The world

Xinhua News Review | General Trend: The unstoppable path of China's progress - Grasping the Correct Course of Sino US Relations Series of Comments Part 5 | China | Course
Xinhua News Review | General Trend: The unstoppable path of China's progress - Grasping the Correct Course of Sino US Relations Series of Comments Part 5 | China | Course

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, July 6th (Xinhua) - The General Trend: China's Road Ahead is unstoppable - Seizing the Correct Direction of China US Relations - Part 5 of a series of comments by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zheng Hangen. For a period of time, some American politicians have held a zero sum mentality and, in order to maintain American hegemony, have been trying their best to contain and suppress China's development pace. However, the strong determination and firm steps of over 1.4 billion Chinese people to promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation are unstoppable, and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has entered an irreversible historical process. These American politicians have miscalculated in their attempt to overwhelm China based on their power and status. The road ahead for China is unstoppable, because China's development and revitalization have a strong internal logic. China has been able to develop steadily and steadily because of the strong leadership of the CPC

Interview: The attractiveness of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization is constantly increasing - Interview with Saudi Arabia's international expert Ahmad Ibrahim for cooperation | Saudi Arabia | International
Interview: The attractiveness of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization is constantly increasing - Interview with Saudi Arabia's international expert Ahmad Ibrahim for cooperation | Saudi Arabia | International

Riyadh, July 5th (Xinhua) - The attractiveness of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization is constantly increasing. - Interview with Saudi Arabia's international expert Ahmad Ibrahim. Xinhua reporter Hu Guan. The 23rd meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization was held on July 4th. Saudi Arabian international expert Ahmad Ibrahim recently stated in an interview with Xinhua News Agency that an increasing number of countries are showing strong interest in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, which sends an important signal that its attractiveness is constantly increasing. At the Samarkand Summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization held in September 2022, Saudi Arabia became a dialogue partner of the organization. Ahmad pointed out that the enhanced attractiveness of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization stems from its establishment of a new model of international relations that emphasizes mutual respect, fairness and justice, and win-win cooperation. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization has been established for over 20 years

This is the US military's "bullying culture", the truth | victim punishment report | sexual assault | truth | victim
This is the US military's "bullying culture", the truth | victim punishment report | sexual assault | truth | victim

According to a recent report by CNN, a secret investigation has found that since the 1980s, the US Coast Guard has concealed over 100 sexual assault incidents at its officer training academy in Connecticut. The senior management of the school chose to ignore or cover up these crimes for the sake of reputation. Even more terrifying is that frequent sexual assault incidents are just the tip of the iceberg in US military scandals, and the "bullying culture" within the US military is heinous. The high frequency of sexual assault incidents within the US military is shocking, and repeated investigations seem to have failed to alert the military. According to a 2013 report by The New York Times, a Pentagon survey found that approximately 26000 women and men were sexually assaulted in 2012; Among them, only 3374 cases were reported. The New York Times reported in 2019 that

Liu Haitao was "double opened" and illegally leaked undisclosed disciplinary review information. Director | Supervisory Commission | Information
Liu Haitao was "double opened" and illegally leaked undisclosed disciplinary review information. Director | Supervisory Commission | Information

Recently, the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Heilongjiang Province conducted a case review and investigation into the serious violations of discipline and law by Liu Haitao, former member of the Standing Committee of the Beilin District Committee, former secretary of the District Discipline Inspection Commission, and former director of the District Supervision Commission in Suihua City. After investigation, Liu Haitao violated the spirit of the central eight point regulations by illegally accepting consumer cards, accepting banquets from management and service recipients, and borrowing personnel from management units; Violating organizational discipline and using power to illegally seek personnel benefits for others; Violating integrity discipline and engaging in profit-making activities in violation of regulations; Violating public discipline and illegally allocating expenses to enterprises; Violating work discipline and disclosing undisclosed disciplinary review information; Taking advantage of the convenient conditions formed by power or position, seeking illegitimate benefits for the applicant in case handling through the actions of other state officials, illegally accepting the applicant's money, suspected of bribery; To help others in

Russian media releases footage of searching Prigoren's residence and office: discovery of wigs, weapons, etc. Russian news agency | Source | Wig
Russian media releases footage of searching Prigoren's residence and office: discovery of wigs, weapons, etc. Russian news agency | Source | Wig

According to a report by TASS on the 5th local time, Russian television recently revealed footage of Russian law enforcement agencies searching the office of the founder of the Wagner organization, Prigorn. Law enforcement officers discovered items such as wigs and cash at these locations. According to reports, the "Russia 1" television channel displayed footage of Prigoren's office and home in the "60 minute program", where law enforcement officers found cash, wigs, passports, weapons, and a small helicopter parked in the yard of the house. According to previous reports, on June 23 local time, Prigoren accused the Russian Ministry of Defense of attacking the Wagner mercenary camp. In response to this, the Russian Ministry of Defense responded that the news was untrue, and the Russian Prosecutor General's Office filed an armed rebellion lawsuit against Prigoren. On June 24th,

Turn counter-terrorism into a "business"! US overseas "black jails" trample on human rights and arrest | US | human rights
Turn counter-terrorism into a "business"! US overseas "black jails" trample on human rights and arrest | US | human rights

Stepping out of the gate of Guantanamo Prison, Afghan Haji Ghalib finally saw the light of day again. A sentence echoed incessantly in his mind: "Sorry, you have been proven innocent and pose no threat to the United States." That day was March 1, 2007. After four years of unjustified imprisonment, Galileo only received this light apology and nothing else. The US military prison at the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base in Cuba has been exposed to scandals for over 20 years. On June 26th this year, United Nations Special Rapporteur Fiona Ni Ilan, after being granted permission to inspect the prison for the first time, told the media at the United Nations headquarters in New York that detainees in the prison are still being subjected to "cruel, inhumane, and insulting" treatment, and there are structural deficiencies and systematic arbitrary detention practices in the prison. For many years, the United States has been known as the "war on terror"

Be wary of "high salaries" and "guaranteed wages" when working in Mongolia! The Chinese Embassy in Mongolia has issued a reminder to the embassy | work | guarantee
Be wary of "high salaries" and "guaranteed wages" when working in Mongolia! The Chinese Embassy in Mongolia has issued a reminder to the embassy | work | guarantee

According to the WeChat official account of the Chinese Embassy in Mongolia, recently, the Chinese Embassy in Mongolia has received reports from Chinese citizens who come to Mongolia to work. Before leaving, domestic recruitment units or labor dispatch agencies did not truthfully inform them of their overseas work, living conditions and salary treatment, did not sign labor contracts, and did not apply for work visas and work and residence certificates for migrant workers in Mongolia according to law. We would like to remind all recruitment units and migrant workers in Mongolia to pay attention to the following points: 1. When going abroad for work, it is necessary to choose qualified companies and be vigilant about the "high salary", "guaranteed salary" and other promotional methods or "acquaintances" introduced by some intermediary companies. Please inquire and verify the qualifications of the labor dispatch company, as well as the actual situation of the employer's salary, working environment, living conditions, etc. 2. The dispatch contract and labor contract must be signed domestically

Harbin Institute of Technology responds!, The student who snatched the professor's microphone online was admitted to Harbin Institute of Technology | Anhui | Student
Harbin Institute of Technology responds!, The student who snatched the professor's microphone online was admitted to Harbin Institute of Technology | Anhui | Student

Recently, it was rumored online that Jiang, a student from Lujiang Middle School in Anhui Province who had previously snatched a professor's microphone in February this year, scored 655 in the college entrance examination and was admitted to Harbin Institute of Technology as he wished. Is this true? On the morning of July 6th, a Red Star News reporter contacted a teacher from the Anhui Admissions Group of Harbin Institute of Technology. The teacher said that the online rumors about Jiang's admission to Harbin Institute of Technology were not true. "We haven't finished our registration yet, are filling out our preferences, and haven't started admitting yet, it's just spreading rumors." According to previous media reports, Zhang, a third year high school graduate from Lujiang Middle School, said, "Jiang is my classmate and good friend. In the eyes of classmates, he has always been like a top student. This year, due to the influence of media reports on related events, his overall performance is not very good, but it's not that the online rumors are 387 points, but more than 600 points." On June 28th, a staff member of the Lujiang County Education Bureau

Design a blackmail storybook to uncover the tricks behind the "peach trap": high salaries lure domestic youth to illegally cross Myanmar and commit crimes by Lai Mouhua | Organization | Youth
Design a blackmail storybook to uncover the tricks behind the "peach trap": high salaries lure domestic youth to illegally cross Myanmar and commit crimes by Lai Mouhua | Organization | Youth

If a so-called "beauty" actively approaches you on social media and occasionally makes hints that can further "naked chat", you must be vigilant at this time. This is likely a "peach trap" designed by criminals. Recently, the Ministry of Public Security announced five typical cases of the special action to crack down on and punish cybercrime. One typical case is a cross-border "naked chat" extortion case successfully uncovered by the Anhui police in May 2022. In this case, more than 60 suspect were captured, and more than 310 related criminal cases involving multiple regions of the country were uncovered. According to the police investigation, the case carried out by the cross-border "naked chat" extortion criminal organization with Lai and Yang as the core involves multiple parts of the country, with nearly a thousand victims and a total amount of over 70 million yuan involved.

Guangxi Liugang reported a gas fire accident at a coking plant: one operator died and two injured Liugang | accident | coking plant
Guangxi Liugang reported a gas fire accident at a coking plant: one operator died and two injured Liugang | accident | coking plant

On July 5, 2023 at 11:00 am, a gas fire accident occurred in the second chemical production workshop of Liugang Coking Plant, resulting in one death and two minor injuries to the operator. After the accident, Liugang immediately activated the emergency response mechanism, organized emergency rescue and reported the accident situation in a timely manner. The rescue forces arrived at the accident site as soon as possible for emergency rescue and disposal. After receiving the report, relevant leaders from the State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the Autonomous Region, Liuzhou City, Liugang and others immediately arrived at the accident site to command emergency rescue work. At 22:30 that evening, all dangerous situations were effectively controlled and there was no impact on the surrounding environment. The cause of the accident is under further investigation. Liugang is making every effort to handle accidents and provide comfort to family members, and has deeply learned from the lessons of accidents. It is tightening its responsibility measures and increasing efforts to investigate major risks and hidden dangers

Liang Junda was appointed as the Deputy Mayor of Heyuan City, and after serving as the Deputy Secretary of the Guangdong Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League for ten years, he became the Deputy Mayor | County Mayor | Kaiping City | Communist Youth League | Heyuan City | Appointed | Guangdong | Liang Junda
Liang Junda was appointed as the Deputy Mayor of Heyuan City, and after serving as the Deputy Secretary of the Guangdong Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League for ten years, he became the Deputy Mayor | County Mayor | Kaiping City | Communist Youth League | Heyuan City | Appointed | Guangdong | Liang Junda

Liang Junda, according to the WeChat official account of "Heyuan People's Congress", on July 4, the 18th meeting of the Standing Committee of the Eighth People's Congress of Heyuan City, Guangdong Province, approved the appointment of Liang Junda as the vice mayor of Heyuan City People's Government. According to public information, Liang Junda was born in August 1978 in Kaiping, Guangdong. He joined the Communist Party of China in June 1998 and started working in July 1996. He has been working at the grassroots level in townships for a long time, serving as the Deputy Director of the Party and Government Office, Secretary of the Youth League Committee, and Deputy Mayor of Xiangang Town, Kaiping City, as well as the Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Mayor of Chishui Town, Kaiping City. In September 2007, 29 year old Liang Junda was appointed as the Deputy Secretary of the Jiangmen Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League. Less than a year later, he was appointed as the Deputy Secretary of the Fengkai County Committee, Deputy County Magistrate, and Acting County Magistrate. Starting from August 2008, Liang Junda was appointed as the Deputy Secretary and County Magistrate of Fengkai County. Guangdong media《

Lithuanian President: NATO Summit Will Make Ukraine "Very Satisfied" Lithuania | President | Ukraine
Lithuanian President: NATO Summit Will Make Ukraine "Very Satisfied" Lithuania | President | Ukraine

According to Agence France Presse on July 5th, Lithuania will host a NATO summit next week, and the country's president explicitly stated in an interview on July 4th that the discussion will satisfy Ukraine very much. Ukraine has always wanted to join NATO as soon as possible. According to reports, Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseta said, "My feeling is that we will find a way of expressing ourselves that will not disappoint Ukrainians, and it will bring more than our previous statements." Ukrainian President Zelensky "may not get all of his ambitious plans, but he will definitely get a lot of things.". ▲ Image: According to reports, Lithuanian President Nauseta recently stated, "We need a very clear and clear signal from the Vilnius summit that Ukraine can become a complete member of NATO after the war.".

He just won't let go!, Biden anxiously anticipates Prime Minister | United States | Biden
He just won't let go!, Biden anxiously anticipates Prime Minister | United States | Biden

According to the New York Times on July 5th, US President Biden told Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Christsson at the White House that he was "anxiously looking forward to" Sweden's acceptance by NATO. According to the report, it is less than a week before Biden and other NATO leaders go to Vilnius, Lithuania, to attend the NATO summit. Due to the continuous opposition of President Erdogan of Türkiye, Sweden is still unlikely to join NATO. It is reported that Sweden's "accession" to the Treaty is of vital importance to NATO because NATO is unwilling to show signs of internal division at its annual summit, especially when the Russia-Ukraine conflict continues. After the Russia-Ukraine conflict, Sweden broke its decades of neutrality and sought to join NATO. Bloomberg News was quoted as saying that all NATO members except Türkiye and Hungary have approved

To win better, Olympic champion Ding Ning spoke at the graduation ceremony of Peking University: Only by bravely facing the losing graduation ceremony | Peking University | Olympic champion Ding Ning
To win better, Olympic champion Ding Ning spoke at the graduation ceremony of Peking University: Only by bravely facing the losing graduation ceremony | Peking University | Olympic champion Ding Ning

On the 5th, the 2023 graduate graduation ceremony and degree awarding ceremony of Peking University were held at the Qiu Deba Sports Center. Ding Ning, the Olympic champion of table tennis and a 2021 master's student from the Sports Teaching and Research Department of Peking University, along with many classmates, graduated from Peking University and embarked on a new journey in life. Peking University is the birthplace of Ding Ning's dream. At the age of 18, she once watched the women's table tennis final of the 2008 Beijing Olympics at the Qiu Deba Sports Center. She still remembers the exciting scene when everyone sang the national anthem together after the Chinese team won. "When the whole audience sang the national anthem loudly together, I think I will never forget that moment in my life. My heartbeat was even faster than the rhythm of table tennis on the field, because it was the common heartbeat of all Chinese people on and off stage. It was the starting point of my dream and the place where I and Peking University originated." Bi said

Female researchers applying for "Outstanding Youth" program relaxed to 48 years old | Female | Researchers
Female researchers applying for "Outstanding Youth" program relaxed to 48 years old | Female | Researchers

Recently, the Party Group of the National Natural Science Foundation of China held a meeting to listen to the report on the support of the National Natural Science Foundation for female researchers, and approved suggestions to further strengthen support for female researchers. The meeting clarified that starting from 2024, the age for female researchers to apply for National Outstanding Youth Science Fund projects will be relaxed from 45 years old to 48 years old. The National Natural Science Foundation of China has always attached great importance to the growth and development of female researchers, and has taken measures such as "women first" under equal conditions, allowing pregnant and breastfeeding women to extend project cycles, and improving the participation of female experts in evaluation. In particular, the age limit for women to apply for Youth Science Foundation projects and Excellent Youth Science Foundation projects has been relaxed, providing strong support for more female researchers to obtain project funding and carry out basic research. This launch will release

What are we talking about?, Senior economic officials from China and the United States sit at the negotiating table, Yellen visits Beijing, World | United States | Economy
What are we talking about?, Senior economic officials from China and the United States sit at the negotiating table, Yellen visits Beijing, World | United States | Economy

According to the agreement between China and the United States, US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen will visit China from July 6th to 9th. The world is intertwined with turmoil, and high-level economic officials from China and the United States have finally sat at the negotiating table in Beijing. From bilateral to global, the topics at the negotiation table include tariffs, investment, semiconductors, global debt, addressing climate change, and the Ukrainian crisis. Following US Secretary of State Antony Blinken's visit to China last month to explore the way, what can Yellen's appearance bring to the two countries and the world? Xu Feibiao, Director of the BRICS and G20 Research Center at the China Institute of Modern International Relations, said that if the two sides can reach consensus in the economic and trade field and seek cooperation on global issues, "stabilizing the relationship between the two countries" would be a blessing for the world. In April this year, Yellen publicly stated that completely separating the US and China economies would be catastrophic for both countries,

More daring and daring to act, a 2600 word recollection of an old county party secretary: daring to think and try county party committee | reform | farmers | small commodities | engineering | market | Yiwu | Xie Gaohua
More daring and daring to act, a 2600 word recollection of an old county party secretary: daring to think and try county party committee | reform | farmers | small commodities | engineering | market | Yiwu | Xie Gaohua

On July 6th, the Zhejiang Daily published a column titled "Tracing the Source, Gratefulness, Advancing, and Taking on the Lead" titled "Daring to Think, Trying, and Doing More - A Record of Xie Gaohua, former Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Quzhou Municipal People's Congress and former Secretary of the Yiwu County Committee". The full text is as follows: Compared with the world-renowned Yiwu small commodity market, Xie Gaohua's fame is not significant, while in Yiwu, this name is almost unknown to everyone. From the first year of the Yiwu Small Commodity Expo held in 1995 until the year before Xie Gaohua's death in 2019, during the annual Yiwu Small Commodity Expo, local merchants and the public would spontaneously greet Xie at the highway intersection to "go home". Last year, coinciding with the 40th anniversary of the market construction in Yiwu, a statue of "reform pioneer" Xie Gaohua was erected in Yiwu. In the eyes of the locals, the reason why Yiwu has achieved what it is today is inseparable from Xie Gao

Official confirmation: There is a quality issue with the "crooked building body" of a resettlement house in Hefei. The owner | South District | Quality
Official confirmation: There is a quality issue with the "crooked building body" of a resettlement house in Hefei. The owner | South District | Quality

Yesterday, China Voice exclusively reported on the Longgu Huating resettlement community in Yaohai District, Hefei, Anhui Province. After completing the lottery selection in March this year, homeowners discovered "signs of tilting" in the building. As a result, the relocation and resettlement work of 15 buildings in the southern area of the community was suspended, affecting approximately 1900 homeowners. The Publicity Department of Yaohai District Committee introduced that some buildings in the community have quality issues, and nearly half of the southern district owners have accepted a repurchase plan of 9577 yuan/square meter. Starting from April this year, testing for Building 15 in the southern district has begun and is currently being intensified. The results will be available soon. The relevant person in charge of the construction and supervision unit in Longgu Huating South District is currently the subject of investigation and cannot be interviewed. Official confirmation that nearly half of the buildings have quality issues

More than 80% of overseas students have returned to China. Ministry of Education: Cooperation since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China | Ministry of Education
More than 80% of overseas students have returned to China. Ministry of Education: Cooperation since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China | Ministry of Education

In response to this, Liu Zicheng, Director of the Comprehensive Reform Department of the Ministry of Education, stated that open cooperation is the only way to build a strong education country.

Is Musk afraid? More than 2 million people registered! The Twitter assassin has arrived, two people in two hours | platform | assassin
Is Musk afraid? More than 2 million people registered! The Twitter assassin has arrived, two people in two hours | platform | assassin

Recently, tech giants Zuckerberg and Musk have gone from online booking to a platform battle. On July 6th local time, Facebook's parent company Meta launched its long awaited new application Threads. Due to its extremely similar features and pages to Twitter, this application is also seen as posing the "biggest threat" to Twitter to date. After the launch of the new image application, Meta CEO Zuckerberg stated on Threads that Threads had only been online for two hours and had over 2 million users registered. Just a few days ago, Twitter CEO Musk just implemented new restrictions on reading on Twitter, causing dissatisfaction among users and causing a new round of Twitter turmoil. Many users have begun to search for platforms that can replace Twitter

Bi Shumin's own refutation: I'm living well, Wendeng, Shandong | Disease | Bi Shumin
Bi Shumin's own refutation: I'm living well, Wendeng, Shandong | Disease | Bi Shumin

On July 5th, it was rumored online that Bi Shumin's son issued an obituary stating that his mother Bi Shumin had suddenly fallen ill at home and unfortunately passed away in the early morning of May 31st. On July 6th, Bi Shumin said in an interview with Jiupai News reporters, "I am currently alive and well. There are many rumors, but this time it is more lively." Previously, Bi Shumin had no knowledge of rumors spread online that she had passed away. "I even talked to my son on the phone today, and he didn't tell me about it." She thought that her son might be worried if he didn't say it. Bi Shumin humorously told the other end of the phone that Bi Shumin, who is 71 years old this year, is in a good mental state and speaks confidently. In the interview, she also incidentally complained about the high temperature in roast, "Today Beijing is 40 degrees." When it comes to accountability, Bi Shumin said that she did not know the whole situation, but also to see the original post

Opposing the discharge of nuclear contaminated water into the sea from Fukushima, South Korea's largest opposition party will hold a sit in protest throughout the night, lasting | Democratic Party | Fukushima
Opposing the discharge of nuclear contaminated water into the sea from Fukushima, South Korea's largest opposition party will hold a sit in protest throughout the night, lasting | Democratic Party | Fukushima

The largest opposition party in South Korea, the Democratic Party of Korea, will hold a 17 hour sit in protest starting from 7:00 pm local time on July 6th, opposing the Japanese government's discharge of contaminated Fukushima nuclear water into the sea. Spokesperson of the Democratic Party of Korea, Lee So young, stated at a press conference on the 6th that the Democratic Party will take urgent action and urge the South Korean government to express its opposition to the discharge of nuclear contaminated water into the sea. The Democratic Party of Korea will hold a sit in protest in front of the National Assembly building on Yoo Island in Seoul starting from 19:00 on the same day, in order to urge the South Korean government to express its opposition to the discharge of nuclear contaminated water into the sea during the resolution meeting at 11:00 on the 7th. Li Suying said that from the current situation, the Democratic Party believes that preventing the discharge of nuclear contaminated water is more important than formulating countermeasures after discharge.

I got a new job after retiring for over a year! Sun Yuxi, a Chinese diplomat who has traveled to 138 countries and is an "expert on Afghanistan", is the new president
I got a new job after retiring for over a year! Sun Yuxi, a Chinese diplomat who has traveled to 138 countries and is an "expert on Afghanistan", is the new president

When he was a special envoy, he traveled to over 40 countries. Author: Tian Liang, with the comprehensive escalation of the Ukrainian crisis and international hot topics such as Saudi Arabia and Iran's handshake in Beijing, people are increasingly paying attention to China's envoys actively mediating between relevant countries. Global People interviewed the first special envoy for Afghanistan, Sun Yuxi. Looking back on the years of being a special envoy, Sun Yuxi remembers that when he first arrived in Afghanistan, the area was facing a tense situation. After retiring for over a year and taking up a new position, in May 2011, the leader of the Al Qaeda terrorist organization, Osama bin Laden, was killed by the US military in his hiding place in Afghanistan. More than a month later, then US President Obama announced that he would gradually withdraw 100000 US troops from Afghanistan and hand it over to local management. At the same time, they also have some concerns about the future of the government they help establish after the withdrawal of troops

This necklace has excessive nuclear radiation and can cause cancer!, Shenyang Customs seized! Don't buy passengers recklessly | Nuclear radiation | Shenyang Customs
This necklace has excessive nuclear radiation and can cause cancer!, Shenyang Customs seized! Don't buy passengers recklessly | Nuclear radiation | Shenyang Customs

Recently, the customs of Shenyang Taoxian Airport, under the jurisdiction of Shenyang Customs, detected a passenger passing through a fixed nuclear radiation monitoring door while monitoring incoming flights, triggering an alarm. After the customs officers conducted a re examination of the interception, they found that the 15 "health stone" necklaces carried by the passenger had excessive nuclear radiation, with a radiation level of 46.85 microsieverts per hour, exceeding the background value at the scene by 468 times. "After radioactive nuclide analysis, the health stone contains two types of radioactive nuclides, barium 133 and thorium 232. Thorium 232 is listed as a Class 1 carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer of the World Health Organization," said a person from Shenyang Customs. Shenyang Customs reminds passengers to actively understand the ingredient information of overseas goods when purchasing, and to be cautious of carrying items with nuclear radiation exceeding standards into the country to avoid economic losses and harm to their own health

Official emergency response, second time this year! Just now, the boss's direct recruitment has collapsed again | APP | BOSS
Official emergency response, second time this year! Just now, the boss's direct recruitment has collapsed again | APP | BOSS

This morning, topic # Boss Direct Hiring rushed to Weibo's hot search. The first netizen reported that Boss Direct Hiring had collapsed again at 11:08. @ Boss Direct Hiring responded: On the morning of July 6th, there was a short-term service abnormality in the Boss Direct Hiring app, which was repaired by the team and has been restored to normal. We deeply apologize for any inconvenience caused to users during this period. We will continue to optimize service assurance. Thank you all for your continuous attention and support. Under related topics, some netizens commented: "Suddenly collapsed, I haven't found a job yet." HR also said: "I happened to catch my breath. The art style in the comment section has become a talent market. It is reported that this is the second time that BOSS direct recruitment has experienced a network crash this year.". On May 24th of this year, some netizens also reported that the boss's direct recruitment had collapsed. Subsequently, B

Approved by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China: He is appointed as a standing committee member of the Municipal Party Committee of the directly administered municipality! This week, three members of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee have taken up new positions across provinces. Hubei Provincial Development and Reform Commission | Director | has taken up new positions
Approved by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China: He is appointed as a standing committee member of the Municipal Party Committee of the directly administered municipality! This week, three members of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee have taken up new positions across provinces. Hubei Provincial Development and Reform Commission | Director | has taken up new positions

Just now, the Chongqing Daily client announced that the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has approved Comrade Chen Xinwu as a member and standing committee member of the Chongqing Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China. Chen Xinwu's open resume shows that Chen Xinwu, male, Han nationality, was born in Huanggang, Hubei Province in July 1968. He joined the CPC in June 1988 and started working in July 1990. He graduated from the Ohio University School of Business with a master's degree in business administration. Chen Xinwu, who has been serving in Hubei for a long time, once served as the Deputy Director of the Hubei Provincial Department of Land and Resources; Member of the Standing Committee of the Xiaogan Municipal Committee and Executive Vice Mayor of the Municipal Government; Deputy Secretary General of Hubei Provincial Government; Deputy Director and Party Member of the Development and Reform Commission of Hubei Province, Commander in Chief and Party Secretary of the Front Command of the Provincial Aid to Xinjiang Work, Deputy Director of the Provincial Aid to Xinjiang Work Office, and Director of the Provincial Government Office in Xinjiang; Mayor of Shiyan City; Development and Reform of Hubei Province

Approved by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China: Chen Xinwu appointed as a member of the Standing Committee of the Chongqing Municipal Committee | Comrade | Central Committee of the Communist Party of China
Approved by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China: Chen Xinwu appointed as a member of the Standing Committee of the Chongqing Municipal Committee | Comrade | Central Committee of the Communist Party of China

Approved by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Comrade Chen Xinwu is appointed as a member and standing committee member of the Chongqing Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China. According to the Governor of Chang'an Street, Chen Xinwu was previously a member of the Standing Committee and Secretary General of the Hubei Provincial Committee. According to publicly available information, Chen Xinwu was born in July 1968 in Huanggang, Hubei. He served as the Secretary of the Communist Youth League Huanggang City Committee, Deputy Secretary of the Huangmei County Committee, and County Magistrate. In 2005, he was appointed as the Deputy Director and Party Member of the Hubei Provincial Department of Transportation. In 2008, he was appointed as the Deputy Director and Party Member of the Hubei Provincial Department of Land and Resources. In 2009, he was appointed as a Standing Committee Member and Executive Vice Mayor of Xiaogan City Committee. In 2012, he was appointed as the Deputy Secretary General of the Hubei Provincial Government and a Party Member of the Provincial Government Office. In September 2015, Chen Xinwu was appointed as the Deputy Director and Party Member of the Hubei Provincial Development and Reform Commission. Later, he participated in the aid work in Xinjiang and served as the Commander in Chief of the Front Command of the Hubei Provincial Aid Work in Xinjiang

Wind exhibition, red flag, picturesque Three Brightness | Green mountains and clear waters are priceless treasures | Ecology | Red flag, picturesque Three Brightness | Green mountains and clear waters
Wind exhibition, red flag, picturesque Three Brightness | Green mountains and clear waters are priceless treasures | Ecology | Red flag, picturesque Three Brightness | Green mountains and clear waters

Doing a good job in addition, ecology, and industry. Mingxi is a national ecological county and a national ecological demonstration area. Its unique ecological resources attract hundreds of wild birds to inhabit here, and also attract many tourists to come and watch birds. Today

Why is the death sentence only suspended?, Forcing an 11 year old teenager to use drugs, trade drugs, and beat him to death as a minor | Wang | Youth
Why is the death sentence only suspended?, Forcing an 11 year old teenager to use drugs, trade drugs, and beat him to death as a minor | Wang | Youth

The homicide occurred on the morning of January 23, 2019. In a rented house in Panzhihua City, Sichuan Province, teenager An Moujia was continuously beaten for several hours and ultimately died. According to forensic identification, An Moujia not only has extensive bruises and scars all over his body, but also shows signs of acute heroin poisoning. How could an underage child be related to drugs? On July 6th, in the 45th batch of guiding cases released by the Supreme People's Procuratorate, a drug-related criminal group case involving particularly cruel means, particularly heinous circumstances, and particularly serious crimes was disclosed. At the trial, the drug trafficking situation was informed to the mother that an 11 year old boy was beaten to death. Wang was a drug user and was also suspected of using drug trafficking as a means of support. He often organizes his accomplices Long, Wang, Mi, and others to take drugs in a rented house in Panzhihua City, Sichuan Province

Previously, only 10 Chinese scientists were awarded, and Yan Ning received a new title. Yan Ning | International | Selected | Organization | Shenzhen Bay | Research | Scientists | Laboratory
Previously, only 10 Chinese scientists were awarded, and Yan Ning received a new title. Yan Ning | International | Selected | Organization | Shenzhen Bay | Research | Scientists | Laboratory

Yan Ning, founding president of Shenzhen Academy of Medical Sciences and director of Shenzhen Bay Laboratory, has received a new title. According to the website of Shenzhen Bay Laboratory, on July 4th local time, the European Organization for Molecular Biology announced the list of 69 newly selected members to the public. Yan Ning, founding president of Shenzhen Academy of Medical Sciences and director of Shenzhen Bay Laboratory, was elected as a foreign member of EMBO as a Chinese scientist. The above news introduces that Yan Ning is committed to studying the structure and mechanism of transmembrane transport of substances, revealing for the first time the atomic resolution structures of a series of transmembrane proteins with important physiological and pathological significance, such as human glucose transporters, eukaryotic voltage-gated sodium ion channels, and calcium ion channels. This provides a molecular basis for understanding the pathogenesis of related diseases and drug development. Yan Ning has received Science/AAAS and GE Health awards