The world

"I can't bear it for a second!" Why is it so difficult to turn off the TV and turn on the advertisement?
"I can't bear it for a second!" Why is it so difficult to turn off the TV and turn on the advertisement?

Many consumers have found that some smart TV brands have startup advertisements that are as short as tens of seconds, as long as tens of seconds, and some cannot even be skipped, greatly reducing the viewing experience. A survey report shows that nearly 90% of respondents stated that their smart TVs contain on/off advertisements; About 73% of respondents expressed that they couldn't tolerate a second of startup advertisements. The respondents have a strong willingness to change the current situation of smart TV products, with about 79% of users believing that on/off advertising needs improvement and refinement. Why does startup advertising persist for a long time? Can't it really be turned off? Industry insiders point out that in the fierce market competition, startup advertising is one of the important profit sources for some smart TV production enterprises, to the extent that it has become a mandatory "standard configuration". The reporter randomly selected a certain brand of smart TV for testing and found that

Sudden! "Apocalyptic General" Surovingin appears in Africa "has returned to work"
Sudden! "Apocalyptic General" Surovingin appears in Africa "has returned to work"

On September 16th, according to Reuters citing the Russian newspaper Businessman on the 15th, the suspected dismissed commander of the Russian Aerospace Forces, Sulawikin, appeared in Algeria, Africa, along with members of the Russian Ministry of Defense delegation. According to the report, this means that Sulawikin has clearly returned to his "job" after the Wagner incident. According to reports, the Businessman newspaper published a photo of Sulawikin, who was wearing a khaki suit without a military emblem at the time. It is said that these photos were taken in Algeria, the main buyer of Russian weapons. The Businessman Daily also stated that sources have linked Russia's trip to Algeria to the fact that the country's military and political leadership highly values the implementation of Eastern foreign policy. Sources pointed out that "obviously, Surovingin is still the most affected"

Can only nibble on "military rations", Macron: The French ambassador is "taken hostage"
Can only nibble on "military rations", Macron: The French ambassador is "taken hostage"

On September 16th, according to Agence France Presse, on the 15th local time, French President Macron stated that the French ambassador to Niger is being "taken hostage" by the Nigerian military, who is preventing France from "transporting food" to the embassy. Currently, the ambassador cannot leave the embassy and can only nibble on "military rations", as if being "kidnapped". Macron also stated that French Ambassador to Niger, Silvan Itay, "cannot go out. He is an unwelcome person. In addition, he has been refused food and can only eat military rations now.". The Niger military government ordered Itai to leave the country within 48 hours on August 25th, but later revoked his visa and instructed the police to expel him. However, this move was refused by the French side. The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded that "the Nigerian military government has no right to make this request, and the ambassador's approval only comes from legal sources."

Cultivating More Skilled Craftsmen and Great Country Craftsmen - China Accelerates the Construction of High skilled Talents in the New Era Vocational Skills | Talents | China
Cultivating More Skilled Craftsmen and Great Country Craftsmen - China Accelerates the Construction of High skilled Talents in the New Era Vocational Skills | Talents | China

Tianjin, September 15th (Xinhua) - Cultivating More Skilled Craftsmen and Great Country Craftsmen - China is Accelerating the Construction of High skilled Talents in the New Era. Xinhua reporters Jiang Lin and Wang Hui believe that skilled talents are an important force supporting Made in China and Created in China. In accordance with the requirements of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China to strive to cultivate and cultivate more skilled craftsmen and talents from major countries, China is accelerating the construction of a new era of high skilled talent team. On the 15th, the reporter learned from the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security that the total number of skilled talents in China has exceeded 200 million, accounting for more than 26% of the total employment; There are over 60 million highly skilled talents. Various skilled talents are active in the production line and at the forefront of innovation, becoming an important force in promoting high-quality development. On September 14, 2023, the Chinese team participated in the Mechatronics Integration Project of the World Skills Competition

Steadily recovering, showing resilience, with support for recovery and improvement - Looking at the main indicators of China's economy in the past 8 months
Steadily recovering, showing resilience, with support for recovery and improvement - Looking at the main indicators of China's economy in the past 8 months

On September 15, China's economic response in the first eight months of this year was announced - the added value of industries above designated size nationwide increased by 3.9% on a year-on-year basis, the total retail sales of consumer goods increased by 7% on a year-on-year basis, fixed assets investment increased by 3.2% on a year-on-year basis, and retail sales of services increased by 19.4% on a year-on-year basis... Against the backdrop of fluctuations in the world economy and a more complex and severe external environment, the main economic indicators of the first eight months rebounded and improved, and China's economy showed resilience and vitality in its continuous recovery, boosting high-quality development and moving forward steadily. Since the accelerated recovery of the national economy in August and entering the second quarter, there have been some fluctuations in the growth rate of some economic indicators in China, and there have been concerns and doubts from domestic and foreign public opinion. The latest data from the National Bureau of Statistics shows that since August, the marginal improvement of major economic indicators and the accumulation of positive factors have increased, confirming the national economy

Xinhua All Media+| Talking Together on Inheritance, Protection, Innovation, and Development for a Better Future -2023 Beijing Cultural Forum Observation and Innovation | Beijing | Cultural Forum
Xinhua All Media+| Talking Together on Inheritance, Protection, Innovation, and Development for a Better Future -2023 Beijing Cultural Forum Observation and Innovation | Beijing | Cultural Forum

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, September 15th - Let's Talk Together on Inheritance, Protection, Innovation, and Development for a Better Future - Observation of the 2023 Beijing Cultural Forum - Xinhua News Agency reporter's "Ten Major Events for the Construction of National Cultural Centers in 2022" has been released, which has led to the signing of 52 cultural projects. Cultural activities such as the Ditan Book Market and the "Big Play in Beijing" exhibition season are exciting, and Chinese and foreign guests offer suggestions, wisdom, and inspire the future... From the 14th to the 15th, the ancient capital of Beijing welcomes a cultural event. The 2023 Beijing Cultural Forum, with the permanent theme of "Inheritance, Innovation, and Mutual Learning" and the annual theme of "Inheriting Excellent Culture to Promote Exchange and Cooperation", cordially invites more than 600 Chinese and foreign guests to discuss the inheritance and protection of cultural relics and heritage, as well as to seek innovative development in the cultural industry, in order to gather wisdom for building modern Chinese civilization and promoting common progress of human civilization

The special additional deduction standard for individual income tax for "one elderly and one young" has been raised! The hot topics you are concerned about are all here
The special additional deduction standard for individual income tax for "one elderly and one young" has been raised! The hot topics you are concerned about are all here

Recently, the State Council issued a notice to increase the three special additional deduction standards for personal income tax for "one elderly and one young". Starting from January 1st this year, the special additional deduction standard for the care and education of infants and young children under the age of 3 has been increased from the current 1000 yuan per child per month to 2000 yuan. That is to say, every child's parents can deduct 2000 yuan before tax each month from birth to completion of their educational background. The special additional deduction standard for supporting the elderly has been increased from 2000 yuan per month to 3000 yuan. Among them, the only child will be deducted according to the standard quota of 3000 yuan per month, and the non only child and brother sisters will share the deduction amount of 3000 yuan per month. The policy of special additional deductions for personal income tax reduces the burden of personal taxes and fees. Personal income tax special additional deductions refer to the provisions of the Personal Income Tax Law

The highest 750 kV ultra-high voltage substation in China has been put into operation
The highest 750 kV ultra-high voltage substation in China has been put into operation

On the 15th, it was learned from the National Energy Group that the Yunshan Substation located at an altitude of 3365 meters in Tongde County, Qinghai Province, has been put into operation. This is also the highest 750 kV ultra-high voltage substation in China The substation put into operation this time is an important power source for the Qinghai Henan ultra-high voltage direct current transmission project, and also the highest 750 kV ultra-high voltage substation in China. By increasing the voltage level from 330 kV to 750 kV, the maximum transmission power has been increased by 3-4 times. After being put into operation, clean electric energy such as electricity and new energy can be transmitted to the outside world in areas such as Marduan, Ningmute, Erduo, Guoluo, and Tongde, providing strong power support for the "Qingyu DC" project. Gu Invention, Deputy Director of the Mechanical and Electrical Center of the Qinghai Ma'ergan Hydropower Station of the National Energy Group: The operation of the substation can transmit about 15% of clean electricity annually

The second National Skills Competition starts today
The second National Skills Competition starts today

The second National Skills Competition will be held in Tianjin from September 16th to 19th, and all preparations for the competition are now ready This competition aims to be "smart, green, safe, and distinctive", with a total of 109 competition projects, an increase of 23 compared to the first competition, including 20 new vocational and digital technology skill categories. From the perspective of project categories, the competition is closely related to production and daily life, and its coverage is further expanded. Wang Xiaojun, Deputy Director of the Vocational Capacity Building Department of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security: This competition involves 15 sectors of the national economy, including manufacturing, information technology, transportation, construction, service, and mining, covering 75% of the national economy sectors. At present, the first joint debugging and testing of the venue layout and participating equipment for various events in the competition has been completed, with a total of 400

The 2nd National Skills Competition for Journalist Camping: Good looking, fun, and skilled! Immersive Experience Skill Charm
The 2nd National Skills Competition for Journalist Camping: Good looking, fun, and skilled! Immersive Experience Skill Charm

Jinyun News: The second National Skills Competition is about to kick off in Tianjin. On September 15th, the reporter visited the camping competition in advance to witness the charm and charm of the skills. At the competition venue, the reporter saw that athletes, referees, and service personnel in various events were nervously preparing for the final stage before the competition, familiarizing themselves with the venue and competition tools, and conducting final debugging and testing of equipment. "The robots we see today are all disassembled parts. During the official competition, contestants need to first assemble the robots and then command them to complete a series of designated actions." Zheng Tong, the chief judge of the mobile robot competition, introduced that this competition simulates the scene of robots delivering medicine and supplies in hospitals. After assembling the robot, the contestant needs to have the robot complete the movement and placement of 18 medicines and 5 hospital beds on the designated track, and follow the instructions

This official from the Wuwei Department in Gansu Province was expelled from the Party and voluntarily confessed to accepting bribes from others during his detention period. He was expelled from the Party and bribed by the Wuwei Municipal Political Consultative Conference
This official from the Wuwei Department in Gansu Province was expelled from the Party and voluntarily confessed to accepting bribes from others during his detention period. He was expelled from the Party and bribed by the Wuwei Municipal Political Consultative Conference

On September 15th, the Gansu Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision announced that Fan Jinglin, former vice chairman of the Wuwei Municipal Political Consultative Conference, had been expelled from the party. After investigation, it was found that Fan Jinglin, as a party member and leading cadre, lacked party spirit and principles, had a weak sense of discipline and law, disregarded the spirit of the central eight point regulations, and accepted banquets from others for a long time; Violation of work discipline and violation of decision-making in project implementation; Abandoning duty, misappropriating public funds for others to use, resulting in huge losses of state-owned assets; Taking advantage of one's position to seek benefits for others and illegally accepting property. Comment from the disciplinary supervision department: Although they were able to voluntarily confess to accepting bribes from others during the detention period, their behavior seriously damaged the image of party members and leading cadres, constituted a violation of discipline and law, and were suspected of embezzlement of public funds and bribery crimes. The circumstances are serious and should be dealt with seriously. According to the Regulations of the CPC on Disciplinary Actions, the People's Republic of China

It is necessary to establish the concept of "great national defense". Jin Yinan believes that in the face of the current security situation
It is necessary to establish the concept of "great national defense". Jin Yinan believes that in the face of the current security situation

September 16th is the 23rd National Defense Education Day in China. Recently, the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and other organizations issued a notice, which made important arrangements for organizing the "National Defense Education Month" in September this year. It emphasized the need to educate and guide cadres and the masses to strengthen their awareness of national defense and crisis awareness, and to consolidate the ideological consensus of caring for national defense, loving national defense, building national defense, and defending national defense. We know that "a country cannot stand without defense, and the people cannot be at ease without defense." National defense is a fundamental plan that relates to the life and death of the country and the nation. National defense education is the foundation for building and consolidating national defense, an important way to enhance national cohesion, and improve the quality of the people. It is related to the long-term and the overall situation. So, why is national security closely related to every citizen? What kind of security environment is China currently in? Stay tuned for "National Defense Time and Space" - Southern Army

The Sichuan East Gas Transmission Second Line Project officially starts construction in China | Natural Gas | Second Line
The Sichuan East Gas Transmission Second Line Project officially starts construction in China | Natural Gas | Second Line

Guangming Daily, Beijing, September 15th - China's major energy infrastructure project during the 14th Five Year Plan period - the natural gas pipeline project of the Sichuan East Gas Transmission Line 2 of the State Grid Corporation officially started construction on September 15th. This project is a crucial step towards achieving a new pattern of "five vertical and five horizontal" natural gas pipeline network in China, and also a strategic transportation channel for billions of cubic meters of atmospheric fields and billions of cubic meters of gas storage facilities in the Sichuan Chongqing region. After the completion of the project, it will transport over 20 billion cubic meters of natural gas to the areas along the route every year, further promoting the coordinated development of the central, western, and eastern coastal regions, and promoting the high-quality development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt. The total length of the Second Sichuan East Gas Transmission Line is 4269 kilometers, including one main line and multiple branch lines, passing through eight provinces and cities including Sichuan, Chongqing, Hubei, Henan, Jiangxi, Anhui, Zhejiang, Fujian, and connecting with the First Sichuan East Gas Transmission Line and the West East Gas Transmission Pipeline System

Building a "Civil Aviation+" Ecosystem Service and Building a "National Unified Market"
Building a "Civil Aviation+" Ecosystem Service and Building a "National Unified Market"

CCTV News: Recently, the Civil Aviation Administration of China issued the "Management Measures for Domestic Open Flights", comprehensively promoting the construction of a "trunk and branch, full network" air transportation network system supported by convenient transfer, interconnecting routes between trunk and branch lines, and connecting airports for short distance transportation, to help build a "civil aviation+" ecosystem and serve the construction of a "unified national market". Domestic connecting flights are the main carrier of the "trunk and branch connections, full network connectivity" air transportation network. It refers to domestic connecting flights where participants join agreements such as the "Connecting Flight Service Agreement" and enter connecting flight information on the "Domestic Connecting Flight Service Management Platform" to provide passengers who receive connecting flight services with "one payment, one check-in, one security check, baggage direct hanging, worry free throughout the entire process", and assist in arranging accommodation and other full process guarantees when necessary

Implementing the "Yiju Courtyard" Project in Linyi, Shandong Province to Achieve Elderly Care
Implementing the "Yiju Courtyard" Project in Linyi, Shandong Province to Achieve Elderly Care

CCTV News: Recently, Linyi City, Shandong Province organized the implementation of the "Yi Ju Xiao Yuan" project to renovate and upgrade the residences of elderly Party members who joined the Communist Party of China before the founding of the People's Republic of China, helping them reduce the burden of family care and achieve a sense of security for the elderly. In the past two days, 98 year old Wang Ziming has welcomed a heartwarming event. His old house, which he has lived in for decades, has been given a new look, with walls and floors painted with flour. He also has a complete set of essential daily necessities such as a nursing bed, refrigerator, and wardrobe. Starting from 2022, Linyi will organize the implementation of the "Yi Ju Xiao Yuan" renovation and upgrading project, which will follow the principle of "one household, one policy, one list" to renovate and upgrade the residences of old Party members who joined the Party before the establishment of the People's Republic of China. As of now, a total of 1066 "Yiju Courtyards" have been renovated in Linyi City, achieving full coverage throughout the city. At the same time, select 20 "leisure centers", right

Chongqing builds an online education resource sharing platform, and basic education is moving towards high-quality and balanced development
Chongqing builds an online education resource sharing platform, and basic education is moving towards high-quality and balanced development

CCTV News: Recently, Chongqing has built an online education platform and resource sharing platform to provide free services to more than 1000 schools, promoting basic education from basic balance to high-quality balance. At the beginning of the new semester, Chen Yulei, a young teacher who has been teaching for less than two years, has his own dedicated tablet computer at Huangshui Primary School in Shizhu County, a remote mountainous area more than 200 kilometers away from the main urban area of Chongqing. Through the online platform of "Learning and Teaching Assistant", his teaching has improved even more than last semester. The sharing platform not only provides teachers with help and continuous growth and progress, but also makes children's learning a completely different experience. Students can preview in advance, and if they don't understand during class, they can also mark it up at any time and provide feedback to the teacher through the platform. At present, the platform has been opened to the public for free, radiating to

The dividends of the national student loan policy are further released, and students who have already applied can also enjoy the new policy
The dividends of the national student loan policy are further released, and students who have already applied can also enjoy the new policy

CCTV News: In order to further improve the student aid policy system, better meet the needs of student loans, and reduce the economic burden of students, the Ministry of Education and four other departments recently issued a notice to increase the national student loan quota starting from the autumn semester of 2023. At the same time, adjust the interest rate of national student loans. The national student loan is an important measure to improve the financial support policy system for ordinary universities in China through fiscal and financial means. It is a credit student loan provided to full-time undergraduate and graduate students from economically disadvantaged families to help them solve their learning and living expenses during their school years. According to the latest notice issued by the Ministry of Education and other four departments, starting from the autumn semester of 2023, the annual loan application limit for each full-time undergraduate and vocational student will be increased from no more than 12000 yuan to no more than 16000 yuan; whole

Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone 10th Anniversary Construction Achievements Released Pudong New Area's Goods Trade Scale Growth of Trillion
Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone 10th Anniversary Construction Achievements Released Pudong New Area's Goods Trade Scale Growth of Trillion

CCTV News: On September 29, 2023, the Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone will celebrate its 10th anniversary of operation. On September 15th, the Shanghai Municipal Government held a press conference to introduce the achievements of the 10th anniversary construction of the Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone. At the press conference, it was introduced that in the past 10 years, Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone and Lingang New Area have achieved a series of institutional innovation achievements in benchmarking international high standard economic and trade rules, promoting high-level institutional opening up, adhering to the direction of factor marketization reform, and enhancing global resource factor allocation capabilities. The Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone has implemented the country's first special management measures for foreign investment access, implemented a filing system for general overseas investment projects, and established a high-level "single window" for Shanghai's international trade through innovative investment and trade systems, promoting high-level opening up for the country and aligning with international trade

Industry insiders jointly promote self-discipline and co governance in the cloud computing industry
Industry insiders jointly promote self-discipline and co governance in the cloud computing industry

Fuzhou, September 15th (Xinhua) - Eight cloud service providers, including China Mobile Cloud, China Unicom Technology, Tianyi Cloud, Huawei Cloud, and Alibaba Cloud, gathered in Fuzhou, Fujian on September 15th to jointly sign the "Self Discipline Convention on Cloud Computing Service Security" at the Cloud Computing Service Security Sub Forum held during the 2023 National Cybersecurity Awareness Week, promoting self-discipline and co governance in the cloud computing industry. On the afternoon of September 15th, 8 cloud service providers jointly signed the Self Discipline Convention on Cloud Computing Service Security. The Cloud Computing Service Security Sub Forum is guided by the Network Security Coordination Bureau of the Central Cyberspace Administration and hosted by the China Network Security Review Technology and Certification Center. Industry insiders and experts from various regions, including internet information departments, party and government agencies in charge of cloud computing services, major domestic cloud service providers, professional institutions, and universities, gathered together to focus on cloud computing service security technology and management hotspots

From January to August, the national general public budget revenue increased by 10% year-on-year, and the economy continued to recover
From January to August, the national general public budget revenue increased by 10% year-on-year, and the economy continued to recover

CCTV News: On September 15th, the Ministry of Finance announced the fiscal revenue and expenditure situation from January to August. The data shows that the national general public budget revenue from January to August was 15179.6 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 10%. From a central and local perspective, the general public budget revenue of the central government was 6968.7 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 9.5%; The local general public budget revenue at this level was 8210.9 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 10.3%. The increase in fiscal revenue and sustained economic recovery. Data shows that from January to August, the total national general public budget revenue reached 15179.6 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 10%. Among them, tax revenue was 12788.5 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 12.9%; Non tax revenue was 239.1 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 3.6%. Experts say that the growth of fiscal revenue, in addition to sustained economic recovery, has overall rebounded

China's foreign exchange market is expected to maintain overall stability, with a relatively large net inflow of funds under goods trade items
China's foreign exchange market is expected to maintain overall stability, with a relatively large net inflow of funds under goods trade items

CCTV News: The State Administration of Foreign Exchange announced on September 15th the foreign exchange settlement and sales situation of banks in August, and the data shows that China's foreign exchange market is expected to maintain overall stability. The latest data from the State Administration of Foreign Exchange shows that in August, banks settled RMB 1386.5 billion in foreign exchange and sold RMB 1460.6 billion in foreign exchange; The bank's foreign related revenue from customer service amounted to RMB 4016.8 billion, and external payments amounted to RMB 4335.2 billion. The relevant person in charge of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange stated that China's foreign exchange market is expected to maintain overall stability. In August, enterprises and other entities maintained rationality in foreign exchange settlement and sales transactions. From the perspective of the main cross-border capital flow channels, the net inflow of funds under goods trade has maintained a relatively high scale, reflecting the resilience of China's foreign trade development. The relevant person in charge of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange stated that in the future, China's foreign exchange market has a foundation and conditions

360 exhibitions and activities will be launched on National Science Popularization Day in 2023, bringing together 104 units across the country
360 exhibitions and activities will be launched on National Science Popularization Day in 2023, bringing together 104 units across the country

On September 16th, the 2023 National Science Popularization Day home event, jointly hosted by the China Association for Science and Technology, the Beijing Municipal People's Government, and 20 national ministries and commissions, opened at the Shougang Park in Beijing. The event, with the theme of "enhancing the scientific literacy of the whole nation and promoting technological self-reliance and self-improvement", showcases the rich achievements and vivid practices of science popularization work since the new era in multiple aspects, providing the public, especially young people, with vivid and interesting scientific and cultural experiences, inspiring the public's pride in the scientific and technological achievements achieved in China and their confidence in achieving high-level technological self-reliance and self-improvement. The main venue event brings together 360 exhibition items and activities from 104 units across the country, including five exhibition areas: Leading the Way and Forging Glory, Confident and Self reliant Dream of Building a Strong Country, Science and Technology Benefiting People's Livelihood, Science Popularization Carnival, and Science Education Addition. The on-site display of the Chang'e-5 experimental mission returns

In the first half of the year, the proportion of passengers on the "Air Silk Road" reached 71%, and the support and support capabilities of aviation hubs improved
In the first half of the year, the proportion of passengers on the "Air Silk Road" reached 71%, and the support and support capabilities of aviation hubs improved

CCTV news: At the press conference of the Civil Aviation Administration held on September 15, the relevant person in charge of the Civil Aviation Administration said that 2023 is the 10th anniversary of the joint construction of the "the Belt and Road", and the construction of the "Air Silk Road" is an important starting point for civil aviation to integrate into the joint construction of the "the Belt and Road". In the first half of the year, the proportion of passenger transportation on the Air Silk Road in China's international aviation market continued to increase, reaching 71%. Liu Lusong, Director of the Comprehensive Department of the Civil Aviation Administration of China, introduced that currently, China's aviation hub support and support capabilities have been further improved. Accelerate the construction of four world-class airport clusters: Beijing Tianjin Hebei, Yangtze River Delta, Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area, and Chengdu Chongqing. Efforts will be made to enhance the international aviation hub functions of Urumqi, Kunming, Harbin, Chengdu, Chongqing, Xi'an, and Zhengzhou, with a total of 41 airports with a capacity of tens of millions in China. A well-designed and fully functional aviation

Who cares about the raging floods, After they leave
Who cares about the raging floods, After they leave

Author: Huang Peizhao, Feng Lu, Yu Qiyao. "It's a miracle that I survived." Husham Gavi's voice came over the phone. I could tell that he was still in shock. 31 year old Husam is an accountant in the eastern Libyan city of Derna. A few days ago, Hurricane Daniel hit this North African country at night, bringing rainstorm and floods, which washed out two dams on the upper reaches of the Delta River. The torrential flood washed away the city located at the mouth of the Delna River. Floods are raging in this city known as the "Cyrenaica gem", with 7-meter-high waves raging fiercely, wiping out almost all houses, roads, trees, and grasslands wherever they go. Many people were washed away by floods in their sleep, and some families completely disappeared. Husham said he has at least 30 friends and over 200

Wang Chunming was investigated
Wang Chunming was investigated

Wang Chunming, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Mudanjiang Branch of Beidahuang Agricultural Reclamation Group Co., Ltd., is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervisory investigation. Resume of Wang Chunming: Wang Chunming, male, Han nationality, born in May 1966 in Suihua, Heilongjiang, with a college degree, started work in April 1990 and joined the CPC in September 1996. Formerly served as the Deputy Secretary and General Manager of the Party Committee of Beidahuang Trading Group Co., Ltd; Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Beidahuang Trading Group Co., Ltd; Secretary and Chairman of the Party Committee of Beidahuang Trading Group Co., Ltd., Secretary and Chairman of the Party Committee of Beidahuang Grain Harvesting and Storage Group Co., Ltd; Assistant General Manager of Beidahuang Agricultural Reclamation Group Co., Ltd., Secretary and Chairman of the Party Committee of Beidahuang Trading Group Co., Ltd., Party Committee of Beidahuang Grain Harvesting and Storage Group Co., Ltd

Multiple responses: Not used, "pre made dishes entering campus" causing parents' concerns
Multiple responses: Not used, "pre made dishes entering campus" causing parents' concerns

The issue of campus food safety has always been of great concern. Recently, the issue of "pre made dishes entering the campus" has sparked widespread discussion, and parents in many places have expressed concerns through political platforms. For example, a resident of Huzhou, Zhejiang, left a message asking for a clear attitude from Huzhou City regarding whether pre made dishes will enter the campus. As parents firmly resist, if a child eats pre made meals five days a week, their health is completely at risk. Please have a clear attitude from the Huzhou Municipal Government towards popular issues, avoid ambiguity, and secretly introduce them. On September 14th, the Education Bureau of Huzhou City replied that Huzhou City requires school canteens to purchase fresh ingredients, and currently no pre made dishes have entered the campus. We will further strengthen supervision and management. In Dongguan, Guangdong, a parent complained that the parents of a first year high school student in the area found that their children were eating pre made dishes at school,

Chechen side disproves via video, Ukraine claims Chechen leader Kadyrov is critically ill
Chechen side disproves via video, Ukraine claims Chechen leader Kadyrov is critically ill

On September 15th local time, the Ukrainian National Security Agency stated that Ramzan Kadyrov, the head of the Chechen Republic of the Russian Federation, is currently in a critical condition due to his serious illness. However, Kadyrov's assistant released a video of Kadyrov taking a walk with his family, and the Chechen leadership also refuted the Ukrainian side's claim. Ukrainian National Security Agency spokesperson Yusov claimed on the 15th that there were reports that Kadyrov's condition was severe. "His current illness has worsened, leading to such a serious condition." Earlier, Chechen sources said that Kadyrov has fallen into a coma and is waiting to be transferred from Chechnya to a foreign country for treatment. Yusoff did not provide detailed information on Kadyrov's health issues. He claimed that Kadyrov's problems were not caused by injuries, but rather that his health was deteriorating. "He is already sick," he said

Beijing Zoo: Female Asian Elephant "Alaria" Passes Away Today
Beijing Zoo: Female Asian Elephant "Alaria" Passes Away Today

On September 16th, @ Beijing Zoo Weibo announced that at 9:20 am on September 16th, 2023, female Asian elephant "Alalia" passed away at the age of 44 despite unsuccessful rescue efforts. According to the announcement from the Beijing Zoo, "Alalia" suffered from leg disease in the 1990s. Over the years, we have developed meticulous treatment and care plans for her. As she ages, her condition has recurred in June this year. We have invited experts for multiple consultations and continuous treatment and care, but the condition has been fluctuating. On the morning of September 15th, "Alaria" was in a relatively stable state. At 11:50, she suddenly fell to the ground. The staff and experts quickly organized rescue efforts, but unfortunately passed away due to ineffective treatment. We are very saddened by the departure of Alalia and miss the wonderful time she spent with us. Thank you for your love

The onboarding medical examination report states "low IQ"? Lawyer Interpretation
The onboarding medical examination report states "low IQ"? Lawyer Interpretation

Recently, a medical examination report has sparked heated discussions due to the inclusion of "low IQ, employers may consider it at their discretion" in the suggestion section. Some netizens believe that this is not only responsible to job seekers, but also to employers. On the other hand, some people believe that the doctor's behavior has exceeded their duties. So, what are the relevant provisions of the Labor Law on the physical examination requirements for employers and workers? Can intellectual issues serve as a basis for failing the onboarding medical examination? On September 12th, a netizen posted a medical examination report video with the words "dull expression and slow response" in the internal medicine examination column, and the content "low intelligence. Employers should consider it at their discretion" in the medical examination suggestion column. In the chest X-ray column, it was completely normal, and the final medical examination conclusion was also qualified

Limited to leaving within two weeks, deteriorating relationship! Burkina Faso accuses French military officials of engaging in "subversive activities"
Limited to leaving within two weeks, deteriorating relationship! Burkina Faso accuses French military officials of engaging in "subversive activities"

According to Agence France Presse on September 15th, Burkina Faso has decided to expel military officials from the French embassy on the grounds of engaging in "subversive activities" and limit their departure within two weeks, which is another sign of deteriorating relations between the two countries. According to reports, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Burkina Faso wrote in a letter to Paris on the 14th: "Due to engaging in subversive activities, the Burkina Faso government has decided to revoke its recognition of Mr. Emmanuel Pagier, a military officer of the French Embassy in Burkina Faso," and demanded that he and his team "leave the territory of Burkina Faso within two weeks.". The letter states that the government of Burkina Faso has also decided to close the military delegation of Burkina Faso to Paris. The report also stated that a spokesperson for the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that the accusations made by the Burkina Faso government against French military officials were "baseless". From September 2022, Ibrahim Trao

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