The world

He was elected as a vice governor across provinces, and appointed by the State Council: the central department welcomes the youngest vice minister! last week
He was elected as a vice governor across provinces, and appointed by the State Council: the central department welcomes the youngest vice minister! last week

In the past week, the State Council has appointed and dismissed six national staff members. Among them, Hu Weilie was appointed as the Deputy Minister of Justice. Hu Weilie is also currently the youngest deputy minister of the Ministry of Justice. Last week, another province welcomed a new deputy governor. This year, two former vice governors of this province have successively entered Beijing and taken up new positions across provinces. This central department welcomed the youngest vice minister, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, who announced on the official website last Wednesday that the State Council will appoint and dismiss national staff. Among them, Chen Jiachang was appointed as the Deputy Minister of Science and Technology; Appoint Hu Weilie as the Deputy Minister of Justice. According to the open resume, Chen Jiachang, male, Han nationality, member of the CPC, is a researcher. Chen Jiachang, former Director of the High tech Department of the Ministry of Science and Technology. Current Secretary and Minister of the Party Group of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Wang Zhigang, male, Han ethnicity, graduate student, PhD in Management, and member of the Communist Party of China. The 14th National Government

Zhejiang Esports Town Consolidates "New" Forces to Build a New Class Entrepreneurship Park
Zhejiang Esports Town Consolidates "New" Forces to Build a New Class Entrepreneurship Park

Shaoxing, September 17th (Xinhua) - "Being selected as an esports referee for the Hangzhou Asian Games is an opportunity that is rare and rare, and I feel very honored and looking forward to it." Zheng Chao, the vice president of the New Association of Shangyu District, Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province, who was selected as an esports referee for the upcoming Hangzhou Asian Games, couldn't conceal his excitement. Although he is born in the 1990s, Zheng Chao already holds many titles, such as General Manager of a startup company, National Senior Software Engineer, and National First Class Esports Judge. And the "eYou Town" in Shangyu District is his "cradle of growth". In the development boom of characteristic towns in Zhejiang Province, Shangyu "e-tourism town" was successfully accepted and named in September 2019. It focuses on digital cultural and creative industries represented by games, animation, film and television, and Internet technology, and has now entered the construction and development of version 2.0. In recent years, the town has

The helmsman of the "Yixin Europe" China Europe freight train, serving as a torchbearer: the spirit of Zhejiang merchants "never dies"
The helmsman of the "Yixin Europe" China Europe freight train, serving as a torchbearer: the spirit of Zhejiang merchants "never dies"

"It is an honor to participate in the torch relay in my hometown, and this is also my first time serving as a torchbearer." On September 17th, Feng Xubin, the operator of the "Yixin Europe" China Europe freight train and the recipient of the honorary title of "Top Ten Young Zhejiang Overseas Chinese", said. On that day, the Jinhua Station of the 19th Asian Games Torch Relay in Hangzhou was launched, with Feng Xubin serving as the 46th torchbearer. "I just returned from attending the China Europe Railway International Cooperation Forum," said Feng Xubin. This year marks the tenth anniversary of the initiative of jointly building the "the Belt and Road". China Europe Express is the landmark brand of jointly building the "the Belt and Road". For many years, many Chinese goods, including Yiwu, have been shipped to the world on the "Yixin Europe" China Europe freight train. Nowadays, the high value-added and high-tech transportation through the 'Yixin Europe' China Europe freight train

"Forgetting history means betrayal" (First scene)
"Forgetting history means betrayal" (First scene)

The largest existing poison storage warehouse remains on Okuno Island in Takehara City, Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan. Masayoshi Yamauchi, the director of the "Toxic Gas Island History Research Institute" in Japan, showcases pictures of the Japanese army producing gas bombs on Okuno Island during their invasion of China. The above pictures were taken by our reporter Zhu Yueying. Okunoshima Island, located in Takehara City, Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan, was once the location of a Japanese gas factory. The large amount of toxic gas bombs produced here were used by the invading Japanese army to harm the Chinese military and civilians. In order to conceal the fact of manufacturing and using chemical weapons, the Japanese authorities even erased the island from the map. Recently, our reporter accompanied Japanese anti war peace activists, friendly groups, and others to visit Okuno Island, known as the "Poison Gas Island", to gain a deeper understanding of this period of Japanese history that is deeply taboo. The visitors condemned Japan's aggressive war on China and other Asia

Torchbearer Jin Jie of Hangzhou Asian Games: Contributing to the Asian Games
Torchbearer Jin Jie of Hangzhou Asian Games: Contributing to the Asian Games

On September 17th, the torch of the Hangzhou Asian Games continued to pass through Jinhua, Zhejiang. Jin Jie, founder of Hangzhou Daxidi Technology Co., Ltd., participated in the 102nd Asian Games torch relay as the torchbearer. Jin Jie said: I am truly proud to participate in such a meaningful torch relay event. In fact, every torchbearer is a representative from all walks of life, just like athletes challenging themselves and pushing their limits on the field, everyone is also striving to shine and shine in their own field. She said, "Becoming the torchbearer of the Asian Games inspires me greatly. We will contribute our efforts, serve the Asian Games well, and showcase our charm to the world." It is reported that during the Hangzhou Asian Games, Dahide will participate in the Asian Games as an official frozen food supplier.

The former deputy leader of the Central Inspection Team voluntarily surrendered! 36 tigers have fallen from their horses this year, including the former Executive Vice Governor
The former deputy leader of the Central Inspection Team voluntarily surrendered! 36 tigers have fallen from their horses this year, including the former Executive Vice Governor

Just over the weekend, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection has been cracking down again - last Saturday, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection announced that Li Haitao, a member of the Party Group and Vice Chairman of the Heilongjiang Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission. Li Haitao was the second "tiger" to fall from grace last week. Last Saturday, Liu Lixian, former member of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, voluntarily submitted his case. Last week, another "tiger" was sentenced and multiple officials were investigated. According to the public resume of 36 "tigers" who have been defeated this year, Li Haitao, male, Han nationality, born in September 1963 in Bayan, Heilongjiang Province, started work in August 1984 and joined the CPC in February 1989. Li Haitao, who has been serving in Heilongjiang for a long time, has served as the Deputy Director and Party Member of the Heilongjiang Provincial Economic and Trade Commission, as well as the Deputy Head of the Heilongjiang Provincial Economic and Trade Commission

How many provinces and cities "feed" China? From the perspective of transfer payments, we can see that "receipts cannot offset expenses"
How many provinces and cities "feed" China? From the perspective of transfer payments, we can see that "receipts cannot offset expenses"

In recent years, fiscal revenue and expenditure data in various regions have attracted considerable attention, with claims such as "multiple provinces and cities cannot receive enough to support their expenses" and "several provinces and cities" supporting China "often circulating on the internet. In fact, these seemingly plausible views are only directly derived from the local fiscal revenue and expenditure data, and ignore the key factors of China's fiscal system, especially transfer payments. Transfer payment, which means that the higher-level government allocates funds to the lower level government free of charge. In 1994, China implemented a tax sharing fiscal system reform and established a framework for intergovernmental fiscal relations. In terms of income division, the reform of the tax sharing system has divided different types of taxes into central tax, central and local shared tax, and local tax, gradually forming the current pattern of central and local income division. At the same time, gradually establish and improve the transfer payment system, including central to local transfer payments and local

Today, for the first time, these photos were stamped with a "no permission" stamp by the Japanese army back then
Today, for the first time, these photos were stamped with a "no permission" stamp by the Japanese army back then

On the morning of September 18th, the "Record of Japan's Secret Collection of War Photos Against China" was released in Changchun, Jilin. This book is edited by the Imperial Palace Museum of the Manchukuo Empire and published by Shandong Pictorial Publishing House. It has been included in the National Key Book Publishing Plan for the 13th Five Year Plan and the National Publishing Fund Project for 2019. This series of books includes a total of 1407 precious historical photos. Some of the first publicly available photos depict the Japanese occupation of Chinese territory, plundering of Chinese resources, and brutal military colonial rule over occupied areas during the Japanese invasion of China from 1931 to 1945, using their own lenses to record the war. It is worth noting that some of the photos were stamped as "not allowed" by the Japanese military censors at the time, and were prohibited from public publication. These photos allow people to further explore

Break through foreign technology blockade! China's Reconstruction as a "Great Power Weapon" to Fill the Domestic Gap
Break through foreign technology blockade! China's Reconstruction as a "Great Power Weapon" to Fill the Domestic Gap

China Yizhong, formerly known as the First Heavy Machinery Factory, was founded in 1954. The establishment of China Yizhong ended the history of China's inability to produce complete sets of machinery products. In the past 70 years, it has filled 475 technological gaps in domestic industrial products and created hundreds of "firsts". To promote the comprehensive revitalization of Northeast China, we must firmly grasp the "bull's nose" of independent innovation. What new achievements have China made on the path of high-quality development? CCTV reporter Ren Qiuyu: This is China's first heavy hydraulic press forging plant, where many core components of major country's heavy equipment are forged. A nearly 500 ton steel ingot has just been taken out of the heating furnace and is now being transported to a 15000 ton hydraulic press for forging. To forge such a heavy steel ingot, one needs a powerful "guy thing"

Sichuan Liangshan Prefecture Party Committee dispatched a working group to Jinyang County: County Party Secretary and several others have been investigated
Sichuan Liangshan Prefecture Party Committee dispatched a working group to Jinyang County: County Party Secretary and several others have been investigated

Several official reports recently released by Jinyang County, Liangshan Prefecture, Sichuan Province, show that Wang Yonggui, Vice Chairman of the Liangshan Prefecture Political Consultative Conference, Secretary of the Party Group of the Prefecture Rural Revitalization Bureau, and Secretary of the Party Group of the Prefecture Agriculture and Rural Bureau, has been appointed as the leader of the working group appointed by the prefecture to Jinyang County. Peng Zhaowu, member of the Standing Committee of the Prefecture Commission for Discipline Inspection, and Zhong Yang, member of the Organization Department of the Prefecture Committee, have been appointed as the deputy leaders of the working group of the prefecture committee stationed in Jinyang County. On September 16th, the deployment meeting for social control work during key periods in Jinyang County was held. Wang Yonggui, the leader of the working group dispatched by the state party committee to Jinyang County and the vice chairman of the state political consultative conference, attended and delivered a speech. The meeting pointed out that the whole county should stand at the height of emphasizing politics, taking responsibility for the Party and the people, fully implementing the spirit of recent important meetings of the central and provincial counties, deeply learning from the lessons of this mountain flood disaster accident, drawing lessons from other situations, and focusing on ensuring safety, stability, and harmony to ensure political progress

What is Putin's big plan?, Turning east? Russia Raises Far East Development Strategy Again
What is Putin's big plan?, Turning east? Russia Raises Far East Development Strategy Again

In the past week, the 8th Oriental Economic Forum was held in the Russian Far East city of Vladivostok. The Far East region of Russia has once again become the focus of attention for all attending parties. At this forum, Russian President Putin outlined Russia's Far East plan through a speech and emphasized that the Far East is a strategic priority for Russia in the entire 21st century. Ten years after the implementation of Russia's Far East strategic plan, Putin once again emphasized the importance of the Far East region for Russia's economic development. The Oriental Economic Forum was personally initiated by Putin in 2015, and he attends and delivers keynote speeches every year. According to the information on the forum website, the three-day forum from September 11th to 13th will be themed "Towards Cooperation, Peace and Prosperity", covering investment promotion, improving the business environment, and strengthening development cooperation between Russia's Far East and the Asia Pacific region

103 sorties!
103 sorties!

On September 18th, Taiwan's "China Times News Network" reported that "it was amazing that all day on the 17th, Taiwan's western airspace was filled with various types of fighter jets.". According to the defense department of the Taiwan authorities, from the morning of the 17th to the 18th, a total of 103 PLA military aircraft were detected for overseas activities, setting a new high in recent years and also setting a record for the most military aircraft patrols in Taiwan in recent years. The report states that all air force bases and missile units in Taiwan have been on constant alert throughout the day, conducting comprehensive vigilance. The defense department of the Taiwan authorities claimed on the 18th that a total of 103 PLA military aircraft were detected in sea activities from the morning of the 17th to the 18th, "posing a serious challenge.". At the Air Force Aviation Open Event Changchun Aviation Exhibition, the J-10S and J-11BS conducted simulated air combat.

Trump: "I will bring Putin and Zelensky together."
Trump: "I will bring Putin and Zelensky together."

According to today's Russian television website on September 17th, former US President Donald Trump said in an interview broadcasted on NBC News that if Ukraine had reached a peace agreement with Russia before the conflict began in February last year, it could have avoided hundreds of thousands of deaths and lost less land. According to reports, Trump told NBC host Kristen Welk that the seizure of Ukrainian territory by Russia was "something that could have been resolved through negotiation.". He also said that "many people expect" Kiev to abandon its sovereignty claims over "Crimea and other parts of the country" in exchange for peace. Trump continued, "Therefore, they could have reached an agreement on less territory than what Russia has already occupied." He said, "They could have reached an agreement where no one died."

Causing one death, a sudden fire broke out in the late night on the Sanlin Street in Haikou
Causing one death, a sudden fire broke out in the late night on the Sanlin Street in Haikou

On September 18th, the Emergency Management Bureau of Haikou City reported that a fire broke out on the storefront of Jiefang East Road in Longhua District in the early morning of September 18th. After receiving the alarm, multiple departments came to the scene for firefighting and disposal. The fire caused three storefronts to catch fire, and one citizen unfortunately died. Full text of the report: At 00:49 on September 18th, a fire broke out on the storefront of Jiefang East Road in Longhua District, Haikou City. After receiving the alarm, the fire department, public security, Longhua District, as well as emergency, medical, water, gas and other departments quickly arrived at the scene for firefighting and disposal. At around 3 o'clock, the open flame was extinguished. This fire caused a total of three street facing shops, No. 26, No. 28, and No. 30, to catch fire. The materials on fire were daily necessities, and the area of the fire was about 180 square meters. This fire resulted in the unfortunate death of one citizen and no injuries. The specific cause of the fire has been determined by the relevant departments

Will there be a shortage of over 3 million barrels of oil per day? International oil prices are soaring! Latest report
Will there be a shortage of over 3 million barrels of oil per day? International oil prices are soaring! Latest report

The US inflation data released last week was mixed, with the three major stock indexes in the US stock market experiencing mixed gains and losses. The Dow Jones rose 0.12%, the S&P 500 fell 0.16%, and the Nasdaq fell 0.39%. Last week, international oil prices rose by over 3% above $90 per barrel on the US oil station. Last week, OPEC released a report stating that due to Saudi Arabia's continuous production reduction, the global oil market will face a supply gap of over 3 million barrels per day in the fourth quarter of this year. Investors' concerns about tight crude oil supply have intensified, and international oil prices have risen last week. The futures price of US oil stands above $90 per barrel. Throughout the week, the futures price of US oil rose by about 3.7%, while the price of crude oil increased by about 3.6%. This week, the market welcomes "Super Central Bank Week". The Federal Reserve and other central banks will announce interest rate decisions. This week, the market will welcome

Zhou Junlong was investigated
Zhou Junlong was investigated

Zhou Junlong, Deputy Director of the Standard Quota Department and Third level Researcher of the Sichuan Provincial Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development, is suspected of serious violations of the law. He has been designated by the Sichuan Provincial Supervision Commission to be under the jurisdiction of the Leshan Municipal Supervision Commission, which is currently conducting supervision and investigation. Resume of Zhou Junlong: Zhou Junlong, male, Han ethnicity, born in April 1972 in Liuyang, Hunan, holds a doctoral degree while working. He started working in July 1997 and joined the CPC in December 2000. Served in the military from July 1997 to November 2011; From November 2011 to April 2023, he served as the Deputy Researcher of the Building Management Department and the Administrative Approval Department of the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development, as well as the Deputy Director and Level 3 Researcher of the Building Management Department; From April 2023 to present, served as the Deputy Director and Level 3 Researcher of the Standard Quota Department of the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development.

Three public officials were punished for gambling and reported in one place in Anhui province
Three public officials were punished for gambling and reported in one place in Anhui province

The Taihu Lake reported three typical cases of party members, cadres and public officials participating in gambling. 1. Lu Zhan, the former staff member of the front court of the People's Court of the Taihu Lake County, recruited and committed gambling crimes. During the 2014 Spring Festival, Lu Zhanzhao engaged in gambling by summoning relevant personnel to play poker and collect a certain amount of platform fees and "eating red". In April 2019, the Daguan District People's Court convicted him of gambling and sentenced him to one year in prison and a fine of RMB 20000. In August 2019, Lu Zhanzhao was expelled from the party and from public office. 2. Teacher Fang Liming from Baili Town Central School is involved in gambling issues. In May 2017, Fang Liming was caught by the public security organs on the spot gambling in a furniture store in Baili Town by fighting against landlords. In December 2019, Fang Liming went to a supermarket in Baili Town

Will it help Vietnam break free from its dependence on Russia?, US Vietnam strengthens military cooperation
Will it help Vietnam break free from its dependence on Russia?, US Vietnam strengthens military cooperation

The upgrade of US Vietnam relations from a "comprehensive partnership" to a "comprehensive strategic partnership" has raised concerns about how the military relationship between the two countries will develop. Recently, US President Biden visited Vietnam. The most noteworthy aspect of Biden's trip is that the United States and Vietnam have agreed to elevate their relationship from a comprehensive partnership to a comprehensive strategic partnership. US officials say that the United States and its partners can help Vietnam break free from its dependence on Russian military. One of the purposes of the visit is to attract Vietnam and the United States continuously donates military equipment, reportedly expanding Vietnam's sources of weapons. US Deputy National Security Advisor Fener pointed out on the plane to Vietnam with Biden that the security sector also belongs to the cooperation level of the US Vietnam comprehensive strategic partnership. He said that there is currently no announcement of arms trade between the two countries, but the United States and its partners can help Vietnam

Thank you for Putin's hospitality. Kim Jong un ends his visit to Russia and sets off to return to North Korea
Thank you for Putin's hospitality. Kim Jong un ends his visit to Russia and sets off to return to North Korea

According to the Korean Central News Agency, Kim Jong un, General Secretary and State Councilor of the Workers' Party of Korea, has ended his official visit to Russia and departed from Vladivostok on the 17th to return to North Korea. According to reports, Kim Jong un stayed in Vladivostok, the last stop of his visit to Russia, for a total of two days, conducting visits in military, economic, technological, educational, and cultural fields. According to reports, Kim Jong un left Russia and returned after opening a new turning point in the history of strengthening and developing North Korea Russia relations. The farewell ceremony was held at the train station "Arkham Binhai Krai 1" in Russia's Binhai Krai region. Officials including the Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of Russia, Kozlov, the Chief Executive of the Coastal Territory, Koremiako, and the Mayor of Arkham, Vyacheslav, bid farewell. During Kim Jong un's visit to Russia, the Russian Federation

Organs severely damaged, Li Zaiming fell into a coma and was sent to the hospital for a 19 day hunger strike protest
Organs severely damaged, Li Zaiming fell into a coma and was sent to the hospital for a 19 day hunger strike protest

On September 18th, Lee Jae myung, the leader of South Korea's largest opposition party, the Democratic Party of Korea, deteriorated in health on the 19th day of his hunger strike and fell into a coma. He was sent to the hospital for treatment, sparking public attention. South Korea's YTN TV reported on the latest situation of Lee Jae myung. On September 18th, Li Zaiming's health deteriorated on the 19th day of his hunger strike, and he fell into a coma and was sent to the hospital. According to the report, a spokesperson for the Democratic Party of China said that Lee Jae ming was injecting physiological saline and his organs were severely damaged due to hunger strike. He has regained consciousness, but has not indicated that he will stop his hunger strike, which means he may continue his hunger strike in the hospital. South Korean media reported that Lee Jae ming was hospitalized and he began a hunger strike demonstration on August 31st. His demands included calling for government reform and a comprehensive cabinet reshuffle, as well as opposing Japan's nuclear contaminated water discharge into the sea. 19 day hunger strike protest, the largest opposition party in South Korea

Zhang Guimei and the students embraced and tearfully bid farewell, as the new recruits bid farewell at the ceremony
Zhang Guimei and the students embraced and tearfully bid farewell, as the new recruits bid farewell at the ceremony

On September 15th, at the scene of the New Soldier Farewell Ceremony in Huaping County, Lijiang City, Yunnan Province, Zhang Guimei, the principal of Huaping Women's Senior High School in Lijiang, hugged and tearfully bid farewell to the students who had joined the military, causing countless people to be moved. Click to watch the video ↓ At the ceremony, the new soldiers were dressed in military uniforms, with ribbons on their shoulders, red flowers on their chests, and a tall and firm face. Zhang Guimei led female high school student representatives to greet them and encouraged them. Every new soldier loudly said, "Hello Teacher Zhang!" Zhang also bowed slightly in response, "Go! Go!" Yang Jingting in the team was just this year. Graduates from Huaping Women's High School walked up to Yang Jingting, and Teacher Zhang could no longer conceal her excitement. She shed tears and hugged her students tightly, Yang Jing

Are there more and more shops that do not accept children? Journalist's on-site visits
Are there more and more shops that do not accept children? Journalist's on-site visits

Recently, some cities have seen shops openly stating that they do not accept children, which has sparked heated discussions. In Beijing, some small shops have also been widely discussed by netizens for posting reminders such as "Our store is not suitable for children". Why do these shops make such prompts? The reporter's visit found that many businesses are for reasons such as ensuring safety and maintaining the environment. If there are adults accompanying and taking care of children, some shops also welcome children to enter. Visiting "unsuitable" shops on site is not impossible in reality. Does the so-called "refusal of children" really exist? The reporter's investigation found that the prompt language that sparked heated discussions on social media platforms is not necessarily a "hard rule". "Come on, this store is full of old items!" In Wudaoying Hutong, a woman saw a clothing store and greeted her son to come in together. But seeing on the door

Official announcement of "recruitment issues at Zunyi No.1 Hospital": 9 people including the district health director were investigated for their majors | staffing | health
Official announcement of "recruitment issues at Zunyi No.1 Hospital": 9 people including the district health director were investigated for their majors | staffing | health

According to the website of the People's Government of Bozhou District, Zunyi City on September 18, the official investigation team released a report on the investigation of the public recruitment of professional and technical personnel outside of the establishment of Bozhou District People's Hospital in 2023. It was stated that in July 2023, the public recruitment of professional and technical personnel outside the establishment of Bozhou District People's Hospital in Zunyi City had been terminated due to problems. According to the investigation by the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Bozhou District, during the recruitment process, the relevant personnel did not fulfill their leadership and supervision responsibilities properly, did not strictly enforce discipline, and had an untrue work style. It has been decided to appeal to Luo Keqin, Director of the District Health Bureau, Deng Hongqiang, Director of the District Medical and Health Service Center, Zhao Yingxia, Secretary of the Party Committee of the District People's Hospital, Hu Shikuan, Member of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the District People's Hospital, Rao Zhengwei, Member of the Party Committee and Vice President of the District People's Hospital, and the District People's Hospital

Proposed new position, Deng Xiaojuan
Proposed new position, Deng Xiaojuan

On September 17th, the Organization Department of the Gansu Provincial Party Committee issued a notice on the pre appointment publicity of cadres. Among them: Deng Xiaojuan, female, Han ethnicity, born in January 1972, holds a postgraduate degree while working, holds a PhD in Education, is a member of the Communist Party of China, and currently serves as the Vice President and Standing Committee Member of the Party Committee of Northwest Normal University. She is proposed to be appointed as the Administrative Director of a provincial-level public institution. According to information on Deng Xiaojuan's official website, she also serves as the Minister of the Propaganda Department of the Party Committee of Northwest Normal University. Deng Xiaojuan, Professor, Doctoral Supervisor, from Heshui County, Gansu Province. Graduated from Northwest Normal University in 1994, initiated the establishment of the undergraduate dance major at Northwest Normal University in 2001, and later served as the dean of the Dance School at Northwest Normal University. In May 2019, Deng Xiaojuan was appointed as the Vice President of Northwest Normal University. According to the Journal of Northwest Normal University, Deng Xiaojuan is a top-notch leading talent in Gansu Province

Only 10 survivors of comfort women are registered!, Grandma Jiang has left
Only 10 survivors of comfort women are registered!, Grandma Jiang has left

At around 9 a.m. on September 18, 2023, Grandma Jiang, a survivor of the Japanese military's "comfort women" system during World War II, passed away in Pingjiang, Hunan at the age of 102. Grandma Jiang, born in 1922 in Pingjiang, Hunan, China. In 1939, she followed her sister to Miluo and signed up to join the army. Afterwards, she was assigned to the stretcher team at the field hospital, responsible for taking care of and transporting wounded soldiers. After the withdrawal of the field hospital, Grandma Jiang was unfortunately captured by the Japanese army and imprisoned in the attic of the Japanese military base in Miluo, where she was subjected to sexual slavery by the Japanese army. Unable to bear the torture of the Japanese army, Grandma Jiang jumped out of the window and ran away, resulting in a foot injury. Grandma Jiang was a veteran who had participated in the Anti Japanese War. In 2017, she recounted to local volunteers about her application to join the military and being arrested, detained, and bullied by the Japanese army during her time there

Surprisingly, there are parents teaching on site, their hands are really lacking! The sunflower flower sea was carved into an "emoji bag"
Surprisingly, there are parents teaching on site, their hands are really lacking! The sunflower flower sea was carved into an "emoji bag"

In the golden autumn season, the "Yunshang Terraced Fields" scenic area in Wenyuhe Park is full of sunflowers, attracting a large number of tourists to come and watch and take photos. But a Beijing Evening News reporter found during a visit that in the vast sea of flowers, some tourists have dug out various "emoticons", and the phenomenon of trampling on and breaking flower branches also occurs from time to time. For many years, this newspaper has reported on this uncivilized phenomenon: a hundred acres of sunflowers are in full bloom, and some tourists are folding flowers, taking photos, and stepping on branches to pick seeds. Orson Sunflowers: "Someone is picking me 'happy', but I'm not happy!" Orson Park's sunflower sea attracts uncivilized tourists, and the flower plate is cut out of its small face. At around 10am, walk about 1 kilometer from Gate 9 of Wenyuhe Park West Park to "Yunshang Terraced Field", where you can see large areas of sunflowers from afar. Sunflowers are flourishing, layer by layer, scattered and scattered

Becoming a "deadbeat", a well-known milk tea brand
Becoming a "deadbeat", a well-known milk tea brand

According to the Tianyancha App, recently, Guangzhou Hongong Catering Service Co., Ltd., a tea related company of this palace that refused to fulfill its obligations under effective legal documents due to its ability to fulfill obligations, has been listed as a dishonest debtor by the People's Court of Panyu District, Guangzhou. The co-founder has withdrawn. It is understood that Guangzhou Hongong Catering Service Co., Ltd. was established in November 2015, with Zheng Quan as the legal representative and a registered capital of 5 million RMB. It is reported that Hu Haiquan is the co-founder of the tea industry in this palace. According to the change records, in January of this year, Guangzhou Jiangquan Investment Co., Ltd., which was 44% owned by Hu Haiquan, has withdrawn from its shareholder list. "The Tea of Our Palace" once referred to Hu Haiquan as the co-founder of the brand. According to the obligations determined by the effective legal documents, the plaintiff and defendant confirmed that the "Single Store Self operated Cooperation Contract" signed by both parties was effective on 20

Question from multiple countries: Why does Ukraine have priority?
Question from multiple countries: Why does Ukraine have priority?

According to the Financial Times website on September 18th, some leaders of Western Balkan countries are becoming increasingly frustrated that Ukraine has surpassed them in embarking on a fast track to join the European Union, which has further delayed the achievement of their decades long goal of joining the EU. According to reports, Serbian President Vuč i ć said, "I have no intention of opposing the Ukrainians. However, the level of EU support for Ukraine has made us realize that we have never received it before." Ukraine has obtained EU candidate status within a year from the date of submitting its application and may initiate accession negotiations next year. Kiev submitted its application for membership in the EU a few days after the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict in February 2022, and won the candidacy four months later. In contrast, Belgrade had to wait for four years after submitting its application, and it was not until 2014 that the accession talks were initiated

Criticize the US military stationed in Japan!, Okinawa Governor Goes to the United Nations Human Rights Council
Criticize the US military stationed in Japan!, Okinawa Governor Goes to the United Nations Human Rights Council

On the 17th local time, the Governor of Okinawa Prefecture, Yucheng Danny, set off for Geneva, Switzerland to accuse the US military stationed in Japan of human rights violations and environmental pollution at a meeting of the United Nations Human Rights Council. He called on the international community to support the people of Okinawa and alleviate the heavy burden borne by the local US military base in Japan. Before departing, Danny Yucheng told media reporters at Naha Airport in Okinawa Prefecture that he will give a speech at the United Nations Human Rights Council meeting, detailing the various burdens that the US military stationed in Japan will bring to Okinawa Prefecture and the relocation of US military bases. Okinawa Prefectural Governor Yucheng Danny: I will focus on introducing the issue of the US military base in Okinawa, as well as the human rights and democracy issues reflected in it. I hope the international community will pay joint attention to it. We have been questioning whether the issue of Bianyegu Base complies with the Constitution and whether it respects people

Intended to serve in the main hall! Participated in the planning of 23 large-scale domestic evening parties, a female doctor born in the 1970s
Intended to serve in the main hall! Participated in the planning of 23 large-scale domestic evening parties, a female doctor born in the 1970s

On September 17th, the Organization Department of the Gansu Provincial Party Committee issued a notice on the pre appointment publicity of cadres. Among them: Deng Xiaojuan, female, Han ethnicity, born in January 1972, holds a postgraduate degree while working, holds a PhD in Education, is a member of the Communist Party of China, and currently serves as the Vice President and Standing Committee Member of the Party Committee of Northwest Normal University. She is proposed to be appointed as the Administrative Director of a provincial-level public institution. According to the official website of Northwest Normal University, Deng Xiaojuan is a professor and doctoral supervisor. In addition to serving as a member of the Standing Committee and Vice President of the School Party Committee, Deng Xiaojuan also serves as the Minister of the Propaganda Department of the Party Committee of Northwest Normal University, and has previously served as the Dean of the Dance School of Northwest Normal University. Public information shows that Deng Xiaojuan is from Heshui County, Gansu Province. She graduated from Northwest Normal University in 1994 and stayed on campus to work the same year. In 2001, Northwest Normal University initiated the establishment of the undergraduate dance major. In May 2019, appointed as the Northwest Division

Decision to appoint Chen Jie as Vice Mayor, Report on the Fourth Meeting of the Standing Committee of the 16th Shanghai Municipal People's Congress | Situation | ShanghaiStrictly abide by the Party Constitution, Party rules, and Party discipline. The Party Group of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, the Party Group of the Municipal Government, and the Party Group of the Municipal Political Consultative Conference held separate meetings to firmly support the Central Committee's decision on the Party Central Committee | Politics | Party GroupCan Shanghai connect with the greenways of these cities? Official: Proposed Preparation of Greenway Construction Standards for the Yangtze River Delta | Standards | Yangtze River DeltaChen Jining, Gong Zheng, and colleagues from the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee exchanged their experiences and insights on thematic education research based on their respective experiences. Education | Municipal Party Committee | ThemeThe Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference awarded commemorative plaques to members and standing committee members of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference who are no longer re elected in ShanghaiPropose ideas and measures around releasing domestic demand, and the Chairman's Meeting of the Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference deliberates on key research reports and measures | ideas | research