The world

Former Secretary of the Party Group and General Manager of China Railway Corporation, Sheng Guangzu, Secretary of the First Trial of Bribery and Bribery Using Influence | Party Group of China Railway Corporation | Sheng Guangzu
Former Secretary of the Party Group and General Manager of China Railway Corporation, Sheng Guangzu, Secretary of the First Trial of Bribery and Bribery Using Influence | Party Group of China Railway Corporation | Sheng Guangzu

On August 3, 2023, the Intermediate People's Court of Baoji City, Shaanxi Province, publicly held the first instance trial of the case of Sheng Guangzu, former Secretary of the Party Group and General Manager of China Railway Corporation, accepting bribes and using his influence to take bribes. The People's Procuratorate of Baoji City, Shaanxi Province has filed a lawsuit accusing that from 2004 to 2022, Sheng Guangzu took advantage of his positions as Deputy Secretary, Deputy Director, Party Secretary, and Director of the General Administration of Customs, former Secretary and Minister of the Party Group of the Ministry of Railways, former Secretary and General Manager of the Party Group of China Railway Corporation, member of the Standing Committee of the 12th National People's Congress, and Deputy Chairman of the Finance and Economic Commission to seek benefits for relevant units and individuals in enterprise operation, project contracting, job promotion, work adjustment, etc., directly or through others illegally accepting property totaling more than RMB 56.66 million.

Former Central Committee Member on Trial! Reported to cooperate with the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection's review and investigation position when falling off the horse | Secretary | Central Commission for Discipline Inspection
Former Central Committee Member on Trial! Reported to cooperate with the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection's review and investigation position when falling off the horse | Secretary | Central Commission for Discipline Inspection

Today, the Intermediate People's Court of Baoji City, Shaanxi Province, publicly held the first instance trial of the case of Sheng Guangzu, former Secretary of the Party Group and General Manager of China Railway Corporation, accepting bribes and using his influence to take bribes. 74 year old Sheng Guangzu, involved in a case worth over 60 million yuan. The public resume shows that corruption in employment and power use are intertwined. Sheng Guangzu, male, was born in April 1949 and started working in 1968. Sheng Guangzu once held positions such as Deputy Minister and Party Member of the former Ministry of Railways, Director and Party Secretary of the General Administration of Customs, Party Secretary and Minister of the former Ministry of Railways, and General Manager and Party Secretary of China Railway Corporation. In November 2016, Sheng Guangzu was appointed as the Vice Chairman of the Finance and Economic Commission of the National People's Congress. Sheng Guangzu was a member of the 17th Central Committee. On March 25th last year, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection announced that Sheng Guangzu was suspected of serious violations of discipline and law,

President of Brazil: The G7 is outdated and should not exist in France | G7 | Brazil
President of Brazil: The G7 is outdated and should not exist in France | G7 | Brazil

On August 2nd local time, Brazilian President Lula said during breakfast with dozens of foreign journalists that "the way the G7 discusses political issues is outdated. After the establishment of the G20, the G7 should not continue to exist.". In addition, Lula also expressed his views on the Russia-Ukraine conflict and the BRICS cooperation mechanism. In May this year, when Lula was invited to attend the expanded meeting of the Group of Seven Hiroshima Summit, he publicly pointed out that "the Russia-Ukraine conflict is no longer something that can be discussed within the scope of the Group of Seven". The Group of Seven is composed of the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Canada, and Japan. The spokesperson of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs has repeatedly pointed out that the era of a few developed Western countries arbitrarily interfering in the internal affairs of other countries and manipulating global affairs is gone forever.

1623 charges! Australian man accused of abusing 91 child pornography | children | men over 15 years
1623 charges! Australian man accused of abusing 91 child pornography | children | men over 15 years

On August 1st local time, the Australian Federal Police stated in a statement that a former childcare worker was accused of committing 1623 child abuse crimes against 91 children in Australia and elsewhere over a period of 15 years. In August 2022, this 45 year old man from the Gold Coast was detained by the police on charges of producing and disseminating child pornography. The police stated that the investigation team found more evidence of child abuse on the electronic device held by the man. From 2007 to 2022, the man worked at more than ten childcare centers in Brisbane, Sydney, Australia, and overseas. Michael Fitzgerald, Assistant Director of the New South Wales Police Department, said at a press conference, "This is the most terrifying suspected abuse we detectives have ever seen."

He was sentenced to death by a federal jury in the United States and was involved in a large-scale shooting that resulted in the death of 11 people. Jury | Shooting Case | Publication | Death Penalty | Belief | United States | Report | Bowles
He was sentenced to death by a federal jury in the United States and was involved in a large-scale shooting that resulted in the death of 11 people. Jury | Shooting Case | Publication | Death Penalty | Belief | United States | Report | Bowles

On August 3, according to CNN, on the 2nd local time, a federal jury in the United States decided to sentence Robert Bowles, the perpetrator of the 2018 Pittsburgh synagogue mass shooting, to death. This case is the first death penalty precedent since the US Department of Justice suspended the death penalty in 2021, and the second federal death penalty verdict during the Biden administration. According to reports, Bowles' official verdict is scheduled to take place on the 3rd local time, and some families of the victims are expected to give speeches. Bowles, currently 50 years old, was convicted on June 16, with 22 out of 63 charges being capital offenses. On July 13th, the jury concluded that Bowles should be sentenced to death, and the case entered the final sentencing stage. The report states that a unanimous verdict from the jury is required to sentence the death penalty, otherwise it can only be imposed

"Warning means strong", Taiwan media pay attention to the PLA's successive release of war zones | Taiwan | PLA
"Warning means strong", Taiwan media pay attention to the PLA's successive release of war zones | Taiwan | PLA

According to the Hong Kong 01 website on August 3rd, the naval fleet of the Eastern Theater Command recently conducted live fire exercises in the East China Sea. According to a report released on the Weibo account of the Eastern Theater Command on the 3rd, recently, a destroyer detachment of the Eastern Theater Command Navy, including the Xiamen, Yangzhou, and Binzhou ships, formed a formation to conduct live fire exercises in a certain area of the East China Sea, continuously improving its combat capabilities. The report also said that the official WeChat official account of the Eastern Theater of War also released an MV "confidence" on the day of the August 1st Army Day.Analysis suggests that this is aimed at "Taiwan"

"The two major border states of Russia distribute weapons to militias..." Ukraine | Russia | Militia
"The two major border states of Russia distribute weapons to militias..." Ukraine | Russia | Militia

According to local Russian officials cited by Agence France Presse, on August 2nd, local militia groups in two regions of Russia bordering Ukraine - Kursk Oblast and Belgorod Oblast - obtained weapons to defend the relevant areas from Ukrainian attacks. The report states that these militia organizations were established in December last year in the two major regions, with the aim of assisting the armed forces, the National Guard, and the police. Governor Roman Starovoit of Kursk Oblast in western Russia said that the militias in his jurisdiction have received their first batch of weapons. National media reported that militia organizations in Belgorod have received weapons. According to reports, both regions have repeatedly reported being attacked and shelled by Ukrainian armed forces drones. Starovoit said on social media, "Kur

Typical symptoms include systemic soreness, fatigue, and high fever. Leptospirosis in the Philippines has caused at least 225 deaths
Typical symptoms include systemic soreness, fatigue, and high fever. Leptospirosis in the Philippines has caused at least 225 deaths

On August 3rd local time, the Philippine Ministry of Health reported that multiple regions in the country have reported cases of leptospirosis since the beginning of this year, with an increasing number of cases, resulting in at least 225 deaths. The Philippine Ministry of Health stated in its report that from the beginning of the year to July 15th, at least 10 regions have reported a total of 2079 cases of leptospirosis. In the capital Manila region, the number of cases has been on the rise in the past month. Leptospirosis is an acute infectious disease caused by pathogenic leptospira, which is a zoonotic disease that is prone to spread in areas with poor environmental sanitation, flooding, and contaminated drinking water. Rodents, pigs, and other livestock are the main sources of transmission of leptospirosis. The typical symptoms of the patient are systemic soreness, fatigue, and high fever. In severe cases, pulmonary hemorrhage, encephalitis, and renal failure may occur. Philippine Ministry of Health warns of typhoon and monsoon impacts

China and Russia think tanks release a joint report exposing risks and cooperation in US, UK, and Australia nuclear submarine cooperation | nuclear submarines | UK and Australia
China and Russia think tanks release a joint report exposing risks and cooperation in US, UK, and Australia nuclear submarine cooperation | nuclear submarines | UK and Australia

The China Association for Arms Control and Disarmament and the Russian Energy and Security Research Center released a joint research report on the risks of US UK Australian nuclear submarine cooperation to nuclear non-proliferation mechanisms and global security in Vienna, Austria on the 2nd. The report reveals that the cooperation between the United States, Britain, and Australia on nuclear submarines has intensified the risk of nuclear proliferation, posing a serious challenge to the international nuclear non-proliferation system and the International Atomic Energy Agency's safeguards mechanism, and posing a serious threat to regional peace and stability. On the same day, two think tanks from China and Russia held a seminar on the risks of nuclear proliferation in cooperation with the United States, Britain, and Australia on nuclear submarines at the Vienna International Center during the first preparatory meeting of the Eleventh Review Conference of the Treaty on the Non Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, and released the report at the conference. The report points out that the cooperation between the United States, Britain, and Australia on nuclear submarines is a major challenge facing the current international nuclear non-proliferation mechanism. How to Properly Handle the Nuclear Proliferation Risk of Three Nation Nuclear Submarine Cooperation

Should we order takeout in rainstorm days? Netizens argue over one side | Subsidies | Netizens
Should we order takeout in rainstorm days? Netizens argue over one side | Subsidies | Netizens

Recently, the rainstorm in Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei and other places poured in. Whether to order takeout in extreme weather has become a hot topic. The contradiction between the concern for the personal safety of selling riders to the public and the objective situation of inconvenience in going out has attracted the attention of netizens. Should we order takeout in rainstorm? For the answer to this question, both the rider and the netizen have considered it, but they have different paths and the same goal. Riders in rainstorm days: "hope to make money, but safety first" For Mr. Sun, a delivery platform rider, the work of rainstorm in Beijing these days is breathtaking. "The delivery time limit of the platform has been longer in the past two days, such as 40 minutes on a regular basis, which is 50 minutes to 1 hour." Mr. Sun mentioned to China News Network that in recent days, in addition to the extension of the delivery time limit, overtime records will also be removed in the background, which will not affect assessment and salary. In addition, every delivery

Highly contagious! The involved breeding farm has been shut down, Skin disease detected in live cattle at Indonesian ports | Australia | Indonesia | Farms
Highly contagious! The involved breeding farm has been shut down, Skin disease detected in live cattle at Indonesian ports | Australia | Indonesia | Farms

On August 1st local time, Indonesian officials stated that after 13 live cattle infected with nodular skin disease were discovered at Indonesian ports last week, Indonesia has temporarily suspended imports of live cattle from four Australian suppliers and will conduct further testing and investigation. The Australian government has stated that it has taken emergency response measures and will cooperate with the Indonesian government to ensure that all livestock exported from Australia meet Indonesia's requirements. On the 1st, the head of Indonesia's agricultural quarantine agency stated in a video from CCTV Finance's "Tianxia Finance" program that last week, 13 live cows imported from Australia were found to have nodular skin disease during quarantine before arriving at Jakarta port. This viral disease is highly contagious and can be transmitted through insect bites, leading to blisters and nodules on live cattle

Chinese Ambassador to Russia in an interview with TASS: Advising NATO not to extend its black hand into the Asia Pacific Cold War | NATO Ambassador
Chinese Ambassador to Russia in an interview with TASS: Advising NATO not to extend its black hand into the Asia Pacific Cold War | NATO Ambassador

On August 3rd, Ambassador to Russia Zhang Hanhui gave an interview to TASS with the title "Advising NATO not to extend its black hands into the Asia Pacific". The full text is as follows: As a remnant of the Cold War, NATO was supposed to disappear with the end of the Cold War, but it continued to sustain itself by provoking conflicts and launching wars. For over thirty years, NATO has been stirring up trouble and creating division and turmoil in Kosovo, Libya, Afghanistan and other places. The five eastward expansions have seriously impacted the existing European security order after the Cold War, becoming the main cause of the comprehensive escalation of the Ukrainian crisis. It has been proven that wherever NATO's claws extend, there will be casualties and unrest. In recent years, NATO has been extending its hand and trying to get involved in Asia Pacific affairs. NATO has invited Japan, South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand to participate in the NATO summit for two consecutive years, and has signed a "separate customized partnership plan" with four countries

To meet the reasonable financing needs of private real estate enterprises, the central bank needs to accurately implement differentiated housing credit policy opinions | Financing | Pan Gongsheng | People's Bank of China | Policy | Support | Finance | Enterprises
To meet the reasonable financing needs of private real estate enterprises, the central bank needs to accurately implement differentiated housing credit policy opinions | Financing | Pan Gongsheng | People's Bank of China | Policy | Support | Finance | Enterprises

On August 3rd, Pan Gongsheng, Secretary of the Party Committee and President of the People's Bank of China, presided over a symposium on financial support for the development of private enterprises, listened to relevant opinions and suggestions, promoted the integration of supply and demand between banks and enterprises, and studied measures to strengthen financial support for private enterprises. The main leaders of private enterprises such as Yili Group, Hongqiao Group, Longhu Real Estate, Chint Group, New Hope Group, Xuhui Real Estate, Midea Real Estate, Red Bean Group, and some financial institutions, as well as the Interbank Market Dealers Association, attended the symposium. Liu Guoqiang, member of the Party Committee and Vice President of the People's Bank of China, and Zhang Qingsong attended the meeting. At the symposium, the heads of 8 private enterprises introduced their financing situation, reflecting that the financing costs of enterprises have steadily decreased in recent years, and the financial support has been stable. At the same time, they expressed their hope to further expand bond financing channels and other demands. Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, China Construction Bank

Selling official positions and titles! Xin Minchao was expelled from the party and public office, and the committee for embezzlement | reform | selling official positions and titles
Selling official positions and titles! Xin Minchao was expelled from the party and public office, and the committee for embezzlement | reform | selling official positions and titles

Recently, with the approval of the Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee, the Heilongjiang Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision conducted a case review and investigation into the serious violations of discipline and law by Xin Minchao, former member of the Party Group of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission and former Secretary and Director of the Provincial Grain and Material Reserve Bureau. After investigation, Xin Minchao violated political discipline, opposed organizational censorship, and engaged in superstitious activities; Violating the spirit of the Central Eight point Regulation and the discipline of integrity, and accepting gifts in violation of regulations; Violating organizational discipline, failing to report personal matters in accordance with regulations, using power to seek personal benefits for others and receiving money; Violating integrity discipline and using one's authority to write off expenses that should be paid by oneself with public funds; Violation of work discipline, ineffective implementation of national and provincial party committee decisions and deployments, resulting in adverse effects, and illegal intervention in administrative law enforcement activities; Utilize the convenience of one's position to advance, adjust, and undertake engineering projects

Observation of the Universiade | Carrying the Mission with a Struggle | Youth Shining at the Universiade Stadium | Chengdu | Universiade
Observation of the Universiade | Carrying the Mission with a Struggle | Youth Shining at the Universiade Stadium | Chengdu | Universiade

The 31st Chengdu Summer Universiade is in full swing. As of August 2nd, the Chinese team has led the gold and medal charts with a record of 36 gold, 12 silver, and 12 bronze medals. Behind this impressive achievement is the daily, persistent, and arduous training of Chinese college athletes, as well as the indomitable will and outstanding spirit of Chinese youth who are not afraid of opponents, dare to fight, and strive for excellence in the Universiade. The picture shows Cao Maoyuan winning the men's Nanquan and Nancudgel martial arts competitions at the Chengdu Universiade, with Chen Cheng, a reporter from Guangming Daily, and Cao Maoyuan from Chengdu Sports Institute. He not only won the first gold medal for the Chinese university sports delegation, but also became the first athlete to win two gold medals since the start of the Chengdu Universiade. Three years of careful polishing

The Popularization of the Party's Innovative Theory in the New Era Needs to Highlight the Characteristics of "New" Development | Era | Theory
The Popularization of the Party's Innovative Theory in the New Era Needs to Highlight the Characteristics of "New" Development | Era | Theory

Author: Deng Li, Associate Professor of Philosophy Teaching and Research Department. Adhering to theoretical innovation, arming the entire Party, educating the people, and guiding practice with the Party's innovative theory, and relying on the people to promote the development of the Party and the country's cause, is an important tool for our Party to open up new prospects for career development. The new era and new journey, promoting the popularization of the Party's innovative theory, is an important measure to consolidate the guiding position of Marxism in the field of ideology in China, an important task to continuously write a new chapter of Marxism's sinicization and modernization, and an inherent requirement for our Party to lead the people to achieve its mission. In the new historical situation, to achieve the popularization of the Party's innovative theory, it is necessary to fully highlight the "new" characteristics of the Party's innovative theory popularization. The popularization of the Party's innovative theory in the new era should be based on new ideas and new content. Engels pointed out that our theory is "a kind of history."

Promoting Agricultural Socialization Services, Digitalization Development, Socialization | Modernization | Agriculture
Promoting Agricultural Socialization Services, Digitalization Development, Socialization | Modernization | Agriculture

Author: Zhang Yanlong's promotion of digital development of agricultural socialized services is the essence of agricultural and rural modernization and digital agriculture development. It is an important way to solve the problem of land fragmentation and leverage the advantages of land scale, directly related to the realization of the dual goals of agricultural and rural modernization and ensuring food security. Currently, small farmers and their small plots of land have become a shortcoming in agricultural modernization due to their non contiguous physical space. The low capital investment and low technological enrichment of small plots of land are the main reasons for the low efficiency of land output. Therefore, promoting the digital development of agricultural socialized services is of great significance. We need to promote its functionality from multiple perspectives and establish a long-term driving mechanism driven by internal demand. Fully understand the significance of digital development of agricultural socialized services

[Era Qingyin] Han Zhen: How to correctly apply the Great Historical View to grasp the overall trend of the times | History | Era
[Era Qingyin] Han Zhen: How to correctly apply the Great Historical View to grasp the overall trend of the times | History | Era

The so-called grand view of history, from a holistic worldview perspective, is a materialist understanding of history that adheres to the economic foundation determining the superstructure and the people creating history; From a fundamental methodological perspective, it is to adhere to analyzing and understanding history from the perspective of dialectical materialism that is concrete, objective, comprehensive, and interconnected with development; From the perspective of basic values, it is to adhere to the perspective of putting the people first to evaluate and view history; In terms of practice, it is necessary to promote historical development with the spirit of historical initiative

Chengdu Universiade | "Weiwei Huaxia": A Glimpse of China's 5000 Year Brilliant Civilization in Chengdu | Memory | Universiade
Chengdu Universiade | "Weiwei Huaxia": A Glimpse of China's 5000 Year Brilliant Civilization in Chengdu | Memory | Universiade

When the memory of the eastern suburbs becomes a phenomenon, there are not only memories, but also hot crowds and exhibitions. When delegations from various countries arrived in Chengdu during the Universiade, university students from Brazil experienced Sichuan opera facial makeup painting and Sichuan banquet themed Chinese meal shows at the Memory Locomotive Square in the eastern suburbs... Experience the rich cultural and artistic atmosphere of Chengdu. It is worth mentioning that in the "Lofty China" theme exhibition area opened for the first time in Chengdu · Eastern Suburb Memory Exhibition, the audience can follow the footsteps of photography masters, and can enjoy the Danxia landform, the Beijing Forbidden City, Yungang Grottoes, Dujiangyan Irrigation Project and other beautiful scenery within a long distance. It can be said that the beauty of China can be seen at a glance, and the bright civilization of China for five thousand years. It is understood that the image exhibition held in the memory of the eastern suburbs of Chengdu this time is a comprehensive upgrade on the basis of the past, consisting of seven parts

Tourists are washed away without listening to advice! Official announcement: 4 people have died and there has been a sudden surge in water. People | East Gate | Tourists
Tourists are washed away without listening to advice! Official announcement: 4 people have died and there has been a sudden surge in water. People | East Gate | Tourists

On August 1st, in Shanwei, Guangdong, it was reported online that many citizens were playing in the water at the east gate of Lianhua Mountain in Haifeng County when they encountered rising water, causing many people to be washed away. On August 3rd, the People's Government of Haicheng Town, Haifeng County, Shanwei, Guangdong Province, issued a notice that at around 3:00 pm on August 1st, a crowd fell into the water on the Puzaidong section of the Lianhua Mountain Daye River in Haicheng Town, Haifeng County. After the incident, we immediately organized emergency rescue, search and rescue, and other work. After full search and rescue efforts, as of the morning of August 2nd, all personnel who fell into the water have been found, but four of them have no vital signs. At the end of the notice, it calls on the general public to abide by management regulations and not to play in undeveloped outdoor areas, especially enclosed management areas. The full text of the report is as follows ↓↓ Situation report: On the afternoon of August 1, 2023, at around 3:00 pm, a incident occurred in the Puzaidong section of the Daye River in Lianhua Mountain, Haicheng Town, Haifeng County

【 Da Guo Xin Cun: Following the Footsteps of General Secretary 】 Micro video | General Secretary of the "New Granary" on Saline Alkali Land | Area | Micro video | Saline Alkali Land
【 Da Guo Xin Cun: Following the Footsteps of General Secretary 】 Micro video | General Secretary of the "New Granary" on Saline Alkali Land | Area | Micro video | Saline Alkali Land

The theme of "New Villages in a Great Country: Following the Footprints of General Secretary" is about national rejuvenation and rural revitalization.Today, let's walk into Huanghua City, Cangzhou City, Hebei Province and experience the magnificent transformation from saline alkali land to a large granary.For a moment, the Huanghua drought alkali wheat family was known to the households. With the support of the agricultural department, 7600 acres of dry alkali wheat will be produced in three villages in Xianzhuang area this year

People's Forum Online Review | Understanding "People First" Reception from the Perspective of "Four Down to the Grassroots" | Grassroots | Forum
People's Forum Online Review | Understanding "People First" Reception from the Perspective of "Four Down to the Grassroots" | Grassroots | Forum

This year marks the 35th anniversary of the proposal of "Four Down to the Grassroots". A great country cares about its people. "Four Down to the Grassroots" is a vivid portrayal of adhering to the principle of putting the people first.Party members and cadres should cultivate a strong sense of serving the people, stand up as the backbone of responsibility, take steady and practical steps, and read the truth and wisdom of "putting the people first" from the "four grassroots" perspective, drawing the strength of striving for the benefit of the people. The policy proposal is downward, allowing the party's voice to gather the power of the people. Propaganda of the Party's line, principles, and policies at the grassroots level is a major task of the "four grassroots levels", and we need to transform the "Party's policy proposals" into "the masses themselves."

Gathering in Chengdu to Build a Future Pearl | Chengdu Universiade | World
Gathering in Chengdu to Build a Future Pearl | Chengdu Universiade | World

The millennium old city of Chengdu has attracted widespread attention. The exciting moments of bravery and hard work are frozen here, the records of the Universiade are broken here, and the touching scenes of friendly interaction are constantly staged... Chengdu, the pearl of the Southwest Silk Road, has been a hub for Sino foreign exchanges since ancient times; The Chengdu Universiade, the first comprehensive world sports event held in the western region of China, has given this pearl new historical significance, blooming with the radiance of youth, unity, and friendship. This is a grand gathering of youth, making a promise for the future - to promote world peace and development with the vitality of youth. In the women's archery team gold medal competition, Chinese delegation athlete Wang Limin withstood pressure and shot 10 shots with a crucial arrow; In the first group stage of the Chinese college women's basketball team, player Li Shuangfei grabbed the most baskets with the smallest size

Promoting the Spirit of Scientists: Basic Research | Innovation | Scientists
Promoting the Spirit of Scientists: Basic Research | Innovation | Scientists

? Lecturer for this issue: Xu Chuan, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Summary: In the past decade of the new era, China has continuously strengthened basic research and original innovation, achieved breakthroughs in some key core technologies, developed and expanded strategic emerging industries, and entered the ranks of innovative countries. Scientific achievements cannot be separated from spiritual support. Monuments of technological innovation are closely related to the spirit of scientists. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposes in the section "Implementing the Strategy of Revitalizing the Country through Science and Education, Strengthening the Support of Talents in Modernization Construction" to "cultivate an innovative culture, promote the spirit of scientists, cultivate a good academic atmosphere, and create an innovative atmosphere.". Currently, science and technology have never had such a profound impact on the future and destiny of a country, as well as the happiness and well-being of its people. Practice has repeatedly taught us that key core technologies cannot be obtained, purchased, or obtained. As young people, we must continue to

Youth unity and friendship start.
Youth unity and friendship start.

On August 1st, the contestants started in the first round of the women's 100 meter athletics competition. On July 29th, Li Yanfei, a journalist from our newspaper, captured Li Huilin, a member of the Chinese university sports delegation, in the individual all-around final of artistic gymnastics. On August 2nd, Zou Jingyuan, a member of the Chinese university sports delegation, participated in the men's gymnastics team final. On July 31st, athletes learned to write Chinese characters in the interactive experience area of the "Chinese Bridge" in the Dayun Village. On July 29th, a Chinese university student male water polo team player and an Italian university student male water polo team player clapped their hands before the match, as reported by our reporter Jiang Yushi. On July 28th, the opening ceremony of the Chengdu Universiade was brightly lit with fireworks, as reported by our reporter Jiang Yushi. Reported by reporter Yi Xiao on July 2nd

Chengdu Universiade Relay "Bing Dwen Dwen" and "Rongbao" Become Chengdu's Summer Beloved Chengdu | Rongbao | Universiade
Chengdu Universiade Relay "Bing Dwen Dwen" and "Rongbao" Become Chengdu's Summer Beloved Chengdu | Rongbao | Universiade

On a scorching summer afternoon, there are long queues on the square of the most bustling IFS International Financial Center in Chengdu city. This is not a high-end clothing brand doing an event, nor is it a celebrity performing on the street, but people are waiting to enter the official authorized retail store for the Chengdu Universiade. On August 1st, citizens purchased plush dolls at the official authorized retail store of the Chengdu Universiade, Red Star Road Plaza. Since the launch of the mascot "Rongbao" franchise product at the Chengdu Universiade, especially after its opening on July 28th, with plush dolls, badges, blind boxes, and keychains as representatives, the "Rongbao" has been widely sought after in both online and offline retail stores, with its diverse and cute appearance. It is undoubtedly the most popular pet in Chengdu this summer. all

Counting Ancient Sports Records in Cultural Relics Outside the Universiade Venue | Events | Relics
Counting Ancient Sports Records in Cultural Relics Outside the Universiade Venue | Events | Relics

The 31st Chengdu Summer Universiade is in full swing, and while enjoying the intense competition of athletes, it's better to visit museums and cultural relics with reporters, and see the vivid records of ancient sports activities in cultural relics. From the Han Dynasty's Xi She portrait bricks, the Tang and Song Dynasty's blue glazed ball figurines, to the Qing Dynasty's copy of the Shaolin martial arts manual, and then crossing the ocean and entering the Usmar ruins stadium in Mexico... Since ancient times, sports have been an important activity for people to strengthen their physical fitness, enjoy themselves, and even express their spiritual trust. Human love for sports and pursuit of a better life have remained unchanged throughout history- END - Reporter: Ricardo Montoya Editing: Liu Yinnuo, calmly produced by Xinhua News Agency International Department Sichuan Branch

US media: Credit rating downgrade reflects failure rating of US political leadership | US | Politics
US media: Credit rating downgrade reflects failure rating of US political leadership | US | Politics

Washington, August 2 (Xinhua) - International rating agency Fitch Ratings downgraded the default rating of long-term foreign currency issuers in the United States from AAA to AA+on August 1. The Wall Street Journal published an editorial on the 2nd stating that the rating downgrade is a vote of no confidence cast against American political leaders, reflecting the failure of American political leadership. Fitch Ratings pointed out in a statement that the downgrade of the US credit rating is mainly due to the high and increasing debt burden of the US government, and the fiscal situation is expected to continue to deteriorate over the next three years. Over the past 20 years, the United States has repeatedly experienced political deadlocks on its debt ceiling, often dragging on solutions until the very last moment, weakening people's confidence in its fiscal management capabilities. The Wall Street Journal editorial believes that Fitch's downgrade of the US credit rating highlights a lack of seriousness in US economic decision-making. The article states that the United States

Arrested, Xi'an police reported "a man assaulting a woman on the street": video of assaulting his mother due to family conflicts | on the street | man
Arrested, Xi'an police reported "a man assaulting a woman on the street": video of assaulting his mother due to family conflicts | on the street | man

On August 2, 2023, a video of a man assaulting a woman on the street was circulated online, and our Qinyu Police Station immediately launched an investigation. After investigation, at around 5am on August 2nd, Zhang 1 had a dispute with his mother Zhang 2 due to family conflicts, and subsequently beat Zhang 2. According to the relevant provisions of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Public Security Administration Punishments, our bureau has detained Zhang and imposed a fine. On August 3, 2023, the Aerospace Branch of the Xi'an Public Security Bureau reported that a man in Xi'an assaulted a woman on the street: slapping his face and locking his throat, he collapsed on the engine hood of a vehicle. On August 2, near Fengqi East Road in Chang'an District, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, a man assaulted a woman on the street. The video shows that he locked his throat, slapped him in the face, and kicked his body. The woman who was hit lowered her head and remained silent without any resistance. Eyewitnesses claimed that the incident occurred at 5 o'clock