Why did General Secretary Xi Jinping propose to build this "world center"?, Building a Powerful Educational System | Education | Xi Jinping

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 23:15 PM

Recently, the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China conducted the fifth collective learning on building an education strong country.We should actively participate in global education governance, vigorously promote the construction of the "Study Abroad in China" brand, tell the story of China well, disseminate China's experience, and voice China's voice, enhancing the international influence and discourse power of China's education.

The transition from an education powerhouse to an education powerhouse is a systematic leap and qualitative change. Only through international comparison can we test whether we have entered the ranks of an education powerhouse. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has adhered to making education the national and party's major plan, made major decisions to accelerate the modernization of education and build a strong education country, and promoted historic achievements and structural changes in the education industry in the new era. According to calculations, China's education powerhouse index currently ranks 23rd in the world, up 26 places from 2012, making it the country with the fastest progress. However, compared with the world's second largest economy, the overall level of China's education modernization development ranks the 23rd in the world. In fact, it is extremely disproportionate. It is only at the level of the middle and upper countries in the world, far from the grand goal of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. It is an obvious weakness of "Chinese path to modernization". Therefore, to build an education powerhouse, the goal must be to build a global education powerhouse.

1. promotes the internationalization of education to the height of national strategy

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that it is necessary to adhere to high-quality development as the lifeline of all types of education at all levels, and to serve high-quality development as an important task of building a powerful education country. This is based on the self-needs of building Chinese-style modernization and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.. At the same time, we must firmly establish the concept of "education serving the core interests of the country. The current global challenges facing people, as well as various issues related to national security and social integration, require citizens to have a broad international vision and diversified knowledge background, and have the ability to participate in global competition and dialogue. The internationalization of education is an important means to cope with global economic competition, solve global problems, cultivate citizens' global ability and safeguard national security.

Therefore, the construction of an education powerhouse should be closely linked to economic and trade, foreign policy, international security, and enhancing China's global leadership. Building a strong international education system will be the basic strategy for participating in global competition. The country needs to timely formulate strategic plans and related policies for internationalization of education, providing fundamental guidance for China's education to go global.

2. Establish and Improve the Legal Regulation System Related to the Internationalization of Education

International education involves a wide range, many links, and a long chain. The guarantee of funds and talents, the evaluation of teaching quality, the organization and management system, and the national cooperation relationship all need to be supported by laws and regulations. Our country urgently needs to fill the gaps and shortcomings in the construction of relevant laws and regulations, so that international education activities can be operated in accordance with the law. It is necessary to actively pass legislation to provide legal protection for the construction of a "global education power", to bring Chinese education into the track of world competition, and to support universities to actively explore the foreign student market is clearly an important responsibility of the government.

3. actively mobilize multiple subjects to jointly hold diversified international education

To innovate the international education development mechanism and broaden the education financing model, we should not only pay attention to the leading role of the government in guiding, subsidizing and regulating the internationalization of higher education, but also give full play to the participation enthusiasm of universities, associations, foundations, enterprises, multinational corporations, non-governmental organizations and other subjects. At the same time, actively use the "Belt and Road" platform to cultivate Chinese and foreign international talents through joint education and project exchanges with countries along the route, including further running Confucius Institutes, etc., to solve the foreign language and professional talents in the construction of the "Belt and Road". The shortage of talents and cultural conflicts provide a steady stream of high-level talents, and also improve the overall level of China's international education development.

4. the establishment of a diversified international education funding support system

In the annual education budget, a corresponding proportion should be used to support the development of international education, and it should be increased year by year. Introduce policies to encourage universities, various associations, social organizations, enterprises and private organizations, foundations to donate money or to raise funds through the establishment of funds. Various scholarships are set up through government funding, university income generation, and social donations to provide diversified financial support for international education.

5. Innovation of International Education Model

Vigorously promote the brand building of "studying in China", through the simultaneous development of academic education and project training, domestic training and overseas education, and the simultaneous development of colleges and universities and social forces to form a set of public universities and private universities, teaching universities and research universities The positioning is clear, degree training and project cooperation are organically complementary, and a multi-level and diversified international education system and model for the coordinated development of graduate, undergraduate, and junior college education.

At the same time, we should focus on "going global" and actively export Chinese education to the world through various means such as authorized education, overseas campuses, sister programs, credit recognition, and project cooperation. We should encourage multinational corporations, foreign governments, foreign universities, and other institutions to participate in the construction of overseas campuses in Chinese universities, forming a complementary "education going global" pattern where domestic universities cultivate and establish overseas campuses, independently cultivate, and cooperate with foreign universities through joint training.

6. strengthening international education quality standards and brand building, and establishing a strict international education quality assessment and control system

Since the 1990 s, China has made great efforts to build a number of world-class universities through innovative projects such as 211 Project, 985 Project and "double first-class" construction, and has achieved certain results. But in general, the global recognition of my country's education, especially higher education, is not high, and the overall brand of Chinese education has not been formed, and there are only a handful of prestigious universities with global influence.

The construction of education quality and brand is crucial for the attractiveness and competitiveness of international education. Faced with fierce international education competition, China still needs to further improve education quality and strengthen brand building, build more world-class schools, international education cooperation projects, and internationally renowned education brands. China's comprehensive educational strength is still difficult to catch up with the world's advanced educational powers for a while, so we should pay more attention to taking the lead in building professional education brands. The construction of education brands should keep pace with China's economic development, scientific and technological progress and ecological civilization construction, and cultivate China's professional education brands with the latest achievements of Chinese path to modernization. For example, China's achievements in the aerospace industry have attracted worldwide attention, and it is expected to be the first to create a globally renowned education brand, improve the "first place" of the aerospace discipline group in the world, and make China the first choice for young people from all over the world who are interested in exploring the mysteries of the universe when choosing a study abroad destination.

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