The world

International Observation | NATO's Black Hand Extends to the Asia Pacific to Expose the Ugly World of Conscience | Thinking | International
International Observation | NATO's Black Hand Extends to the Asia Pacific to Expose the Ugly World of Conscience | Thinking | International

Beijing, July 9th (Xinhua) - Japanese media recently reported that Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida will attend the North Atlantic Treaty Organization summit in Lithuania from July 11th to 12th, along with leaders from South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand. In May of this year, the media also revealed that NATO plans to establish a liaison office in Japan in 2024. At that time, the Tokyo Liaison Office will become NATO's first operational agency in Asia. As a product of group confrontation during the Cold War, NATO has continued to expand in recent years and has extended its black hand to distant Asia Pacific regions, seeking to strengthen military security cooperation with some Asia Pacific countries. Analysts point out that NATO's move has exposed its ugly intentions of undermining stability in the Asia Pacific region to maintain US hegemony. On April 7, 2022, at NATO headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, NATO Secretary General Stolten

The "second combination" is another ideological liberation (academic roundtable) theory | culture | academia
The "second combination" is another ideological liberation (academic roundtable) theory | culture | academia

How to understand "the second combination" as another ideological liberation? How to promote in a broader cultural space

【 Guangming Forum · Reflections 】 Benevolent Virtue Carrying Objects, Bright Virtue Promoting Taoism - One of the Important Elements of Excellent Traditional Chinese Culture ⑤ Culture | Spirit | Promoting Taoism
【 Guangming Forum · Reflections 】 Benevolent Virtue Carrying Objects, Bright Virtue Promoting Taoism - One of the Important Elements of Excellent Traditional Chinese Culture ⑤ Culture | Spirit | Promoting Taoism

The cultivation of virtue and the promotion of morality and righteousness have been the foundation of the character accumulated by the Chinese nation for thousands of years, and are also the inner spiritual pillars of outstanding traditional Chinese culture that stands out and sets high standards. "The virtue of carrying things" comes from the "Biography of Elephants" in the Book of Changes: "The terrain is Kun, and a gentleman carries things with virtue." The meaning is that the hexagram in the "Kun" is a symbol of the mother earth, with a vast terrain that is invincible and nourishes all things. A gentleman should emulate the earth, accumulate virtues, and carry all kinds of things in the world with a broad, profound, and moral measurement. Mingde

Let us grasp the initiative of ideology and culture (people's perspective) China | tradition | culture
Let us grasp the initiative of ideology and culture (people's perspective) China | tradition | culture

To adhere to the "two combinations", we must pay more attention to spiritual independence and autonomy, and have a high degree of self-awareness and firm confidence in "exploring suitable paths and methods on the land of China". Drawing the concept and thinking of governing the country from the excellent traditional Chinese culture can provide wisdom and inspiration for answering today's issues. Continuing the tradition of the Chinese nation "compiling history and establishing classics, preserving history and enlightening wisdom, and cultivating people with culture". On the eve of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the major cultural project approved by the Party Central Committee, "Revival Library", Volume 1 to 3, was published and distributed.According to the rules of ancient times, open up the face of today's life

Asking about the needs of enterprises and encouraging them to dare to work, venture, and invest in the economy | Scientificity | Enterprises
Asking about the needs of enterprises and encouraging them to dare to work, venture, and invest in the economy | Scientificity | Enterprises

The Economic Situation Expert Symposium recently held by the State Council pointed out that it is necessary to enhance the scientificity of decision-making by enhancing the interactivity of work, establish and improve a regular communication and exchange mechanism between the government and various types of enterprises such as private and foreign-funded enterprises, deeply understand new situations and problems, timely improve policy measures, and further boost confidence and stabilize expectations. Recently, according to the deployment and arrangement of the State Council, multiple departments have established and improved communication and exchange mechanisms with enterprises. Through symposiums, roundtable meetings, and other forms, they have further opened up channels for government enterprise communication and responded to the concerns of enterprises. By implementing a normalized institutional arrangement of asking for needs and planning for enterprises, we will effectively enhance the scientific, normative, and collaborative nature of policies related to enterprises, create a stable, fair, transparent, and predictable environment for various business entities to invest and develop, and encourage "state-owned enterprises to dare to do business, private enterprises to dare to venture, and foreign enterprises to dare to invest"

Releasing Policy Energy to Ensure Stable Employment of Enterprises in Manufacturing Industry | Index | Enterprises
Releasing Policy Energy to Ensure Stable Employment of Enterprises in Manufacturing Industry | Index | Enterprises

The recently released performance of the Purchasing Managers Index for June showed that the manufacturing industry employee index was 48.2%, a decrease of 0.2 percentage points from the previous month. This data has been declining month on month for four consecutive months; The index of non manufacturing employees was 46.8%, a decrease of 1.6 percentage points from the previous month. This indicates that both manufacturing and non manufacturing enterprises have seen a contraction in their employment prospects, and their ability to absorb employment is still weak and their momentum is insufficient. The task of ensuring stable employment for enterprises remains arduous. Enterprises are the most important business entities. In terms of quantity and scale, as of the end of 2022, the number of registered enterprises in China reached 52.826 million, becoming the main channel and main force for absorbing employment. Among them, small and medium-sized enterprises, which account for more than 99% of the total number of enterprises, provide more than 80% of urban areas

Youth has always been a family and country (today's discussion) Modernization | History | Youth
Youth has always been a family and country (today's discussion) Modernization | History | Youth

Youth has always been about family and country. The times always assign historical responsibility to young people, and the hope of the Party and the country's cause is pinned on them. At the frontline of grassroots work, in scientific and technological research positions, on the front lines of disaster relief, and at the outpost of defending the motherland... The vast number of young people consciously sow their youth on the journey of national rejuvenation. With ideals, courage to take responsibility, the ability to endure hardship, and willingness to struggle, youth will shine, and youth will have strength. Only by closely linking one's ideals with the future of the motherland and one's life with the destiny of the nation, can the spectrum of youth be broader and the energy of youth be fully unleashed. On the new journey, enhance the sense of historical responsibility and mission

Jiangmen Neutrino Experiment Organic Glass Balls Completed Equatorial Layer Installation Experiment | Neutrinos | Jiangmen Neutrino Experiment
Jiangmen Neutrino Experiment Organic Glass Balls Completed Equatorial Layer Installation Experiment | Neutrinos | Jiangmen Neutrino Experiment

CCTV News: The Jiangmen Neutrino Experiment, a large-scale scientific facility, is under intense construction. The central detector located 700 meters underground has recently completed the installation of the world's largest single organic glass sphere equatorial layer, and the overall project of the detector is more than half. Neutrinos are the most mysterious fundamental particles in the universe, and their research is of great significance for understanding the origin of the universe. It is the forefront of international basic research. The primary scientific objective of the Jiangmen Neutrino Experiment is to measure the order of neutrino mass. Its core detection equipment is located in the center of a water pool in the 700 meter underground experimental hall. It consists of a stainless steel mesh shell with a diameter of 41 meters, an organic glass ball with a diameter of 35.4 meters, as well as key components such as 20000 tons of liquid scintillators and 45000 photomultiplier tubes. The world's largest single organic glass sphere consists of 263 huge spherical surfaces

The All China Federation of Industry and Commerce builds a platform to promote private enterprises to attract college graduates for employment. Private enterprises | Universities | All China Federation of Industry and Commerce
The All China Federation of Industry and Commerce builds a platform to promote private enterprises to attract college graduates for employment. Private enterprises | Universities | All China Federation of Industry and Commerce

CCTV News: The All China Federation of Industry and Commerce has established a docking platform for college graduates and private enterprises, providing precise job matching and employment guidance services, and actively promoting the employment of college graduates. Since April this year, the All China Federation of Industry and Commerce and other departments have carried out the "Hundred Cities, Ten Thousand Enterprises" initiative for private enterprises and universities to work together to promote employment. They have organized over 100000 private enterprises to hold online and offline special recruitment activities in 155 cities where universities are concentrated, providing 2.225 million job information. In Jiangsu, Guangdong and other places, the Federation of Industry and Commerce also organizes private enterprises to enter universities and carry out activities such as school enterprise industry academia research docking meetings. The All China Federation of Industry and Commerce has also mobilized more than 3000 grassroots organizations and more than 50000 affiliated chambers of commerce to comprehensively investigate the job demands of private enterprises, widely collect and summarize suitable positions for college graduates to carry out precise analysis

Is elderly care aids really suitable for the elderly? Consumer Experience Project Report Released by China Consumers Association Engineer | Appliance | Experience
Is elderly care aids really suitable for the elderly? Consumer Experience Project Report Released by China Consumers Association Engineer | Appliance | Experience

As of the end of 2022, the population of elderly people aged 60 and above in China is about 280 million, accounting for 19.8% of the total population. The silver economy has become increasingly popular in recent years. In recent years, a variety of elderly care assistive devices and aging friendly products have gradually integrated into the daily lives of the elderly. Consumers have expanded their impression of elderly care assistive devices from traditional wheelchairs and crutches to a wider range of fields. However, are these products truly "age friendly"? This week, the China Consumers Association released a report on the consumption experience of elderly care assistive devices. The report shows that some elderly care assistive devices currently sold in the market have poor quality, high premiums, and functional shortcomings that urgently need to be improved. The consumption experience project of elderly care accessories organized by the China Consumers Association this time has selected assisted driving, electric wheelchairs, climbing machines, transfer machines, mobile toilets, and flipping care

Reported to the police, providing a monthly subsidy of 30000 yuan to international students? Jinan University response: Pay attention to departmental rumors. This table | public | international students
Reported to the police, providing a monthly subsidy of 30000 yuan to international students? Jinan University response: Pay attention to departmental rumors. This table | public | international students

Recently, a "Labor Service Distribution Form for Off campus Personnel" from Jinan University has attracted public attention. The table circulating online shows that it is for the distribution of living allowances by the provincial government in July 2023. The unit is Jinan University, the department name is International College, and the project name is Provincial Government Scholarship. The document contains the identification numbers, names, bank accounts, and opening banks of four individuals. Among the four people, three of them will receive tax exemption items such as living allowances for international students of 29000 yuan, and one person will receive 30000 yuan. In the last column of the table, only the words "yuan/month" can be seen, and it is obvious that the back part is not completely captured. The online image of this form has been questioned by netizens. The school provides a monthly living allowance of 30000 yuan to each international student. Jinan University responded by providing a monthly subsidy of 30000 yuan to international students, which is actually 1000 yuan per month

The deputy minister is a doctoral student in management, and the first minister is held by a central committee member. This newly formed functional department of the Party Central Committee, the China Quality Association | Central | Minister
The deputy minister is a doctoral student in management, and the first minister is held by a central committee member. This newly formed functional department of the Party Central Committee, the China Quality Association | Central | Minister

According to the official website of the China Quality Association, on the afternoon of July 6th, the first batch of national industry association chambers of commerce themed education research symposium was held at the China Quality Association. Liu Zheng, Deputy Minister of the Central Department of Social Work, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech. This news shows that the newly established Central Ministry of Social Work, which has just been established for four months, has welcomed a new deputy minister, Liu Zheng, who was previously the deputy minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs. Wu Hansheng, who previously served as the Deputy Secretary in charge of daily work of the Central and State Organ Working Committees, has recently been appointed as the first Minister of the Central Department of Social Work. According to the public resume, Liu Zheng was born in August 1966 in Jiangxi and holds a PhD in management. He has been working in the Ministry of Civil Affairs for a long time, serving as Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, Deputy Director of the Personnel Department, Director of the Social Work Department, Director of the Geographical Names Department, Secretary of the Comprehensive Party Committee in charge of Social Organizations, and Director of the Social Organization Management Bureau

New position clarified, Secretary of Yaoning County Party Committee | National | Yaoning
New position clarified, Secretary of Yaoning County Party Committee | National | Yaoning

Latest news: Yao Ning, born in 1985 as the "National Excellent County Party Secretary", has been appointed as a member of the Kashgar Prefecture Committee in Xinjiang. On the afternoon of July 7th, a safety production work meeting was held in Kashgar City. Yao Ning, a member of the Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Yao Ning was admitted to the Department of Industrial Engineering at Tsinghua University in 2004. In April 2008, he was elected as the President of the Tsinghua Student Union. After graduating with a PhD in November 2014, he went to work in the Kashgar region. In June 2021, Yao Ning, who was then the Secretary of the Bachu County Party Committee, was awarded the title of "National Excellent County Party Secretary" by the Central Organization Department. He is also the youngest among 103 honor recipients. In December 2022, Yao Ning assumed the position of Secretary of the New Kashgar Municipal Party Committee. As a county-level city, Kashgar belongs to the Kashgar region and is the westernmost border city in China

U.S. Asks Taiwan to Develop "Biological Weapons"? Taiwan Defense Department Urgently Clarify Reports | Taiwan | United States
U.S. Asks Taiwan to Develop "Biological Weapons"? Taiwan Defense Department Urgently Clarify Reports | Taiwan | United States

According to Taiwan's "China Times News Network", in response to reports that the US has requested the Taiwan authorities to develop "biological weapons," the Taiwan Defense Department released a press release on the 9th stating that the mission of the Institute of Preventive Medicine is mainly to carry out pathogen detection, protection, and treatment of infectious diseases, and that reports related to the development of biological weapons are not factual.The rumors about the United States urging Taiwan to develop biological weapons are not facts.

Policy Boost Window Open, Economic Observation | Economic Operation Arrives at Midyear Time | Policy | Economy
Policy Boost Window Open, Economic Observation | Economic Operation Arrives at Midyear Time | Policy | Economy

【 Economic Observation 】 The original economy has reached the midpoint of the year, and the window for policy acceleration has opened. At a recent executive meeting of the State Council, Beimengyuan, a reporter from Workers Daily and China Industry Network, pointed out that in response to changes in the economic situation, more powerful measures must be taken to enhance development momentum, optimize economic structure, and promote sustained economic recovery and improvement. Recently, multiple departments have taken intensive actions, and a new round of stable growth policies have been successively introduced, conveying a clear signal of intensified macroeconomic policies. In the field of consumption, it was announced at the regular press conference of the Ministry of Commerce held on July 6th that the Ministry, together with relevant departments, has drafted a policy document to promote home consumption, proposing specific measures to improve supply quality, innovate consumption scenarios, improve consumption conditions, and optimize the consumption environment. The document will be issued soon. Home furnishing consumption involves multiple fields, including

The adjustment of the medical insurance drug catalog in 2023 has officially started by the Medical Insurance Bureau | Work | Drugs
The adjustment of the medical insurance drug catalog in 2023 has officially started by the Medical Insurance Bureau | Work | Drugs

The adjustment work of the original 2023 medical insurance drug catalog has officially started. Recently, the National Medical Insurance Administration announced the "2023 National Basic Medical Insurance, Work Injury Insurance, and Maternity Insurance Drug Catalog Adjustment Work Plan", marking the official launch of the 2023 national medical insurance drug catalog adjustment work. The Plan clearly states that the adjustment of the national drug catalog in 2023 will take into account factors such as the medication security needs and fund payment capacity of the insured, and strive to make the structure of the drug catalog more reasonable and optimized, management more scientific and standardized, payment more effective and efficient, and guarantee more equitable, to help solve the concerns of the people after seeking medical treatment. The relevant person in charge of the National Medical Insurance Administration introduced that this year's directory adjustment work will grasp the positioning of "basic protection", do our best and act within our capacity, and ensure the guarantee of drugs

Opening up to the forefront of wind and tide construction | Hainan | Frontier wind and tide construction
Opening up to the forefront of wind and tide construction | Hainan | Frontier wind and tide construction

The "Deep Sea No.1" atmospheric field located in Lingshui, Hainan. Xinhua News Agency reports on the urban architectural complex in Fuzhou, Fujian Province. Xinhua News Agency reported that consumers are shopping in Haikou International Duty Free City, Hainan. Xinhua News Agency reported that at the lychee plantation in Baiqiao Village, Genzi Town, Gaozhou City, Guangdong Province, a fruit farmer displayed lychees picked from the "Joy of Family" ancient tree, which is about 1300 years old. The Luzhou Bridge in Zhanjiang, Guangdong, under the construction of Xinhua Social Development. Editor's note: Guangdong, Fujian, and Hainan, bathed in the sunshine and rain of reform and opening up, are experiencing rapid changes in their development landscape. Starting from "building one floor in three days" and becoming the "capital of innovation", Shenzhen has written an impressive legend; From the "development depression" along the southeast coast to one of the most dynamic areas of private economy in China, Jinjiang has contributed to the development of county-level economy in the country

The National Office for Flood Control and the Ministry of Emergency Management will discuss and dispatch flood control and disaster relief work in key areas. Inner Mongolia | Flood Control | Key Points
The National Office for Flood Control and the Ministry of Emergency Management will discuss and dispatch flood control and disaster relief work in key areas. Inner Mongolia | Flood Control | Key Points

Beijing, July 9th (Xinhua) - The National Office of Flood Control and the Ministry of Emergency Management organized a special video conference on flood control on July 9th, in consultation with the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Water Resources, and the China Meteorological Administration to assess the current trend of flood situation development. The video was connected to the flood control and disaster relief offices of provinces such as Inner Mongolia, Jiangsu, Chongqing, and Guizhou to study and deploy flood control and disaster relief work in key areas. The meteorological department predicts that there will still be strong rainfall processes in the Jianghuai, Jianghan, northern Jiangnan, Chongqing, Guizhou, eastern Inner Mongolia, and southern Northeast China in the near future. The consultation pointed out that the country is about to enter a critical period of "seven down and eight up" flood prevention, and the flood prevention situation is severe and complex. All regions and departments should be highly vigilant, compare and identify their own shortcomings, comprehensively implement various preventive measures, and ensure that the deployment of checkpoints is moved forward. The meeting emphasized the need to effectively implement various prevention measures with the administrative head responsibility system as the core

Xinhua All Media+| 9 years of hard work! The construction of the Haba Snow Mountain Tunnel on the Yunnan Tibet Railway has been completed. Railway | Tunnel | Snow Mountain
Xinhua All Media+| 9 years of hard work! The construction of the Haba Snow Mountain Tunnel on the Yunnan Tibet Railway has been completed. Railway | Tunnel | Snow Mountain

On the morning of July 8th, construction workers from China Railway 16th Bureau worked tirelessly day and night to pour concrete. The final section of the ballastless track bed of the Haba Snow Mountain Tunnel was completed, marking the completion of the last tunnel construction of the Lijiang Shangri La section of the Yunnan Tibet Railway after 9 years of arduous construction. At this point, the construction of all 20 tunnels in the Lixiang section has been completed, and it has entered the stage of long track laying, creating favorable conditions for opening and operation within the year. "The completion of the construction of the Haba Snow Mountain Tunnel represents a significant breakthrough in the construction of complex geological tunnels on the plateau in China, and has accumulated valuable experience for the future construction of similar tunnels." said Chen Yingwu, Deputy Commander of the Yunnan West Railway Construction Command of China Railway Kunming Group Co., Ltd. The Haba Snow Mountain Tunnel is located in Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, with a total length of 9.5 kilometers and a maximum burial depth of 1155 meters. It is a first-class high-risk tunnel,

Authoritative News from Xinhua News Agency | Three Gorges Power Station has been in operation for 20 years, generating over 160 billion kilowatt hours of clean electricity. China | Three Gorges Power Station | Authoritative
Authoritative News from Xinhua News Agency | Three Gorges Power Station has been in operation for 20 years, generating over 160 billion kilowatt hours of clean electricity. China | Three Gorges Power Station | Authoritative

The Three Gorges Power Station is the world's largest hydroelectric power station with installed capacity. On July 10, 2023, the first unit of the Three Gorges Power Station was put into operation for 20 years. The Three Gorges Power Station is equipped with 34 hydroelectric generator units, with a total installed capacity of 22.5 million kilowatts and an annual designed power generation of 88.2 billion kilowatt hours. It is the backbone power source of China's "West East Power Transmission" and "North South Mutual Supply", and electricity is sent day and night to places such as East China, Central China, and Guangdong. Over the past 20 years, the Three Gorges Power Station has generated over 160 billion kilowatt hours of clean electricity, equivalent to the electricity directly consumed by Chinese residents in 2022. 1600 billion kilowatt hours of clean electricity is equivalent to replacing more than 480 million tons of standard coal, reducing carbon dioxide emissions by about 1.32 billion tons, and helping China build a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient energy system. Xinhua News Agency

Syria withdraws BBC certification due to 'biased and misleading' reports | BBC | Bias
Syria revokes BBC certification due to biased and misleading reporting | BBC | Prejudice

According to Agence France Presse, the Syrian government announced on July 8th local time the revocation of its certification for the British Broadcasting Corporation. The Syrian news department issued a statement stating that "due to the BBC's failure to comply with professional standards and insistence on providing biased and misleading reporting," the department has decided to revoke the certification of its journalists and photographers. The Syrian News Department also stated that the certification of BBC Radio's correspondent in Syria has been revoked. According to reports, a spokesperson for the BBC stated that "the BBC Arabic channel provides fair and independent news coverage" and spoke with "individuals from various political factions" to confirm the facts. The spokesperson also said that the BBC will continue to provide "fair news and information" to audiences in the Arabic speaking world. The Syrian Ministry of Information stated that since 2011, Syria has

Officials from the Ministry of Finance Respond to Media Inquiries on US Treasury Secretary Yellen's Visit to China | Two Countries | Ministry of Finance
Officials from the Ministry of Finance Respond to Media Inquiries on US Treasury Secretary Yellen's Visit to China | Two Countries | Ministry of Finance

The relevant officials of the Ministry of Finance answered media inquiries regarding the specific situation of US Treasury Secretary Yellen's visit to China as follows: The world needs a generally stable relationship between China and the United States, and whether China and the United States can coexist correctly is related to the future and destiny of humanity.Both sides agreed to engage in dialogue and coordination between the financial and economic teams of the two countries on macroeconomic policies, economic and trade issues. In order to implement the consensus of the Bali meeting between the two heads of state, and as agreed by both China and the United States, US Treasury Secretary Yellen will visit China from July 6th to 9th. During Yellen's visit to China, Li Qiang, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and Premier of the State Council, met on July 7th to exchange views on major issues such as China US relations and China US economic relations. On July 8th, the Political Bureau Committee of the Communist Party of China Central Committee

In June, the development index of small and medium-sized enterprises was released, and multiple indices such as the industrial construction industry showed significant increases. | Index | Construction Industry
In June, the development index of small and medium-sized enterprises was released, and multiple indices such as the industrial construction industry showed significant increases. | Index | Construction Industry

The China Association of Small and Medium Enterprises announced today that the development index of China's small and medium-sized enterprises in June was 89.1, an increase of 0.2 points from May. The sub indexes of multiple sub industries such as industry and construction have shown significant increases. Xie Ji, Secretary General of the China Association of Small and Medium sized Enterprises: This is a restorative growth that has been achieved under complex environmental conditions both domestically and internationally. It is not easy and also demonstrates the development vitality of small and medium-sized enterprises in difficult situations. In June, the eight sub indices of the China Small and Medium sized Enterprise Development Index increased by 6 and decreased by 2, with the market index and input index showing the largest increase. The eight sub industry indices showed 5 increases and 3 decreases, with the construction and industrial indices showing a significant increase. Secretary General of China Association of Small and Medium Enterprises Xie Ji: Market improvement, especially the recovery of consumer markets, such as catering, accommodation, tourism, retail, passenger transportation and other industries

Private equity fund development and security balance wealth | Fund | Security
Private equity fund development and security balance wealth | Fund | Security

On July 9th, the Regulations on the Supervision and Administration of Private Investment Funds were announced and will come into effect on September 1st of this year. This is the first administrative regulation in China's private equity investment fund industry, marking the further legalization and standardization of industry development. With the continuous increase in income, the demand for wealth management among Chinese residents has shown explosive growth, and the private equity fund industry has also entered a fast lane of development. As of May this year, there were 22000 private fund managers registered with the China Securities Investment Fund Industry Association, with 153000 registered private funds and a fund size of around 21 trillion yuan, ranking among the top in the world. Private equity funds play a positive role in serving the real economy, supporting entrepreneurship and innovation, and increasing the proportion of direct financing. Especially as an important direct financing channel and capital formation tool, private equity funds have become a tool for small and medium-sized enterprises

Central approval: Four standing committee members of the provincial party committee are taking on new positions across provinces! Several Central Committee members and alternate Central Committee members were also appointed as new Standing Committee members last week | Central Committee | Central Committee members
Central approval: Four standing committee members of the provincial party committee are taking on new positions across provinces! Several Central Committee members and alternate Central Committee members were also appointed as new Standing Committee members last week | Central Committee | Central Committee members

In the past week, the standing committee members of the provincial party committees in six provinces have been adjusted. Among them, four members of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee have been appointed to new positions across provinces. The newly established Central Department of Social Work has recently welcomed its first minister and deputy minister. Last week, the deputy secretaries of the three provincial party committees were adjusted, and one province welcomed a new deputy secretary of the provincial party committee. Sichuan Observation announced on July 3rd that recently, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China approved Comrade Shi Xiaolin as the Deputy Secretary of the Sichuan Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China. According to the public resume, Shi Xiaolin, female, Han ethnicity, was born in May 1969 with a Master's degree in Business Administration. Shi Xiaolin is currently an alternate member of the 20th Central Committee, Deputy Secretary of the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee, Secretary of the Chengdu Municipal Party Committee, and also serves as the First Secretary of the Chengdu Garrison District Party Committee. Article 8 of the Regulations on the Work of Local Committees of the CPC stipulates that the local committees of the Party have one secretary and two deputy secretaries

Opposing organizational review! Zhang Xuechao was "double opened", forging and concealing evidence engineering | spirit | evidence
Opposing organizational review! Zhang Xuechao was "double opened", forging and concealing evidence engineering | spirit | evidence

Zhang Xuechao, Senior Expert in Injection and Production Surface Engineering and former Manager of Enterprise Management Regulations Department of Shengli Oilfield Branch of China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation, has been expelled from the Party and public office for serious violations of discipline and law. Recently, the Discipline Inspection Commission and Dongying Municipal Supervision Commission of Sinopec Shengli Petroleum Management Bureau Co., Ltd. conducted a case review and investigation into Zhang Xuechao, a senior expert in injection and production surface engineering and former manager of the Enterprise Management Regulations Department of Sinopec Shengli Oilfield Branch, for serious violations of discipline and law. After investigation, it was found that Zhang Xuechao, as a party member and leading cadre, forged and concealed evidence to resist organizational review; Accepting gifts, cash gifts, and consumption cards that may affect the fair performance of official duties; Utilize the convenience of one's position to seek benefits for others; Taking advantage of one's own authority and position to seek undue benefits for others and illegally accepting huge amounts of property. Zhang Xuechao

Someone jumped out from the third floor, Witness: Heard the explosion, suddenly! Department of Fire in Famous Scenic Spots in Guizhou | Scenic Spots | Witnesses
Someone jumped out from the third floor, Witness: Heard the explosion, suddenly! Department of Fire in Famous Scenic Spots in Guizhou | Scenic Spots | Witnesses

At around 10am on July 10th, a fire broke out in the Qianhu Miao Village Scenic Area in Xijiang, Qiandongnan, Guizhou. The reporter contacted Ms. Ye, a tourist who was traveling in the local area. Ms. Ye told the reporter that the fire broke out at a homestay next to the exit point of the No. 1 Fengyu Bridge in the scenic area, with the words "Arnong Restaurant" written downstairs. The house is made of wooden structure, with a storefront facing the street and an inn at the location of the fire. Ms. Ye said, "The cause of the fire may have been a gas explosion. I heard a sudden explosion, then saw the window fall, and there was smoke. Then I heard a series of explosions. After the fire broke out, people in the inn jumped out from the third floor, but fortunately were caught by people below." As the fire broke out at the intersection, the fire rescue vehicle quickly arrived. The reporter contacted the local fire department, and relevant staff stated that the fire has been extinguished, while other situations are still ongoing

What is the purpose of the sudden announcement of the expansion by the American Association in Taiwan? American Association in Taiwan | Public | Purpose
What is the purpose of the sudden announcement of the expansion by the American Association in Taiwan? American Association in Taiwan | Public | Purpose

Some people on the island are concerned that this move is related to the withdrawal of American immigrants. Shortly after the new building was opened, scholars on the island questioned whether it was the United States preparing for the evacuation of overseas Chinese. Taipei City Councilor You Shuhui, a member of the Kuomintang, questioned why the "AIT" Neihu New Building had only been in use for a few years. Why didn't the required area be fully planned at the time?

Shanghai Government New Media's Communication Influence Ranking Released in June 2023 New Media | Government | Ranking
Shanghai Government New Media's Communication Influence Ranking Released in June 2023 New Media | Government | Ranking

In June, Shanghai government new media focused on their main responsibilities and conducted research and visits, releasing the latest measures around urban renewal, optimizing the business environment, and combining flood prevention and disaster prevention, middle and high school entrance exams, and the start of summer vacation for minors. They timely released safety reminders and convenient information, actively responding to social concerns. The Cyberspace and Information Office of the Municipal Party Committee and the News Office of the Municipal Government jointly released the Shanghai Government New Media Communication Influence Ranking for June 2023 today. In the June 2023 ranking list, the Municipal Public Security Bureau released the Shanghai "Green Channel for Candidate Supplementary Certificates" convenient policy in response to the needs of college entrance examination candidates, which was welcomed by netizens and entered the top ten in both rankings. Xuhui District focuses on the 2023 Shanghai Consumer Market Innovation Conference, actively promotes online, creates a good atmosphere to boost consumer confidence, and ranks higher. by

Scaring nearby residents, the sinkhole is only two or three meters away from residential buildings. After emergency repairs, it collapsed again, causing a road collapse accident in the bustling Taipei city in the early morning
Scaring nearby residents, the sinkhole is only two or three meters away from residential buildings. After emergency repairs, it collapsed again, causing a road collapse accident in the bustling Taipei city in the early morning

Taipei City, with aging municipal facilities, has experienced another road collapse accident since May this year, with a huge sinkhole located only 2 to 3 meters away from residential buildings. According to Taiwan's China Times News Network, a collapse occurred near Guide Street on Nanjing West Road in Taipei City at around 11 pm on the 8th. A pit about 1.5 meters wide and 1 meter deep appeared in the center of the road. After emergency grouting treatment, it resumed traffic at noon on the 9th. Unexpectedly, the range of soil excavation has expanded, and a settlement point appeared again on the road surface 3 meters away from the original sinkhole in the early morning of the 10th, only 2 to 3 meters away from residential buildings. The Taipei City Government urgently closed the two-way lane from Xining North Road to Huanhe North Road on Nanjing West Road, calling on the public to change lanes in advance. According to the Tiankeng report, the location of the Tiankeng collapse was in front of 315 Nanjing West Road in Datong District, near Guide Street. After grouting and emergency repair, it collapsed again, frightening nearby residents. Preliminary analysis and judgment