The world

Has this pair of 157 year old enemies been spared?, For next year's US presidential election, Trump | Biden | the presidential election
Has this pair of 157 year old enemies been spared?, For next year's US presidential election, Trump | Biden | the presidential election

77 year old Trump and 80 year old Biden, this pair of old enemies, have been feeling uneasy these days because the other camp has taken action again. On the 28th US time, Trump stated on a program that even if he is convicted of criminal charges, he will continue to run in the 2024 presidential election because "there are no provisions in the US Constitution.". According to Xinhua News Agency, on the 27th, Smith, a special prosecutor appointed by the US Department of Justice, made new charges against Trump for "improper handling of classified documents". The prosecution accused him of instructing his subordinates to delete the surveillance footage of his private residence at Haihu Manor. The prosecution also added an accusation against Trump of intentionally retaining state secrets. Previously, he faced 37 charges in this case. Trump insists that every investigation against him constitutes "political persecution". According to the United States《

Multiple universities disclose the quality of undergraduate students this year: Harbin Institute of Technology ranks among the top ten in the country | Province | Harbin Institute of Technology
Multiple universities disclose the quality of undergraduate students this year: Harbin Institute of Technology ranks among the top ten in the country | Province | Harbin Institute of Technology

In the past two days, several universities have released their transcripts of undergraduate enrollment work for 2023. On July 29th, Harbin Institute of Technology announced that today, our university's 2023 national undergraduate enrollment and admission work has been successfully completed, and the quality of undergraduate students has made new breakthroughs on the basis of three consecutive years of significant improvement. The comprehensive ranking of the lowest admission score in 2023 ranks 10th among universities in China. According to the introduction of Harbin Institute of Technology, the lowest admission score for science and engineering majors in various provinces has increased by more than 600 places on average compared to 2022. The comprehensive ranking of the lowest admission score among universities nationwide has jumped by three places compared to 2022; The number of provinces ranked in the top 9 nationwide has increased from 1 in 2022 to 8, and the number of provinces ranked in the top 10 nationwide has increased from 4 in 2022 to 22. The lowest admission score for 29 provinces is

There are no empty seats! Three questions from the "Two Rivers Village Competition", the final of the Guizhou "Village Super League" has come to an exciting end. Village team | Chejiang | Champion
There are no empty seats! Three questions from the "Two Rivers Village Competition", the final of the Guizhou "Village Super League" has come to an exciting end. Village team | Chejiang | Champion

July 29th is a special "Super Saturday", and the final match of the Huamei Rural Football Super League in Rongjiang County, Qiandongnan Prefecture, Guizhou Province will be held. In the previous group stage, the leading teams Chejiang Yicun and Loyalty Village competed for the championship, while the third place competition was between Changba Village and Xinzhongcun. On the day of the competition, tens of thousands of tourists and fans from all over the country flocked to Rongjiang County, and the stadium was packed with people. At 6 pm, the third place race began. Changba Village team contributed 2 brilliant goals in the first 30 minutes, and the team took the lead. Subsequently, the Changba Village team scored another goal through a fast break. In the second half, the Changba Village team continued to perform well and ultimately won 5-0, earning third place. At around 8 pm, the championship race began. Both sides of the game were chasing each other, and less than a minute into the game, Chejiang Yicun team scored the first goal

Australia wants to build itself into a US missile production base? One ring. This year | Missile | United States
Australia wants to build itself into a US missile production base? One ring. This year | Missile | United States

After meeting with visiting US counterparts on the 29th, Australian Defense Department officials said that Australia plans to establish a missile manufacturing industry in two years. In addition to developing domestically produced missiles from almost scratch, it will also become a part of the US weapons supply chain. After meeting with US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin in Brisbane, Queensland, Australian Defense Minister Richard Mars said: "We hope to witness Australia's start of missile manufacturing in two years." Mars said that this move is to "build our own guided weapons and explosive weapons industry", including the production of guided multiple rocket systems developed by the United States. According to Austin, this project can help the United States "strengthen our cutting-edge technological advantages and consolidate our defense industry foundation.". Interpretation of Agence France Presse Report

A Japanese area has been exposed for concealing excessive levels of chemical substances in domestic water | US military | ground cover
A Japanese area has been exposed for concealing excessive levels of chemical substances in domestic water | US military | ground cover

On the 28th, the Minamoto City Government in Gifu Prefecture, Japan admitted that a domestic water source in the area had been tested for excessive levels of organic fluorine compounds three years ago, with the highest exceeding the limit by nearly 16 times. According to reports from Japanese media such as the Gifu News website, in November 2020, the water in the Mitsui water source area located in Mitsui Higashi cho, Kawahara City was found to have excessive levels of organic fluorine compounds. However, the city government has not disclosed this to the public, and some of the excess water is still being supplied to citizens. In May 2021, authorities inspected all 13 wells in the water source area of Sanjing, among which 7 wells had excessive levels of organic fluorine compounds, with the highest exceeding the limit by 11 times. In November 2022, the organic fluorine compound content in a well was detected to exceed the standard by 15.8 times. On June 29th, people walked on the streets of Shibuya in Tokyo, Japan. Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Xiao

Heavyweight Introduction: Canadian Academician Chen Zhongwei Joins Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Battery | Academician | Chen Zhongwei
Heavyweight Introduction: Canadian Academician Chen Zhongwei Joins Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Battery | Academician | Chen Zhongwei

Academician Chen Zhongwei Data Map of Nanjing University of Technology According to the information of Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, on July 28, the inaugural meeting of the first academic committee of the National Key Laboratory of Energy Catalytic Conversion was successfully held in Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics. After deliberation and approval by the Party Leadership Group of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics invited Chen Zhongwei, an academician of the Royal Canadian Academy of Sciences and the Canadian Academy of Engineering, to serve as the laboratory director. Chen Zhongwei mentioned at the meeting: "The establishment of the Academic Committee of the National Key Laboratory of Energy Catalytic Transformation was under the background of thoroughly implementing the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress and accelerating the restructuring of the State Key Laboratory system. In the future, the laboratory will strengthen strategic cooperation with well-known universities and key enterprises at home and abroad, accelerate the engineering and large-scale development of research results, and actively promote clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient energy

Driving into Lop Nur, all 4 people have died, news has come that Camel | Lop Nur | per person
Driving into Lop Nur, all 4 people have died, news has come that Camel | Lop Nur | per person

On July 29th, the reporter learned from the Dunhuang and Ruoqiang police that there were clues to the missing person who drove into Lop Nur. After receiving the report, the police from both places have rushed to the location where the missing person was found for rescue. Reporters have verified from multiple sources that the missing person has unfortunately died. On the 28th, the police reported that a self driving convoy departed from Dunhuang City on the 22nd and crossed the protected area within Ruoqiang without approval. On the 26th, one vehicle with four people lost contact was discovered on the 27th. Three people had no vital signs, and one person was missing. Industry insiders say that the Luobupo National Wild Camel Nature Reserve in Xinjiang has high temperatures in summer, with the highest surface temperature reaching around 70 degrees Celsius. Reporter's connection to Ruoqiang County: Non local tourists are not allowed to enter the Wild Camel National Nature Reserve without authorization. Yesterday, Orange Persimmon Interactive connected to Ruoqiang County at 12345, and the staff said that within the jurisdiction of the county

The doctor said that Longkou vermicelli cannot be eaten on an empty stomach? There is really a prompt on the packaging, Longkou | Fans | Reminder
The doctor said that Longkou vermicelli cannot be eaten on an empty stomach? There is really a prompt on the packaging, Longkou | Fans | Reminder

Recently, a netizen posted: "After eating Longkou vermicelli for so long, I now realize that I can't eat it on an empty stomach." In the comment section, some netizens who claim to be local to Longkou also introduced that Longkou vermicelli is completely different from rice noodles and cannot be used as a staple food. "It should be eaten as a dish.". If taken on an empty stomach, the stomach will feel uncomfortable. The reporter visited offline supermarkets and found that most of the packaging bags of Longkou vermicelli did indeed have relevant labels such as "not suitable for empty stomach consumption" printed on them. Previously, due to the convenience of purchasing, storing, and fat free Longkou vermicelli, it was used as a staple food by some people during the weight loss period, but their characteristic of not being able to be consumed on an empty stomach was overlooked. Why can't Longkou vermicelli be eaten on an empty stomach? What effects does eating on an empty stomach have on the human body? In response, the reporter interviewed Peng Xichun, Deputy Chief Physician of the Nutrition Department at Changsha Central Hospital. Some netizens have analyzed that Longkou fans cannot be on an empty stomach

Over 900 cases have occurred!, The measles outbreak has caused over 80% of hospitals to stop providing services! Coordination | Hospital | Outbreak Here
Over 900 cases have occurred!, The measles outbreak has caused over 80% of hospitals to stop providing services! Coordination | Hospital | Outbreak Here

On July 28th local time, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs released a report on the situation in Sudan, stating that over 80% of hospitals in the country have ceased services. Over 60 hospitals, which are still operating with the help of humanitarian aid organizations, are expected to run out of medical supplies in the next two weeks. The report points out that due to the disruption of basic public health services, some infectious diseases that were already under control before the conflict are erupting. Currently, 28 regions in 11 states have experienced measles outbreaks, with over 900 reported cases. The report also points out that the armed conflict in Sudan has caused over 3.5 million people to be displaced, of which nearly 2.7 million have been displaced within Sudan and over 820000 have fled to neighboring countries for refuge. On April 15th, armed conflicts broke out between the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Force in the capital city of Khartoum and other areas

First time! Journalist's Dialogue on Oil Transport 20, J-20, and J-16 Pilots, "Five Airplanes in Same Frame" Air Force | Aerial Refueling | Same Frame
First time! Journalist's Dialogue on Oil Transport 20, J-20, and J-16 Pilots, "Five Airplanes in Same Frame" Air Force | Aerial Refueling | Same Frame

"Five machines in the same frame", for the first time! At the Air Force Aviation Open Event · Changchun Aviation Exhibition held in Changchun, one Y-20, two J-20, and two J-16 aircraft shook the field for the first time with low altitude refueling configurations. This is also the first time that the active main combat equipment of the Y-20, J-20, and J-16 People's Air Force has been publicly displayed in a five aircraft formation. Less than a year after the Air Force first released photos of the Y-20, J-20, and J-16 aircraft in the same frame, these three types of aircraft made a stunning appearance in a five aircraft formation, presenting their comprehensive system capabilities. What are the difficulties in demonstrating "Five Machines in One Frame"? What are the practical significance of such technical and tactical actions? What kind of winning ability does the People's Air Force possess? Regarding these issues, Xinhua News Agency reporters recently had a conversation with Yunyou-20

Heavy rainfall in Pakistan over the past month has caused at least 173 deaths in Punjab Province | Report | Pakistan
Heavy rainfall in Pakistan over the past month has caused at least 173 deaths in Punjab Province | Report | Pakistan

The National Disaster Management Agency of Pakistan released a report on the 29th, stating that since June 25th, floods caused by heavy rainfall have caused at least 173 deaths and 260 injuries in the country. The report states that Punjab Province in the east is the hardest hit region, with floods caused by heavy rainfall resulting in at least 67 deaths in the province. At least 1485 houses were destroyed in floods throughout Pakistan, with 475 livestock lost. Multiple roads in the northern and northwestern regions were cut off due to floods or landslides caused by heavy rainfall. Pakistan's meteorological department said that rainstorm may occur in the southwest Baluchistan Province in the next two days, and relevant departments should pay attention to the risk of mountain torrents and landslides. At present, the Pakistani government, non-profit organizations, and volunteers are conducting rescue efforts in the disaster area.

Economic Daily: Calculating Two Books for Centralized Cooling: Guangzhou University | Jinan | Two Books
Economic Daily: Calculating Two Books for Centralized Cooling: Guangzhou University | Jinan | Two Books

This summer, the global average temperature has broken records multiple times. The high temperature is unbearable, and the public yearns for coolness. The old technology concept of centralized cooling has regained its youthful vitality and has recently appeared on social media hot searches multiple times. The principle of centralized cooling is similar to that of winter centralized heating in northern China. It involves regulating the water temperature at the cold station and transporting cold water through pipelines to the user's terminal for cooling. As early as 2000, China issued the "Regulations on the Development of cogeneration", encouraging various regions to develop urban hot water supply and centralized cooling, expand summer cooling load, and improve annual operating efficiency. Some cities have been exploring the construction of regional cooling systems since then. At present, there are regional centralized cooling systems in Shenzhen Qianhai, Guangzhou University City, Beijing Zhongguancun, Jinan Central Business District, and other places. What is the prospect of centralized cooling? Can you enter ordinary people's homes? this

Liaoning is taking action on 20 situations that affect revitalization and development, including policies that are obscure and difficult to understand, and arbitrary law enforcement units | work | situation
Liaoning is taking action on 20 situations that affect revitalization and development, including policies that are obscure and difficult to understand, and arbitrary law enforcement units | work | situation

On July 29th, Liaoning held a teleconference on the deployment of measures to clean up and revitalize development, requiring party and government organs at all levels and public enterprises and institutions in the province to focus on comparing 20 situations and conscientiously carry out the cleaning work, achieving phased results by the end of August this year. According to the WeChat official account "Liaoning Daily", the 20 key clean-up situations specifically include: 1. The policy terms are obscure, the undertaker, the implementation standard and the work boundary are not clear, and the subordinate units cannot implement and implement them. 2. If the policy is not publicly released in a timely manner or interpreted insufficiently, which affects the implementation and implementation of the policy. 3. Inadequate and incomplete implementation of policies, and failure to adjust or withdraw temporary policy measures in a timely manner. 4. Compared with advanced regions, the administrative approval process for the same matter is complex, time-consuming, with multiple requirements and repeated submissions,

You are Qin Haiyang, He allowed him to excel in the World Championships | Results | Qin Haiyang
You are Qin Haiyang, He allowed him to excel in the World Championships | Results | Qin Haiyang

On July 28, 2023, at the FINA World Championships, Chinese athlete Qin Haiyang broke the men's 200m breaststroke world record with a time of 2:05:48 and won the championship. At this point, Qin Haiyang became the first athlete in history to win all the gold medals in the men's 50m, 100m, and 200m breaststroke at a single World Championships. At the age of only 24, he rewrote the history of the FINA. After the competition, Qin Haiyang said, "People think no one can win, but I did it. I am very happy to create a world record!" In the comment section, countless netizens sent blessings: "He is as strong as he is, you are Qin Haiyang!" "Congratulations on winning the 'breaststroke gift package'!" Before this year's World Championships, Chinese athletes had never won a championship in the men's breaststroke event. Qin Haiyang's "Emerging from the Sky" makes up for the short distance of Chinese men's breaststroke

Has someone else renovated a house that has been bought for nearly 10 years? Developer: Under processing Property | Ms. | Developer
Has someone else renovated a house that has been bought for nearly 10 years? Developer: Under processing Property | Ms. | Developer

Recently, Ms. Yang from Liaoning reported to the Pengpai Quality View Complaint Platform that she purchased a house in Tieling in 2014 and was suddenly informed by the property management in July of this year that the house was being renovated. Ms. Yang introduced that the house was mortgaged by the developer Tieling Tianfu Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. to the loan company, but due to failure to repay on time, the house was taken away by the loan company. Regarding this, the person in charge of the developer told Pengpai News that mediation is currently underway. Ms. Yang introduced that in June 2010, relatives purchased a house of over 90 square meters in Tieling City. At the end of that year, she spent 162000 yuan from her relatives to buy this house, hoping to live in it for her father who had difficulty walking. Both parties have signed relevant agreements. Ms. Yang said that unexpectedly, the developer filed a lawsuit before the house was delivered in 2011. In the end, she and the developer

Guangming Daily focuses on the new story of the Tanggua Lane: Shanghai explores a new model of "demolishing and rebuilding old houses" in Shanghai
Guangming Daily focuses on the new story of the Tanggua Lane: Shanghai explores a new model of "demolishing and rebuilding old houses" in Shanghai

When it comes to making melons, almost everyone in old Shanghai knows about it. In the 1970s, an article titled "The Potato Melon Has Changed" was included in elementary school Chinese textbooks, making it famous nationwide. Nowadays, a renovation project of old houses that have been demolished and rebuilt is underway here, with the potential to explore a path of urban renewal that improves quality, controls costs, and is sustainable. Located in the city center, next to Shanghai Railway Station, the Fanggua Lane, formerly known as Yaojiazhai, was a famous shantytown. After the establishment of the People's Republic of China, Shanghai carried out renovations on the Tibetan melon lane. In the 1960s, this became the first pilot project for the renovation of shantytowns in Shanghai, and the first 5-story worker's new village in Shanghai was built. Fangua Lane became a landmark building in the Zhabei area and even Shanghai at that time. When I was a child, when it comes to living in a watermelon alley

The "Burning of Scriptures" Incident: Sweden and Muslim Countries Add New Grudges Religion | Speech | Iraq | Immigration | Quran | Burning | Muslims | Sweden
The "Burning of Scriptures" Incident: Sweden and Muslim Countries Add New Grudges Religion | Speech | Iraq | Immigration | Quran | Burning | Muslims | Sweden

Since last year, incidents of discrimination against Muslims have occurred in Nordic countries such as Sweden, which has aroused strong dissatisfaction among Muslim countries. With the recent resurgence of the burning of the Quran in Sweden and other countries, Muslim countries have launched boycotts on the diplomacy and commerce of Nordic countries, and the conflict between the two sides seems to be escalating. Frequent incidents of burning Quran occurred in Sweden. Last year, Danish politician Rasmus Parudan toured multiple cities in Sweden to burn the Quran, causing large-scale riots and condemnation from multiple Muslim countries. President Erdogan of Türkiye even said that if Sweden continued to allow the burning of the Koran, it would not expect to join NATO. However, on July 20th this year, a 36 year old man named Sarwan Momika from Iraq who obtained refugee status in Sweden was in Iraq

Legal Daily article: Multi angle efforts to rectify the chaotic framework of financial debt collection. Meanwhile, from a financial perspective
Legal Daily article: Multi angle efforts to rectify the chaotic framework of financial debt collection. Meanwhile, from a financial perspective

Resolutely fighting the battle to prevent and resolve financial risks is an important task for China at present. The domestic debt collection industry plays an irreplaceable role in preventing and resolving financial risks, and achieving the healthy development of the debt collection industry has become an important lever for resolving the accumulated risk of non-performing assets, improving the financial governance system, and enhancing financial governance capabilities. However, there are currently many irregularities in the domestic collection industry, which to some extent affect the healthy development and stable prosperity of the financial market. One is the diversity of violent collection methods. Driven by interests, some collection personnel infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of debtors through soft or direct violent means such as containment, entanglement, harassment, threats, intimidation, and exposure, while others illegally obtain the privacy of debtors themselves and their relatives and friends, crazily harass and intimidate debtors themselves and their relatives and friends, and even threaten to come to their doorstep

Fulfill duties and fulfill responsibilities to safeguard safety positions | Emergency | Safety
Fulfill duties and fulfill responsibilities to safeguard safety positions | Emergency | Safety

In recent years, the emergency management team has always kept in mind the mission of "saving the people from water and fire, helping them in danger, and giving them strength". They have charged forward when the people need it the most, and bravely fought to maintain the safety of their lives and property. Let's approach the "most beautiful emergency management workers" and listen to their stories. To go through fire and water to ensure safety, there is a team that goes all out to support major emergency rescue missions, and sets out for international rescue operations to showcase China's image. They are known as the "vanguard" of international rescue, and they are the Chinese rescue team. In February this year, two strong earthquakes occurred in the southeast of Türkiye, and 82 members of the Chinese rescue team were moved by the news. After entering the earthquake stricken area, they carried out rescue operations 24 hours a day without interruption and successfully rescued 6 survivors.

Focus Interview: Coming to Chengdu to See the Appearance of Youth Director | College Student | Chengdu
Focus Interview: Coming to Chengdu to See the Appearance of Youth Director | College Student | Chengdu

CCTV News: On the evening of July 28th, the 31st World University Summer Games officially opened in Chengdu. The World University Games are hosted by the International University Sports Federation, including the "Summer Games" and "Winter Games", and are held every two years. They are only open to college students and those who have graduated for no more than 2 years and are aged 17-28. The Universiade attracted 6500 athletes from 113 countries and regions worldwide, making it the largest number of participants in the history of the Universiade. This is also the first time Chengdu has hosted an international level large-scale sports event. This morning, Chinese team player Cao Maoyuan won the first gold medal in the martial arts event Nanquan at this year's Universiade. On the banks of Dong'an Lake in Chengdu, the magnified 2.7 million times "Sun God Bird" shines brightly under the night sky

Why Urban Strolling Has Became a Popular Style, Hot Review | "Take a Walk on the Streets of Chengdu" Space | City | Chengdu
Why Urban Strolling Has Became a Popular Style, Hot Review | "Take a Walk on the Streets of Chengdu" Space | City | Chengdu

The central axis of Beijing, Wukang Road in Shanghai, and the mountain and sea trails in Xiamen... either savoring the bustling city alone, or sharing the fireworks with friends, or even forming an "urban observation group" with a group of unfamiliar participants. Urban strolls, with their open definition, rich connotation, and rich cultural atmosphere, have become a new fashion for young people. According to incomplete statistics, users of a certain social platform have walked 320000 kilometers in the past year, which is equivalent to circling the Earth 8 times. "Take a walk with me on the streets of Chengdu until all the lights go out and don't stop." The holding of the Chengdu Universiade has made many people hum this popular folk song again. The "Yulin Road" and "Little Tavern" mentioned in it are the "check-in landmarks" where countless literary and artistic youth come to Chengdu. These days, take a walk on the streets of Chengdu to see

Chengdu Universiade | Unveiled Them Let the World Know Chengdu - Approaching the Opening Ceremony of Chengdu Universiade "Rongbao" Actor Action | Rongbao | Universiade
Chengdu Universiade | Unveiled Them Let the World Know Chengdu - Approaching the Opening Ceremony of Chengdu Universiade "Rongbao" Actor Action | Rongbao | Universiade

Chengdu, July 29th (Xinhua) - "When I walk to the chairman's podium, I will spin twice and try my best to jump higher." This is the "Rongbao" exclusive action designed by Kang Xinmeng for herself, because she cannot show her face during the performance. She informed her family in advance, hoping that they can recognize her through this action at the opening ceremony of the Chengdu Universiade. At the opening ceremony of the Chengdu Universiade on the evening of the 28th, during the delegation's entrance, each team was accompanied by a cute "Rongbao". Some played and frolicked with the athletes, some posed in various styles to meet their group photo requirements, and some walked in front of the team, using all their abilities to attract the audience's attention... Due to many foreign team members competing to take photos with "Rongbao", there was also a small congestion. On July 28th, the mascot "Rongbao" of the Chengdu Universiade was unveiled

Nurturing the Fruit of Hope, China News Network Review: "China's Positive Energy" Sows Good Seed Network | Positive Energy | Hope
Nurturing the Fruit of Hope, China News Network Review: "China's Positive Energy" Sows Good Seed Network | Positive Energy | Hope

Beijing, July 29th (Xinhua) - There is a group of ordinary people who sow the seeds of goodness, nurture the fruits of hope, and harvest many stories of "positive energy". They persevered in ordinary positions, created extraordinary achievements, and gathered together to achieve this extraordinary era. Heroes are by their side, they do extraordinary things with a calm heart, and gather great love in the world with small love. "Chinese Good Person" Chen Yixiang and his family of five generations have been relay for nearly 90 years, guarding the Tomb of Unknown Red Army Martyrs and thanking their ancestors for exchanging their blood for their current happy life; Fu Guozhong, a 94 year old retired teacher from Hainan, donated over ten million yuan from his family for decades to support the education industry in his hometown and help countless students fulfill their dreams; Xinjiang porter Wusimanjiang? Khan stepped forward in times of crisis, bravely rescued drowning youths, and wrote the great love of the world with his life... Helping the needy and having fun

Minimizing Disaster Losses, People's Daily Review: Fully Responding to the "Dussuri" Intensity | Typhoon | Disaster
Minimizing Disaster Losses, People's Daily Review: Fully Responding to the "Dussuri" Intensity | Typhoon | Disaster

On the morning of July 28th, Typhoon Du Suri made landfall along the coast of Jinjiang, Fujian. "Du Suri" is the strongest typhoon to make landfall in China this year and the second strongest typhoon to make landfall in Fujian since complete observation records. It has the characteristics of high intensity, sufficient water vapor, wide impact range, and long duration. Affected by it, gales and torrential rains occurred in the coastal areas of Fujian. At the landing site of the typhoon and its adjacent areas, people were injured, trees were blown down, and power was cut off in some places, which could not be underestimated. Typhoon is a highly destructive and catastrophic weather system, and its passage can easily damage buildings, vehicles, etc., affecting normal production operations and threatening the safety of people's lives. At the same time, China is currently in a critical period of flood prevention. When typhoons are added during the flood season, it may cause disasters such as urban and rural waterlogging, local flash floods, landslides, and collapse of old houses

Chengdu Universiade | Shu Embroidery Guiding Sign at the Opening Ceremony of the Universiade is from Their Hand China | Guiding Sign | Universiade
Chengdu Universiade | Shu Embroidery Guiding Sign at the Opening Ceremony of the Universiade is from Their Hand China | Guiding Sign | Universiade

On the evening of July 29th, at 8:00 pm, the opening ceremony of the 31st Chengdu Summer Universiade was held at the main stadium of Dong'an Lake Sports Park. At the opening ceremony, Shu brocade and Shu embroidery elements became a recurring highlight. The opening ceremony director team specially invited inheritors of Sichuan embroidery intangible cultural heritage to design and produce entry guide signs for athletes. The entrance guide sign is handmade by Hao Shuping, a representative inheritor of the national intangible cultural heritage project of Shu embroidery and a master of Chinese arts and crafts, as well as members of her studio, on Shu brocade stitch by stitch. The guide sign frame is selected with lacquer patterns, and the fabric is made of sub golden retro patterned Shu brocade. The Ruyi pattern is embroidered on the four corners using Shu embroidery techniques; Embroidered the emblem of the International Sports Federation, the emblem of this Universiade, and the name of the country in both Chinese and English. Hao Shuping is embroidering guide signs. Xinhua News Agency reporter

Be vigilant! A new routine for hitting porcelain on highways: slingshot+olive wine driving | vehicles | slingshot
Be vigilant! A new routine for hitting porcelain on highways: slingshot+olive wine driving | vehicles | slingshot

Driving a rented luxury car and colliding with passing vehicles on the highway; Crouching near a restaurant, specifically searching for vehicles suspected of drunk driving to collide with... The scammers constantly renovate their porcelain collision patterns, making it difficult for some experienced drivers to distinguish between truth and falsehood, resulting in heavy losses. Recently, the People's Procuratorate of Huishan District, Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province, handled a case in which the defendant committed several crimes in this way, defrauding more than 100000 yuan. In September 2022, Mr. Xu drove a small passenger car from Tianchang, Anhui to Shanghai, and was driving on the Shanghai Chengdu Expressway when he suddenly heard a slight abnormal noise from the car body while changing lanes. Because the car was driving normally, Mr. Xu did not pay attention. Not long after, a silver Mercedes Benz car rushed from behind and drove side by side with Mr. Xu. The Mercedes Benz driver rolled the car window to signal Mr. Xu to stop and approached several times

Wagner has indeed started to take action, and Poland is in a hurry
Wagner has indeed started to take action, and Poland is in a hurry

Source author: After the failure of the Wagner mutiny, Niu Danqin was transferred to Belarus. Which country is the most tense? It's not Russia, it's not Ukraine, it's not Belarus, it's Poland. Because Poland bears the brunt. Polish Prime Minister Morawitzki issued an alert on the 29th. According to information available to Poland, over 100 Wagner mercenaries have been deployed to the border between Belarus and Poland and are moving towards the Suwaukee Corridor. According to him, they are premeditating a "mixed attack" on Poland. It is necessary to mention the strategic location of the Suwauki Corridor. The Suwauki Corridor is located between the border of Lithuania and Poland, with a length of 70 kilometers. This corridor separates Belarus from the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad. This corridor is also between the Baltic States and other EU countries

Another batch of suspected illegal social organizations exposed by companies | committees | society
Another batch of suspected illegal social organizations exposed by companies | committees | society

The second batch of suspected illegal social organizations in 2023, including the China Quality Enterprise Research and Evaluation Committee, was announced by the Ministry of Civil Affairs on July 28. The list includes 10 companies, including the China Quality Enterprise Research and Evaluation Committee, the China Association of Scenic Spots, the China Sanghuang Association, the China High tech Agriculture Development Investment Alliance, the National Committee of Traditional Chinese Medicine Experts, the China Time Bank Volunteer Association, the China Positive Energy Public Welfare Federation, the China Physicians and Nurses Association, the China Credit Research Association, and the China Beauty and Health Industry Association. The Ministry of Civil Affairs reminds the general public to be vigilant and avoid being deceived. If you discover any activity clues of these organizations, you can log in to the "China Social Organization Government Service Platform" to file a complaint and report. In May 2023, the first batch of suspected illegal social groups

Plus!, Conquering key core technologies and solving "bottleneck" problems | Enterprise | bottleneck
Plus!, Conquering key core technologies and solving "bottleneck" problems | Enterprise | bottleneck

Specialized, refined, and innovative small and medium-sized enterprises are an important force in tackling key core technologies and solving bottleneck problems. They are also the main participants in China's integration into the global industrial and supply chain system. The 2023 National Conference on the Development of Specialized, Refined, Special, and New Small and Medium sized Enterprises, held this week, has released a positive signal of support for the strengthening of specialized, refined, special, and new policies. The soul of "specialization, refinement, novelty" lies in innovation. Jin Zhuanglong, Minister of Industry and Information Technology of China, introduced at the Development Conference that as of now, there are 98000 specialized, refined, novelty, and novelty small and medium-sized enterprises and 12000 "little giant" enterprises cultivated nationwide. Taking over 1600 listed specialized and innovative enterprises as samples, one can glimpse their development characteristics. Li Yan, Deputy Director of the Small and Medium sized Enterprise Development Promotion Center of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, introduced that listed specialized, refined, and innovative enterprises are distributed in 30 provincial-level administrative regions across the country. Currently ranked in the top 5

A 25-year-old girl was taken into the emergency room by her boyfriend at 2am! Final confirmation: unable to recover! This habit caused her to accumulate water | surgery | emergency room
A 25-year-old girl was taken into the emergency room by her boyfriend at 2am! Final confirmation: unable to recover! This habit caused her to accumulate water | surgery | emergency room

This season of the year is a busy time for urology departments in major hospitals. The reporter learned from Li Huili Hospital of Ningbo Medical Center that the hospital received nearly 30 patients with urinary tract stones in a single day at most. Director of Urology, Long Huimin, reminds that stones are not a small problem. If not treated promptly, they can cause irreversible damage to the kidneys and even endanger life. A 25-year-old girl was brought to the emergency room for coffee and milk tea in the middle of the night at 2am, while a 25-year-old Xiaohan was taken by her boyfriend to the emergency room of Li Huili Hospital. She covered her stomach and frowned tightly, her face pale and painful, unable to speak. Around 11 pm, Xiaohan began to experience stomach pain. This kind of pain is different from eating bad food and having diarrhea in the past, and the pain is particularly strong. The pain is mainly in the waist, and she curled up in bed trembling, seeing this situation