The world

Macron warning: Europe faces the risk of decline
Macron warning: Europe faces the risk of decline

Macron warns that Europe is at risk of decline, and some analysts believe that becoming a vassal of the United States is the main cause of Europe's decline. According to Agence France Presse, on the 28th local time, French President Macron warned during a meeting of French diplomats abroad held in Paris that there is a "risk of decline" in the entire West, especially Europe, in the international context of intensified competition among major powers. Macron emphasized at the meeting that population development is not conducive to Europe, and Europe's wealth creation and share in global trade are decreasing. Macron proposed to address these challenges with an "aggressive" foreign policy and strengthening the "integration" of some EU member states. Macron said that in the current international political environment, the dominant position previously held by the West is being challenged, and the international context is becoming more complex. French President Macron: I think

Border closure, a sudden outbreak in a country! The military officer declared the presidential election invalid
Border closure, a sudden outbreak in a country! The military officer declared the presidential election invalid

Libreville News: Some Gabonese soldiers announced through television in the early hours of the 30th local time that the country's borders have been closed. In the early morning of that day, the Gabonese Election Center announced that Gabonese President Bongo was re elected with 64.27% of the vote in the presidential election held on the 26th. Subsequently, more than ten military personnel issued a statement on Gabon's 24 television station under the name of the "Institutional Transition and Restoration Committee", declaring the election results invalid and claiming to have taken power. "We have decided to defend peace by ending the current regime." The Gabonese Presidential Office and government have not yet spoken out regarding the remarks of these military personnel. Bango is currently 64 years old and has served as Gabon's Minister of Defense and other positions. Elected as the President of Gabon in 2009 and re elected in 2016. On August 26th, Gabon held presidential, legislative, and local elections.

Involving 22 cadres, the Jiangsu Provincial Government has issued a notice on appointment and removal of positions
Involving 22 cadres, the Jiangsu Provincial Government has issued a notice on appointment and removal of positions

Notice of the Provincial Government on the Appointment and Dismissal of Yu Bo and Other Positions: The people's governments of various cities and counties, the departments and bureaus of various provincial committees, and the directly affiliated units of the province have decided, after research, to appoint Yu Bo as the Deputy Director of the General Office of the Provincial Government, with a probationary period of one year; Appoint Wu Hao as the Deputy Director of the Provincial Department of Education; Appoint Qin Hua as the Deputy Director of the Provincial Ethnic and Religious Affairs Committee with a probationary period of one year; Appoint Zhang Guodong as the Deputy Director of the Provincial Department of Finance with a probationary period of one year; Appoint Huagang as the Deputy Director of the Provincial Emergency Management Department with a probationary period of one year; Appoint Shen Yanfei as the Deputy Director of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Provincial Government, with a probationary period of one year; Appoint Li De as the Deputy Director of the Provincial Grain and Material Reserve Bureau with a probationary period of one year; Appoint Liu Xuejun as the Director of the Provincial Local Statistical Survey Bureau; Appoint Xia Youbing as the Vice President of Nanjing Medical University; Appoint Liu Yun as Vice President of Nanjing Medical University; Appoint Wei

Front wanted photo exposed! Netizen: It's a pity... The child star fled in fear of guilt after killing someone
Front wanted photo exposed! Netizen: It's a pity... The child star fled in fear of guilt after killing someone

According to reports, Taiwanese child star Wang Xinyi, who once starred in the idol drama "Dolphin Bay Lover," was beaten to death with a watermelon knife and baseball bat by his accomplice in 2016 to help his friend vent his anger. Wang Xinyi was sentenced to abscond 17 years later and is still wanted today. Recently, relevant departments in Taiwan have released a frontal wanted photo and information of Wang Xinyi. Following the childhood stills and wanted photos of Wang Xinyi, the related topic # Dolphin Bay Lover and Child Star Fear Crime and Escape, Wanted # surged to the top of the hot search. Wang Xinyi appeared in multiple idol dramas when he was young. Among them, in 2003, he rose to fame with his childhood role as "Dada" in "Dolphin Bay Lover", and his three-second tearful performance deeply rooted in people's hearts. He, who originally had a bright future, was expelled from school due to frequent skipping classes and smoking when he grew up. In July 2016, Wang Xinyi and his accomplices held sticks

Never let the top students of prestigious schools overuse their talents! National Excellent Program: Let Famous Schools Train Famous Teachers
Never let the top students of prestigious schools overuse their talents! National Excellent Program: Let Famous Schools Train Famous Teachers

The Ministry of Education recently issued the "Opinions on Implementing the National Excellent Primary and Secondary School Teacher Training Plan". Starting from 2023, it will organize "Double First Class" construction universities to recruit "National Excellent Primary and Secondary School Teacher Training Plan" graduate students through recommendation or secondary selection for current graduate students. While strengthening professional learning, the system will also offer teacher education module courses to cultivate a group of excellent teachers with excellent professional literacy and solid teaching basic skills for primary and secondary schools. Why implement the "National Excellent Plan" in prestigious schools? Is it a waste of talent to have students from prestigious schools teach in primary and secondary schools? How do prestigious schools cultivate renowned teachers? On the issue of the "National Excellent Plan" that is of social concern, the reporter interviewed relevant officials and education experts from the education department, training universities, etc. Supporting Famous Schools to Train Famous Teachers for Half a Month Ren Youqun: Normal Colleges and Comprehensive Education

The resumption of "contact" is crucial, as the British Foreign Secretary's first visit to China in five years is crucial
The resumption of "contact" is crucial, as the British Foreign Secretary's first visit to China in five years is crucial

After 5 years, the highest official in British foreign affairs has resumed his visit to China, according to Wang Lu, a journalist from The Paper. British Foreign Secretary James Cleverley. At the invitation of Wang Yi, a member of the Politburo of the Communist Party of China and Minister of Foreign Affairs, the British Foreign Secretary for Development, Cleverley, made an official visit to China on August 30th. This visit is the first time a British Foreign Secretary has visited Beijing since the visit of then Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunter to China in July 2018. "As a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council and a major global economy, China and the UK share the common responsibility of promoting world peace, stability, and development. Maintaining and developing bilateral relations is in line with the common interests of the two peoples." When asked about their expectations for Cleverley's visit, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin stated on August 29 that during their visit to China, both sides will discuss the relationship between China and the UK

Approaching doubling! The fuel surcharge for air tickets has been raised again
Approaching doubling! The fuel surcharge for air tickets has been raised again

The fuel surcharge for air tickets will see a significant increase for the second time this year, approaching the level at the end of last year. On August 30th, Pengpai News learned from multiple OTA platforms that it has received verbal notifications from airlines such as China Eastern Airlines and Qingdao Airlines that starting from September 5th, 2023, adult passengers will be charged a fuel surcharge of 60 yuan per passenger on routes below 800 kilometers, and 110 yuan per passenger on routes above 800 kilometers. In order to reduce the risk of fuel price fluctuations to a certain extent and ensure the operation of airlines, airlines can independently determine the standards for collecting fuel surcharges for domestic route passengers within the prescribed scope. Previously, aviation personnel told reporters from Pengpai News that the fuel surcharge collection on domestic routes adopts a linkage mechanism with aviation kerosene prices. Due to fluctuations in oil prices, various

Shot in the head, Ukrainian intelligence officer dies in the office
Shot in the head, Ukrainian intelligence officer dies in the office

According to sources within the security agency cited by the Ukrainian State Network on August 28th, Colonel Dmitry Bakayev, Deputy Director of the Special Communications Department of the Ukrainian National Security Agency, was found dead at his job in Kiev and shot in the head. "The suicide incident occurred on August 25th. Dmitry Bakayev... was found in his office, shot in the head. He committed suicide with a Makarov pistol, which was his work gun," the source said. In addition, the suicide note left by Bakayev to Vasily Maliuk, the head of the Ukrainian National Security Agency, has also been exposed. Bakayev attributed his death to his superiors, claiming that he had suffered systematic abuse and that his "personality and dignity" had been repeatedly violated. Sources added that "several officials from the Ukrainian National Security Agency have been implicated in Bakayev's actions."

Our country has achieved zero breakthroughs!, Regarding the ultimate energy of the future
Our country has achieved zero breakthroughs!, Regarding the ultimate energy of the future

China has achieved zero breakthroughs in the ultimate energy of the future! On August 30th, Sinopec announced that the largest photovoltaic direct production of green hydrogen project in China, the Xinjiang Kuche Green Hydrogen Demonstration Project, has been fully completed and put into operation. With the completion of all supporting photovoltaic power stations and the realization of full capacity grid connection, the project can produce green hydrogen at full capacity. The 20000 tons of green hydrogen produced each year are supplied to Sinopec Tahe Refining and Chemical Company nearby, to replace the natural gas used in refining and processing for hydrogen production. The low-carbon development of modern oil processing and green hydrogen coupling is achieved, and the full completion and operation marks a breakthrough in the scale application of green hydrogen industrialization in China. The so-called green hydrogen refers to hydrogen directly produced through renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power generation. Compared to gray hydrogen produced from fossil fuel power generation in the past, green hydrogen has been produced

A circus performance in a scenic area in Shanxi catches fire, and a performer falls to the ground? Local Cultural and Tourism Bureau: has requested closure and rectification of performances | Shanxi
A circus performance in a scenic area in Shanxi catches fire, and a performer falls to the ground? Local Cultural and Tourism Bureau: has requested closure and rectification of performances | Shanxi

During the circus performance, there was an unexpected incident where the performer riding a motorcycle suddenly fell to the ground and a large fire broke out inside the performance equipment. The incident occurred in the Wujinshan Tourist Area of Yuci District, Jinzhong City, Shanxi Province. According to online videos, there have been two accidents during the circus performances in the tourist area recently. The staff of the Yuci District Cultural and Tourism Bureau responded that the performer riding the motorcycle had abrasions on their legs and arms, and the injuries were not serious. They have gone to the hospital for treatment, and the relevant departments have requested the scenic area to suspend operations and carry out rectification. Online video screenshot: Circus performers suddenly fall to the ground and a large fire erupts at the scene. On August 29th, a netizen posted a video showing that at a circus performance, a performer accidentally landed and a fire broke out inside the performance equipment. In the video, two performers are riding motorcycles inside a spherical device, with flashing lights behind the two motorcycles

Ren Weidong is appointed as the Deputy Editor in Chief of Xinhua News Agency, and the State Council appoints and dismisses state officials: Xu Shouben is appointed as the Deputy Secretary General of the State Council
Ren Weidong is appointed as the Deputy Editor in Chief of Xinhua News Agency, and the State Council appoints and dismisses state officials: Xu Shouben is appointed as the Deputy Secretary General of the State Council

The State Council appoints and dismisses state officials. Appoint Xu Shouben as the Deputy Secretary General of the State Council; Appoint Wang Guangyan as the Deputy Minister of Education; Appoint Wang Jiayi as the Chief Inspector of the Ministry of Education; Appoint Chen Jie as the Director of the National Language and Writing Work Committee; Appoint Ren Weidong as the Deputy Editor in Chief of Xinhua News Agency; Appoint Liu Huanxin as the Director of the State Grain and Material Reserve Bureau; Appoint Wang Shaozhong as the Director of the National Archives Administration; Appoint Gao Jian as the Deputy Director of the National Archives Administration; Appoint Shi Yingli as the Deputy Director of the National Security Bureau. Dismiss Yang Yinkai from his position as Deputy Director of the National Development and Reform Commission; Remove Liu Huanxin from his position as Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and Director of the National Rural Revitalization Bureau; Dismiss Yang Wanming from the position of Deputy Director of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council; Dismiss Cong Liang from his position as Director of the National Grain and Material Reserve Bureau; Exempting Pan Aihua from National Defense Technology Industry

Completely legitimate, reasonable and necessary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs: taking emergency measures against aquatic products originating from Japan
Completely legitimate, reasonable and necessary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs: taking emergency measures against aquatic products originating from Japan

On August 30th, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin presided over a regular press conference. A reporter from Kyodo News Agency of Japan asked about China's complete cessation of importing Japanese aquatic products. Japanese government officials said yesterday that if diplomatic channels do not work, the Japanese government may appeal to the World Trade Organization. May I ask if the Chinese side has any comments on this? Wang Wenbin stated that China has repeatedly expressed a serious stance on the issue of Japan's nuclear contaminated water discharge into the sea. The international community has generally criticized the Japanese government for forcibly initiating the discharge of nuclear contaminated water into the ocean, which is selfish and extremely irresponsible. Relevant preventive measures have been taken. The competent authorities of the Chinese side take emergency measures against aquatic products originating from Japan in accordance with Chinese laws and regulations and relevant provisions of the WTO Agreement on the Implementation of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures, which is completely legitimate, reasonable and necessary.

5 people arrested, morning reading | 48 people lost contact! False reporting of mountain flood disasters without reporting
5 people arrested, morning reading | 48 people lost contact! False reporting of mountain flood disasters without reporting

Good morning The morning reading of the news is here! On Thursday, August 31, 2023, the 16th day of the seventh lunar month in Shanghai, it will be cloudy to overcast. In the afternoon, there will be scattered short-term showers or thunderstorms, with temperatures ranging from 21 to 29 ℃. Today, 48 people will be out of contact! On the morning of August 30th, the Sichuan Provincial People's Government held a press conference in Jinyang County, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, announcing the investigation and disposal of missing persons from the "8.21" mountain flood disaster. As of now, the disaster has caused 4 deaths and 48 people to be lost. According to reports, in the early morning of August 21st, a flash flood broke out in Jinyang County, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province due to the impact of short-term heavy rainfall. The steel reinforcement processing plant of the JN1 section of the Shudao Group Riverside Expressway project located in the lower reaches of the Lujiaolin River in Jinyang County was affected by migrant workers stationed in the floor room

Time span of over 40 years, Japanese media: investigation confirms that Yoshikawa has been sexually assaulting artists for a long time
Time span of over 40 years, Japanese media: investigation confirms that Yoshikawa has been sexually assaulting artists for a long time

According to reports from Japanese media, in response to the sexual assault on artists by the late former president of the well-known Japanese artist agency Johnny's Law Firm, a "Special Group to Prevent Recurrence" composed of external experts announced on the 29th local time that it has been determined that there has been a long-term and repeated sexual assault on multiple "Johnny's Jr." artists by Kodokawa. According to reports, the special team submitted an investigation report to Johnny's Law Firm on the same day, determining that Yoshikawa repeatedly sexually assaulted a male artist named "Johnny Jr." at the firm from the first half of the 1970s to around 2015. According to reports, multiple testimonies received by the special team indicate that there were at least hundreds of victims. One of the members of the special group, psychiatrist Kazuhiro Inoue, introduced that "to a certain extent, I inquired in detail about the situation at that time and believed it was true."

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs introduces the relevant situation of US Secretary of Commerce Raymond's visit to China
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs introduces the relevant situation of US Secretary of Commerce Raymond's visit to China

On August 30th, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin presided over a regular press conference. A reporter asked, and US Commerce Secretary Raymond said that some American companies in China have told her that China is becoming less and less investable, and the risks are increasing. What is China's response to this? Wang Wenbin stated that China has released relevant information regarding Minister Raymond's visit to China. You can refer to it. During the relevant talks and meetings, China has expressed its position on issues such as China US relations and China US economic and trade relations. Wang Wenbin introduced that yesterday, Premier Li Qiang met with Minister Raymond. During the meeting, Premier Li Qiang pointed out that the essence of China US economic and trade relations is mutual benefit and win-win. The politicization and security of economic and trade issues not only seriously affect bilateral relations and mutual trust, but also harm the interests of enterprises and people of both countries, which will benefit the global economy

From Japan's nuclear radiation zone! Hangzhou case investigation, children's lollipops
From Japan's nuclear radiation zone! Hangzhou case investigation, children's lollipops

Recently, the Market Supervision Bureau of Lucheng District, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province seized a case of selling imported food from Japan's nuclear radiation areas. During the inspection, law enforcement officers found that a certain imported food store sold a Japanese imported lollipop called "POPCAN", and the food label information showed that the production place was "Saitama Prefecture, Japan". According to the Announcement on Further Strengthening the Inspection and Quarantine Supervision of Imported Food and Agricultural Products from Japan issued by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of China, as well as the Notice on Prohibitions from the Import and Export Food Safety Bureau of the General Administration of Customs of China, the import of food, edible agricultural products, and feed from 10 counties in Japan, including Fukushima Prefecture, Gunma Prefecture, Nagano Prefecture, Saitama Prefecture, Tokyo Prefecture, and Chiba Prefecture, is prohibited. Due to the fact that the origin of the goods in question is Saitama Prefecture, which is one of the regions prohibited from importing food

Anhui held a meeting to expose its shortcomings, yesterday
Anhui held a meeting to expose its shortcomings, yesterday

"In today's meeting, we must be brave enough to investigate and expose problems, and take the initiative to expose shortcomings." This was said by Han Jun, Secretary of the Anhui Provincial Party Committee. And "this meeting" refers to the Anhui Provincial Ecological Environment Protection Conference held on the morning of August 29th, attended by the main leaders of the provincial, municipal, and county party committees, governments, and relevant departments.As a province with abundant ecological resources, Anhui has achieved remarkable results in ecological environment protection in recent years. In Han Jun's words, Anhui is determined to strengthen ecological civilization construction and environmental protection throughout the province, throughout the entire process, and in all aspects

He said in an interview that in the increasingly intensified confrontation between China and the United States, Japan should

A new position has been appointed by the State Council as a substitute for those who have been serving in Beijing for less than a year
A new position has been appointed by the State Council as a substitute for those who have been serving in Beijing for less than a year

According to the website of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the State Council appoints and dismisses state officials. Appoint Xu Shouben as the Deputy Secretary General of the State Council; Appoint Wang Guangyan as the Deputy Minister of Education; Appoint Wang Jiayi as the Chief Inspector of the Ministry of Education; Appoint Chen Jie as the Director of the National Language and Writing Work Committee; Appoint Ren Weidong as the Deputy Editor in Chief of Xinhua News Agency; Appoint Liu Huanxin as the Director of the State Grain and Material Reserve Bureau; Appoint Wang Shaozhong as the Director of the National Archives Administration; Appoint Gao Jian as the Deputy Director of the National Archives Administration; Appoint Shi Yingli as the Deputy Director of the National Security Bureau. Shangguanhui noticed that Wang Jiayi, who has been appointed as the Chief Inspector of the Ministry of Education, has taken up two new positions within a year. Wang Jiayi, male, Han nationality, born in Qingtongxia, Ningxia in December 1965, joined the CPC in November 1985, and in July 1991

I went to Shenzhen 9 million times this summer, and 7.33 million Hong Kong people
I went to Shenzhen 9 million times this summer, and 7.33 million Hong Kong people

This summer, Shenzhen was overcrowded by Hong Kong people. In several shopping malls near Shenzhen Futian High Speed Rail Station, Hong Kong visitors can be seen everywhere, accounting for almost more than half of the mall visitors. The data has the most intuitive reflection. Ctrip data shows that in July and August, the overall tourism booking volume of Hong Kong tourists to Shenzhen increased by 257% year-on-year and 14% month on month compared to the previous two months; Hotel orders increased by 301% year-on-year and 12% month on month compared to the previous two months; Ticket orders increased by 447% year-on-year and 116% month on month compared to the previous two months. On Xiaohongshu and Tiktok, Hong Kong people are sharing more and more Shenzhen shopping experiences. Why are more and more Hong Kong people flocking to Shenzhen? What stage has the interconnectivity of the Greater Bay Area entered? On social media, many Hong Kong people can be found posting "such as..."

Previously served as Consul General in Barcelona, and Zhu Jingyang assumed the position of new Ambassador to Colombia, Counselor of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Previously served as Consul General in Barcelona, and Zhu Jingyang assumed the position of new Ambassador to Colombia, Counselor of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

According to the website of the Chinese Embassy in Colombia, on August 28, 2023, Zhu Jingyang, the newly appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People's Republic of China to the Republic of Colombia, arrived in Colombia to take office. Officials such as the Director of the Asia Pacific Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Costa Rica, major diplomats from the Embassy in Costa Rica, and representatives from central media, Chinese enterprises, and overseas Chinese went to the airport to welcome them. According to public information, Zhu Jingyang, male, born in December 1972 in Danyang, Jiangsu, holds a Master's degree in International Studies. Zhu Jingyang has served as a counselor at the Chinese Embassy in Argentina, a counselor and director of the Latin America and Caribbean Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and a counselor at the Translation Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In 2021, he was appointed as the Consul General of China in Barcelona. Blue Tiger, who previously served as the Chinese Ambassador to Colombia, has been appointed as the Chinese Ambassador to Venezuela.

Overseas Chinese on the "the Belt and Road" ⑤), "I want to take my children to see the achievements of the construction of the" the Belt and Road "(power stations | projects | achievements in the past decade
Overseas Chinese on the "the Belt and Road" ⑤), "I want to take my children to see the achievements of the construction of the" the Belt and Road "(power stations | projects | achievements in the past decade

The Xi'er River 1500 MW Gas Combined Cycle Power Plant Project is located in the factory area. Gao Yang is at the construction site. All interviewees provided pictures. In the early morning of August 8th local time, in the small town of Xilin in southern Uzbekistan, China Energy Construction Corporation's largest gas combined cycle power plant in Central Asia - the 1500 MW gas combined cycle power plant project on the Syr River - completed the AIS500 kV regional reverse power transmission work in five stages over a period of two weeks. Since the launch of the Xi'er River Power Station project in 2021, as an overseas Chinese enterprise undertaking the business of temporary construction, earthwork, and road engineering in Central Asian infrastructure projects, Gaoyang's company - Huajian International Construction Company has been fully involved. The Silk Road Book Fragrance Project, the Xi'er River 1500 MW Gas Combined Cycle Power Plant Project, the Olympic City Project

New highlights of China's economy: optimization of foreign investment structure in China
New highlights of China's economy: optimization of foreign investment structure in China

Since the beginning of this year, facing the severe and complex international situation, China has steadfastly deepened its opening-up to the outside world, continuously optimized the environment for foreign investment, focused on enhancing the pertinence of relevant measures, actively addressed the problems and demands of foreign investors, and promoted their confidence, stable situation, and structural optimization in investing in China. Since the beginning of this year, various regions and departments have launched a series of positive measures to optimize the foreign investment environment based on their own work responsibilities. The State Council recently issued the "Opinions on Further Optimizing the Foreign Investment Environment and Increasing the Attraction of Foreign Investment", proposing 24 policy measures from 6 aspects, focusing on solving the difficulties and pain points of foreign investment and operation. The relevant departments quickly proposed clear measures to implement the Opinion. For example, the Opinion clearly states that foreign-invested enterprises are guaranteed to participate in the government in accordance with the law

Is China's investment in overseas ports a "threat"—— At the beginning, the US discredited the "the Belt and Road" fallacy (II)
Is China's investment in overseas ports a "threat"—— At the beginning, the US discredited the "the Belt and Road" fallacy (II)

China's port cooperation with relevant countries has been widely praised internationally, but it has become a potential military base and brings geopolitical risks to some populations in the United States. Such accusations are not only unfounded, but also completely ignore a fundamental fact: the United States is the country with the most overseas military bases. According to data from the Quincy Institute of Governance, a US think tank, in 2021, the United States has approximately 750 military bases in 80 countries and regions overseas. It is precisely with the support of these bases that the United States flaunts its military power, interferes in its internal affairs, and launches wars everywhere. From military invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq to armed intervention in Syria and Libya, the actions of the US military have caused a large number of civilian casualties, disrupted the original order of these countries, and provided a breeding ground for extremist forces and terrorist organizations. near

Tax incentives "reduce" negative linkage financial "increase" capital - precise support of financial and tax policies for enterprise observation
Tax incentives "reduce" negative linkage financial "increase" capital - precise support of financial and tax policies for enterprise observation

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, August 30 (Xinhua) - The Economic Reference Daily published an article on August 30 titled "Tax and fee incentives" reduce "negative linkage finance" increase "capital - precise support of financial and tax policies for enterprise observation". The article states that fiscal funds should play a guiding role in supporting innovative development of enterprises; Implement the policy of reducing taxes and fees, and reduce the burden on enterprises; Collaborative linkage of fiscal and financial policies helps enterprises expand financing channels... Recently, reporters have learned from interviews in multiple places that a series of financial and tax support policies are precise and directly accessible to entities, adding impetus to the development of enterprises, especially small and medium-sized enterprises. Entering the production workshop of Jiangxi Baiying Sports Technology Co., Ltd., one can see an intelligent production line occupying it. The cut leather material is transported to the workstation by the machine belt, and with the cooperation of the machine and workers, a pair of sports shoes are molded and assembled into shape.

"Sha Ge Huang" attracts "Golden Phoenix" - Inner Mongolia's New Energy Investment Heat Observation, "Scenery" is Unique Here
"Sha Ge Huang" attracts "Golden Phoenix" - Inner Mongolia's New Energy Investment Heat Observation, "Scenery" is Unique Here

Author: Xinhua Daily Telegraph reporter Yu Changhong, Zhang Lina, An Lu Meng is covered in yellow sand, with no vegetation and no human habitation, which is the inherent appearance of the desert and Gobi in Inner Mongolia. With the rise of the new energy industry, the once desolate land is now becoming bustling and bustling, with top companies with sharp noses flocking in and investing billions of yuan to build new energy;In this regard, Inner Mongolia has a clear direction, a matching path, and a promising future

Snow Mountain Witnessing: Over 60 Years of Deep Love in Fish and Water - The Stories of "The Most Beautiful Military Supporter" Kuji and "Golden Pearl Mami"
Snow Mountain Witnessing: Over 60 Years of Deep Love in Fish and Water - The Stories of "The Most Beautiful Military Supporter" Kuji and "Golden Pearl Mami"

The picture shows the officers and soldiers of the stationed troops welcoming them to visit indeed. On the eve of the Army Day on August 1st, the list of "Most Beautiful Military Supporters" for 2023 was jointly selected by the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Veterans Affairs Department, the Political Work Department of the Central Military Commission, and the National Support Office. A 61 year old villager from Naicun, Changlong Township, Gangba County, Shigatse City, was honored with this honor. Gangba, meaning "village near the snow mountain" in Tibetan, has an average elevation of over 4700 meters in the county. The true portrayal of the hard work of the Party, government, army, police and civilians in Gangba County over the years is that they lack oxygen without lacking spirit, are not afraid of hardship, and have a higher altitude. This has nurtured the "Plateau Border Defense Model Camp".

Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Biechericha: Feeling the shock of the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind
Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Biechericha: Feeling the shock of the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind

Belcherica Vladimir Fedevich Belcherica is a professor in the Department of Political Science at the Far Eastern Federal University of Russia, an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and an expert in China studies. In 1996, he was included in the "Russian Political Science Celebrity List" by the Russian National Social Science Foundation and has been dedicated to the interpretation and dissemination of Chinese political concepts in the Russian speaking world for many years. This year, his work "A Community with a Shared Future for Humanity: From Concept to Practice" was reprinted and released. Recently, the author of this article had a conversation with Becherica and listened to him tell the story of his connection with China. Q: What kind of fate brought you into contact with China? Becherica: I was born in the border city of Belgorsk, Russia, just over 70 kilometers away from the Chinese border. Therefore, in my childhood memories, China

Beijing has introduced multiple cultural welfare policies to continuously support cultural consumption activities | performances | culture
Beijing has introduced multiple cultural welfare policies to continuously support cultural consumption activities | performances | culture

CCTV News: The summer vacation is nearing its end. This summer, the domestic tourism market can be said to be bustling and exciting. Next, let's go to various places to see what exciting cultural and tourism activities there are. First, let's take a look at Beijing. This summer, 166 performance venues in Beijing launched 820 plays and over 4600 diverse and exciting performances, attracting a large number of citizens to watch and consume. At the same time, Beijing has also introduced multiple cultural welfare policies to continuously support cultural consumption. Throughout the summer, various distinctive operas, dances, musicals, and more were staged one after another. At the National Grand Theatre Opera House, the Moscow Grand Theatre Ballet brought to the audience "Ballet Collection - The Ultimate Ballet of the Moscow Grand Theatre" and the classic ballet "Don Quixote". At the Meilanfang Grand Theater in Beijing, produced by Shaanxi Province

After the Maui Island fire, American real estate developers attempted to plunder the land of disaster victims at low prices. Power companies attempted to shirk responsibility for the fire | Maui Island | Land Power
After the Maui Island fire, American real estate developers attempted to plunder the land of disaster victims at low prices. Power companies attempted to shirk responsibility for the fire | Maui Island | Land Power

A large fire broke out on Maui Island, Hawaii, USA on the 8th of this month. Currently, the fire has caused at least 115 deaths, and many people are still missing. Search work is still ongoing. However, many real estate developers disregarded the physical and mental harm suffered by the disaster victims, took advantage of the situation and repeatedly harassed them, attempting to acquire land on the island at a low price. Many disaster victims are very angry about this. According to US media reports on the 28th, the disaster victims on Maui Island have recently received frequent phone calls from businesses outside the island, hoping to acquire land on the island. Local residents say they are still experiencing the pain of losing loved ones and homes, still worried about survival, and the disaster area still lacks water and electricity; These acquisitions lack empathy and are like plundering. Residents of Maui Island: We do not sell La Haina. I want to repeat, we don't sell La Haina. Residents of Maui Island: We need to protect our land, I