The world

Youthful youth can do well, warm review: @ Youthful progress in youth | China | Youth
Youthful youth can do well, warm review: @ Youthful progress in youth | China | Youth

If the youth are strong, the country will be strong, and if the youth progress, the country will progress. Recently, the People's Daily, Xinhua News Agency and many other official WeChat tweets about Cao Chenzhe, a 16-year-old student of Licai Experimental School in Jiangyan District, Taizhou City, Jiangsu Province, who "saved people in the form of textbooks" as well as his outstanding deeds of donating charity bonuses to help others. The People's Daily WeChat official account published the report "Cao Chenzhe, your" paper ", full marks!" to praise Cao Chenzhe. In March of this year, a boy was choked by a foreign object in the cafeteria. In a critical moment, Cao Chenzhe implemented the Heimlich emergency method to help his classmates escape danger. "If this situation happens again in the future, I will lend a helping hand as soon as possible." On the day of the high school entrance examination, he and his younger brother donated all 5000 yuan of the prize money for righteous deeds. The calm handling and rational rescue fully demonstrate the "wise and brave" style of contemporary youth

Exploring New Paths for Governance through New Industries for Photovoltaic Power Stations | Projects | Paths
Exploring New Paths for Governance through New Industries for Photovoltaic Power Stations | Projects | Paths

In April this year, the first project registered and started in the national "Sage Desert" base - the 1 million kilowatt photovoltaic project of Ningxia Tengger Desert 3GW New Energy Base Phase I was successfully connected to the grid for power generation. After the completion of this project, the annual power generation can reach 4.35 billion kilowatt hours. After being bundled with other parts of Ningxia's electricity, it will be transmitted to Hunan through the Ningxiang ± 800 kV ultra-high voltage direct current transmission project, which started construction in June this year, with an annual transmission capacity of 36 billion kilowatt hours to 40 billion kilowatt hours. This move not only strongly supports the high-quality development of energy demand in Hunan and even the Yangtze River Economic Belt, bringing considerable economic benefits to Ningxia, but also explores new paths for ecological governance. The photovoltaic power station is located in Zhongwei City on the southeast edge of Tengger Desert, and construction will start in September 2022. Since the flowing sand dunes in Tengger Desert are often

Party members fighting on the front line workers | Communist Party members | Party members
Party members fighting on the front line workers | Communist Party members | Party members

On June 29th, at the construction site of the natural gas supply station in Le'an County, Jiangxi Province, Communist Party member Liu Hongwei led his colleagues to debug equipment, fighting on the front line to ensure that local residents can use natural gas from the western region as soon as possible. On June 30th, Xu Chunfeng, the Deputy Secretary of the Party Branch of the Rongxi Resettlement Housing Project in Xiong'an New District, China Construction Third Engineering Bureau, and with 25 years of Party experience, led his employees to work day and night to catch up with the deadline. On June 30th, photographed by Liu Xiangyang, Communist Party member Ge Xiaofan introduced the new fabrics produced by Jiangsu Zhanmusi Textile Co., Ltd. located in Hai'an Economic and Technological Development Zone, Jiangsu to customers. On June 29th, Liu Zhiyong, the shift leader and Communist Party member of China Minmetals Hunan Nonferrous Tin Mine Shanxing Antimony Industry Co., Ltd.'s South Mine Mechanical and Electrical Workshop, was on duty for 30 years. Photo by Liu Donghua on June 3rd

Expand domestic demand by expanding the first mile of demand | economy | expanding domestic demand
Expand domestic demand by expanding the first mile of demand | economy | expanding domestic demand

Currently, the slowdown in global demand has created certain external pressure on the stabilization and recovery of China's economy. Expanding effective demand, especially boosting domestic demand, is the key to ensuring the smooth operation of the macroeconomy. Finding the right path to implement policies is of great significance for improving policy efficiency and effectiveness. From the perspective of economic cycle logic, the steady and upward development of the real economy is the "first mile" to ensure stable employment and sustained income growth. Grasp this important link, continue to promote tax reduction and fee reduction in the real economy, stimulate the development vitality of business entities, play the dual driving role of the government and market, and expand effective demand in order to achieve sustainable and effective results. Strengthening and optimizing the real economy and expanding effective demand are closely related and interdependent. Only by viewing the relationship between the two from a dialectical and interconnected perspective can policies achieve twice the result with half the effort. Real economy innovation

Thick Planting County Economy Consumption Soil Rural | Commercial | Economic
Thick Planting County Economy Consumption Soil Rural | Commercial | Economic

County is a crucial link in China's urban system, serving as a crucial support for the integrated development of urban and rural areas. In recent years, the country has attached great importance to rural consumption and the construction of county-level commercial systems. Various regions have continuously enriched county-level commercial formats through measures such as improving commercial infrastructure, strengthening commercial enterprises, and promoting rural e-commerce. According to data from the Ministry of Commerce, in 2022, 983 comprehensive commercial service centers in county towns and 3941 township commercial centers will be constructed and renovated nationwide. Many township large markets and convenience supermarkets have undergone renovation and become more fully functional. Overall, there are still shortcomings and weaknesses in the development of county-level commerce in China that urgently need to be addressed, mainly manifested as inadequate network layout, insufficient strength of business entities, inadequate logistics and transportation facilities, and inadequate consumption environment, which promote the improvement and expansion of county-level consumption

Shared Prosperity, Development, and a Better Future Expo | Economy and Trade | A Better Future
Shared Prosperity, Development, and a Better Future Expo | Economy and Trade | A Better Future

"China has always been a very good and reliable partner for Africa." "We want to learn from China's development experience and connect various regions of our country, connecting the production and consumption areas of our products." At the Third China Africa Economic and Trade Expo, guests from various countries highly praised China Africa practical cooperation, demonstrating the long-standing and profound friendship between China and Africa, and demonstrating the bright prospect of China Africa's joint development. In recent years, relying on the platform of the China Africa Economic and Trade Expo, China Africa trade has developed rapidly, and economic and trade cooperation has reached a new level, becoming a vivid portrayal of the shared destiny of China and Africa. China has been the largest trading partner in Africa for 14 consecutive years. In the first five months of this year, the total import and export value between China and Africa was 822.32 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 16.4%, continuing to maintain a good momentum. Nowadays, China Africa economic and trade cooperation leads the way

Qionglin Village Branch Secretary's Laughter Village | Industry | Laughter
Qionglin Village Branch Secretary's Laughter Village | Industry | Laughter

The mountain road winds and the forest is dense. On the eve of the "July 1st" holiday, when off-road vehicles shuttled about an hour in Nanyi Valley, Milin City, Xizang, the mountains suddenly opened up. A plank road with party flags and national flags on both sides appeared, connecting a wooden house 100 meters away. This is the "Red Small Pastoral House" in Qionglin Village, which is a witness of the Luoba ethnic party members and cadres leading the masses to inherit history and defend the country. Entering the small pastoral house, exhibits such as rough machetes and wooden tools recount the production and living conditions of the people of Lhoba before the liberation. Dawa, secretary of the Party branch of Qionglin Village, Nanyi Loba Ethnic Township, Milin City, said that before the peaceful liberation of Xizang, the Loba people lived by hunting, and simple small grazing houses were their places to recuperate. With the Communist Party leading the people of Lhoba to liberate themselves and carry out democratic reforms, the Lhoba people have moved from mobile small pastoral houses to other areas

Economic Daily editorial: Leading the Way to the New Era with the Great Spirit of Party Building Party Party | Party Building | Era
Economic Daily editorial: Leading the Way to the New Era with the Great Spirit of Party Building Party Party | Party Building | Era

In the arduous climb from mountain to mountain, we ushered in the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the CPC.Under the banner of the Bright Red Party, new party members solemnly pledge to inject fresh blood into the party's team. A Marxist political party that has gone through a century, inheriting the red gene, guarding the source of spirit, and constantly inspiring the magnificent force of continuous struggle. The place of origin is the source. At the Memorial Hall of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the giant oil painting "Spark", which is 3 meters high and 7 meters wide, always attracts many visitors to stop. On the screen, more than 50 members of early Communist Party organizations in various regions hold their heads high and their spirits high

Zunyi: Clever Hands Folding Boats Reflecting Original Aspiration, Smooth Sail, Blessing Party Skills | Elderly | Zunyi
Zunyi: Clever Hands Folding Boats Reflecting Original Aspiration, Smooth Sail, Blessing Party Skills | Elderly | Zunyi

Click on the blue text above to follow "Live in Zunyi". A paper boat flipped and folded, condensing the heart for the Party. Qin Hebao, an elderly man living in Chunchunbao Community, Honghuagang District, Zunyi City, Guizhou Province, has been folding paper boats with his hands for over ten thousand years. He said that the CPC set sail in the red boat, and the boat also represents smooth sailing. These paper boats are the best wishes for the CPC. "Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China, let alone everything I have today," Qin Hebao told reporters. Before the founding of New China, his family was extremely poor, and he couldn't eat enough all year round. In his childhood, he even had no clothes or shoes to wear. After the founding of New China, it was the Communist Party that gave him the opportunity to receive education. Qin Hebao was born in Danyang, Jiangsu in 1935. In 1950, Qin Hebao became an apprentice at Shanghai Weicheng Textile Hardware Factory and spent six years there

Russian Foreign Minister: "This is already a form of schizophrenia" Country | Ukraine | Schizophrenia
Russian Foreign Minister: "This is already a form of schizophrenia" Country | Ukraine | Schizophrenia

On June 30th, Russian News Agency reported that Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov said that Western countries claim it is necessary to end the conflict in Ukraine through negotiations, while emphasizing that Ukraine must achieve victory before that, and they are actually trying to prolong the conflict in Ukraine. Reported that US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said this week that the conflict in Ukraine would end through diplomatic means. Earlier, he, along with other political figures from Western and NATO countries, stated that the first step is to defeat Russia on the battlefield and force it to retreat to the 1991 border. Lavrov commented on this, "This is already a form of schizophrenia. They say everything should be ended through negotiations, but first Russia must be defeated... This personality split does not help in correctly judging the situation. My assessment is that they are trying to temporarily freeze this conflict and achieve some kind of resolution."

CIA Director "quietly" contacted the Russian side, after the Wagner incident, Russia | the United States | the incident
CIA Director "quietly" contacted the Russian side, after the Wagner incident, Russia | the United States | the incident

According to the website of The Wall Street Journal on June 30th, after the Wagner incident, CIA Director William Burns quietly contacted the Russian side and conveyed a message to the Russian side that the United States was not involved in this internal incident in Russia. According to reports, Burns' conversation with Sergei Nareshkin, the director of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Agency, was the highest level of contact between the governments of the United States and Russia after the Wagner incident. The report points out that Burns' proactive contact with the Russian side is part of the White House's message to Putin and his core circle. The US wants to make it clear to the Russian side that it has nothing to do with the actions of the Wagner Group leader Yevgeny Prigoren, and does not seek to provoke tensions within Russia. ▲ Data image: Director of the Central Intelligence Agency in the United States

Chinese representative: The United States cannot engage in confrontation or division after returning to UNESCO | UNESCO | Conference | Member States | Return | United States | UNESCO | Organization
Chinese representative: The United States cannot engage in confrontation or division after returning to UNESCO | UNESCO | Conference | Member States | Return | United States | UNESCO | Organization

On June 30th, the special session of the UNESCO General Assembly passed a draft resolution allowing the United States to fully restore its membership in UNESCO in July of this year. After the vote was passed, Yang Jin, the Permanent Ambassador of China to UNESCO, emphasized that after the United States returns to UNESCO, it should contribute to promoting unity and cooperation within the organization, rather than engaging in confrontation and division. Yang Jin said that the Chinese side demands that the US side, upon returning, fulfill its obligations and commitments, pay its dues in full and on time, and make up for all outstanding dues as soon as possible. From June 29th to 30th, a special session of the UNESCO General Conference approved a draft resolution on financial issues related to the return of the United States as a member state to UNESCO. According to the press release released by the organization after the meeting, based on the above resolution

Using Drones to Combat Mosquitoes in California, USA | Mosquitoes | California, USA
Using Drones to Combat Mosquitoes in California, USA | Mosquitoes | California, USA

For thousands of years, the competition between humans and mosquitoes has never stopped. Recently, Orange County in southern California, USA has deployed drones to combat mosquitoes, which are believed to be a more precise and effective new method than traditional mosquito control methods. According to the Associated Press on June 29th, California had a rainy winter last year, leading to a surge in mosquito numbers this summer. In the Orange County area, some mosquito catching devices have caught three times the average number of mosquitoes in the past 15 years, making the task of mosquito control urgent. Local drones were immediately deployed to deliver specific drugs in parks, swamps, ponds and other areas in order to accurately kill mosquito larvae. Drone operator John Savage described that mosquito larvae are filter feeders who can ingest this drug into their bodies. "If you have watched the movie Alien, you can imagine the scene: mosquitoes' exploding from the inside out '," he said

Is the investment director taken away? Huatai Bairui Fund responds with personnel | Company | Bairui
Is the investment director taken away? Huatai Bairui Fund responds with personnel | Company | Bairui

On the evening of June 30th, Huatai Bairui website issued a solemn statement stating that all investment personnel of the company are currently working normally. The statement pointed out that Huatai Bairui Fund Management Co., Ltd. has found false information about the company's investment personnel spreading on online platforms such as WeChat and Weibo. Currently, all investment personnel of the company are working normally. For those who spread rumors maliciously, damage the reputation of the company and employees, and endanger the normal order of the capital market, the company reserves the right to further pursue their legal responsibilities. Investors are advised not to trust rumors lightly. Previously, on the evening of June 30th, a financial blogger revealed on Weibo that a public fund manager had been taken away, and claimed that the Shanghai fund circle was afraid of an "earthquake". A user in the comment section replied that the public fund was Huatai Bairui Fund. On the same day, a screenshot was circulated within the circle, along with

Father is a "deadbeat" causing daughter to lose 710 points on the list? Judge: Similar stories are purely rumors, Father | Article | Lai Lai
Father is a "deadbeat" causing daughter to lose 710 points on the list? Judge: Similar stories are purely rumors, Father | Article | Lai Lai

A few days ago, an article titled "My daughter failed in the college entrance exam due to my father being a" Laolai "!" was circulated on WeChat. The reporter of Beijing Youth Daily noticed that similar articles have been circulated on the Internet for several years. The Internet joint platform for refuting rumors said that rumors of "Laolai's father harming my children in the college entrance exam" frequently appeared during the college entrance exam. Behind these rumors are often scams carefully designed by rumormongers. Guo Wei, Deputy Director of the Executive Bureau of the Fengtai Court in Beijing, told the Beijing Youth Daily reporter, "These are pure rumors. The story versions are vastly different, but the plot is surprisingly similar." Similar stories have been circulating in multiple versions, and the plot is basically the same. The article states that a girl who scored 710 in the college entrance examination was rejected by the school due to her father's dishonest loan. The admissions office believes that her father is not trustworthy, and her daughter is also likely to be affected, as universities cannot admit students

Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao: Welcome everyone to board the "Express" in Hong Kong. Hong Kong | Special Administrative Region Government | Li Jiachao
Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao: Welcome everyone to board the "Express" in Hong Kong. Hong Kong | Special Administrative Region Government | Li Jiachao

Today is the 26th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland, and it is also the sixth government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region that has served for one year. On June 30th, Li Jiachao, the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, stated in an interview with Southern Plus and GDToday at the Chief Executive's office in Admiralty that the SAR government has achieved significant results in "grabbing talent" and "grabbing enterprises" and enhancing development momentum in the past year. "Hong Kong is now more united and cohesive than ever before, welcoming foreign talents and enterprises to board the 'Express' and achieve success. Looking back on the year of performance, Li Jiachao believes that it is of great significance. We must not only recover the time consumed due to the' black storm 'and the epidemic, but also strive to improve people's livelihoods and build a better home for the citizens of Hong Kong. We must also be vigilant against hidden destructive elements that endanger national security.". Chuangke, Finance

Are you afraid of hospitalization if the situation worsens again? I appeared, weighing over 400 pounds. 42 year old Yao Ming was exposed to have poor health. Basketball | Tomorrow's Star | Weight
Are you afraid of hospitalization if the situation worsens again? I appeared, weighing over 400 pounds. 42 year old Yao Ming was exposed to have poor health. Basketball | Tomorrow's Star | Weight

Recently, there have been rumors online that "42 year old Yao Ming has been exposed to be in poor health, seriously overweight over 400 pounds, and if the situation worsens, he may need to be hospitalized", which has caused many fans to worry. So is Yao Ming's current situation really as rumored? On June 30th, the first Shanghai Basketball "Tomorrow's Star" International Tournament kicked off. Yao Ming, the President of the Chinese Basketball Association, was unable to attend the event due to work arrangements. He specially sent a video congratulatory message to express his high hopes for "Tomorrow's Star". Yao Ming said, "Wishing the 2023 Shanghai Basketball" Tomorrow's Star "Tournament a complete success. Youth are the future of basketball. I hope that more and more games like" Tomorrow's Star "will be held, and the better they will be, creating a bright future for children. Tomorrow's Star cheers." From the video, it can be seen that Yao Ming, wearing black short sleeves, is in good condition

Iranian media refutes: "reversing black and white", Israel announces arrest of Iranian spy man | Iran | Iranian media
Iranian media refutes: "reversing black and white", Israel announces arrest of Iranian spy man | Iran | Iranian media

According to Reuters, Iran's state-owned media, Guangming News Agency, stated on June 30th that Israel's report of arresting an Iranian agent and thwarting an attack in Cyprus is an attempt to cover up its domestic crisis. According to reports, Israel reported on June 29th that its intelligence agency Mossad carried out an arrest operation in Iran, and the arrested person was the main suspect in Iran's alleged plan to attack Israeli businessmen in Cyprus. According to reports, Guangming News Agency, which has close ties to Iran's national security agency, stated that the Israeli government "faced a deteriorating domestic situation and described in a black-and-white manner a failed operation it carried out in Iran a year ago, when all of its agents were arrested in Iran.". According to the Associated Press, on June 29th, Mossad announced that it had been detained by the organization in Iran

A gun store was robbed, and over 2000 cars were burned to scrap metal overnight during the French riots | Cars | France
A gun store was robbed, and over 2000 cars were burned to scrap metal overnight during the French riots | Cars | France

Workers in Nantes, France are cleaning up burnt car wreckage. The incident of French police shooting teenagers continues to escalate, causing riots and violent incidents across the country for several consecutive days. According to a report by France's 24 News Channel and ABC on June 30th, the French Ministry of the Interior stated that 2000 cars were burned down overnight throughout France, and mobile phone stores, jewelry stores, and even gun stores were also robbed by protesters. On the night of the 29th to 30th local time, 875 people were arrested in several cities in France under curfew. A total of 3880 incidents of fires occurred nationwide, with 2000 cars burned into scrap metal and 492 buildings damaged. 249 police officers and gendarmes were injured while maintaining order. Foreign media reported that protesters erected roadblocks, set fire to buildings and cars, and threw cigarettes at riot police

A huge leap!, From "annual average of 10 billion" to "monthly average of 10 billion" business volume | express delivery | monthly average
A huge leap!, From "annual average of 10 billion" to "monthly average of 10 billion" business volume | express delivery | monthly average

175 days, over 60 billion pieces! According to monitoring data from the National Postal Administration, as of June 24th, China's express delivery business volume has reached 60 billion pieces this year, 172 days ahead of reaching 60 billion pieces in 2019 and 34 days ahead of 2022. Since the beginning of this year, China's express delivery business has achieved an average monthly growth of tens of billions, showing a positive trend of monthly acceleration. On February 8th, the express delivery business volume exceeded 10 billion pieces, taking 39 days; From 10 billion pieces to 20 billion pieces, it takes 28 days; From 20 billion to 30 billion pieces, it takes 29 days; From 30 billion pieces to 40 billion pieces, it takes 28 days; From 40 billion to 50 billion pieces, it takes 27 days; From 50 billion pieces to 60 billion pieces, it only took 24 days. If we extend the time dimension further, 2013

Japanese Scholar: Japan Continuously Approaches NATO and Embarks on a Dangerous Path. Japan | NATO | Scholar
Japanese Scholar: Japan Continuously Approaches NATO and Embarks on a Dangerous Path. Japan | NATO | Scholar

In recent years, while expanding its defense capabilities, Japan has accelerated its approach to NATO, which has aroused the vigilance and opposition of many Japanese intellectuals. On June 29th local time, some Japanese experts and scholars held an anti war forum, warning people that Japan is heading towards a very dangerous path. On that day, some influential experts and scholars in the Japanese academic community gave a speech at the forum, pointing out that the Japanese Self Defense Force had recently participated in a large-scale military exercise held by NATO in Germany, and Japan was still planning to establish a NATO liaison office. In particular, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida will soon attend the NATO summit. Experts attending the forum believe that NATO is a war group, and Japan's continuous approach to NATO is to serve the needs of the United States for global hegemony. This not only worsens the difficult recovery of the Japanese economy, but also introduces Japan into the world

Co seeking Development and Sharing the Future - Observation of the 3rd China Africa Economic and Trade Expo in Changsha, China
Co seeking Development and Sharing the Future - Observation of the 3rd China Africa Economic and Trade Expo in Changsha, China

In the midsummer season, the enthusiasm for economic and trade cooperation between China and Africa is soaring along with the temperature in Changsha. More than 1000 representatives from 68 countries and regions attended the opening ceremony; Exhibitors and exhibits increased by 70% and 165.9% respectively compared to the previous edition; A batch of new cooperation projects, agreements, and achievements have been released in a concentrated manner... Since the opening of the Third China Africa Economic and Trade Expo in Changsha on June 29th, it has received much attention and highlights, accumulating momentum for promoting China Africa economic and trade cooperation. On May 12, 2023, at the Africa branch of the China National Hybrid Rice Engineering and Technology Research Center near the capital of Madagascar, Tananarivo, local farmers harvested rice in a high-yield demonstration field for hybrid rice. Xinhua News Agency's Madagascar Hybrid Rice Project

European media article: The long-term double standard reputation of the United States is seriously declining. Lenan Institute for International Studies | Polytechnic University | United States
European media article: The long-term double standard reputation of the United States is seriously declining. Lenan Institute for International Studies | Polytechnic University | United States

On June 30th, the European magazine Modern Diplomacy published an article titled "The United States lacks credibility" by James M. Dorsey, Senior Researcher at the Rajaratnam School of International Studies at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. The article states that the United States and the West have long implemented double standards on major international issues, which has led to a serious decline in the credibility of the United States. The article introduces that a recent Arab poll shows that the credibility of the United States is seriously declining, and the United States has been praised by Middle Eastern people for adhering to "double standards". For a long time, there have been differences between US policies and publicly proclaimed values. Former Indonesian Ambassador to the United States, Dino Pati Jalal, believes that dissatisfaction with Western countries is more widespread in southern countries around the world, which exacerbates international doubts about the credibility of the United States. "People believe that the West is taking action on climate change," he said

Nicaraguan President: Let's settle a historical record with the United States! Total Ortega | Nicaragua | United States
Nicaraguan President: Let's settle a historical record with the United States! Total Ortega | Nicaragua | United States

On June 27th local time, Nicaraguan Foreign Minister Moncada submitted a letter signed by Nicaraguan Prime Minister Ortega to United Nations Secretary General Guterres. In the letter, Nicaragua demands that the United States repay over $12 billion in "historical debt" to compensate for the losses caused by the United States providing funding for the Nicaraguan Civil War in the 1980s. Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega: We need to take the United States to court and repay the harm they have caused in Nicaragua. Ortega admitted that he knew the road was very difficult, but taking legal measures was an effective way for them to maintain their own interests and oppose American hegemony. Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega: When we said we were going to sue the United States in court, even our brother countries told us

Consolidating Unity and Cooperation to Promote Peaceful Development (Harmony) | Shanghai Cooperation Organization | Peace
Consolidating Unity and Cooperation to Promote Peaceful Development (Harmony) | Shanghai Cooperation Organization | Peace

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization is the largest and most populous comprehensive regional cooperation organization in the world, and also an important constructive force in international and regional affairs. For over 20 years since its establishment, all parties of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization have always followed the Shanghai Cooperation

The Road of China Africa Cooperation is Wider and Wider Africa | Audience | Central Africa
The Road of China Africa Cooperation is Wider and Wider Africa | Audience | Central Africa

The third China Africa Economic and Trade Expo has just begun, and Ma Wuli's booth is filled with his paintings, including colorful elephant trunks, rising dolphins, and oil paintings that allow viewers to experience the beauty of Africa up close. Ma Wuli is a young Ghanaian painter from West Africa. He studied in Beijing and stayed in China for ten years, even giving himself a unique Chinese name. "I hope to let more people understand Africa and identify with its cultural characteristics through these works." During the two days of the exhibition, more than ten of Ma Wuli's works have been sold and continue to be favored by audiences. Many people say that these paintings bring them unique African imagination. On June 29th, the third China Africa Economic and Trade Expo opened in Changsha, Hunan. This year's expo has attracted 1500 exhibitors, an increase of 70% compared to the previous one. On the first day of the exhibition, the first major event

Why are you confident in the prospects of China's economic growth? Listen to them say that → Cooperation | China | Economy
Why are you confident in the prospects of China's economic growth? Listen to them say that → Cooperation | China | Economy

The Summer Davos Forum came to an end on the 29th with widespread attention. Half of the attendees of this forum come from overseas, and foreign guests actively participate, hoping to learn about China and develop business in China. One important reason for this is that, against the backdrop of weak global economic recovery, the Chinese economy still maintains a relatively stable and strong growth rate. Why are the guests at the Summer Davos Forum full of confidence in the prospects of China's economic growth, despite the echoes of "China's opportunities"? What tangible growth points will China's high-quality development bring to the world economy? Why are the attending guests full of confidence in the prospects of China's economy? The Chinese market, Chinese manufacturing, and China's innovation driving force are all keywords. This summer Davos Forum has attracted over 1500 political and business elites and scholars from nearly 100 countries and regions around the world to explore the world

The United States is about to experience an economic recession, and looking at the world, the number of "weak" and "weak" consumers in the market | First time | United States
The United States is about to experience an economic recession, and looking at the world, the number of "weak" and "weak" consumers in the market | First time | United States

On June 30th, China Daily reported that as of now, the number of defaults by American companies ranks first in the world, according to Consumer News and Business Channel. This year, 41 companies in the United States have defaulted on their bonds, which is more than twice the number from the same period last year. In addition, American companies have submitted over 300 bankruptcy applications this year, reaching the highest level since 2010. Bankers and analysts believe that the risk of an economic recession in the United States is rapidly increasing, and high interest rates are the biggest culprit behind the difficulties. Companies that require more liquidity or those that already bear huge debts and need to refinance face high new debt costs. The United States is unable to curb the spread of inflation in the long term. However, the problem of high interest rates has always been unsolved. Federal Reserve Chairman Powell gave July

Special Draft: Showcasing the World's Sentiment of China in the New Era - The Song of Dedication of Communist Party Members Overseas Students | Work | Sentiment
Special Draft: Showcasing the World's Sentiment of China in the New Era - The Song of Dedication of Communist Party Members Overseas Students | Work | Sentiment

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 30 (Xinhua) - Showcasing China's global sentiment in the new era - the song of dedication of Communist Party members overseas. Xinhua News Agency reporters are at the forefront of saving lives and helping the wounded, and in the border areas where conflicts continue, Chinese medical and peacekeeping teams are working hard and fulfilling their duties; On construction sites with scorching heat waves and in difficult construction sites, Chinese overseas project employees are tirelessly working day and night to overcome difficulties; On the three foot podium and outside the lush campus, Chinese cultural disseminators are shedding their youth and willing to contribute. With a sense of responsibility as the paper, an enterprising spirit as the pen, and a dedication as the ink, Chinese Communist Party members living overseas have made achievements in various fields, and together with the world, they have written praises of life, chapters of development, and hymns of civilization, fully demonstrating China's global sentiment in the new era. Loyal to duty and determined to do

International Sharp Review | How does China interact with the world? This law speaks volumes about relationships | China | International
International Sharp Review | How does China interact with the world? This law speaks volumes about relationships | China | International

Starting from July 1st, the Foreign Relations Law of the People's Republic of China will officially come into effect. This is the first fundamental, programmatic, and comprehensive foreign relations law of the People's Republic of China, providing a more comprehensive legal framework for China's exchanges with the world. It will enable the world to better understand China, understand China's firm belief in promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind, and understand China's determination and responsibility to safeguard national sovereignty, security, development interests, and international fairness and justice. Singapore's Lianhe Zaobao quoted experts as saying that this law demonstrates the principles of China's foreign policy and establishes the discourse of the Chinese ruling party leading foreign affairs in legal form. The screenshot of the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shows that China's relations with the world have undergone unprecedented changes. On the one hand, China has become the backbone of maintaining world peace and stability, promoting the global economy