The world

Making independent judgments, Wang Yi Meets with Borrell: Supporting the EU's Adherence to Strategic Autonomy in China | EU | Strategy
Making independent judgments, Wang Yi Meets with Borrell: Supporting the EU's Adherence to Strategic Autonomy in China | EU | Strategy

On July 14th local time, Wang Yi, Director of the Central Foreign Affairs Office, met with EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Borrell at request in Jakarta. Wang Yi stated that there is no fundamental conflict of interests between China and Europe. We all advocate multilateralism, support world multipolarity and democratization of international relations, and support an international system with the United Nations at its core. This year marks the 20th anniversary of the establishment of a comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Europe, which is of great significance as a bridge between the past and the future. Strengthening communication, enhancing trust, and deepening cooperation between China and Europe is in line with the common interests of both sides. The European side should further clarify the positioning of the strategic partnership between the two sides, promote the development of China Europe relations on the existing basis, and cannot waver or encourage words and actions that go against the trend. Borrelli stated that China is first and foremost an important partner of the European Union, and this positioning is very clear and certain. The EU firmly upholds

Eat "longevity noodles" with tears, and regret it! The engineering department manager celebrated his 40th birthday at the detention center. The engineering department | Xiong Peng | regretted it
Eat "longevity noodles" with tears, and regret it! The engineering department manager celebrated his 40th birthday at the detention center. The engineering department | Xiong Peng | regretted it

Xiong Peng, former Chief Engineer and Engineering Department Manager of Changtian Investment and Development Co., Ltd. in Yidu, Hubei Province. On July 8, 2022, the Yidu Municipal Supervision Commission took detention measures against Xiong Peng. After investigation, Xiong Peng violated the spirit of the eight point regulations and integrity discipline of the central government, was suspected of bribery and corruption, was disqualified as a probationary party member, and was subject to government dismissal, termination of labor relations with Changtian Company, and confiscation of illegal gains from disciplinary violations. During the retention period, Xiong Peng spent his 40th birthday at the retention point. The case handlers specially prepared "longevity noodles" for him, and he ate them in tears. He wrote in his confession: Memories come to mind one by one, and upon careful calculation, all our accounts have suffered huge losses. We regret our past. I did not study party discipline and national laws enough, and my awareness of discipline and law was weak, which eventually made me forget my original intention, causing losses to the country, and causing harm to myself

Resolutely crack down on the "revolving door" and "escape style resignations" of government and business... Achievements in anti-corruption in the first half of the year → Struggle | Corruption | Achievements
Resolutely crack down on the "revolving door" and "escape style resignations" of government and business... Achievements in anti-corruption in the first half of the year → Struggle | Corruption | Achievements

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposes to resolutely win the protracted battle against corruption, emphasizing that "as long as there is soil and conditions for corruption to arise, the fight against corruption cannot be stopped for a moment and must always be sounded with a charge.". Resolutely crack down on corrupt "shadow companies", "shadow shareholders", "revolving doors" and other corrupt "shadow companies" and "revolving doors" that are often hot topics on the internet. These are new manifestations of political and commercial collusion and interest transmission, and are also new types of corruption and hidden corruption issues that disciplinary inspection and supervision agencies are seriously investigating and punishing. On June 28th, the Guangdong Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision announced that Zheng Renhao, former Deputy Secretary General of the Guangdong Provincial Government, had been expelled from the Party and held public office. In the notice, the Guangdong Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision pointed out that Zheng Renhao's "distorted view of power, engaged in collusion between politics and business, concealed himself behind the scenes to accumulate wealth, and took advantage of his position for convenience."

Or it may appear for 5 consecutive days... typhoon blue warning! Thunderstorms and strong winds are approaching Hangzhou, just a tropical high pressure warning
Or it may appear for 5 consecutive days... typhoon blue warning! Thunderstorms and strong winds are approaching Hangzhou, just a tropical high pressure warning

On the fifth day of the summer solstice, people in Hangzhou have received orange high-temperature warnings for the fifth consecutive time! At 09:32, the Hangzhou Meteorological Observatory issued an orange high-temperature warning signal: Affected by the subtropical high pressure, it is expected that the highest temperature in all streets of the main urban area and most streets of Qiantang District can reach around 38 ℃ today. Please pay attention to heatstroke prevention and cooling work. However, compared to the previous two days, the level of barbecue has already been discounted. Due to the arrival of high-altitude cold air, the range of influence of the subtropical high pressure has also narrowed by a circle, and many high and medium clouds have appeared in the sky, kindly blocking some of the sunlight for the people of Hangzhou. Starting today, there will be more and more thunderstorms in Hangzhou in the afternoon. The highest temperature today and tomorrow is expected to be between 35 ℃ and 36 ℃, but it may drop to 33 ℃ the day after tomorrow

Broken by this young man!, World Records with 10 Years of Dust Sealing | Rope | World Records
Broken by this young man!, World Records with 10 Years of Dust Sealing | Rope | World Records

In 60 seconds, Zhou Qi, a 16-year-old boy from Yuyao, Zhejiang, received a Guinness World Records certificate and became the person with the highest number of rope jumps in one minute. He has been practicing rope systematically for 7 years, leading the record by jumping rope 26 times per minute. Zhou Qi challenged the Guinness World Record twice before and after. The first time, he was deemed invalid due to using a rope that did not comply with regulations. After communication, Zhou Qi quickly completed his second attempt. When his feet were like motors, the rope in his hands spun rapidly, achieving a record of 374 single rope jumps in one minute. He broke the Guinness World Record held by Japanese athletes for 10 years, surpassing the previous record by 26 times. At the moment when Zhou Qi obtained the Guinness World Records certificate for the first time, he was very excited. "Jumping rope keeps me jumping," he said

Set sail today!, Chinese maritime formation mission | frigate | Chinese side
Set sail today!, Chinese maritime formation mission | frigate | Chinese side

This morning, the Chinese maritime formation participating in the "North United 2023" exercise set sail from a military port in Qingdao, Shandong Province to the scheduled exercise area. A total of five Chinese naval vessels participating in the exercise were missile destroyers, Qiqihar, missile destroyers, Guiyang, missile frigates, Rizhao, missile frigates, Zaozhuang, missile frigates, comprehensive supply ships, the Taihu Lake, on the 15th morning, accompanied by loud military music, five warships left the dock slowly to participate in the exercise. The officers and soldiers waved goodbye to more than 200 officers and soldiers in a neat formation on the deck to the dock to welcome off the mission. During the preparation period, the formation made scientific planning, carefully organized the refinement of the plan, and carried out a targeted rehearsal on the map and concentrated teaching. Sea air joint training further honed and improved the formation's ability to carry out tasks

Behind the fact that the Chinese team won five consecutive championships in the International Mathematical Olympiad with total points: The path to mathematics in the Olympiad stems from talent and love for talent | Mathematics | Total Points
Behind the fact that the Chinese team won five consecutive championships in the International Mathematical Olympiad with total points: The path to mathematics in the Olympiad stems from talent and love for talent | Mathematics | Total Points

In the eyes of Chinese team leader Xiao Liang, who led the team to participate in the 64th International Mathematical Olympiad in Japan, the math Olympiad is a difficult path, and players need both talent and interest to persevere. In the 64th International Mathematical Olympiad, which ended in Chiba Prefecture, Japan on the 12th, all six Chinese athletes won gold medals. Two of them won the gold medal with perfect scores, and the Chinese team achieved a total score of 240 points, achieving five consecutive team championships. Xiao Liang felt proud of his classmates' grades. He said that when he saw the questions, he was worried that some of them would be a bit difficult for them, especially the sixth question in this competition, which was a very difficult geometry problem. He estimated that one or two classmates could do it well, but the students performed much better than expected. In the end, four of them did it well

The wounds in America are ulcerating, new anime review: Drugs kill Philadelphia's garbage | Drugs | America
The wounds in America are ulcerating, new anime review: Drugs kill Philadelphia's garbage | Drugs | America

Zombie like drug addicts and homeless people in rags gather on the streets, with piles of garbage and feces piled up like mountains... This is the current situation on Kensington Street in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. A drug called "methylthiazide" is flooding the drug market in the United States, and Kensington Street, which is plagued by drugs, has become a rotting "zombie land". In June 2023, the Philadelphia Department of Health released a report stating that approximately 90% of drug users in Philadelphia have the ingredient methylthiazide in their bodies. This type of drug, known as "zombie medicine," can cause a series of symptoms such as difficulty breathing, loss of consciousness, and skin ulcers in users. "Drugs have become the biggest public health problem in the United States." According to a previous report by the United Nations, the United States is the world's largest consumer of drugs, with about 60% of the drugs produced globally being imported into the United States. two

International Hot Review: The United States and the West's "Risk Reduction" towards China is the Biggest Risk in Relations with China | Countries | International
International Hot Review: The United States and the West's "Risk Reduction" towards China is the Biggest Risk in Relations with China | Countries | International

On July 15th, China News Agency reported that after "decoupling", "risk reduction" has become a new term for some Western countries to handle their relations with China. Whether it's "de risk" or "decoupling", the change in rhetoric on the surface has not changed the essence of some politicians in the United States and the West attempting to "de Sinicize", nor does it mean that their strategy towards China will truly change. In fact, "de risk" towards China is a false proposition. The term "risk" itself includes a negative attitude towards China. "Risk reduction" is a financial term that is defined by the official website of the US State Department as the behavior of financial institutions to avoid risks, end or restrict business dealings with certain types of customers. However, the West has now abused and generalized this concept. US National Security Advisor Sullivan once said in explaining the "de risk" policy towards China, "de risk."

Japan All Fisheries Federation: unchanged stance against Fukushima nuclear contaminated water discharge into the sea
Japan All Fisheries Federation: unchanged stance against Fukushima nuclear contaminated water discharge into the sea

On July 15th, according to Kyodo News Agency, on the 14th local time, Japanese Minister of Economy and Industry, Nishimura Yasuhiro, held talks with President of the National Fisheries Association of Japan, Yasushin Sakamoto, to seek understanding on the discharge into the sea. Yashin Sakamoto stated that his stance against the discharge of Fukushima nuclear contaminated water into the sea has not changed. At present, the Japanese nuclear contaminated water discharge equipment has been completed. The report states that the Japanese government intends to concretize the launch period of the "summer before and after" plan for sea discharge, but has not yet gained the understanding of fishery personnel. "My only wish is to continue working in the fishing industry with peace of mind," said Yashin Sakamoto. According to reports, on that day, in addition to the President and Vice President of the All Fisheries Federation, there were also officials from fishing organizations in Aomori, Iwate, Miyagi, Fukushima, and Ibaraki counties attending the meeting. Yashin Sakamoto stated that there were repeated demands at the meeting for the government to "effectively respond"

Kenyan scholar: Transporting cluster ammunition from the United States to Ukraine is very dangerous and irresponsible ammunition | United States | Kenya
Kenyan scholar: Transporting cluster ammunition from the United States to Ukraine is very dangerous and irresponsible ammunition | United States | Kenya

With the delivery of cluster ammunition provided by the United States to Ukraine and handed over to the Ukrainian military, this incident has raised concerns among the international community. Professor and political analyst Manyola from the University of Nairobi in Kenya stated that the United States is acting solely for its own benefit, disregarding the opposition of the United Nations and the international community, and the harm of cluster ammunition to civilians and the environment. This is very dangerous and irresponsible. Manyola, a professor of political analyst at Nairobi University: I think that normal and innocent people in the world will condemn such acts of the United States. In the context of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, we need to take measures to ease tensions, rather than further accelerate the world towards destruction. We need to end the war, and the United States provides cluster munitions, which is moving in the opposite direction. Manyola stated that in the NATO meeting held a few days ago

Serbian scholar: Japan strongly promotes nuclear contaminated water discharge into the sea, causing long-term harm to Japan | humanity | water discharge
Serbian scholar: Japan strongly promotes nuclear contaminated water discharge into the sea, causing long-term harm to Japan | humanity | water discharge

In recent days, Japan's strong push for the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant's plan to discharge contaminated water into the sea has sparked opposition from the international community. Serbian scholars have stated that once nuclear contaminated water is discharged into the sea, it will pose great risks to marine ecology and human health, and its long-term harm cannot be ignored. Japan should avoid actions that harm all humanity. Ivona, Deputy Director of the Serbian Institute of International Political Economy, believes that in order to deal with the nuclear contaminated water formed after the 2011 Fukushima nuclear power plant accident, the Japanese government ultimately chose the lowest cost "nuclear contaminated water discharge into the sea" plan, but did not take into account the risks and hazards that this plan brings to marine ecology and human health. Ivona, Deputy Director of the Serbian Institute of International Political and Economic Research: These nuclear contaminated waters, even after so-called "purification," still pose a threat to the ecosystem and people

The Unstoppable Human Rights Traits of the United States (Observatory), Overseas "Black Prison" War | United States | Human Rights
The Unstoppable Human Rights Traits of the United States (Observatory), Overseas "Black Prison" War | United States | Human Rights

Not long ago, a United Nations special envoy was granted permission to visit Guantanamo Prison for the first time. The investigation results show that there are still 30 detainees at Guantanamo Prison, of which 19 have never been charged with any charges. For many years, these "terrorist suspects" identified by the US have been subjected to "cruel, inhumane, and degrading" treatment in prison, leaving many people with serious mental and physical trauma as a result. And the US government still refuses to release these prisoners. In 2002, the US military established a prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to detain suspects arrested by the US military in global counter-terrorism operations after the 9/11 attacks. For over 20 years, Guantanamo Prison has repeatedly exposed scandals of prisoner abuse and torture, becoming a notorious "human rights black hole". Although multiple US governments have verbally claimed to close Guantanamo Prison,

The United States broke records for large-scale killings in the first half of this year, with only one incident unrelated to firearms. Northeastern University | Incident | United States
The United States broke records for large-scale killings in the first half of this year, with only one incident unrelated to firearms. Northeastern University | Incident | United States

According to the Associated Press on July 14th, there were 28 large-scale killings in the first six months of this year, making it the deadliest six months since 2006. From January 1st to June 30th this year, the United States experienced 28 large-scale killings, with only one unrelated to firearms, resulting in 140 deaths. Tennessee Republican Brent Latherwood said, "This is a terrible milestone. You never thought your family would be part of such a statistical data." In March of this year, a shooting incident occurred at the school where Latherwood's three children were located, resulting in six deaths. James Allen Fox, a professor of criminology at Northeastern University in the United States, said, "There have been 28 killings within 6 months, which is a staggering number. In the past, incidents typically occurred within a year."

Xinhua Review: Another Step in Calibrating the Course of China US Relations | Consensus | Xinhua
Xinhua Review: Another Step in Calibrating the Course of China US Relations | Consensus | Xinhua

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, July 14: Another step in aligning the course of China US relations Xinhua News Agency reporter Gao Wencheng, Director of the Central Foreign Affairs Office, Wang Yi, met with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken of the United States at request in Jakarta, Indonesia, on the 13th, stressing that the consensus reached by the two heads of state at the Bali meeting should be truly translated into concrete actions. Since then, Antony Blinken visited China and reached an important consensus with the Chinese side to return to the Bali agenda. When he came to Beijing, US Treasury Secretary Yellen made it clear that he would implement the instructions of the meeting between the two heads of state. The frequency of interaction between China and the United States has accelerated recently, and bilateral relations have shown a positive momentum of returning to the consensus of the two heads of state and aligning the development direction of relations. The two heads of state met in Bali, Indonesia last year and reached a series of important consensus, pointing the way for China US relations. However, a series of erroneous statements and actions by the US that harm China's interests have led to a serious deviation of the US China relationship from the two yuan relationship

The United States harbors selfish motives (a global hotspot), aiding Ukraine with cluster ammunition and ammunition | Cluster | The United States
The United States harbors selfish motives (a global hotspot), aiding Ukraine with cluster ammunition and ammunition | Cluster | The United States

On July 11th, a man watched an exhibit simulating the dispersion of cluster ammunition by the US military at the Vientiane Exhibition Hall in Laos. The US government recently announced an additional $800 million worth of military aid to Ukraine, including large lethal cluster ammunition classified as prohibited by US law. Cluster ammunition is a weapon with strong lethality, significant harm, and the potential to pose a long-term security threat to civilians. This move has sparked widespread criticism both domestically and internationally in the United States. Continuing to stir up regional tensions, according to a statement from the US Department of Defense, the decision to provide cluster ammunition to Ukraine was made by the Biden administration after extensive consultations with Congress, US allies, and partners. The list of weapons and equipment in the statement shows that the cluster ammunition for this aid to Ukraine was fired from 155mm caliber howitzers, and the specific quantity has not been announced.

Hangzhou Asian Para Games Holds 100 Day Countdown Event Games | Hangzhou | Events
Hangzhou Asian Para Games Holds 100 Day Countdown Event Games | Hangzhou | Events

On the evening of July 14th, the 100 day countdown theme event for the Hangzhou Asian Para Games was held at the Fuyang Water Sports Center. The theme activities include the release of medals for the Asian Paralympic Games, the performance of songs for the Asian Paralympic Games, and cultural performances for people with disabilities, showcasing the spirit of integrating disability and health, showcasing the beauty of the host city, and creating a warm atmosphere for the whole nation to welcome the Asian Paralympic Games. As an important component of the landscape elements of the Asian Paralympic Games, the Hangzhou Asian Paralympic Games medals made their debut at this themed event. The medal is named "Guizi", which combines the Liangzhu jade and Hangzhou city flower osmanthus. The front is composed of osmanthus and the emblem of the Hangzhou Asian Paralympic Games, while the back is surrounded by Braille with the emblem of the Asian Paralympic Committee as the center. The Braille interpretation is: gold medal at the 4th Hangzhou Asian Paralympic Games. At the theme event, Hangzhou Asia was also released on site

Revealing the "New Members" of the Asian Games Project - E-sports Popularization - Summer Contestants | E-sports | Project
Revealing the "New Members" of the Asian Games Project - E-sports Popularization - Summer Contestants | E-sports | Project

What comes to mind when it comes to esports? It's a cool and highly competitive esports competition venue 💥He is an esports player with top-notch skills 😎Still the spirit of unity and perseverance in esports 🏆In September this year, e-sports will be officially recognized as a competition event for the first time 🏅Appearing at the Hangzhou Asian Games, after an esports test match, we talked to the on-site audience, event DJs, and esports staff about their esports preferences ⬇️There are still many curiosities and questions about esports, and esports is all about playing games 🎮?Which games have become esports events 🕹?Do professional esports players also need to clock in and out on time 📇?What should parents do if their children are addicted to games 🤷🤦‍♀️?We are serious about esports science popularization! Professional esports player, talent evaluator, esports major university teacher, spinal surgery major

The medal "Guizi" of the 4th Hangzhou Asian Para Games has been officially released
The medal "Guizi" of the 4th Hangzhou Asian Para Games has been officially released

On July 14th, at the 100 day countdown theme event of the 4th Hangzhou Asian Paralympic Games held at the Fuyang Aquatic Sports Center in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, the medals of the Hangzhou Asian Paralympic Games were officially released. The name of the medal is "Guizi", derived from the famous line describing Hangzhou, "Searching for Guizi in the Mountain Temple", which embodies the artistic conception of Jiangnan and romantic colors. Following the emblem "forward", the mascot "flying", the color system "moist", and the torch "crown", it is another core element of the visual image system of the Hangzhou Asian Para Games, which is an important expression of the cultural aesthetics of the Asian Para Games. The medal combines Liangzhu Jade and Hangzhou City Flower - Osmanthus, showcasing the diversity and integration of Asian values and culture through the use of Cangbi as a gift to the sky. With the rich temperament of Osmanthus, it expresses the warm expectations of the host city, and symbolizes the athletes' pursuit of beauty and positive progress through the use of "Guizi".

Interview: China Expands Opening Up to Assist ASEAN in Coping with Global Challenges Journalist | Economy | China
Interview: China Expands Opening Up to Assist ASEAN in Coping with Global Challenges Journalist | Economy | China

Kuala Lumpur, July 15th (Xinhua) - China Expands Opening Up to Assist ASEAN in Coping with Global Challenges - Interview with Li Xingyu, Executive Director of the Socio Economic Research Center of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Malaysia. Xinhua reporter Mao Pengfei, Cheng Yiheng, Executive Director of the Socio Economic Research Center of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Malaysia, Li Xingyu, said in a recent interview with Xinhua that in the face of unfavorable factors such as global economic slowdown, rising protectionism, climate change, and food crisis, China insists on promoting international economic and trade cooperation and high-level opening up to the outside world, which will help ASEAN cope with global challenges and promote economic development. This is the Tianjin Port IoT container terminal. Speaking of the current global economic challenges, Li Xingyu said that the inflationary pressure in the United States may keep its interest rate levels high for a considerable period of time, which will have an impact on the capital of emerging markets

Xinhua News Agency reporter said that "foreign journalists" in "Zhejiang" take you to understand the beautiful Zhejiang of China | British | journalist
Xinhua News Agency reporter said that "foreign journalists" in "Zhejiang" take you to understand the beautiful Zhejiang of China | British | journalist

Taking a small train to tour the village, fishing in rice paddies, drinking coffee in a caf é converted from a cow pen, and experiencing the charming scenery of green mountains and rivers... Sam Dakot, a British journalist from Xinhua News Agency, had a remarkable rural trip in Zhejiang! The "Ten Million Project" implemented twenty years ago has brought about a stunning transformation in "Zhejiang"! What kind of philosophy and wisdom have revitalized the lives of farmers? How are the changes happening here affecting China? Click on the video and follow the "foreign journalist" to understand beautiful China! Chief Editor in Chief: Zhu Hui Script/Copywriting: Liang Saiyu, Sam Dakot, Zhu Han, Song Lifeng Poster: Dong Yuhong, Xinhua News Agency, External New Marco Polo Studio, Xinhua News Agency, Zhejiang Branch, Joint Production of Xinhua News Agency, International Communication Integration Platform, Production and Commendation of the Lishui Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China

Building a Bridge of Mutual Trust, Cooperation, and Win Win for the Nation | People | Bridge
Building a Bridge of Mutual Trust, Cooperation, and Win Win for the Nation | People | Bridge

On July 12, the fifth meeting of the Advisory Committee of the the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation was held in Beijing. The members at the meeting spoke positively of the achievements of the "the Belt and Road" initiative in the past 10 years, and believed that the joint construction of the "the Belt and Road" has effectively driven the economic development of countries and regions along the Belt and Road, and has played a positive role in promoting the building of an open world economy, promoting sustainable development, and helping countries work together to address global challenges. The Advisory Committee is a non-profit international policy advisory body, whose main function is to provide intellectual support for the the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation. Members participate in the activities of the Advisory Committee in their personal capacity. "In the process of promoting the joint construction of the the Belt and Road, the Advisory Committee, on the one hand, enables more people to have a deeper understanding of the joint construction of the the Belt and Road initiative, on the other hand, it also aims to jointly build the the Belt and Road

The Prime Minister of the Solomon Islands is here to visit China for an important matter, which is highly praised by the international community. Sogavare | Prime Minister | Solomon Islands
The Prime Minister of the Solomon Islands is here to visit China for an important matter, which is highly praised by the international community. Sogavare | Prime Minister | Solomon Islands

"This is a reference example." On the 13th, Solomon Islands Prime Minister Sogavare arrived in Jiangsu Province, China. When he visited Huanglongxian Tea Culture Village, he heard that the local area relied on mountains, waters, and tea garden resources to transform the once impoverished mountain nests into beautiful rural areas in China, and expressed the above emotions. His next stop is Guangdong Province. This is one of the closest provinces in China to the Solomon Islands. The majority of Chinese expatriates in the Solomon Islands come from Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province. Prime Minister Sogavare's visit to China this time is his second visit since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries in 2019. During the visit to China, the China Exchange officially established a comprehensive strategic partnership of mutual respect and common development in the new era. The Solomon Islands Embassy in China has officially opened. Sogavare said that the Solomon Islands will unwaveringly develop relations with China. An unwavering attitude comes from what he sees and feels.

French entrepreneur Bertrand argues that the Chinese model wins the debate with genuine emotions, whether the Chinese system or the European and American system can bring stability, prosperity, and freedom. | China | Bertrand
French entrepreneur Bertrand argues that the Chinese model wins the debate with genuine emotions, whether the Chinese system or the European and American system can bring stability, prosperity, and freedom. | China | Bertrand

In April this year, French entrepreneur Arnold Bertrand participated in a debate in the United States on whether the Chinese system or the European and American system can bring more stability, prosperity, and freedom. During the debate, Mr. Bertrand conveyed to the audience through his seven years of living in China that the Chinese governance model has effectively brought stability, prosperity, and more freedom to the Chinese people. French entrepreneur Arnold Bertrand: In the United States, do people dare to take a walk alone anytime, anywhere, as they please? Do people have this kind of "freedom"? And this kind of "freedom" is real in China. I have an amazing set of data here. In the United States, the probability of a person becoming a victim of violent crime is 70 times higher than in China. This is not just to say, during my 7 years in China, not only have I never encountered or witnessed it myself

Optimizing housing provident fund loan policies in multiple regions | policies | loans
Optimizing housing provident fund loan policies in multiple regions | policies | loans

In recent times, various parts of the country have continuously adjusted housing provident fund policies, vigorously supporting the demand for rigid and improved housing, and boosting market confidence. Data shows that more than 130 cities have introduced real estate regulation policies over 300 times this year, with the highest frequency of optimization being the provident fund loan policy, accounting for nearly half. The coverage of the housing provident fund system continues to expand. In order to further leverage the supporting role of the housing provident fund in housing consumption, various regions are continuously expanding the coverage of the housing provident fund system, promoting the establishment of a housing system with multiple supply entities, multi-channel guarantees, and a combination of rental and purchase. The Hohhot Housing Provident Fund Center in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region recently issued a notice on adjusting some of its housing provident fund businesses. Li Meng, Director of Hohhot Housing Provident Fund Center, introduced that this public reserve fund

The Chengdu Universiade Promotion Song Collection "Hearing the Voice of Dreams" is publicly released in China | Culture | "Hearing the Voice of Dreams"
The Chengdu Universiade Promotion Song Collection "Hearing the Voice of Dreams" is publicly released in China | Culture | "Hearing the Voice of Dreams"

On the 14th, the compilation of promotional songs for the 31st Chengdu Summer Universiade, titled "Hear the Voice of Dreams," was officially released. The project, in collaboration with major music institutions, invited national level singers, performers, renowned singers, athletes, and others to form a Universiade music album with an international perspective and reflecting the current voice of China through activities such as urban style collection, music training camps, and work exhibitions. The Youth Chapter in the collection includes the song "Hear the Voice of Dreams" by the students of the Youth Musicians Training Camp. With the release of the first single "Ah Rongbao", the records of the talent exhibition and production of the Universiade Music Talent have also been released today. Young musicians from Chengdu tell local stories through their songs, cheering and cheering for the Universiade athletes. Subsequent songs will be released in the near future. "Listening to the Voice of Dreams" Chengdu No.3

Chengdu has built 60 characteristic streets, welcoming the Universiade's happiness during the Universiade, venues during the Universiade, and welcoming the Universiade
Chengdu has built 60 characteristic streets, welcoming the Universiade's happiness during the Universiade, venues during the Universiade, and welcoming the Universiade

The preparation for the Universiade has driven the benefits of the environment, culture, and sports to the people, laying a solid foundation for the happiness of the city. As a demonstration area for building a park city that practices the new development concept, the total number of parks in Chengdu has exceeded 1500. As of the end of 2022, Chengdu has built 60 characteristic blocks and implemented landscape improvement in 101 areas. This year, we plan to coordinate the construction of 20 characteristic neighborhoods and implement the renovation of the style of 15 districts. In the summer of Chengdu, hibiscus flowers bloom and youth is like fire. On July 13th, 15 days before the opening countdown of the 31st Summer Universiade in Chengdu, the Chengdu Universiade Main Media Center located in Dong'an Lake Sports Park was put into operation. The footsteps of the Universiade are approaching, and various preparatory work has entered the sprint stage. 22 years ago today, Beijing's successful bid for the Olympics, the land of China

The third day of the Chengdu Universiade Torch Relay Chengdu Station has been completed (welcoming the charm of the Universiade) Chengdu | Torch | Activity
The third day of the Chengdu Universiade Torch Relay Chengdu Station has been completed (welcoming the charm of the Universiade) Chengdu | Torch | Activity

On July 14th, the third day of the torch relay of the 31st Summer Universiade in Chengdu was held at the starting ceremony of Southwest University of Finance and Economics. Subsequently, the torch "Rong Huo" was passed on successively at Sichuan Vocational and Technical College of Transportation, Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Sichuan Agricultural University, and Chengdu Institute of Technology, with 152 torchbearers completing the day's relay activity together. After the fire pot and the "Rong Fire" were lit, the first torchbearer and women's Olympic walking champion Wang Liping held the torch high and began the relay with a confident and uplifting spirit. She said, "The spirit of sports is integrated into the torch, hoping to pass on the spirit of sports and the power of China to college students and more people." Former professional football player Zou Yougen made an appearance as the tenth torchbearer, and being able to serve as the torchbearer excited him greatly. Body

Cool summer! The national summer electricity demand is guaranteed in this way ->Resources | Electricity | Demand
Cool summer! The national summer electricity demand is guaranteed in this way ->Resources | Electricity | Demand

With the arrival of the dog days, the demand for electricity is further increasing, and various regions are taking measures to ensure summer electricity demand. More than 50 nuclear power units in China maintain full power generation, providing strong support for the summer electricity peak. China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) generates over 600 million kilowatt hours of clean energy per day, and can achieve full peak output for 25 nuclear power units in operation. Among them, the Fuqing Nuclear Power Plant located in Fujian Province, after optimizing the overhaul process of four units, delivered power to the grid 36 days ahead of schedule and generated an additional 959 million kilowatt hours of electricity. Since the commissioning of Units 5 and 6 of Fuqing Nuclear Power, the world's first demonstration project of Hualong 1, a total of 30 billion kilowatt hours of safe power generation have been achieved. At the same time, the cumulative power generation of 27 operational nuclear power units of CGN reached 113.292 billion kilowatt hours, an increase compared to the first half of 2022

The latest report from the World Health Organization! 5236 suspected cases of monkeypox have been found in this country. Chief Physician | Comprehensive Department | Country
The latest report from the World Health Organization! 5236 suspected cases of monkeypox have been found in this country. Chief Physician | Comprehensive Department | Country

On July 14th local time, the World Health Organization released the latest report showing that as of now, Congo has reported a total of 5236 suspected cases of monkeypox and 229 suspected deaths from monkeypox this year. The report states that between January 1st and June 25th, 70% of suspected cases and 72% of deaths occurred in people under the age of 15, while only 455 cases were confirmed through nucleic acid testing. The report states that the current monkeypox outbreak in Congo remains a major public health issue that requires continuous monitoring and response. The first human case of monkeypox was discovered in Congo in 1970. Since then, West African countries have experienced multiple outbreaks of monkeypox. What is monkeypox? What are the transmission routes? You need to understand these knowledge → Monkeypox is a zoonotic viral disease caused by monkeypox virus infection