The world

China Basketball Association: Restoring the Registration of New Athlete Qualifications for Xinjiang Guanghui Basketball Club | China Basketball Association | Xinjiang Guanghui Basketball Club
China Basketball Association: Restoring the Registration of New Athlete Qualifications for Xinjiang Guanghui Basketball Club | China Basketball Association | Xinjiang Guanghui Basketball Club

On June 9th, the website of the China Basketball Association released a notice on the acceptance of rectification by Xinjiang Guanghui Basketball Club Co., Ltd. and the restoration of its registration for new sports mobilization qualifications. The details are as follows: Xinjiang Guanghui Basketball Club Co., Ltd.: The China Basketball Association has accepted your company's application, and after acceptance, it is determined that your company has completed the rectification of the violations listed in the Notice on Punishing Xinjiang Guanghui Basketball Club Co., Ltd. by the Discipline and Ethics Committee of the China Basketball Association. Your company has a positive attitude towards rectification, measures in place, and clear commitments. The Chinese Basketball Association has decided to restore the registration of Xinjiang Guanghui Basketball Club Co., Ltd. as a new athlete from the date of this notice. China Basketball Association June 9, 2023

Has the monthly salary increased by 4000? The school responded that male middle school employees have been absent from work for 3 years in Taiyuan City | School | Middle School
Has the monthly salary increased by 4000? The school responded that male middle school employees have been absent from work for 3 years in Taiyuan City | School | Middle School

In December 2019, Liu, an accountant at Shanxi Provincial Trade School, was transferred to Taiyuan No. 29 Middle School as a clerk. However, after entering the school, he encountered the dilemma of transferring to another position. Liu claimed that not only did he fail to switch to the pre agreed accounting position as scheduled, but also due to the return of the old accountant from the school to work, he was forced to stay in the clerk position and have to "eat empty pay". Liu told Red Star News, "Since May 2020, I have not attended classes at No. 29 Middle School, but I still receive monthly salaries from the government on my salary card." He believed that the initial transfer was a violation of regulations and sued the Taiyuan Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau and No. 29 Middle School in court, but both were rejected and not accepted by the court because they did not fall within the scope of administrative and civil litigation. According to Liu

He, who has been working together for a long time, has been "double opened"! Several city party secretaries and mayors have fallen from their positions, and after the female "tiger" is sentenced, Sun Sheng | Mayor of Liaoning Province |
He, who has been working together for a long time, has been "double opened"! Several city party secretaries and mayors have fallen from their positions, and after the female "tiger" is sentenced, Sun Sheng | Mayor of Liaoning Province |

On the morning of the 9th, two officials from Liaoning were simultaneously disciplined. The Liaoning Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision announced that the former Party Secretary and Director of the Liaoning Provincial Department of Civil Affairs, Shouyi, has been "double opened"; Li Guicai, former deputy inspector of the Liaoning Provincial Department of Land and Resources, has been expelled from the party. Shangguanhe noticed that Fang Shouyi, who had previously served as the mayor of Tieling City in Liaoning Province, had his official announcement investigated for the first time. In recent years, several city party secretaries and mayors in Tieling have been investigated. Fang Shouyi also worked with former Vice Governor of Liaoning Province, Hao Chunrong; Li Guicai, who is 74 years old this year, retired nearly 13 years ago when he was investigated last year. According to the public resumes of several municipal party secretaries and mayors in Tieling, Fang Shouyi, male, Han nationality, was born in Liaoyang, Liaoning Province in November 1963, started working in August 1985, joined the CPC in November 1988, and graduated from the Department of Economics of Liaoning University with a bachelor's degree

Zaharova: Bilateral relations have been brought to a tragic state, Romania announces expulsion of 51 staff members from the Russian Embassy | Embassy | Russian Embassy
Zaharova: Bilateral relations have been brought to a tragic state, Romania announces expulsion of 51 staff members from the Russian Embassy | Embassy | Russian Embassy

The Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on the 8th that dozens of staff members of the Russian Embassy in Romania will be expelled. The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs criticized the move by the Russian side as "another hostile move" that would damage bilateral relations, stating that the Russian side will make an "appropriate response". The Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated in a statement that, in accordance with the instructions of Foreign Minister Bogdan Orescu, the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs notified Russian Ambassador to Romania Valery Kuzmin on the same day, requesting a reduction in the number of diplomatic and other staff members of the Russian Embassy in Romania. According to the request of the Romanian side, the Russian Embassy in Bucharest, the capital, needs to reduce its staff by 51 within 30 days, including 21 diplomatic personnel and 30 technical administrative personnel. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania stated that this move "reflects the current level of bilateral relations between Russia and Romania," but did not provide specific explanation. Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova will be available later

Brother Su Xiangmao: Zhai Xinxin is suspected of extortion and has been arrested as an individual | Brother | Beijing | Filing | Su Xianglong | Revocation | Su Xiangmao | Zhai Xinxin
Brother Su Xiangmao: Zhai Xinxin is suspected of extortion and has been arrested as an individual | Brother | Beijing | Filing | Su Xianglong | Revocation | Su Xiangmao | Zhai Xinxin

The case of Zhai Xinxin's extortion meets the conditions for filing and has been investigated. In September 2017, programmer Su Xiangmao committed suicide by jumping off a building at home, leaving behind a complaint of his wife demanding millions to force her husband to death. More than 5 years after the incident, on June 9, 2023, Su Xianglong, the brother of Su Xiangmao, announced through his personal Weibo account that Zhai Xinxin had been arrested and detained in a detention center. The filing notice provided by Su Xianglong, stamped with the official seal of the Haidian District Public Security Bureau in Beijing, shows that the case of Zhai Xinxin's extortion meets the filing requirements and is now under investigation. Previously, Su Xiangmao's family sued Zhai Xinxin in 2018, demanding that the court revoke Su Xiangmao's gift worth nearly ten million yuan and demand that the other party return nearly one million yuan in cash. On March 31, 2023, the case was pronounced in the Chaoyang District People's Court of Beijing, and the first instance verdict was on Zhai Xin

Putin's event has not been held as scheduled for two consecutive years | Ukraine | Event
Putin's event has not been held as scheduled for two consecutive years | Ukraine | Event

According to the Moscow Times website citing the Russian newspaper Businessman on June 8th, due to concerns about changes in Ukraine's military, Russian President Putin's traditional "live streaming connection" program has been postponed. It is reported that the military in Kiev may launch a large-scale counterattack. The report states that this is the second consecutive year that this traditional event has not been held in June. In the live broadcast connection, ordinary citizens will ask Russian leaders to solve their daily problems. After the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, several major political activities involving Putin were postponed or completely cancelled. Putin did not hold a live broadcast or annual press conference last year, and his annual State of the Union speech was postponed to February. The Businessman quoted an anonymous source closely related to the Kremlin as saying that this year's connection "is currently tentatively scheduled for November to December."

Meng Hui and Wang Yuancheng Appointed as Vice Mayors of Wuhan | Wuhan Education Bureau | Wang Yuancheng
Meng Hui and Wang Yuancheng Appointed as Vice Mayors of Wuhan | Wuhan Education Bureau | Wang Yuancheng

On June 9th, the 10th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 15th People's Congress of Wuhan City voted to approve personnel appointment and removal matters. Appoint Meng Hui as the Vice Mayor of Wuhan Municipal People's Government. Appoint Wang Yuancheng as the Vice Mayor of Wuhan Municipal People's Government. Dismiss Meng Hui from the position of Director of Wuhan Education Bureau; Appoint Li Chao as the Director of Wuhan Education Bureau. Appoint Zeng Qiang as the prosecutor of Wuhan People's Procuratorate and dismiss him from his positions as Deputy Prosecutor General, member of the Procuratorial Committee, and prosecutor of Wuhan Donghu New Technology Development Zone People's Procuratorate. Appoint Shao Dan, Yang Guoxiao, Li Jie, Liao Chunying, and Yao Yan as prosecutors of the People's Procuratorate of Wuhan City. Appoint Gan Hong as the prosecutor of Wuhan People's Procuratorate. Appoint Yan Shaojun, Jiang Qiong, Chen Yixiong, Wei Liang, and Zhang Huiqi as prosecutors of the People's Procuratorate of Wuhan Economic and Technological Development Zone. Appoint Zhu Yifan

Shenha Industrial Park: Shenha Holding Hands for the Future Lilac Flower | Huifeng Hechang | Shenha
Shenha Industrial Park: Shenha Holding Hands for the Future Lilac Flower | Huifeng Hechang | Shenha

In early June, Harbin had a high sky and light clouds, with a pleasant breeze and the fragrance of lilacs permeating the entire city. The research team walked into the Shenzhen Industrial Park on the north bank of the Songhua River in Harbin and closely observed the achievements nurtured by Shenzhen and Harbin holding hands. Here, buildings rise from the ground, enterprises land one after another, and dreams take root in fertile soil, releasing open vitality and surging with vitality.

Promote high quality and full employment, help Chinese path to modernization height | scale | China
Promote high quality and full employment, help Chinese path to modernization height | scale | China

Employment is the most basic livelihood. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposes the goal of promoting high-quality and full employment, which is a major strategic deployment made by the Party Central Committee to firmly grasp the phased characteristics of China's development in employment work.Population development is a major event related to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.We need to fully understand from the strategic perspective of building a strong country and national rejuvenation that promoting high-quality and full employment is related to the modernization of a huge population size, and is crucial

The Party led the people to successfully create, promote and expand Chinese path to modernization | socialism | China
The Party led the people to successfully create, promote and expand Chinese path to modernization | socialism | China

Realizing modernization is a symbol of the development and progress of human civilization, and a common goal pursued by countries around the world. The Chinese nation has created a brilliant and long-standing Chinese civilization, standing out and leading the way in the world's civilization garden, making indelible contributions to the progress of human civilization. However, in the tide of world modernization, industrialization, and modernization, China gradually fell behind, especially after the Opium War in 1840, China gradually became a semi colonial and semi feudal society. The country suffered humiliation, the people suffered hardships, and civilization was shrouded in dust. The Chinese nation suffered unprecedented disasters. Since then, achieving the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has become the greatest dream of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation. The historical issues and historical conditions faced by China after modern times have determined the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation

People's Forum Marvel Review | Finding the "Key" to Solving Problems in Investigation and Research | Research | Forum
People's Forum Marvel Review | Finding the "Key" to Solving Problems in Investigation and Research | Research | Forum

To measure whether a survey is done well or not, it is not about the scale and duration of the survey, nor is it just about how well the survey report is written. The key is to see the effectiveness of the survey, the application of the survey results, and whether the problem can be solved. Problems are always present and ubiquitous. As a party member and cadre, whether one can identify problems, dare to face them head-on, and solve them is not only a matter of cognitive ability and work level, but also a matter of work style and mental state. The problem is the voice of the times. To make good use of the legacy of investigation and research, we need to find the "key" to solving the problem in investigation and research, strive for "public satisfaction", implement all work to the recognition and satisfaction of the people, and strive to find the "best solution" to solve the problem. Only then can we demonstrate our achievements and create good results in solving the problem. ask

Just the right time!, Zhonggong Network Review | Competition to Improve Skills through Competition and Vigorously Cultivate "Digital Craftsmen" | Digital | Craftsmen
Just the right time!, Zhonggong Network Review | Competition to Improve Skills through Competition and Vigorously Cultivate "Digital Craftsmen" | Digital | Craftsmen

On June 7th, Li Jing, a commentator on our website, kicked off the final of the National Employee Digital Application Technology Skills Competition in Fuzhou, Fujian. Wang Dongming, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and Chairman of the All China Federation of Trade Unions, congratulated on the hosting of the competition and put forward requirements for the success of the competition. Xu Liuping, Director of the Organizing Committee of the National Employee Digital Application Technology Skills Competition, Secretary of the Party Group, Vice Chairman, and First Secretary of the Secretariat of the Communist Party of China, delivered a speech and announced the opening of the finals. Zhou Zuyi, Secretary of the Fujian Provincial Party Committee and Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress, attended the opening ceremony of the finals and delivered a speech. The Digital Application Technology Skills Competition is an important platform for improving the digital literacy and skills of employees.

【 Li Xiang China · Youth Study Class 】 Micro video | Green waters and mountains are like mountains of gold and silver construction | Green | Study Class
【 Li Xiang China · Youth Study Class 】 Micro video | Green waters and mountains are like mountains of gold and silver construction | Green | Study Class

We should focus on promoting the green and low-carbon transformation of development methods and improving the level of ecological civilization construction. Firmly establish and practice the concept that green mountains and clear waters are mountains of gold and silver, and continue to fight well in the defense of the blue sky, clear waters, and pure land——The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that over the past decade, we have adhered to the concept that green mountains and clear waters are invaluable assets, and have upheld the principles of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, and grasslands

【 Li Xiang China 】 Shouldering a New Cultural Mission at a New Historical Starting Point | History | China | Culture
【 Li Xiang China 】 Shouldering a New Cultural Mission at a New Historical Starting Point | History | China | Culture

In his important speech at the symposium on cultural inheritance and development, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that it is our new cultural mission in the new era to continue to promote cultural prosperity, build a cultural power, and build a modern civilization of the Chinese nation from a new starting point. So, how to better shoulder the new cultural mission at the new historical starting point? First, we must strengthen cultural self-confidence, stick to our own path, base ourselves on the great historical and contemporary practice of the Chinese nation, sum up Chinese experience with Chinese principles, upgrade Chinese experience to Chinese theory, and achieve spiritual independence; second, we must uphold openness and tolerance, adhere to the modernization of Marxism in China, inherit and develop excellent Chinese traditional culture, promote the localization of foreign culture, and constantly cultivate and create socialist culture with Chinese characteristics in the new era; the third is to adhere to the integrity of innovation, to keep the integrity of the creation.

The national harvest of winter wheat covers an area of over 180 million mu, and the planting method is "new and new"! Scheduling | Wheat | Harvest and Planting of 100 Million Acres
The national harvest of winter wheat covers an area of over 180 million mu, and the planting method is "new and new"! Scheduling | Wheat | Harvest and Planting of 100 Million Acres

The national wheat harvest progress has exceeded 60%. According to the wheat harvesting scheduling of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the current winter wheat harvest area in China is 186 million mu, with a harvest progress of over 60%. Among the over 330 million mu of winter wheat in China, there are some special wheat plots such as seed fields and saline alkali lands. They also play an important role in ensuring food security. How is the harvest this year? Let's go take a look together. The wheat seed field area in Wen County, Henan Province has remained stable at 300000 acres throughout the year, accounting for nearly one tenth of the total wheat seed base area in the province. The rainy and cloudy weather has passed, and Wen County is organizing machines to seize the opportunity to harvest. Li Xiaobing, a major grain grower in Wen County, Henan Province, told reporters that after the wheat matures, the local seed industry company provides harvesters and transport vehicles for operation. From harvesting in the field to entering the enterprise's warehouse, the wheat does not land throughout the entire process, which saves time

Her Power Blooms on the Journey of Scientific Research in China | Team | Scientific Research
Her Power Blooms on the Journey of Scientific Research in China | Team | Scientific Research

Beijing: Xishan overlooks the blue sky of the capital city. In recent years, researchers have broken through cutting-edge technological barriers through technological innovation, helping China's "chip" rise. The picture shows researchers assembling circuit boards. See the runoff of Kuqionggangri Glacier in the Lhasa River basin, a tributary of the the Yarlung Zangbo River. The interviewees provided pictures of their work, moving from 0 to 1, and then from 1 to 100. In the field of integrated circuit research and development, this may mean putting a new type of chip with low power consumption, small size, and high integration into the production line; In the Qinghai Tibet Plateau, this may mean breaking through physical limits and exploring the mechanism of multi-source recharge runoff evolution; In the vast universe, it may also mean that the independently completed rubidium atomic clock carried by the Chinese people has lifted the "Dream of the Stars". Not long ago, the All China Women's Federation, China Association for Science and Technology, and China

Effectively reducing "multiple reporting" and "duplicate reporting" of enterprise information Annual report | Taxation | Enterprise
Effectively reducing "multiple reporting" and "duplicate reporting" of enterprise information Annual report | Taxation | Enterprise

This paper, Beijing, June 8th. The reporter learned from the State Administration of Market Supervision and Administration on the 8th: The 2022 annual report of enterprises has entered the last month. Many enterprises have found that market supervision and tax annual reports can be fully completed by logging in any system. Realized the use of "data running" instead of "enterprise running". The move also promotes the normalization of cross-departmental joint supervision. In recent years, the General Administration of Market Supervision has attached great importance to the "integration of multiple reports" in corporate annual reports. At present, it has realized the "integration of multiple reports" in annual reports with human resources and social security, commerce, foreign exchange management and other departments across the country. The implementation of sharing is conducive to reducing the multiple reporting of corporate information, greatly reducing the burden on enterprises, and reducing institutional transaction costs. This year, the General Administration of Market Supervision conscientiously implemented the "General Office of the State Council on replication and promotion."

Drying, removing impurities, and day and night harvesting... Various measures are taken in various regions to ensure that wheat grains are returned to the warehouse during the peak wheat season. At present, the particles are returned to the warehouse
Drying, removing impurities, and day and night harvesting... Various measures are taken in various regions to ensure that wheat grains are returned to the warehouse during the peak wheat season. At present, the particles are returned to the warehouse

At present, the national wheat harvest is entering the peak of homework. According to the wheat harvesting schedule of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, 164 million acres of winter wheat have been harvested nationwide, and the progress of wheat harvesting has exceeded 50%. Among them, Anhui's progress exceeded 90%, Henan's progress exceeded 80%, Jiangsu's progress exceeded 30%, Shandong and Shaanxi entered the harvest peak, and Hebei's wheat harvest began to falter. The harvest of wheat in Henan Province is busy during the grain harvest season, accounting for 80% of the country's wheat production. Currently, the wheat harvest progress has exceeded 80%. In the past two days, large-scale wheat harvesting has begun in the northern Henan region. CCTV reporter Wang Tao: In the high standard farmland of Baima Slope in Huaxian County, Anyang City, harvesters are working in the field. Large scale harvesting of wheat has begun in the northern Henan region. According to this morning's wheat harvest progress report, 80% of the wheat harvest in Henan has passed, and it is expected that the wheat harvest work in the province will be completed within two days

The United States can only envy... over 100 countries benefiting from China | China | the United States
The United States can only envy... over 100 countries benefiting from China | China | the United States

On June 7th, the Hong Kong Asia Times website published an article titled "The Biden Administration's Contradictory Style and Focus," written by Gu Pingshan, founder of the American International Strategic Alliance. The article excerpt is as follows: Biden's China policy team has adopted a "say it, do it" strategy. Many of his cabinet officials claim to hope to meet with Chinese counterparts to discuss cooperation and collaboration - but always demand that the US conditions be followed, which means that the US reserves the right to discuss the issues it wants to discuss, but will continue to criticize, attack, and sanction China on other issues. This is the behavior of a hegemonic and authoritarian country towards its subordinate countries, hoping to obtain their obedience and obedience. The latest example appeared at the Shangri La Security Dialogue in Singapore. It is said that US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin hopes to

21 teenagers falling! Witnesses: The slope was covered with people, and a wooden bridge collapsed in the United States. Teenagers | wooden bridge | collapsed
21 teenagers falling! Witnesses: The slope was covered with people, and a wooden bridge collapsed in the United States. Teenagers | wooden bridge | collapsed

According to The New York Post, on June 8th local time, a seaside wooden bridge suddenly collapsed in Starman Park, Texas, USA, injuring 21 teenagers. A witness said that at the time, he saw the children flying back and forth in the air, landing on the ground and then bouncing up from the ground, feeling very scary. Emergency personnel arrived at the scene. It is understood that these 21 teenagers are between the ages of 14 and 18, and they are coming to Starman Park to participate in a summer camp. A witness in a media interview said that at the time, children gathered on a wooden bridge to take a group photo. "Suddenly, the wooden bridge collapsed, sounding like a shotgun explosion." "Around 12:30 noon, the bridge suddenly collapsed, and I saw some children flying back and forth in the air."

Here we welcome Bai Yin, Secretary of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Secretary of the Supervision Commission and the Commission for Discipline Inspection of the "75s" generation
Here we welcome Bai Yin, Secretary of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Secretary of the Supervision Commission and the Commission for Discipline Inspection of the "75s" generation

According to the WeChat official account of "Baiyin Incorrupt Government", on June 6, the conference of leading cadres of discipline inspection and supervision in Baiyin was held, announcing the decision of the provincial party committee on the appointment of main leaders of the discipline inspection and supervision commission in Baiyin. Hui Qiang, Deputy Secretary of the Baiyin Municipal Party Committee and Minister of the United Front Work Department of the Municipal Party Committee, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Zhang Lin, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Minister of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee, presided over the meeting and announced the appointment decision. The Provincial Party Committee has decided to appoint Comrade Dong Zhaosheng as a member and standing committee member of the Baiyin Municipal Party Committee, Secretary of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, and nominate him as a candidate for the position of Director of the Municipal Supervision Commission. On May 28th, the Organization Department of the Gansu Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China issued a notice on the pre appointment publicity of cadres. According to the announcement, Dong Zhaosheng, male, Han ethnicity, born in August 1976, holds a university degree and is a member of the Communist Party of China. He is currently the director of the Case Supervision and Management Office of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, as well as a second level senior supervisory officer. He is proposed to serve as a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, and is nominated for the position of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection

Shine the sword to online violence! "Two Highs and One Department" publicly solicits social opinions on the guidance of punishing illegal crimes of online violence in accordance with the law | Internet | Society
Shine the sword to online violence! "Two Highs and One Department" publicly solicits social opinions on the guidance of punishing illegal crimes of online violence in accordance with the law | Internet | Society

On June 9th, the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, and the Ministry of Public Security issued the Guiding Opinions on Punishing Cyber Violence and Illegal Crimes in accordance with the Law, publicly soliciting opinions from the public. The draft for soliciting opinions consists of 20 articles, including safeguarding the rights and interests of citizens and maintaining online order, severely punishing illegal activities of online violence, providing legal remedies, and improving comprehensive governance measures. The draft for soliciting opinions proposes to punish in accordance with the law acts such as online defamation, online insults, infringement of personal information of citizens, offline harassment, and malicious marketing hype carried out through online violence incidents. For illegal and criminal acts of online violence, the spirit of strict punishment should be reflected, with a focus on cracking down on malicious initiators, organizers, promoters, and those who refuse to change their ways, so that the people can fully feel fairness and justice. The draft for soliciting opinions also lists the important points that should be addressed

Lawyer claims to be suspected of violating the law. Hainan Airlines has proposed that flight attendants who are "10% overweight" should immediately suspend flights to reduce weight. Female flight attendants and lawyers
Lawyer claims to be suspected of violating the law. Hainan Airlines has proposed that flight attendants who are "10% overweight" should immediately suspend flights to reduce weight. Female flight attendants and lawyers

In early June this year, Hainan Airlines issued a notice to its cabin crew to conduct "professional image screening and control tips" on crew members, which clearly stipulated different levels of control over the body size and weight of female crew members. Female crew members who exceeded the standard weight value by 10% will be "immediately grounded to lose weight". Hainan Airlines: Self weight reduction within 30 days for women who are 5% overweight but not more than 10% overweight. Civil aviation industry insiders told reporters that Hainan Airlines has clearly proposed to ground female flight attendants who are 10% overweight, which is a pioneering initiative in the domestic aviation industry. Regarding whether Hainan Airlines strictly restricts the weight of female employees in accordance with labor laws, the interviewed professional legal personnel stated that this regulation of Hainan Airlines increases the labor obligations of workers. If relevant labor regulations are not formulated through legal procedures

FIFA: Each player participating in the 2023 Women's World Cup will receive a minimum prize of $30000 for the women's football team
FIFA: Each player participating in the 2023 Women's World Cup will receive a minimum prize of $30000 for the women's football team

According to FIFA, the total prize money for the 2023 Women's World Cup in Australia and New Zealand will reach approximately $152 million, with each participating player receiving at least $30000 in prize money. It is reported that the total prize money for this tournament is approximately three times that of the 2019 Women's World Cup. Specifically, for individuals, all participating players can receive a prize of $30000 per person by participating in the group stage, and the champion team can receive $270000 per player. Other players can earn $60000 per person in the round of 16 based on their performance, $90000 in the round of eight, and $195000, $180000, and $165000 respectively for the second to fourth place teams. FIFA guarantees that the prize money for the 2027 Women's World Cup will be the same as the prize money for the 2026 Men's World Cup. FIFA President Ivantino's visit to Rwanda this year

Korean media: Unusual, they "quietly visited Chinese" companies | South Korea | China
Korean media: Unusual, they "quietly visited Chinese" companies | South Korea | China

In recent times, executives from several heavyweight foreign companies have visited China one after another, including Tesla, JPMorgan Chase, Apple, General Motors, Pfizer, BMW, Mercedes Benz, Qualcomm, Starbucks, and others. No wonder some foreign media lament that "big bosses are constantly moving in China.". In contrast, major South Korean companies within reach appear relatively low-key. The Korean National Daily recently found that only SK Group President Choi Tae yuan and Samsung Electronics President Lee Jae yong have visited China since the beginning of this year after reviewing the public itinerary of leaders of major South Korean companies. The report stated that the two of them went "quietly" and did not make many public appearances. They did not even go to their own factory located in China, which is usually unbelievable. ▲ Screenshot of a report by the Korean National Daily News. The Korean National Daily News believes that large enterprises in South Korea are highly valued

More than half of the residents in a Tokyo area have abnormal blood tests, and the US military base is suspected of "poisoning" Tama | fluorine compounds | region
More than half of the residents in a Tokyo area have abnormal blood tests, and the US military base is suspected of "poisoning" Tama | fluorine compounds | region

The tap water source in the Tama area of Tokyo, Japan is suspected to be contaminated by US military bases and has been detected to contain potentially carcinogenic organic fluorine compounds. A survey released by a citizen group on the 8th showed that over half of the local residents have excessive levels of organic fluorine compounds in their blood, posing a threat to their health. According to Japanese media reports, a water quality survey in 2019 showed that a water purification facility in Kokubunji City, Tama Prefecture, Tokyo detected organic fluorine compounds with levels more than twice the national standard in Japan. In a survey in 2018, an organic fluorine compound was detected in a well water in Lichuan City, located in the east of the Yokota base of the US military, with the content up to 27 times of the Japanese national standard. The culprit was suspected to be the foam extinguishing agent used in the US military base. On October 12, 2019, the water level of the Tama River in Japan significantly increased, and the river was turbid. Xinhua News Agency/Joint

The new position is clear!, 41 year old female doctoral student from Tsinghua University, Wang Xiaoying | Leader | Tsinghua University
The new position is clear!, 41 year old female doctoral student from Tsinghua University, Wang Xiaoying | Leader | Tsinghua University

Previously, Wang Xiaoying, a female cadre born in the 1980s who was announced to be promoted to the position of department level leader, has a clear new position. The latest information from the official website of Qinghai Association for Science and Technology shows that Wang Xiaoying has been appointed as the Secretary of the Party Group of Qinghai Association for Science and Technology. The official website introduction shows that the Qinghai Science and Technology Association is a mass organization of scientific and technological workers in Qinghai Province, and a people's organization under the leadership of the Provincial Party Committee. According to public information, Wang Xiaoying was born in July 1982 in Shuangliao, Jilin. She graduated from the Department of Computer Science at Tsinghua University with a Ph.D. in Engineering. I started working at Qinghai University in August 2008 and served as the Executive Vice Chairman of the Department of Computer Technology and Applications. In June 2015, I was appointed as the Assistant to the President, and in May 2018, I became the Vice President. It is reported that Wang Xiaoying is mainly engaged in teaching undergraduate and graduate students majoring in computer science, with a research direction of high-performance

Lin Zhifang was sent back to the country for duty crimes | Public Security | Lin Zhifang
Lin Zhifang was sent back to the country for duty crimes | Public Security | Lin Zhifang

Recently, under the overall coordination of the Central Chasing and Escaping Office, the three levels of Chasing and Escaping Offices in Zhejiang Province, Ningbo City, and Xiangshan County, as well as the public security organs, closely cooperated and worked together to successfully repatriate Lin Zhifang, a person involved in a job-related crime, to the country. This is the first person involved in a job-related crime in Zhejiang Province to be repatriated from overseas since the launch of the "Skynet 2023" operation. Lin Zhifang, male, Han ethnicity, born in March 1963, is the legal representative of Ningbo Yuhe Marine Biological Products Group Co., Ltd., Ningbo Sanying Aquatic Food Co., Ltd., and other units. He fled overseas in May 2017. Lin Zhifang is also suspected of contract fraud. Under the overall coordination of the Central Chasing and Escaping Office, the supervisory and public security organs closely cooperated and continued to promote cooperation in foreign judicial law enforcement, successfully deporting Lin Zhifang back to the country. The person in charge of the Zhejiang Province Chasing and Escaping Office stated that we insist on

Extreme weather may occur frequently, US meteorological agency: El Ni ñ o makes a comeback in the atmosphere | Pacific | Meteorology
Extreme weather may occur frequently, US meteorological agency: El Ni ñ o makes a comeback in the atmosphere | Pacific | Meteorology

According to a report released by the Climate Prediction Center of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration on the 8th, after nearly three years of La Ni ñ a, the El Ni ñ o phenomenon is making a comeback and may trigger extreme weather later this year, according to Reuters. The report states that "in May, as the sea surface temperature in the equatorial Pacific rises and exceeds the average level, a weak El Ni ñ o phenomenon occurred." El Ni ñ o is a large-scale and sustained abnormal warming of seawater in the eastern and central parts of the equatorial Pacific, also known as a "warm event," and its occurrence often leads to an increase in global average temperature. El Ni ñ o means that the waters in the eastern Pacific are warming up compared to usual. But this year, before El Ni ñ o began, global sea surface temperatures were 0.1 ℃ higher than usual. This means that extreme weather may intensify. The last occurrence of El Ni ñ o phenomenon was

Multiple violations of accepting famous cigarettes and alcohol! The director of orthopedics personally smashed the "first knife" golden signboard, "greedy" into the bone marrow unit | bribery crime | famous cigarettes
Multiple violations of accepting famous cigarettes and alcohol! The director of orthopedics personally smashed the "first knife" golden signboard, "greedy" into the bone marrow unit | bribery crime | famous cigarettes

Using people as mirrors can reveal gains and losses; Using a case as a mirror can lead to good conduct and discipline. The use of negative typical cases to carry out warning education is an important measure to promote the "three non corruption" in one body, and is a powerful lever to promote party members and cadres to build a strong ideological defense line. In order to make good use of the cases around us, do in-depth and practical education on discipline and law, and guide the majority of party members and cadres to be vigilant, know the bottom line, be in awe, and be wary, the "Clean Sichuan" website and WeChat official account will launch the column "Case as a mirror" from February 14, 2023. This column focuses on the "fly greed and ant corruption" that occurs around the people and erodes their immediate interests. Through analyzing typical cases of disciplinary and illegal violations by grassroots party members, cadres, and public officials from multiple perspectives, it not only keeps the alarm ringing, but also carries out disciplinary and legal interpretations. It continues to play a role in educating and warning people around it, and continuously promotes comprehensive and strict measures