The world

The monthly package for train tickets is here again! 12306 available railway | route | package
The monthly package for train tickets is here again! 12306 available railway | route | package

The Changsha Zhuzhou Xiangtan Intercity Railway has launched regular and count tickets. Passengers who purchase tickets can take the train starting with the letter "S" at the designated departure and arrival stations for more convenient and cost-effective travel. The Changsha Zhuzhou Xiangtan Intercity Railway officially opened on December 26, 2016, with a total length of 104 kilometers. It is a double track passenger dedicated line, running 108.5 pairs of intercity trains per day. What are counting tickets and fixed tickets? Counting tickets and regular tickets are new ticket system products launched by the railway department. Holders can take the specified number of trains within the specified validity period, with designated departure and arrival stations and seats at the time of purchase. Compared to the limitations of regular tickets that require advance booking and timely travel, regular and scheduled tickets allow passengers to flexibly choose from multiple train services and provide reservation services for multiple available seats. How to purchase tickets for passengers

Internal and external linkage between the East, Central and West, China's wisdom on the land of China | Guangxi and ASEAN: One Bay Joins Eleven Countries China | ASEAN Countries | Wisdom
Internal and external linkage between the East, Central and West, China's wisdom on the land of China | Guangxi and ASEAN: One Bay Joins Eleven Countries China | ASEAN Countries | Wisdom

Integrity and harmony, valuing harmony, and achieving peaceful and common development have always been the inherent genes of traditional Chinese culture, and are universal values and moral principles. The world is currently undergoing unprecedented changes and accelerating evolution. Building a community with a shared future for mankind is the future of people around the world. This concept reflects the values of excellent traditional Chinese culture, including "integrity and harmony", conforms to the trend of human society's development and progress, and has become a distinct banner of China's diplomacy in the new era. China and ASEAN are each other's largest trading partners and important investment partners. Both sides leverage their complementary advantages in industries, achieve mutual success, and seek common development, becoming a model of regional cooperation. Guangxi is adjacent to ASEAN countries by land and sea, and is the forefront and important window of exchange and cooperation between China and ASEAN countries.

【 Da Guo Xin Cun: Following the Footsteps of General Secretary 】 Micro video | Fujian Yongtai Paints Well in the "Landscape Painting" Industry | Rural | Yongtai
【 Da Guo Xin Cun: Following the Footsteps of General Secretary 】 Micro video | Fujian Yongtai Paints Well in the "Landscape Painting" Industry | Rural | Yongtai

The nation must be revitalized, and the countryside must be revitalized.Today, the research team of the People's Forum takes you into Yongtai County, Fujian Province to see how the local area can do a good job in "landscape".In recent years, Yongtai County has combined with the actual situation of the county, taking the construction of key counties for rural revitalization in Fujian Province as an opportunity, and taking the construction of demonstration pilot counties for grassroots party building in rural areas of Fujian Province as a starting point, strengthening ecological and green advantages, and highlighting cultural and tourism pilot demonstrations,

People's Forum Online Review | Reflection on the "Five Strong" Villages from the "Ten Million Project" | Practice | Forum
People's Forum Online Review | Reflection on the "Five Strong" Villages from the "Ten Million Project" | Practice | Forum

The reason why it has won the hearts of thousands of people and won the United Nations Earth Guardian Award is that the positions, viewpoints, and methods contained in it are worth learning from and flexibly applying to various work. Adhere to strategic thinking.

People's Forum Online Review | "Ten Million Project" Everlasting Project | Logo. We | Forum Network
People's Forum Online Review | "Ten Million Project" Everlasting Project | Logo. We | Forum Network

The "Ten Million Project" is an important component of the "88 Strategy" and a distinct symbol of forging an "important window". From the brilliant breakthrough of the "Ten Million Project" and "Green waters and green mountains are invaluable assets", to the vigorous promotion of "Comprehensive Rural Revitalization", a new era of building beautiful countryside and beautiful China has begun. We must constantly draw nourishment from the wisdom of the people in practice, innovate and make the "Ten Million Project" timeless and timeless. Adhere to the principle of putting the people first, and ensure that the "Ten Million Project" always responds to the urgent needs and anxieties of the people. Born for the people, thriving for the people, and always striving for the interests of the people are the starting point and foothold of all work. The reason why the "Ten Million Project" can be implemented for a long time is that it truly practices the development concept of putting the people at the center, always focusing on the urgent and difficult problems that the people are looking forward to, and promoting common prosperity

Zhonggong Comic Review | Cultural Tour Ignites Traditional Festivals' Travel Heat '| Culture | Zhonggong
Zhonggong Comic Review | Cultural Tour Ignites Traditional Festivals' Travel Heat '| Culture | Zhonggong

Painting/Liu Qi Text/Chen Wanyang 2023 Dragon Boat Festival holiday, the cultural and tourism industry recovery momentum is strong, the national holiday market is generally safe and stable and orderly. According to the comprehensive calculation of the data center of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the number of domestic tourism trips nationwide was 0.106 billion, an increase of 32.3 percent over the same period last year, and domestic tourism revenue was 37.31 billion billion yuan, an increase of 44.5 percent over the same period last year. A special survey shows that during the holidays, the proportion of tourists who visit cultural and cultural venues, historical and cultural blocks, participate in various intangible cultural heritage projects, and participate in cultural activities such as music festivals and concerts is as high as 87.9. Chinese traditional festivals contain rich cultural connotations. This year's Dragon Boat Festival "travel fever", "hot" in the cultural flavor. Nearly 90% of tourists participated in cultural activities, and "zongzi" enjoyed a strong Dragon Boat Festival, which set off a wave

【 Big Country Principles 】 Miluo, Hunan: Building a New Pattern of Rural Revitalization | Grassroots | Principles
【 Big Country Principles 】 Miluo, Hunan: Building a New Pattern of Rural Revitalization | Grassroots | Principles

Rural governance, people's safety, and national stability. Rural grassroots governance is the cornerstone of national governance and the foundation of rural revitalization. Grassroots governance and ensuring people's livelihoods are closely related to the vital interests of the people, and are fundamental projects for promoting common prosperity and creating a high-quality life. Innovating grassroots governance methods is essential for achieving modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity. In recent years, Miluo City, Hunan Province, has adhered to the leadership of party building, strengthened and innovated grassroots social governance. By adhering to the leadership of party building, building a "bridgehead" for grassroots governance, strengthening the collective economy, refining the "paving stones" for grassroots governance, doing well in people's livelihood, building a "heart to heart bridge" for grassroots governance, deepening mass autonomy, and sounding the "golden horn" of civilized rural culture, Miluo Town has continuously promoted the implementation and refinement of the rural revitalization strategy, and achieved significant results in grassroots governance. Miluo Town has successively

Li Peng: Implementing the employment priority strategy requires precise efforts for growth | employment | strategy
Li Peng: Implementing the employment priority strategy requires precise efforts for growth | employment | strategy

Employment is the most basic livelihood. The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China made a series of important arrangements for implementing the employment priority strategy. Not long ago, the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held a meeting emphasizing the need to effectively safeguard and improve people's livelihoods, strengthen employment priority orientation, expand employment channels for college graduates, and stabilize employment for key groups such as migrant workers. In May this year, the national urban survey unemployment rate was 5.2%, unchanged from the previous month, and the employment situation remained generally stable. Our country's economy is still in the process of comprehensive recovery, and stable employment still needs to be guided by the implementation of the employment priority strategy, with the goal of high-quality and full employment, to fully ensure that the employment situation in our country remains stable. To this end, it is necessary to enhance systematic thinking, coordinate relevant work and policies in all aspects, and achieve precise efforts. Firstly, economic growth is a prerequisite for expanding employment, and stable growth should be taken as a priority

Wang Hongju: Expanding demand is the key structure for sustained economic recovery and improvement | demand | economy
Wang Hongju: Expanding demand is the key structure for sustained economic recovery and improvement | demand | economy

The Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China recently held a meeting emphasizing that restoring and expanding demand is the key to the sustained recovery and improvement of the current economy.The data released by the National Bureau of Statistics shows that in May, the economic operation continued to recover, but market demand remained insufficient, and some structural problems were more prominent, with a slight decline in the growth rate of major economic indicators. The macroeconomic situation in our country urgently requires the continued expansion of demand, and the combination of expanding domestic demand and improving people's livelihoods to continuously promote high-quality economic development. The current economic situation is characterized by insufficient driving force for economic recovery, consumption, and

Han Jing: Taking multiple measures to broaden the main channels for graduates to find employment. Universities | Graduates | Employment Opportunities
Han Jing: Taking multiple measures to broaden the main channels for graduates to find employment. Universities | Graduates | Employment Opportunities

This year, the number of college graduates is expected to reach a historic high of 11.58 million. Currently, the employment of graduates has entered a critical stage. Doing a good job in the employment of college graduates is related to implementing the employment priority strategy and providing basic and strategic talent support for Chinese path to modernization. Since the beginning of this year, various regions and departments have made visiting enterprises and expanding job opportunities a key task in promoting employment. Recently, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, together with multiple departments, launched the "Employment Sailing Policy Escort" Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship Policy Promotion Week nationwide, promoting employment preferential policies in enterprises, interpreting employment and entrepreneurship support policies in campuses, and providing "one-on-one" job guidance in communities... A series of solid measures have provided strong support for the smooth employment of college graduates. But it should be noted that the pressure on the total employment volume of college graduates in China depends on

[Bright Forum] Open up a new world of youth employment and entrepreneurship in rural revitalization Village | Talents | Forum
[Bright Forum] Open up a new world of youth employment and entrepreneurship in rural revitalization Village | Talents | Forum

【 Guangming Forum 】 Author: Cai Fuhong's rural revitalization is a systematic project that integrates industry, talent, culture, ecology, and organizational revitalization. Comprehensively promoting rural revitalization, talent revitalization is the key.Youth is an important component of the talent pool for rural revitalization and the vanguard of agricultural and rural modernization. In contrast to the difficulties faced by young people in finding employment in big cities, there is a severe shortage of talent in rural areas, resulting in a dilemma of both employment and recruitment. Comprehensively promoting rural revitalization, promoting coordinated development between urban and rural areas, and effectively expanding employment opportunities at the grassroots level are necessary steps to solve the dilemma

【 Guangming Forum 】 Accelerate the Effective Connection of County and Rural Elderly Care Service Networks with Population Aging | Elderly Care | Forum
【 Guangming Forum 】 Accelerate the Effective Connection of County and Rural Elderly Care Service Networks with Population Aging | Elderly Care | Forum

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China by Hu Zhiping and Qin Miao, authors of the Guangming Forum, pointed out that the implementation of the national strategy to actively respond to population aging, the development of elderly care and the elderly care industry, the optimization of services for elderly people living alone, and the promotion of basic elderly care services for all elderly people. The most arduous and arduous task of comprehensively building a socialist modernized country still lies in rural areas. Rural elderly care is an important component of the construction of the entire social elderly care service system, as well as a key and weak point of elderly care services. To actively respond to the aging population, it is urgent to promote the construction of rural elderly care service networks and accelerate the effective connection of county-level and rural elderly care service networks. Clear rights and responsibilities are a prerequisite for achieving effective coordination. The construction of rural elderly care services is a complex systematic project, and its effective operation involves multiple entities, including how to divide labor among entities in the spatial field

Guangming Review: Promoting China's Manufacturing to Improve and Strengthen the Industrial Chain | Manufacturing | Manufacturing
Guangming Review: Promoting China's Manufacturing to Improve and Strengthen the Industrial Chain | Manufacturing | Manufacturing

【 Guangming Review 】 Author: Pan Helin Recently, Shanghai, Guangdong, Jiangsu, Shandong, Hebei and other places have made arrangements to stabilize and expand investment in the manufacturing industry, in order to promote high-quality development of the manufacturing industry, which has attracted widespread attention. For example, Shanghai has issued the "Three Year Action Plan for Promoting High Quality Development of Manufacturing Industry in Shanghai", which clearly proposes to continuously strengthen the modern industrial system and increase the proportion of industrial added value to GDP to 25% by 2025. Many other regions have also formulated development strategies for the manufacturing industry, offering strategies at multiple levels such as investment attraction, industry collaboration, and innovation incentives. Promoting the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry and the development of high-end manufacturing is of great significance for achieving high-quality regional economic development. Multiple regions have actively issued relevant documents and plans, aiming to accelerate the attraction of high-tech manufacturing investment in their respective regions

Zhou Feng and Li Ning: The Original Contribution of the Party's Innovative Theory to the Enrichment and Development of Marxism | Era | Marxism
Zhou Feng and Li Ning: The Original Contribution of the Party's Innovative Theory to the Enrichment and Development of Marxism | Era | Marxism

The original contributions here are mainly manifested in four aspects: the new era view, the "two combinations", methodology, and modernization theory. Establishing a new era view of observing the historical orientation of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Any "era" specifically refers to the objective reality in a certain historical time and space, which is not a static object, but rather in a specific historical context

Xu Rong: Promoting the Deep Integration of Development and Security System Concept | Modernization | Xu Rong
Xu Rong: Promoting the Deep Integration of Development and Security System Concept | Modernization | Xu Rong

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China put forward that "from now on, the central task of the CPC is to unite and lead the people of all ethnic groups in the country to comprehensively build a strong socialist modernization country, achieve the second century goal, and comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese path to modernization". In the new era and new journey, we are facing a series of arduous and complex tasks to continuously expand and deepen Chinese path to modernization. To turn the grand blueprint of the 20th CPC National Congress into a better reality, we must adhere to the concept of system, safeguard the new development pattern with a new security pattern, promote the deep integration of development and security, firmly grasp the strategic initiative, and provide a strong security guarantee for promoting the stability and development of Chinese path to modernization. At present, China's development has entered a period of strategic opportunities, risks, and challenges coexisting, with an increase in uncertain and unpredictable factors. Only by adhering to the principle of unified development and security can we

Escort high-quality development accidents with high-level safety
Escort high-quality development accidents with high-level safety

Recently, a particularly serious gas explosion occurred in Xingqing District, Yinchuan City. According to relevant laws and regulations, the State Council has established an accident investigation team to investigate the causes of accidents. Gas explosion is a high-risk and highly hazardous safety accident, and the explosions and shock waves caused by it often cause huge damage to surrounding buildings, public facilities, and personnel safety, easily leading to mass casualties. This type of safety accident seriously endangers the sense of security and happiness of the people, and has caused adverse social impacts. At present, the safety production situation in China is still severe and complex, and the challenges mainly come from the interweaving and overlapping of stock risks and incremental risks. For example, China's energy structure is dominated by coal, with over one-third of coal mines being gas outburst and high gas mines; There are over 70000 kilometers of gas pipeline networks with an age of over 20 years; Energy storage power stations, offshore

Skills Achieve Dreams The 7th National Disabled Vocational Skills Competition is held nationwide | Participants | Disabled Persons
Skills Achieve Dreams The 7th National Disabled Vocational Skills Competition is held nationwide | Participants | Disabled Persons

CCTV News: The 7th National Disability Vocational Skills Competition and the 4th National Disability Exhibition Festival were held today in Jinan, Shandong. The National Disability Vocational Skills Competition is held every four years and is a national level first-class vocational skills competition. This competition has a total of 950 participants from all over the country, an increase of 58 people from the previous one, and a new high in scale. According to the national professional standards, the competition has set up five categories of 28 competition items, and compared with the last competition, nine new items have been added: network information security, clothing accessories design, drone control, electrical installation, 3D printing, western cooks, nail salons, domestic services, and Internet marketing. The competition lasts for three days. The first place winner in each competition event and the second place winner in each event with no less than 15 participants, who are employees, will be awarded by the Human Resources Society

Those "retroactive" old crafts, let's see the inheritance | development | craftsmanship
Those "retroactive" old crafts, let's see the inheritance | development | craftsmanship

[Go to the New Era Xintiandi · Young Inheritors of Intangible Cultural Heritage] Look, the old craftsmanship of "counter attack" - the story of new craftsmen renewing the old craftsmanship Yin Zehao, Peng Jinghui, reporter of Guangming Daily, when people put the word "old" in front of a craft, it usually has profound connotation and exquisite, but sometimes it also means that it is "too high", "too lonely", and even faces the dilemma of survival. For craftsmanship, time is both an enemy and a friend. Some are gradually declining in the long river of history, while others are reborn and rising again with the passing of time. Survival or destruction? This is the fate that all crafts have to face. Only craftsmen can control their fate. When we were born, many traditional crafts had already begun to decline; as we grew up, the stalemate of traditional crafts had been broken, and many had

Summarize and apply the good practices and experiences of the "Ten Million Project" (People's Essentials) Rural | Mass | Practices
Summarize and apply the good practices and experiences of the "Ten Million Project" (People's Essentials) Rural | Mass | Practices

The "Ten Million Project" explores a scientific path to strengthen the improvement of rural living environment, comprehensively promote rural revitalization, and build a beautiful China, creating countless beautiful villages and benefiting countless farmers, with significant results and far-reaching impact. To systematically summarize and deeply grasp the good practices and experiences of Zhejiang's "Ten Million Project", and provide reference for comprehensively promoting rural revitalization and building a beautiful China.

Deeply Grasp the Scientific Thinking Construction of Xi Jinping's Ecological Civilization Thought from the "Ten Million Project" | Ecological | Civilization
Deeply Grasp the Scientific Thinking Construction of Xi Jinping's Ecological Civilization Thought from the "Ten Million Project" | Ecological | Civilization

Author: Hong Xianghua's ecological civilization construction is a fundamental plan related to the sustainable development of the Chinese nation.In the 20 years since the implementation of the "Ten Million Project", it has changed the appearance of rural areas in Zhejiang, and has embarked on a new path of rural living environment improvement and beautiful rural construction that is unique to Zhejiang, characterized by demonstration, overall promotion, deepening expansion, and transformation and upgrading. This has accumulated practical experience for better exploring the modern path of achieving harmonious coexistence between humans and nature in the new era and new journey.

Russian President Putin meets with representatives from powerful departments and praises those who have shown outstanding performance in quelling the rebellion
Russian President Putin meets with representatives from powerful departments and praises those who have shown outstanding performance in quelling the rebellion

On June 27th local time, Russian President Putin met with representatives of powerful departments in the Kremlin and commended individuals for their outstanding performance in quelling armed rebellions. Putin told representatives of powerful departments present that their actions in the difficult situation were clear and orderly, proving their loyalty to the Russian people and the military oath, and their responsibility to the fate and future of their motherland. They actually prevented a civil war, ensuring the stable operation of important facilities, the security of border areas, and the stability of the military's rear during the rebellion, and ensuring that combat units continued to operate on the front lines of special military operations during this period. Putin expressed gratitude for the bravery of powerful personnel and their loyalty to the Russian people, emphasizing that their determination, courage, and social unity played a decisive role in quelling the rebellion. universal

Serious accountability, Haikou reported "staff occupying computers and refusing to issue certificates to the public": investigation of job transfer | Haikou Market Supervision Administration | Haikou
Serious accountability, Haikou reported "staff occupying computers and refusing to issue certificates to the public": investigation of job transfer | Haikou Market Supervision Administration | Haikou

On June 27th, the Haikou Municipal Administration for Market Regulation announced that on June 26th, "Sina Hainan" released a video of the Jinmao Market Supervision and Administration Office of the Longhua Branch of the Haikou Municipal Administration for Market Regulation "window staff occupying computers and refusing to apply for certificates for the public". The video reflects that the staff member Xu did not listen to his colleagues' advice and occupied the printing station at the front desk window, resulting in the stagnation of the business license and machine readable file printing business, affecting the on-site public affairs. After the public opinion incident, the bureau attached great importance and immediately launched relevant investigations. After investigation, the situation reflected in the video is true. At present, the Haikou Market Supervision Administration has held a party group meeting and decided to transfer him/her from his/her job position; And the disciplinary commission of the bureau shall initiate the investigation procedure and hold the relevant personnel seriously accountable in accordance with relevant regulations. At the same time, the director of Longhua Sub bureau has made a special trip to the affected areas

Chongqing Xiushan reported preliminary investigation results of "suspected mouse head found in hospital boxed meals": it has been determined that the foreign object is a mouse head in Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital | Mouse | Canteen
Chongqing Xiushan reported preliminary investigation results of "suspected mouse head found in hospital boxed meals": it has been determined that the foreign object is a mouse head in Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital | Mouse | Canteen

On June 27th, according to top news reports, netizens revealed that a foreign object resembling a mouse head was eaten in a boxed lunch at Xiushan County Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital in Chongqing. Currently, the police have taken the boxed lunch away for investigation. According to a boiling point video report, netizens revealed that they bought boxed meals at the cafeteria of Xiushan County Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital and ate rat heads in the dish of taro roasted duck. A staff member from the administrative office of the hospital involved said, "We are investigating this matter, and this cafeteria was tendered through normal procedures, not a department of our hospital. We cannot draw a conclusion at the moment because it is still under investigation." According to Jiupai News, a staff member from Xiushan County Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital said, "The matter is currently under investigation, and the specific details have not been determined yet. We cannot draw a conclusion, but it is indeed a mouse head.". According to the Western Decision Making Report, staff from the Market Supervision Administration of Xiushan County stated:“

There are three crooked thoughts behind it, the US hypes up China's policy of "stealing" technology | China | Thoughts
There are three crooked thoughts behind it, the US hypes up China's policy of "stealing" technology | China | Thoughts

"China's theft of intellectual property rights", such an old topic that has long been falsified, has recently been taken out by the United States to stir up speculation. Against the background that the US side has spared no effort to suppress and contain China, this kind of false and absurd slander is not surprising. The crooked idea behind it is to discredit China and slander China's development and progress as "stolen"; to pull allies and obstruct scientific and technological cooperation with China by exaggerating the "China threat"; and to find excuses to blame China for its own decline. The stigmatization of China for "stealing" intellectual property rights is a serious distortion of history and reality. The US side has no evidence. It just thinks that China is so backward that it can make breakthroughs in many key technologies by virtue of its own capabilities, so it makes a rash conclusion. This distorted mentality reflects a kind of "technological racial superiority theory". Former U.S. Treasury Secretary Summers

Li Qiang attended the opening ceremony of the 2023 Summer Davos Forum and delivered a speech on World | Economy | Li Qiang
Li Qiang attended the opening ceremony of the 2023 Summer Davos Forum and delivered a speech on World | Economy | Li Qiang

Premier Li Qiang attended the opening ceremony of the 2023 Summer Davos Forum in Tianjin on the morning of June 27 and delivered a speech. Schwab, Chairman of the World Economic Forum, Prime Minister Motley of Barbados, Prime Minister Oyun Erden of Mongolia, Prime Minister Hipkins of New Zealand, Prime Minister Fan Mingzheng of Vietnam, Director-General of the World Trade Organization Iweala, and more than 90 countries About 1500 representatives from all walks of life from the region attended. Li Qiang said that in the past few years, the world in which we live has changed a lot. Having experienced tangible and intangible barriers, we should cherish communication and exchanges more, promote different countries, different nations, and different civilizations to deepen their understanding of each other, further strengthen dialogue, bridge differences, and enhance consensus. Having experienced the impact of a global crisis, we should

Zhao Dan was appointed as a member of the Party Committee of the Jilin Provincial Supervision Commission in the "Double Opening" campaign
Zhao Dan was appointed as a member of the Party Committee of the Jilin Provincial Supervision Commission in the "Double Opening" campaign

According to the disciplinary inspection and supervision team of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission stationed at the State Administration for Financial Supervision, as well as the Jilin Provincial Supervision Commission, the disciplinary inspection and supervision team of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission stationed at the State Administration for Financial Supervision, and the Jilin Provincial Supervision Commission recently conducted a disciplinary review and supervision investigation into the serious violations of discipline and law by Zhao Dan, former member of the Party Committee and deputy director of the Jilin Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau. After investigation, Zhao Dan seriously violated political discipline, implemented the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee on financial work at a discounted and flexible level, and abandoned his regulatory responsibilities; Collaborating with multiple individuals to confess and transfer hidden stolen funds and goods, providing false information to the organization, concealing facts, and resisting organizational scrutiny. Violating the spirit of the central eight point regulations by accepting gifts and consumption cards that may affect the fair performance of official duties. Violating organizational discipline and intervening in personnel arrangements of financial institutions. Violating integrity discipline and engaging in profit-making activities in violation of regulations

Someone counterfeits the name of a state agency and forges documents! Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs solemnly declares resource integration | Ministry of Rural Affairs | Document
Someone counterfeits the name of a state agency and forges documents! Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs solemnly declares resource integration | Ministry of Rural Affairs | Document

On June 27th, the website of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs issued a solemn statement, the content of which is as follows. Recently, illegal elements have counterfeited the names of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Ministry of Finance, and the All China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives to forge documents such as the "Notice on Issuing the Implementation Measures for the 2023 Family Farm Special Subsidy Fund" and the "Notice on Issuing the 2023 Family Farm 'New Farmers' Related Subsidies", and stamped with the forged department seal. Here, we solemnly declare that the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs has never issued the above-mentioned documents in conjunction with the Ministry of Finance and the All China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, nor has it established policies such as "agricultural and commercial resource integration subsidies" and "land adoption subsidies" as mentioned in the documents. Please be vigilant from all sectors of society and beware of being deceived. If losses have been caused, please report to the public security organs in a timely manner.

Trump's "Confidential Incident" Key Recording Exposure Storm | Confidential | Recording
Trump's "Confidential Incident" Key Recording Exposure Storm | Confidential | Recording

On the 26th, American media exposed a two minute recording, calling it key evidence of the "classified scandal" involving former Republican President Donald Trump. Trump has been charged 37 federal criminal charges for mishandling confidential documents during his resignation and subsequently obstructing document retrieval, of which 31 are related to his illegal possession of 31 confidential documents. Trump refused to plead guilty to all charges. Special Prosecutor Jack Smith listed a recorded evidence in the indictment released earlier this month, alleging that the recording showed Trump showing off a classified defense plan to attack Iran at a golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey in July 2021. On the 26th, CNN was the first to expose the recording and reported that Trump and his two staff members were in conversation during the recording,

Providing tuition subsidies and employment distribution, Suzhou recruits 110 agricultural and rural targeted trainees from colleges and universities | training | grassroots | graduation | rural | agriculture | commissioned | trainees
Providing tuition subsidies and employment distribution, Suzhou recruits 110 agricultural and rural targeted trainees from colleges and universities | training | grassroots | graduation | rural | agriculture | commissioned | trainees

Talent is the key to rural revitalization. The Agricultural Office of the Suzhou Municipal Party Committee, the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee, the Municipal Education Bureau, and the Municipal Agriculture and Rural Bureau recently issued the "Opinions on Accelerating the Promotion of the Targeted Entrusted Training Project for Agricultural and Rural Talents". This year, they plan to recruit 110 agricultural and rural targeted trainees and provide policies such as "tuition subsidy+employment distribution". It is reported that the target of this recruitment is local registered residence senior high school graduates who are willing to return to their source areas to engage in grass-roots agricultural and rural work after graduation and have the conditions to apply for the ordinary college entrance examination. Graduates who participate in the national unified entrance examination for ordinary universities will be admitted by the cooperating colleges in accordance with the unified enrollment policies of the Provincial Education Examination Institute. The admitted candidates voluntarily sign targeted training and employment agreements for grassroots agricultural and rural talents with various regions. According to the enrollment plan, the 110 targeted trainees are entrusted to Yangzhou University, with a quota allocation

Hope Russians will "kill each other"? Putin criticizes some countries for "miscalculating" Russia | Wagner | Putin
Hope Russians will "kill each other"? Putin criticizes some countries for "miscalculating" Russia | Wagner | Putin

Russian President Vladimir Putin made a televised speech on the 26th, making arrangements for the whereabouts of the personnel of the private military entity Wagner. At the same time, he criticized some countries for wanting Russia to "kill each other" as a "wrong calculation". According to Putin, most of Wagner's fighters and commanders are "patriots." The unity of the entire Russian society shows that any attempt to create internal turmoil is doomed to failure. [Naming Russia's "Enemy"] Putin's televised speech was about 5 minutes long. The speech did not mention Yevgeny Prigoren, the founder of the Wagner organization. Wagner organization 23 night suspected of sedition, leading to tensions in Russia. On the 24th, the Russian Federal Security Service announced a criminal case against Prigo.