The world

Come and take a look at these popular interactive experience projects and unique cultural and creative products at the Shenzhen Cultural and Creative Expo! Creativity | Park | Project
Come and take a look at these popular interactive experience projects and unique cultural and creative products at the Shenzhen Cultural and Creative Expo! Creativity | Park | Project

The 19th Cultural Expo will be held in Shenzhen from June 7th to 11th. At this year's Cultural and Creative Industry Expo, many cultural and creative industrial parks organized groups to participate, bringing the latest interactive experience projects and distinctive cultural and creative products. The rich cultural formats and prosperous supply of cultural products have become a major highlight of this year's Cultural Expo. As the only national cultural industry innovation experimental zone in the country, Chaoyang District of Beijing made its debut at the Shenzhen Cultural Expo. The digital interactive art work "Hundred Birds Facing the Phoenix" combines ancient painting with modern technology. Viewers can choose their favorite birds to draw on the touch screen, and the completed work can fly into the painting scroll after computer rendering, playing with the birds in the ancient painting. Wang Yonggang, Deputy Director of the Culture and Tourism Bureau of Chaoyang District, Beijing: Our Chaoyang District Government is collaborating with local universities and the Central Academy of Fine Arts

The agricultural department optimizes service guarantees and implements "one spray and three prevention" measures to effectively manage wheat, pests and diseases in wheat fields
The agricultural department optimizes service guarantees and implements "one spray and three prevention" measures to effectively manage wheat, pests and diseases in wheat fields

CCTV News: Currently, 1.9364 million mu of winter wheat in Tianshui City, Gansu Province is entering the flowering period, which is also a critical period for the prevention and control of various diseases and pests. Carry out the "one spray, three prevention" campaign locally and do a good job in wheat field management. In Shizi Village, Yangjiasi Town, Qinzhou District, Tianshui City, Gansu Province, farmers are spraying pesticides in the wheat field, with technical personnel providing guidance in the field. Agricultural departments at all levels in Tianshui City optimize service guarantees, mobilize the necessary materials for "one spray and three prevention", and popularize relevant agricultural knowledge. Yang Jiantai, a promotion researcher at the Agricultural Technology Comprehensive Service Center in Qinzhou District, Tianshui City: Crops have entered a period of vigorous growth, and management is now crucial. Organize growers to remove weeds, prevent and control pests and diseases, spray foliar fertilizer on wheat, and increase yield. As of now, the agricultural and rural departments in Tianshui City have distributed 41 tons of "one spray and three prevention" pesticides, including leaves

During the wheat harvest season, when encountering continuous cloudy and rainy days, Xinxiang in Henan Province adopts mutual assistance measures to ensure the drying weather of wheat
During the wheat harvest season, when encountering continuous cloudy and rainy days, Xinxiang in Henan Province adopts mutual assistance measures to ensure the drying weather of wheat

CCTV News: Currently, various wheat producing regions are gradually entering the harvest period. This year, the wheat planting area in Xinxiang, Henan is 6.2177 million mu, including 1 million mu of seed fields. Local landlords should seize the sunny weather and organize agricultural machinery to harvest and dry the crops. These days, in the wheat seed field of Lishi Village, Shipogu Town, Yanjin County, Henan Province, the harvester shuttles back and forth, operating at full power. Cui Jianming, the person in charge of Jianming Agricultural Planting Cooperative in Yanjin County, Xinxiang City, Henan Province: Our village has 6700 acres of land, and this year's yield per acre is still 1450. There are 12 harvesters in a day, and it is estimated to end in three days. In the government courtyard of Lizhuang Town, Fengqiu County, located in the Yellow River beach area, the Farmers Department is working with volunteers who have come to help to dry the newly harvested wheat. This year, the wheat harvest season has encountered continuous cloudy and rainy weather, with high humidity in the wheat

1.5 million agricultural machinery deployed to ensure loss reduction, efficiency improvement, and high standard completion of summer planting operations | Shandong | Summer planting
1.5 million agricultural machinery deployed to ensure loss reduction, efficiency improvement, and high standard completion of summer planting operations | Shandong | Summer planting

CCTV News: Currently, 6.012 million mu of wheat in Shandong has entered the concentrated harvest period. Shandong deep excavator has the potential to harvest operations, reduce waste, ensure particle return to the warehouse, and seize agricultural time to accelerate the progress of summer planting and management. In this wheat field in Guoli Town, Zoucheng, Jining City, Shandong Province, a large-scale competition for machine harvesting and loss reduction is underway. It is understood that currently, the loss rate of grain harvesting in China is about 1.5% -5%, generally above 3%. Holding a machine harvesting loss reduction competition is to improve the machine harvesting operation level of agricultural machinery operators through training and competition communication. Wang Naisheng, Director of the Agricultural Mechanization Management Department of the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Department of Shandong Province: With the operation of the operator, we have reduced the loss rate by approximately 1% compared to the current national standard. Based on an average yield of 500 kilograms, one acre of land can reduce losses by 10 kilograms, and 60 million mu of wheat is equivalent to an increase in income of 6

Significant soil improvement results have been achieved through the transformation of large areas of saline alkali land into high-yield fields
Significant soil improvement results have been achieved through the transformation of large areas of saline alkali land into high-yield fields

CCTV News: Among the over 330 million acres of winter wheat in China, there are some special wheat plots such as seed fields and saline alkali lands, which also play an important role in ensuring food security. How is the harvest this year? Look at the report sent back by the reporter. The wheat seed field area in Wen County, Henan Province has remained stable at 300000 acres throughout the year, accounting for nearly one tenth of the total wheat seed base area in the province. The rainy and cloudy weather has passed, and Wen County is organizing machines to seize the opportunity to harvest. Li Xiaobing, a grain grower in Wen County, Henan Province: We have transferred 2000 acres of land this year, and all we grow are seed wheat, which is one cent higher than the market price. We have signed an agreement with the seed company where we plant, mainly responsible for planting and management. Li Xiaobing told reporters that after the wheat matures, the local seed industry company provides harvesters and transport vehicles for operation. From the field

The staff responded that Shenzhen Uni President Apartment requires tenants to be between the ages of 18 and 40. The company | Apartment | Uni President Apartment
The staff responded that Shenzhen Uni President Apartment requires tenants to be between the ages of 18 and 40. The company | Apartment | Uni President Apartment

Recently, a signed agreement for the rental of apartments in Baishilong, Shenzhen has attracted attention. The rental requirement stated in the agreement, which states that the signatory must be 18 years old or above and 40 years old or below, has been hotly discussed by netizens. Many netizens believe that this regulation is unfriendly to Shenzhen workers over 40 years old. On the morning of June 9th, Upstream News contacted Anju Weitang Company, which formulated the contract. A staff member responded that the company initially positioned itself as a youth apartment, so the previous contract had this provision. The company has also recently paid attention to different voices and suggestions online, and has now made modifications to the contract content by removing the age limit. Regarding the clause in the contract that mentions that each bed can only accommodate one person, it is for youth dormitories with upper and lower bunks. There are additional restrictions on the number of people in single room, one bedroom, and other apartment types, as the average person living in the apartment is

Consider studying teacher education before starting work. For Guangxi candidates who have participated in the college entrance examination 15 times at Tsinghua University, they are said to have "really no strength" in the college entrance examination | teacher education | candidates
Consider studying teacher education before starting work. For Guangxi candidates who have participated in the college entrance examination 15 times at Tsinghua University, they are said to have "really no strength" in the college entrance examination | teacher education | candidates

On June 8th, after the 15th college entrance examination, Tang Shangjun from Shangsi County, Fangchenggang City, Guangxi Province, felt a bit insecure. When it comes to the possibility of being admitted to Tsinghua University, he said, "I'm afraid it's just a dream, I really don't have that ability.". "This year should come out," Tang Shangjun said, "I can't spend the whole year on the college entrance examination like before. I have also considered studying teacher education or pursuing a teaching career after graduating from university." Maybe I will continue my idea after I start working. ". Tang Shangjun takes a photo at the entrance of Tsinghua University. At the age of 35, Tang Shangjun has a Tsinghua dream and, in order to fulfill it, completed his 15th college entrance examination on June 8th. During his 14 year re study, he was admitted to several prestigious universities such as China University of Political Science and Law. In 2022, he was also admitted to the School of Nursing at Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, but he chose all of them

Former Deputy Commander of Chengdu Military Region, Ma Bingchen, who led his troops to participate in the border self-defense counterattack, passed away | Ma Bingchen | Deputy Commander
Former Deputy Commander of Chengdu Military Region, Ma Bingchen, who led his troops to participate in the border self-defense counterattack, passed away | Ma Bingchen | Deputy Commander

Pengpai News reporter learned from the relatives and friends of General Ma Bingchen that General Ma Bingchen, former Deputy Commander of the Chengdu Military Region, passed away in Chengdu on the afternoon of June 7, 2023, at the age of 95, due to ineffective medical treatment. According to public data, Ma Bingchen was born in 1928 in Fucheng, Hebei Province, joined the People's Liberation Army in 1946, and joined the CPC in 1947. He has participated in battles such as Liaoshen, Pingjin, Guangxi, and Hainan Island. After the establishment of the People's Republic of China, Ma Bingchen served as a company instructor, battalion instructor, deputy head of the division's combat training department, deputy regimental commander, regimental commander, division chief of staff, deputy division commander, deputy chief of military staff, deputy commander and deputy commander of the Guizhou Military Region. Ma Bingchen was appointed as the Deputy Commander of the 11th Army in 1984, leading his troops to participate in border self-defense counterattacks. Later, he served as the Minister of Logistics of the Chengdu Military Region

The deposit interest is low! There are also three things to pay attention to: collective action banks of state-owned large banks | deposits | interest
The deposit interest is low! There are also three things to pay attention to: collective action banks of state-owned large banks | deposits | interest

China's state-owned large banks have recently taken collective action, and your deposit interest is expected to decrease. On the 8th, six major state-owned banks in China, including Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, China Construction Bank, Agricultural Bank of China, Bank of China, Bank of Communications, and Postal Savings Bank of China, collectively announced a reduction in the listing interest rate for RMB deposits. The medium and long-term deposit interest rates have become the main targets for various banks to lower in this round. In addition to a decrease in deposit interest rates, a new round of deposit interest rate adjustments may also have an impact on three things. Will 01 deposit "move"? Will residents withdraw their savings and "make money" in a different place as interest decreases? The Chief Economist of CITIC Securities clearly believes that for depositors, the decrease in deposit interest rates may weaken their attractiveness, and the phenomenon of "deposit relocation" may strengthen. Individuals may transfer their deposit funds to consumer investment

Can street photography still be done in Chengdu Taikoo Li? The result of the on-site visit is... passersby | customers | Taikoo
Can street photography still be done in Chengdu Taikoo Li? The result of the on-site visit is... passersby | customers | Taikoo

On June 8th, the "Taikoo Li Hand in Hand Gate" incident in Chengdu continued to ferment, and issues such as whether street photography of passersby was legal have also sparked discussions online. At the same time, a blogger posted: "Merchants in Taikoo Village have a strong desire to survive. After the Hu Yong incident escalated nationwide yesterday, today they immediately erected this yellow signboard!" The signboard in the picture has a small line of text that reads, "We do not support any photography that infringes on consumer portrait rights or affects consumer shopping experience; we do not allow any commercial photography without our company's permission; we do not allow any photography that obstructs the view of tenants' shops." The reporter then contacted Chengdu Yuanyang Taikoo Village, and a staff member said that there is currently no rule prohibiting photography completely. In order to ensure the consumer experience and protect customer portrait rights from infringement, we have never done so

The reporter personally experienced and found that someone sold more than 200 yuan per gram of cat hair recycling? Bloggers bring products to raise doubts about cat hair | Bloggers | Recycling
The reporter personally experienced and found that someone sold more than 200 yuan per gram of cat hair recycling? Bloggers bring products to raise doubts about cat hair | Bloggers | Recycling

When the weather gets hot, pets lose their fur, which becomes the biggest headache for pet owners. If someone collects cat hair for a fee, will the poop collector still feel troubled by the cat hair? A seller sold over 200 yuan per gram for recycling 2 yuan per gram. Recently, a post on a social media platform titled "Recycling Cat Hair per gram" sparked heated discussions. The blogger claimed to recycle cat hair for 2 yuan per gram, requiring it to be free from water, clumps, and clean, with a minimum charge of 20g. For a while, netizens came up with their accumulated cat hair to purchase. A seller exclaimed, "Who understands! My cat earned me 170 yuan on its own." Another netizen exclaimed, "There's such a good thing, the owner can buy cans on their own." A buyer refused to trade on WeChat and offered to pay for salted fish, and the blogger readily agreed. 99g cat hair, including postage, to be paid together with 20

Putin listens to reports on the frontline war situation in Ukraine | Russian military | war situation
Putin listens to reports on the frontline war situation in Ukraine | Russian military | war situation

According to Reuters on June 8th, a Russian military official said that the commander-in-chief responsible for Russian military operations in Ukraine reported to President Putin on how the Russian military repelled a large-scale attack launched by Ukrainian forces in the Zaporizhzhia region. ▲ Information pictures: Russian President Putin, Russian Defense Minister Shoigu, and Chief of Staff of the Russian Armed Forces Grasimov. According to Xinhua News Agency/Reuters, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said earlier on the 8th that the Russian military has withstood the fierce attack launched by the Ukrainian army on the Zaporizhzhia front line at night and caused significant losses to the Ukrainian side. The reporter is unable to independently verify Shoigu's statement about the war, and the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense has not yet commented on the situation. According to reports, Russian General Alexander Romanchuk stated in a video released by the Russian Ministry of Defense that the total number of federal armed forces

The source of thick smoke in the Canadian capital has been extinguished at the ignition point. Reporter | Ottawa | Thick smoke
The source of thick smoke in the Canadian capital has been extinguished at the ignition point. Reporter | Ottawa | Thick smoke

In recent days, wildfires in Canada have been raging, causing serious air pollution to many cities in Canada and even the United States. Ottawa, the capital of Canada, was also temporarily shrouded in thick smoke. On the 8th local time, CCTV reporters arrived at Lake Centennial, over 100 kilometers away from Ottawa. The forest fire that occurred a few days ago here is believed to be the main source of thick smoke over Ottawa. CCTV reporter Zhang Sen: This is Centennial Lake, which is over 100 kilometers away from Ottawa. On the 6th, the sky in Ottawa was shrouded in thick smoke. The thick smoke came from the ignition point on the other side of Lake Centennial, and as this ignition point was extinguished, the sky in Ottawa basically returned to normal. Local resident O'Brien: The fire started on an island not far from where we were standing. From here to

Stop for 1 minute!, G39 high-speed rail father | Bengbu | high-speed rail
Stop for 1 minute!, G39 high-speed rail father | Bengbu | high-speed rail

At 21:45 on June 4th, the G39 train from Beijing South to Hangzhou East temporarily stopped at Bengbu South Station for 1 minute. This train originally did not stop at Bengbu South Station. What's going on? On the same day, a child on the G39 train experienced a high fever, fainting, and convulsions, and urgently needed to get off the train for treatment. However, it was still more than 50 minutes away from the next stop at Nanjing South Station. After obtaining the consent of the child's parents, the train staff quickly reported to the dispatcher. At 21:37, the passenger officer Guo Jian of Bengbu South Station received a notice of emergency rescue. Bengbu South Station immediately activated the emergency plan. The staff immediately dialed 120 emergency hotline to request the dispatch of emergency vehicles and medical staff to the station. Upon learning that the sick child and father needed a wheelchair in carriage 5, the station immediately opened the green channel and prepared the wheelchair

Two years ago, the teacher who shouted to graduates to "stand straight and don't lie down" left! Lanzhou University | Mu Jiangang | Graduated
Two years ago, the teacher who shouted to graduates to "stand straight and don't lie down" left! Lanzhou University | Mu Jiangang | Graduated

According to Pengpai News, on the morning of June 9th, Mu Jiangang, a renowned public relations scholar at Lanzhou University, passed away in Lanzhou at the age of 62 due to ineffective medical treatment. On the same day, Lanzhou University issued an obituary. According to public information, Mu Jiangang, from Qianxian County, Shaanxi Province, was appointed as an associate professor at the School of Journalism and Communication of Lanzhou University in 2003. He was awarded the title of "Most Admired Teacher by Students" in the first "Top Ten Teachers" evaluation of Lanzhou University. In July 2021, during his graduation speech for the 2021 graduating class of Lanzhou University, his sentence "Baby, don't try to lie flat, stand straight and don't lie down" caught the attention of netizens and once made it to the hot list on social media. In the same year, a video of "making phone calls with skipped class students" made Mu Jiangang a popular professor among many students.

How did these Qing Dynasty cultural relics reach Germany? The First Western System Traces the Museum of Cultural Relics Robbed by the Eight Nation Alliance | Germany | The Eight Nation Alliance
How did these Qing Dynasty cultural relics reach Germany? The First Western System Traces the Museum of Cultural Relics Robbed by the Eight Nation Alliance | Germany | The Eight Nation Alliance

Among the major museums in Germany, there are thousands of important cultural relics from the Qing Dynasty in China. How did these cultural relics travel from Beijing to Germany? Are they spoils of war illegally plundered by Germany during the colonial war? Pengpai News learned that the "Tracking Boxer Cultural Relics" traceability project jointly launched by seven German museums two years ago will be completed in November this year, aiming to answer these questions. At the same time, Germany has also established cooperation with the Palace Museum to trace the 70 representative cultural relics selected by the German side. This is the first systematic study in the Western world on cultural relics lost after the Eight Nation Alliance's invasion of China. A statue of Mongolian prince Kokyam, from Ziguangge. Shortly after the Eight Nation Alliance suppressed the Boxer Rebellion, this portrait was listed for sale at an art dealer in Berlin. It is housed in the Berlin Museum of Nationalities

Never let the medical insurance fund become the "meat of Tang Monk" (People's Current Review) system. Medical Insurance | Fund | Current Review
Never let the medical insurance fund become the "meat of Tang Monk" (People's Current Review) system. Medical Insurance | Fund | Current Review

"Never let the medical insurance fund become the meat of Tang Monk!" Recently, at a press conference held by the State Council Information Office, Hu Jinglin, the director of the National Medical Security Administration, won praise from many netizens. Medical insurance is a major institutional arrangement that reduces the burden of medical treatment on the public, enhances people's well-being, and maintains social harmony and stability. From 2018 to 2022, the annual total expenditure of the basic medical insurance fund increased from 1.78 trillion yuan to 2.46 trillion yuan, effectively playing a role in solving the concerns of the public about seeking medical treatment. It can be said that the medical insurance fund is related to the vital interests of every insured person and social stability, and its safe and stable operation is crucial. As the regulatory authority of the medical insurance fund, the National Medical Insurance Administration has always made strengthening the supervision of the medical insurance fund and maintaining fund safety its top priority. In the past five years

Cultural development is brilliant, diverse, and civilized vitality is surging - Summary of the sub forums of the first Cultural Power Construction Summit Forum | International | Culture
Cultural development is brilliant, diverse, and civilized vitality is surging - Summary of the sub forums of the first Cultural Power Construction Summit Forum | International | Culture

On June 8th, the first Cultural Power Construction Summit Forum, consisting of 8 sub forums, was held simultaneously in Shenzhen. Experts and scholars in the cultural field discussed strategies for promoting cultural development. The first Summit Forum on Building a Cultural Power set up eight sub forums, namely, international communication and innovation in the new media era, development and application of cutting-edge digital publishing technology, construction of a humanistic bay area, prosperity of literary and artistic creation, protection of cultural heritage, promotion of cultural trade, high-quality development of the film industry, and joint construction of a new ecology of Internet copyright. On the journey of building a cultural powerhouse, international communication work bears the important responsibility of building China's discourse and narrative system, and plays an important role in showcasing the inclusive and open mind of Chinese civilization and promoting exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations of various countries. Wang Lei, Director of the International Cooperation Bureau of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said at the International Communication Innovation Sub Forum in the New Media Era“

Taking Multiple Measures to Care for Children's Health Medications | Children | Health
Taking Multiple Measures to Care for Children's Health Medications | Children | Health

In the first five months of this year, 34 pediatric medications were approved for marketing; In March of this year, the new version of the National Medical Insurance Drug Catalogue was officially implemented, with new drugs covering 22 children's medication; In January of this year, the General Office of the National Health Commission issued a notice encouraging medical institutions to develop new technologies and methods that can flexibly adjust dosage for pediatric medication, strengthen standardized management and quality control of personalized medication... China has taken a series of measures to encourage research and production of pediatric medication, and continuously improve the level of drug supply guarantee. According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics, at the end of 2022, the population aged 0-15 in China was 25.615 million, accounting for 18.1% of the total population. Compared with adult drugs, the research and development and production of pediatric drugs face problems such as late start, high difficulty, and weak foundation, requiring medical institutions and research institutes

[Discovering the Most Beautiful, You Evaluate Me] Liulin, Shaanxi: Ecological and Industrial Integration Development of Small Mushrooms "Fragrant" Rural Revitalization Road Villagers | Culture | Development of Small Mushrooms
[Discovering the Most Beautiful, You Evaluate Me] Liulin, Shaanxi: Ecological and Industrial Integration Development of Small Mushrooms "Fragrant" Rural Revitalization Road Villagers | Culture | Development of Small Mushrooms

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposes to strengthen the protection and inheritance of historical and cultural heritage in urban and rural construction. According to data from the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development, in the past decade, a total of 6819 villages have been included in the list of traditional village protection in China, forming the world's largest agricultural civilization heritage protection group. In the process of rapid urbanization, a large number of excellent historical and cultural heritage have been rescued and protected. Recently, reporters from People's Daily Online learned about the unique experience of protecting and developing traditional villages in China through lively grassroots practices through discussions, on-site visits, and interviews, and launched a series of reports on "Journey to Traditional Villages". The edible mushroom base in Liulin Village is busy with harvesting. Photo by People's Daily reporter Xu Weina: June is the season for harvesting and listing summer mushrooms. The edible mushroom base in Liulin Village is a bustling scene, with a full and translucent aroma of shiitake mushrooms lingering,

The defendant was sentenced to eight and a half years, and the final verdict of the Shandong woman who was disabled by her ex husband's injection of hormones was upheld. The original verdict was for injection | injury | defendant | Shandong | hormone | Feixian | Gao | Liu Yun
The defendant was sentenced to eight and a half years, and the final verdict of the Shandong woman who was disabled by her ex husband's injection of hormones was upheld. The original verdict was for injection | injury | defendant | Shandong | hormone | Feixian | Gao | Liu Yun

On June 9th, Liu Yun, a victim of the case where a woman was disabled by her ex husband's injection of hormones, told Pengpai News that she received a criminal ruling from the Linyi Intermediate People's Court in Shandong Province on May 18th, rejecting the defendant's appeal and upholding the original verdict. Previously, the Feixian County Court in Shandong Province convicted the defendant Gao of intentional injury and sentenced him to 8 years and 6 months in prison. According to a previous report by Pengpai News, in November 2016, after Liu Yun caught a cold, Dr. Gao, who was still her husband at the time, injected her with a bottle for several days. Afterwards, she began to experience symptoms such as blurred vision and leg cramps, and in a short period of time, her appearance changed. She gained a lot of weight and her skin seemed to be tearing apart. Later, Liu Yun was diagnosed as "polycystic ovary syndrome, diabetes, metabolic syndrome". In September 2017, at home

What is the trend in the next stage?, PPI continues to bottom out, with a slight year-on-year rebound in May. On a month on month basis, prices have increased compared to the same period last year
What is the trend in the next stage?, PPI continues to bottom out, with a slight year-on-year rebound in May. On a month on month basis, prices have increased compared to the same period last year

On June 9th, the National Bureau of Statistics released data showing that in May, the CPI decreased by 0.2% month on month and increased by 0.2% year-on-year; PPI decreased by 0.9% month on month and 4.6% year-on-year. CPI slightly rebounded year-on-year in May, consumer demand continued to recover, and the overall market operation remained stable. CPI decreased month on month, and the year-on-year increase slightly expanded. From a year-on-year perspective, CPI increased by 0.2%, an increase of 0.1 percentage points compared to the previous month. Among them, food prices increased by 1.0%, an increase of 0.6 percentage points compared to the previous month, affecting the CPI increase by about 0.19 percentage points. In terms of food, the prices of poultry, edible oil, and fresh fruits have increased by 5.6%, 3.6%, and 3.4% respectively, with all increases falling back; The price of pork has decreased by 3.2% from a 4.0% increase in the previous month; Fresh vegetables

Better support policies for employment and entrepreneurship of college graduates | Enterprises | Graduates
Better support policies for employment and entrepreneurship of college graduates | Enterprises | Graduates

This period is the graduation season. To better assist college graduates in their smooth employment and entrepreneurship, various regions and departments are promoting relevant policies to enter enterprises, campuses, and grassroots levels. Continue to implement a series of support measures to stimulate the enthusiasm of enterprises in recruiting and employing personnel; Expand employment opportunities at the grassroots level and improve entrepreneurial support conditions; We will carry out large-scale vocational skills training to help young people establish a correct view of employment... Various policies will work together to promote high-quality and full employment for college graduates. Shandong Province implements the Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship Assistance Program for college graduates and other young people, and holds a college student employment and entrepreneurship knowledge competition for about 900000 fresh graduates in the province; Hubei Province is deeply implementing the "Talent Gathering in Jingchu" project and actively promoting employment policies to attract college graduates; Jiangsu builds platforms such as "employment handheld treasure for college graduates" to provide job opportunities for young people

Global Connection | Cultural Expo Expands "International Moments" to Assist the Internationalization Development of China's Cultural Industry Regions | Countries | Moments
Global Connection | Cultural Expo Expands "International Moments" to Assist the Internationalization Development of China's Cultural Industry Regions | Countries | Moments

The 19th China International Cultural Industry Expo and Trade Fair opened on June 7th. Since its official establishment in Shenzhen in 2004, the scale, number of visitors, and degree of internationalization of the Cultural Expo have continuously increased, becoming an important engine for promoting the development of China's cultural industry, an important platform for Chinese culture to go global, and an important window for expanding cultural openness to the outside world. This year's Cultural Expo has attracted over 300 overseas exhibitors from 50 countries and regions to participate online and offline. A large number of cultural projects and products from the "the Belt and Road" countries and regions participated in the exhibition. During the exhibition, international cultural activities will be held to expand the international circle of friends of the Cultural Expo, and more than 20000 overseas professional visitors from over 100 countries and regions will participate.

Engage in power and sex transactions! After the 20th National Congress, the "first tiger" was traded by Fan Yifei, a member of the Shuangkai Supervisory Committee
Engage in power and sex transactions! After the 20th National Congress, the "first tiger" was traded by Fan Yifei, a member of the Shuangkai Supervisory Committee

On June 9th, according to the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission, with the approval of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission conducted an investigation into the serious violations of discipline and law by Fan Yifei, former member of the Party Committee and Vice President of the People's Bank of China. After investigation, it was found that Fan Yifei lost his ideals and beliefs, abandoned his original mission, had a indifferent political consciousness, opposed organizational censorship, and engaged in superstitious activities; Ignoring the spirit of the eight point regulations of the central government, accepting arrangements for banquets, tourism, golf and other activities in violation of regulations for a long time, participating in public funded banquets, receiving gifts and cash, and entering and exiting private clubs in violation of regulations; Seeking benefits for others in terms of job arrangements, job adjustments, etc; Being an official without integrity, indulging relatives in obtaining salaries without actually working, and engaging in power and sex transactions; Violating regulations and interfering in law enforcement activities; Moral corruption and improper family conduct; Without any legal bottom line, bold and reckless, relying on finance

Announcements are very rare!, Vice Minister Tiger was arrested by the Double Opening Supervision Commission | Central Commission for Discipline Inspection | Vice Minister
Announcements are very rare!, Vice Minister Tiger was arrested by the Double Opening Supervision Commission | Central Commission for Discipline Inspection | Vice Minister

On June 9th, according to the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission, with the approval of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission conducted a case review and investigation into the serious violations of discipline and law by Zhou Jiankun, former Deputy Secretary and Vice Chairman of the Guizhou Provincial Political Consultative Conference. After investigation, Zhou Jiankun lost his ideals and beliefs, lost his people's position, abandoned his duties and missions, failed to implement the major decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee on poverty alleviation and consolidating and expanding the achievements of poverty alleviation, used poverty alleviation projects for personal gain, seriously damaged the interests of the Party and the people, failed to fulfill the main responsibility of comprehensive and strict governance of the Party, engaged in the "Seven Haves", and opposed organizational review; Ignoring the spirit of the central eight point regulations, engaging in formalism and bureaucracy, being enthusiastic about creating public opinion, and illegally accepting gifts, gifts, and banquets; Not reporting personal matters in accordance with regulations, and not truthfully explaining questions during organizational conversations

Baoyan Beiwai!, 607 points: A wheelchair girl from outside Sichuan. CCTV News | Yunnan | Girl | Major | Source | Translation | Sichuan Foreign Studies University | Xu Ruiyang
Baoyan Beiwai!, 607 points: A wheelchair girl from outside Sichuan. CCTV News | Yunnan | Girl | Major | Source | Translation | Sichuan Foreign Studies University | Xu Ruiyang

Xu Ruiyang, a girl from Yunnan, suffers from spinal muscular atrophy. In 2019, she was admitted to Sichuan Foreign Studies University with a score of 607, which is 47 points higher than the first tier of Yunnan liberal arts. Now, this girl who took the wheelchair college entrance examination four years ago is about to graduate this summer. The good news is that Xu Ruiyang, with her first place in her major, has been admitted to Beijing Foreign Studies University. Xu Ruiyang has made plans for her graduate studies, read literature, participate in translation practice, improve translation skills, and publish academic papers to prepare for her future doctoral studies. "I am very interested in translation, and I want to go further in Thai translation in the future." Xu Ruiyang and her parents took a photo at the school gate, saying, "Infinite love and..." "unremitting struggle will eventually guide us to where we most want to go!" Next, she will accept the spine

Deepen the modernization of emergency management system and capabilities for rescue operations
Deepen the modernization of emergency management system and capabilities for rescue operations

On the morning of June 8, the Information Office of the State Council held a series of press conferences on the theme of "the opening of authoritative departments". Wang Xiangxi, Minister of Emergency Management, and others introduced the relevant situation of "implementing the major decisions and arrangements of the 20th CPC National Congress and promoting the modernization of emergency management system and capacity. Promote the transformation of the public safety governance model to prior prevention From 2018 to 2022, the total number of production safety accidents and deaths nationwide decreased by 80.8 and 51.4 respectively compared with the previous five years, and the number of deaths and missing persons from natural disasters decreased by 54.3 compared with the previous five years. "The Emergency Management Department is a department established in 2018 to deepen the reform of party and state institutions. In recent years, it has worked with relevant parties to do a good job in risk prevention, resolution and disposal, and maintained the overall stability of the national safety production and disaster prevention, mitigation and relief situation." Wang Xiangxi

Annual cost savings of over 800 million yuan!, This type of medical consumables has an average price reduction of over 80% in centralized procurement. Joint | cement | centralized procurement
Annual cost savings of over 800 million yuan!, This type of medical consumables has an average price reduction of over 80% in centralized procurement. Joint | cement | centralized procurement

Joint bone cement is a consumable used in orthopedic surgery to fix artificial joints. In China, approximately one million patients use bone cement and related products every year. Yesterday, the centralized procurement of medical consumables for joint bone cement in the Beijing Tianjin Hebei "3+N" alliance was officially opened, with an average price reduction of 83.13%. This procurement involves a total of 31 provinces and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps across the country, with 4762 medical institutions participating. The agreed procurement volume is about 640000 basic packages, accounting for 95% of the total demand for joint bone cement in the alliance region. The market size involved is about 1.021 billion yuan. The average price reduction for centralized procurement is 83.13%, and based on the agreed purchase quantity, it is expected to save 853 million yuan in expenses annually. There are a total of 9 companies participating in this centralized procurement, all of which have been eligible for the proposed selection. As early as 2018, China's use of bone cement

But the French finance minister said: No negotiations allowed!, This is making Germany angry about the issue | status | France
But the French finance minister said: No negotiations allowed!, This is making Germany angry about the issue | status | France

According to Agence France Presse on June 8th, after a disagreement between France and Germany over the status of nuclear energy in Europe, French Finance Minister Bruno Le Mer stated on June 8th that France's nuclear power is an "absolute red line" that cannot be negotiated. According to reports, Paris, which relies on nuclear power, insists on allowing nuclear energy to play a major role in the development of more green technologies in Europe, which has angered Berlin. According to reports, when announcing the end of the annual meeting of the French Electricity Union, Le Mer insisted that "nuclear power is an absolute red line for France, and France will not give up any competitive advantage related to nuclear energy." France's 56 aging reactors can normally meet about 70% of the country's electricity demand. He said, "France's nuclear power is non negotiable and will never be negotiated. We will have to coexist with it, and we do..."