The world

Joining the Glorious and Beautiful Future, Marvel Review | Riding the Wind of the Universiade | Youth | Chengdu | Universiade
Joining the Glorious and Beautiful Future, Marvel Review | Riding the Wind of the Universiade | Youth | Chengdu | Universiade

Comic author: Du Siqi Dances Youth, Music Moves Rongcheng. The 31st Summer Universiade will close on August 8th. During the 12 day competition schedule, athletes from all over the world staged a series of "peak battles" on the field. Youth never closes, striving is just right. The Universiade is about to come to an end, but the power of struggle and the spirit of hard work flowing through the bodies of athletes will never stop, and will shine even more dazzling in the new journey. Participate in the grand event of the Universiade on a colorful journey. Youth has dreams and infinite vitality. During this 12 day race, we witnessed the birth of miracles and the shining of medals one by one. As the main venue of the 31st Universiade, Chengdu welcomes guests from all over the world as the host city. Everywhere on the theme train of the Universiade

The British newspaper reports that regional banks in the United States are still struggling to escape the "respirator". Silicon Valley Bank | Bank | United States
The British newspaper reports that regional banks in the United States are still struggling to escape the "respirator". Silicon Valley Bank | Bank | United States

Beijing, August 8th (Xinhua) - According to the Financial Times on August 7th, it has been nearly four months since the sudden collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank at the beginning of the year, and regional banks in the United States are still relying on billions of dollars in government financing to sustain their lives. On March 13th, customers queued up outside the headquarters of Silicon Valley Bank in Santa Clara, California, USA to process their business. One of the funding sources for Xinhua News Agency is the Federal Housing Loan Bank, a regional lending institution supported by the government. According to data from the FHLB Finance Office last week, as of the end of June, the total amount of loans issued by FHLB to US banks and credit cooperatives reached $880 billion. This number is slightly lower than the peak of FHLB's total lending amount at the end of the first quarter of this year, which was over $100 billion, but compared to the end of 2021

World Focus on the Universiade | Chengdu Universiade Highly Recognized by the International Sports Federation as a Template and Demonstration for Future Universiades | Chengdu | Universiade
World Focus on the Universiade | Chengdu Universiade Highly Recognized by the International Sports Federation as a Template and Demonstration for Future Universiades | Chengdu | Universiade

"The Chengdu Universiade is very exciting and has made every one of us realize our dreams." "My biggest dream is to come to Chengdu again." "The Chengdu Universiade will be a template and demonstration for the future Universiade..." On the 8th, at the closing of the Chengdu Universiade, the acting president of the International University of Sports Federations, Renault Ed, and the Secretary General of the International University of Sports Federations, Eric Senchao, were interviewed by the media and expressed high recognition for the various work of this Universiade. The picture shows Reno Ed, the acting chairman of the International University of Sports Federations, in an interview with reporters. Ed stated that the Chengdu Universiade has enabled the International University of Sports Federations, national sports associations, and everyone, including athletes, to realize their dreams. "We see sufficient official preparation and enthusiastic and thoughtful service from volunteers, which makes us impeccable about the Chengdu Universiade," Ed said

Be a Pioneer in the Practice of Chinese path to modernization | Guizhou Strives to Accelerate Traffic Construction in Thematic Education | The World | Guizhou
Be a Pioneer in the Practice of Chinese path to modernization | Guizhou Strives to Accelerate Traffic Construction in Thematic Education | The World | Guizhou

"We use the model of 'vehicle patrol+online patrol+step-by-step patrol' to closely monitor traffic flow, and make every effort to do a good job in analysis, judgment, and various emergency response work." The relevant person in charge of the 13th Brigade of the Seventh Brigade of the Provincial Transportation Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement said that the "village supermarket" in Rongjiang has become popular, and the flow of people, vehicles, and logistics on highways in the jurisdiction has increased sharply. What we need to do is to make the drivers and passengers "travel smoothly". In recent days, the 13th and 15th brigades of the Provincial Transportation Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Seventh Brigade have actively taken action, conscientiously ensuring the smooth operation of "village supermarkets" and "village BA", leveraging the joint efforts of "multiple parties along the way" to further standardize the order of road transportation, providing route guidance for passing passengers, timely improving and supplementing convenience facilities and supplies at convenience service booths, and achieving "quick response and quick access" for various emergencies. On site of the village supermarket. Wei Guijin

San Jin Sports Strive for Glory and Brilliance, Presenting "Healthy Shanxi" Transcript Shanxi Province | National Fitness | Transcript
San Jin Sports Strive for Glory and Brilliance, Presenting "Healthy Shanxi" Transcript Shanxi Province | National Fitness | Transcript

Yellow River News Network News: "Charming Province, Vigorous Shanxi", the 16th Shanxi Provincial Games are about to open. The Provincial Games, as a major event in the political, economic, and cultural life of the people of Shanxi Province, is an effective way to promote national fitness and accelerate the construction of a strong sports province. In recent years, Shanxi Province has deeply implemented the Healthy China Strategy and the National Strategy for National Fitness. In terms of "filling the gaps" in fitness facilities, "producing high-quality competitive sports", and "promoting national fitness", it has truly worked hard and taken responsibility, and continued to do a good job in sports that satisfies the people. Improving the quality and expanding the capacity of sports facilities to solve the problem of "where to go for fitness" for the masses is a fundamental project for the development of sports industry. With the vigorous development of mass sports in Shanxi, the level of participation in national fitness continues to increase, posing new demands for the construction of fitness facilities. In 2021, Shanxi Province

All interests are at fault, [Truth | Marvel Review] US Gun Control Difficulty NRA | Guns | America
All interests are at fault, [Truth | Marvel Review] US Gun Control Difficulty NRA | Guns | America

Gun violence is frequent in the United States, and gun control remains a distant prospect. The reason for this cannot be separated from the support of an organization, namely the National Rifle Association of the United States. On April 13th, the British Broadcasting Corporation cited data from the US research institution "US Political Donation Database", stating that in 2021 alone, the NRA spent $4.2 million on lobbying activities, and from 2010 to present, the NRA has spent $140 million on election candidates who support firearms. According to a 2018 report by CNN, more than half of Congress members received funding from the NRA, and many members had long-term financial relationships with the NRA. Eight legislators have received at least $1 million in campaign donations from the NRA throughout their careers. Only 6 Republican lawmakers have not received donations from the NRA, while

Survivors Expose the "Black History" of Native American Boarding Schools: Using Numbers Instead of Names and Being Beaten and Cursed When Speaking Native Language Boarding | Indigenous | Schools
Survivors Expose the "Black History" of Native American Boarding Schools: Using Numbers Instead of Names and Being Beaten and Cursed When Speaking Native Language Boarding | Indigenous | Schools

Overseas Network, August 8th (Xinhua) - The Washington Post published an article on August 7th, revealing the "black history" of Native American boarding schools by telling the firsthand experiences of four survivors. The four interviewees are all over the ages. An 86 year old man claimed that he was sexually assaulted by other students at a boarding school when he was 10 years old; A Native Alaskan man stated that for six years he had been referred to by numbers and had not been called by his own name; Another interviewee said they still remember the scene of their mother wiping tears when they left home for boarding school at the age of 7; Another 72 year old survivor stated that he was captured at the time and did not even have the opportunity to bid farewell to his family. The interviewees also stated that in boarding schools, they need to do a lot of miscellaneous work and often face discrimination and exclusion in the classroom. Any slight mistakes will result in corporal punishment

The unforgettable moment of the Universiade is here! Let's watch their Universiade stories together. Athletes | Delegation | Universiade
The unforgettable moment of the Universiade is here! Let's watch their Universiade stories together. Athletes | Delegation | Universiade

Since its inception, the Universiade has always been a grand event of youth, unity, and friendship. This year's Universiade provides a stage for cultural exchange, integration and interaction, and friendship enhancement for young people around the world. During the more than ten days of competition and living in Chengdu, athletes from all over the world have left unforgettable memories. This is a time and space relay that spans 12 years. Su Bingtian from 2011 and Chen Guanfeng from 2023 both stood at the starting line of the 100 meter final at the Universiade and won a bronze medal. Chen Guanfeng, a member of the track and field team of the Chinese University Sports Delegation, said: "I will also do my best to challenge the Olympic podium.". Chinese track and field sprints have been passed down from generation to generation, and I believe they will continue to improve. On the day of the mixed doubles final in table tennis, four Chinese teams

Connecting into a Network for Smooth Flow of Goods - Accelerating the Construction of the Western Land Sea New Corridor and Observing Containers | Railway Container Center Station | Land Sea
Connecting into a Network for Smooth Flow of Goods - Accelerating the Construction of the Western Land Sea New Corridor and Observing Containers | Railway Container Center Station | Land Sea

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, August 8th (Xinhua) -- Connecting to form a smooth flow of goods - Observation of the acceleration of the construction of the Western Land Sea New Corridor. Xinhua News Agency reporters Wang Yuhao and Fan Xi, on July 23rd, at the Qinzhou Railway Container Center Station in Guangxi, containers from overseas were orderly loaded onto trains. With the sound of a whistle, the 5000th West Land Sea New Channel Rail Sea Intermodal Train of this year slowly departs from here and heads towards the inland areas of China. Since the first trial operation of the "Chongqing Guangxi New" southbound channel in 2017, the Western Land Sea New Channel has become a major international trade channel for China's economic and trade cooperation with countries along the route, maintaining global supply chain stability. Recently, reporters visited multiple stations and construction sites of the Western Land Sea New Corridor to experience the surging vitality of this international corridor. From one line to one network, the infrastructure network continues to improve

Micro video | Practical and dedicated to the whole party | Merit. Enhance | practice diligently
Micro video | Practical and dedicated to the whole party | Merit. Enhance | practice diligently

Since the beginning of this year, the impressive performance reports submitted by various industries are a vivid interpretation of practical work and dedication. The available saline alkali land in our country is about 500 million acres, and these land resources are of great strategic significance for ensuring national food security. To achieve results and results through practical work. In June of this year, over 90000 acres of dry alkali wheat in the old town achieved another bumper harvest, with the yield reaching its highest in history. Culture connects the past, present, and future of a nation. Version is the "golden seed" that records history and witnesses civilization. The National Version Museum of China has been focusing on practical work and doing a good job in its collection business, resulting in a significant enrichment of its collection content. The ecological environment is a major political issue related to the Party's mission and purpose, and also

Xinhua All Media+| Tianjin: Midnight Follow the Light to Visit Flood Area Phone | Villagers | Tianjin
Xinhua All Media+| Tianjin: Midnight Follow the Light to Visit Flood Area Phone | Villagers | Tianjin

On the evening of August 7th, a dark night enveloped the long embankment of the Daqing River. The wide river flows rapidly. "Look at the water level here." Hearing the sound, several flashlights reached out together. Carefully walking to the shore, uncovering the water grass, and carefully examining it, Hao Guiwen, Secretary of the Party General Branch and Director of the Village Committee of Minsheng Village, Taitou Town, Jinghai District, Tianjin, was relieved. "At present, the flood discharge work in Tianjin is still ongoing, and the Yongding River and Daqing River have successively entered the Yongding River floodplain and the Dongdian flood storage and detention area.". As an important flood discharge channel in the Haihe River Basin, the water level of the Daqing River continues to rise. Hao Guiwen, along with village officials and villagers, patrols the embankment day and night. By the light of Hao Guiwen, we patrolled and searched all the way, experiencing each heartwarming moment in the Hongqu district. Riverbank

Building the foundation for a sports powerhouse and vigorously developing the mass sports process | society | sports
Building the foundation for a sports powerhouse and vigorously developing the mass sports process | society | sports

Half Moon Commentator Qin Daixin, this summer, with the successful hosting of the Chengdu Universiade and the countdown to the Hangzhou Asian Games, sports have once again become a hot topic. On the field, athletes strive hard and bring glory to the country. Outside the field, the sports craze surges across the country, and enjoying sports and enjoying sports is becoming a popular trend among the people. Sports are closely related to each and every one of us. China has always regarded "developing sports and enhancing people's physical fitness" as the fundamental task of sports work. Sports are an important way to improve people's health level, and they are also an important component of people's healthy and happy lives. The foundation of a sports powerhouse lies in mass sports. Strengthening the construction of a sports powerhouse means adhering to the people-centered ideology and making the people the mainstay of the development of sports. Sports take root in the local area and become a new engine for rural revitalization.

Resolutely dealt with in accordance with the law, Ministry of Public Security: zero tolerance, multiple people fabricating flood rumors punished and disrupted | carried out | Hebei | handled | followed | online | rumors | published
Resolutely dealt with in accordance with the law, Ministry of Public Security: zero tolerance, multiple people fabricating flood rumors punished and disrupted | carried out | Hebei | handled | followed | online | rumors | published

Recently, Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei and other areas have experienced heavy rainfall, and residents in many areas have been trapped due to floods. Rescue forces from all over the country have quickly gathered to rush to the front line of disaster relief. At this moment of unity and solidarity, some netizens intentionally fabricated and published false rumors about flood and flood situations in order to attract attention, attract attention, and gain traffic, confusing the public and seriously disrupting the order of the online space. The Cybersecurity Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security stated that there is "zero tolerance" for rumors about the disaster situation and will resolutely handle those who spread rumors in accordance with the law. Hebei police have found that some netizens have recently posted videos on short video platforms claiming that floods have ravaged areas such as Qinhuangdao and Tangshan, causing a large number of cars to be flooded, the ground to collapse, and motor vehicles to be trapped in them. These videos have shocking titles and intricate content, making it difficult to distinguish between true and false. Once the video was released, it quickly caught the attention of netizens. through

Two year old child appears on screen for advertising! Is there a need for children's facial mask or is there an "IQ tax"? Children | facial mask | Advertising
Two year old child appears on screen for advertising! Is there a need for children's facial mask or is there an "IQ tax"? Children | facial mask | Advertising

"Exquisite girl, who is only two years old, already knows the importance of skin care and cries for applying facial mask after taking a bath every day..." Ms. Chen from Zhejiang is a mother baby blogger on an e-commerce platform. She claims that since last year, she has found that her young daughter has another hobby: applying facial mask. He released a video of his daughter applying facial mask while chasing a drama on his personal account, and received 80000 praise points in total. With the prevalence of children's cosmetics and skin care products, many children's toiletries have the option of children's facial mask. Children's skincare brands such as Runben, Red Elephant, and Anyi have launched such products one after another. And ceramide, hyaluronic acid and other popular "star" cosmetics ingredients also appear in children's facial mask. Pediatric experts suggest that children do not need to apply facial mask, and most of the children's facial mask sold on the market are purely

A man in Luoping, Yunnan committed street violence, resulting in 2 deaths and 7 injuries! Police report the case. August 8th | Netizens | Police
A man in Luoping, Yunnan committed street violence, resulting in 2 deaths and 7 injuries! Police report the case. August 8th | Netizens | Police

On the evening of August 8th, the Public Security Bureau of Luoping County, Qujing City, Yunnan Province reported a case of knife injuries. The following is the full report: On the morning of August 8th, a knife wielding injury case occurred in Lashan Street, Luoping County. After receiving the alarm, the public security organs quickly respond to the police. After investigation, at around 8 o'clock that day, Chen Mouying stabbed his mother with a knife at home and fled, injuring 8 people along the way. Among them, two people died despite rescue efforts. Seven people are receiving treatment in the hospital and are currently in no life-threatening condition. At present, suspect Chen Mouying has been captured by the public security organ. The investigation and handling of cases are being carried out in an orderly manner in accordance with the law. Previously reported on August 8th, a netizen revealed that a man in Luoping County, Qujing City, Yunnan Province, committed a street crime and injured multiple people. According to netizens, the video was shot at the intersection of Hongxing Street and San Guan Building in Luoping County, Qujing City

Putin instructs the Russian State Technology Group to increase the production time of these two drones | drones | the Russian State Technology Group
Putin instructs the Russian State Technology Group to increase the production time of these two drones | drones | the Russian State Technology Group

According to Russian media reports, on August 7th local time, Russian President Putin instructed the General Manager of the Russian State Technology Group to further increase the production of "Cube" and "Lancet" drones. The Cube and Lancet were developed by Zara Airlines, a subsidiary of the Kalashnikov Group. The cube has wide triangular wings, can carry 3 kilograms of warheads, has a maximum flight time of 30 minutes, and a maximum speed of 130 kilometers per hour. The Lancet drone can destroy targets from tens of kilometers away, with a maximum speed of 110 kilometers per hour and a range of up to 40 kilometers. The weight of three types of warheads is 3 kilograms or 5 kilograms, including fragment killing warheads, shaped charge warheads, and thermobaric warheads, depending on the target type. Howitzer, Defense

The Presidential Palace area has been bombed by fighter jets and subjected to large-scale airstrikes! This country supports | troops | Presidential Office
The Presidential Palace area has been bombed by fighter jets and subjected to large-scale airstrikes! This country supports | troops | Presidential Office

On the 7th local time, the Sudanese Armed Forces and Rapid Support Forces continued to engage in fierce fighting in the capital area of Khartoum and its surrounding cities of North Khartoum and Entuman. On the same day, the Rapid Support Force rejected the Sudan Sovereignty Council's proposed road map to end the conflict. The exchange of fire between the two sides in the Sudanese conflict on the day of the conflict was mainly concentrated near the headquarters of the Sudanese Engineering Corps in the southern part of Entuman. The headquarters is a military material reserve base for the Sudanese Armed Forces, and its geographical location is also very important. The Fatihab Bridge, which spans the Nile River and connects Entuman with Khartoum, as well as the Shambat Bridge, which connects Entuman with North Khartoum, are all located near it. The Rapid Support Force completed the siege of the Engineering Corps headquarters in early August and continued to launch attacks, but has been unable to break through the defense of the Sudanese Armed Forces. Sudanese Armed Forces

The Engineering Rescue Professional Force of the Emergency Management Department has successfully launched an emergency response to multiple flood and waterlogging hazards in the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region
The Engineering Rescue Professional Force of the Emergency Management Department has successfully launched an emergency response to multiple flood and waterlogging hazards in the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region

Influenced by many factors such as the residual circulation of typhoon "Dusurai", rainstorm has rained in Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei and surrounding areas in recent days, leading to natural disasters such as floods and debris flows in some areas. According to the deployment of the Emergency Management Department, the Natural Disaster Engineering Emergency Rescue Center of the Emergency Management Department takes risks and fully guarantees the safety of people's lives and property. Beijing Fangshan Refusal Ma River Dangerous Situation Disposal. At 11:00 on August 1st, a dangerous situation occurred in the Juma River in the north of Fangshan, Beijing. The Natural Disaster Engineering Emergency Rescue Center of the Emergency Management Department dispatched 71 professional rescue forces, including water conservancy experts and heavy machinery operators, in accordance with instructions, carrying 31 sets of equipment to carry out shore slope rescue tasks in a timely manner. They adopted the tactics of "road maintenance, slope protection with head wrapping, and advancing to occupy and carry the flow" to overcome unfavorable conditions such as continuous rainfall, muddy roads, and humid and hot environments, and worked together to

The General Office of the Communist Party of China and the Ministry of Emergency Management have once again urgently mobilized central materials to support flood control and emergency rescue in Tianjin
The General Office of the Communist Party of China and the Ministry of Emergency Management have once again urgently mobilized central materials to support flood control and emergency rescue in Tianjin

On August 7th, the General Office of the People's Republic of China and the Ministry of Emergency Management organized a rolling video conference on flood prevention, jointly with the China Meteorological Administration, the Ministry of Water Resources, and the Ministry of Natural Resources to assess rainfall, flood, and disaster situations, and arranged the deployment of flood prevention and disaster relief work in key areas. The consultation pointed out that the floods in the Haihe River Basin are currently passing through Tianjin, and the floods in the main streams of the Songhua River and Nenjiang River continue to evolve. Some river sections have exceeded the police limit, and there is great pressure on the inspection and defense of river embankments and flood storage areas. The task of rescuing and restoring the affected population is relatively heavy. In addition, Typhoon Kanu No. 6 may have an impact on the Northeast region, and the situation of flood prevention and disaster relief is not optimistic and the task is arduous. The meeting emphasized that the Haihe River Basin should attach great importance to flood evolution and inspection and defense during flood storage and detention, closely monitor key areas, and ensure timely detection of dangerous situations and rapid and efficient disposal; To scientifically coordinate and promote flood storage and detention

Like Chengdu!, Observing the Great Fortune from the Outside | Pursuing Dreams and Youth | Friendship | Dreams
Like Chengdu!, Observing the Great Fortune from the Outside | Pursuing Dreams and Youth | Friendship | Dreams

Since the start of the Chengdu Universiade, the story of "youth, unity, and friendship" has been unfolding every day. This is not only a grand event for global youth exchange and interaction, but also a stage for constantly surpassing and pursuing dreams. College athletes from various countries are passionately showcasing their youth and sweat on the field, demonstrating confidence and vitality, and also imprinting friendship and dreams on this stage. Chengdu is the land of dreams and the starting point of dreams. Whether the participating athletes win medals, achieve growth, and continue to pursue their dreams, they all sincerely praise Chengdu: "I love Chengdu, thank you Chengdu!" Producer | Xi Luoxi Producer | Wen Lu Reporter | Zhang Qi Su Anyang Camera | Xie Lin Editing | Li Jie Partial Materials

The fireworks image representing "the most Chengdu" shines in the night sky and night sky | Golden Mangle | Chengdu
The fireworks image representing "the most Chengdu" shines in the night sky and night sky | Golden Mangle | Chengdu

China Youth Daily, Chengdu, August 8th - Tonight, Chengdu Open Air Music Park, accompanied by a sky full of fireworks, represented by golden mangoes, doves, and peace doves... represents the most Chengdu and Chinese imagery shining in the night sky. The 31st Chengdu Summer Universiade has come to an end. Cai Canhuang, the chief designer of the fireworks at the opening and closing ceremonies of the Chengdu Universiade, said that compared to the grand and solemn opening ceremony, the closing ceremony of the Chengdu Universiade is more like a youth concert for college students from all over the world. Therefore, the fireworks performance is more relaxed and casual, and is more closely integrated with the rhythm of the music on site. Through design, Cai Canhuang cleverly linked the opening and closing ceremonies: in the fireworks performance of the opening ceremony, the ignition scheme of the main torch tower was lit by the torchbearer and raised into the air, forming 12 golden rays

Closing Ceremony of Chengdu Universiade: Searching for "Eternal Friendship" with "High Mountains and Flowing Water" Performance | Traditional | High Mountains and Flowing Water
Closing Ceremony of Chengdu Universiade: Searching for "Eternal Friendship" with "High Mountains and Flowing Water" Performance | Traditional | High Mountains and Flowing Water

At the closing ceremony of the Chengdu Universiade tonight, the beauty of the integration of Chinese and Western art once again shook people's hearts. As the traditional Chinese music master Fang Jinlong's "High Mountains and Flowing Water" gradually came to an end, on the other side of the stage, Sichuan Philharmonic Orchestra violinist Li Zhicong's "Friendship Forever" was played. Guqin and violin, artists use tones and music that are full of Chinese and Western characteristics to express China's hope for finding a soulmate from all over the world. In order to make the fusion of the two pieces more natural, Fang Jinlong broke the traditional way of playing and added many tones and overtones. "Otherwise, if it's not in the same tone, it would be very abrupt." In his view, this adaptation is actually a reflection of traditional Chinese culture - harmony but difference, the style of a gentleman. In order to perform "Eternal Friendship" well, Li Zhicong collaborated with

The world launches barrage, closing ceremony of the Universiade: live broadcast room sets stage for the Universiade | Jiading | live broadcast room
The world launches barrage, closing ceremony of the Universiade: live broadcast room sets stage for the Universiade | Jiading | live broadcast room

On August 8th, Chengdu, China Youth Daily reported that at the closing ceremony of the Chengdu Universiade held tonight, a college student appeared on stage as a "Universiade photographer" holding a mobile phone. He counted down with the entire audience, and his live broadcast shot was the window of the closing ceremony. Wei Sijia, Executive Director of the Chengdu Universiade Closing Ceremony, introduced that the entire closing ceremony revolves around a camera held by this "Universiade photographer". The "Universiade photographer" runs through the entire closing ceremony, with his camera and eyes leading all the audience into the 12 steps of the 70 minute closing ceremony. Live streaming, as a form, has organically integrated into the entire closing ceremony of the Chengdu Universiade. There are 31 mobile phone screens on stage, symbolizing the 31st Chengdu Summer Universiade, and the middle one is the "Chengdu Window". Wei Sijia said,

Robots and humans fighting and dancing? Revealing the Black Technology at the Closing Ceremony of the Chengdu Universiade | Robotics | Universiade
Robots and humans fighting and dancing? Revealing the Black Technology at the Closing Ceremony of the Chengdu Universiade | Robotics | Universiade

China Youth Daily, Chengdu, August 8th - Robots occupied the C spot at tonight's closing ceremony of the Chengdu Universiade. Walker X robots ride balance bikes to compete with real people, Panda robots live stream the closing ceremony to audiences around the world, and little boys take over the windmill representing the future... According to Li Chao, the person in charge of the robot manufacturer, it is very difficult for the technology in the performance stage to achieve the robot to ride balance bikes and dance with dancers. The team needs to let the robot learn how to control the center of gravity of the human body to control the balance bike, and also make corresponding dance movements. In order to complete this performance, Li Chao led a technical team of 22 people to tackle multiple technical difficulties, and the short few minutes of performance condensed many core skills. Taking the Walker X robot as an example, this

Salute to Volunteers at the Closing Ceremony of the Chengdu Universiade: The Story of Youth is Unfinished and to be Continued Green | Universiade | Youth
Salute to Volunteers at the Closing Ceremony of the Chengdu Universiade: The Story of Youth is Unfinished and to be Continued Green | Universiade | Youth

Hu Ning, a journalist from China Youth Daily and China Youth Network, said that a touch of youthful green has become the cool breeze in Chengdu this summer. The closing ceremony cultural performance of the Chengdu Universiade features a chapter dedicated to paying tribute to the volunteers of the event, titled "Dreams: To Youth". The dreamy collaboration between popular girl group singers and percussion musicians in the shape of rap figurines unearthed from the Han Cliff Tomb in Tianhui Shandong, Chengdu, Sichuan, harmonizes ancient and modern times. In the midst of the melody, it reproduces the scene of volunteers providing enthusiastic and thoughtful services to friends from all over the world, from arrival to departure, from airport stations to competition venues and Universiade villages, from various venues to city stations. The dazzling cuisine of Chengdu and the warm living scenes of the Universiade Village appeared on the "umbrella wall" set up by volunteers and the dazzling screens on the stage. Volunteer Chen Danni watched the game with her friends at the Universiade Village

Unlimited registered residence, more comprehensive risk protection, early reading | Shanghai launched "Shanghai Family Insurance" insurance | City | Shanghai
Unlimited registered residence, more comprehensive risk protection, early reading | Shanghai launched "Shanghai Family Insurance" insurance | City | Shanghai

Good morning The morning reading of the news is here! On Wednesday, August 9, 2023, on the 23rd day of the sixth lunar month, Shanghai will be cloudy to cloudy with scattered showers or thunderstorms, with temperatures ranging from 27 to 34 ℃. Today, we will pay attention to the launch of Shanghai's first universal family comprehensive insurance product, "Shanghai Family Insurance". Yesterday, the government guided first customized universal family comprehensive insurance product in Shanghai, "Shanghai Family Insurance", took one year and four months to officially launch. "Hujiabao" is jointly developed and launched by five property and casualty insurance companies, including People's Insurance of China, Pacific Insurance, Taiping Insurance, China Life Insurance, and Bank of China Insurance, as the first batch of representatives to establish the "Hujiabao" Insurance Service Alliance. With the support and coordination of the Shanghai Insurance Industry Association, it is under the supervision of the Shanghai Regulatory Bureau of the State Administration of Finance. To better meet the actual needs of Shanghai, "Shanghai Home Insurance" insurance services

I have responded that the director of the cultural and cultural protection department has been concerned about the damage caused by swimming into the temple. | Inspection | Director
I have responded that the director of the cultural and cultural protection department has been concerned about the damage caused by swimming into the temple. | Inspection | Director

Recently, Kaishan Temple in Hebei was flooded, and a video of a cultural relic worker swimming to the main hall to inspect the damage has attracted attention. The staff member was confirmed to be Rong Peng, the director of the Cultural Heritage Office. According to reports from Upstream News, staff from the cultural relics department in Gaobeidian City stated that many villages in the area have the deepest accumulated water of four to five meters, and Kaishan Temple has also been flooded. They had tried to use sandbags and plastic film to prevent floods, but the rain was too heavy. Rong Peng said that the water level outside the hall is about fifty centimeters. "The water has dropped below the main hall, so I want to go inside and see if the main hall is still soaking." Rong Peng also said that national experts have arrived and will further evaluate the damage and protection plans. Rong Peng has been serving as the director of the Kaishan Temple Cultural Preservation Office since its establishment in 2007. When facing an interview with reporters, Rong Peng said, "I am the most grassroots cultural security worker."

Is Foshan University coming?, 28 years later, official website | Guangdong Provincial Department of Education | Foshan University
Is Foshan University coming?, 28 years later, official website | Guangdong Provincial Department of Education | Foshan University

On August 7th, the official website of the Education Department of Guangdong Province released a notice on the planned application for the establishment of universities in 2023. According to the public announcement, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Higher Education Law of the People's Republic of China, the Interim Regulations on the Establishment of Ordinary Higher Education Institutions, the Interim Provisions on the Establishment of Ordinary Undergraduate Schools, and the Opinions of the Ministry of Education on the Establishment of Higher Education Institutions during the 14th Five Year Plan period, in order to do a good job in the relevant work of the proposed application for the establishment of higher education institutions in 2023, after the inspection and evaluation of experts from the Provincial Higher Education Institutions Establishment Evaluation Committee, two matters, namely the renaming of Foshan University of Science and Technology to Foshan University and the establishment of Zhaoqing Health Medical College based on Zhaoqing Medical College, are now announced to the Ministry of Education. The public notice period is from August 7th, 2023 to August 11th, 2023. The above message shows that in the

The court has ruled!, Rescue a critically ill girl from her stepmother? Short video blogger "sells miserably" during live streaming sales inspection | Platform | Video
The court has ruled!, Rescue a critically ill girl from her stepmother? Short video blogger "sells miserably" during live streaming sales inspection | Platform | Video

Nowadays, live streaming sales are very popular. A short video platform blogger named Jiao conducted a "disastrous" live broadcast in order to quickly promote and profit. He organized personnel to shoot short videos such as "rescuing critically ill girl Lingling from her stepmother and raising medical expenses through selling jade", and conducted live streaming sales in the style of a TV series. Many netizens are helping each other out of sympathy and love. Later, this "tragic" live broadcast absurd drama was exposed by netizens who filmed a video of "Lingling, the appraiser" and others holding a "celebration banquet". On August 8th, the Nanjing Intermediate People's Court issued the final judgment of this case. From the live video, it can be seen that the person who is passionate and broadcasting the so-called mountain rescue of Lingling's birth mother is the internet blogger Jiao. After investigation, in July 2021, Jiao falsely used another company's business license,

The relationship between China and the Philippines is facing significant interference from American factors, causing waves to rise again on the Renai Reef. China Philippines | Renai Reef | United States
The relationship between China and the Philippines is facing significant interference from American factors, causing waves to rise again on the Renai Reef. China Philippines | Renai Reef | United States

On August 5, despite China's repeated dissuasions and warnings, the Philippines sent two ships into the waters of Ren'ai Reef in the the Nansha Islands without authorization, in an attempt to transport construction materials for maintenance and reinforcement to illegal "beach sitting" warships. Chinese coast guard ships were lawfully intercepted and water cannons were used to provide warnings. Since 1999, a Philippine warship has been illegally beached on Ren'ai Reef for 24 years. After the incident on August 5th, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs successively refuted the statements of the US State Department and the Philippine Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding the issue of Ren'ai Reef, indicating China's solemn position.Behind this series of measures, there is a shadow of the United States. Deputy Institute of Marine Science, South China Sea Research Institute