater

According to Bloomberg on June 27th, residents of Nagao City, Okinawa, Japan woke up early Tuesday to find that the usually clear blue sea had turned into an unpleasant red. According to the report, it turned out to be a leakage accident at a local brewery, where coolant used to regulate the temperature of brewing equipment flowed into a nearby river, contaminating seawater. According to videos released by local media, the coastal waters of Nagao City, known for its seaside resort and crystal clear seawater, have been dyed deep red. The brewery stated that this was caused by the leakage of propylene glycol used during the cooling process. According to reports, the brewery apologizes for any inconvenience and concerns caused to nearby residents and relevant parties, and will take measures to prevent such incidents from happening again. The Okinawa Times quoted a local health official as saying that the expected leak

Because China is indispensable, they are eager to visit Sovereign | Fund | China
Because China is indispensable, they are eager to visit Sovereign | Fund | China

According to a report on the website of the South China Morning Post in Hong Kong on June 26th, at least 9 executives from multinational corporations, from Singapore's sovereign wealth fund Singapore Government Investment Corporation to Goldman Sachs Group and US private equity giant Blackstone Group, have traveled to Beijing to meet with senior executives of China's sovereign wealth fund, China Investment Corporation Limited. CIC also received executives from Ruisheng Investment Company, HSBC Group, BNP Paribas, Allianz Group, and Degao Group. During these meetings, CIC Chairman Peng Chun and General Manager Ju Weimin discussed with visitors the prospects of China and the global economy, as well as the capital market landscape. The investment footprint of these visitors in China and the region is expanding day by day. The report states that for fund managers attempting to decipher the thinking behind China's economic goals, such insights are very valuable

No! I didn't know it was a lie at the time, no, no Iraq | America | a lie
No! I didn't know it was a lie at the time, no, no Iraq | America | a lie

According to today's Russian television website on June 26th, John Kerry, the US President's climate envoy, said in an interview with French news channels that the US led invasion of Iraq is completely different from the current crisis in Ukraine. According to reports, Kerry appeared on a Sunday evening talk show hosted by Darius Rocheban on the French news channel, and Rocheban posted an interview video clip on Twitter. The French journalist pointed out that the 2003 US invasion of Iraq was actually a war of aggression, based on the lie that Baghdad possessed weapons of mass destruction. ▲ Information image: John Kerry, the US President's climate envoy, replied, "No, because you know, President George W. Bush himself has never been directly charged." The report stated that when Roshban asked him directly

Xinhua News Agency: What "wind indicators" will be revealed in the 2023 middle school entrance examination in various regions? Traditional | Middle School Entrance Examination | Xinhua News Agency
Xinhua News Agency: What "wind indicators" will be revealed in the 2023 middle school entrance examination in various regions? Traditional | Middle School Entrance Examination | Xinhua News Agency

The 2023 high school entrance examination has come to an end in most parts of the country. What "wind indicators" have been revealed in this year's high school entrance examination? The reporter found during interviews in Shanghai, Guangdong, Tianjin, Shandong, Chongqing and other places that many places place more emphasis on foundation, application, improving literacy, and encouraging exploration in their propositions. Adhering to the requirements of the curriculum standards and guiding students to lay a solid foundation, reporters found that the assessment of students' basic knowledge and skills has become the main focus of various subjects in the middle school entrance examination in many regions. At the expert review meeting for the middle school entrance examination organized by the Chongqing Municipal Education Commission recently, "returning to textbooks" became a high-frequency term spoken by experts and teachers. Taking mathematics as an example, it mainly tests core course contents such as "Numbers and Algebra" and "Statistics and Probability", and the percentage is basically the same as the proportion of class hours arranged in the textbook. Evaluation of the Physics Part of the Shanghai High School Entrance Examination Comprehensive Test

The fugitive suspect has been arrested!, Suspect of major criminal case in Inner Mongolia | Cancellation | Inner Mongolia
The fugitive suspect has been arrested!, Suspect of major criminal case in Inner Mongolia | Cancellation | Inner Mongolia

On June 27, the Public Security Bureau of Keyou Middle Banner in Inner Mongolia issued a notice that at about 20:00 on June 24, 2023, a major criminal case occurred in Aili under the sea of Hari Hadagacha, Tuliemao Town, Keyou Middle Banner, and the suspect Zhang fled. In order to catch the suspect as soon as possible, the bureau issued the "Notification of Assistance in Investigation" on June 25. At about 19:30 on June 27, the suspect Chang was captured by the police. We hereby revoke the Joint Inspection Notice issued on June 25th and sincerely thank the general public and all sectors of society for their strong support and concern for public security work. It was previously reported that a major criminal case occurred in Inner Mongolia, and the suspect absconded, possibly carrying a murder weapon. The previous notice of assistance in investigation shows the suspect and the vehicles he used

Multiple cold storage facilities are no longer available, with a maximum increase of 9 times! Rare skyrocketing prices of Chinese medicinal materials | Prices | Cold storage
Multiple cold storage facilities are no longer available, with a maximum increase of 9 times! Rare skyrocketing prices of Chinese medicinal materials | Prices | Cold storage

On June 27th, Red Star Capital Bureau reported that the rapid rise in prices of traditional Chinese medicine has attracted widespread attention. According to reports from relevant associations, in the major trading markets of Bozhou, Anguo, Chengdu, and Yulin, over 200 conventional varieties have an annual increase of over 50%, 25 commonly used bulk medicinal herbs have an annual increase of over 200%, and individual varieties such as chicken bone grass have even increased in price by 4 to 9 times in a year. On June 27th, the Kangmei · China Traditional Chinese Medicine Price Index reached 2143.92 points, a year-on-year increase of 23.34%, reaching a new historical high. During the interview process, Red Star Capital Bureau found that this round of upward trend is caused by the combined action of multiple factors, among which the problem of artificial speculation is highlighted, which also exposes the chronic problem of supply side in the traditional Chinese medicine industry. The abnormal price increase season of Angelica sinensis has more than tripled compared to last year. Xiao Tao, a traditional Chinese medicine planter in Gansu who has been in the industry for more than ten years

Putin: Russia pays approximately $1 billion to Wagner Group annually | Belarus | Putin
Putin: Russia pays approximately $1 billion to Wagner Group annually | Belarus | Putin

Russian President Vladimir Putin met with representatives from powerful departments involved in quelling the Wagner incident on the 27th, thanking them for "containing the civil war.". He also disclosed that the Russian government has paid over 86 billion rubles to Wagner Group in the past year. Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko, who mediated the incident, welcomed the entry of the Wagner Group, saying that this private military enterprise will bring practical experience to Belarus. Thank you to Putin for receiving approximately 2500 representatives from powerful departments such as the Ministry of Defense, Federal Security Agency, National Guard, and Ministry of Internal Affairs who participated in the suppression of the rebellion at the Church Square in the Kremlin on that day. He delivered a live television speech, thanking them for their bravery, dedication to their duties, and loyalty to the Russian people. "You have saved our country from turmoil and effectively contained the civil war," Putin said, a powerful department

Lukashenko: The founder of the Wagner organization, Prigoren, has arrived in Belarus | Wagner | Lukashenko
Lukashenko: The founder of the Wagner organization, Prigoren, has arrived in Belarus | Wagner | Lukashenko

On June 27th local time, Belarusian President Lukashenko confirmed that the founder of the Wagner organization, Prigoren, had arrived in Belarus on the 27th. Lukashenko stated that the Belarusian side has not built any camps for the Wagner forces. If they need it, the Belarusian side will accommodate them, but currently Wagner's troops are still in the camp in Luhansk. And the day before Prigoren, he called and said that some officers and soldiers would sign service contracts with the Russian Ministry of Defense. For Lukashenko, it is important to reach an agreement with Putin. Lukashenko pointed out that the Belarusian side provided an abandoned military camp with walls and other facilities. Wagner can build his own tent. Belarus will provide necessary assistance. Lukashenko emphasized that the Belarusian side will help Wagner stay for a period of time, but related

Early Reading | Starting from July, Shanghai Adjusts Multiple Livelihood Policies | ● | Shanghai | § |>| People | Livelihood
Early Reading | Starting from July, Shanghai Adjusts Multiple Livelihood Policies | ● | Shanghai | § |>| People | Livelihood

Good morning! Watch the news "early reading" is coming! On Wednesday, June 28, 2023, Shanghai will be cloudy on May 11 of the lunar calendar, with showers or thunderstorms in some areas in the afternoon, 27~35 ℃. Today's attention is paid to the adjustment of many livelihood policies in Shanghai from July. The ※ reporter learned from the Municipal People's Social Security Bureau that Shanghai will adjust the treatment standards of unemployment insurance and industrial injury insurance from July 1. Starting from July 1, 2023, the payment standard of unemployment insurance benefits will be adjusted, specifically: the payment standard for the 1st to 12th months is 2175 yuan/month; the payment standard for the 13th to 24th months is 1740 yuan/month; The extended payment standard is 1510 yuan/month. The reporter learned from the Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau that Shanghai will adjust the relevant standards of social assistance from July 1, 2023. Ben

Continuously Strengthening the Protection of Enterprise Trade Secrets The State Administration for Market Regulation Announces a Batch of Typical Cases of Unfair Competition Involving Infringement of Trade Secrets Limited Company | Enterprise | Trade Secrets
Continuously Strengthening the Protection of Enterprise Trade Secrets The State Administration for Market Regulation Announces a Batch of Typical Cases of Unfair Competition Involving Infringement of Trade Secrets Limited Company | Enterprise | Trade Secrets

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 27th. Title: Continuously strengthen the protection of corporate trade secrets. The General Administration of Market Supervision announced a number of typical cases of infringement of trade secrets and unfair competition. Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhao Wenjun's trade secrets are the core competitiveness of enterprises and are important intellectual property rights of enterprises. After mastering the key information of the "old owner", he became a competitor, leaked the core content of the bidding documents, and stole the source code of computer software. In a batch of typical cases of unfair competition for infringing trade secrets announced by the General Administration of Market Supervision on the 27th, these unfair The act of competition will not only cause economic losses to the right holder, but also disrupt a fair and orderly market environment. If the employees who master the core technology collude with others and illegally disclose the technical information they master to others for use, it will not only cause huge losses to the enterprise.

Xu Datong has a new identity and will be banned from drugs after serving in Beijing for three months. | Ministry of Public Security | Identity
Xu Datong has a new identity and will be banned from drugs after serving in Beijing for three months. | Ministry of Public Security | Identity

According to the People's Court Daily, on June 26th, Chen Wenqing, member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Secretary of the Central Political and Legal Affairs Commission, visited the Ministry of Public Security and Beijing to conduct research on drug control work, and visited and comforted grassroots drug control workers. According to the report, Wang Xiaohong, Secretary of the Secretariat of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Minister of Public Security, Zhang Bai, Secretary General of the Central Political and Legal Commission, Liu Jianbo, Deputy Secretary General of the State Council and Deputy Director of the National Narcotics Control Commission, and Xu Datong, Deputy Minister of Public Security and Deputy Director of the National Narcotics Control Commission, participated in the research. The above news shows that Xu Datong, Deputy Minister of Public Security, has been appointed as the Deputy Director of the National Narcotics Control Commission. On June 21st, Wei Xiaojun, the newly appointed Executive Deputy Director of the National Narcotics Control Office and Director of the Anti Drug Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, made an appearance to the public. Wei Xiaojun has served as the Deputy Secretary General of the National Narcotics Control Commission and the Deputy Director of the Narcotics Control Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, and has repeatedly introduced the situation of drug control to the public. Nowadays, public security