The world

Strictly control major demolition and construction, retain historical context, clarify bottom line requirements for urban renewal, physical examination | urban renewal | requirements
Strictly control major demolition and construction, retain historical context, clarify bottom line requirements for urban renewal, physical examination | urban renewal | requirements

CCTV News: In order to solidly and orderly promote the implementation of urban renewal actions, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development stated yesterday that various regions should take urban physical examinations as a prerequisite for urban renewal, improve the level of urban planning, construction, and governance, clarify the bottom line requirements for urban renewal, and prevent large-scale demolition and construction. The Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development stated that various regions should establish urban physical examination mechanisms, from housing to residential areas, communities, blocks, and urban areas, to identify difficulties, bottlenecks, and pain points that are strongly reflected by the public, and make the problems and shortcomings found in urban physical examinations a key focus of urban renewal. Based on the results of urban physical examinations, delineate urban renewal units, establish project libraries, and clarify project implementation plans and arrangements. At the same time, we will strengthen the guidance of refined urban design and establish a mechanism for multiple stakeholders such as the government, enterprises, property owners, and the public to participate in urban renewal. In addition, various regions should be located in cities

Kenyan Scholar: Empowering Africa with Chinese Experience to Achieve Agenda 2063 Agriculture | Africa | Experience
Kenyan Scholar: Empowering Africa with Chinese Experience to Achieve Agenda 2063 Agriculture | Africa | Experience

Through the Forum on China Africa Cooperation, China actively engages in dialogue and cooperation with Africa, shares successful experiences in poverty alleviation and reduction with Africa, and provides new impetus for sustainable development and poverty reduction in Africa through the implementation of agricultural innovation projects, strengthening infrastructure construction, and improving medical standards. It helps Africa achieve its goals of eliminating absolute poverty, improving agricultural production capacity, and addressing food security challenges. Author: Dennis Muninet, Executive Director of the Central African Center at the Kenya Africa Policy Research Institute. The Forum on China Africa Cooperation holds a ministerial meeting every three years. Through the Forum, China actively engages in multilateral dialogue and cooperation with Africa, greatly enhancing external confidence in Africa's achievement of poverty reduction goals. Compared to the first summit of the Forum on China Africa Cooperation in 2000, Africa today has a significant impact on society and economy

Provide "Internet plus employment" continuous line service to escort graduates to find jobs | key | graduates
Provide "Internet plus employment" continuous line service to escort graduates to find jobs | key | graduates

CCTV News: It is currently the graduation season, and the education system continues to provide continuous online employment services, striving to help graduates who have not yet been employed to quickly find employment positions. Promoting employment, stabilizing employment, and expanding job opportunities are prerequisites. The education system actively expands employment channels for college graduates, continues to carry out targeted visits to enterprises and job opportunities, continuously explores internal resources, alumni, industry enterprises and other social resources, continuously promotes high-quality positions, and provides more employment opportunities for graduates. Recently, the National College Student Employment Service Platform of the Ministry of Education is holding recruitment activities such as the "2023 College Graduates Unemployed after Leaving School", "2023 College Graduates in Key Areas of Six Provinces and One City in East China", and "2023 College Graduates in Heiji, Liaoning, and Inner Mongolia" to promote high-quality job resources to those in need

Fully implement the system of access and inquiry for employees in training institutions, and weave a dense security protection net for off campus training institutions. | Inquiry | Security
Fully implement the system of access and inquiry for employees in training institutions, and weave a dense security protection net for off campus training institutions. | Inquiry | Security

CCTV News: Recently, the General Office of the Ministry of Education issued a notice to comprehensively implement the access query system for practitioners in off campus training institutions, and to ensure the entry of practitioners. The notice emphasizes that access inquiries should be covered by all staff. Implement the requirements of the employment inquiry and prohibition system for close contact with minors in the industry, and all types of off campus training institutions should conduct admission inquiries for proposed employees. Regular centralized checks should also be conducted on all employees after joining the company to ensure that all institutional employees who come into contact with minors are thoroughly investigated. The Notice emphasizes the strict inquiry process and the legal protection of the rights and obligations of relevant parties. The inquiry work should be carried out in accordance with laws and regulations, and the inquiry process should be strictly standardized to safeguard the rights and obligations of relevant parties in accordance with the law. Training institutions applying for queries must obtain the consent of the respondent and submit relevant materials, and are not allowed to query non applicants without authorization

Nicaraguan Foreign Minister: China is an important force in practicing multilateralism in the world | China | Foreign Minister
Nicaraguan Foreign Minister: China is an important force in practicing multilateralism in the world | China | Foreign Minister

On July 7th, Xinhua News Agency (United Nations) - Nicaraguan Foreign Minister Moncada recently stated in an interview with Xinhua News Agency reporters at the United Nations headquarters in New York that China is an important force in practicing multilateralism, and the series of initiatives proposed by China have positive significance for promoting world peace and development. Monkada said that China has foresight and outstanding performance in promoting multilateralism and multipolarity. China has established friendly and cooperative relations with different countries, developed practical cooperation, and maintained friendly, united, and strong relations with the world and the United Nations. When it comes to China's global development initiative, global security initiative, and global civilization initiative, Monkada said, "All of these initiatives are of great significance to the world, endowing development and growth with a humanistic vision." He pointed out that China has a broad range of areas such as technology, business, and culture

Robert Kuhn: People-to-people exchanges are a powerful driving force for understanding and cooperation Xi Jinping | President | Exchange
Robert Kuhn: People-to-people exchanges are a powerful driving force for understanding and cooperation Xi Jinping | President | Exchange

Over the past 30 years, as an expert on China's issues and recipient of the China Reform Friendship Award

Hear the heartbeat of Chinese civilization, [Why China] extol China in context, China-Chic Youth School | represent people from intangible cultural heritage music | Buyi people | Chinese civilization
Hear the heartbeat of Chinese civilization, [Why China] extol China in context, China-Chic Youth School | represent people from intangible cultural heritage music | Buyi people | Chinese civilization

Walking in the deep of the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, the Bouyei elderly in traditional clothes sit beside the village, and children play and play. The melodious sounds of nature from afar make the whole Bouyei village drunk. Whispering low and singing high, as if the pulse of music originating from the history of the Buyi ethnic group is beating. In the ever-changing melody, we seem to see the imprint of communication, exchange, and integration among various ethnic groups since ancient times, and also feel the cultural power that permeates people's hearts. The performance form of Eight Tone Sitting Singing, as its name suggests, requires eight performers to hold the Niugu Hu, Hulu Qin, Yue Qin, Sting Gu, Xiao Tong, Chai, Baobao Gong, and Xiaoma Gong, which are eight instruments that rotate around to play rap. It can sing the joy of festivals, the happiness of weddings, and the hard work of labor. The highest art often comes

African media: "the Belt and Road" project lights up 300000 households in South Africa | Energy | Project
African media: "the Belt and Road" project lights up 300000 households in South Africa | Energy | Project

International online special: The Independent of South Africa reported on July 4 that the German Arab wind power project built and operated by Chinese enterprises in South Africa is a typical example of the "the Belt and Road" initiative in the field of green energy. The project provides clean and renewable energy for local residents and guarantees the power demand of 300000 households. In addition, Chinese enterprises actively fulfill their social responsibilities and benefit the local people in various aspects such as education, healthcare, etc. The South African Independent reported in a screenshot article that, like many other countries around the world, South Africa is striving to ensure energy supply to meet the growing population and demand brought about by industrial development. At the same time, there is a growing demand for people to abandon the use of coal. However, coal has always been the traditional pillar of South Africa's energy system, accounting for about 70% of this African economic powerhouse's

Whose order—— AI Video Undermines the Mystery of the "Rule based International Order" in the United States | Rules | The United States
Whose order—— AI Video Undermines the Mystery of the "Rule based International Order" in the United States | Rules | The United States

It is not a secret that the United States is fond of power politics and enjoys military intervention. However, within the framework of the United Nations, the United States often cannot do as it pleases. Therefore, they fabricated a political concept - "rule based international order". Some politicians in the United States are now talking about a rule-based international order, but have never explained to the world what kind of rules it is based on, who formulated the rules, and what relationship these rules have with the international order. This is not their carelessness, but intentional: they do not want to define clearly, nor do they want to explain clearly, because it will hinder them from labeling other countries as they please, because they often play with "double standards" themselves, because the truth will expose their hypocrisy. In the eyes of the United States, obeying its demands, obeying its will,

Interview: Removing Risks to China Will Insulate the West from Opportunities - Interview with Stephen Perry, Chairman of 48 Group Clubs in the UK | China | UK
Interview: Removing Risks to China Will Insulate the West from Opportunities - Interview with Stephen Perry, Chairman of 48 Group Clubs in the UK | China | UK

London, July 7th (Xinhua) - "Risk reduction" towards China will insulate the West from opportunities. - Interview with Stephen Perry, Chairman of 48 Group Clubs in the UK. Xinhua reporter Huang Zemin. Stephen Perry, Chairman of 48 Group Clubs in the UK, said in an interview with Xinhua in London that China's development provides huge opportunities for multinational corporations. Some Western politicians pushing for so-called "decoupling" and "de risk" in an attempt to divide the world will only harm themselves and isolate them from opportunities. Perry stated that it is unwise to push for decoupling and risk reduction, or to believe that the world can be re fragmented. Western countries will suffer huge losses, and they will lose their excellent emerging markets. In the future, Asia will achieve large-scale innovation and development, and the United States and Europe will miss out on all of this. Perry said

Hungary and China are at the forefront of knowledge economy cooperation. Governor of the Central Bank of Hungary: relying on the knowledge of the "the Belt and Road" | cooperation | President
Hungary and China are at the forefront of knowledge economy cooperation. Governor of the Central Bank of Hungary: relying on the knowledge of the "the Belt and Road" | cooperation | President

The COVID-19 epidemic and the Russia-Ukraine conflict have added variables to the world situation, but the future of Eurasian cooperation should not be hindered. Eurasian countries should mobilize their respective advantageous resources for mutual benefit and win-win outcomes. Relying on the "the Belt and Road" initiative, Hungary and China continued to promote cooperation and achieved outstanding results in the logistics and new energy vehicle industry. This type of investment promotes knowledge sharing and innovation, and will continue to expand to emerging industries and fields. Through university cooperation and exchanges, international dialogue will be continuously strengthened, knowledge networks will be built, long-term sustainable economic growth will be promoted, and new models of digital and green development will be constructed. Author: Gergi Matoc, President of the Central Bank of Hungary, former Minister of Economy of Hungary, after several waves of COVID-19, the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict has added a new special situation to the world, leading to

The Ministry of Education deploys various regions to do a good job in summer safety work for primary and secondary schools, strictly preventing various safety incidents from happening. Department | Ministry of Education
The Ministry of Education deploys various regions to do a good job in summer safety work for primary and secondary schools, strictly preventing various safety incidents from happening. Department | Ministry of Education

CCTV News: Currently, various regions have started summer vacation, and the Ministry of Education has issued a notice requiring all regions to do a good job in summer safety for primary and secondary schools. The notice points out that various regions should deeply learn from the lessons of recent safety accidents in some areas, closely monitor potential hazards, comprehensively investigate risks, timely carry out rectification, and effectively carry out summer safety work. The notice emphasizes that all regions should conscientiously carry out summer safety education, remind primary and secondary school students to pay attention to their own safety when going out during the summer, especially not to swim privately, not drive motor vehicles, not trust network information, not participate in network superstition and gambling activities, and strictly prevent various safety incidents from occurring. We should guide schools to make full use of the summer to thoroughly investigate and rectify various campus safety hazards and weak links, and ensure the smooth start of the autumn semester. Cooperate with the public security traffic management department to strengthen road traffic safety around the school

Promoting "Industrialized" Late Rice Seedling Technology to Assist Agriculture in Sowing and Harvesting Hope Early Rice | Late Rice | Hope
Promoting "Industrialized" Late Rice Seedling Technology to Assist Agriculture in Sowing and Harvesting Hope Early Rice | Late Rice | Hope

CCTV News: In recent days, farmers in Xingye County, Yulin City, Guangxi have been focusing on harvesting early rice while also seizing favorable weather conditions to prepare for late rice cultivation. In the rice seedling greenhouse located in Shinan Town, Xingye County, workers are skillfully operating on the seedling production line. Empty seedling trays are neatly and orderly placed on the conveyor belt, and the machine automatically fills nutrient soil, sprinkles water, sows seeds, and then covers the soil. After the production of rectangular seedling trays with evenly scattered seeds, workers placed them in the greenhouse to promote germination, creating a bustling scene of production on site. Chen Xing, a manager of the Southern Rice Industry Center in Xingye County, Guangxi: Since June, we have received orders for late rice seedling cultivation. So far, more than 3000 acres have been received, and these orders mainly come from local and surrounding counties and cities. It is understood that,

Continuous rainfall induces frequent occurrence of diseases and pests. Agricultural technicians on site "check the pulse" to recruit rice | personnel | recruitment
Continuous rainfall induces frequent occurrence of diseases and pests. Agricultural technicians on site "check the pulse" to recruit rice | personnel | recruitment

CCTV News: Recently, there has been continuous rainfall in Kaizhou, Chongqing, leading to the continuous migration of pests. Timely organize local agricultural technicians to go deep into the fields and ensure rice yield. In Guojia Town, Kaizhou District, Chongqing, recent continuous rainfall has led to pest infestation in rice. Agricultural technicians walked into the fields to analyze the current situation of pests and diseases, provided on-site guidance to farmers on scientific prevention and control, and organized unmanned plant protection aircraft to spray control drugs on rice. Agricultural technicians: Just like this white, in severe cases, it can eat up all the leaves of a plant, which may lead to a failure of rice harvest in the later stage. Liu Jiuyu, a major rice grower in Kaizhou District, Chongqing: Under the guidance of the district agricultural committee, we have applied precise and timely pesticides, greatly improving the control effect.

National Flood Control Administration: Make every effort to do a good job in flood control and disaster relief work
National Flood Control Administration: Make every effort to do a good job in flood control and disaster relief work

Beijing, July 7th (Guangming Daily) - Recently, the National Flood Control and Drought Relief Administration issued a notice to the flood control and drought relief command centers of various provinces, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, various river basin flood control and drought relief command centers, and various member units of the National Flood Control and Drought Relief Administration, demanding a clear understanding of the current severe and complex situation of flood control and disaster relief, to implement various flood control and disaster relief measures, and to put the safety of people's lives and property first, and to strive to minimize various losses. The notice requires all levels and departments to highlight the key points of prevention, and to address weak links such as frequent occurrence of flash floods and geological disasters, severe floods in small and medium-sized rivers, and prominent urban waterlogging and waterlogging problems. We must adhere to the principle of prevention as the main focus and combine prevention with rescue, strengthen the investigation of safety hazards, and strengthen comprehensive defense and systematic governance measures. To accurately assess early warning and continue to strengthen cross departmental 24-hour communication

Fully utilize the water resources of the Yellow River to ensure orderly implementation of summer irrigation and management work in Yumenkou Irrigation Area Water Resources Guarantee
Fully utilize the water resources of the Yellow River to ensure orderly implementation of summer irrigation and management work in Yumenkou Irrigation Area Water Resources Guarantee

CCTV News: Autumn harvest is abundant, and summer management is crucial. The southern region of Shanxi is in the period of summer irrigation and summer management. As the largest agricultural irrigation area in Shanxi, the summer irrigation work in Yumenkou Irrigation Area is being carried out in an orderly manner. In Guanzhuang Village, Hejin City, Shanxi Province, due to recent low rainfall, the emergence rate of newly sown corn is relatively low. Therefore, the Yumenkou Irrigation District fully utilizes the water resources of the Yellow River and timely raises water for irrigation. Yumenkou Irrigation District is the largest agricultural irrigation area in Shanxi Province, with an irrigation control area of 2.5 million mu, benefiting 11 counties in Yuncheng and Linfen cities. It plays an important role in ensuring food security. It is understood that the summer irrigation work in Yumenkou Irrigation District started on June 19th, and as of July 6th, the cumulative irrigation water volume was over 11 million cubic meters, with an irrigation area of 110000 acres.

The consumption of cultural and tourism in the ancient capital is transforming towards deep immersion. New professions, new business districts, and new industrial chains have emerged. Work | Tourists | Transforming into new professions
The consumption of cultural and tourism in the ancient capital is transforming towards deep immersion. New professions, new business districts, and new industrial chains have emerged. Work | Tourists | Transforming into new professions

CCTV News: Focusing on expanding domestic demand, restoring and expanding consumption is the top priority of this year's economic work. Since the beginning of this year, some millennium old capitals have relied on their own characteristics to explore historical and cultural resources, transforming cultural and tourism consumption from traditional sightseeing to deep immersion, and meeting people's diverse and personalized needs. Recently, CCTV reporters conducted interviews in multiple locations including Beijing, Nanjing, Xi'an, and Luoyang. Today, let's first take a look at the situation in Luoyang. According to data from travel platforms, in the past three months, the booking volume of Luoyang scenic spots has increased by 47% compared to 2019, and the hotel booking volume has increased by 163% compared to 2019. 80% of tourists are under the age of 45. The top ten popular scenic spots are Longmen Grottoes, Laojunshan Scenic Area, Luoyang City of Sui and Tang Dynasties, China National Garden, International Peony Garden, and Luoyang Old Street

The number of newly registered new energy vehicles in China reached a historic high in the first half of this year
The number of newly registered new energy vehicles in China reached a historic high in the first half of this year

CCTV News: Today, the reporter learned from the Ministry of Public Security that as of the end of June 2023, the total number of motor vehicles in China reached 426 million, with 513 million drivers. In the first half of this year, the number of newly registered new energy vehicles in China reached a historic high. According to statistics from the Ministry of Public Security, in the first half of 2023, there were 16.88 million newly registered motor vehicles in China, a year-on-year increase of 1.9%. 3.128 million new energy vehicles were newly registered nationwide, a year-on-year increase of 41.6%, reaching a historic high. At present, there are a total of 88 cities in China with a car ownership of over 1 million vehicles, of which Beijing and Chengdu have a car ownership of over 6 million vehicles, and Chongqing, Shanghai, and Suzhou have a car ownership of over 5 million vehicles. In terms of the number of drivers, as of the end of June, motor vehicles nationwide

Looking at China's High Quality Development | Moving towards "Green" and "Guizhou Scenery" with Infinite Good Green | Guizhou | China |
Looking at China's High Quality Development | Moving towards "Green" and "Guizhou Scenery" with Infinite Good Green | Guizhou | China |

If you want to give Guizhou a color, green is undoubtedly the best answer. Surrounded by green belts and surrounded by forests; Here, mountains and cities blend together, and the city lies in the forest; Here, the blue sky and white clouds roam, and the green fields have no end. The people here are adjacent to green mountains and accompanied by green water, sharing the two major dividends of ecology and development. In the Jiaxiulou section of Nanming River in Guiyang City, Guizhou, which is one of the first national ecological civilization pilot zones and a pioneer area for ecological civilization construction, has achieved remarkable results in the protection of biodiversity in Fanjing Mountain, iron fisted pollution control in the Wujiang River Basin, and achieved a brilliant transformation of mountains becoming green, water becoming clear, and green becoming rich through comprehensive planning, overall implementation, and multiple measures. In Huaxi District, Guiyang City, children are standing by a clear and bottomless stream

Yin Xiaofeng serves as the Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Management Committee of Tianjin Port Free Trade Zone | Management Committee | Yin Xiaofeng
Yin Xiaofeng serves as the Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Management Committee of Tianjin Port Free Trade Zone | Management Committee | Yin Xiaofeng

According to the "Party and Government Leaders" information on the official website of Tianjin Port Free Trade Zone, Yin Xiaofeng has been appointed as the Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Management Committee of Tianjin Port Free Trade Zone, Deputy Director of the Management Committee of China Pilot Free Trade Zone, and Director of the Tianjin Airport Area Management Bureau of China Pilot Free Trade Zone. Resume: Yin Xiaofeng, male, Han nationality, born in Tieling, Liaoning Province in July 1972, joined the CPC in December 1993 and started working in August 1995. He graduated from the Department of Applied Chemistry of Harbin Institute of Technology in the major of electrochemical production process, with a doctor's degree in management. Formerly served as the Director of the Comprehensive Management Department, the Director of the Comprehensive Planning Department, the Director of the Information and Statistics Department of the Finance Department, and the Director of the Human Resources Department of the Civil Products Division of China Ordnance Equipment Group Corporation; Member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the Management Committee of Tianjin Port Free Trade Zone; China's Pilot Free Trade Zone Policy

Foreign media: The United States prohibits the destruction of the last batch of chemical weapons inventory | Declaration | United States
Foreign media: The United States prohibits the destruction of the last batch of chemical weapons inventory | Declaration | United States

According to Reuters, US President Biden announced on July 7th that the United States has destroyed the last batch of chemical weapons inventory. According to reports, the world's chemical weapons regulatory agency announced on the same day that with the United States destroying the country's last declared chemical weapons inventory earlier that day, all declared chemical weapons of the Convention on the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons have been destroyed. According to reports, according to the Chemical Weapons Convention approved by the United States Senate in 1997, the United States and other signatory countries must destroy their respective chemical weapon inventories by September 30, 2023. On the 7th, Biden issued a written statement saying, "Today, I am proud to announce that the United States has safely destroyed the last batch of chemical weapons and ammunition in its inventory, and we are closer to a world without chemical weapons terror."

Claiming to "let everyone know the truth," Trump promised to declassify the Kennedy assassination case file after re-election
Claiming to "let everyone know the truth," Trump promised to declassify the Kennedy assassination case file after re-election

According to Yahoo News, former US President Trump recently made a promise on his personal social media platform Truth Social, "If I succeed in the 2024 election, I will publicly disclose all remaining confidential records related to the assassination of President Kennedy." However, a week ago, the Biden administration refused to disclose the relevant files of the Kennedy assassination. Former US President Trump wrote on his social media platform Truth Social, "When I return to the White House, I will declassify and unseal all documents related to the assassination of Kennedy. It has been 60 years, and it is time for the American people to know the truth!" According to NBC News, a bill announcing the assassination of Kennedy was unanimously passed by Congress. The bill requires the disclosure of all relevant documents by October 26, 2017

Is there a rumor on the internet that tourists from Xinjiang are experiencing a cliff like decline? Xinjiang Department of Culture and Tourism: Rumors! Tourists | Xinjiang | Cliffs
Is there a rumor on the internet that tourists from Xinjiang are experiencing a cliff like decline? Xinjiang Department of Culture and Tourism: Rumors! Tourists | Xinjiang | Cliffs

Recently, there have been videos and related topics circulating online about the "steep decline of tourists in Xinjiang", which have attracted some netizens to pay attention and discuss the authenticity of this information! The internet is not a lawless place. Do not believe or spread any illegal sources or unverified information. Any illegal behavior suspected of spreading rumors will be severely punished by the law. In July, Xinjiang's colorful and magnificent Tianshan Mountains are welcoming visitors from all directions with the most beautiful scenery. In the scorching summer, visitors from all directions enter Xinjiang and search for unique "poetry and distant places" in ordinary alleys and fireworks. Video screenshot of the Duku Highway. On July 4th, passengers walked out of Urumqi Station through the exit channel. With the arrival of the peak tourism season, there is a surge of people at Urumqi Station, and both the starting and ending passenger flows are operating at high levels. Photo by Zou Yi, a journalist from Xinjiang Daily/Pomegranate Cloud: On July 5th, tourists in Kashgar

The main hall has been in existence for 20 years. After the 1970s, Liao Fei, the director of the Guizhou Provincial Department of Science and Technology, was transferred to the position of President, Secretary, Deputy Secretary, and Director of the Guizhou Academy of Sciences
The main hall has been in existence for 20 years. After the 1970s, Liao Fei, the director of the Guizhou Provincial Department of Science and Technology, was transferred to the position of President, Secretary, Deputy Secretary, and Director of the Guizhou Academy of Sciences

According to the official website of Guizhou Academy of Sciences on July 7th, on the morning of the 5th, Liao Fei, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and President of Guizhou Academy of Sciences, Zhang Hongliang, Vice President, Wang Tao, and six others visited Guizhou Institute of Electronic Industry to conduct business research. According to the above report, Liao Fei, who previously served as the Party Secretary and Director of the Department of Science and Technology of Guizhou Province, has been transferred to the position of Deputy Party Secretary and President of the Guizhou Academy of Sciences. Liao Fei, born in October 1970, is a Miao from Liuzhi, Guizhou. He holds a Master's degree in Business Administration and is a senior engineer. After graduating from Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Liao Fei joined Guihang Group and became the Deputy Secretary of the Guizhou Provincial Committee and Party Group of the Communist Youth League in February 2002. At the end of the same year, he became the Secretary of the Guizhou Provincial Committee and Party Group of the Communist Youth League. After 2006, Liao Fei served as the Deputy Secretary of the Qianxinan Prefectural Committee and the Deputy Secretary of the Qianxinan Prefectural Committee

Biden's Clear Statement on Ukraine's Accession to the Treaty: US | NATO | Ukraine
Biden's Clear Statement on Ukraine's Accession to the Treaty: US | NATO | Ukraine

According to Deutsche Presse-Agentur, less than a week before NATO leaders held a key summit in Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania, the United States dismissed any possibility that Ukraine would soon receive an invitation from the Western security alliance. According to reports, US President Joe Biden told CNN on the 7th, "I don't think it's ready to join NATO yet." Biden said, "I don't think NATO has reached an agreement on whether to let Ukraine join the NATO family now, at this moment, during the war." He said, "If the war continues, then all of us will be involved in the war... we will all go to war with Russia." The report mentioned that US National Security Assistant Jack Sullivan had previously expressed a similar opinion. Although he believes that the Vilnius summit will become NATO

The government of this country has taken urgent action, informed during the Wagner incident | Syria | government
The government of this country has taken urgent action, informed during the Wagner incident | Syria | government

According to the German news television channel website on July 7th, insiders revealed that during the Wagner incident in Russia, the Syrian government and Russian military quickly took action against Wagner's mercenaries in Syria. Insiders say this is to prevent the rebellion from spreading to Syria. According to reports, the measures taken by the Syrian government and the Russian military at the time included cutting off telephone lines and summoning the commander of the Wagner Group to Russian military bases. It is said that at that time, the mercenaries of the Wagner Group were asked to make a decision: if they did not sign a new contract with the Russian Ministry of Defense, they would have to leave Syria. ▲ Materials and images: A source familiar with the Russian MiG-31 fighter jet deployed at the Khmeim Air Force Base in Syria revealed that during the Wagner incident, senior Syrian military officers and intelligence officials were deeply concerned. They are concerned about the incident

10 Party members and cadres drank alcohol in violation of regulations on weekdays, and the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervisory Commission of Hainan Province reported that 3 cadres were punished. Typical | Supervisory Commission | Discipline Inspection Commission
10 Party members and cadres drank alcohol in violation of regulations on weekdays, and the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervisory Commission of Hainan Province reported that 3 cadres were punished. Typical | Supervisory Commission | Discipline Inspection Commission

Dongfang reported 3 typical cases of misconduct and corruption in the field of rural revitalization. Recently, the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Dongfang City reported 3 typical cases of misconduct and corruption in the field of rural revitalization. They are: 1. Li Guangyi, the person in charge of the Urban Management Administrative Law Enforcement Brigade of the Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau of Dongfang City, improperly performed his duties and caused financial losses in poverty alleviation. During the period from 2018 to 2019, Li Guangyi, then Deputy Director of the Office of the Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Brigade in Dongfang City, embezzled 39400 yuan from poverty alleviation work funds to pay for the city's comprehensive administrative law enforcement bureau's failure to receive and distribute compound fertilizers to village cadres in accordance with regulations. In addition, Li Guangyi also has other disciplinary and illegal issues. In June 2022, Li Guangyi was given a serious warning within the party and a major disciplinary action was taken in government affairs. 2、 Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Services in Dongfang City

Is it rumored that Zhengzhou spent 3.4 billion yuan to hang marble bricks on the river channel? Reporter Investigates Construction Site Account | Information | Reporter
Is it rumored that Zhengzhou spent 3.4 billion yuan to hang marble bricks on the river channel? Reporter Investigates Construction Site Account | Information | Reporter

On the 6th, multiple social media accounts announced that Zhengzhou, Henan Province spent 3.4 billion yuan to hang marble bricks on the Jinshui River. This rumor immediately spread on the internet, causing a lot of discussion among netizens. On the 7th, the reporter conducted an on-site inspection of the construction site and found that some areas of the Jinshui River did indeed have marble bricks hanging on them, but this situation only belongs to a part of the comprehensive improvement project of the Jinshui River channel. Is the marble hanging on the river channel true? Is the Jinshui River really covered with marble? Will all 3.4 billion yuan be used for the laying of marble along the entire river channel? In order to uncover the truth, the reporter went to multiple coastal locations along the Jinshui River for on-site observation. The reporter started from Guojiazui Reservoir, the starting point of the Jinshui River, and walked northeast along the bank of the Jinshui River. They then arrived at the northwest side of the intersection of Songshan South Road and Longhai West Road, and Zhengzhou

As a result, Jin Yinan became indecisive and complacent. Poland sought to deploy US nuclear weapons, but was ignored by nuclear weapons | Poland | United States
As a result, Jin Yinan became indecisive and complacent. Poland sought to deploy US nuclear weapons, but was ignored by nuclear weapons | Poland | United States

Polish Prime Minister Morawitzki recently expressed at a press conference after the EU summit that he hopes to deploy US nuclear weapons in Poland, and he also called on the entire NATO to participate in the nuclear weapon sharing program. In response, Kirby, the Strategic Communications Coordinator of the US National Security Council, stated that the United States is temporarily not discussing the deployment of nuclear weapons in Poland. So, what is Poland's intention to insist on joining NATO's "nuclear sharing" program? Will the current US attitude towards nuclear weapons change with the evolution of the Russia-Ukraine conflict? Stay tuned for the Southern Military Forum on National Defense Time and Space. Image: Polish Prime Minister Moravitsky Li Yue: Poland has publicly expressed its desire to join NATO's "nuclear sharing" program at this time, which is a direct response to Russia's deployment of nuclear weapons in Belarus. But in reality, Poland's idea is not

The Dutch coalition government suddenly disbands asylum seekers | Democratic People's Party | Netherlands
The Dutch coalition government suddenly disbands asylum seekers | Democratic People's Party | Netherlands

According to Reuters, the Dutch coalition government, which has been in office for only about a year and a half, has collapsed. Dutch Prime Minister L ü tte's profile shows that after an emergency cabinet meeting on July 7th, he announced that the coalition government composed of four parties had decided to dissolve due to "irreconcilable differences". According to reports, this crisis was triggered by the conservative Liberal Democratic People's Party led by L ü tte's push to restrict the influx of asylum seekers into the Netherlands. L ü tter's proposal is to restrict the entry of war refugee children who have arrived in the Netherlands and to require families applying for asylum to wait at least two years before they can reunite. The small political parties in the ruling coalition, the Christian Union and the liberal 66 Democratic Party, believe that this proposal is too excessive and refuse to support it. Lute said at a television press conference, "It's not a secret that there are different opinions among alliance partners on immigration policies."