The world

The United States strongly condemns the destruction of the Indian consulate in Sikhism | Spokesperson | United States
The United States strongly condemns the destruction of the Indian consulate in Sikhism | Spokesperson | United States

According to Reuters on July 4th, a spokesperson for the US State Department stated on July 3rd that the US condemns the destruction of the Indian Consulate in San Francisco. Previously, there were reports of Sikh separatist supporters protesting outside the consulate. According to sources, Sikh separatists attempted to set fire to the consulate over the weekend. The destruction did not cause significant damage, nor were any personnel injured. Currently, the police are conducting an investigation. US State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller did not mention Sikh protesters, but he tweeted that the US strongly condemns the deliberate destruction and arson that occurred on the 1st. Miller said, "The act of damaging diplomatic institutions or attacking diplomats in the United States is a criminal offense." According to reports, similar incidents have also occurred outside the Indian diplomatic missions in the UK and Canada in recent months. Sikh separatist leader

The United States is a bit confused, and this timing coincides with | diplomacy | the United States
The United States is a bit confused, and this timing coincides with | diplomacy | the United States

I don't know if this is purely a diplomatic coincidence or a deliberate move. July 4th is a very special day for Americans because it is Independence Day in the United States, and many Americans will set off fireworks to celebrate. But this year's day is even more special, with Iran, the old enemy of the United States, officially becoming a member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Such a coincidence of time may leave the United States a bit confused. Is it possible for Americans to set off fireworks to celebrate Iran's accession to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization? Speaking of which, this is also the second expansion of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Now, these nine member countries are as follows: China, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, India, Pakistan, and Iran. China and Russia, among the four

Kill hundreds of mosquitoes with just one slap! Crossing the Kingdom of Mosquitoes and Advancing towards the Boundary Monument | Mosquitoes | Mosquitoes
Kill hundreds of mosquitoes with just one slap! Crossing the Kingdom of Mosquitoes and Advancing towards the Boundary Monument | Mosquitoes | Mosquitoes

The Beiwan Border Defense Company of the Altay Military Sub district in Xinjiang is located on the China Kazakhstan border. Mosquitoes are rampant here, known as the "Mosquito Kingdom". How difficult is the patrol road here? Let's go, follow the border officers and soldiers to experience together! Crossing through the "Mosquito Kingdom", they painted the border defense zone of Beiwan in hot summer with lush vegetation and dense pools, which are breeding grounds for mosquitoes. During the peak period, tens of thousands of mosquitoes and midges rushed towards them, crossing dense shrubs and wading through swamps. The officers and soldiers set off on foot with full sets to survey the border at the 39th boundary marker between China and Kazakhstan. There were thousands of mosquitoes buzzing in their ears, which could kill hundreds of mosquitoes with a single slap. For safety reasons, officers and soldiers had to wear mosquito proof clothing in advance and carefully check the sealing of the clothing. However, when searching through layers of mosquito nets, accidents occurred

Let's Talk About Innovation | Bao Qifan: From 0 to 1 China | Innovation | Bao Qifan
Let's Talk About Innovation | Bao Qifan: From 0 to 1 China | Innovation | Bao Qifan

Innovation is something that everyone can do, and innovation must be persistent and fearless of difficulties. In March this year, a national model worker led by Bao Qifan officially released an international standard for containers in Geneva, elevating Chinese inventions to international standards and allowing the world to share China's innovative achievements. On the new journey, Shanghai places scientific and technological innovation at the core of its overall development, and fully strengthens the function of scientific and technological innovation as a source of policy. Let those who can endure loneliness and sit on cold benches have the opportunity and stage to gather outstanding talents from all aspects in the construction of the Shanghai International Science and Technology Innovation Center. The documentary short film series "Everyone Talks about Innovation" jointly produced by the Propaganda Department of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Shanghai Municipal Committee's External Propaganda Office, and the Wenhui Newspaper is currently popular, telling the vivid practice of Shanghai accelerating the construction of a globally influential science and technology innovation center from an expert perspective. Today's promotion

Attempting to counter Russian diplomats, Russian Embassy in the United States: US intelligence agencies use mobile phones to exploit | means | embassy | fulfill | US | Washington | diplomats | Russia
Attempting to counter Russian diplomats, Russian Embassy in the United States: US intelligence agencies use mobile phones to exploit | means | embassy | fulfill | US | Washington | diplomats | Russia

On July 3rd local time, the Russian Embassy in Washington posted a comment on Telegram's social media platform stating that in order to counter Russian diplomats, US intelligence agencies use mobile phones and even sow discord when dealing with personal daily life issues. According to TASS on the 4th, the Russian diplomatic mission stated that "the US intelligence agency is using legal but despicable means to lure us into treason." From using mobile phones to stirring up personal daily life issues, the US is using all means to prevent diplomats who are far away from their homeland from effectively fulfilling their diplomatic duties. "There are no traitors among us! Don't local US officials understand this?" The Russian diplomatic mission pointed out that they have always strictly complied with US laws, defended Russia's national interests, and worked hard to prevent anti Russian elements from completely destroying Russia and the United States

Do you still want to eat Chinese food?, Smash Chinese Pot Apples | Equipment | China
Do you still want to eat Chinese food?, Smash Chinese Pot Apples | Equipment | China

"If Apple can sell iPhones and Tesla can sell cars in China, why can't Meta sell devices in China?" This is a question from Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg, who is now putting this statement into practice. According to The Wall Street Journal, Meta is in talks with Tencent to introduce Meta's VR headsets into the huge new market in China. The Governor of Chang'an Street noticed that this CEO, who is seeking to reopen the door to the Chinese market, is also the mastermind behind the deliberate step by step decision to put TikTok on the "guillotine" for comprehensive ban. All of these operations are just the most basic for him as a shrewd businessman

How serious is the economic loss?, Burn down! This round of riots, 300 bank branches in Paris, France | economic losses | banks
How serious is the economic loss?, Burn down! This round of riots, 300 bank branches in Paris, France | economic losses | banks

During this round of riots in France, arson and other destructive activities were frequent, and many shops were looted, resulting in huge economic losses. Among them, the losses caused to the Paris public transportation system amounted to at least 20 million euros, while the economic losses nationwide exceeded 1 billion euros. On July 4th, CCTV Finance's "Tianxia Finance" program recorded that Mohammed is a tourist bus driver who serves tourists in Paris during the day and stays in the suburbs at night. He introduced that there had been specialized night tourism services launched in the local area before, but after the riots, these projects were cancelled for safety reasons. Moreover, nationwide, public transportation at night has basically ceased operations, making it difficult for him to return home from work at night. French Paris tourist bus driver Mohammad: When I go home at night, I can't find the bus or sit on it

I specifically went to this place, and the governor of Okinawa came to Beijing. Danny | Ryukyu | place
I specifically went to this place, and the governor of Okinawa came to Beijing. Danny | Ryukyu | place

It is rare for Okinawa Governor Yucheng Danny to visit Beijing and specifically visit the Ryukyu people's cemetery in Zhangjiawan. Looking at the photo, he gathered together, bowed, burned incense, and mourned his ancestors. He said, "I would like to express my gratitude to the ancestors who have been sleeping here, and at the same time, I hope to continue to maintain close contact with China in the future." In this cemetery, many Ryukyu ancestors are buried, including a tragic Ryukyu official named Ryukyu Lin Shigong who committed suicide. In 1879, Japan forcibly exiled the King of Ryukyu to Tokyo, annexed the Ryukyu Kingdom, and renamed it Okinawa Prefecture, implementing a policy of colonization and assimilation. This is known as the "Ryukyu Punishment" in Japanese history. Faced with fierce Japan, the Ryukyu Kingdom secretly sent officials to Tianjin to visit Li Hongzhang and request that China "expel all Japanese troops from the country.". But the declining national strength of the Qing Dynasty, apart from its rational power with Japan

How to arrange the monitoring of marine radiation environment in China? The Ministry of Ecology and Environment responded by targeting the Fukushima nuclear contaminated water discharge nuclear power plant | Fukushima, Japan | China
How to arrange the monitoring of marine radiation environment in China? The Ministry of Ecology and Environment responded by targeting the Fukushima nuclear contaminated water discharge nuclear power plant | Fukushima, Japan | China

According to the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment answered questions from reporters regarding the release of the comprehensive assessment report on the disposal of Fukushima nuclear contaminated water by the International Atomic Energy Agency. Q: Recently, the International Atomic Energy Agency released a comprehensive assessment report on the disposal of nuclear contaminated water in Fukushima, Japan. What do you think? Answer: The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has expressed his attitude on behalf of the Chinese government. This report did not fully reflect the opinions of all experts involved in the evaluation work, and the relevant conclusions were not unanimously recognized by all experts. There are still many issues with the legitimacy of Japan's discharge into the sea, the reliability of purification devices, and the completeness of monitoring plans. The Japanese side should face the legitimate and reasonable concerns of all parties, effectively dispose of nuclear contaminated water in a scientific, safe, and transparent manner, and establish a long-term international monitoring mechanism that includes the participation of stakeholders such as Japan's neighboring countries as soon as possible

Yao Ming: Striving for the right to participate in the Paris Olympics is the top priority task of the Chinese Basketball Association this year. Executive Committee
Yao Ming: Striving for the right to participate in the Paris Olympics is the top priority task of the Chinese Basketball Association this year. Executive Committee

The second meeting of the 10th China Basketball Association Member Representative Conference and the second meeting of the Executive Committee were held in Qingdao on the 4th. During his speech at the meeting, Yao Ming, Chairman of the Chinese Basketball Association, pointed out that the top priority for the association this year is to compete in the Paris Olympics. On the afternoon of the 4th, the conference approved Yao Ming's 2023 Work Plan and Budget Report for the Chinese Basketball Association. The report states that this year, the Chinese Basketball Association will focus on building a strong sports country, in accordance with the "14th Five Year Plan for Sports Development" of the General Administration of Sport of China, and focus on the "1-2-4" action plan for Chinese basketball. It will strengthen reform and innovation, tackle key difficulties, enhance industry governance capabilities, and steadily promote the development of the basketball industry. When discussing the issue of enhancing the competitiveness of the national team, Yao Ming said that competing for the Paris Olympics is the top priority for the Chinese Basketball Association this year,

The high-temperature allowance standard has not changed for 9 years! Can it be dynamically adjusted?, Continuous record high salary in temperature | allowance | standard
The high-temperature allowance standard has not changed for 9 years! Can it be dynamically adjusted?, Continuous record high salary in temperature | allowance | standard

The summer in Beijing this year has been a bit tough, with just one rainfall and another round of hot weather. The "Measures for the Management of Heatstroke Prevention and Cooling Measures" jointly issued by the State Administration of Work Safety, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the All China Federation of Trade Unions and other units in 2012 stipulated that if an employer arranges for workers to engage in outdoor work in high temperature weather above 35 ℃ and cannot take effective measures to reduce the workplace temperature to below 33 ℃, a high-temperature allowance should be issued to the workers. Can new forms of employment such as food delivery riders who work outdoors for extended periods of time receive high-temperature allowances due to the ongoing heat? How can their "cooling rights" be protected? It has been over 9 years since the last adjustment of the high-temperature allowance standard. With the increase of average wages and prices, can the high-temperature allowance also be dynamically adjusted

The first "tiger" that fell from the central department has been arrested, Zhang Fusheng | Emergency | Department
The first "tiger" that fell from the central department has been arrested, Zhang Fusheng | Emergency | Department

Just now, the website of the Supreme People's Procuratorate announced that Zhang Fusheng, former member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the Fire Rescue Bureau of the Ministry of Emergency Management, is suspected of accepting bribes. The investigation by the National Supervisory Commission has been concluded and transferred to the procuratorial organs for review and prosecution. Recently, under the jurisdiction designated by the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Fujian Provincial People's Procuratorate made an arrest decision against Zhang Fusheng on suspicion of bribery in accordance with the law. The case is being further processed. Zhang Fusheng, who fell from grace on November 6th last year, has served as the Deputy Director of the Research Office of the Political Department of the Ministry of Public Security, the Director of the Police Department of the Fire Department of the Ministry of Public Security, a Deputy Bureau level Researcher of the Fire Department of the Ministry of Public Security, the Deputy Director of the Fire Department of the Ministry of Public Security, the former Deputy Director of the Fire Rescue Bureau of the Ministry of Emergency Management, and a member of the Party Committee. Zhang Fusheng was just "double opened" last Wednesday. Zhang Fusheng was accused of losing his ideals and beliefs, abandoning his responsibilities and missions, lacking a sense of discipline and law, and resisting organizational censorship; Violation

Looking at China's High Quality Development | Scanning the Golden Field of "Three Summers" in Various Regions | Wheat Field | China
Looking at China's High Quality Development | Scanning the Golden Field of "Three Summers" in Various Regions | Wheat Field | China

Beijing, July 4, CCTV news green tea garden, golden wheat fields, summer fruit full, the wind over the lotus pond ...... Summer harvest summer summer pipe in full swing, along with the local beautiful scenery such as a pair of color puzzle. This issue of "Yangguang Network Television" will show you the grand scenery of "Three Summers" in the whole country. At present, the tea base of Jiantian Village, Jiantian County, Jiantian City, Jiangxi Province is ushering in the summer tea picking period. Tea farmers rush to pick tea during farming, presenting a busy scene. As of the end of June, the large-scale wheat harvesting operation in Hebei Province has basically ended, and the harvesting progress is two days earlier than the same period last year, which has won the initiative for the annual grain harvest. The picture shows a wheat combine harvester operating in a wheat field. The wheat harvest is over there, and the sickle has just opened here. The wheat in Changjiahe Town, Tongwei County, Gansu Province has entered a mature period, and the villagers are grasping the farming season and reaping the sickle. Summer is litchi

"Tingyi Ting" may be fatal, healthy China | Experts: Feeling heatstroke and high temperature | Ability | May be
"Tingyi Ting" may be fatal, healthy China | Experts: Feeling heatstroke and high temperature | Ability | May be

CCTV, Beijing, July 4 News Since the beginning of summer this year, extreme high temperature weather has occurred frequently in many places in my country. Starting from July 5, a new round of high temperature weather will affect the north again. The daily maximum temperature in central and southern Hebei, Beijing, Tianjin, northern Shandong and northern Henan can reach 37 ℃ ~ 39 ℃, and the temperature in some areas may exceed 40 ℃. The risk of "heat stroke" is also increasing in the ongoing hot weather. On July 2, a Beijing local tour guide was sent to the doctor due to heatstroke during a tour of the Summer Palace. The rescue failed and died. According to the Beijing Municipal Health Commission, the recent Beijing 120 emergency transport heatstroke-related cases increased significantly. Many people will have doubts. Why do they still suffer from heatstroke when they are obviously concerned about it? How to escape the heat effectively in hot weather? In case of heatstroke, how to "stop loss in time" to avoid the occurrence of heat stroke.

New Observations on All Seasonal Tourism in Northeast China, Xinhua All Media+| The Beauty Here is "Long" Tianchi | Appearance | Beauty
New Observations on All Seasonal Tourism in Northeast China, Xinhua All Media+| The Beauty Here is "Long" Tianchi | Appearance | Beauty

Shenyang, July 4th (Xinhua) - What do you imagine the distance to be like? Is it the whispering of grass and trees sprouting by the edge of the Heavenly Pool before the spring breeze can wrinkle it, or is it the bright reflection of the sky on the sea surface on the island in summer; Is it the singing of forest frogs by the stream after the autumn frost dyed the maple leaves red all night, or is it the silver dress quietly draped by winter snow on the steep mountains that is suddenly sprinkled golden by the sunset? These all look like Northeast China, where the beautiful season is very long. "Cool" creates "hot" summer, with temperatures in many cities exceeding 30 degrees Celsius. Under the flying clouds, Changbai Mountain still refuses to let go of its ethereal silver veil. After more than 200 days of ice sealing, the water surface of Tianchi Lake in Changbai Mountain has just begun to break through and melt. Compared to the dryness and heat in the city, the comfortable "coolness" here has precisely given rise to the "heat" of tourism. The ice layer on the lake surface changes with the temperature

National Summer Grain Purchase Enters Peak Season, Technology Assists in Optimizing Grain and Storage Release | Materials | Summer Grain
National Summer Grain Purchase Enters Peak Season, Technology Assists in Optimizing Grain and Storage Release | Materials | Summer Grain

CCTV News: The State Administration of Grain and Material Reserves has recently announced that summer grain purchases across the country have entered their peak season. Various measures are being taken in various regions to optimize services, and technology is helping to optimize grain and storage. As of now, the main summer grain producing areas in China have purchased about 50 billion kilograms of wheat, completing more than 40% of the expected peak season purchases. At present, the wheat market is relatively active, with prices steadily rising, and the southern early rice harvest and storage have also made corresponding preparations. In response to the continuous high temperatures in recent days, various regions have carefully organized purchases, optimized services, explored and promoted pre order purchases, and helped farmers store grain scientifically and sell grain in an orderly manner. In Guzhen County, Bengbu, Anhui Province, local grain collection and storage enterprises are working overtime to do a good job in summer grain procurement. All the roofs and walls of the grain depots have been added with 30 cm thick insulation cotton, and ventilation cage pipes have been installed in the warehouse to ensure the bottom of the grain

Through data, we can see that the development momentum of various industries in the economy is constantly increasing. New energy | China | Various industries in the economy
Through data, we can see that the development momentum of various industries in the economy is constantly increasing. New energy | China | Various industries in the economy

CCTV News: We first look at the economy through data. Data 1: 50 billion pounds. The State Administration of Grain and Material Reserves has released the latest news that China's summer grain procurement has entered a concentrated and high-volume stage. As of now, the main production areas have cumulatively purchased about 50 billion kilograms of wheat, completing more than 40% of the expected peak season purchase volume, and the acquisition work is progressing smoothly. Data 2: 20 million vehicles. Yesterday, China's 20th millionth new energy vehicle was taken offline in Guangzhou. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology stated that this marks a new stage of high-quality development for new energy vehicles in China, based on industrialization and marketization. China's production of new energy vehicles has ranked first in the world for 8 consecutive years. Data 3: Over 130 billion yuan. Since the implementation of the offshore tax exemption policy on July 1, 2020

100 day and 10 million recruitment special campaign launches a new batch of recruitment special sessions | manufacturing | a batch
100 day and 10 million recruitment special campaign launches a new batch of recruitment special sessions | manufacturing | a batch

Beijing, July 4th (Xinhua) - From July 3rd to July 7th, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security launched a new batch of four online recruitment sessions, including energy-saving and environmental protection, intelligent manufacturing, information technology, and state-owned enterprises. More than 32000 households and units participated, and the recruitment demand exceeded 466000 people. The special session for energy conservation and environmental protection industry was undertaken by the State Council, focusing on the power, heat production and supply industry, gas production and supply industry and other industries. A total of 184 enterprises, including China Resources Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd., middling coal Science and Engineering Intelligent Storage and Loading Technology Co., Ltd., and State Power Investment Group Power Nuclear Equipment Co., Ltd., participated in the recruitment, providing water environmental protection engineers, environmental monitoring, energy conservation consulting and design and other posts, with a recruitment demand of 7353 people. The intelligent manufacturing industry special session is organized by Zhilian Recruitment, with a total of China Electronics Industry

New Employment Choices for College Graduates, New Careers for the Party and Government | Issues | Occupations
New Employment Choices for College Graduates, New Careers for the Party and Government | Issues | Occupations

The new profession has opened up new employment opportunities for college graduates. A large number of promising new professions such as corpus annotators, robotics engineering technicians, and homestay butlers are becoming new employment choices for college graduates. These new professions are the most popular. Xiaowei is an AI corpus annotator for a large home appliance enterprise in Qingdao. Her daily work is to collaborate with AI algorithm engineers to train intelligent devices for deep learning in multiple languages, in order to control the entire house's smart home appliances and smart scenes, providing users with a more comfortable and convenient experience during use. At present, this company has recruited 8 AI corpus annotators. The emergence of new professions stems from technological progress, industrial development, and the continuous refinement of social division of labor. Behind the emergence of new professions is the constant exploration of new experiences and consumer demands.

Innovation promotes high-quality development of China's aerospace industry | Space Station | High quality
Innovation promotes high-quality development of China's aerospace industry | Space Station | High quality

CCTV News: The space station welcomes new passengers, the Beidou Navigation adds new stars, and the one arrow multiple stars break records. In the first half of this year, China's space launches reached 25 times, with a success rate of 100%, setting a new historical high for the same period. Driven by innovation, China's aerospace industry is steadily moving towards the goal of building a strong aerospace country. At the Chinese space station, the Shenzhou-16 crew has been in orbit for over a month, and the application and development phase of the Chinese space station is being carried out in an orderly manner. In the first half of the year, among the two manned spaceflight missions completed by China, the Shenzhou-16 manned spacecraft completed over a hundred component modifications and reliability improvements, making the spacecraft more intelligent. The Tianzhou-6 cargo spacecraft has also been upgraded. In the first half of this year, China launched over a hundred satellites of various types, including communication, remote sensing, and navigation. On June 7th, China's highest

Long term Merit in Building Ecological Civilization
Long term Merit in Building Ecological Civilization

The third meeting of the Standing Committee of the 14th National People's Congress has decided to establish August 15th as National Ecological Day. We should take this as an opportunity to carry out ecological civilization propaganda and education activities in various forms, further enhance the public's awareness of ecological protection, work hard for a long time, and continue to make efforts to promote the construction of ecological civilization with the spirit of perseverance, continuously achieving new results.Establishing August 15th as National Ecological Day is in line with the basic principle of determining the timing of commemorative and activity days, and can fully reflect its originality, iconic and unique features.

Flood prevention is responsibility! Various regions and departments actively respond to heavy rainfall and flood prevention | relevant | departments
Flood prevention is responsibility! Various regions and departments actively respond to heavy rainfall and flood prevention | relevant | departments

CCTV News: Heavy rainfall affecting multiple regions is still ongoing, and relevant parties are actively responding. The National Flood Control Administration launched a Level 4 emergency response for flood prevention in multiple provinces and cities. At 13:00 on July 3, the Administration launched a Level 4 emergency response for flood prevention in provinces and cities such as Anhui, Shandong, Henan, Hubei, Chongqing, Sichuan, and Shaanxi, deploying relevant regions to prepare for heavy rainfall. On the same day, the General Office of the People's Republic of China dispatched a working group to Henan to guide flood control and disaster relief work. On the evening of the 3rd, the National Flood Control Office held a special meeting to coordinate the flood situation in Henan Province point-to-point. The Emergency Management Department of the National Disaster Reduction Commission launched the national level IV disaster relief emergency response. Today, the National Disaster Reduction Commission and the Emergency Management Department launched the national level IV disaster relief emergency response in response to the severe rainstorm, flood and geological disasters in Chongqing, and sent a working group to the disaster area to check the disaster situation on the spot

High Quality Construction, High Level Management, and High Quality Relief Development - Hebei Xiong'an New Area Construction and Development Frontline Observation Headquarters | Construction | New Area
High Quality Construction, High Level Management, and High Quality Relief Development - Hebei Xiong'an New Area Construction and Development Frontline Observation Headquarters | Construction | New Area

In the summer, the start-up area of Xiong'an New Area in Hebei Province is bustling with hanging towers and roaring machines. A number of key project construction sites are in full swing, and tens of thousands of builders are busy and orderly constructing. Xiong'an New Area has entered a stage of large-scale construction and undertaking non capital functions in Beijing, with a focus on high-quality construction, high-level management, and high-quality development. Implementing the requirements of high-quality development, creating "Xiong'an Quality", and becoming a model for promoting high-quality development in the country, Xiong'an New Area is steadily moving towards building a "City of the Future" that is "inexplicable and ambitious". The high-quality construction is steadily advancing. The headquarters building of China National Chemical Corporation (Sinochem) located in the start-up area of Xiong'an New Area is growing rapidly. This "golden reed" shaped building with Baiyangdian characteristics is one of the landmarks of the start-up area. Project related responsibilities

【 Guangming Forum · Review 】 Putting the People at the Foundation and Governance with Virtue - One of the Important Elements of Excellent Traditional Chinese Culture ② Chinese | Culture | Governance with Virtue
【 Guangming Forum · Review 】 Putting the People at the Foundation and Governance with Virtue - One of the Important Elements of Excellent Traditional Chinese Culture ② Chinese | Culture | Governance with Virtue

[Guangming Forum · Wengui] Author: Qiao Qingju Recently, General Secretary Xi Jinping attended a symposium on cultural inheritance and development. When talking about a profound grasp of the characteristics of Chinese civilization, he listed many important elements in the excellent traditional Chinese culture, including the people. The governance thought of being the foundation of the country and governing by virtue. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has deeply promoted the combination of the basic principles of Marxism with China's specific reality and with China's excellent traditional culture, and created Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era. At the symposium on cultural inheritance and development, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "The'second combination' is another emancipation of the mind, allowing us to make full use of the precious resources of Chinese excellent traditional culture in a broader cultural space and explore the future. Theory and

【 Guangming Forum 】 Leaving Regretless Striving Footprints on the New Era and New Journey Magazine | Qiu Shi | Forum
【 Guangming Forum 】 Leaving Regretless Striving Footprints on the New Era and New Journey Magazine | Qiu Shi | Forum

The article emphasizes that "the healthy growth of young cadres is closely related to the successors of the Party and the people's cause." "We must temper our political character of loyalty to the Party, establish a patriotic sentiment that does not disappoint the people, pursue a noble and pure ideological realm, develop strong skills that are worthy of heavy responsibilities, strive and contribute to the cause of the Party and the people, and leave unforgettable footprints of struggle on the new journey of the new era!" Each generation has its own experiences, and each generation has its own mission. A hundred years ago, during the awakening era, Chinese youth held high the torch of Marxist thought and explored the future of national independence and people's liberation. During the construction period over half a century ago, China

Li Zhiming: Realizing high-quality and full employment is of great significance to the people | pattern | significance
Li Zhiming: Realizing high-quality and full employment is of great significance to the people | pattern | significance

Employment is the greatest livelihood. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposes to strengthen the priority policy for employment, improve the employment promotion mechanism, and promote high-quality and full employment. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China's employment work has achieved historic achievements and undergone historic changes. The total employment volume has continued to grow, the employment structure has been adjusted and optimized, and the quality of employment has significantly improved. At the same time, it should be noted that compared with the people's need for a better life and the objective requirements for high-quality economic and social development, the structural contradiction in employment in China still exists, and the quality of employment needs to be further improved. High quality and full employment is an important manifestation of high-quality population development, which is of great significance for improving people's quality of life, increasing potential economic growth rates, building a new development pattern, and achieving common prosperity for all people. In the new era and new journey, we need to deeply implement the employment priority strategy and promote

"Showcasing the vitality and sharpness of youth" (People's Forum) China | Youth | Forum
"Showcasing the vitality and sharpness of youth" (People's Forum) China | Youth | Forum

Is it to earn high salaries in large southern enterprises, or to return to hometown towns that require more talent? Wen Zhu, Deputy Mayor of Mohe City and Party Secretary of Beiji Town in Heilongjiang Province, resolutely chose the latter at the age of 24 and returned to his hometown to become a college student village official. Over the years, she led the villagers to utilize the local geographical advantages and develop sightseeing agriculture, creating popular events such as the Northern Lights Festival and the "Polar Day Marathon". Bravely pursuing light and striving forward, a large number of young people in the new era, like Wen Zhu, shine and radiate their youth in their respective positions with vigorous vitality and high spirit. Youth move forward, the country moves forward. Youth is the hope of a country and a nation.

They pay tribute to their youth with their singing, and graduation season is stubborn | singing | youth
They pay tribute to their youth with their singing, and graduation season is stubborn | singing | youth

"Nearly 7000 people sang in chorus. This graduation ceremony was too burning!" Recently, Huazhong University of Science and Technology undergraduate graduation ceremony scene, nearly 7000 graduates live chorus "stubborn" "rice fragrance" "star sea" ...... singing, the breath of youth, youth power surging, youth story in the song opened a new chapter. Another year of graduation season. At this time, those songs about youth will always resound at the graduation ceremony of major colleges and universities. Young students pay tribute to their youth with songs and stride towards a new journey of life. Graduates sing the graduation song, they sincerely express their love; they bravely chase their dreams; they use their struggle to write youth. Love in heart, youth without regrets "in March 1951, he left his hometown, too late to say goodbye, but his steps were firm."

100 day and 10 million recruitment special campaign launched 4 online recruitment sessions | Engineer | Action
100 day and 10 million recruitment special campaign launched 4 online recruitment sessions | Engineer | Action

From July 3 to 7, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security launched four special online recruitment sessions, including energy conservation and environmental protection, intelligent manufacturing, information technology, and state-owned enterprises, with a total of more than 32000 employers participating and recruiting more than 466000 people. A total of 184 companies participated in the energy-saving and environmental protection industry special session, focusing on industries such as electricity, heat production and supply, gas production and supply, providing water environmental protection engineers, environmental monitoring, energy-saving consulting and design positions, and recruiting 7353 people. A total of 168 companies participated in the special session of the intelligent manufacturing industry, providing positions such as system integration engineers, production planning engineers and electrical engineers, with a recruitment demand of more than 3000 people. A total of 32000 enterprises participated in the information technology special show, focusing on the digital age.

Russian media: US China Intelligence Agency recruits foreigners to participate in the Russia-Ukraine conflict US Central Intelligence Agency | Ukraine | US Central Intelligence Agency
Russian media: US China Intelligence Agency recruits foreigners to participate in the Russia-Ukraine conflict US Central Intelligence Agency | Ukraine | US Central Intelligence Agency

On July 2nd, the website of the Russian newspaper "Viewpoint" reported that the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States has recently started recruiting foreign mercenaries for the Ukrainian military in countries such as Syria and Iraq. On the same day, Ukrainian President Zelensky revealed in an interview with US media that Ukraine maintains close cooperation with US intelligence agencies and has "no secrets" to the US Central Intelligence Agency. According to reports, Russian military and diplomatic sources stationed in Damascus have stated that the US is negotiating with the Syrian Kurdish armed "People's Protection Forces" and several Arab tribal leaders to recruit mercenaries for a monthly amount of approximately $2000. The report also mentioned that at the end of May this year, the Russian Foreign Intelligence Agency revealed that the Tanfu military base in southern Syria had been used by the US military to train armed militants and planned to be sent to Russia later