The world

"Ten Million Project" Research Tour | Ningbo Wandi Village: Integrating Village Renovation with Economic Development Spring Breeze | Project | Economy
"Ten Million Project" Research Tour | Ningbo Wandi Village: Integrating Village Renovation with Economic Development Spring Breeze | Project | Economy

The edge of the green tree village merges, and the green mountain walls slant outwards. Entering Wandi Village, Yinzhou District, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province, the unique rural scenery of Jiangnan with the atmosphere of early summer fills the face. Here, there are advanced residential areas, museums, art galleries, as well as rural landscapes such as ancient villages and bridges, known as the "countryside in the city and the garden in the city". Before the reform and opening up, Wandi Village was known as a poverty-stricken village by the local people. It was known as the "rotten eye village" in the mouths of the villagers, where they used to push and mash mortar in the fields and cook soy sauce soup. The eight natural villages in the village are only connected by narrow and winding mud roads, which are mocked as "turning back and forth without reaching the end.". The grain production has consistently ranked bottom among 19 villages in the township, with only 3 small workshops in the village, resulting in a total annual profit of less than 30000 yuan. Starting from September 2003, in accordance with the requirements of the leadership of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, Wandi Village carried out village renovation

The Great Wall under the Sea merges! Shenzhen Zhongshan's "Hand in Hand" Success, Five Years of Passage | Guangdong | Underwater
The Great Wall under the Sea merges! Shenzhen Zhongshan's "Hand in Hand" Success, Five Years of Passage | Guangdong | Underwater

On June 11, 2023 at 8:00 am, Guangdong Transportation Group announced that the final joint of the world's longest and widest steel shell concrete immersed tube tunnel - the Deep Middle Channel Submarine Tunnel - has been successfully launched. The penetration measurement results show that precise docking with the E24 pipe joint on the east side has been achieved. Five years after the start of the immersed steel shell test section of the underwater tunnel in April 2018, the "Great Wall of the Underwater" finally closed, and Shenzhen and Zhongshan achieved "hand in hand" at the bottom of the Lingdingyang Sea. Shenzhen China Channel is an important part of the national highway network G2518 across the the Pearl River Estuary, and is also the core transportation hub project of the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area, with a total length of 24 kilometers, integrating "bridges, islands, tunnels, and underwater connectivity". Among them, the underwater tunnel is about 6.8 kilometers long, including about 5 kilometers of sunken pipe sections, consisting of 32 pipe joints and 1 final joint

Have consumers benefited from it?, Four Women Attack and Defend the "Most Popular 618 in History" on Tmall | Users | Attack and Defend
Have consumers benefited from it?, Four Women Attack and Defend the "Most Popular 618 in History" on Tmall | Users | Attack and Defend

This year's 618 is the largest edition in history. Using 618 as a cover, traditional e-commerce platforms and live streaming e-commerce platforms carry firearms and ammunition and attack each other's hinterland. However intense the battle may be, consumers only care about one thing: is it really cheap? They all say it's the most curly, where is it? The saying "the most voluminous in history" originated from e-commerce platforms. On May 10th, at the Taobao Tmall 618 launch meeting in Hangzhou, Dai Shan, CEO of the newly formed Taobao Tmall Group, stated that Taobao Tmall will definitely make historic and huge investments in user scale and user development this year. Mu Shan, the general manager of Taobao and Tmall 618, directly stated that this year's Taobao and Tmall 618 is the largest investment in history. On May 22nd, launched the launch of Xu Ran's appointment as CEO of the group at its headquarters in Yizhuang, Beijing

Behind the "Rat Head Duck Neck Incident" in a university cafeteria: 10 Versailles Winning a Stall? Jiangxi | Project | Merchant | Catering | Catering Company | Stall | University | Canteen
Behind the "Rat Head Duck Neck Incident" in a university cafeteria: 10 Versailles Winning a Stall? Jiangxi | Project | Merchant | Catering | Catering Company | Stall | University | Canteen

Recently, the incident of "university cafeterias eating suspected mouse heads" in Jiangxi continues to ferment. The reporter found that currently, the phenomenon of outsourcing university canteens to catering companies is very common. Catering companies are responsible for the management and investment of canteens, while schools are responsible for hygiene inspections and other work. It should be noted that many university cafeteria stalls have lower operating thresholds. Merchants can take over a stall from a catering company by paying, without the need for a business license or a hygiene permit. Who is the contractor behind the cafeteria in question? After the above incident, many netizens pointed their fingers at Nanchang Jinghe Catering Management Co., Ltd. As early as November 2021, the university involved, Jiangxi Vocational and Technical College of Industry, was exposed to have mice in the cafeteria cleaning room of the Qingshanhu campus. At that time, the school had disclosed in the situation statement

Russia and Ukraine Release Latest War Report | Russian Army | Russia and Ukraine
Russia and Ukraine Release Latest War Report | Russian Army | Russia and Ukraine

On June 10th, the Russian Ministry of Defense released a war report stating that the Russian army repelled multiple rounds of attacks by the Ukrainian army, and multiple Western provided "Panther" tanks and "Bradley" infantry tanks were destroyed by the Russian army. On the same day, the Ukrainian military stated that they have made progress in the direction of Bakhmut. According to the battle report released by the Russian Ministry of Defense on the 10th, in the direction of South Donetsk and Zaporizhzhia, the Russian army has repelled multiple rounds of attacks by the Ukrainian army in the past day. In addition to Ukrainian military personnel, four Panther tanks provided by Western countries to Ukraine and five American Bradley infantry tanks have also been hit by the Russian army. In the Bachmut region, the Russian army repelled five Ukrainian attacks. In addition, the Russian military is also attacking Ukrainian personnel and military equipment in multiple directions such as Kupyansk, Zimmerman, and Kherson. On the same day, the General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces

Is the return of rhubarb duck to Hong Kong "hot"? The organizer responds to the ship | rubber | Hong Kong
Is the return of rhubarb duck to Hong Kong "hot"? The organizer responds to the ship | rubber | Hong Kong

On June 10, the large-scale maritime public art exhibition "Rubber Duck Erzhongchang", which returned to Hong Kong after ten years, encountered an accident the next day after its debut - one of the two inflatable rubber rhubarb ducks was "suddenly" discouraged and was "hot" by netizens roast. According to media reports such as the Hong Kong Dagong Wenhui website, the organizer stated that at around 1 pm today, on-site staff entered one of the rubber ducks according to the procedure for routine inspection and found that the rubber duck skin was tight due to the hot weather and rising air pressure. Due to the time required for the repair ship to arrive, after discussion, it was decided to loosen the connecting seam and release air in real time to avoid risks, and arranged for the ship to be transported back to the shipyard for repair. At the same time, the staff also inspected another rubber duck and found no abnormalities at the moment. The exhibition continued as scheduled. Yesterday, the rubber duck

After a year of absence, "Spider Man" suddenly announced: exhausted Netherlands | cosplay | Spider Man
After a year of absence, "Spider Man" suddenly announced: exhausted Netherlands | cosplay | Spider Man

Tom Holland, the Dutch brother who played Spider Man, said in an interview that he wants to take a year off. Tom Holland, the Dutch brother who played Spider Man, took on the production of the series "The Crowned Room" after ending the 2021 Spider Man: The Hero Has No Return. In the previously released set photos, it can be seen that "Dutch Brother" has grown long hair for the needs of the character. In addition to physical changes, he faced greater psychological challenges. Tom Holland's profile recently stated in an interview that he would be taking a year off from filming for the new drama "The Crowded Room", which left him exhausted. I am not dealing with hard work for the first time. I think hard work is good work. The drama "The Crowded Room" broke me down, and for a period of time, I

The mountaineering company hired by the rescued woman on Mount Everest will not be late to post late at night
The mountaineering company hired by the rescued woman on Mount Everest will not be late to post late at night

The mountaineering company hired by the rescued woman on Mount Everest posted a message late at night thanking the rescue workers. The company's payment of rescue fees is a belated thank you to the public, but for Kaitu High Mountain and Kaitu Everest 2023 mountaineering team member Ms. Liu, this is an endless thank-you. 【 Endless gratitude 】 Mr. Xie Ruxiang, Mr. Fan Jiangtao, and the Sherpa guide of the 8K expedition: On behalf of Kaitu Gaoshan Company, founder Luo Biao, and Ms. Liu, who received your selfless rescue at an altitude of 8400 meters on the southern slope of Mount Everest, we would like to express our sincerest gratitude to you repeatedly. Thank you for turning around without hesitation on May 18, 2023, just one step away from the summit, during the rush to reach the summit. You extended a helping hand to Ms. Liu, a member of the Kaitu team who encountered an accident and was physically exhausted during the ascent and descent. Not only did you provide timely assistance to Ms. Liu, but you also

He will not withdraw from the 2024 US presidential election, Trump: Even if convicted, the US presidential election
He will not withdraw from the 2024 US presidential election, Trump: Even if convicted, the US presidential election

According to the US Political News Network, on the 10th local time, former US President Trump stated in an interview that even if he is ultimately convicted of a classified document case, he will not withdraw from the 2024 US presidential campaign. "I will never leave," Trump said. "If I were to leave, I would leave before 2016, it would be a difficult competition." He also reiterated that none of the federal charges against the confidential documents case will be established. A lawsuit released by the US Department of Justice on the 9th local time shows that Trump has been charged 37 federal charges for mishandling confidential documents. According to the report, from a legal perspective, even if the prosecutor ultimately convicts Trump, Trump can still be allowed to participate in the 2024 general election.

Multiple urban managers in a township beat up vendors? Local Urban Management Bureau responds to Air Conditioning | Urban Management | Urban Management Bureau
Multiple urban managers in a township beat up vendors? Local Urban Management Bureau responds to Air Conditioning | Urban Management | Urban Management Bureau

On June 10th, according to reports from the public, on June 7th, several urban management personnel in Chaoyang Town, Mengjin District, Luoyang City, Henan Province, engaged in physical conflicts with merchants. The video shows that someone is preparing to install air conditioning in shops along the street, and there is a conflict between urban management and merchants. Mr. Wu, a merchant, claimed that the urban management asked the second floor air conditioner to be installed on the first floor facade. The landlord was unwilling and had a physical conflict with the urban management, causing him to be choked and beaten by the management. He stepped forward to stop the conflict, but was also beaten by multiple urban management and knocked down to the ground. Mr. Wu said, "I want to report to the police. The person wearing black clothes slapped my phone on the ground, and the person in uniform stepped on my phone to prevent me from reporting to the police. I put the phone in my pocket, and they came up to pinch my neck and continue to fight." Mr. Wu claimed that five urban management officers had beaten him, but this was not a physical altercation. He had taken a record at the police station and went to the hospital for examination, diagnosed with soft tissue damage.

Shocking! Archaeological Investigation Report No. 1 on Ancient Sunken Ships in the South China Sea | Work | Investigation
Shocking! Archaeological Investigation Report No. 1 on Ancient Sunken Ships in the South China Sea | Work | Investigation

On the morning of the 11th, with the arrival of the "Exploration One" scientific research ship in Sanya, the first stage archaeological investigation work of the sunken ships on the northwest slope of the South China Sea, No. 1 and No. 2, has been successfully completed. Over a period of more than 20 days, 21 sub projects were carried out, and there was no precedent for archaeological investigation. The mysterious ancient sunken ship, after more than 500 years of waiting, made an appointment with the deep-sea archaeological team under the vast blue waves. On May 20, 2023, a new chapter in deep-sea archaeology began in the northwest slope of the South China Sea at a depth of approximately 1500 meters. Riding the manned submersible "Deep Sea Warrior", Chinese cultural relics workers laid out permanent underwater surveying points on the seabed. This marks the official launch of the investigation work, marking a new era in deep-sea archaeology in China

99% Gold Content! What is this national treasure level cultural relic called a "divine beast"? Union | Museum | Divine Beast
99% Gold Content! What is this national treasure level cultural relic called a "divine beast"? Union | Museum | Divine Beast

CCTV News, in collaboration with National Museums, launches a cultural, museum, and science popularization product called "Cultural, Museum, and Calendar". Today, let's get to know the 99% gold content of the Western Han Golden Beast! This golden beast is both cute and precious. In February 1982, a large amount of gold weighing over 20000 grams was unearthed from the Nanyaozhuang cellar in Xuyi County, Jiangsu Province. This includes the famous "Chen Zhang Round Pot", China's earliest weighing gold currency, Ying Yi, and a large number of gold cakes. Among the 38 discovered artifacts, this "cute" golden beast is unique. Its gold purity is as high as 99%, which is truly "made of pure gold". The inner wall of the golden beast is engraved with the words "Huang Liu". From the shape and text, it can be seen that the latest age of the items in the cellar is the Western Han Dynasty, which was a famous multi gold dynasty, but 99% of the gold content belongs to pure gold. Gold class still

Canada continues to "arch fire", Trudeau's sudden visit to Kiev Prime Minister | Canada | Kiev
Canada continues to "arch fire", Trudeau's sudden visit to Kiev Prime Minister | Canada | Kiev

On June 10th local time, Ukrainian President Zelensky held talks with visiting Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau in Kiev. Trudeau stated that Canada will participate in training Ukrainian fighter pilots and announced a new batch of military support worth $375 million to Ukraine. Canadian Broadcasting Corporation reported on the 10th that Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau made a surprise visit to Kiev on the same day. According to a report by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Trudeau also stated that Canada seized a Russian transport plane that landed in Canada last year and now plans to transfer the plane to Ukraine. According to a report by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation on the 10th, Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau made a surprise visit to Kiev on the same day. The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation stated that Trudeau's trip to Ukraine was carried out under strict media censorship. Canadian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Kerry

10000 soldiers participate, with 25 countries participating in the largest air military exercise. Germany | NATO | Soldiers
10000 soldiers participate, with 25 countries participating in the largest air military exercise. Germany | NATO | Soldiers

Germany and the United States recently announced that NATO will hold the largest air military exercise in NATO history from June 12th to 23rd in Germany and other countries. The military exercise is led by Germany, with a total of 25 NATO member countries and allies participating. Approximately 10000 soldiers and 250 aircraft participated in the exercise, mainly in Germany. The exercise aims to simulate the response of NATO member countries to external attacks. On the 10th local time, approximately 300 people from various parts of northern Germany gathered at the logistics hub of the upcoming NATO military exercise, the Wenstov Air Force Base in the Hanover region, shouting slogans "calling for peace" and displaying anti war slogans to protest against the upcoming NATO air military exercise. The demonstrators fear that the upcoming NATO military exercises will send out wrong signals, which may lead to further escalation of the Russia-Ukraine conflict

Winning the Champions League for the first time, their story. Image | Source | Champions League
Winning the Champions League for the first time, their story. Image | Source | Champions League

This Istanbul is not a miracle, but a story of overcoming obstacles and finally winning the Champions League title. In the Champions League final that ended in the early hours of Beijing time on the 11th, Manchester City narrowly defeated Inter Milan 1-0, winning the Champions League trophy for the first time in team history! Manchester City has achieved the great feat of winning the Champions League, Premier League, and FA Cup this season. Manchester City Champions League winning poster. The seemingly one-sided game before the picture competition was actually completely unexpected. Facing the tough defensive Inter Milan, although Manchester City had control over the ball at the beginning, they didn't have many options and instead made frequent mistakes. In the 25th minute, Manchester City passed the ball from the backcourt, and goalkeeper Edson passed it to Dias. He was intercepted by Inter Milan midfielder Barrela and then shot with a shot, but missed the goal more. In the 27th minute, Manchester City finally made an extremely impressive performance

Police intervene in investigation, 70000 pounds of fish suddenly die in a fish pond | fish pond | police
Police intervene in investigation, 70000 pounds of fish suddenly die in a fish pond | fish pond | police

Recently, Ms. Su, the owner of a fish pond in Dayao Village, Gangji Town, Changfeng County, Anhui Province, stated that after a heavy rain on June 5th, flowing water from all directions converged and flowed into her fish pond through a newly built box culvert. The next day, a large number of fish died in the pond and suffered heavy losses. On June 10th, Ms. Su's son, Mr. Zheng, introduced to Jimu News reporters that the dead fish weighed approximately 70000 pounds. At present, the environmental protection departments of the city, county, and town have conducted investigations in fish ponds and taken samples of water bodies and dead fish for inspection, but the results have not been released. The local fisheries department stated that no obvious symptoms of fish disease were found on site. A local deputy town mayor once stated that it has been preliminarily determined that the death of fish was caused by industrial waste polluting the fish pond water. The police said that this matter is under further investigation. A large number of fish died in the fish pond. After heavy rain, about 70000 kilograms of fish died mysteriously. According to Mr. Zheng, he usually

Playing the Sound of Cultural Heritage with the Zanian Qin | Craft | Zanian Qin
Playing the Sound of Cultural Heritage with the Zanian Qin | Craft | Zanian Qin

Rob Cidan, the inheritor of Nianga Zha Nian Qin making skills. Photographed by Tseren Luobu, a reporter from People's Daily Online, Shannan, June 10. This year, 63 year old Luobu Cidan is a villager in Niangga Village, Longzi Town, Longzi County, Shannan City, and also the fourth generation successor of the production of Xizang Zhanianqin. At the age of 20, Rob Cidan began to learn Zanian making techniques from his father, and after six years, he became proficient in making Zanian qin. The reporter learned that the production technique of Nianga Zhanian has a history of over 300 years and was designated as the second batch of county-level intangible cultural heritage representative projects in 2019. In 2010, Rob Cidan began to cultivate inheritors of Zanianqin production technology, imparting their unique skills without reservation, opening the way for the inheritance of Zanianqin production technology. In recent years, with the support and guidance of the Longzi County government, Longzi

"Appointment to Youth": The torch relay of the Chengdu Universiade was launched at Peking University, "Burning the Torch of Youth Dreams | Universiade"
"Appointment to Youth": The torch relay of the Chengdu Universiade was launched at Peking University, "Burning the Torch of Youth Dreams | Universiade"

On the morning of June 10th, the square in front of the 100th anniversary lecture hall of Peking University was filled with songs and dances, creating a lively atmosphere. The slogan "Strive for Youth and Fly Dreams" and the red torch stand on stage are particularly eye-catching. The opening ceremony of the torch relay for the 31st Summer Universiade in Chengdu was held here. This is the scene of the torch relay launch ceremony filmed on June 10th. Amidst enthusiastic applause, Xinhua News Agency reporter Ren Chao lit the fire pit and the Chengdu Universiade torch "Rong Fire" one after another. Zou Jingyuan, the first torchbearer, a student from Chengdu Sports Institute, and gymnastics champion of the Tokyo Olympics, took the torch and, under the background music of the theme song "We are all dream chasers" for the Chengdu Universiade torch relay, ran out of the venue with a light pace to begin the torch relay. June 10th

Turn waste into treasure! Chinese scientists have achieved efficient and harmless upgrading and recycling of chlorine containing waste plastics. Upgrade | Plastic | Turn Waste into Treasure
Turn waste into treasure! Chinese scientists have achieved efficient and harmless upgrading and recycling of chlorine containing waste plastics. Upgrade | Plastic | Turn Waste into Treasure

Application Areas of Chlorinated Plastics after Upgrading and Recycling (Xinhua News Agency, Shanghai, June 10) Chlorinated plastics are one of the widely used plastics in daily life. Waste chlorine containing plastics have extremely high stability and are not only difficult to self degrade, but also release various toxic chlorine containing organic compounds during traditional high-temperature thermal degradation processes, posing a threat to the ecological environment and human health. Recently, Huang Fuqiang, the chief researcher of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Shanghai Silicate Research Institute, used a new normal temperature dechlorination method to directly convert chlorine containing waste plastics into a variety of new materials with high added value, successfully achieving efficient and harmless upgrading and recycling, which can be widely used in green environmental protection, new energy storage, medical devices, wearable devices and other fields. The relevant results were recently published in the sub issue of Nature magazine, Nature Review: Introduction to Methods. The Earth has now accumulated billions of tons of waste

New Highlights of Regional Development | Promoting the Construction of an "International First Class" Business Environment - New Observations on the Integrated Development of the Yangtze River Delta - International | Environment | Business
New Highlights of Regional Development | Promoting the Construction of an "International First Class" Business Environment - New Observations on the Integrated Development of the Yangtze River Delta - International | Environment | Business

This year marks the fifth anniversary of the rise of regional integration development in the Yangtze River Delta to a national strategy.The 2022 Business Environment Survey of Ten Thousand Private Enterprises released by the All China Federation of Industry and Commerce shows that among the top 10 provinces with scores, all three provinces and one city in the Yangtze River Delta region are on the list; Among the top 10 cities, the Yangtze River Delta occupies six seats, namely Hangzhou, Wenzhou, Ningbo, Nanjing

The United States continues to intensify its supply of weapons to Ukraine, leading to international condemnation of rocket launchers, drones, and the United States
The United States continues to intensify its supply of weapons to Ukraine, leading to international condemnation of rocket launchers, drones, and the United States

Recently, from defensive weapons to offensive weapons, during the escalation of the Russia-Ukraine conflict for more than a year, the military equipment provided by the United States to Ukraine has been increased layer by layer, which has been criticized by international figures as a continuation of the conflict. Initially, the United States only provided light equipment such as helmets and bulletproof vests, as well as small and light weapons such as pistols, rifles, and submachine guns; On defensive weapons, there are shoulder mounted air defense missiles including the Stinger, as well as individual anti tank missiles such as the Javelin. Like the Stinger anti-aircraft missile, it is mainly used to target helicopters and other targets with low flight altitude and slow flight speed. Amidst multiple rounds of negotiations between Russia and Ukraine, the United States is gradually escalating its arms shipments to Ukraine, with an increase in heavy weapons. Including M113 armored personnel carrier, Mi-17 helicopter, M777

Youth Base for Protecting Giant Pandas | Wang Donghui | Giant Pandas
Youth Base for Protecting Giant Pandas | Wang Donghui | Giant Pandas

Figure 1: Zhang Dalei prepares food for giant pandas. Photo taken by He Shengshan ②: Wang Donghui is examining cell samples in a test tube. Photo taken by our reporter Wang Yongzhan ③: Lin Hongqiang is explaining the use of infrared cameras to the research team. Giant Panda National Park, Wolong National Nature Reserve, Sichuan. Photo 4: At the Chengdu Giant Panda Breeding Research Base, giant pandas are eating bamboo. Photo by Yang Sengyu: From Inner Mongolia to Chengdu, Sichuan, Dr. Wang Donghui, born in the 1990s, uses research results to help giant pandas embrace new life; Wearing camouflage suits and raising giant pandas in the wilderness training base, Zhang Dalei helps them return to nature in a way that giant pandas cannot see in the future; Long term participation in wilderness patrols, Lin Hongqiang silently guards the cute friends around him through chance encounters... giant pandas

Billion dollar industry in the small vegetable industry (new economic orientation: transformation in clothing, food, housing, and transportation) Kimchi | enterprise | economy
Billion dollar industry in the small vegetable industry (new economic orientation: transformation in clothing, food, housing, and transportation) Kimchi | enterprise | economy

The picture shows the automated production line introduced by enterprises in the "China Pickle City" industrial park carrying out product packaging and sorting. Drawing provided by the Management Committee of China Pickled Vegetable City: As soon as Zhang Fangman entered the production workshop, he saw large ceramic jars, totaling thousands. The workers stood on the platform, holding filter screens and skillfully inserted and pried them in. Dozens of pounds of pickled radishes were steadily loaded into the nets and then placed in pottery jars... "Screening, cleaning, pickling, fermentation, processing, and packaging. A jar of pickled vegetables has to go through multiple processes before it can be served on the dining table. Grasping factors such as temperature and humidity is the key to making the pickled vegetables fragrant." In the "China Pickled Vegetable City" park in Meishan City, Sichuan Province, when talking about the production techniques of our own pickled vegetables, Yu Qing, the assistant general manager of Sichuan Laotanzi Food Co., Ltd., said, "Our production techniques have been passed down for four generations and are provincial-level non pickled vegetables."

Honduran dignitaries: Looking forward to further developing pragmatic cooperation with China for mutual benefit and win-win results. Foreign Minister | Hong Zhong | Honduras
Honduran dignitaries: Looking forward to further developing pragmatic cooperation with China for mutual benefit and win-win results. Foreign Minister | Hong Zhong | Honduras

Honduras President Castro's visit to China has received high attention from various sectors in Honduras. Recently, several prominent officials in Honduras stated in an interview with CCTV reporters that the progress made in bilateral relations between Hong Kong and China since the establishment of diplomatic relations is gratifying, and they look forward to further pragmatic cooperation with China for mutual benefit and win-win results. Antonio Garcia, Deputy Foreign Minister of Honduras: Strengthening bilateral relations and achieving a major project of mutual benefit and win-win cooperation between Honduras and China will bring benefits to both Honduras and China. The door to bilateral relations is open and opportunities are endless. We are very happy and optimistic about the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Honduras government and China, recognizing that there is only one China in the world. Honduran Parliamentary Secretary Fabrizio Sandoval: The relationship between the two countries has made progress in the past two months, and colleagues have already visited China for inspection. Similarly, there is also China

"Jointly building the 'the Belt and Road' has become popular in Maldives" Medical | Doctor | Maldives
"Jointly building the 'the Belt and Road' has become popular in Maldives" Medical | Doctor | Maldives

Doctors from the Chinese medical team examined patients in the Maldives. Zhang Niansheng, a reporter from this newspaper, walked into the Hulumare Hospital near Male, the capital of Maldives. A small white building was particularly eye-catching. In the hall, a golden plaque reads: Abdullah Abdul Al-Hakim Eye Center, which was built with the generous assistance of the the People's Republic of China government and officially opened by President Ibrahim Mohamed Saleh of the Maldives on January 13, 2020. On the opposite side of the plaque stands a row of Yi Labao with photos and profiles of members of the Chinese medical expert group of the Eye Center. Since its establishment, the center has carried out cataract, vitreoretinal diseases, ocular surface diseases and external eye diseases on the basis of outpatient and other daily business, providing good medical services for patients in Maldives and neighboring countries

Talking about New Opportunities in the Chinese Economy | Report from the Finnish Chamber of Commerce: China's Economic Growth Provides New Opportunities for Finnish Enterprises | China | Economy
Talking about New Opportunities in the Chinese Economy | Report from the Finnish Chamber of Commerce: China's Economic Growth Provides New Opportunities for Finnish Enterprises | China | Economy

Helsinki, June 9th (Xinhua) - The Finnish Central Chamber of Commerce released its latest research report on June 9th, stating that the Chinese economy has returned to a strong growth track and will open up new development opportunities for Finnish enterprises. The report states that most Finnish companies have been very successful in their development in China and are optimistic about China's economic growth. The report cites a business confidence survey conducted by the Finnish National Business Promotion Agency, stating that nearly 80% of surveyed companies expect to further increase their revenue, profitability, and investment in China this year. Marko Tiesmeki, head of the Finnish National Bureau for the Promotion of Commerce in China, said in the report that China's economy turned to strong growth after experiencing the impact of the COVID-19. The data in the first quarter of this year exceeded most analysts' expectations, and the forecast of China's economic growth goals was generally raised. Tiersmeyer believes that the Chinese economy is expected to grow in the future

Expert analysis | Japan's persistent push to eliminate "nuclear" from entering the sea, causing harm to global governments | Emissions | Global
Expert analysis | Japan's persistent push to eliminate "nuclear" from entering the sea, causing harm to global governments | Emissions | Global

According to local media in Fukushima, Japan on June 9th, Tokyo Electric Power Company announced that the onshore discharge facility for the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant's contaminated water discharge project will be completed within this week and will begin trial operation from the 12th of this month. The Japanese government repeatedly entangles with the term "nuclear contaminated water", claiming that the water to be discharged is purified through a "multi nuclide treatment system", and even equates Fukushima nuclear contaminated water with the water discharged from normal operation of global nuclear power plants. In this regard, experts say that the Japanese government's attempt to "whitewash" nuclear contaminated water into the sea will not succeed. Special commentator Su Xiaohui: Despite opposition from multiple parties, the Japanese government is still pushing for the discharge of contaminated water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant. In this process, the Japanese government is constantly "washing away", but it is obvious that it has not achieved the expected results. The Japanese government previously requested

Japan should not follow the United States to engage in group confrontation (international forum) region | Japan | United States
Japan should not follow the United States to engage in group confrontation (international forum) region | Japan | United States

For Japanese politicians, the key to governing a country is twofold: first, to avoid repeating the mistakes of war and to do everything possible to maintain peace; The second is to safeguard the prosperous life of the people. Only by achieving these two points can it be considered as safeguarding Japan's national interests. By comparison, it must be said that the current Japanese government's policies are making serious mistakes. At present, the Japanese government is following the lead of the United States in diplomatic and security issues, actively cooperating with the United States to create opposition. In December last year, Japan officially passed three new security policy documents, namely the National Security Strategy, National Defense Strategy, and Defense Force Restructuring Plan, which blatantly portrayed the so-called "China threat". This approach will only exacerbate regional tensions and is not conducive to maintaining peace and stability in Asia, which goes against the goals of Japan's peace constitution. Japan blindly relies on the United States in military security

Representatives of fishing groups such as Fukushima Prefecture in Japan once again oppose nuclear contaminated water discharge groups | Fisheries | Fukushima Prefecture, Japan
Representatives of fishing groups such as Fukushima Prefecture in Japan once again oppose nuclear contaminated water discharge groups | Fisheries | Fukushima Prefecture, Japan

According to a report by the Japan Broadcasting Association on the 10th, Japan's Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, Yasumi Nishimura, visited Fukushima Prefecture and neighboring Miyagi and Ibaraki prefectures on the same day, exchanging views with representatives of local fishing groups on the issue of the discharge of contaminated water from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident into the sea. Nishimura explained that they are currently promoting a plan to discharge water into the sea that may start this summer. In response, representatives of fishing groups such as Tetsuya Nozaki, President of the Fukushima Prefecture Fisheries Collaborative Association, once again expressed opposition to the discharge of "ALPS treated water" into the ocean. At the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, the amount of contaminated water containing radioactive isotopes such as tritium after treatment continues to increase. As of May 18th, it has reached approximately 1.33 million tons, equivalent to 97% of the total capacity of storage tanks already installed. TEPCO stated that preparations for sea discharge have entered the final stage and efforts will be made to complete the discharge before the end of this month

The Embassy of Honduras in China opens, and Beijing adds a new embassy. Honduras | China | Residences in China
The Embassy of Honduras in China opens, and Beijing adds a new embassy. Honduras | China | Residences in China

On the morning of June 11th, the Embassy of Honduras in China opened in Beijing. Honduran Foreign Minister Reina and Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang jointly unveiled the plaque for the embassy. On March 25 this year, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Honduras issued a statement, officially announcing the "break of diplomatic relations" with Taiwan, China. The next day, China and Honduras signed a joint communiqu é on the establishment of diplomatic relations between the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Honduras, confirming the establishment of ambassadorial level diplomatic relations between the two countries. Honduras became the 182nd country to establish diplomatic relations with China. Over the past two months since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Hong Kong, Hong Kong has been actively promoting the construction of the Chinese Embassy in China and has received strong support and assistance from the Chinese side. According to the reporter at the opening ceremony, Honduras is establishing a permanent embassy site. After the embassy opens, there will be an increase in staff, and embassy staff member Brod will use Chinese