The world

Li Jiachao: We will always remember!
Li Jiachao: We will always remember!

Today, the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Li Jiachao, senior officials of the SAR government, members of the Legislative Council, and people from all walks of life attended the official ceremony held at 8 a.m. in the Memorial Garden of the Hong Kong City Hall to commemorate the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japan. Hong Kong held an official ceremony to commemorate the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. The ceremony included singing the national anthem, raising the flag, and the police rifle honor guard firing guns to pay tribute. Afterwards, all attendees observed a two minute silence in memory of the martyrs. △ Police Rifle Honor Guard fires their guns to pay tribute △ Li Jiachao leads representatives from all walks of life to bow and pay tribute to the memorial niche △ Li Jiachao arranges ribbons for the wreath. Li Jiachao: Deeply mourns the martyrs and compatriots who died. Li Jiachao posted on social media, saying, "Today is the Victory Day of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. I attend the official memorial garden held by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government at the Hong Kong City Hall Memorial Garden."

Why does the United States do this?, Deploy thousands of unmanned combat systems within two years
Why does the United States do this?, Deploy thousands of unmanned combat systems within two years

US Deputy Secretary of Defense Katherine Hicks recently announced at the Emerging Technologies Conference of the Defense Industry Association that in response to the continuous growth of China's military power, the US Department of Defense has formulated the "replicator" plan, preparing to equip a large number of unmanned combat systems in the next 18 to 24 months, forming a scale effect, and responding to the "scale" of China's military power system with the "scale" of US unmanned systems. Within two years, the goal of the US Department of Defense is to produce, deliver, and deploy thousands of unmanned combat systems in multiple fields within the next 18 to 24 months. In the view of military observer Du Wenlong, this plan by the United States is not simply increasing the quantity of unmanned equipment, but rather aiming to offset the quantity advantage through quality advantage. Du Wenlong: The US military will take no one

Does Hangzhou Elevated Road prohibit Tesla from passing through specific brands? Official response: Temporary control
Does Hangzhou Elevated Road prohibit Tesla from passing through specific brands? Official response: Temporary control

On September 2nd, there was a sudden news on the internet that Tesla was not allowed to go on the Hangzhou Elevated Railway. The New Yellow River reporter asked the Hangzhou police to verify this matter and received a response that it was only a temporary traffic control and did not target any specific car brands. According to a video released by local residents in Hangzhou, it is suspected that Tesla car owners were stopped by traffic police on the way up the highway. The car owner asked the traffic police, "Why? They can all walk, why can't I?" The traffic police said that this is temporary control, and Tesla needs to walk downwards. Subsequently, the car owner questioned this statement, and the traffic police said, "It's a bit funny, but you have to obey." This video pointed out that the incident occurred in Hangzhou, but did not specify the specific date of the incident. On September 3rd, the staff of Hangzhou 12345 Government Service Convenience Hotline replied to the New Yellow River reporter that they did not have any information about Tesla not allowing it

She completed her legendary life, from the general's wife to the "old aunt"
She completed her legendary life, from the general's wife to the "old aunt"

"The respect of the people is the most beautiful medal in your life." "Auntie left!" On the evening of September 2nd, an obituary about the death of Auntie Gong Quanzhen made countless people cry. According to CCTV news, Comrade Gong Quanzhen, the fourth National Moral Model, National Excellent Communist Party Member, and recipient of the title of "Most Beautiful Struggler", passed away on September 2, 2023 at the age of 100 due to ineffective medical treatment. Gong Quanzhen was the wife of the founding general Gan Zuchang and the former principal of Nanpi Primary School in Pingxiang City, Jiangxi Province. In the 1950s, less than two years after being awarded the rank of Major General, Gan Zuchang voluntarily resigned from his position as the Minister of Logistics of the Xinjiang Military Region and returned to his hometown of Yanbei Village in Lianhua County, Jiangxi Province with his whole family. He voluntarily changed from a general to a farmer. 34 year old Gong Quanzhen takes her husband as a role model and devotes herself wholeheartedly to the education industry in mountainous areas

The Ministry of Public Security takes action! Unified action from September 8th
The Ministry of Public Security takes action! Unified action from September 8th

The reporter learned from the Ministry of Public Security today that from 20:00 to 2am every day from September 8th to 10th, the Ministry of Public Security will organize the third summer night public security inspection and prevention centralized unified operation nationwide. On August 31st, the third promotion meeting of the summer public security crackdown and rectification action of the national public security organs was held. The meeting deployed various regions to focus on prominent public security issues and key areas of public security, and to carry out "prevention, control and construction" simultaneously, fully sprinting for the "summer action". The Ministry of Public Security requires local public security organs to crack down heavily on prominent issues such as illegal medical practices and online gun and explosive activities. Focusing on the investigation of major cases and the security of major events, cluster campaigns and regional battles will be launched on different lines and regions. Continue to focus on major cases with a wide range of regions and long chains, such as traditional cross regional, new network, and cross-border cooperation, and adhere to the principle of "striking groups, striking batches, and expanding"

Top Russian rocket scientist poisoned to death! Suspected of mistakenly consuming poisonous mushrooms
Top Russian rocket scientist poisoned to death! Suspected of mistakenly consuming poisonous mushrooms

This week, top Russian rocket scientist Vitaly Melnikov unfortunately died of poisoning. There are reports that Melnikov is suspected to have died from ingesting poisonous mushrooms, but the specific circumstances of his death have not yet been officially confirmed. Melnikov, now 77 years old, is the head of the Rocket and Space Systems division of spacecraft manufacturer Russian Energy Corporation, which is the manufacturer of the Russian Lunar-25 probe that crashed into the moon earlier. Since 2008, Melnikov has also served as the Chief Researcher at the Korolev National Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, a subsidiary of the Russian Space Agency. He has published 291 scientific papers and is considered one of Russia's top space scientists. Recently, Melnikov became a professor at the People's Friendship University of Russia and taught there. According to reports,

Wu Qiqi repeatedly thanks China
Wu Qiqi repeatedly thanks China

Serbian President Vuchi ć said during an inspection of a primary school in the northern province of Vojvodina on the 1st that Chinese smart screens will help Serbia build a modern education system. Huawei and Serbia Telecom donated 150 Huawei smart screens to multiple primary schools in Serbia on the same day. In addition to Vucic, Zhang Zhe, the Charg é d'affaires ad interim of the Chinese Embassy in Serbia, as well as representatives from the Serbian government and enterprises from China and Serbia attended the donation ceremony. Xinhua News Agency's Wu Qiqi used Huawei's smart screen to send greetings to students from multiple primary schools in Serbia via video connection. He said that education is the foundation for building a successful society, and the purpose of this donation is to enhance the digital skills of young people and accelerate Serbia's digital transformation. These smart screens can effectively improve the communication between schools in rural and remote areas

After discussing this issue, the defense ministers of the United States and France spoke on the phone
After discussing this issue, the defense ministers of the United States and France spoke on the phone

According to the Russian Sputnik News Agency on September 2, Pat Ryder, a Pentagon spokesman, issued a statement saying that US Defense Minister Austin and French Defense Minister Sebastian Lekolny discussed the security situation in Niger by telephone. The statement stated: "The defense ministers of the two countries have expressed their desire to resolve the situation in Niger through diplomatic means and emphasized the need to continue interacting with Niger and regional partners in Africa." According to a report on the German news channel website on August 29, French President Macron emphasized his firm attitude towards Niger's military rulers in his foreign policy speech to his country's ambassadors on August 28. According to reports, Macron told the French ambassadors on the same day that given the overall international political environment, the current "world order in which the West plays a prominent role is increasingly being questioned" and there is a hidden "Western influence."

More than 50000 WeChat accounts have been provided to overseas fraud gangs! 157 Suspects Arrested in Software | Contact | Suspects
More than 50000 WeChat accounts have been provided to overseas fraud gangs! 157 Suspects Arrested in Software | Contact | Suspects

With the strong support of Tongliao Public Security Department and Tongliao Public Security Bureau, the Public Security Bureau of Kezuohou Banner, Tongliao City, Inner Mongolia, has successfully solved a series of extraordinarily large violations of citizens' personal information after more than 600 days of efforts, and has captured 157 suspect in total. In December 2021, the Public Security Bureau of Kezuohou Banner received a clue from the higher-level public security organs: there were residents in the jurisdiction who collected a large number of rental WeChat accounts and profited by earning price differences from them. The police found through preliminary investigation that this is a criminal gang that provides WeChat accounts for overseas fraud groups, with strict organization, clear division of labor, and a large number of people. On January 24, 2022, considering the significant nature of the case, with the approval of the Tongliao Public Security Bureau, it was decided to establish the "20220124" special task force. The task force revolves around the account fund flow of the involved personnel

Illegal discharge to the grassland outside the factory? Heilongjiang has listed three enterprises for environmental violations and supervised Daqing Ecological Environment Bureau | Environment | Enterprises
Illegal discharge to the grassland outside the factory? Heilongjiang has listed three enterprises for environmental violations and supervised Daqing Ecological Environment Bureau | Environment | Enterprises

On the 3rd, the reporter learned that the Department of Ecology and Environment of Heilongjiang Province has put up a list to supervise the environmental violations of three enterprises. According to the supervision deadline, by November 25, 2023, the environmental violations of three enterprises must be thoroughly investigated, rectified, and supervised. Environmental violations by Haisheng Wastewater Treatment Co., Ltd. in Lindian County. Recently, a third-party testing agency discovered during testing that the total phosphorus concentration at the total discharge outlet of the enterprise exceeded the standard. At present, the Daqing Ecological Environment Bureau has fulfilled the filing procedures for the illegal activities of the enterprise and has issued an Administrative Penalty Decision. Environmental violations of Daqing Deshanqian Chemical Technology Co., Ltd. Recently, during an inspection of the company, law enforcement officers discovered that its employees used submersible pumps to discharge wastewater from the temporary sewage storage tank to the ground of the factory area, and finally discharged it into the rainwater drainage well at the main entrance of the factory area. After investigation, the enterprise

Tomorrow's trial again: suspected of rape, special school principal for molesting students sentenced to three and a half years
Tomorrow's trial again: suspected of rape, special school principal for molesting students sentenced to three and a half years

In mid June this year, the media focused on the "Hubei Suixian Boai Special School Sexual Assault Case", which attracted widespread attention from society. The case, referred to by netizens as the "real-life version of" The Melting Pot ", involves the principal of a special school suspected of infringing on multiple disabled female students. The court has ruled on the crime of forced indecency, and the principal involved, Liu Aiye, has been sentenced to three years and six months in prison, which has caused considerable controversy among the public. Subsequently, on June 17th, the Suixian County Court in Hubei Province issued a situation statement, stating that a special team had been established as soon as possible to conduct a full case review of the case. Recently, Top News reporters learned from the family of one of the victims, Tu, that after a full review of the case, the prosecution has once again prosecuted Liu Aiye on suspicion of rape. The case will be heard in court on September 4th. Review of the subpoena incident provided by interviewee Mr. Tu from the County People's Court: The principal of the special school has repeatedly violated multiple disabled persons

【 Li Xiang China · Youth Study Class 】 Micro video | Presents a trustworthy, cute, and respectable image of China | Chinese civilization | China | Youth
【 Li Xiang China · Youth Study Class 】 Micro video | Presents a trustworthy, cute, and respectable image of China | Chinese civilization | China | Youth

Adhering to the position of Chinese culture, extracting and showcasing the spiritual symbols and cultural essence of Chinese civilization, accelerating the construction of Chinese discourse and narrative system, telling Chinese stories well, spreading Chinese voices well, and presenting a credible, lovely, and respectable image of China——From the historical spread of Buddhism to the East and the integration of Confucianism and Confucianism, to the modern spread of Western learning, the New Culture Movement, Marxism, and socialist ideology into China, and then

【 Sound of China 】 Deeply and Thoroughly Emphasize the Characteristics of the First Lesson of School Opening | Socialism | China
【 Sound of China 】 Deeply and Thoroughly Emphasize the Characteristics of the First Lesson of School Opening | Socialism | China

The teenage stage is the "jointing and booting stage" of life, which requires careful guidance and cultivation. The start of school signifies a new starting point and carries new hope. Providing a good first lesson has become an important part of the opening of schools in various regions. Deeply, thoroughly, and vividly teaching the "first lesson" of the beginning of the school year, through education and guidance that is internalized in the heart and externalized in action, students can enhance their love for the Party and the country, their understanding of ideals and beliefs, their understanding of struggle and responsibility, their aspirations for dreams and the future, and fasten the "first button" of life, which is particularly important and urgent for primary and secondary school students.

This "battle basketball team" during the Anti Japanese War once played invincible games in the northwest border area of Shanxi province
This "battle basketball team" during the Anti Japanese War once played invincible games in the northwest border area of Shanxi province

On September 3rd, the anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People's Anti Japanese War, the Jin Sui Border Region Revolutionary Memorial Hall located in Xing County, Lvliang City, Shanxi Province, once again welcomed a wave of visits. An old photo of a basketball game in the museum occasionally attracts passing tourists to stop. Tourists are visiting the Revolutionary Memorial Hall in the Jin Sui Border Region. This is an old photo of the "Battle Basketball Team" of the 120th Division of the Eighth Route Army playing against the Lijiawan Basketball Team in Xing County. In the photo, two players jump up high, stretch their arms, and compete for the basketball in the air, highlighting the tension and excitement of the game. During the War of Resistance Against Japan, the 120th Division of the Eighth Route Army led by He Long established an anti Japanese base in northwest Shanxi. In addition to fighting and engaging in production, the troops also vigorously carried out sports activities, with the "combat basketball team" being the most prominent

How to detect fly infestation and ant decay in hidden corners? Disclosure on the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission
How to detect fly infestation and ant decay in hidden corners? Disclosure on the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission

Punish "fly greed" without any mercy. Recently, relevant departments of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission announced that in the first half of the year, a total of 36000 cases of misconduct and corruption in the field of people's livelihoods were investigated and dealt with nationwide, and more than 52000 people were criticized, educated, helped, and dealt with. According to the deployment of the Second Plenary Session of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, disciplinary inspection and supervision organs at all levels should start from solving the most concerned, direct, and practical interests of the people, continuously strengthen supervision and inspection of the implementation of policies that benefit and enrich the people, and resolutely investigate and punish acts of corruption, embezzlement, interception, misappropriation, false reporting and claiming, and taking bribes. 1、 What typical cases have been investigated and dealt with in various regions—— Why are 84 deceased villagers still receiving pensions? This year, the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Dao County, Yongzhou City, Hunan Province investigated and dealt with a corruption case involving four village officials in Dongfang Village who embezzled 250000 yuan by using false pension insurance passbooks

Medvedev: This year, 280000 people in Russia have signed up to join the military. Medvedev | Conference | Russia
Medvedev: This year, 280000 people in Russia have signed up to join the military. Medvedev | Conference | Russia

According to a report by Russian news agency, on the 2nd local time, Medvedev, Vice Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, stated at a military contract meeting held on Sakhalin Island that approximately 280000 contract soldiers have been enlisted since January. According to reports, on the same day, Medvedev released a video on social media Telegram titled "On Japanese Militarism and the 78th Anniversary of Victory in World War II.". Medvedev pointed out that "data from the Ministry of Defense shows that since January 1st, 280000 contract soldiers have been enlisted in Russia." He also added that 280000 contract soldiers include reserve personnel, volunteers, and other categories of personnel. Medvedev emphasized that due to the importance of supplementing contract soldiers in the armed forces, he had face-to-face meetings with regional leaders. In early August, Medvedev

Actress Jiang Yiyi has been reported for tax evasion! 2.38 million yuan has been paid in full
Actress Jiang Yiyi has been reported for tax evasion! 2.38 million yuan has been paid in full

On the afternoon of September 3rd at 16:58, a netizen named "LHHHH" announced that he reported actor Jiang Yiyi's tax evasion to the tax bureau under his real name in February 2023, and received an inspection notice from the inspection bureau in July. The reporter saw in a screenshot from a netizen that the netizen submitted a report letter on February 20, 2023 at 16:03 regarding actor Jiang Yiyi's suspected tax evasion. The report letter mentioned that Jiang Yiyi's mother, Liu Yanlin, established the Yongkang Jiang Yiyi Film and Television Culture Studio in Yongkang City, Zhejiang Province on October 31, 2016, with Liu Yanlin as the legal representative. The report also mentioned that from 2016 to 2021, all of Jiang Yiyi's personal income was transferred to the studio, with a cumulative amount of approximately 16.13 million yuan, which is being transferred

Atmosphere up! Everywhere in Hangzhou_____
Atmosphere up! Everywhere in Hangzhou_____

September 3rd is 20 days before the opening of the Hangzhou Asian Games. Recently, the atmosphere of the Asian Games in Hangzhou has been filled up! Even the traffic lights are mascots in Hangzhou. The "Three Little Ones" mascots embody the traffic "commander" and "Congcong" lights on "Congcong Road" and "Lianlian" lights on "Lianlian Road" and "Chenchen" lights on "Chenchen Road". Netizens: This is the romance and cuteness of Hangzhou people ❤To welcome the Asian Games 👍 Hangzhou also launched the "Learn English for All to Welcome the Asian Games" activity. 100 sentences of Asian Games English brochures were distributed door-to-door, asking for directions, sightseeing, shopping, bidding farewell... All in one, a bus master worked hard to practice foreign languages for the Asian Games. Four excellent foreign languages from four countries were "Racing" 😀In order to achieve the goal of "Flower Full Hangzhou, Fragrant Asian Games", Hangzhou has launched a free flower seed delivery service for all citizens

International Sharp Review | What sense of gain does this surging new momentum bring to the world?
International Sharp Review | What sense of gain does this surging new momentum bring to the world?

At the Qualcomm booth, the world's first generative AI model that can run on Android phones is being demonstrated; Philips showcases innovative medical solutions, Tesla brings a new experience of smart lifestyle... If you ask the audience what they can find at the China International Trade in Services Fair, which will open on the 2nd? The answer is: the latest global technology and first-hand business opportunities in service trade.

Continuously breaking through the bottom line! "The United States has become the biggest threat to global security"
Continuously breaking through the bottom line! "The United States has become the biggest threat to global security"

According to reports, the US government plans to deliver depleted uranium ammunition to Ukraine in the coming weeks. According to Reuters, the US Department of Defense has recently signed a $192 million contract with US industrial giant Raytheon to purchase advanced medium range air-to-air missiles to support Ukraine. A screenshot from Yahoo News reported that on August 29th, the US Department of Defense had just announced a new batch of $250 million worth of military aid plans to Ukraine. The screenshot of the official website of the US Department of Defense shows that despite opposition from multiple parties, the US has repeatedly broken through the bottom line of military aid to Ukraine, which has increasingly raised concerns among the international community. Since the escalation of the Ukrainian crisis in February last year, the United States has provided a total of over $43 billion in military aid to Ukraine, which is becoming increasingly borderless. With the military aid

Let History Speak | Japanese Folklore: Testimony from Former Veterans to Never Heartless Killing
Let History Speak | Japanese Folklore: Testimony from Former Veterans to Never Heartless Killing

Today, 78 years after the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japan, the Japanese right-wing forces are still constantly attempting to glorify and deny the history of their invasion of China and challenge the post-war international order. History is the best textbook and also the best sobering agent. The aggression committed by Japanese militarism cannot be concealed, and the historical truth cannot be distorted. The CCTV reporter recently visited Japanese civilians to search for Japanese veterans who participated in the War of Aggression against China, as well as several Japanese civilians who excavated historical materials to expose the crimes committed by the Japanese army against China, allowing history to speak and using historical facts to speak. Today, let's get to know a Japanese civil society organization called "Battlefield Testimony Screening and Preservation Association". Over the past 20 years, this organization has searched for over 2800 veterans who participated in Japanese aggression wars, produced oral histories, and shared their experiences on the battlefield. We hope to use the testimony of former veterans to never let them slaughter mercilessly. Invasion of China Day

Middle East Perspective | All Middle Schools in Saudi Arabia Set up Special Time slots for Teaching Chinese "China fever" Continuously Rises in the Middle East
Middle East Perspective | All Middle Schools in Saudi Arabia Set up Special Time slots for Teaching Chinese "China fever" Continuously Rises in the Middle East

On August 24th, the 15th special press conference of BRICS leaders announced the invitation to six countries to officially become members of the BRICS family, including Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, and Iran, all located in the Middle East region. In this context, the enthusiasm of the people in the Middle East to learn Chinese continues to rise. Joining the "BRICS" to boost Saudi Arabia's "Chinese fever", over 7 million students across Saudi Arabia have returned to school to start a new academic year. According to multiple media outlets such as the Saudi Gazette and the Al Ocaz newspaper, the Saudi government has included Chinese as the second official foreign language in its teaching curriculum and requires all secondary schools to allocate the fourth teaching period on Sundays and Mondays specifically to Chinese language teaching. The education department has also provided materials and videos on Chinese teaching methods to all secondary schools, clarifying the principles, importance, and specific teaching objectives of Chinese teaching

Japanese Civil Society Exhibits Japanese Aggression Crimes and Tells Historical Truth
Japanese Civil Society Exhibits Japanese Aggression Crimes and Tells Historical Truth

In the past few days, an exhibition with the themes of the Japanese invasion of China and the Pacific War is being held at the Yokohama Prefectural Center in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. The exhibition introduces the history of Japanese aggression during World War II and serves as a warning to the world not to repeat the mistakes of war. The organizers hope that through their own efforts, more Japanese people who have not experienced war can understand the crimes committed by the Japanese army during the invasion of China. The theme of the exhibition is "The Harm of War: Seeing the Future with Knowledge". It is divided into 12 exhibition areas according to the issues of comfort women, the Nanjing Massacre, poisonous gas weapons, and the 731 troops. About 300 exhibition boards are set up to expose the cruel crimes of the Japanese invasion of China to visitors through photos and materials that restore historical truth. The exhibition organizer, "Promoting the Memory Inheritance Kanagawa Conference," has been hosting Japanese military events every year since 2016

Multiple gunshots have occurred in multiple parts of the United States, resulting in multiple deaths and injuries
Multiple gunshots have occurred in multiple parts of the United States, resulting in multiple deaths and injuries

According to US media reports, this weekend, starting from September 1st local time, there have been shooting incidents in multiple parts of the United States, resulting in multiple deaths and injuries. According to the US Gun Violence Archive website, as of September 2nd, over 29000 people have died in various gun related incidents in the United States this year. According to American media reports, a 20-year-old man was shot dead in Engelwood on the afternoon of the 2nd in Chicago, Illinois. In addition, in the East Side of Chicago, the police also engaged in a firefight with a female suspect. At present, the police are still pursuing the woman. On September 1st, the Fort Worth Police Department in Texas announced that in the early hours of the day, the police heard gunshots while patrolling a local street. Upon arriving at the scene, they discovered an injured man who had been shot. The man died after being taken to the hospital. The investigation found that the victim was standing

What does "zero carbon building" look like in the new knowledge of service trade?
What does "zero carbon building" look like in the new knowledge of service trade?

Have you ever heard of "zero carbon architecture"? Building 29, Guangximen North Lane, was built in 1987 and has undergone "zero carbon" renovation, becoming the first "zero carbon building" demonstration project in Beijing. Nowadays, the annual photovoltaic power generation exceeds 60000 kWh, and the annual carbon dioxide emission reduction reaches 11.9 tons. The application of multiple energy-saving technologies has made the building "zero carbon" and "zero energy consumption". Not only can buildings achieve zero carbon, but this year's Service Trade Fair will also achieve zero carbon! The 2023 China International Fair for Trade in Services (CIFTIS) aims to achieve zero carbon trade in services by offering innovative solutions such as carbon assets, carbon credit purchases, and carbon neutrality insurance to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions from this year's fair. Pok the video ↓ to see what "zero carbon buildings" look like and what green highlights are on "zero carbon service trade".

The international "circle of friends" of the Service Trade Fair is constantly expanding! Listen to what representatives from multiple countries have to say →
The international "circle of friends" of the Service Trade Fair is constantly expanding! Listen to what representatives from multiple countries have to say →

The 2023 China International Trade in Services Fair has entered its second day. This morning, the Fair held multiple summit forums, focusing on the high-quality development of service trade, new trends in open development of service trade, and other topics. The attending guests delivered keynote speeches and strategic dialogues. At the meeting, multiple research reports were also released, including the China Service Trade Development Report 2022 and the Digital Trade Development and Cooperation Report 2023. The international "circle of friends" of the Service Trade Fair is constantly expanding. Representatives from multiple countries participating in the Fair for Trade in Services stated that the Fair has built a platform for the world to share the benefits of service trade, and has become an important platform for promoting the development of service trade, consolidating global cooperation consensus, and promoting international exchanges. British Trade Ambassador to China Du Tao: I believe that the scale of this year's Fair for Trade in Services is unprecedented, and it is a great honor for the UK to be the guest of honor this year

Norwegian Innovation Agency: Participating in the Service Trade Fair for Seven Consecutive Years, Optimistic about China's Economy
Norwegian Innovation Agency: Participating in the Service Trade Fair for Seven Consecutive Years, Optimistic about China's Economy

Since its establishment, the Service Trade Fair has attracted more than 600000 exhibitors from 196 countries and regions, and its circle of friends has continued to expand. This year not only welcomed many new friends, but also many old friends. Today's "Friends of the Fair", we will introduce an old friend - the Norwegian Innovation Agency, who has participated in the Fair for 7 consecutive years. Service trade plays an important role in Norway's national economy, and the Norwegian Innovation Agency is the most important Norwegian government agency dedicated to innovation and development in Norwegian industries and enterprises. This year marks the seventh consecutive participation of the Norwegian Innovation Agency in the Fair for Trade in Services. Henes, Regional Director of the Norwegian Innovation Agency for Asia and the Middle East, stated that over the years, the Fair has promoted multi-level and cross disciplinary cooperation and exchanges between Chinese and Norwegian enterprises. In recent years, the Norwegian Innovation Agency has organized a delegation from the Norwegian sports industry

High Quality Development Research Tour | "Wind" and "Light" are Good Here - Jilin Strives to Promote High Quality Development in the Clean Energy New Track | Industry | Energy
High Quality Development Research Tour | "Wind" and "Light" are Good Here - Jilin Strives to Promote High Quality Development in the Clean Energy New Track | Industry | Energy

Changchun, September 3 (Xinhua News Agency) - "Wind" and "Light" are good here - Jilin is promoting high-quality development in the new clean energy track. Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Shuangxi is located in the western part of Jilin Province, which is one of the nine major clean energy bases in China, and the Songliao Clean Energy Base. According to State Grid Jilin Electric Power Co., Ltd., the total amount of technological development of wind and solar resources in Jilin Province is approximately 115 million kilowatts. In recent years, Jilin Province has utilized its unique scenic resources and power transmission channels to vigorously develop the clean energy industry. It has also gathered the wind power equipment manufacturing industry and extended the industrial chain, highlighting the price advantage of clean energy power generation. The power transmission road is unobstructed, and clean energy generation is developing rapidly. From Changchun City, taking the high-speed rail all the way to the west, as we approach Baicheng City, we can see giant windmills towering high on the vast plain

Reporter's note: What was the experience of staying in the Asian Games Village for a day?
Reporter's note: What was the experience of staying in the Asian Games Village for a day?

On the early morning of the 29th, Hangzhou in early autumn welcomed bursts of drizzle. Carrying simple luggage, the reporter departed from the office and took a 40 minute subway ride to Hangzhou Asian Games Village to participate in a drill organized by the Asian Games Village Operations Management Center and conduct interviews. The welcome slogan for the Hangzhou Asian Games Athletes Village is like most people. Journalists who have never entered the gate of the Asian Games Village are curious about many questions: How are you living in the Asian Games Village? What dishes can you eat every day? What unique services can you experience? The Asian Games Village delegation welcome center arrived at the delegation welcome center. After a careful security check process, the staff responsible for receiving the media did not forget to remind the reporter, "It's raining heavily today. Did you bring an umbrella with you? Be careful of slippery roads! If you need any help, feel free to call me at any time.".

Enhancing Port Relocation Capacity to Help China Europe Express Accelerate
Enhancing Port Relocation Capacity to Help China Europe Express Accelerate

At 10:00 on August 24, a China Europe regular train with 51 containers and goods such as general merchandise, textile fabrics and mechanical accessories left Khorgos railway port and headed for Kolyadzic, Belarus, marking that the number of China Europe regular trains passing through Khorgos railway port exceeded 5000 26 days earlier than last year. This year marks the tenth anniversary of the "the Belt and Road" initiative. Xinjiang railway departments are actively involved in the construction of "one port, two districts, five centers, and port economic belt" opening to the west in the autonomous region. They continue to promote port expansion and transformation, increase hardware investment, optimize software support, strengthen in-depth cooperation, constantly improve the reloading capacity of port stations, and help China Europe trains run out of "acceleration". Increase hardware investment to make replacement more convenient. Xinjiang Railway Department Strengthening Port Expansion and Transformation, Increasing Hardware Investment