The world

Gathering the surging force of progress, according to China News Network: Fingertip Leap Positive Energy Spirit | Positive Energy | Leap
Gathering the surging force of progress, according to China News Network: Fingertip Leap Positive Energy Spirit | Positive Energy | Leap

Beijing, August 28th (Xinhua) - Cyberspace is the common spiritual home of millions of people. Only when the cyberspace is clear and ecologically sound can it serve the interests of the people. We need to lead billions of traffic with positive energy, play the progressive movement with the main melody, and accumulate surging spiritual strength. On August 26, 2022, the final selection results of China's positive energy network boutiques were released, and 550 positive energy works stood out and entered the public disclosure stage. In the 2022 China Positive Energy Network Boutique Collection and Broadcasting Event, many "ordinary heroes" became the main characters on stage, reflecting the "great spirit, great responsibility, and great pattern" of the times, driving billions of netizens to move upwards and towards goodness, making positive energy a big and main traffic. The original intention remains unchanged, and there is no regret in the wind and rain. China's Positive Energy Network Boutique, Sharp Pen

Unity in Flood Control and Disaster Relief | Taking Multiple Measures in the Affected Areas of Hebei Province to Ensure that Students Open Primary Schools as scheduled in Autumn | Classrooms | Students
Unity in Flood Control and Disaster Relief | Taking Multiple Measures in the Affected Areas of Hebei Province to Ensure that Students Open Primary Schools as scheduled in Autumn | Classrooms | Students

Shijiazhuang, August 29th (Xinhua) -- Multiple measures are being taken in the disaster stricken areas of Hebei Province to ensure that students start school as scheduled in autumn. Xinhua reporter Ren Liying said, "The school is currently replacing the light switches in classrooms and the air conditioning switch box in the cafeteria, and it will be completed in the next two days." On the 28th, at Da Er Primary School in Luozhuang Township, Renze District, Xingtai City, Hebei Province, Vice Principal Li Jianke told reporters that the classroom reconstruction work cannot be relaxed at all times, and everything is busy so that more than 500 children from surrounding villages can start school as scheduled. "The ground of the classroom, teaching equipment and kitchen facilities were damaged to varying degrees due to water ingress on the first floor of the school during the flood season. After the water receded, the district arranged the schools not affected by the disaster to carry out voluntary mutual assistance and help desilting together." Li Jianke said that at present, the ground of the classroom has been completely updated, with new tiles, and environmental disinfection and sterilization has been carried out. Students' desks and chairs

Xinhua Perspective | Climate Warming Brings Series of Changes to the Ecological Environment of the Yangtze River Source Area
Xinhua Perspective | Climate Warming Brings Series of Changes to the Ecological Environment of the Yangtze River Source Area

Recently, reporters from Xinhua News Agency's "Xinhua Vision" participated in the 2023 comprehensive scientific research activity on the Yangtze River source, led by the Yangtze River Academy of Water Resources Commission of the Ministry of Water Resources. They found that in the context of global warming, the ecological environment of the Yangtze River source area in the hinterland of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau is undergoing a series of changes. Three sources of the Yangtze River: The overall water quality is excellent, and a large amount of water resources are transported downstream. The reporter saw that among the three sources of the Yangtze River, the Tuotuo River in Zhengyuan is turbulent and the water color is yellow; Nanyuan Dangqu has abundant water and clear river water; The Chumar River in Beiyuan is slightly red, like the veins of the earth, flowing in the wide riverbed. Zhao Liangyuan, Deputy Director of the Institute of Water Environment at the Yangtze River Academy of Sciences, introduced that the Tuotuo River is mainly supplied by glacial meltwater, and carries a large amount of sediment along the way during the flood season, which is relatively turbid; Dangqu is mainly supplied with precipitation, ice and snow melt water, and groundwater

CCTV Reporter Visits | US Cluster Bombs Become Nightmare Shadows Over Afghan Villages
CCTV Reporter Visits | US Cluster Bombs Become Nightmare Shadows Over Afghan Villages

According to statistics, during the 20 year invasion of Afghanistan by the US military, more than 170000 Afghan people were killed, and nearly one-third of them became refugees. In addition, the US military has also extensively used cluster bombs in Afghanistan, causing serious disasters to the local population. According to data from the Cluster Munitions Alliance, in 2001 and 2002, the US military dropped over 1200 cluster bombs in Afghanistan, containing over 240000 pieces of bombs. The Nightmare of Cluster Bombs - Shadows of Three Generations in Shathir Village, Herat Province, Afghanistan - Shathir Village was once attacked by a US military cluster bomb. For over 20 years, the damage caused by cluster bombs has been like a shadow, haunting three generations of people in the village Gulam is over 50 years old this year, and he has witnessed the tragedy of his deceased loved ones, which has been deeply engraved in his mind for over 20 years. Bundle explosion

Those beautiful memories about summer, summer vacation
Those beautiful memories about summer, summer vacation

Do you remember the feeling of eagerly anticipating the arrival of summer every time it gets hot? Excited and happy, I temporarily left campus to explore the broader and novel fields of life. On August 13th, children visited the Nanjing Museum of Paleontology. On August 2nd, Xinhua News Agency reported that elementary school students experienced fire escape through fire VR equipment at the Xiamen Fire Science and Technology Education Center in Fujian Province. On August 4th, Xinhua News Agency reported that teenagers were experiencing electrostatic induction motors at the Qianwan Community Science Museum in Huangdao Street, West Coast New Area, Qingdao, Shandong Province. Xinhua News Agency: Do you remember what you did during the summer vacation? Maybe you learned new knowledge, maybe you learned new skills, maybe you learned new sports. On August 1st, at the Golden Book House in Changning City, Hunan Province, a child was reading. Xinhua

Be sure to tell the child these 8 things@ Before the start of school, everyone
Be sure to tell the child these 8 things@ Before the start of school, everyone

As school starts, children are about to return to campus one after another to start a new semester. The school is a densely populated area and there may be hidden dangers such as fires and stampede accidents. On the morning of November 14, 2008, at around 6:10 am, a fire broke out in a student dormitory building of a certain college in Shanghai. The fire quickly spread, causing excessive fireworks. Four girls jumped from the balcony of the 6th floor dormitory to escape before firefighters arrived, but unfortunately all of them died. The preliminary judgment of the fire accident is that the use of "fast heating" in the dormitory caused an electrical malfunction and ignited surrounding combustibles. At around 8:30 am on March 22, 2017, a stampede accident occurred near the toilet of the teaching building at the Third Experimental Primary School in Puyang County, Henan Province during the end of class. The accident resulted in 22 students being injured, one of whom died on the way to the hospital

CCTV Financial Review | More than 1.079 billion netizens and thousands of industries "touching the internet" - The digital economy injects vigorous momentum into China
CCTV Financial Review | More than 1.079 billion netizens and thousands of industries "touching the internet" - The digital economy injects vigorous momentum into China

From being the first internet user in China in 1994 to reaching 1.079 billion in 2023, the number of internet users in China has been steadily increasing over the past three decades. The 52nd Statistical Report on the Development of Internet in China released on August 28 shows that by June 2023, China has 1.079 billion Internet users, and more than 3/4 of China's population has "reached the Internet". Over the past thirty years, the internet has transformed from a dedicated line for education and research to an essential tool for public entertainment, leisure, and office. More and more people are sharing the fruits of digital technology development through network applications and digital facilities. At the same time, China is rapidly promoting the construction of digital infrastructure, with thousands of industries reaching the internet. New formats and models are constantly emerging, and the digital economy has become an important engine for driving economic growth. Network infrastructure

Exposure! Seven cases of illegal use of hazardous chemicals
Exposure! Seven cases of illegal use of hazardous chemicals

Click on the blue text above to follow us. Recently, the State Administration for Market Regulation, the Cyberspace Administration of the People's Republic of China, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Emergency Management, and the State Post Office have concentrated on the special treatment of the sale of hazardous chemicals in relevant fields, increased their efforts to crack down on illegal and criminal activities, investigated and dealt with a number of illegal cases, and solved a number of criminal cases. In order to effectively deter illegal activities, fully leverage the role of case interpretation, education warning, and social public opinion supervision, a batch of typical cases are selected for exposure. On May 25, 2023, the Pudong Branch of the Shanghai Public Security Bureau cracked a case of illegal operation of hazardous chemicals involving 11 individuals, including Zhou Mouxian. A total of 11 individuals, including Zhou Mouxian and Chen Moufeng, were arrested

Unity in Flood Control and Disaster Relief | Charge Ahead and Shoulder the Heavy Burden - A Review of National Comprehensive Fire Rescue Teams in Flood Control and Disaster Relief
Unity in Flood Control and Disaster Relief | Charge Ahead and Shoulder the Heavy Burden - A Review of National Comprehensive Fire Rescue Teams in Flood Control and Disaster Relief

"Loyalty to the Party, strict discipline, going through fire and water, and wholeheartedly serving the people", with a resounding admonition and a heart full of punches.Orange figures stand up against the wind and water, practicing the spirit of admonitions with practical actions, and building indestructible orange "dams" in the disaster area. The sound of rain is like a whistle, and the flood situation is like a signal. Floods hit Zhuozhou, Hebei. On the evening of August 2nd, more than 1400 villagers in Jingya School were trapped. The wall began to collapse, and water poured into the classroom, flooding towards the second floor. The police situation has suddenly increased, and fire rescue teams in Hebei and Shandong have received orders to urgently rush for assistance. The flood is turbulent, rescue boats

Welcome to the new autumn semester
Welcome to the new autumn semester

On August 29th, employees of Chenxi Road Primary School in Leqing City, Zhejiang Province were cleaning the indoor sports field. Xinhua News Agency announced that the new autumn semester is approaching, and various regions are preparing well before the start of the semester to welcome its arrival. On August 29th, teachers at Hangzhou Yucai Dengyun Primary School distributed textbooks in the classroom to prepare for the start of the school year. On August 29th, teachers at Yang'an Primary School in Jiande City, Zhejiang Province were organizing and verifying new textbooks for the new semester, according to Xinhua News Agency reporter Huang Zongzhi. On August 29th, first grade students at Cuibei Experimental Primary School in Shenzhen introduced themselves to their classmates and teachers. On August 29th, Wang Feng, a reporter from Xinhua News Agency, captured traffic police officers from the Traffic Police Brigade of Baoying County Public Security Bureau in Jiangsu Province preaching traffic safety knowledge to school bus drivers. On August 29th, Xinhua News Agency reported that teachers and students from Yucai Dengyun Primary School in Hangzhou shared

Guangming Network Review: China's Positive Energy in Sound and Painting: A Power Network Running towards the Future | China | Guangming Network
Guangming Network Review: China's Positive Energy in Sound and Painting: A Power Network Running towards the Future | China | Guangming Network

Author: Yu Li, August 26th, 2022. The final selection results of China Positive Energy Network Boutique were released, with 550 positive energy works standing out, including 110 positive energy audio and video works. As soon as the news was released, it quickly gained momentum on the Internet, with countless forwarding, likes and messages. The long-awaited positive energy of China was finally displayed through 550 excellent works. In the 2022 China Positive Energy Network Boutique, we have seen significant moments and brilliant achievements recorded in history over the past year, as well as the ordinary glimmers and warm stories that have been remembered by countless Chinese people. This year, these events, and these people will merge into the spirit of the country, becoming a force supporting countless people to move towards the future. If we say that the 2022 China Positive Energy Network boutique collection and exhibition activity is a book

News observation | White supremacy is becoming increasingly prominent in the United States
News observation | White supremacy is becoming increasingly prominent in the United States

>According to a report by the US police on August 26th local time, a white man in Jacksonville, northern Florida, shot and killed three black people in a store that day, and then committed suicide. On the 28th, the local police stated at a press conference that this was a racially motivated crime. After the shooting incident, although US President Biden condemned white supremacy on the 27th, claiming that white supremacy "has no place in America," the fact is that in recent years, white supremacy has become increasingly prominent in the United States. Data shows that in 2022, over 80% of large-scale killings in the United States were committed by white supremacists. A 2012 bill in the United States Congress referred to "mass killings" as incidents where three or more people were killed in a single incident

Developing characteristic industries to drive increased income for farmers (High quality Development Research Tour)
Developing characteristic industries to drive increased income for farmers (High quality Development Research Tour)

Industrial revitalization is of utmost importance in rural revitalization. Expanding industrial functions, extending industrial chains, promoting the integrated development of primary, secondary, and tertiary industries, and expanding channels for increasing farmers' income... Walking on the vast land of Jingchu, the picture of developing and strengthening characteristic industries is slowly unfolding—— Stabilize the ecological bowl and cultivate new business models. Xujiachong Village, Taipingxi Town, Yiling District, Yichang City, Hubei Province, is known as the "first village at the head of the dam". It only takes 10 minutes by car from here to reach the Three Gorges Dam tourist area. The flat cement road, exquisite exterior wall paintings, and intricately arranged residential buildings are nestled among the green mountains and waters.For over 5 years, the cadres and masses of Xujiachong Village have always kept in mind their instructions

News observation: Expanding domestic demand, increasing confidence, and strengthening risk prevention policies
News observation: Expanding domestic demand, increasing confidence, and strengthening risk prevention policies

CCTV News: The report of the State Council on the implementation of the national economic and social development plan since the beginning of this year was submitted to the Standing Committee of the 14th National People's Congress for review on the 28th. The report points out that since the beginning of this year, the overall implementation of the plan has been good, and the national economy has continued to recover and overall rebounded. In the second half of the year, we will increase the intensity of macroeconomic policy regulation, focus on expanding domestic demand, boosting confidence, preventing risks, and promote the effective improvement of quality and reasonable growth of quantity in the economy. When it comes to the main situation and highlights of economic operation since the beginning of this year, the report points out that in the first seven months, 19.102 million new operating entities were established, of which 5.791 million were enterprises, an increase of 12% and 15.6% year-on-year, respectively; The reform of the stock issuance and registration system has been fully implemented, with a total of 210 companies publicly offering and financing for the first 7 months

The "school selection fever" in compulsory education has significantly cooled down, and the Ministry of Education has fully implemented entrance exams free and nearby enrollment
The "school selection fever" in compulsory education has significantly cooled down, and the Ministry of Education has fully implemented entrance exams free and nearby enrollment

On August 30th, at a press conference of the Ministry of Education, Tian Zuyin, Director of the Basic Education Department of the Ministry of Education, stated that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the urgent and difficult problems that the people have been hoping for have been effectively alleviated. By standardizing private compulsory education and steadily advancing it, free admission to nearby schools and comprehensive implementation of "citizen enrollment" in primary and secondary schools, the "school selection fever" in compulsory education has significantly cooled down. At the same time, the "double reduction" work has achieved positive results, the total amount and duration of homework have been effectively regulated, and after-school services have basically achieved full coverage. The expansion of inclusive preschool education resources has effectively alleviated the problem of difficulty and high cost in entering kindergartens. The collaborative education mechanism between family, school, and society is gradually taking shape, and the vitality of education is constantly increasing. Tian Zuyin said that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the policy and institutional system of basic education in China has been further improved, and basic education has undergone structural changes and achieved historic achievements

The police once offered a reward of 100000 yuan, and Hou Moujun, a B-level fugitive from the Ministry of Public Security, was arrested in Changsha: he fled with a huge sum of money
The police once offered a reward of 100000 yuan, and Hou Moujun, a B-level fugitive from the Ministry of Public Security, was arrested in Changsha: he fled with a huge sum of money

The man fled with a huge sum of money for three years, wearing a mask and hat to cover up when going out, and using cash for shopping. Despite being so cautious, he still couldn't escape the law. Recently, the Investigation and Operations Center of the Furong Branch of the Changsha Public Security Bureau conducted in-depth investigations and precise judgments, successfully capturing Hou Moujun, a B-level wanted criminal of the Ministry of Public Security. B-level fugitive from the Ministry of Public Security has been arrested. All of them were correspondents of Changsha Evening News, Li Sanping, who fled with a huge sum of money. The police offered a reward of 100000 yuan to arrest Hou Moujun, who was born in 1985 and is from You County, Zhuzhou. In July 2020, Hou Moujun was chased online by the Jiangxi Provincial Police for an economic case, with more than 90 million yuan involved. The Ministry of Public Security listed him as a B-level wanted criminal. In December 2022, the Jiangxi police issued a reward notice to Hou Moujun. The notice states that for individuals who provide significant valuable clues and assist the police in capturing them

Fraudulent for over 700000 yuan over three years, retired officials claim that spending money can help "establish connections"
Fraudulent for over 700000 yuan over three years, retired officials claim that spending money can help "establish connections"

Recently, China's procuratorial network announced a fraud case. A retired cadre in Pucheng County, Weinan, Shaanxi Province, falsely claimed that he could help find connections by spending money. Over the past three years, he defrauded others of more than 700000 yuan and then squandered it all. The indictment shows that the retired cadre, surnamed Zhang, is a retired leader of the Small and Medium sized Enterprise Bureau in Pucheng County. During the period from 2018 to 2021, he used his identity as a retired leader to falsely claim that he knew other leaders and could "spend money on relationships". Over the course of three years, he defrauded at least 10 people of over 700000 yuan and squandered the stolen money. The indictment shows that there are various "businesses" that it claims can "spend money on relationships". He once claimed to be able to help arrange work, thereby defrauding 5 people for a total of 178000 yuan; He claimed to be able to help arrange for his child to go to school and defrauded a victim of 120000 yuan; with

Starting from October, there will be 8.5 spots in the Asian region for the 2026 World Cup qualifiers
Starting from October, there will be 8.5 spots in the Asian region for the 2026 World Cup qualifiers

Just emerged from the passion of the 2023 Women's World Cup, fans will welcome the preliminary rounds of the 2026 Men's World Cup. On September 7th, the 2026 World Cup qualifiers will kick off. On September 7th, the South American qualifiers began first. Paraguay will host Peru at home, while defending champions Argentina will also face Ecuador in the capital. There are 6 direct promotion spots in the South American region and 1 playoff spot. There are 8 direct promotion spots in the Asian region, and another qualification to participate in the playoffs. The Asian regional qualifiers will start in October this year. There are 9 direct promotion spots and one playoff spot in the African region, and the first round of matches starts in November. Because the United States, Canada, and Mexico directly advance as hosts, the remaining teams in North, Central America, and the Caribbean compete for three spots

Not just Ghost Festival, July 15th
Not just Ghost Festival, July 15th

On the 15th day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar, Taoism is called the Zhongyuan Festival, Buddhism is called the Yulan Bon Festival, and the folk are commonly called the Ghost Festival and the half of July. Although this festival has a strong color of Taoism and Buddhism, the original source of Zhongyuan Festival has a profound imprint of Confucianism. The legend about the origin of the Zhongyuan Festival Festival probably originated from a festival of ancestor worship. Dong Zhongshu of the Western Han Dynasty's "Spring and Autumn Flourishing Dews": "The ancient people sacrificed four years ago... Spring said Temple, Summer said Temple, Autumn said Taste, Winter said Steam... Taste the millet and millet in July." When the crops were ripe in the Lunar New Year, the ancient people presented the newly harvested fruits and vegetables, millet and millet and other grains, called "Autumn Taste", also called "Recommend New", "Taste New", that is, autumn meant to let the ancestors taste new. The original time for "Autumn Taste" ancestor worship was not necessarily on July 15th, but it was later fixed on this day due to the intervention of Buddhism and Taoism

The court ruled that he should compensate the owner 8376 yuan, and the man found a 10000 yuan gold bracelet and casually discarded it, thinking it was fake
The court ruled that he should compensate the owner 8376 yuan, and the man found a 10000 yuan gold bracelet and casually discarded it, thinking it was fake

According to the Southern Morning Post, recently, Ms. He from Fusui County, Guangxi accidentally left a string of gold bracelets in Nanning and found them picked up by a man named Wei. However, Wei claimed to have casually discarded the gold bracelet. Subsequently, Ms. He sued Wei in court. The two level court in Chongzuo City held that after picking up the bracelet, Wei took it away and discarded it without authorization, bearing 80% of the responsibility and compensating Ms. He with 8376 yuan. The information screen is not related to this incident. On a night in August 2022, Ms. He and her family drove back to a residential area in Liangqing District, Nanning City, and accidentally dropped a string of gold bracelets. Public video shows that the bracelet was picked up by a man. After Ms. He reported to the police, it was ultimately confirmed that it was Wei who picked up the bracelet. But Wei said that he casually discarded the bracelet. The negotiation between the two parties was unsuccessful, and Ms. He used improper gains as a pretext

The former central alternate committee member has been "double opened"! The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection also simultaneously punished these two "tigers"
The former central alternate committee member has been "double opened"! The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection also simultaneously punished these two "tigers"

At 10:30 am this morning, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection simultaneously dealt with three "tigers": Cui Maohu, former deputy minister of the United Front Work Department of the Central Committee and former director of the State Administration of Religious Affairs, was "double opened"; Jiang Zhigang, former deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region and former secretary of the Yinchuan Municipal Party Committee, was "double opened"; Zheng Hong, former Deputy Secretary and Deputy Director of the Party Group of the Standing Committee of the Chongqing Municipal People's Congress and former Chairman of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, has been expelled from the Party. From March 16th to 18th, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission issued consecutive reports of the three individuals being arrested. Cui Maohu, male, Han nationality, born in December 1965 in Xuanwei, Yunnan Province, joined the CPC in July 1987 and joined the Communist Party of China in May 1990. He previously worked in Yunnan Province for a long time and served as the Deputy Minister of the Organization Department of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee

What's next?, The first shot in first tier cities! Guangzhou officially recognizes houses but not loans
What's next?, The first shot in first tier cities! Guangzhou officially recognizes houses but not loans

On the 30th, the General Office of the Guangzhou Municipal People's Government issued a notice on optimizing the criteria for determining the number of housing units in personal housing loans in our city. It was pointed out that when a resident family applies for a loan to purchase commercial housing, regardless of whether they have used the loan to purchase housing, banking and financial institutions will implement the housing credit policy for the first housing unit. On August 25th, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development, the People's Bank of China, and the State Administration of Financial Supervision jointly issued a notice on optimizing the criteria for determining the number of housing units in personal housing loans, promoting the implementation of the policy measures of "not recognizing loans but recognizing houses" for the purchase of first home loans. The document clearly states that the policy of "recognizing houses but not loans" is included as a policy tool in the "One City, One Policy" toolbox for cities to choose independently. That is to say, whether to implement it or not will

Realizing a "win-win" situation between rural ecology and economic benefits
Realizing a "win-win" situation between rural ecology and economic benefits

A good ecological environment is the greatest advantage and precious wealth of rural areas. Currently, Hebei, Yunnan and other regions are actively promoting the construction of ecological civilization, combining rural revitalization with ecological optimization, and achieving the goal of revitalizing rural areas and strengthening ecology through ecological revitalization. How to fully tap and leverage the ecological resource advantages of rural areas, and lead rural revitalization through ecological civilization construction, is a topic worthy of attention. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China has made tremendous progress in ecological civilization construction, and the concept of green mountains and clear waters being as valuable as gold and silver has deeply rooted in people's hearts. The transcripts released by departments such as the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the Ministry of Natural Resources, and the Ministry of Water Resources show that from 2015 to 2020, the overall ecological situation in China remained stable and improving; The total area of ecological protection red lines designated nationwide is about 3.19 million square kilometers; The national soil erosion continues to show a dual decline in area intensity

China Economic Review: Multiple policies inject confidence into the market
China Economic Review: Multiple policies inject confidence into the market

In recent days, policy measures related to the real estate market have been intensively introduced, boosting the confidence of all parties in the stabilization and recovery of the real estate market. On the demand side, reduce the cost of purchasing a house by offering "no need to subscribe for a loan" and "personal income tax refund for purchasing a house"; On the supply side, promote the improvement of financing conditions for real estate enterprises. At the same time, local governments are still expanding the space for adjusting and optimizing policies by making good use of policy toolboxes for urban implementation. "Golden September and Silver October" is the traditional peak sales season in the real estate market. Under various supportive policies, people are full of expectations for the upcoming market in September. Recently, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development, the People's Bank of China, and the State Administration of Financial Supervision jointly issued a notice on optimizing the standards for determining the number of housing units in personal housing loans, promoting the implementation of the policy measures of "not recognizing loans but recognizing houses" for purchasing first home loans. The notice clearly states that

Prioritizing the restoration and expansion of consumption (commentator observation)
Prioritizing the restoration and expansion of consumption (commentator observation)

Combining the expansion of consumption with the improvement of people's quality of life, adapting to the actual needs of different income groups, and using high-quality supply to increase residents' willingness to consume and promote consumption is the key to current recovery and expansion of demand. In Beijing, the 4th "August 8th" Beijing Sports Consumption Festival and the Beijing Tianjin Hebei Sports Consumption Festival have been launched. To promote the development of new energy vehicles in rural areas, Zhejiang proposes to build a total of more than 2.3 million charging stations and no less than 900000 rural areas by 2025, achieving full coverage of public charging stations in counties and townships. This summer, many regions have organized various consumption seasons and distributed various consumption vouchers to boost consumption. Consumption is the fundamental force driving economic growth. In July, catering revenue increased by 15.8% year-on-year, and sales of new energy vehicles increased by 31.6% year-on-year,

Scientific analysis and judgment of future industrial development direction
Scientific analysis and judgment of future industrial development direction

The future industry is an important area for reshaping the global innovation landscape and economic landscape. Prospective layout of future industries is an important part of building a modern industrial system and a key factor in firmly grasping the initiative of future development. An important prerequisite for forward-looking layout of future industries is to determine which industries belong to the future. The future industry has a high degree of uncertainty in terms of technological routes, application scenarios, and the timing of large-scale industrialization, which makes it difficult to accurately select the future industry. Therefore, it is necessary to choose effective methods to comprehensively analyze and judge the development direction of future industries based on accurately grasping the development laws of future industries. The importance of future industries is increasingly prominent, and a new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation is flourishing. New disruptive technologies are constantly emerging, and as technology matures, new products and innovations are formed

Economic recovery requires maintaining strategic composure
Economic recovery requires maintaining strategic composure

The economy of a major country will inevitably attract attention. Faced with excessive concerns from the outside world due to downward pressure and exaggerated speculation on some phased issues, the Politburo meeting of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China made a heavy tone - "Economic recovery is a process of wave like development and tortuous progress. China's economy has enormous development resilience and potential, and the long-term positive fundamentals have not changed.". This judgment faces the difficulties and challenges in China's current economic recovery, and also reflects the strategic determination to achieve established goals in complex and severe situations. Data can best depict "development" and "progress", "waves" and "twists and turns". In the first half of this year, the gross domestic product (GDP) increased by 5.5% year-on-year, 1 percentage point faster than the first quarter, and the total retail sales of consumer goods increased by 8.2% year-on-year, 2.4 percentage points faster than the first quarter, fixed

The Exploration Process of Modernization Path during the New Democratic Revolution | China | Period
The Exploration Process of Modernization Path during the New Democratic Revolution | China | Period

This path is inseparable from the unremitting efforts of the pioneers of the Party during the New Democratic Revolution. Reviewing this process and summarizing its experience and enlightenment is of great historical significance for the new era and new journey to comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese path to modernization. China's modernization path

The Strategic Inspiration of the Great Victory in the Korean War | Volunteers | Campaign | Inspiration
The Strategic Inspiration of the Great Victory in the Korean War | Volunteers | Campaign | Inspiration

【 Special attention · Commemorating the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Korean War 】 Author: Wang Qiang; Zhang Xiaoyan marks the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Korean War. In this large-scale modern war, the CPC, with Comrade Mao Zedong as the main representative, with profound insight and strategic foresight, accurately grasped the development trend of the war, planned strategic guidance in advance, and made all-round and sustainable preparations for the war, demonstrating the revolutionary style and precious spirit of fearing strong enemies, daring to fight, and being good at fighting. Today, 70 years later, it is of great significance to revisit the strategic significance of the great victory in the Korean War, draw from it the strategic art and spiritual strength of daring to struggle, being good at fighting, daring to win, and being good at winning, and resolutely defend national sovereignty, security, and development interests. Make a punch to avoid it

I hope to create more possibilities in the future and have the courage to break through myself. Taiwan Qinglin Huiyu: The learning and working environment in mainland China promotes people to move forward. Taiwan compatriots | Life | Mainland China
I hope to create more possibilities in the future and have the courage to break through myself. Taiwan Qinglin Huiyu: The learning and working environment in mainland China promotes people to move forward. Taiwan compatriots | Life | Mainland China

Editor's note: In recent years, the mainland has introduced many favorable policies for Taiwan, and more and more Taiwanese compatriots have chosen to come to the mainland to pursue, build, and fulfill their dreams. Their stories and experiences have also opened a new door for more Taiwanese compatriots. Starting today, Guangming Network, in collaboration with the Beijing Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office Integrated Media Center, will launch a series of short videos titled "Home is where you feel at ease". Focusing on 30 Taiwanese compatriots living in mainland China, through vivid characters, real experiences, and vivid expressions, we record the imprint of Taiwanese compatriots integrating into and rooted in the mainland, presenting a panoramic view of the work and life stories of Taiwanese compatriots on the mainland, and showcasing the true emotions and connections between compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. Lin Huiyu had no intention of pursuing a master's degree before her first visit to mainland China, but her exchange study experience at Tongji University in Shanghai during her undergraduate studies made her realize that her classmates in mainland China were very hardworking. She felt that she also