The world

Taiyuan police report! "The suspect committed suicide after killing a woman with a knife" suspect | public security organ | police
Taiyuan police report! "The suspect committed suicide after killing a woman with a knife" suspect | public security organ | police

At about 19:00 on July 4, the police informed that a criminal case occurred in a shopping mall in Wanbailin District of our city. The suspect killed a woman with a knife due to emotional disputes and then committed suicide. He died after being sent to the hospital for treatment. After the case occurred, the public security organs immediately organized on-site investigations, visits, and rescue work. At present, the investigation of this case is being carried out in accordance with the law and in an orderly manner. Police reminder: Please do not spread relevant information such as on-site videos and pictures. Do not spread rumors, do not believe rumors, and do not spread rumors. For those who maliciously fabricate false information for dissemination, causing adverse effects or serious consequences, the public security organs will hold them legally responsible in accordance with the law. Taiyuan Public Security Bureau Wanbailin Branch July 5, 2023

These two paintings are full of profound meanings. Antony Blinken travels around the world in China | article | profound meanings
These two paintings are full of profound meanings. Antony Blinken travels around the world in China | article | profound meanings

On July 2nd, the website of the South China Morning Post in Hong Kong published an article titled "Landscape Painting and Leader Portraits: Differences in Diplomatic Strategies between China and the United States." The author is Wang Gerui, a visiting scholar at Stanford University in the United States. Excerpts from the full text are as follows: Last month, Chinese leaders met with US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken. This is an important effort by both sides to restart dialogue in the face of increasing geopolitical tensions in recent years. ▲ On June 19, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken arrived in Beijing. Just like how we express our attitude through T-shirts with photos or backpacks with slogans printed on them - countries can also convey diplomatic messages through the decoration of buildings or conference rooms. The background of Antony Blinken's talks with Chinese leaders was the huge lacquer painting "Spring of Mount Wuyi", which mainly depicted the green hills and clear streams of Wuyi Mountain

Former deputy secretary of a state-owned enterprise in Xining was dismissed from his position due to illegal eating and drinking, disregarding repeated orders from the central and provincial governments. Notification | Drinking | Organization | Discipline Inspection and Supervision Commission | Provincial Party Committee | Leading Cadres | Illegal Eating and Drinking | Problems
Former deputy secretary of a state-owned enterprise in Xining was dismissed from his position due to illegal eating and drinking, disregarding repeated orders from the central and provincial governments. Notification | Drinking | Organization | Discipline Inspection and Supervision Commission | Provincial Party Committee | Leading Cadres | Illegal Eating and Drinking | Problems

On July 4th, the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Xining City, Qinghai Province, reported to the public on the handling of two typical cases of violating the spirit of the Central Eight point Regulations. Among them, Ren Shanqin, former Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Trade Union of Xining Industry Investment Group, was dismissed and demoted from the party and government due to violations of eating, drinking, and accepting banquets from subordinates. The notice pointed out that on May 9th this year, Ren Shanqin arranged for Zhang, the Deputy Director of the Operations Management Department of the Group Company, to organize a gathering of 9 employees in a private restaurant to drink and dine, as a reason for the temporary exchange of cadres. During the verification, it was also found that Ren Shanqin illegally accepted banquets from subordinates between 2022 and 2023. In June 2023, Ren Shanqin was dismissed from his position within the party and dismissed from his position in government affairs. He was demoted from a senior executive deputy to a middle-level deputy in the company. Relevant leaders and personnel of the Municipal State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission and Xining Industry and Investment Group

My response is that the story of astronaut Liu Yang has been included in the composition of CCTV | Appearing | Astronaut Crew | Composition
My response is that the story of astronaut Liu Yang has been included in the composition of CCTV | Appearing | Astronaut Crew | Composition

Recently, the crew of Shenzhou XIV astronauts appeared on CCTV's "Speak". In the program, the audience asked astronaut Liu Yang, "How do you feel about being the first female astronaut in China and being written into the composition by many students as the material?" Liu Yang replied, "With the development of the times, we face more and more opportunities and a larger stage. Today I appear in their compositions and they will become the material and model in the minds of future children's compositions." Liu Yang also used his life experience to encourage students to "first firm their choice to love and love more and more in the process of continuous learning and understanding." Liu Yang hopes that students can also become more loving Liu Yang, 33 years old 10 years ago, embraced himself sincerely and enthusiastically for the first time

Official Declaration of Türkiye and Egypt! Diplomatic relations restored to ambassadorial level Egypt | Türkiye | two countries
Official Declaration of Türkiye and Egypt! Diplomatic relations restored to ambassadorial level Egypt | Türkiye | two countries

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Türkiye announced on July 4 local time that Türkiye and Egypt issued a joint statement announcing the restoration of diplomatic relations between the two countries to the ambassadorial level. Türkiye nominated Saleh Mutrusen as ambassador to Cairo, Egypt, and Egypt nominated Amre Elhamami as ambassador to Ankara, Türkiye. Saleh Mutrusenamru El Hamami stated that improving the level of diplomatic relations between the two countries has been implemented in accordance with the decisions of the two presidents. This measure aims to normalize the relationship between the two countries and reflects the common will of the people of Turkey and Egypt to develop bilateral relations. After former Egyptian President Morsi stepped down in 2013, relations between Egypt and Türkiye deteriorated, and the two countries subsequently downgraded their diplomatic relations. In addition, both sides are also involved in the Libyan issue and the development of oil and gas resources in the Eastern Mediterranean region

Found it out!, Who threw half a pear from high altitude? Police collect DNA from residents | Madam | Police
Found it out!, Who threw half a pear from high altitude? Police collect DNA from residents | Madam | Police

The 50 day long "Half Pear" high-altitude throwing incident that occurred in Donghu District, Nanchang, Jiangxi has finally come to light recently! A 6-year-old boy's action caused injuries to passersby. Please take a warning and recognize the dangers of high-altitude littering. The incident occurred at around 19:00 on May 9th, when Zhang, a resident of Dongwanyi Lane in Donghu District, Nanchang, was hit in the head by half a pear that fell from the sky at the intersection of Xiangshan North Road and Yangming Road. After receiving a call from the Baihuazhou Police Station, the situation around the incident area was investigated and it was determined that the pear may have been thrown by people in a nearby high-rise building. The building has 15 floors with a large number of people and a complex personnel structure. The police did not find any witnesses or monitor the process of "high-altitude littering". The police immediately submitted this half pear to the Nanhuazhou Police Station. Changshi Public Security Bureau

Imprisonment!, Does a preschool teacher have money to take a taxi and propose "meat compensation"? Police: Internet rumors | Internet | Police
Imprisonment!, Does a preschool teacher have money to take a taxi and propose "meat compensation"? Police: Internet rumors | Internet | Police

Since the launch of the special action to crack down on online rumors by the Ministry of Public Security, Jiangsu public security organs have adhered to the principle of opening up the way and promoting governance through crackdowns. They have strictly cracked down on individuals who maliciously fabricate and spread online rumors in accordance with the law, effectively purifying the online social environment. Recently, a "yellow rumor" related to a certain kindergarten has caused widespread hype online, not only causing trouble to relevant units, but also seriously disrupting the public order on the internet. Jiangsu Internet police launched a heavy attack and quickly captured netizens who spread rumors. Case details: Recently, during the work of online police in Suzhou, Jiangsu, it was discovered that multiple self media accounts had posted articles stating: "A preschool teacher moved and called for a car, but due to not having enough money to pay for the car, he proposed a 'meat compensation', and the driver was frightened and cancelled the order.". There is also a screenshot of the taxi page attached to the article, which shows that the destination of the order is a kindergarten in Jiangsu Province. The order note reads "I am a kindergarten"

To reduce the burden on students during summer off campus training management work, this is done ->Training | Disciplines | Students
To reduce the burden on students during summer off campus training management work, this is done ->Training | Disciplines | Students

As summer approaches, in order to effectively reduce the burden of student holidays, the Ministry of Education has recently made comprehensive arrangements for the management of summer off campus training. The Ministry of Education requires education administrative departments at all levels to collaborate with member units of the special coordination mechanism for "double reduction" work, conduct in-depth research, and carefully formulate summer work plans based on the situation, in order to achieve detailed division of labor, compact responsibilities, and comprehensive coverage. Continuously consolidate the achievements of disciplinary training governance and simultaneously strengthen the governance of non disciplinary training. We must effectively prevent incidents where illegal training infringes on the interests of parents and students. Carry out special investigations, continuously increase joint law enforcement efforts, and quickly respond, verify, and coordinate the handling of hidden variations and violations in disciplinary training. To maintain the safety of pre paid training fees by parents, make good use of digital supervision methods, do a good job in price and fund supervision, and minimize refunds and corrections

Ecological restoration with lush vegetation to create a livable home and share ecological benefits National Forest Park | Forest Park | Restoration
Ecological restoration with lush vegetation to create a livable home and share ecological benefits National Forest Park | Forest Park | Restoration

CCTV News: The Binhu National Forest Park in Hefei, Anhui Province is located in the main urban area of Hefei City. It is the first national forest park in China to be converted from farmland to forests and undergo ecological restoration. It is an important part of the top ten wetlands around Chaohu Lake and is an urban water network forest, known as the "urban green lung". In midsummer, the area is lush with vegetation and water, making it a summer resort for local residents. At this moment, the CCTV reporter Ren Yan is in the park. CCTV reporter Ren Yi: I am currently on the Jiaolao River in Hefei Binhu National Forest Park, which is one of the important rivers in the park. As the anchor said, it is a special water network forest. Why do you say that? We can find the answer through aerial photography. Hefei Binhu National Forest Park is located on the north bank of Chaohu Lake, covering an area of 16000 acres, of which 70% is

There are so many beautiful mountains and rivers to experience the charming charm of summer scenery in various places. Protection | Wetlands | Charm
There are so many beautiful mountains and rivers to experience the charming charm of summer scenery in various places. Protection | Wetlands | Charm

CCTV News: The summer scenery is infinitely beautiful, with lush vegetation, shade of green trees, blooming lotus flowers, and graceful water birds, creating a vibrant scene across the north and south of the Yangtze River. Hangzhou Xixi: The rippling blue waves are as beautiful as poetry and painting. This is Hangzhou Xixi National Wetland Park. In the midsummer season, the Xixi Wetland in Hangzhou is lush with greenery and trees, with herons dancing and swallows flying, and lotus fragrant fish leaping. The scattered fish ponds present a beautiful scenery of "a vast expanse of ponds". Here, there are abundant ecological resources, including 739 species of vascular plants, 203 species of birds, 911 species of insects, and 56 species of fish. For the past twenty years, the Xixi Wetland in Hangzhou has aimed to protect the original ecology, coordinating the layout of production, life, and ecology, and exploring a win-win path for wetland protection and utilization. Nowadays, this 11.5 square kilometer "urban green kidney" serves as the urban flood control and drought resistance hub for Hangzhou

The Ministry of Public Security announces 10 typical cases of cracking down on and rectifying online rumors. Public security organs | Rumors | Internet
The Ministry of Public Security announces 10 typical cases of cracking down on and rectifying online rumors. Public security organs | Rumors | Internet

CCTV News: Today, the Ministry of Public Security announced the second batch of 10 typical cases of public security organs cracking down on and rectifying online rumors. In April 2023, a rumor that had been officially debunked spread extensively on a short video platform in Hunan, with a total of over 2.06 million views and 83000 shares shared, causing a negative social impact. According to the relevant provisions of the Cybersecurity Law of the People's Republic of China, the public security organs have imposed an administrative penalty of ordering rectification and imposing an administrative fine of 100000 yuan on the short video platform in accordance with the law. On the same day, the public security organs in Yunnan and Henan investigated and dealt with nine other cases, including the case of Zhao and Cao fabricating online rumors that "female internet celebrities went to northern Myanmar to show their love and were threatened and unable to return to China", and the case of Wu fabricating online rumors that "elementary school students were killed by teachers"

Urban scars turn into ecological parks and abandoned mines, achieving a magnificent transformation. Maoming, Guangdong | Ecology | Park abandonment
Urban scars turn into ecological parks and abandoned mines, achieving a magnificent transformation. Maoming, Guangdong | Ecology | Park abandonment

CCTV News: Maoming, Guangdong is a city built and developed due to the petroleum industry. In the northwest corner of the city, there was a former open-pit mining site where the ecological environment continued to deteriorate due to disorderly mining. In 2013, the local mining site was closed for ecological restoration, gradually transforming into an open ecological park. Now, CCTV reporter Zhang Qi is on site. Zhang Qi, how did the mining site in Maoming become an ecological park? Can you introduce it to us. CCTV reporter Zhang Qi: I am currently in the open-pit mining ecological park in Maoming, Guangdong. This is the largest natural ecological park in the area, consisting of a mining lake with a water surface of about 6 square kilometers and a storage capacity of 160 million cubic meters, as well as nearly 10000 acres of ecological forest land. After entering summer vacation, many parents come here with their children. They told me that here

Poor "Wa Li" Stepping onto Modern Agriculture "Highland" Reporter | Blockchain | Modern Agriculture
Poor "Wa Li" Stepping onto Modern Agriculture "Highland" Reporter | Blockchain | Modern Agriculture

Jinan, July 4th (Xinhua News Agency) - Poor "Wa Li" Stepping onto Modern Agriculture "Highland" - Can Chen Guofeng, a journalist from Xinhua News Agency, still use blockchain to grow chives? Since last year, the popularity of this topic has not diminished in Shiliba Village, Fang'an Street, Fangzi District, Weifang City, Shandong Province. In the hot summer season, the reporter walked into the Yuquanwa Planting Professional Cooperative in Wali Village, Fang'an Street. In an open-air leek planting base, sensors and cameras covering the edges and corners of the fields operate continuously 24 hours a day, transmitting real-time data from a row of vegetable fields on the blockchain. Wali Village is named after its three sided mountain valleys and low terrain. Once upon a time, the houses here were low and dilapidated, the roads were dusty, young people ran away, and the village collective was in debt, making it a famous development "depression". Nowadays, with the application of a series of advanced planting concepts and technologies, Wali Village has made a leap forward

Jilin Province | New Highlights of "Cooling Energy" in Promoting Summer Vacation Consumption | Jilin Province | Summer Vacation
Jilin Province | New Highlights of "Cooling Energy" in Promoting Summer Vacation Consumption | Jilin Province | Summer Vacation

Changchun, July 4th (Xinhua News Agency) - Jilin Province's "cooling energy" for summer vacation consumption. Xinhua News Agency reporters Wang Haofei and Wang Fan are approaching the hot summer season, and many parts of China are experiencing continuous high temperatures. This provides drainage conditions for Jilin Province, located in the northeast, to build a summer economy with a focus on "22 ℃ summer". The "Dream Westward Journey Season Immersive Project" that has become popular, the "Summer of Ski Resort" that revitalizes resources, and the "Big Guitar Square" in Ji'an, where the breeze blows by the Yalu River... What kind of cultural and tourism "cool energy" will be stimulated when encountering new business formats during the summer vacation season? The immersive project of the Dream Westward Journey Season is the main activity of Changchun Animal and Plant Park this summer. Strolling deep in the garden, encountering Monkey Brother waving the "Golden Hoop Stick" and Bajie playing the "Nine Teeth Nail Rake"... The enthusiasm of tourists is ignited by the classic IP of Chinese traditional culture. According to statistics, here only the end

New Era China Research Tour · Yangtze River Chapter | "Four Color Spectra" Looking at the Yangtze River - Visiting the Supervision of the Five Major River Basin Management Institutions | River Basin | Yangtze River
New Era China Research Tour · Yangtze River Chapter | "Four Color Spectra" Looking at the Yangtze River - Visiting the Supervision of the Five Major River Basin Management Institutions | River Basin | Yangtze River

The vast Yangtze River flows eastward, and the protection and management of the Yangtze River are closely related to the well-being of over 400 million people in the basin. Recently, reporters visited river basin management institutions such as the Yangtze River Water Resources Commission of the Ministry of Water Resources, the Yangtze River Navigation Administration of the Ministry of Transport, the Yangtze River Basin Ecological Environment Supervision and Administration Bureau of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the Yangtze River Shipping Public Security Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, and the Yangtze River Basin Fisheries Supervision and Administration Office of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs to gain insight into the changes in the governance of the Yangtze River in the new era. A "blue" picture depicts the finless porpoises playing with the waves in the downstream waters of Gezhouba. In recent years, Xinhua News Agency has placed the restoration of the ecological environment of the Yangtze River in an overwhelming position in provinces and cities along the Yangtze River, from cracking down on the "heavy encirclement of the Yangtze River" to implementing the "ten-year fishing ban" on the Yangtze River, from formulating the "Comprehensive Plan for the Yangtze River Basin" to implementing the "Yangtze River Protection Law of the People's Republic of China."

The Beauty of Countryside | She Township's "Never Nightly City" Jingning | Bonfire | She Township
The Beauty of Countryside | She Township's "Never Nightly City" Jingning | Bonfire | She Township

Hangzhou, July 4, Xinhua or walking under the neon lights, or dancing around the campfire, or holding a book to enjoy ...... Night has fallen, she township Jingning County, the countryside, the street, the lawn, the stream, people facing the summer evening breeze, opened the nightlife. From lighting to "beautiful", the "Wonderful Night" continues to stroll along Zhongxi Village Road, Jingnan Township, Jingning She Autonomous County from south to north. This is the first choice for many local villagers after dinner. In addition to the natural enjoyment brought by the ecological environment, the quietly lit lights are also an important factor to attract villagers. In the past, the lighting facilities in Zhongxi Village were only street lamps with limited brightness. Starting from 2021, Jingnan Township has started the "beautification project", while Zhongxi Village has created a Jingnan architectural style with distinctive bamboo culture and benevolence and filial piety culture.

Cracking down on and rectifying online rumors. The Ministry of Public Security has investigated more than 1600 related cases of rumors | online | cases
Cracking down on and rectifying online rumors. The Ministry of Public Security has investigated more than 1600 related cases of rumors | online | cases

CCTV News: Today, the reporter learned from the Ministry of Public Security that since the launch of the special action to crack down on online rumors in April this year, the network security departments of public security organs across the country have always maintained a high-pressure situation in cracking down on online rumors. As of now, public security organs have investigated more than 1600 cases of online rumors. Since the special operation, the public security organs have cleared more than 420000 pieces of online rumor information, closed or banned more than 10000 online accounts for spreading rumors, and lawfully investigated and dealt with netizens who spread rumors. In the online rumor cases cracked down and rectified by public security organs, some self media practitioners fabricated and spread online rumors under the pretext of social hot events, and some even openly wrote, directed, acted, and fabricated false cases online, in order to attract fans and attract illegal profits; Some website companies do not fully implement the main responsibility for network security,

Frontline research | How does a small brush from a small town "brush" into a billion dollar industry? General Manager | Qianshan City | Brush
Frontline research | How does a small brush from a small town "brush" into a billion dollar industry? General Manager | Qianshan City | Brush

In a small town in Qianshan, Anhui, a small brush can bring in an annual output value of over 10 billion yuan. How the small industries scattered in villages and towns have developed into the largest characteristic industry cluster in China? Let's take a look at the journalist's frontline research. Entering the brush industry park in Yuantan Town, Qianshan, Anhui, you can see various high-precision and cutting-edge brushes with a brush bristle density of 30000 per square centimeter, mainly used in the manufacturing of LCD glass substrates; This is mainly used in the fields of large aircraft and military industry. Zhang Fuhou, General Manager of Anhui Zhenda Brush Industry Co., Ltd.: It can withstand high temperatures of over 1300 degrees Celsius, filling the gap in this industry. Previously, the imported price was 300000 yuan, but now we can achieve 100000 yuan domestically. A brush can sell for 100000 yuan, which Zhang Fuhou couldn't even imagine in the past. When the factory was first built, the enterprise was born

Commentator from Xinhua News Agency: To Solve the Question of the Times and Consolidate the Strength of Shanghai Cooperation Organization | Chairman | Times
Commentator from Xinhua News Agency: To Solve the Question of the Times and Consolidate the Strength of Shanghai Cooperation Organization | Chairman | Times

The way of benefiting all things, keep up with the times.For the past 10 years, the "SCO Family" has adhered to the principle of watching and helping each other, and sharing the same boat together

How to face the new normal of population development with deepening aging in multiple regions? China's Vivid Practice in Exploring and Responding to New Trends in Population Development | High Quality | Population
How to face the new normal of population development with deepening aging in multiple regions? China's Vivid Practice in Exploring and Responding to New Trends in Population Development | High Quality | Population

The population issue is not only related to national development, but also to the future of the nation.The current population development in China shows a trend of fewer children, aging, and regional population differentiation. Xinhua News Agency reporters conducted in-depth research and interviews in multiple areas, observing the active adaptation of various regions to the new normal of population development, perceiving the new opportunities brought by changes in population structure, and feeling the warmth in silver hair services. The degree of aging is deepening, and many regions are actively adapting to the new normal of population development. Weihai, the city with the highest degree of aging in Shandong Province, has a per capita life expectancy of 81.56 years, ranking among the top in the country. The cultivation here

How to effectively protect workers?, News 1+1 | Protection under High Temperature | Regulations | Workers
How to effectively protect workers?, News 1+1 | Protection under High Temperature | Regulations | Workers

The continuous occurrence of high temperatures, constantly breaking meteorological records, and the protection of outdoor workers are facing severe challenges. Legal regulations and enforcement supervision also need to effectively address extreme weather conditions. In 2012, the State Administration of Work Safety and four other departments issued the "Management Measures for Heatstroke Prevention and Cooling Measures", which clearly mentioned a prohibitive measure: "If the daily maximum temperature reaches 40 ℃ or above, outdoor operations on that day should be stopped." This is also a prohibitive measure that should be uniformly followed and implemented at the national level. In addition to the national level, Chongqing, Guangdong and other places have also introduced local regulations before and after this. News 1+1: Connected to Lou Yu, Director of the Institute of Social Law at China University of Political Science and Law, to jointly pay attention to: How to effectively protect workers under high temperatures? How can outdoor labor industries strengthen protection in the face of high temperatures?

The overall employment situation in our country is stable (People's Current Review), with high quality | youth | employment
The overall employment situation in our country is stable (People's Current Review), with high quality | youth | employment

Employment is the most basic livelihood, the "barometer" of economic development, and the "ballast stone" of social stability. China's economy continues to recover and improve, and its role in driving employment will continue to strengthen. The employment situation will continue to improve on the basis of overall stability. We will effectively focus on employment, which is the largest livelihood project, popular support project, and foundation project, enhance the adaptability and stability of employment, and solidly do a good job in the employment of young people such as college graduates. Not long ago, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security deployed the 2023 Youth Employment Service Campaign for College Graduates and other young people. Provide services for registered unemployed youth and 2023 unemployed graduates who have left school; Develop a "one person, one policy" assistance plan for unemployed graduates and long-term unemployed youth; By the end of June, a series of practical measures will be taken to establish a registered youth assistance ledger for unemployed individuals

Spokesperson of the Ministry of National Defense, Tan Kefei, answers questions from reporters about US military sales to Taiwan regarding national sovereignty | US side | spokesperson
Spokesperson of the Ministry of National Defense, Tan Kefei, answers questions from reporters about US military sales to Taiwan regarding national sovereignty | US side | spokesperson

Tan Kefei: China firmly opposes the US selling weapons to Taiwan, China, and has made solemn representations to the US. The United States disregards China's core concerns, rudely interferes in China's internal affairs, and deliberately escalates tensions in the Taiwan Strait, which is tantamount to accelerating the turning of Taiwan into a "powder keg" and pushing the Taiwanese people into the abyss of disaster.Both the US's use of Taiwan to contain China and the Democratic Progressive Party's use of military force to seek independence are wishful thinking and destined to fail. The People's Liberation Army of China has always maintained a high level of vigilance, resolutely defended national sovereignty and territorial integrity, and firmly maintained peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.

Chinese Embassy responds!, Chinese couple shot dead in Democratic Republic of Congo, Likasi | China | Congo
Chinese Embassy responds!, Chinese couple shot dead in Democratic Republic of Congo, Likasi | China | Congo

On June 29, the Lualaba Overseas Chinese Chamber of Commerce WeChat official account released a "security incident warning", saying that in the morning of that day, a Chinese couple was shot and killed in a mining warehouse heading for Likasi. Lualaba Province is a southern province of Congo, with Likasi located southeast of the capital city of Lualaba Province, Kolwezi. The above warning article is titled "Secretariat of the Lualaba Chinese Chamber of Commerce". The article also reminds that "in the near future, special attention should be paid to the safety of people going out, and people should not carry large amounts of cash with them.". On July 3rd, the account issued another announcement regarding this matter, stating that those who can provide effective clues and assist in solving the case will be rewarded $10000 by the Chamber of Commerce. According to media reports, on July 3rd, staff members of the Chinese Embassy in the Democratic Republic of Congo stated that two individuals were robbed

Sun Zhengyi launched a massive counterattack on investment | Epidemic | Justice
Sun Zhengyi launched a massive counterattack on investment | Epidemic | Justice

Author | First Finance and Economics Li Ailin "We will launch a counterattack soon." After seven months, Softbank Group founder Masayoshi Son appeared again at the company's financial report meeting in June. This time he said, "I hope Softbank can lead the artificial intelligence revolution." At the end of last year, Sun Zhengyi once retreated behind the scenes, and Softbank also entered the "hibernation" mode. In a short period of six months, it has changed the world. Over the past six months or so, Son has been struggling to clean up the remnants of three years of the epidemic while watching the global AI circuit explode. This "king-maker" who is known as the science and technology industry returns to the battlefield, can he create more glories? Sun Zhengyi appeared in the annual meeting of Softbank shareholders in June. In November 2022, because the vision fund under the group brought huge losses to Softbank, Sun Zhengyi consciously had no face to face the shareholders,

Release important signals!, European Central Bank month on month | Time | European Central Bank
Release important signals!, European Central Bank month on month | Time | European Central Bank

On Tuesday local time, the US stock market was closed for one day due to a public holiday. On the European side, due to the latest weak economic data released and the European Central Bank still issuing interest rate hike signals, investors are cautious about the risk of slowing economic growth in Europe, leading to a collective decline in the three major stock indexes in Europe. As of the close, the UK stock market fell 0.10%, the French stock market fell 0.23%, and the German stock market fell 0.26%. In terms of the Pan European stock index, the real estate sector continued its recent upward trend, leading the way with a 2.8% increase on Tuesday, with a cumulative increase of about 6% in the past three trading days. Germany's May commodity exports decreased by 0.1% month on month. According to data released by the Federal Bureau of Statistics on Tuesday, after adjusting for workdays and seasons, Germany's May commodity exports decreased by 0.1% month on month, while imports increased by 1.7% month on month. Analysts acknowledge that

But serious can be fatal! Doctor's urgent reminder, many people have no symptoms, Grandma | Yu Qian | Symptoms
But serious can be fatal! Doctor's urgent reminder, many people have no symptoms, Grandma | Yu Qian | Symptoms

Elderly people who have already reached the hypoglycemic target do not feel at all that they have. Dr. Yu Qian from the Endocrinology Department of Wuhan Donghu Hospital reminds them that this "asymptomatic hypoglycemia" is more dangerous and terrifying! It is easy to cause missed diagnosis and misdiagnosis, ultimately leading to serious consequences. Doctors check patients during rounds. Recently, Grandma Xiong, 74 years old, came to the Endocrinology Department of Wuhan East Lake Hospital for treatment due to type 2 diabetes, autoimmune diseases, hypertension and other diseases. When she was admitted, her random blood glucose was 3.7 mmol/L, which had reached the hypoglycemic index. The attending physician in charge of the bed, Yu Qian, quickly asked her if she felt flustered, weak, or hungry. However, Grandma Xiong calmly said, "I don't have any symptoms, it's okay. I've checked my blood sugar several times and it's so low, there's nothing wrong with it."

Will the Black Sea grain export agreement continue to be extended? Russian side: No way! Grain | Russia | Export
Will the Black Sea grain export agreement continue to be extended? Russian side: No way! Grain | Russia | Export

According to Reuters, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated on July 4th that Russia believes there is no reason to continue extending the Black Sea grain export agreement, which will expire in two weeks. The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement that Russia is taking all measures to ensure that all ships covered by the agreement can leave the Black Sea before the expiration of the agreement on July 17th. According to reports, the Russian side has repeatedly expressed its intention to withdraw from the agreement called the Black Sea Grain Initiative, citing that the promise to lift obstacles to Russian grain and fertilizer exports has never been fulfilled. The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated in a statement that the Black Sea Grain Initiative has allowed Ukrainian food to be transported to countries that do not lack food, but has not helped the countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America that are most in need of food. The statement states that five poor countries have only received food exports through black sea transportation

Sudden! A big explosion occurred in a city in eastern Ukraine | Markyevka | eastern Ukraine
Sudden! A big explosion occurred in a city in eastern Ukraine | Markyevka | eastern Ukraine

According to Deutsche Presse-Agentur on July 5, 25 people, including two children, were injured in an explosion after the shelling of Makjevka, a city in eastern Ukraine under the actual jurisdiction of pro Russian forces. According to reports, Denis Pushlin, the acting chief executive of Donetsk appointed by Moscow, said on the social media platform Telegraph on the morning of the 5th that Markyevka was attacked and two children were injured. He said, "Most residents of Markyevka and Donetsk can feel the explosion." Pushlin said that residential buildings, hospitals, schools, and kindergartens were damaged. According to the report, the Ukrainian Strategic Communications Center posted mobile phone footage of a large-scale explosion in the city on the "Telegraph" social media platform, stating that it was an attack on a Russian military base. The report also stated that the Ukrainian side stated that

Another celebrity's virus test report, just now Aya | Studio | Report
Another celebrity's virus test report, just now Aya | Studio | Report

On June 19, many stars in Taiwan, China were caught up in Huang Zijiao's revelations, and then Aya was the first to stand up and deny taking drugs. Today, Aya Studio once again responded to this matter and made Aya's drug test report public. The response is as follows: Recently, Aya was unjustly accused. In order to further reassure friends who trust and care about Aya, Aya went to an authoritative testing institution for hair and urine testing on the day of her return to Beijing on July 4, 2023. The relevant testing report is as follows. Clear is self cleansing. Here we reiterate that Aya has never used prohibited drugs or drugs in any form and has always strictly complied with laws and regulations. Thank you all friends, your trust will not be misplaced. Finally, I wish everyone peace and health! Subsequently, Aya forwarded the studio's Weibo post with the caption: Thank you for your support