The world

What does Japan want to do?, Modi | Japan | Economic Group Visiting India with Rare Scale
What does Japan want to do?, Modi | Japan | Economic Group Visiting India with Rare Scale

According to the Nihon Keizai Shimbun on July 6, former Japanese Prime Minister Yoshiwei Kan, who is visiting India, will hold talks with Indian Prime Minister Modi on July 6. He will call for an improvement in the business environment and support Japanese companies entering India. The delegation visiting India this time has a large scale, including 101 economic professionals from 54 enterprises in the fields of finance, infrastructure, etc. According to reports, Yoshihide Suga visited the construction site of a high-speed railway assisted by Japan in Ahmedabad on the 5th. After the visit, he told the media, "Building a high-speed rail will drive India's economic growth. We hope that through cooperation between the two countries, this project can progress smoothly." Yoshihide Suga took over from former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in January and served as the President of the Japan India Association to promote friendly and friendly activities between Japan and India. ▲ Information image: Former Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga

"He is responsible for at least 300000 deaths," Lula criticized the Bosonaro pandemic
"He is responsible for at least 300000 deaths," Lula criticized the Bosonaro pandemic

According to a report by Effe, Brazilian President Lula stated on July 5th that his predecessor Bosonaro's "irresponsible" attitude during the epidemic "cannot escape punishment", and this far right leader will "one day" face legal sanctions. It is reported that Lula made the above statement while attending the closing ceremony of a meeting of public health workers. He reviewed the suffering of Brazil during the COVID-19 epidemic. The epidemic has caused over 700000 deaths in Brazil. According to the report, Lula once again attributes this "tragedy" to Bosonaro's "denialism". The extreme right-wing former president led a radical anti vaccine campaign at that time, denied the seriousness of COVID-19, and urged the society to resist the restrictions announced by local authorities. Lula said, "This denier who once ruled this country must at least..."

Local official announcement: The Municipal Party Committee and Government have established a special team to deal with the bullying incident of minors in Jiexiu, Shanxi Province. Family | bullying | incident
Local official announcement: The Municipal Party Committee and Government have established a special team to deal with the bullying incident of minors in Jiexiu, Shanxi Province. Family | bullying | incident

According to @ Jiexiu's Weibo account on July 6th, a recent bullying incident involving minors in Jiexiu City has sparked widespread public discussion. After the incident, the Jiexiu Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government established a special team to handle it, and the relevant situation is now reported. At 16:45 on June 18th, the 110 Command Center of Jiexiu Public Security Bureau received a report from the father of the victim, Li, stating that his son had been beaten and insulted by three minors. The local Zhanglan police station immediately dispatched police to conduct investigations and visits. As both parties were attending school from June 19th to 21st, the police utilized the parties' after-school time to carry out work, collect and fix evidence according to the case handling procedures, and investigate the facts of the case. After investigation, at around 3:00 pm on June 17th, Lang 1, Yuan, and Lang 2 passed near Changtaiyuan Community in Zhanglan Town and encountered

Shanxi Province reports unilateral traffic accidents on buses: 4 deaths and 13 injuries, unilateral | traffic accidents | buses
Shanxi Province reports unilateral traffic accidents on buses: 4 deaths and 13 injuries, unilateral | traffic accidents | buses

Report from Lan County, Lvliang, Shanxi Province: A unilateral traffic accident occurred on a bus, resulting in 4 deaths and 13 injuries. On July 5, 2023, at around 18:00, a unilateral traffic accident occurred on a bus in Tunying Village, Puming Town, Lan County, National Highway 209. The accident caused one person to die on the spot, three people died despite rescue and treatment, one person was seriously injured, and 12 people were lightly injured. The cause of the accident is under further investigation. On July 6, 2023, the News Office of the People's Government of Lan County reported that a bus accident occurred in Lan County, Shanxi Province. CCTV reporters learned from relevant departments in Shanxi Province that on the afternoon of July 5, a bus accident occurred in Tunying Village, Puming Town, Lan County, Lvliang City, Shanxi Province, causing multiple casualties.

Single Guangxiu takes on a new role, with the central government deciding on China Construction Group Co., Ltd. | Party Group | Central Committee
Single Guangxiu takes on a new role, with the central government deciding on China Construction Group Co., Ltd. | Party Group | Central Committee

According to the official website of China State Construction Corporation Limited, on July 3rd, China State Construction Corporation Limited held a party committee meeting and announced the central government's decision to appoint Comrade Dan Guangxiu as a director and deputy party secretary of China State Construction Corporation Limited, and dismiss him from his position as deputy general manager of China State Construction Corporation Limited. The appointment and removal of relevant positions shall be handled in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. According to the official resume, Dan Guangxiu is a female senior economist with a university degree and a master's degree. Current Director and Deputy Secretary of the Party Group of China State Construction Corporation Limited, Vice President of China State Construction Corporation Limited, and Vice President of China State Construction Strategic Research Institute. She has previously served as the Deputy General Manager of the Human Resources Department of China Construction Engineering Corporation, Director, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, and Deputy General Manager of China Construction First Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd., and General Manager of the Human Resources Department of China Construction Group Co., Ltd

The Chinese expert from the IAEA Assessment Technology Working Group revealed a surprising situation! International | Japanese | Working Group
The Chinese expert from the IAEA Assessment Technology Working Group revealed a surprising situation! International | Japanese | Working Group

On July 4th, the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Grossy, who is currently visiting Japan, submitted a comprehensive assessment report from the IAEA on the discharge of water from a multi nuclide treatment facility into the sea to the Japanese government. Regarding this, Chinese expert Liu Senlin, a researcher at the China Academy of Atomic Energy Sciences, who participated in the IAEA's technical working group on evaluating the discharge of ALPS water from Fukushima, expressed regret to the media that the IAEA did not fully consult with the technical working group experts to hastily release a comprehensive assessment report. Liu Linlin mentioned that this report was released in the name of Director General Grossy. Although the IAEA Secretariat had solicited the opinions of technical working group experts on the draft report before its release, the time window left for experts was very limited, and the expert opinions were only for reference. Whether to adopt it was decided by the IAEA Secretariat

And not just one thing!, Oolong incident in the United States celebrates National Day with the US Navy | Image | United States
And not just one thing!, Oolong incident in the United States celebrates National Day with the US Navy | Image | United States

July 4th is Independence Day in the United States, also known as National Day. Celebrating Independence Day was supposed to be a grand and serious event, but the United States has been plagued by a series of serious incidents. The US Pacific Fleet mistakenly used photos of Russian fighter jets to celebrate Independence Day. According to a report on the website of the Russian newspaper "Shimbun" on July 4th, the US Pacific Fleet released a picture to celebrate Independence Day, but the picture showed silhouettes of Russian Su-27 fighter jets and Soviet Type 61 large anti submarine ships. This move has caught the attention of the "Militarist" channel on the "Telegraph" social app. According to a picture report released by the US Pacific Fleet on Independence Day, the channel stated in a message released on the 4th: "Today's tweet is about the US Navy's Pacific Fleet releasing pictures of Su-27 fighter jets and Type 61 anti submarine ships to celebrate."

Apples are punished! Advertising violator | website | advertisement
Apples are punished! Advertising violator | website | advertisement

The website of the National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System shows that recently, Apple Electronic Products Trading Co., Ltd. was fined 30000 yuan by the Dongcheng District Market Supervision Administration of Beijing for violating Article 8, Paragraph 1 of the Advertising Law of the People's Republic of China. According to the main illegal facts displayed on the website of the National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System, after investigation, the parties involved posted advertisements on the homepage of the "iPhone Annual Renewal Plan" for their iPhone annual renewal plan. The advertisement includes content such as "Upgrade to the new iPhone easily" and "If you want to join the annual iPhone refresh plan, simply purchase a specified new iPhone and add the AppleCare+service plan in the same transaction to join.". After investigation, the annual renovation plan is as follows:

"Annual Minimum Sun" Xiaoshu Appears in Orbit | Earth | Sun
"Annual Minimum Sun" Xiaoshu Appears in Orbit | Earth | Sun

On the 7th, we will welcome the Xiaoshu solar term. At 4:7 pm on the same day, the Earth will reach the aphelion of its orbit, which is the farthest time of the year for the Earth from the Sun. People will see a "minimum sun of the year". Why is the distance between the Earth and the Sun so close and so far? Will the weather become cooler when the sun is far away? Astronomical science popularization experts from the Chinese Academy of Sciences will reveal your secrets. Wang Kechao, the science popularization director of the Purple Mountain Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, introduced that the orbit of the Earth around the sun is not a circle, but an ellipse with an eccentricity of 0.0167. On this elliptical orbit, the closest point to the sun is called the perihelion, and the farthest point is called the aphelion. The distance between the sun and the earth is not fixed either. The average distance between the sun and the earth is about 149.6 million kilometers, with 152.1 million kilometers at aphelion and 147.1 million kilometers at perihelion

"All inheritance is left to her", "Li Wen has a will. Li Silin | sister | inheritance
"All inheritance is left to her", "Li Wen has a will. Li Silin | sister | inheritance

This year should have been the 30th anniversary of singer Coco Lee's debut, but she chose to end her life on July 2nd, which is heartbreaking. Sister reminisces about the moment when Coco Lee passed away. Coco Lee's second sister, Li Silin, said in an interview that she hasn't slept since CoCo was admitted to the hospital on July 2nd and can't believe her sister's suicide. She said, "My heart seems to be shattered! Every time I walk to the hospital room and watch my sister display her heartbeat and respiratory index, I stare at her every second. When I hear a beep, my whole body trembles." Li Silin said that her mother is a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner and refuses to give up, insisting on saving CoCo. "CoCo was sent to the hospital. At the beginning of the hospital, the doctor said that her sister's brain cells had died, but her mother refused to give up and stood in front of the hospital bed unwilling to sit down. She insisted on administering injections to her sister for treatment, and in order to make the last effort, Li Wen felt heartbroken

What's the difference?, The first "weight loss miracle drug" in China has been officially approved! And the registration certificate for Smegglutide, which makes Musk lose 18 pounds a month, | Liraglutide | Musk
What's the difference?, The first "weight loss miracle drug" in China has been officially approved! And the registration certificate for Smegglutide, which makes Musk lose 18 pounds a month, | Liraglutide | Musk

On July 5th, Huadong Pharmaceutical announced that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Hangzhou Zhongmei Huadong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., had recently received a Drug Registration Certificate approved and issued by the National Medical Products Administration. The application for marketing permission for the indication of obesity or overweight of Liraglutide Injection applied by Zhongmei Huadong was approved. Huadong Pharmaceutical's "Liraglutide" is the first domestically produced Liraglutide injection biosimilar drug. In March this year, Liluping was approved by the State Drug Administration to control blood sugar in adult patients with type 2 diabetes. The approval of the marketing license for the obesity or overweight indication of Liraglutide indicates that Huadong Pharmaceutical's Liraglutide has become the first GLP-1 weight loss drug in China. Previously, we reported on the "weight loss miracle drug" Smegler, which helped Tesla CEO Musk lose 18 pounds per month

Chongqing is the first! She was elected as a member of the American Academy of Nursing | Nursing | USA
Chongqing is the first! She was elected as a member of the American Academy of Nursing | Nursing | USA

On July 5th, Upstream News learned from the First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University that the American Academy of Nursing recently released the results of the 2023 academician selection, and the director of the nursing department, Zhao Qinghua, was elected as an academician of the American Academy of Nursing. Zhao Qinghua is also the first person in Chongqing to receive this honor. Professor Zhao Qinghua is currently the Director of the Nursing Department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University and the Vice Dean of the School of Nursing at Chongqing Medical University. She is also a recipient of the 45th Nightingale Award and has been awarded the title of National March 8th Red Flag bearer. Zhao Qinghua has long been committed to research on the integration of elderly care and medical care, patient safety, and nursing management. Hosted 41 scientific research projects, published over 370 scientific research papers, edited and co edited 30 monographs and textbooks, and won 12 scientific research and teaching achievement awards.

Biden: The United States fully, completely, and completely supports Sweden's accession to NATO. Biden | Sweden | United States
Biden: The United States fully, completely, and completely supports Sweden's accession to NATO. Biden | Sweden | United States

According to comprehensive reports, on the 5th local time, US President Biden expressed full support for Sweden's accession to NATO during a meeting with Swedish Prime Minister Christsson, and he is "eagerly" looking forward to Sweden's accession. According to the White House website, Biden met with Christson on the same day and reiterated the close ties between the United States and Sweden. Biden said that the United States is preparing for the upcoming NATO summit, and "I would like to reiterate that the United States fully, fully, and fully supports Sweden's accession to NATO.". Biden stated that the bottom line for Sweden's accession to NATO is simple: "Sweden will make our alliance stronger and share the same values as us.". "I am really looking forward to, eagerly anticipating Sweden's joining," Biden said. Finland and Sweden applied to join NATO in May 2022. Finland officially joined NATO in April 2023. Soil

Lin Longyan, former chairman of the "Hong Kong Zhongzhi" organization, was arrested for building a platform to fund fugitive countries | Zhongzhi | Hong Kong
Lin Longyan, former chairman of the "Hong Kong Zhongzhi" organization, was arrested for building a platform to fund fugitive countries | Zhongzhi | Hong Kong

According to Hong Kong's Sing Tao Daily, the National Security Department of the Hong Kong police arrested four people on the 5th, who were suspected of "colluding with foreign or foreign forces to endanger national security" and "colluding to produce acts of incitement", including former chairman of the Hong Kong Solidarity Organization, Lin Langyan. The police investigation shows that the arrested person collected funds through operating companies, social media platforms, and mobile applications to support overseas fugitives in continuing activities that endanger national security. The arrested person has also repeatedly posted messages with inciting intent through relevant social media platforms. According to the court warrant, the police searched the residence and office of the arrested person and seized relevant documents and electronic communication tools. The arrested person is currently being detained for investigation, and the police action continues. It is not ruled out that more people will be arrested. It is reported that all four arrested individuals were

Is ice used to cool down at Changsha South Station? Station: The air conditioning is not broken with ice cubes | Air conditioning | Station
Is ice used to cool down at Changsha South Station? Station: The air conditioning is not broken with ice cubes | Air conditioning | Station

On July 5th, a netizen posted a video claiming that ice was used to cool down at Changsha South Station. Netizens questioned whether the air conditioning was malfunctioning. From the video, it can be seen that there are many blue plastic boxes placed in the waiting hall, each containing large ice cubes. The photographer stated that the most advanced stations often use the most primitive cooling methods. On July 6th, according to a boiling point video report, the staff explained that there was air conditioning to cool down, and using ice to cool down was a temporary measure with special circumstances. On the morning of July 6th, Jiupai News contacted the staff of Changsha South Station, who clearly stated that the air conditioning was not broken. The reporter asked, what is the reason for using ice to cool down while the air conditioning is not broken? The staff stated that the issue can be further interviewed by the station party and government office. The reporter searched social media and found that many netizens have complained about the leader recently

We will continuously optimize the layout and structure of higher education resources. The Ministry of Education has noted that "Shanhe University" universities will continue to
We will continuously optimize the layout and structure of higher education resources. The Ministry of Education has noted that "Shanhe University" universities will continue to

This morning, the State Council Information Office held a series of themed press conferences on "Authoritative Departmental Discussions". Regarding the recent appearance of "Shanhe University" online, Vice Minister of Education Wu Yan responded that the Ministry of Education has paid attention to it. Faced with the new situation of higher education entering the popularization stage and the new challenges of serving the high-quality development of the economy and society, the Ministry of Education will focus on enhancing the national scientific and technological competitiveness, serving the major strategy of economic development, promoting the realization of common prosperity for all people, continuously optimizing the distribution structure of higher education resources, supporting the central and western regions, especially populous provinces, to expand the scale of higher education resources, and optimizing the type structure and regional layout. Previously reported: The fictional university "Shanhe University" has become popular, and why do many candidates spontaneously play jokes? Currently, college entrance examination candidates from various regions are busy filling out their preferences

After the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, 32 tigers have fallen from grace! Central Commission for Discipline Inspection Office Report: Anti corruption must be persisted. The country | Central Commission for Discipline Inspection | Office Report
After the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, 32 tigers have fallen from grace! Central Commission for Discipline Inspection Office Report: Anti corruption must be persisted. The country | Central Commission for Discipline Inspection | Office Report

"Jiang Jie, a member and vice chairman of the CPPCC Xizang Autonomous Region, accepted the discipline review and supervision investigation of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervision Commission; Xu Wenrong, the former deputy secretary of the Party Leadership Group and deputy general manager of CNPC, accepted the discipline review and supervision investigation of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervision Commission; Qu Min, the vice chairman of the CPPCC Heilongjiang Province, accepted the discipline review and supervision investigation of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervision Commission..." Today, the China Discipline Inspection and Supervision Daily published a comment entitled "unswervingly correct conduct, eliminate discipline and fight against corruption", pointing out that since the 20th National Congress of the CPC, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervision Commission has publicly notified more than 30 middle management cadres to accept the review and investigation. Behind the review and investigation messages one by one, it demonstrates the political determination of the Party Central Committee to resolutely punish corruption and the tenacious will to maintain a high-pressure situation. According to the analysis of "Shangguan Hui", since the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China

The former head of the organization department of the "post-75 generation" opposes organizational review! This year, multiple heads of the organization department have been dismissed as graduate students | Han Chinese | ministers
The former head of the organization department of the "post-75 generation" opposes organizational review! This year, multiple heads of the organization department have been dismissed as graduate students | Han Chinese | ministers

Yesterday, a former head of the Organization Department of the "post-75" Municipal Party Committee was disciplined by the Party and government. The Guangdong Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision announced that Deng Tao, former member of the Standing Committee of the Shanwei Municipal Party Committee and former Minister of the Organization Department, has been "double opened". Deng Tao was accused of losing his ideals and beliefs, abandoning his original mission, being disloyal and dishonest to the Party, and resisting organizational censorship; Ignoring the spirit of the central eight point regulations, accepting gifts in violation of regulations, and handing over the fees that should be paid by oneself to others for payment; Violating organizational principles and failing to truthfully explain issues during organizational conversations; Acting recklessly, disregarding discipline, using public power as a tool for personal gain, using the convenience of one's position to seek benefits for others in project funding approval and engineering contracting, and illegally accepting huge amounts of property. According to the public resume, Deng Tao, male, Han ethnicity, born in April 1976, was investigated on March 25th this year,

Increasing the Income of Urban and Rural Residents through Multiple Channels (People's Current Review) Income | Distribution | Multiple Channels
Increasing the Income of Urban and Rural Residents through Multiple Channels (People's Current Review) Income | Distribution | Multiple Channels

The growth of household income can provide a good foundation for the recovery of consumption. By taking multiple measures, expanding channels, and making comprehensive efforts, we can promote the sustained growth of household income and better unleash consumption potential in Rongjiang, Guizhou. The stands of "village supermarkets" are bustling with people; In Huashan, Shaanxi, tourists frequently check in with their mobile phones... These vivid scenes reveal the people's fervent longing for a better life. The recovery and expansion of demand is the key to the sustained recovery and improvement of the current economy, and a strong willingness to consume cannot be transformed into consumption action without the support of consumption capacity and stable income expectations. In this sense, finding ways to increase household income can be said to be the key to expanding domestic demand and stabilizing growth. Increasing resident income is an inevitable choice to enhance people's well-being and solidly promote common prosperity. From the world of public welfare and great harmony, to the principle of the people being the foundation of the country and consolidating the foundation of the nation

Let the children move (watching the sports world), summer children | physical exercise | sports world
Let the children move (watching the sports world), summer children | physical exercise | sports world

Running in the sunshine, sweating on the sports field, and exercising add fun to children's summer life, helping teenagers grow up healthy and happy. Summer vacation, let children move. Recently, camping trips have become increasingly popular, such as playing football, archery, frisbee... Children use sports to relax their bodies and minds. As summer vacation approaches, the figures of children on the sports field have also increased. Since the implementation of the "double reduction" policy, the educational concept of "health first" has gradually become a consensus, creating a good atmosphere for strengthening student physical exercise and enhancing the physical fitness of young people. The "Action Plan for Prevention and Control of Myopia in Children and Adolescents" clearly proposes to fully implement the winter and summer student sports homework system. During summer vacation, more and more children have customized sports assignments, and schools provide specific guidance on what to practice and how to do it. And with this

Building the Rule of Law Guarantee for National Security in the New Era (Jin Tairui Review) Politics | Security | State
Building the Rule of Law Guarantee for National Security in the New Era (Jin Tairui Review) Politics | Security | State

The Anti Espionage Law of the People's Republic of China, revised and passed at the second meeting of the 14th National People's Congress Standing Committee, will officially come into effect from July 1st.Law is the key to governing a country, and good law is the prerequisite for good governance. The Second Session of the Sixth National People's Congress Standing Committee deliberated and passed the "Investigation on the Exercise of Public Security Organs by National Security Organs" by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress

Promoting Good Governance in Villages and Revitalizing a New Atmosphere of Civilization (Today's Discussion) Content | Civilization | New Atmosphere
Promoting Good Governance in Villages and Revitalizing a New Atmosphere of Civilization (Today's Discussion) Content | Civilization | New Atmosphere

Jiangxi Gongqing City and Sujiadang Township have adapted excellent family traditions and other content into Xihe Opera, bringing true stories of filial piety and respect for the elderly onto the stage, and letting the civilized rural culture blow into the hearts of the villagers; In Chongxin County, Gansu Province, Huanghuayuan Village has incorporated the content of changing customs into village rules and agreements, exchanging actions for points and promoting new customs through points. Everyone is the master of harmonious rural construction... Many places have put in effort, put in practical measures, and seen the truth in promoting the work of changing customs, advocating for a new trend of rural culture and civilization. China's agricultural civilization has a long and profound history, and is the root of excellent traditional Chinese culture. Many customs, village rules, and agreements have profound and excellent traditional cultural genes, and still play an important role to this day. It is essential to promote the modernization of the rural governance system and governance capacity, promote the transformation of customs and traditions, and leverage the governance effectiveness of laws and regulations. Various channels are also needed

Promoting Made in China to Reach More "Poles" (New Knowledge) Hair | Industry | Poles
Promoting Made in China to Reach More "Poles" (New Knowledge) Hair | Industry | Poles

In the exhibition hall of Hunan Zhuzhou Hard Alloy Group Co., Ltd., there is a "fine needle" with a diameter of only one eighth of a strand of hair. It is a hard alloy micro drill that can accurately drill 2500 holes on a fine printed circuit board the size of a fingernail, and the drill bit does not bend continuously. For a long time, such small needles could only rely on imports, and researchers have devoted more than 20 years of research to finally break foreign monopolies. In recent years, China has continuously made new progress in extreme manufacturing, from hard alloy micro drills to heavy-duty launch vehicles, from nanospheres to hand torn steel, further strengthening its manufacturing advantages. There is an extreme in the manufacturing industry that is highly sought after, and that is extreme manufacturing. Extreme manufacturing mainly solves the challenges of product scale and environmental extremes, which are mainly reflected in micro manufacturing, ultra precision manufacturing, and giant manufacturing

Guangming Forum: Deeply Grasp the Chinese Cultural Position of "Two Innovations": The Chinese Nation | Culture | Position
Guangming Forum: Deeply Grasp the Chinese Cultural Position of "Two Innovations": The Chinese Nation | Culture | Position

[Bright Forum] Author: Liu Xubing, General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the cultural inheritance and development symposium, from the overall strategic perspective of the development of the party and the country, a series of major theoretical and practical issues of the inheritance and development of Chinese culture have been comprehensively and systematically The elaboration has pointed out the direction for us to shoulder the new cultural mission and build the modern civilization of the Chinese nation. In his speech, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that "Chinese culture has a long history and Chinese civilization is extensive and profound. Only by having a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the history of Chinese civilization can we more effectively promote the creative transformation and innovative development of Chinese excellent traditional culture, more effectively promote the construction of socialist culture with Chinese characteristics and build a modern civilization of the Chinese nation." Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has attached great importance to the inheritance and promotion of China

Adhering to the leadership of the Party is the essential requirement of Chinese path to modernization | China | requirement
Adhering to the leadership of the Party is the essential requirement of Chinese path to modernization | China | requirement

The leadership of the Party is directly related to the fundamental direction, future and destiny, and ultimate success or failure of Chinese path to modernization. On the new journey, we should deeply understand the great significance of adhering to the leadership of the Party to promote Chinese path to modernization, firmly grasp the essential requirements of Chinese path to modernization, and earnestly implement the leadership of the Party in all work to promote Chinese path to modernization. The leadership of the Party determines the fundamental nature of Chinese path to modernization. The nature and purpose of the Party, its original mission, beliefs and policies determine that Chinese path to modernization is a socialist modernization rather than any other modernization.

Silver hair consumption promotes a happy life for the elderly, pension | personal | silver hair
Silver hair consumption promotes a happy life for the elderly, pension | personal | silver hair

The first meeting of the 20th Central Committee of Finance and Economics held in May this year pointed out that "we should closely combine high-quality population development with high-quality people's lives, promote comprehensive human development and common prosperity for all people", "we should implement the national strategy of actively responding to population aging, promote the construction of basic elderly care service system, and vigorously develop the silver economy". China has entered an aging society, promoting silver consumption and developing the silver economy is not only a requirement for caring for the elderly and improving people's quality of life, but also an important part of achieving high-quality development. What is the current trend in silver hair consumption? How to innovate products and services, improve the consumption environment, and better serve elderly consumers? The reporter conducted an investigation—— The growth rate of the elderly consumer market is accelerating, and the trend of consumption upgrading is obvious, with a greater emphasis on improving living standards

Graduation Travel Becomes a Popular Summer Tour | Beautiful Life | Tourists
Graduation Travel Becomes a Popular Summer Tour | Beautiful Life | Tourists

During the graduation season, many prospective college students and college graduates choose to enrich their summer life and enrich their life experiences with a trip. Recently, search volume related to "graduation travel" has increased on multiple online travel platforms, with a significant increase in ticket bookings for people aged 17 to 19. This special travel experience has also become an important way for young tourists to see the beautiful mountains and rivers of their motherland, taste colorful culture, and experience a better life. In the summer, the trees grow lush and lush, and the dense layers of branches and leaves seal the forest tightly, blocking people's sight and blocking the blue sky. In the morning, fog rises from the valley, and the entire forest is immersed in a milky white thick fog. This is a passage from a Chinese language textbook for elementary school students, "Beautiful Xiaoxing'an Ridge", which Qiu Tian, who has already graduated from high school, can still recite proficiently. I am still clear about it

Appreciating the Beautiful Rivers and Mountains of the Motherland, Over 90% of interviewed fresh graduates feel more motivated to pursue "poetry and distant life" | Stage | Graduates
Appreciating the Beautiful Rivers and Mountains of the Motherland, Over 90% of interviewed fresh graduates feel more motivated to pursue "poetry and distant life" | Stage | Graduates

Farewell to campus time, celebrate the upcoming new stage, and the enthusiasm of graduates for graduation travel is high. What is the special significance of graduation travel for them? Last week, a survey conducted by the Social Survey Center of China Youth Daily, in collaboration with the questionnaire website, showed that among 1334 recent graduates this year, 91.8% of them expressed their motivation to pursue "poetry and distant places" by experiencing the beautiful scenery of their motherland during their graduation journey. 69.9% of surveyed graduates believe that graduation travel can provide energy for the upcoming new stage. Among the surveyed fresh graduates, high school graduates accounted for 17.8%, undergraduate graduates accounted for 71.3%, and graduate graduates accounted for 10.9%. Among them, boys account for 40.8% and girls account for 59.2%. Embark on a graduation journey, 69

Expanding the Cultural Foundation of the Path of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics (People's Perspective) Socialism | China | Culture
Expanding the Cultural Foundation of the Path of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics (People's Perspective) Socialism | China | Culture

The path of socialism with Chinese characteristics was developed under the guidance of Marxism. It is also the reason why the "Chinese path to modernization", which emerged from more than 5000 years of Chinese civilization history, is called "China", because it is nourished by Chinese civilization, consistent with China's reality, and ultimately chosen by the Chinese people to uphold the spirit of "the country is strong if the law is obeyed, and the country is weak if the law is obeyed", and to distinguish and end disputes with the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics; Absorbing the concepts of "harmony between heaven and man" and "the coexistence of all things", the ecological civilization system is becoming increasingly sound; Drawing on the wisdom of "harmony without uniformity" and "seeking common ground while reserving differences", the system of multi-party cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the CPC has been constantly improved... Throughout the past and present, we can deeply feel that Chinese civilization has provided incomparable solid support for upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics

Promoting Agricultural Culture and Inheriting Rural Skills Production | Farmers | Farming
Promoting Agricultural Culture and Inheriting Rural Skills Production | Farmers | Farming

Ordinary dough gradually takes shape in the hands of skilled craftsmen through various production processes such as tying, patting, pulling, plating, and kneading, presenting vivid and delightful shapes such as butterflies, flowers, and leaves; The first National Farmers Skills Competition was held in Liaocheng, Shandong Province from July 3rd to 4th, with silver needles flying up and down, colorful threads weaving lightly, and various crops leaping on embroidered fabrics. The theme of this competition is "Cultivating Talents with Craftsmanship, Strengthening Industries to Promote Revitalization", jointly organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, and the All China Women's Federation. The competition has 6 events, including manual embroidery, manual knitting, manual Paper Cuttings, clay sculpture, dough flower making, and farmer painting, to exchange and display the wisdom and creativity of farmers. In the noodle flower making competition area, from Sanlipu New Village, Gulou Street, Dongchangfu District, Liaocheng