The 2022 Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Center Construction Report was released, stating that Shanghai's R&D investment accounts for 4.2% of the city's GDP | enterprises | GDP

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 22:22 PM

In 2022, under the epidemic, the proportion of research and development expenditure in Shanghai's total social GDP has increased to 4.2%, higher than the national average of 2.55%. According to the recently released "2022 Report on the Construction of Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Center", the construction of Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Center is leaping from forming a basic framework system to achieving core functions, making significant progress in scientific discoveries, technological inventions, new industrial directions, and new development concepts.

Highlighting the ability of innovative policy sources

The top ten scientific advances in China in 2022 have been announced, with three of them being completed with the participation or leadership of a research team from Shanghai. Shanghai scientists have published 120 papers in Science, Nature, and Cells, a year-on-year increase of 12.1%, accounting for 28.8% of the total number in the country. Basic research continues to develop with high quality.

New breakthroughs have been made in industrial technology research and development. Bi Ren Technology has released its first general-purpose GPU chip, setting a global computing power record; Four Class I domestic innovative drugs were newly approved, and eight medical device products were listed through the special national innovation approval procedure, promoting the research, development and application of VV116 COVID-19 therapeutic drugs; Multiple intelligent reasoning chips have been released, and some models of domestically produced automotive grade intelligent chips have been mass-produced; Release an open-source intelligent optical communication simulation platform to achieve performance surpassing while being replaced domestically; The first C919 large passenger aircraft has been delivered; The world's largest 24000 TEUs ultra large container ship has been delivered for use.

Empowering high-quality economic development

Enterprise technological innovation is in full swing. Eight large enterprises, including COMAC, CNNC, and Minimally Invasive Healthcare, have established their own distinctive open innovation platforms; In 2022, 16988 technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises were admitted, with over 22000 high-tech enterprises. The total R&D expenditure increased by 22.2% year-on-year; 155 new technology giants have been added, totaling over 2600; In 2022, there were 25 newly recognized foreign-funded research and development centers in the city, with a total of 531 recognized. Among them, there are 11 global R&D centers, 2 foreign-funded open innovation platforms, and about 1/4 of the total are foreign-funded R&D centers established by Fortune 500 companies.

In 2022, Shanghai registered 38265 technology contracts with a transaction amount of 400.35 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 45.0%. The transformation of scientific and technological achievements has entered the fast lane.

The total industrial output value of Zhangjiang High tech Zone is 1.9 trillion yuan, with 13000 high-tech enterprises, 4424 PCT patent applications, and a registered transaction amount of 268.376 billion yuan for technology contracts. In the comprehensive evaluation of the National High tech Zone in 2022, Zhangjiang High tech Zone ranked second in the country. In the year of its establishment, Zhangjiang Science City has reached a new level, with its total economic output reaching the trillion yuan mark.

Strengthening strategic technological capabilities

35 disciplines from 14 universities have been selected as "Top Disciplines in China", ranking second in the country; 64 disciplines from 15 universities have been selected for the second round of "Double First Class" construction of universities and disciplines.

Scientific research institutions fully unleash innovation vitality. The National Technology Innovation Center of the Yangtze River Delta has jointly established a joint innovation center with 22 leading enterprises in specific fields, extracting more than 80 technological requirements from enterprises, and forming an intention contract amount of over 100 million yuan; Li Zhengdao's research institute has made progress in the field of light dark matter detection; Shanghai Prospective Material Science Research Institute synthesized a new form of diamond - subcrystalline diamond - under high temperature and pressure conditions.

Building an open innovation ecosystem

In 2022, Shanghai introduced more than 9000 international students from world-renowned universities, with a total of 778 outstanding postdoctoral researchers receiving funding from the Shanghai "Super Postdoctoral" incentive program, accelerating the gathering of scientific and technological innovation talents.

The effectiveness of financial empowerment in technological innovation is evident. Shanghai enterprises have listed 78 companies on the Science and Technology Innovation Board, ranking second in the country and raising a total of 194.78 billion yuan, ranking first in the country. The loan amount for Shanghai's technology-based enterprises was 689.25 billion yuan, an increase of 51.9% compared to the beginning of the year.

The technology governance system is gradually improving. The Measures for the Management of Special Funds for Financial Research Projects in Shanghai have been issued, further expanding the autonomy of budget preparation and adjustment for research projects, relaxing the policy of retaining research surplus, and increasing incentives for research personnel; Expand the implementation scope of the "lump sum system" for scientific research funding to include science and technology talent projects, and include science and technology "stars" and "academic leaders" projects in the pilot scope of the "lump sum system". Clearly allow project leaders to independently decide on the use of project funds; Carry out innovative practices in the "Basic Research Special Zone" and support Fudan University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai Branch of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Tongji University, East China Normal University, East China University of Technology and other units in exploring project selection, assessment and evaluation; Accelerate the pilot program of granting ownership or long-term use rights to scientific and technological achievements to scientific researchers. Six pilot units have completed the empowerment of more than 150 achievements, with a conversion amount exceeding 150 million yuan.

The Ministry of Science and Technology and the people's governments of three provinces and one city in the Yangtze River Delta jointly issued the "Joint Research and Cooperation Mechanism of the Yangtze River Delta Science and Technology Innovation Community", with 15 enterprise demand solutions included in the first batch of joint research and development plans in the Yangtze River Delta. In 2022, 25273 technology contracts were exported among the three provinces and one city in the Yangtze River Delta, with a technology transaction amount of 186.35 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 20.3% and 112.5%.

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Shanghai International Sister City Youth "Play" Summer Camp Experience Traditional Culture, Make Pankou, Learn Paper Cuttings, Make Dumplings International | Youth | Make Dumplings

Making coils, learning Paper Cuttings, making dumplings, walking into the home of summer camp volunteers and feeling the life of Shanghai people... On the 20th, the 2023 Shanghai International Sister City Youth Summer Camp officially opened in Shanghai Shidong Experimental School. 73 campers from 13 cities in 12 countries gathered in Shanghai to open the annual international sister city youth exchange event with their peers in Shanghai. The young partners together carried out activities such as learning excellent traditional Chinese culture courses such as Chinese and traditional Chinese painting, intangible cultural heritage, Chinese clothing, disco, Paper Cuttings, seal cutting, calligraphy, pottery, tea art, Yanzhi, dragon dance, youth forum exchanges in sister cities, investigation of urban cultural landscape, visits to universities and venues, city orientation challenges, and local family life experiences, etc., to bloom their youth. In addition to a rich and colorful summer camp physical activity experience, campers and volunteers

Undergraduate voluntary application starts today! These important reminders and suggestions must be read, @ College Entrance Examination Stage | Undergraduate | Volunteer
Undergraduate voluntary application starts today! These important reminders and suggestions must be read, @ College Entrance Examination Stage | Undergraduate | Volunteer

@All college entrance examination candidates, according to the schedule of the college entrance examination, will fill in their undergraduate preferences for all batches except for the comprehensive evaluation batch from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. daily from July 1st to 2nd, and from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. on July 3rd. The specific contents of this voluntary application include zero voluntary batch, advance batch, art and sports class A batch, local rural special plan batch, special type enrollment, and ordinary batch. The filling method is as follows: Fresh high school graduates in this city will be arranged uniformly by the high school where they are enrolled; Non local fresh high school graduates will be arranged uniformly by the district recruitment office where they apply. It is important to remind candidates that during the voluntary application period from July 1st to 3rd, as the admission of the comprehensive evaluation batch has not yet been completed, candidates who have filled out the comprehensive evaluation batch of voluntary applications still need to carefully fill out other batches of undergraduate voluntary applications

Investment+Services Drive Anti Cancer Drugs into Clinical Practice | Entrepreneurial Stories in Incubators, Second Entrepreneurial Biology for CEOs of Listed Companies | Incubators | Clinical | Incubators
Investment+Services Drive Anti Cancer Drugs into Clinical Practice | Entrepreneurial Stories in Incubators, Second Entrepreneurial Biology for CEOs of Listed Companies | Incubators | Clinical | Incubators

Recently, with the approval of the National Medical Products Administration, the Class 1 innovative drug CC312 developed by Huihe Biotechnology has initiated phase I clinical trials for the treatment of recurrent/refractory CD19 positive B-cell malignant hematological tumors. This is the first domestically and the third globally approved triple specific antibody drug based on CD28 co stimulatory signals to enter clinical practice. When it comes to the development history of this new triple antibody drug, Dr. Zhu Huaxing, the founder of Huihe Biotechnology, still remembers vividly: "Before 2019, there was no triple antibody drug approved for clinical use globally, and some investors couldn't understand CC312. During a critical period of company development, Nokai Xinkang Fund invested 30 million yuan to help us complete Series A financing." Nokai Xinkang is a venture capital fund initiated by Xinze Entrepreneurship Incubator. This incubation company, which has been deeply cultivated in Zhangjiang Science City for many years

"Zidong Taichu" Full Modal Large Model Released, Precisely Positioned 3D Scene, Listening to "Moonlight Song" and Talking about Beethoven Images | Applications | Beethoven
"Zidong Taichu" Full Modal Large Model Released, Precisely Positioned 3D Scene, Listening to "Moonlight Song" and Talking about Beethoven Images | Applications | Beethoven

Not only can you hear Beethoven talk freely in "Moonlight", but you can also achieve precise positioning in three-dimensional scenes, and complete scene analysis through the combination of images and sound. On June 16, at the AI Framework Ecological Summit, the Institute of Automation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences officially released the full mode large model of "Zidong Taichu". This model is the 2.0 version upgraded from the 1.0 version of the 100 billion parameter multimodal model "Zidong Taichu". On the basis of voice, image and text three modes, it adds video, sensor signal, 3D point cloud and other modal data, breaks through the key technologies such as multimodal correlation for cognitive enhancement, and has full modal understanding, generation and correlation capabilities. At the meeting, Xu Bo, the director of the Institute of Automation, presented for the first time in real time the "Zidong Taichu" full modal cognitive model in music understanding

Perseverance is a life experience. Lingling Middle School has weak muscles. Candidates complete the college entrance examination: no matter what difficulties they experience. High school | school | college entrance examination
Perseverance is a life experience. Lingling Middle School has weak muscles. Candidates complete the college entrance examination: no matter what difficulties they experience. High school | school | college entrance examination

"The college entrance examination is an experience in our lives. Looking back on the preparation for the entire senior year of high school, we cannot help but marvel at the preciousness of time. No matter what difficulties we have gone through, I believe that as long as we persist, it will become my lifelong wealth. Today, after completing the morning foreign language listening and speaking test of the college entrance examination, Xiao Song, a senior student of Lingling High School, came out of the examination center of East China University of Science and Technology Affiliated Middle School. The senior year graduate sitting in a wheelchair said," Although academic and life are not small tests for me, I have faced many difficulties in adversity and have never given up on my dream of taking the college entrance examination. "Xiao Song suffered from congenital muscular dystrophy since childhood and entered Lingling High School in high school." Later, the school provided him with classrooms on low floors and close to the toilet, making it easier for him to enter and exit, allowing him to face his academic life with more confidence. At school, I met many kind and enthusiastic people