The world

Account stolen, sharing "Gift from Deputy Director Gao" account post: Immigrant
Account stolen, sharing "Gift from Deputy Director Gao" account post: Immigrant

Recently, a series of Weibo posts by Weibo user @ Awhitedrese with an IP address in Jiangsu have attracted widespread attention, including a gift from Deputy Director Gao, a small banana from Chief Jing, and a small place among a group of officials at the department and deputy level. On August 24th, the user involved, @ Awhitdrese, responded by saying, "I have already immigrated to Singapore, and this account has not been used for a long time since I went abroad. In fact, it was maliciously stolen by someone with ulterior motives, and I was only recovered after being informed by a friend." However, the IP address of the Weibo article still shows Jiangsu. Netizens expressed doubts, "Did you forget the IP address?" Another netizen with an IP address in Singapore commented, "I'll lend you the IP and you can send it again.",

"Further strengthening the power of world peace and development"
"Further strengthening the power of world peace and development"

The meeting announced the invitation to Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Argentina, Iran, and Ethiopia to officially become members of the BRICS family. Officials from relevant countries stated in an interview with our reporter that this expansion is historic, reflecting the determination of BRICS countries to unite and cooperate with developing countries, injecting new vitality into the BRICS cooperation mechanism, and further strengthening the power of world peace and development. Saudi international expert Abdul Aziz Shabani stated that the BRICS cooperation mechanism is an important platform for solidarity and cooperation between emerging market countries and developing countries. This expansion of the BRICS has further activated the BRICS cooperation mechanism and strengthened the power to maintain multilateralism. Saudi Arabia

Marvel Review of US Investment Restrictions on China: Building "Small Courtyards and High Walls"
Marvel Review of US Investment Restrictions on China: Building "Small Courtyards and High Walls"

Comic author: Tan Xiguang Recently, US President Biden signed an executive order to establish an outward investment review mechanism, restricting US entities from investing in China's semiconductor and microelectronics, quantum information technology, and artificial intelligence fields. This is another attempt by the United States to curb China's development rights and maintain its own hegemony. The United States, under the guise of maintaining national security, politicizes, instrumentalizes, and weaponizes economic, trade, and technological issues, which is a blatant economic coercion and technological bullying. The United States is expanding restrictions on investment in China, attempting to build "small courtyards and high walls" and using the guise of "risk reduction" to engage in "decoupling and chain breaking" in the investment field, seriously disrupting the international economic and trade order and disrupting the security of the global industrial and supply chains. Urge the US to immediately withdraw its erroneous decision and lift investment restrictions on China, creating a favorable environment for Sino US economic and trade cooperation.

And reasoning | Pollutant discharge into the sea poses a threat to the world, Japan will inevitably pay a price
And reasoning | Pollutant discharge into the sea poses a threat to the world, Japan will inevitably pay a price

At 13:00 local time on August 24, 2023, amidst opposition both domestically and internationally, the Japanese government brazenly initiated the discharge of contaminated water from the Fukushima nuclear accident into the sea. One hour later, the General Administration of Customs of China announced a complete suspension of imports of aquatic products originating from Japan, including edible aquatic animals. Hong Kong, China, has also suspended importing aquatic products from Japan, putting Japan in a disadvantageous situation of losing its first and second aquatic product export markets. You should know that in 2022, Japan's aquatic product exports to Chinese Mainland and Hong Kong will exceed 160 billion yen. This is the price that the Japanese government must pay for its stubbornness and beggar thy neighbor. In order to prove that it is reasonable to discharge radioactive and nuclear contaminated water into the sea, the Japanese government deliberately nicknamed it "treated water". However, as is well known, radioactive isotopes in nuclear contaminated water

Interview: New Development Bank will continue to expand its "circle of friends" - Interview with New Development Bank President Rousseff Project | Development | Bank
Interview: New Development Bank will continue to expand its "circle of friends" - Interview with New Development Bank President Rousseff Project | Development | Bank

Shanghai, August 25th (Xinhua) - New Development Bank will continue to expand its "circle of friends" - Interview with New Development Bank President Joseph Rousseff. New Development Bank President Joseph Rousseff recently stated in a written interview with Xinhua that New Development Bank will continue to expand its "circle of friends", promote further expansion, and continue to support member countries in local currency investment and financing. Rousseff said that expanding staff will help banks solidify their capital base, integrate into broader trade relations and diversified development projects, and strengthen the role of the New Development Bank as a true platform for cooperation between countries in the "global South". "This will help build a financial structure with characteristics of multilateralism and multipolarity, which is conducive to listening to the voices of all parties." The New Development Bank, headquartered in Shanghai, is composed of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa

Argentine Ambassador to China Niu Wang said: The expansion of BRICS membership will promote changes in the global governance system. Argentina | Country | Global
Argentine Ambassador to China Niu Wang said: The expansion of BRICS membership will promote changes in the global governance system. Argentina | Country | Global

The 15th meeting of BRICS leaders was held in Johannesburg, South Africa from August 22nd to 24th, according to the Argentine Ambassador to China, Niu Wangdao. Currently, more than 20 countries have officially applied to join the BRICS mechanism, and Argentina is one of them. Argentine Ambassador to China, Niu Wangdao, recently stated in an interview with Overseas Network that expanding the membership of the BRICS will promote changes in the global governance system, and joining the BRICS mechanism is one of the main international political issues in Argentina at present. Niu Wangdao stated that the total population of the BRICS countries accounts for 42% of the world's total, and their economic output accounts for 25%. They possess abundant natural resources such as oil, natural gas, strategic mineral resources, and rich biodiversity, as well as large-scale food production capabilities. For a long time, emerging market countries and developing countries have been marginalized by many international organizations. Consolidating and strengthening the BRICS mechanism is crucial to the overall situation

Harmony and Evaluation | The historic expansion of BRICS membership injects new vitality into global governance
Harmony and Evaluation | The historic expansion of BRICS membership injects new vitality into global governance

On August 24th, the 15th Special Press Conference of BRICS Leaders announced the invitation to Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Argentina, Iran, and Ethiopia to officially become members of the BRICS family. The addition of six new members will make the BRICS countries more representative and undoubtedly further enhance their position on the international stage. For a period of time, the West has been hyping up the expansion of the BRICS, leading to internal tensions and can be said to have ulterior motives. In fact, this expansion is a consensus reached by Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, and its successful progress also demonstrates internal unity. The six new members from the three continents of Asia, Africa, and Latin America are all important participants in regional affairs, and their arrival will inject new vitality into the BRICS cooperation mechanism. The expanded BRICS countries can not only better promote the interests of all members, but also

Gathering the Power of the "Global South", Quick Review | BRICS Expansion
Gathering the Power of the "Global South", Quick Review | BRICS Expansion

The 15th meeting of BRICS leaders was held in Johannesburg, South Africa from August 22nd to 24th. BRICS leaders unanimously agreed to invite Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Argentina, Iran, and Ethiopia to officially become members of the BRICS family. Leaders and officials of the six countries welcome this and look forward to further deepening cooperation. On August 24th, a spokesperson for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that this expansion has significant historical significance. China congratulates the new members! In 2001, British economist Jim O'Neill first proposed the concept of "BRICS countries". "BRIC" is an abbreviation composed of the first letters of the English names of Brazil, Russia, India, and China. It is translated as "BRIC" because it is similar to the English word "brick". In 2006, BRICS foreign ministers held their first meeting

He published a signed article in South African media titled "Let the Giant Ship of China South Friendship and Cooperation Sail Far Away", stating that the Ubantu ideology in South Africa advocates "benevolence and sharing", which coincides with the Confucian concept of "benevolence for the people, love for things, and universal harmony" in China. In his speech at the 15th BRICS Leaders Meeting, he said that the Ubantu spirit advocates "we are here, so I am here" and emphasizes that people are interdependent and inseparable from each other. What is "Ubantu"? What is the connotation of Ubantu's ideology and spirit? What are the commonalities between it and Chinese philosophy? Let's take a picture to understand——

Jointly building a development community (mutually beneficial, win-win, united and cooperative)
Jointly building a development community (mutually beneficial, win-win, united and cooperative)

"Gathering the joint forces that value development and seek cooperation" Development carries the people's aspirations for a better life, is the top priority of developing countries, and also the human race

Brazilian scholar: The BRICS mechanism is crucial for shaping the global governance system | Worldview countries | BRICS | Global
Brazilian scholar: The BRICS mechanism is crucial for shaping the global governance system | Worldview countries | BRICS | Global

Beijing, August 25th (Xinhua) - The 15th meeting of BRICS leaders was held in Johannesburg, South Africa from August 22nd to 24th. This is the first face-to-face meeting between leaders of BRICS countries in over three years, and also the largest summit of heads of state and government in the "global South" in recent years. The heads of state held in-depth discussions on topics of common concern such as cooperation and openness. Recently, Hua Yiqing, a senior researcher at a globalization think tank and visiting scholar at Fudan University, gave an exclusive interview to China News Network and shared her in-depth observations on the BRICS summit. Hua Yiqing stated that the BRICS mechanism has played a very important role in shaping a more inclusive global governance system, making the voice of the "global south" more representative and providing diversified solutions for other countries and regions around the world.

Three departments promote the implementation of the policy and measures of "not recognizing loans but recognizing houses" for purchasing first home loans
Three departments promote the implementation of the policy and measures of "not recognizing loans but recognizing houses" for purchasing first home loans

On the 25th, the reporter learned from the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development that recently, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development, the People's Bank of China, and the State Administration of Financial Supervision jointly issued a notice on optimizing the standards for determining the number of housing units in personal housing loans, promoting the implementation of the policy measures of "not recognizing loans but recognizing houses" for the purchase of first home loans. The notice clearly states that when a resident family applies for a loan to purchase commercial housing, if their family members do not have a complete set of housing under the local name, regardless of whether they have used the loan to purchase housing, banking and financial institutions will implement the housing credit policy for the first set of housing. This policy, as a policy tool, is included in the "One City, One Policy" toolbox for cities to choose independently. According to officials from the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development, this policy will enable more homebuyers to enjoy the down payment ratio and interest rate preferential treatment for their first home loans, which will help reduce the number of residents

Multiple companies have been fined!, Selling food from Japan's nuclear radiation zone
Multiple companies have been fined!, Selling food from Japan's nuclear radiation zone

According to the Tianyancha App, recently, Taizhou Yikeying Trading Co., Ltd. was fined 17000 yuan by the Wenling City Market Supervision Administration on suspicion of selling pre packaged food without labels. The details show that the parties involved purchased one box of imported pre packaged food Longjiao San herbal throat moistening candy and sold it without adding a Chinese label. After investigation, it was found that the manufacturer's address of the product is Saitama Prefecture, Japan's Nuclear Radiation Prefecture. The General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine issued a document prohibiting the import of food from the aforementioned areas. In addition, the parties involved have not established and implemented a system for purchasing inspection records. Tianyancha shows that multiple businesses have been punished for selling food and beverages in Japan's nuclear radiation zone. Among them, Zhejiang Goujiaxing New Retail Technology Co., Ltd. Sunshine West Road Branch was ordered to make corrections for operating various types of food from Japan's nuclear radiation zone; Foshan City

Typhoon Davy is heading towards eastern Japan! In the future, there may be a possibility of "three platforms dancing together"
Typhoon Davy is heading towards eastern Japan! In the future, there may be a possibility of "three platforms dancing together"

Typhoon No. 10, also known as Typhoon Davy, is expected to affect the eastern coastal areas of Japan. At 5 o'clock today, Typhoon No. 10 of this year, Davy, was generated in the northeast direction of Guam, about 920 kilometers in the ocean. According to the latest monitoring, "Dawei" will move towards the north at a speed of 25-30 kilometers per hour, and will start turning northwest to the east from the 26th, with little change in intensity. From the path, Typhoon No. 10, Typhoon Davy, is expected to move towards the eastern waters of Japan in the future. According to CCTV News, from the 28th to the 29th, Typhoon "Davy" will reach the northeastern region of Japan and the waters east of Hokkaido, and then move eastward. According to Xin Xin, a meteorological analyst at China Meteorological Channel, the storm caused by Typhoon Dawei may facilitate the eastward transmission of Japan's nuclear contaminated water. And this year's 9th typhoon "Sula" has also

Can consuming iodized salt prevent nuclear radiation? Jiangsu CDC just responded
Can consuming iodized salt prevent nuclear radiation? Jiangsu CDC just responded

On the afternoon of August 24, 2023, the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Japan began discharging nuclear wastewater into the sea, and there have been instances of residents rushing to purchase iodized salt in some areas both domestically and internationally. So, can we really prevent nuclear radiation by consuming iodized salt? The answer is negative! No! Iodized salt cannot prevent nuclear radiation. As early as March 2011, when the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan leaked, there was a large-scale rush to purchase salt in some parts of China. At that time, the authoritative department refuted the rumor and answered, "Eating iodized salt cannot prevent the intake of radioactive iodine, and it is unscientific to apply iodine wine to the thyroid gland to prevent radiation damage.". Taking stable iodine can prevent the deposition of radioactive iodine in the thyroid gland, but it cannot prevent external radiation and is not a radiation antidote. Iodine is an essential trace element in the human body and is the synthetic thyroid gland in humans

22 military planes and 5 warships have appeared in the Taiwan Strait, and the People's Liberation Army is here again! The US announced the sale of weapons to Taiwan early the next morning
22 military planes and 5 warships have appeared in the Taiwan Strait, and the People's Liberation Army is here again! The US announced the sale of weapons to Taiwan early the next morning

Just one day later, Taiwan's defense department announced on the 25th that a total of 22 PLA military aircraft and 5 PLA warships were operating around the Taiwan Strait in the morning.Scholars on the island claim that this is an active military equipment that will effectively counter the People's Liberation Army's J-20 fighter jets. The press release from Taiwan's defense department stated that,

At only 25 years old, heartbroken! Vacation firefighters save lives and sacrifice themselves
At only 25 years old, heartbroken! Vacation firefighters save lives and sacrifice themselves

Recently, in Pingdingshan, Henan Province, firefighter Xiao Kunqi, who unfortunately sacrificed his life to save a 6-year-old boy from drowning, was frozen forever at the age of 25. On August 23, a mother and her children were playing by the Li River in Ye County, Pingdingshan. While playing, the sister's shoes were accidentally washed away by the river water, and the younger brother went to pick them up. Unfortunately, he drowned. After hearing a call for help, Xiao Kunqi, who was on vacation, rushed to the water to save people. However, no one expected that after Xiao Kunqi hugged the boy, the two were rushed towards the deep water area by the turbulent river water. Xiao Kunqi worked hard to stabilize his body and lifted the boy up. He exerted his last bit of strength to push the boy towards the shore. The people worked together to save the boy. However, the boy's mother accidentally fell into the water due to being too anxious. After people rescued the boy's mother, Xiao Kunqi, who was already physically exhausted, sank into the water

Form a powerful deterrent!, Yunnan Special Deployment: Strictly crack down on illegal telecommunications and network fraud, attended by the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee
Form a powerful deterrent!, Yunnan Special Deployment: Strictly crack down on illegal telecommunications and network fraud, attended by the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee

On August 21st, the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee held a special meeting to resolutely implement the work deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, conscientiously implement the spirit of the national video and telephone conference on cracking down on new types of illegal crimes in the telecommunications network, study and deploy work related to cracking down on telecommunications network fraud in accordance with the law, and resolutely safeguard the vital interests of the people. Yunnan Provincial Party Secretary Wang Ning attended the meeting and proposed work requirements. The meeting emphasized that cracking down on and governing telecommunications network fraud crimes in accordance with the law is related to the vital interests of the people, economic and financial security, and overall social stability. We must resolutely follow the national unified work deployment, conscientiously implement the Anti Telecom Network Fraud Law, further improve our political stance, strengthen our sense of responsibility, strengthen organizational leadership, and adhere to systematic governance, legal governance, and source governance. We must adhere to a comprehensive and in-depth crackdown throughout the entire chain, in accordance with the law

Why do Japanese restaurants claim that the impact is not significant?, After suspending imports of Japanese aquatic products
Why do Japanese restaurants claim that the impact is not significant?, After suspending imports of Japanese aquatic products

On August 24th, Japan's Fukushima nuclear contaminated water was discharged into the sea, and our General Administration of Customs issued a notice to completely suspend the import of Japanese aquatic products. As soon as the news came out, the word "Japanese news" rushed to the hot search. At the same time, hot topics such as "Will a large number of Chinese Japanese restaurants close down?". Beijing Youth Daily reporters visited some Japanese food stores to learn about the relevant situation. According to a notice from the General Administration of Customs, in order to comprehensively prevent the radioactive contamination risk caused by the discharge of contaminated water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan to food safety, protect the health of Chinese consumers, and ensure the safety of imported food, the General Administration of Customs has decided to temporarily suspend the import of aquatic products originating from Japan from August 24, 2023. After the announcement was issued, netizens focused their attention on Japanese food stores, and multiple entries about Japanese food stores were trending on Weibo in the afternoon of the 24th.

Apologizing for "Tea Beauty and Pleasure", the title of the tweet "Effort for White Effort" has sparked controversy | Netizens | Effort for White Effort "
Apologizing for "Tea Beauty and Pleasure", the title of the tweet "Effort for White Effort" has sparked controversy | Netizens | Effort for White Effort "

On the evening of August 24th, a tweet titled "Effort, Effort, and White Effort" caused some netizens to question it. "Cha Yan Yue Se" apologized in the comment section and said that in the future, they will be more cautious in drafting the title to avoid misunderstandings caused by their own problems. On the evening of August 24, the "Chayan Yuese" WeChat official account released a tweet of "White Effort". This tweet, which is less than a thousand words long, starts with "Slam Dunk Master" and tells the story of the "youthful nature" in the eyes of Cha Yan Yue Se, followed by the promotion of her new product. The controversial topic is the title "Effort is White Effort," which many netizens question for spreading negative emotions. Some readers believe that the title of the tweet is not closely related to the content and do not know the intended meaning. The saying "hard work pays off" has made many hardworking readers feel uncomfortable reading: "If you don't want to work hard, then..."

Multi regional catering industry association initiative: boycott and stop purchasing Japanese seafood products | food | usage | unit | Japan | ingredients | seafood | catering
Multi regional catering industry association initiative: boycott and stop purchasing Japanese seafood products | food | usage | unit | Japan | ingredients | seafood | catering

The discharge of contaminated water from Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan has raised concerns about the safety of seafood products in various regions. On August 24th, the General Administration of Customs issued a notice stating that in order to comprehensively prevent the risk of radioactive contamination caused by Japan's Fukushima nuclear contaminated water discharge into the sea, protect the health of Chinese consumers, and ensure the safety of imported food, it has decided to completely suspend the import of Japanese origin aquatic products from August 24th, 2023. On the 25th, the State Administration for Market Regulation also announced the deployment of market supervision departments in various regions to further increase food safety supervision, urge food producers and operators to strictly comply with food safety laws and regulations as well as import food related regulations, strictly prohibit food producers and operators from purchasing, using aquatic products originating from Japan for processing food, making meals, or selling, and strengthen market sales of imported aquatic products for food safety inspection and monitoring

Hefei has established a "summer homework postponement period", following the "teachers checking homework in the community"
Hefei has established a "summer homework postponement period", following the "teachers checking homework in the community"

On August 23, the Education Bureau of Hefei City issued a notice for the new autumn semester of 2023, which stipulated that schools should establish a "summer homework deferral period", which has attracted widespread attention. The announcement stipulates that students are allowed to submit their homework within two weeks of the start of school, and it is strictly prohibited for each school to organize any form of examination and assessment two weeks before the start of school. Regarding this, a staff member from the Education Bureau of Hefei City explained to Qilu Yidian, "This is to prevent children from going from a very relaxed environment to a state of being constrained when going to school, and to give them a transitional period." After the announcement was issued, some netizens expressed that they did not understand: "Oh my god, isn't it very appropriate to do summer homework? This was not allowed when we were young. Teachers and parents taught me not to play until I finished my homework." Some netizens also said, "This is another form of indulgence. I don't want to."

He said to Putin, "It's very clear who did it."
He said to Putin, "It's very clear who did it."

According to a report on the website of the Russian newspaper "Touareg" on August 24th, Russian President Putin expressed condolences on the death of the founder of the Wagner Group, Yevgeny Prigoren, and his confidants in the plane crash in Tver Oblast on the second day of the crash. Putin stated that Alexander Bastrekin, Chairman of the Russian Investigation Commission, reported to him that a preliminary investigation has been conducted into this incident. According to reports, the Russian President discussed this matter during a meeting with the acting head of the Donetsk People's Republic, Dennis Pushlin. Pushlin first brought up this topic and speculated that the plane crash of Prigoren was due to "Ukrainian intervention". He told Putin, "We are clear about which opponents did it and they will do whatever it takes." On August 24th, a Russian law enforcement officer was operating at the scene of a plane crash in Tver Oblast. According to other sources

Going to Fukushima to eat seafood at the end of the month? The US Ambassador to Japan showcases his acting skills
Going to Fukushima to eat seafood at the end of the month? The US Ambassador to Japan showcases his acting skills

In order to help Japan "platform", he can turn black into white. Author: Chen Jiali. At noon Beijing time on the 24th, despite strong opposition from all parties, Japan officially began discharging the contaminated water from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant into the Pacific Ocean, which was angrily criticized by the media as "Japan is determined to be enemies with the world.". However, what was eye opening was that amidst the protests, US Ambassador to Japan, Ram Emanuel, staged a grand play of "reversing black and white". In order to provide a "platform" for the Japanese government, he claimed to be going to Fukushima to have a seafood feast at the end of the month... "Go eat, see how capable you are." In order to whitewash Japan, Emmanuel praised Japan's discharge of nuclear contaminated water as being on the "right path," and made a high-profile statement that he will visit Fukushima Prefecture on the 31st of this month to taste the local catch

Jiang Shanshan is on trial and charged with bribery of over 8.58 million yuan
Jiang Shanshan is on trial and charged with bribery of over 8.58 million yuan

On August 25, 2023, the first instance of the Intermediate People's Court of Wuhu City, Anhui Province, opened a public hearing to hear the case of Jiang Shanxin, former vice chairman of the CPPCC Mount Huangshan City, Anhui Province, taking bribes. The People's Procuratorate of Wuhu accused that from 2006 to 2022, Jiang Shanxin used his position as a member of the Standing Committee of Shexian County Party Committee, the Secretary of Huicheng Town Party Committee, a member of the Standing Committee of the Mount Huangshan District Party Committee, the Executive Deputy District Head, the Deputy Secretary of the Tunxi District Party Committee, the Secretary of the District Party Committee, the Vice Chairman of the Mount Huangshan Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and other positions to seek benefits for others in terms of project contracting, tax return, enterprise operation, etc., and illegally received property alone or in collaboration with others, totaling RMB 8582790.36 million, of which RMB 2.584 million was attempted. The procuratorial organs propose to hold Jiang Shanshan accountable for the crime of bribery

Three departments: Continue to implement personal income tax policies related to supporting residents in purchasing housing
Three departments: Continue to implement personal income tax policies related to supporting residents in purchasing housing

The Ministry of Finance, the State Administration of Taxation, and the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development have issued a notice on continuing to implement personal income tax policies related to supporting residents in purchasing housing. From January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2025, taxpayers who sell their own homes and purchase new homes in the market within one year after the sale of their current homes will be eligible for a tax refund on the personal income tax already paid on the sale of their current homes. Among them, if the amount of newly purchased housing is greater than or equal to the current housing transfer amount, all personal income tax already paid will be refunded; If the amount of newly purchased housing is less than the transfer amount of the current housing, the personal income tax already paid for the sale of the current housing shall be refunded according to the proportion of the newly purchased housing amount to the transfer amount of the current housing. The current housing transfer amount referred to in this announcement is the market transaction price for the transfer of the house. For newly purchased houses, the purchase amount is [insert amount]

Japan wants to spend 70 billion yen on handling negative information about nuclear wastewater treatment
Japan wants to spend 70 billion yen on handling negative information about nuclear wastewater treatment

On August 24th, Japan discharged Fukushima nuclear contaminated water into the sea, which faced strong opposition both domestically and internationally. The Japan Broadcasting Association reported that the Japanese government plans to use approximately 70 billion yen to deal with so-called "negative information" related to pollution. Meanwhile, research suggests that nuclear contaminated water may turn into rainwater and affect the world. Will nuclear contaminated water be turned into rainwater? At 13:3 local time on August 24th, the staff at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant officially activated the sewage discharge equipment. 10 minutes later, the contaminated water flowed into the Pacific Ocean through an underwater pipeline at a sewage outlet 1 kilometer away from the coast. Two hours after the start of pollution discharge, workers extracted seawater samples from the sea area near the discharge outlet. It is expected that the first batch of analysis data will be released on the afternoon of August 25th local time. According to the plan, a total of 4 points will be allocated within 2023

People's Daily Review: Is it necessary to hoard salt? Who is spreading rumors about "salt" wealth?
People's Daily Review: Is it necessary to hoard salt? Who is spreading rumors about "salt" wealth?

Have you finished the rumored "salt" you hoarded? According to reports, in the past two days, many consumers have started a "salt hoarding model", and many supermarket salt counters have been swept away. Some online platform related stores have also shown that salt is "out of stock" and "in the process of restocking.". Some netizens joked that salt cannot be used as rice. Those who follow the trend and like to hoard salt blindly, "What should be hoarded is not salt, but intelligence." Although the words are sharp, they also convey a common sense: do not hoard salt, let alone follow the trend to hoard salt. Is it necessary to hoard salt? The answer is negative. Firstly, the current structure of salt products in China accounts for 87% of well salt, 10% of sea salt, and 3% of lake salt. Both well salt and lake salt production are not affected by Japan's nuclear pollution. In short, most Chinese people eat well salt, and the country has sufficient supply, so there is no need to hoard it. Secondly, edible salt

Twitter boiling!, Trump's sudden return
Twitter boiling!, Trump's sudden return

On the 24th local time, former US President Trump, who had been silent for over two and a half years on social media Twitter, posted again. Just 5 hours after the post was published, it gained 61 million views, even more so than in the past. The most prominent image in this post is the "suspect's head photo" taken by Trump during his surrender period at Fulton County Prison in Georgia. The text on the picture records the date he went to surrender and the charge of "overturning the election results", with the words "never surrender" written. It is interesting that the word "surrender" in English also has the meaning of "surrender", which seems to imply Trump's attitude towards "surrender". In addition, Trump has also attached his own website, which can be clicked on to donate to the Political Action Committee to support Trump's 2024 campaign