The world

Please do three no's, Ministry of Public Security: Beware of the "Six Routines" for Obtaining Personal Information Citizen | Personal Information | Six Major Methods
Please do three no's, Ministry of Public Security: Beware of the "Six Routines" for Obtaining Personal Information Citizen | Personal Information | Six Major Methods

On August 10th, Huang Xiaosu, the second level director of police technology at the Ministry of Public Security, announced that there are six methods to prevent criminals from obtaining personal information data, including information fraud, theft, insider leakage, illegal collection, resale, and alteration. In May of this year, the police in Ningbo, Zhejiang discovered that Li and others had established a certain online media company and contacted "internet celebrities" to sell "internet celebrity teaching materials" at low prices on a live streaming page of a certain platform as bait, deceiving users into shopping and providing personal information of citizens, and selling the information to downstream fraud gangs. The fraud gang also takes advantage of the victim's urgent desire to become an "internet celebrity" to make money by selling fake live training courses. At present, the police have captured 12 suspect and defeated the downstream live training fraud gang. The police in Xuancheng, Anhui have also solved such cases. A company disguised itself as

Korean media editorial: Do not let the South Korea US Japan summit become a stage performance for the legalization of nuclear wastewater discharge into the sea | Plan | Summit
Korean media editorial: Do not let the South Korea US Japan summit become a stage performance for the legalization of nuclear wastewater discharge into the sea | Plan | Summit

On the 9th local time, the Korean National Daily published an editorial article opposing Japan's plan to discharge nuclear contaminated water into the sea, stating that the upcoming South Korean, US, and Japanese leadership meeting should not be allowed to become a stage for "legitimizing the discharge of nuclear contaminated water into the sea.". The South Korean government should make a clear statement to avoid becoming a "companion" for nuclear wastewater discharge into the sea. The Korean National Daily pointed out that Japan is gradually implementing the plan to discharge contaminated water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant into the sea. According to recent reports from Japanese media, a meeting of leaders from South Korea, the United States, and Japan will be held on the 18th. After the meeting, the Japanese government plans to officially decide on the date for the discharge of Fukushima nuclear contaminated water into the sea. The earliest possible date for discharge into the sea is the end of August. Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida plans to meet separately with South Korean and US presidents to explain the objective verification of the safety of nuclear contaminated water discharge into the sea based on scientific evidence, and strive to

"China has obtained a prominent seat" meeting | Ukraine | China
"China has obtained a prominent seat" meeting | Ukraine | China

According to the CNN website on August 7th, China praised talks aimed at finding a peace solution for Ukraine on Monday. Previously, a Chinese envoy attended an international conference held in Saudi Arabia last weekend. According to reports, Reuters quoted a written statement from the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs as saying that China stated that the two-day meeting held in the Saudi port city of Jeddah will help to gather international consensus in finding a peaceful solution to the conflict. This meeting was attended by dozens of countries including Ukraine, the United States, and EU countries. According to media reports, Kremlin officials said that Russia was not invited to attend the talks, but is closely monitoring them. According to reports, although there has been little progress in this meeting other than promising more discussions in the future, Ukraine claims that China's participation is diplomatic

Efforts are being made to seal off the forest fires in the northern part of the Greater Khingan Mountains in Inner Mongolia. Forestry is still burning. | Greater Khingan Mountains in Inner Mongolia | Forest fires
Efforts are being made to seal off the forest fires in the northern part of the Greater Khingan Mountains in Inner Mongolia. Forestry is still burning. | Greater Khingan Mountains in Inner Mongolia | Forest fires

The reporter learned from the Ecological and Agricultural Meteorological Center of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region that at 09:00 on August 10th, satellite remote sensing monitoring showed that forest fires were still burning in the northern part of the Greater Khingan Mountains forest area, including the Alongshan Forestry Bureau and the Mangui Forestry Bureau. The high-temperature area of the Alongshan Forestry Bureau is relatively large, and the fire is currently at level one southeast wind. The fire scene at the Alongshan Forestry Bureau has obvious smoke plumes, with a length exceeding 50 kilometers. The Ecological and Agricultural Meteorological Center is on 24-hour monitoring duty, closely monitoring the development of the fire. According to the Office of the Forest and Grassland Fire Prevention and Control Command of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, since August 6th, a total of 15 lightning forest fires have occurred in the northern part of the Greater Khingan Mountains forest area in Inner Mongolia. As of 9:30 am on August 10th, 11 cases have been closed, 1 case has been fully sealed, and 3 cases are currently being put out. On the evening of August 9th, fires were discovered at the Tarangkong Forest Farm and the Manggui Mengku Forest Farm in Arongshan

A lecture at a high school in Guangdong claimed that "sexual harassment is caused by girls being coquettish"? Education Bureau Announces Rumor | Education | Lecture
A lecture at a high school in Guangdong claimed that "sexual harassment is caused by girls being coquettish"? Education Bureau Announces Rumor | Education | Lecture

Does a girl's flirtatious behavior lead to sexual harassment? Recently, someone posted that a teacher from Zhaoqing No.1 High School in Guangdong Province included comments in the 2022 spring semester mental health education class for girls, such as "many victims' experiences were caused by their flashy attire and charming behavior," which sparked heated discussions. Netizen: Promoting the theory of guilt among victims? According to the post, the controversial content of the courseware includes: "Sexual harassment is mainly aroused by sexual desire. Many victims' experiences are caused by their flashy attire and coquettish behavior. Therefore, as girls, we should know how to protect ourselves, not wear overly transparent and exposed clothing, and not be frivolous in our words and actions." Many netizens pointed out that this is advocating for the victim's guilt theory, and some netizens have expressed that they have already informed the public

New Oriental's subsidiary company was fined for illegally typesetting and printing materials and publications such as the "CET-6 Preparation Guide" | New Oriental | CET-6 Preparation Guide
New Oriental's subsidiary company was fined for illegally typesetting and printing materials and publications such as the "CET-6 Preparation Guide" | New Oriental | CET-6 Preparation Guide

On August 10th, according to the Tianyancha app, New Oriental Wuyou Education Consulting Co., Ltd. was recently fined 3500 yuan and confiscated 75 illegal publications by the Xiamen Cultural Market Comprehensive Law Enforcement Detachment for engaging in unauthorized publication business. According to the punishment reasons, the parties involved edited and typeset six types of publications, including "Diary of Learning God Cultivation" and "Guidelines for CET-6 Preparation", without authorization. A total of 600 volumes were printed and all have been completed and delivered. The publication of the above-mentioned publications by the parties involved is a free gift to students for use, therefore it is determined that there is no illegal income. According to shareholder information, New Oriental Wuyou Education Consulting Co., Ltd. is indirectly wholly-owned by New Oriental Education Technology Group Co., Ltd. Prior to this punishment, New Oriental Worry Free Education Consulting Co., Ltd. Huangdao Branch had also been fined for distributing illegal publications.

Multiple hospitals have a unified action: collective talks with medical consumables suppliers for bribery | disciplinary committee | cooperation | elimination | consumables | medicine | hospitals | suppliers
Multiple hospitals have a unified action: collective talks with medical consumables suppliers for bribery | disciplinary committee | cooperation | elimination | consumables | medicine | hospitals | suppliers

The anti-corruption storm in the pharmaceutical industry is causing industry turbulence. Recently, multiple hospitals have taken a unified action - collectively interviewing suppliers to remind them to recognize the situation. For example, it was reported on August 8 from the WeChat official account "Breeze and Northern Wilderness" that recently, the Discipline Inspection Commission of the General Hospital of Northern Wilderness Group held a 2023 collective integrity interview for procurement agency suppliers, and nearly 100 supplier representatives attended the meeting. According to the General Hospital of Beidahuang Group, the hospital adopts a zero tolerance attitude towards improper purchasing and sales practices, blacklists suppliers who violate regulations, records the company as a bad behavior enterprise, and cancels its cooperation qualification with the hospital. At the meeting, two representatives of suppliers made statements, promising to strictly abide by national laws and regulations, relevant regulations on clean employment, and hospital regulations in their future work, and supporting and

Huyou Community Free Old Renovation of Dozens of Neighborhoods, Case Found: Yangzhou Billion Yuan Project Scam: Fake Official and Fake Seal Scam to Invest in Jiangdu District, Yangzhou City | Neighborhood | Community
Huyou Community Free Old Renovation of Dozens of Neighborhoods, Case Found: Yangzhou Billion Yuan Project Scam: Fake Official and Fake Seal Scam to Invest in Jiangdu District, Yangzhou City | Neighborhood | Community

In the past year or two, the facades of dozens of old residential areas in Jiangdu District, Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province have been repainted, and the urban landscape has greatly improved. Residents are applauding. However, this is not a project led by the local government, and behind it lies a bizarre scam. A view of an old residential area after the exterior facade renovation. The picture shows the government dormitory building in Jiangdu District. Except for the signature, all the images in this article are from Wang Xintu, a journalist from Pengpai News. Pengpai News learned from the victim Ms. Zhou that this case has entered the court trial stage. The Jiangdu District Court was originally scheduled to hold a public hearing on August 10th to hear this case. The night before the hearing, her lawyer received a phone call from the judge, stating that due to work negligence, the case had been postponed and the hearing time would be notified separately. According to the prosecution's charges, the defendant Yang Moujun used money for gambling in order to defraud money

What plan did the Ukrainian army use?, German media: intensive attack on Crimean bridges in Ukraine | Russia | bridges
What plan did the Ukrainian army use?, German media: intensive attack on Crimean bridges in Ukraine | Russia | bridges

According to a report on the website of the German newspaper "South Deutsche Zeitung" on August 7th, Ukraine is intensifying its attacks to isolate the Crimean Peninsula occupied by Russia and make the supply of Russian troops more difficult. For example, on the 6th, Ukraine attacked the Jongar Bridge for the second time in a week. This bridge is a passage from northeastern Crimea to the land of Ukraine occupied by Russia. Other attacks were targeted at the Gnychysk Bridge located further northeast. Both of these bridges are part of the M18 main road. The M18 and M17 highways are the only two main roads from Crimea to the Ukrainian mainland. After these two bridges were attacked, the Russian occupation authorities diverted car traffic through a bridge located near the Armenian town of Sk on the M17 highway. At the same time, Russia has increased its attack on Ukrainian targets

Layoffs!, Official announcement: "LinkedIn Workplace" officially closed platform | LinkedIn | Official announcement
Layoffs!, Official announcement: "LinkedIn Workplace" officially closed platform | LinkedIn | Official announcement

On August 9th, the globally renowned social recruitment platform LinkedIn announced that its localized job search platform "LinkedIn Workplace" in China has officially ceased its services. In the 9 years since entering China, many localization attempts by LinkedIn have ended with regret. However, despite shutting down the "LinkedIn workplace", LinkedIn still stated that it will not give up on the Chinese market. From its latest transformation strategy, LinkedIn will focus its strategy in the Chinese market on assisting Chinese companies in talent recruitment, brand marketing, and skill training overseas. LinkedIn China's WeChat official account also resumed updating in late July, and said that "we will continue to write the story of LinkedIn China here". Official shutdown, layoffs! On August 9th, LinkedIn announced that its localized job search platform "LinkedIn Workplace" in China has officially ceased its services. It is understood that after August 9th, LinkedIn Talent Solutions will no longer be supported

Prosecutor discloses details of protest, 11 year old boy forced to use drugs and beaten to death case | Wang | Death case
Prosecutor discloses details of protest, 11 year old boy forced to use drugs and beaten to death case | Wang | Death case

Prosecutor: We have determined through reviewing the autopsy report, re examining the scene, and other methods that Wang's means of injury have made An Moujia feel "worse off than dead" until death; By interrogating accomplices, it was determined that while An Moujia was extremely weak, Wang even forced him to use drugs, accelerating his death, and the crime was particularly heinous; Through visits and verification, it was found that Wang had been semi publicly abusing two minors for a long time, causing fear and fear among the surrounding population. He dared not testify for fear of retaliation, seriously endangering social security. Considering Wang's subjective malice and personal danger, he is deemed to have committed an extremely serious crime and should be sentenced to death with immediate execution. On July 6, 2023, in the 45th batch of guiding cases released by the Supreme People's Procuratorate, a drug related crime with particularly cruel means, particularly heinous circumstances, and particularly serious crimes was committed

"Login" or "Login", "Turn Around" or "Turn Around"? Don't use these words incorrectly Tiktok | netizens | words
"Login" or "Login", "Turn Around" or "Turn Around"? Don't use these words incorrectly Tiktok | netizens | words

At present, after continuous media coverage, WeChat, QQ, Weibo, Tiktok, Baidu, Today Toutiao, Zhihu, Douban and other platforms have changed the "account" in the login page and user agreement to "account". The reporter noticed that many netizens have reflected in their message interactions that words such as "login" and "login", "later" and "wait", "post" and "post", "reservation" and "reservation", "turn around" and "turn around" are also easily confused or used incorrectly. Regarding this, Changjiang Daily invited Associate Professor Wang Geng from the School of International Education at Central South University of Economics and Law to provide answers on the usage of these words. Many netizens have expressed in their message interactions that "login" and "login" are easily used incorrectly. 1. "Login" or "Login"? Wang Geng explained that "login" means "registration", and "login" means "login"

The date of the presidential election remains unchanged, and the President of Ecuador declares a state of emergency throughout the country. Fernando Villavesensio | President | National
The date of the presidential election remains unchanged, and the President of Ecuador declares a state of emergency throughout the country. Fernando Villavesensio | President | National

According to Reuters and Agence France Presse, Ecuadorian President Guillermo Lasso declared a state of emergency nationwide on the 10th local time after the shooting of Ecuadorian presidential candidate Fernando Villavesensio. Lasso also stated that the presidential election will be held as originally planned on August 20th. Ecuadorian presidential candidate Fernando Villavincio was shot dead, and a suspect was arrested. On August 9th local time, Ecuadorian presidential candidate Fernando Villavincio was shot dead. At the time of the incident, he was attending a rally at the Anderson School Gymnasium in Quito, the capital of Ecuador. The Ecuadorian police subsequently announced the arrest of a suspect suspected of assassinating presidential candidate Villavesensio on the same day, who was suspected to be the main perpetrator of the assassination operation

The Supreme People's Procuratorate has lawfully decided to arrest Chairman Ji Binchang | The Supreme People's Procuratorate | Ji Binchang
The Supreme People's Procuratorate has lawfully decided to arrest Chairman Ji Binchang | The Supreme People's Procuratorate | Ji Binchang

The reporter learned from the Supreme People's Procuratorate today that Ji Binchang, former Party Secretary and Chairman of the Qingdao Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference in Shandong Province, is suspected of accepting bribes. The investigation by the National Supervisory Commission has been concluded and transferred to the procuratorial organs for review and prosecution. The case of suspected bribery has been investigated and concluded by the National Supervisory Commission, and transferred to the procuratorial organs for review and prosecution. Recently, the Supreme People's Procuratorate made an arrest decision against Ji Binchang on suspicion of bribery in accordance with the law. The case is being further processed. On January 6th, according to the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission, Ji Binchang, Chairman of the Qingdao Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference in Shandong Province, is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission. On July 27th, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission announced that, with the approval of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission will investigate the former Party Secretary and Chairman of the Qingdao Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference in Shandong Province

Xu Shanna, Secretary General of "Central Local Exchange" Cadre, assumed new position | Xinhua News Agency | Xu Shanna
Xu Shanna, Secretary General of "Central Local Exchange" Cadre, assumed new position | Xinhua News Agency | Xu Shanna

Recently, an update in the "Leadership Introduction" section of the Xinhua News Agency website showed that Xu Shanna has been appointed as the Deputy Secretary General of Xinhua News Agency. Xu Shanna was born in March 1968 in Anxi, Fujian Province. She joined the CPC in May 1990 and started working in July of the same year. She has an on-the-job postgraduate degree and a doctor of literature. Xu Shanna entered the Music Department of the School of Art Education at Xiamen University in 1986. After graduation, she stayed on campus to work and served as a counselor and secretary of the Chinese Department Youth League Committee, deputy secretary of the Party Branch of the School of Humanities, and other positions. In 2002, she became the secretary of the Youth League Committee at Xiamen University. In 2008, he was transferred to the position of Deputy Secretary of the Fujian Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League and Vice Chairman of the Provincial Youth Federation. Three years later, he went to work in Ningde and served as a member of the Standing Committee of the Ningde Municipal Committee and Minister of Propaganda. Later, he also served as the Chairman of the Ningde Municipal Federation of Literary and Art Circles. After working in Ningde for nearly 5 years, he was transferred to Fu in July 2016

Taiwanese media have noticed that these details in "Chasing Dreams" are chasing dreams | Shandong | details
Taiwanese media have noticed that these details in "Chasing Dreams" are chasing dreams | Shandong | details

On the occasion of the 96th anniversary of the founding of the People's Liberation Army of China, CCTV aired an 8-episode documentary called "Chasing Dreams", which received attention from multiple foreign media outlets, including Taiwanese media.Multiple Taiwanese media have noticed that this is the first exposure of footage of the aircraft carrier Shandong crossing the Taiwan Strait, indicating that the Shandong ship has appeared on the first island chain. The video also shows that during the passage of the Shandong carrier fleet through the Taiwan Strait, it suddenly encountered an external aircraft approaching for reconnaissance, and four J-15 bombers took off to carry out missions. Retired Taiwanese military generals claimed that the J-15 carrier based aircraft's payload from the Shandong ship was a Thunderbolt air-to-air missile, emphasizing air superiority. He also pointed out that due to the significantly shortened runway length on aircraft carriers, the training risk is higher than on regular aircraft

The Hunan Health Commission has received big news and the latest response from multiple sources! 9 Medical Personnel Reporting Director, Party Secretary of Nanshan Hospital in Shenzhen, Reported to Hospital | Reported | Medical Personnel in a 19 page document
The Hunan Health Commission has received big news and the latest response from multiple sources! 9 Medical Personnel Reporting Director, Party Secretary of Nanshan Hospital in Shenzhen, Reported to Hospital | Reported | Medical Personnel in a 19 page document

Recently, there have been more and more melons in hospitals! Starting from yesterday, a document titled "Report on Serious Violations of Discipline and Law by Deng Qiqiang, Secretary and Hospital Manager of Nanqian District People's Hospital in Shenzhen" has been circulating in various WeChat groups. The content of the document is very detailed, involving a total of 12 people and two companies. The report documents indicate that Deng Qiwen's main illegal activities include: using public power to seek huge and unjust benefits for his mistress Chen Company, colluding with his mistress to violate the national medical insurance system, exchanging medical consumables, defrauding medical insurance funds, and laundering money. According to the latest news from the Daily Economic News, the staff of the Nanshan District Health Bureau in Shenzhen stated that they have mastered the relevant information about the reported materials and are currently investigating, but the results have not yet been released. Subsequently, Deng Qiwen also stated in an interview phone call that the online materials were false accusations and he had already reported the case. It is worth noting that recently, medical professionals

Continuous high pressure on anti-corruption in the healthcare system: Every day since the beginning of this week, officials have fallen from office. Dean | Secretary | High pressure
Continuous high pressure on anti-corruption in the healthcare system: Every day since the beginning of this week, officials have fallen from office. Dean | Secretary | High pressure

The anti-corruption efforts in the medical field continue to advance. On August 10th, the website of the Heilongjiang Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision cited information from the Qitaihe Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, stating that Wang Qun, former director of the Qitaihe People's Hospital, is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision investigation. Wang Qun, male, Han ethnicity, born in March 1969, has successively served as the Secretary and Dean of the Party Branch of Qitaihe Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, Deputy Secretary and Dean of the Party Committee of Qitaihe People's Hospital, Secretary and Director of the Party Group of the Municipal Medical Security Bureau, and Director of the Municipal Medical Security Bureau. On August 9th, the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Shantou City, Guangdong Province, announced that Li Guang, the President of the Medical Community Group of the Second People's Hospital of Longhu District, Shantou City, is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Longhu District Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission. Li Guang, male, Han ethnicity, born in May 1970, has held various positions in Longhu District

US military's new equipment is deployed in clusters in the Asia Pacific MQ | drones | US military
US military's new equipment is deployed in clusters in the Asia Pacific MQ | drones | US military

The website of the US Department of Defense recently reported that the MQ-9A Reaper drone equipped by the US Marine Corps has formed initial combat capabilities in the Indo Pacific region. The report also stated that the US Marine Corps is undergoing a comprehensive transformation, placing greater emphasis on reconnaissance and anti reconnaissance capabilities. US Marine Corps' official announcement: According to Zhou Weizheng, a military observer for the MQ-9 Reaper drone, the US Marine Corps purchased the first MQ-9A Reaper drone in September 2021 and announced its initial combat capability, indicating that the US Marine Corps has begun to put it into actual military missions. Zhou Weizheng: This indicates that the US Marine Corps has a basic understanding of the combat performance and training tactics of this drone, and may use it in the future to implement the commander's plan to maintain its capabilities

Double open!, Former Deputy Director of Jiangxi Rural Credit Cooperatives Federation Ying Yong Rural | Nanchang | Deputy Director
Double open!, Former Deputy Director of Jiangxi Rural Credit Cooperatives Federation Ying Yong Rural | Nanchang | Deputy Director

According to the Jiangxi Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, with the approval of the Jiangxi Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Jiangxi Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision has launched a case review and investigation into the serious violations of discipline and law committed by Ying Yong, former member of the Party Committee and deputy director of the Jiangxi Rural Credit Cooperatives Federation. After investigation, it was found that as a Party member and leading cadre, Ying Yong lost his ideals and beliefs, abandoned his duties and missions, and deliberately woven a network of relationships to engage in interest exchange, seriously damaging the political ecology; Dingfeng violates the spirit of the eight point regulations of the central government, illegally accepts gifts and gifts, accepts banquets and travel arrangements from management service recipients, and reimburses the expenses that should have been paid by the individual by the unit; Weak organizational concept, destruction of democratic centralism, failure to report personal matters in accordance with regulations, failure to truthfully explain issues when receiving organizational inquiries, and seeking benefits for others in the recruitment and promotion of cadres and employees; Engaging in both official and commercial activities for a long time, violating regulations and engaging in business activities

Is the US economy facing new tests and rebounding again? The process of anti inflation has entered a difficult area. The United States | consumers | economy
Is the US economy facing new tests and rebounding again? The process of anti inflation has entered a difficult area. The United States | consumers | economy

On Thursday local time, the United States will release July Consumer Price Index data. As a key factor in the future policy decisions of the Federal Reserve, the inflation path will have a significant impact on when the current tightening cycle will end. The latest institutional forecast shows that this month's data will return to over 3%, and the slow cooling of inflation and slowing economic expansion in the next stage will create another major challenge - stagflation, which will have a new impact on the financial market. The anti inflation process may face challenges. Since hitting a nearly 40 year high in the middle of last year, US inflation has gradually slowed down under the tough policy stance of the Federal Reserve. In June, the overall CPI only increased by 3.0% year-on-year, marking a new low since March 2021. The significant decline in growth rate can be largely attributed to the slowdown in food inflation and the significant decline in energy prices compared to the high point in the summer of 2022

Seriously tarnishing the image of Party members and leading cadres! Jia Ruchang is Double Opened Silver | Industry | Jia Ruchang
Seriously tarnishing the image of Party members and leading cadres! Jia Ruchang is Double Opened Silver | Industry | Jia Ruchang

Recently, with the approval of the Gansu Provincial Party Committee, the Gansu Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision conducted a case review and investigation into the serious violations of discipline and law by Jia Ruchang, former member of the Party Group and Deputy Mayor of Baiyin City People's Government. After investigation, Jia Ruchang, as a party member and leading cadre, lost his ideals and beliefs, deviated from his original mission, lacked party spirit principles, and committed long-term violations of discipline and law. Violating political discipline, deliberately transferring and concealing illegal gains from disciplinary violations, and using all means to resist organizational review and investigation; Ignoring the spirit of the Central Eight point Regulations and the regulations on integrity and self-discipline of Party members and leading cadres, recklessly accepting gifts and gifts that may affect the fair performance of official duties and the appointment of local public officials, accepting multiple banquets from management service recipients, and reimbursing expenses that should be borne by individuals for public funds; Violating organizational principles, concealing and not reporting personal matters, using the influence of one's position to arrange work for relatives, and using one's authority to influence officials

Doctor Zhu Moulan is under investigation? Changzhou Municipal Health Commission: In the handling of the public security system, People's Hospital | Changzhou | Zhu
Doctor Zhu Moulan is under investigation? Changzhou Municipal Health Commission: In the handling of the public security system, People's Hospital | Changzhou | Zhu

Recently, the anti-corruption storm has swept through the healthcare industry. There are rumors circulating online that Dr. Zhu Moulan from Changzhou Second People's Hospital has been investigated, and a huge amount of property has been found in her home. On the afternoon of August 10th, personnel from the Changzhou Health Commission Office stated that Zhu Moulan's situation is currently "under the processing of the public security system". As for whether an investigation has been initiated, he stated that "it is unclear, and if necessary, the public security will explain the situation". On the same day, Pengpai News called the Discipline Inspection Committee of Changzhou Second People's Hospital, and the staff who answered the phone said that Dr. Zhu Moulan had retired in 2021 and was unclear about the follow-up situation. At the same time, the person also reminded netizens not to trust online rumors, not to believe rumors, not to spread rumors. According to the official website, Changzhou Second People's Hospital and Nanjing Medical University Affiliated Changzhou Second People's Hospital,

Continuous Efforts to Promote Employment of College Graduates (Outlook on Livelihood) Employment | Long term Mechanism | Outlook on Livelihood
Continuous Efforts to Promote Employment of College Graduates (Outlook on Livelihood) Employment | Long term Mechanism | Outlook on Livelihood

We need to implement comprehensive policies with a systematic and long-term perspective, improve the employment chain, establish long-term mechanisms, and gather the joint efforts of multiple parties. In the first half of the year, urban employment increased by 6.78 million people, achieving 57% of the annual target, and the overall employment situation improved. At the same time, it should also be noted that the overall pressure and structural problems of employment still exist, especially this year when the number of college graduates has reached a new high in recent years, and sustained efforts are needed to stabilize employment and promote employment. The employment of college graduates is related to people's well-being and social stability. To do this job well, it is not only necessary to concentrate efforts during the graduation season, but also to comprehensively implement policies with a systematic and long-term perspective, improve the employment chain, improve long-term mechanisms, gather multiple forces, and promote the employment priority strategy to play a greater role. On the one hand, optimize supply and strengthen the integration of industry and education. Currently, a new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation

Xinhua All Media+| Taking "Flood" as the Message and Moving with the News of "Flood" - Tianjin Strives to Fight Flood Situation and Scan Flood Storage and Detention Areas | Floods | Xinhua All Media+
Xinhua All Media+| Taking "Flood" as the Message and Moving with the News of "Flood" - Tianjin Strives to Fight Flood Situation and Scan Flood Storage and Detention Areas | Floods | Xinhua All Media+

Tianjin, located at the bottom of the Nine Rivers, undertakes 75% of the flood discharge task in the Haihe River Basin. Since the outbreak of the flood, the water levels of rivers such as Yongding River, Daqing River, and Duliujian River have risen rapidly, and the flood prevention situation in Tianjin is extremely severe. Tianjin quickly mobilized various forces, activated flood storage and detention areas, and took two measures to prevent flood invasion and ensure the safety of people's lives and property, building a safety barrier in the face of floods. The flood control and rescue work was carried out on the front line at 5am on the 3rd. In the darkness, there was silence. Lv Yuandong, the Minister of Armed Forces of Taitou Town in Jinghai District, had already arrived at the north embankment of the Taitou section of the Daqing River to command the flood control work. "Taitou Town is located in the Daqing River and Ziya River basins, within the Dongdian Flood Storage and Detention Area. The flood control task is arduous. Since July 31st, everyone has been carrying out flood control work here." While directing the work, Lv

The reverse walker in the flood! Villagers shed tears and reminisce about Liu Jie's work during his lifetime. Low points | Women | Liu Jie
The reverse walker in the flood! Villagers shed tears and reminisce about Liu Jie's work during his lifetime. Low points | Women | Liu Jie

On July 31, Mentougou District of Beijing was hit by heavy rainstorm. During the flood prevention and rescue, Liu Jie, the deputy mayor of Longquan Town, unfortunately got involved in the rapids and sacrificed his precious life in order to evacuate the masses. In recent days, Zhongmensi Village in Longquan Town, Mentougou District is undergoing dredging work. Since July 29, Mentougou has been subjected to a series of strong rainstorm. Liu Jie, Deputy Mayor of Longquan Town, is responsible for flood prevention work in six villages and communities, including Zhongmensi Village and Sanjiadian Village. Liu Jie and his colleagues have been fighting tirelessly in the heavy rain, patrolling, sealing dangerous road sections, and clearing spillway channels. Li Guoyan, a government clerk in Longquan Town, Mentougou District, Beijing: He goes there every day, but he is afraid that it will collapse after the rain because it is very close to the building. Mayor Liu Jie said that these things must be inspected regularly, and any problems should be immediately transferred to the masses, which is absolutely not allowed to occur

Camping and Tea Tasting: "Mountain Economy" Services for Chinese Young People | Tourism | Economy
Camping and Tea Tasting: "Mountain Economy" Services for Chinese Young People | Tourism | Economy

Taiyuan, August 10th (Xinhua) - In the summer evening, the humid wind blew over Zhongtiao Mountain, and a tea house halfway up the mountain began to pick up guests. By the window is a lotus themed card seat, with several young men and women around 20 years old sitting around a long wooden table, chatting about their college lives. This small restaurant called "Drinking Tea on the Mountain" is located on a hillside at the southern end of Yuncheng City, Shanxi Province. Its new Chinese style appearance, card seats hidden in green plants, artistic tea products and decorations make it a "new favorite" for young people to gather and check in. The picture shows Chinese young people cooking tea in a tea space in Mount Huangshan, Anhui Province. "At first, I really didn't expect a teahouse to be 'lit' by young people," said Du Yu, a reporter from Xinhua News Agency. The founder of the teahouse, Jie Rui, said that since the trial operation at the end of last year, customers aged 18 to 30 have accounted for

State Grid Corporation of China is carrying out emergency repairs to restore power facilities in these disaster stricken areas. Work | Organization | State Grid Corporation of China
State Grid Corporation of China is carrying out emergency repairs to restore power facilities in these disaster stricken areas. Work | Organization | State Grid Corporation of China

Flood control and disaster relief work is being intensified in North China, Northeast China and other regions. The State Grid of China has organized multiple repair and supply guarantee teams to fully carry out power restoration work, accelerating the recovery of power facilities in disaster stricken areas. On August 9th, Beijing held a press conference on the situation of flood prevention and disaster relief work. The extremely heavy rainstorm has seriously damaged the infrastructure in mountainous areas. State Grid Beijing Electric Power Co., Ltd. quickly organized personnel, allocated materials and carried out emergency repair work. On August 4th, power supply was restored to 16 residential areas. As of 18:00 on August 8th, except for 9 villages relocated, all villages have resumed formal or temporary power supply. The emergency repair and restoration work in Hebei, Heilongjiang, Jilin and other places is also accelerating. The power supply of the main urban area of Zhuozhou has been basically restored, and the electricity load has reached over 90% of the pre disaster level. As of 17:00 on the 9th, 78 villages in rural areas have been restored due to power outages caused by disasters

Looking at the economy on the front line | Looking at the economy from the "new" to the "green" with a focus on blood transfusion and gas to raise confidence-perspective on bank credit trends Xinhua News Agency | Economic Reference News | Perspective
Looking at the economy on the front line | Looking at the economy from the "new" to the "green" with a focus on blood transfusion and gas to raise confidence-perspective on bank credit trends Xinhua News Agency | Economic Reference News | Perspective

Beijing, August 10th (Xinhua) - The Economic Reference Daily published an article on August 10th titled "Focusing on Blood and Gas Infusion to Boost Confidence and Promote Green Development in the New Era - Insight into the Trends of Bank Credit Investment". The article states that finance is the lifeblood of economic development. In the first half of this year, China's RMB loans increased by 15.73 trillion yuan, an increase of 2.02 trillion yuan year-on-year. Several banks have recently held intensive mid year work meetings to deploy their work for the second half of the year, pointing out that they will further increase their credit lending efforts and continue to focus on key areas and weak links. What are the key points of current bank credit allocation? What measures can better add confidence to business entities? The reporter recently interviewed multiple financial institutions and enterprises. In August, in Yongchun County, Quanzhou, known as the "Hometown of Chinese Citrus", the sunshine shines on the mountains, and tender green fruits hang on them

Deep Connection between American Pharmaceuticals and Politicians - The Root Cause of the Fentanyl Problem in the United States (Part 2) Policy | Drugs | The United States
Deep Connection between American Pharmaceuticals and Politicians - The Root Cause of the Fentanyl Problem in the United States (Part 2) Policy | Drugs | The United States

Why is the drug abuse problem in the United States difficult to solve? Why can addicts always find substitutes time and time again? The fundamental reason is that American politicians, driven by their own interests and other reasons, always only introduce policies that address the symptoms rather than the root cause, and are unwilling to implement drug regulation effectively. On the one hand, politicians receive a large amount of political donations from pharmaceutical companies in exchange for turning a blind eye when formulating control policies for related drugs. The result is that the United States has not yet permanently classified fentanyl. The Guardian reported in 2017 that in the previous decade, pharmaceutical companies invested nearly $2.5 billion in lobbying and funding US congressmen. About 90% of the United States Congress and 97 out of 100 senators have received campaign donations from pharmaceutical companies. Meanwhile, some officials from government regulatory agencies are leaving