The world

In July, China's manufacturing PMI rose to the 49.3% range | Index | Manufacturing
In July, China's manufacturing PMI rose to the 49.3% range | Index | Manufacturing

Beijing, July 31 (Xinhua) - The Service Industry Survey Center of the National Bureau of Statistics and the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing released data on July 31. In July, the Purchasing Managers' Index of China's manufacturing industry was 49.3%, an increase of 0.3 percentage points from the previous month. "In July, the manufacturing PMI slightly rebounded for two consecutive months, with 10 out of the 21 surveyed industries in the expansion range, an increase of 2 compared to the previous month. The overall level of the manufacturing industry continued to improve," said Zhao Qinghe, senior statistician at the Service Industry Survey Center of the National Bureau of Statistics. The production index continues to expand. In July, the production index was 50.2%, which was basically the same as the previous month and remained in the expansion range. The new order index was 49.5%, an increase of 0.9 percentage points from the previous month, indicating stable production and business activities in the manufacturing industry and an improvement in market demand prosperity

Supreme Procuratorate: Increase the Punishment of Corruption among Internal Personnel of Private Enterprises in accordance with the Law. Organs | Opinions | Issues | Strengthening | Cases | Crimes | Personnel | Enterprises
Supreme Procuratorate: Increase the Punishment of Corruption among Internal Personnel of Private Enterprises in accordance with the Law. Organs | Opinions | Issues | Strengthening | Cases | Crimes | Personnel | Enterprises

Recently, the Supreme People's Procuratorate issued the "Opinions on Punishing and Preventing Crimes of Infringement of the Legitimate Rights and Interests of Private Enterprises by Internal Personnel in accordance with the Law, and Creating a Good Legal Environment for the Development of the Private Economy", requiring that the punishment for corrupt behaviors such as embezzlement, misappropriation of funds, and bribery committed by internal personnel of private enterprises be increased in accordance with the law; Promote and improve the mechanism for recovering and disposing of property involved in cases, and help private enterprises recover losses. The Opinion points out that crimes committed by internal personnel of private enterprises, especially key positions such as executives, finance, procurement, sales, and technology, not only seriously damage the legitimate rights and interests of private enterprises, affect their core competitiveness and innovative development, but also disrupt the fair competition market order and disrupt the development environment of private enterprises. The Supreme People's Procuratorate pointed out that based on the investigation and handling of cases by prosecutors, in private enterprises

Creating a Wonderful Exhibition City (Focused on the Universiade) Park | Sports | Universiade
Creating a Wonderful Exhibition City (Focused on the Universiade) Park | Sports | Universiade

The power guarantee team of State Grid Chengdu University Games conducted an electricity inspection at Dong'anhu Sports Park. On July 30th, at the Dayun Village Fitness Center, Slovak university sports delegation athletes prepared for training. On July 30th, at the Interactive Experience Center in Dayun Village, Italian university sports delegation athletes experienced Chinese calligraphy. Before the opening ceremony of the Chengdu Universiade, the staff cleaned the main stage. On July 28th, the 31st World University Summer Games opened in Chengdu, Sichuan, China. According to the concept of "organizing competitions, running cities, promoting industry, and benefiting the people", Chengdu has carefully promoted various preparations and hosting work. Enhance cultural exchange and enhance urban landscape; green

Building a Bridge for Communication (Walking in Chengdu), Experience China | Bridge
Building a Bridge for Communication (Walking in Chengdu), Experience China | Bridge

Since the opening of the Chengdu Universiade, the interactive experience center in the Universiade Village has become a popular check-in spot. Athletes without competition tasks have come here one after another to participate in a rich and colorful interactive experience of intangible cultural heritage. Under the guidance of inheritors of intangible cultural heritage, members of delegations can experience eight Chinese intangible cultural heritage production skills, including New Year pictures, Shu embroidery, bamboo weaving, facial makeup, Paper Cuttings, rope weaving, kites, sachets, and participate in four Chinese excellent traditional cultural experience activities, including calligraphy, Chinese painting creation, learning to play Taijiquan, and wearing Han clothing. After the production of the work is completed, it will be presented to the participants, leaving them with a unique memory. "Dip a bit of paint in a tool and evenly color the protruding lines on the picture. Then, lay the paper on it and press it evenly. A vivid New Year painting is completed." On July 29th, at the national level

Let's Go to Youth Together and Sing the Song of Friendship (Universiade Guanlan) Men | Universiade | Universiade
Let's Go to Youth Together and Sing the Song of Friendship (Universiade Guanlan) Men | Universiade | Universiade

On the field of the Universiade, there are racing against time, intense competition, as well as heartwarming moments and youthful movements. Next, more exciting poems will be written by the Dong'an Lake. On the morning of July 30th, after winning the first gold medal at the Chengdu Universiade, Chinese university sports delegation athlete Cao Maoyuan won the championship of the men's southern stick martial arts event, becoming the "double gold king" of this Universiade. His vigorous martial arts and stick techniques not only conquered the judges, but also earned praise from his opponents in hitting knots. On the field of the Universiade, results and rankings are not the only topics, and the friendship between athletes and the joyful atmosphere on the field are also eye-catching. Friendly communication brings us closer together. Liu Zilong, a member of the Chinese Hong Kong University Student Sports Delegation who won the silver medal in men's Nanquan, once came to Chengdu for exchange and study. He and Cao Maoyuan are old friends who have known each other for a long time

Expert: A typical thief shouting to catch a thief!, US media absurdly hypes up "Chinese malware" journalist | Report | Thieves shout to catch thieves
Expert: A typical thief shouting to catch a thief!, US media absurdly hypes up "Chinese malware" journalist | Report | Thieves shout to catch thieves

Just as Global Times special correspondent Xiao Da in the United States, Global Times reporter Guo Yuandan, Global Times special correspondent Liu Yupeng, and Chen Kang have smeared China with "hackers", American media has started to hype up so-called "Chinese malware intrusion". On July 29th, The New York Times reported, citing "anonymous officials," that the Biden administration believed that China had "implanted malicious software" in key US power and communication networks. Once a "conflict" occurred, it would interfere with US military operations by cutting off US power and communication. As usual, the US authorities remain open to these so-called "exclusive leaks" and allow them to spread. Chinese network technology experts said in an interview with Global Times reporters on the 30th that such reports are a "typical act of thieves shouting and catching thieves" by the US side. January 1, 2011

The American Pusher Behind Europe's Poverty Alleviation | European Union | United States
The American Pusher Behind Europe's Poverty Alleviation | European Union | United States

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, July 31 (Xinhua) - The American driver behind Europe's "poverty" - Deng Qian, a journalist from Xinhua News Agency, believes that Europeans live relatively affluent and leisurely lives, while the wealth accumulation and high welfare social conditions of old capitalist countries allow Europeans to have more leisure and enjoy life. Now, everything seems to be changing. Some foreign media say, "Europeans are getting poorer." The Wall Street Journal recently published an article stating that the French have reduced their consumption of red wine; The Spanish began to be meticulous about cooking oil; The consumption of meat and milk in Germany has dropped to its lowest level in 30 years; In Italy, pasta prices have risen significantly... In terms of per capita GDP, the average level of EU countries lags behind any state in the United States except for Idaho and Mississippi. Why did Europe become poor? The problem is worth exploring

Don't worry about China, Bosch CEO: European countries should take time to increase the risk of EU competitiveness Europe | Risk | Time
Don't worry about China, Bosch CEO: European countries should take time to increase the risk of EU competitiveness Europe | Risk | Time

"Risk reduction is not a good term," said Stefan Harton, Chairman and CEO of Bosch Group, the largest automotive parts supplier in Europe, in an interview with the Financial Times on the 29th. In recent years, influenced by geopolitical factors, some European countries have become increasingly concerned about the dependence of enterprises on China, and have continuously mentioned the term "risk reduction". Earlier this month, Germany warned its domestic companies to reduce their dependence on China when releasing its first "China Strategy". In response, Hatong stated that European governments should spend more time improving the competitiveness of the European Union, rather than focusing on the risks that companies may face when conducting business in China. He believes that in order for Europeans to maintain competitiveness,

National Development and Reform Commission: Promoting consumption is not about "emptying the wallet" or "overdrawing demand" consumption | Policy | Demand
National Development and Reform Commission: Promoting consumption is not about "emptying the wallet" or "overdrawing demand" consumption | Policy | Demand

On July 31st, the State Council Information Office held a routine briefing on State Council policies, introducing relevant measures to restore and expand consumption. Recently, with the approval of the State Council, the Measures for Restoring and Expanding Consumption have been forwarded by the General Office of the State Council to various localities and departments, and publicly released to the public. Li Chunlin, Deputy Director of the National Development and Reform Commission, stated that promoting consumption policies is not a so-called "emptying the wallet" or "overdraft demand". On the contrary, the starting point of promoting consumption policies is to help residents save expenses, buy high-quality and affordable goods, buy new products and services with more technological content and more in line with needs, and avoid illegal "tricks", counterfeit and inferior products. The government's policies are more effective and beneficial to the people, and the consumption and welfare of the people can be simultaneously improved. Li Chunlin stated that the "Measures" revolve around stabilizing bulk commodities

China, this Taiwanese athlete won the gold medal! The background music for the competition is "I Love You, Universiade | Competition | Participants"
China, this Taiwanese athlete won the gold medal! The background music for the competition is "I Love You, Universiade | Competition | Participants"

According to Taiwanese media reports, on the 30th, Sun Jiahong from the Chinese Taipei team won the gold medal in the men's Tai Chi competition of the martial arts event at the Chengdu Universiade, marking the first gold medal won by the Chinese Taipei delegation at this year's Universiade. It is worth mentioning that Sun Jiahong's competition background music is "I Love You, China". Chinese Taipei team player Sun Jiahong won the gold medal in the men's Tai Chi martial arts event at the Chengdu Universiade. The picture "I Love You, China" is a patriotic song written by Qu Cong, composed by Zheng Qiufeng, and originally sung by Ye Peiying. It is an interlude from the 1979 film "Overseas Red Boy". On the 30th, Sun Jiahong competed in the men's Tai Chi martial arts event, finishing second to last. He wore a black and dark blue martial arts uniform designed by himself, adorned with golden patterns, and vigorously completed the preparatory routine. After the score was announced, he temporarily

Deciding to implement temporary export controls on specific unmanned aerial vehicles, four departments: for the maintenance of national security and interests of the country | export | unmanned aerial vehicles
Deciding to implement temporary export controls on specific unmanned aerial vehicles, four departments: for the maintenance of national security and interests of the country | export | unmanned aerial vehicles

Announcement No. 28 of 2023 issued by the Equipment Development Department of the Central Military Commission of the State Administration of Science and Technology for National Defense of the Ministry of Commerce and the General Administration of Customs on the implementation of temporary export controls on certain unmanned aerial vehicles. In accordance with the relevant provisions of the Export Control Law of the People's Republic of China, the Foreign Trade Law of the People's Republic of China, and the Customs Law of the People's Republic of China, in order to maintain national security and interests, with the approval of the State Council and the Central Military Commission, it is decided to implement temporary export controls on specific unmanned aerial vehicles. The relevant matters are announced as follows: 1. Unmanned aerial vehicles whose performance indicators have not met the existing control indicators but have reached the following indicators shall not be exported without permission: they can fly controllable beyond the operator's natural line of sight, have a maximum endurance time of 30 minutes or more, and a maximum takeoff weight greater than 7 kilograms or empty weight

Russian Federal Security Agency: 3 Russian citizens arrested on charges of "treason" Right District | Ukraine | Russia
Russian Federal Security Agency: 3 Russian citizens arrested on charges of "treason" Right District | Ukraine | Russia

According to Russian Sputnik News Agency on July 31, the Public Relations Center of the Russian Federal Security Agency announced that three residents of Voronezh, Russia, who worked for Ukrainian nationalists in the "right zone", had been arrested for "treason" and had been put on criminal record. The news stated that "the Russian Federal Security Agency has stopped the illegal activities of three Russian citizens and residents of Voronezh, who provided assistance to members of the Ukrainian nationalist organization 'Right Zone' and are suspected of participating in acts of treason that harm Russian security." The report stated that after investigation, the arrested individuals provided Ukrainian nationalists with information about Russian military facilities and transportation infrastructure. The Russian Federal Security Agency has filed a criminal case in accordance with relevant laws.

Appointed as Executive Vice Governor!, Standing Committee Member of the Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee who took office across provinces | Panjin | Governor
Appointed as Executive Vice Governor!, Standing Committee Member of the Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee who took office across provinces | Panjin | Governor

Zhang Chengzhong, who was elected as the Vice Governor of Hebei Province last Thursday, has been appointed as the Executive Vice Governor of Hebei Province. According to a report by Hebei Daily, on July 28th, Wang Zhengpu, the Governor of Hebei Province, attended a video conference on typhoon prevention and response to Typhoon Du Suri and delivered a speech. Zhang Chengzhong, a member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Hebei Provincial Committee and Executive Vice Governor of Hebei Province, presided over the meeting. According to his public resume, Zhang Chengzhong, male, Han nationality, was born in October 1970, started work in July 1993, and joined the CPC in June 1998. He has a university degree, a double bachelor's degree, a senior master of business administration, and a professor level senior engineer. Zhang Chengzhong, who has been serving in Liaoning Province for a long time, has served as the Mayor of Fuxin City and the Secretary of Panjin City Committee. In December of the same year, he was appointed as a member of the Standing Committee and Secretary General of the Liaoning Provincial Committee, as well as the Secretary of Panjin City Committee. Last April, Zhang Chengzhong no longer served as the Secretary of the Panjin Municipal Party Committee

Can insurance compensate for it?, The car was washed away by the flood. Zhongxin | Jingwei | Insurance
Can insurance compensate for it?, The car was washed away by the flood. Zhongxin | Jingwei | Insurance

On the 31st, due to various factors such as the residual circulation of the "Dussuri" moving northward, extreme heavy rainfall occurred in North China, Huanghuai and other areas. According to the Beijing Flood Control Office, as of 12:00 noon on the 31st, multiple road sections in the city have experienced water accumulation and circuit breakers. There are also several sudden situations such as landslides and small-scale flash floods in Mentougou and Fangshan. Multiple video clips circulating online show that some vehicles were washed away by floods. Can insurance compensate for this situation? Without car damage insurance, not being able to find a car is generally presumed to be a total loss. In response to the concerns of netizens, on the afternoon of the 31st, Zhongxin Jingwei called multiple insurance companies as consumers. The customer service personnel of Yanzhao Property and Casualty Insurance told China News Service that after the car was washed away by floods, the damage should be determined based on the actual damage to the car, and then claims should be made. But the premise is that the owner has purchased car damage insurance. If

A farmer in the United States planted 1.2 million sunflowers to celebrate his wife's golden wedding. Sunflowers | Lenny | Sunflowers Celebration
A farmer in the United States planted 1.2 million sunflowers to celebrate his wife's golden wedding. Sunflowers | Lenny | Sunflowers Celebration

A field about 6 kilometers east of Pratt, Kansas, USA, has recently been filled with golden sunflowers. They are not truly crops, but rather a 50th anniversary gift from a farmer named Lee Wilson to his wife Lenny Wilson. According to a report by the British Broadcasting Corporation on July 30th, Li and Lenny fell in love at first sight when they were in their teens and spent most of their lives together. They will celebrate their golden wedding anniversary on August 10th. Li said that he had been thinking for a long time about what gift to give to his wife. "She has always liked sunflowers, and I think I will plant them for her this year, so I planted 80 acres, about 1.2 million plants." Li launched this "secret plan" in May this year, and under the cover of his son, this big project has not been discovered by Lenny. Until the fields

Publicity by the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee: Two mayors proposed to be appointed as the Secretary and Deputy Director of the Municipal Party Committee | Department of Transportation of Jiangxi Province | Mayor
Publicity by the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee: Two mayors proposed to be appointed as the Secretary and Deputy Director of the Municipal Party Committee | Department of Transportation of Jiangxi Province | Mayor

On July 31st, the Organization Department of the Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee issued a pre appointment notice for leading cadres. Among them, Yan Yun, the Mayor of Yichun City, and Luo Wenjiang, the Mayor of Ji'an City, were proposed to be appointed as the Secretary of the District Municipal Party Committee: Yan Yun, male, Han ethnicity, born in November 1972, a member of the Communist Party of China, a university, currently serving as the Deputy Secretary and Mayor of Yichun City, and proposed to be appointed as the Secretary of the District Municipal Party Committee; Luo Wenjiang, male, Han ethnicity, born in March 1968, is a member of the Communist Party of China and a member of the Central Party School University. He currently serves as the Deputy Secretary and Mayor of Ji'an City, and is proposed to be appointed as the Secretary of the District Municipal Party Committee. According to public information, Yan Yun has served as the Deputy Director of the Transportation Department of Jiangxi Province, a member of the Standing Committee and Minister of the Organization Department of Pingxiang City, and Deputy Secretary of the Nanchang City Committee. He assumed the position of Deputy Secretary of the Yichun City Committee in February 2021 and later became the Mayor. Luo Wenjiang has served as the Deputy Mayor of Jiujiang City and the Deputy Director of the Jiangxi Provincial Department of Transportation

Don't stare at China all day and talk nonsense. Isolating oneself doesn't mean risking Europe | Financial Times | Risk
Don't stare at China all day and talk nonsense. Isolating oneself doesn't mean risking Europe | Financial Times | Risk

On July 29th, the Financial Times published an interview article with Stefan Harton, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Bosch Group in Germany. The "leader" of Europe's largest automotive parts supplier stated that European countries should not hype up "corporate risks in China", but should strive to improve the competitiveness of the European Union. He bluntly stated that Europe cannot reduce risks by isolating itself. According to reports, for a period of time, some European countries have become concerned about companies' dependence on China due to geopolitical factors, and the frequency of the term "risk reduction" is increasing. Earlier this month, the German government also released its first "China Strategy", warning German companies to reduce their dependence on China under the guise of "risk reduction". But Harton believes that European governments should spend more time improving the competitiveness of the European Union

The Supreme Court has announced 11 cases! Xiaomi Case Listed, Equal Protection of Private Enterprises in Accordance with the Law 6: Leqing Baole Energy Industry Co., Ltd. | Protection | Private Enterprises
The Supreme Court has announced 11 cases! Xiaomi Case Listed, Equal Protection of Private Enterprises in Accordance with the Law 6: Leqing Baole Energy Industry Co., Ltd. | Protection | Private Enterprises

On the 31st, the Supreme People's Court released 11 typical cases of equal protection of private enterprises in accordance with the law, showcasing the active judicial actions of the people's courts, adhering to equal protection in accordance with the law, and serving the development of the private economy. In the case of Xiao, the actual controller of Datong Logistics Co., Ltd. in Laohekou City, committing the crime of forging official documents, certificates, and seals of state organs, as well as forging company and enterprise seals, the people's court actively promoted the compliance reform of the involved enterprises, minimized the impact of judicial measures on the normal production and operation of the enterprise, saved the enterprise, and promoted its compliance and law-abiding operation. In the preservation ruling of the network infringement liability dispute between Xiaomi Technology Co., Ltd. and Ling, the people's court used injunctions to timely stop the infringement behavior of spreading rumors and slandering private enterprises and entrepreneurs, demonstrating the judicial attitude of the people's court in cracking down on malicious damage to the reputation rights of enterprises in accordance with the law.

After collecting the car, he collapsed. "I was very excited at that time! Unexpectedly..." Zhejiang woman bought a second-hand car studio in Tiktok | lady | Zhejiang
It crashed after picking up the car,

Brush a plane for the anchor of Tiktok, and the second-hand Tiguan has changed from 70000 to 30000... Ms. Feng, a Jiaxing native, impulsively paid a deposit and took a taxi to Jinhua Yiwu to buy a second-hand car. I didn't expect the car to have problems when I bought it. Not only did it break down on the way back, but it was also an accident car. Tiktok bought a second-hand car before she got home. Ms. Feng, a post-90s generation, lives in Nanhu District, Jiaxing City. A while ago, in order to make it easier for her parents to go out, she thought of buying a commuter car for her father and also went to see several new cars, but she never started. In the middle of July, when Ms. Feng was brushing Tiktok, she accidentally brushed into a live studio. The anchor was called Yiwu Xiaofu's used car. The anchor introduced used cars in the live broadcast room ↑ "At that time, a anchor was introducing the used cars in his store, including Audi, BMW, and many other models. One of them..."

Spokesperson of the Ministry of Commerce on Responding to Journalist's Questions on Drone Export Control Policies Export | Drone | Spokesperson
Spokesperson of the Ministry of Commerce on Responding to Journalist's Questions on Drone Export Control Policies Export | Drone | Spokesperson

On July 31st, the Ministry of Commerce, the General Administration of Customs, the State Administration of Science and Technology for National Defense, and the Equipment Development Department of the Central Military Commission jointly issued two announcements on drone export controls. May I ask if the Chinese side has any consideration for the introduction of export control policies on drones this time? Answer: With approval, on July 31st, the Ministry of Commerce of China, together with relevant departments, issued two announcements on drone export controls, implementing export controls on some drone specific engines, important payloads, wireless communication equipment, and civilian anti drone systems, and implementing temporary export controls for some consumer grade drones for a period of 2 years. At the same time, all other civilian drones not included in the control are prohibited from being exported for military purposes. The above policy will be officially implemented from September 1st. Previously, we have already informed relevant countries and regions. High performance

60 year old Mei Zhengrong was investigated and dismissed from office in Yixing, Jiangsu | Deputy Director | Mei Zhengrong
60 year old Mei Zhengrong was investigated and dismissed from office in Yixing, Jiangsu | Deputy Director | Mei Zhengrong

Mei Zhengrong, former member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Transportation, is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Jiangsu Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision. Resume of Mei Zhengrong: Mei Zhengrong, male, Han nationality, born in July 1963 in Yixing, Jiangsu Province, with a postgraduate degree, started work in September 1983, and joined the CPC in March 1996. From October 2000 to December 2005, served as the Director of the Transportation Management Bureau of the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Transportation; From December 2005 to February 2011, served as the Deputy Mayor of Suzhou City and Director of Taicang Port Management Committee; From February 2011 to July 2011, served as the Deputy Mayor of Suzhou City; From July 2011 to July 2023, served as a member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Transportation; In July 2023, dismissed.

The Forbidden City has not accumulated water for 600 years? Journalist's on-site visit to the drainage system of the Forbidden City
The Forbidden City has not accumulated water for 600 years? Journalist's on-site visit to the drainage system of the Forbidden City

On July 22nd, a sudden heavy rainfall caused some areas of the Palace Museum to accumulate water for a short period of time, becoming the focus of public attention. What is the real condition of the drainage system in the Forbidden City, which is over 600 years old? On July 31st, despite heavy rain in Beijing, the reporter conducted an on-site visit to the drainage system of the Forbidden City. At 9 o'clock in the morning, the reporter arrived at Jinshui Bridge. The person in charge of the Palace Museum said that compared to defense and fire prevention, the main function of Jinshui Bridge is drainage. It is reported that since ancient times, cities and ancient architectural complexes in Beijing have been designed with flood control and drainage systems, and the Forbidden City is no exception. At present, the Forbidden City has two independent drainage systems. Among them, the municipal sewage system of the Forbidden City was built in the 1950s to ensure the convenience of visitors after the Palace Museum opened to them. After professional planning and design, and by higher-level units

Newly appointed Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Hainan Prefecture, Qinghai Province, and Secretary of the "National Excellent County Party Secretary" Niu Dehai Discipline Inspection Commission | Niu Dehai | Hainan Prefecture, Qinghai Province
Newly appointed Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Hainan Prefecture, Qinghai Province, and Secretary of the "National Excellent County Party Secretary" Niu Dehai Discipline Inspection Commission | Niu Dehai | Hainan Prefecture, Qinghai Province

Recently, according to reports on the website of the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Hainan Prefecture, Qinghai Province, Niu Dehai, the "National Excellent County Party Secretary", has been appointed as a candidate for the Standing Committee Member, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, and Director of the Supervision Commission of Hainan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture. Niu Dehai, a Tu ethnic group, was born in September 1969 in Huzhu Tu Autonomous County, Qinghai Province. He graduated from Qinghai University in 1991 with a major in Mechanical Manufacturing Technology and Equipment. After graduation, Niu Dehai joined the Water Resources Management Team of Huzhu Tu Autonomous County and two years later transferred to the Water and Electricity Bureau of Huzhu Tu Autonomous County. In July 1999, Niu Dehai worked at the Organization Department of the Huzhu Tu Autonomous County Committee in Haidong City, and was promoted to Deputy Chief Clerk two months later. In the 11 years following December 2001, Niu Dehai worked in multiple townships in Huzhu Tu Autonomous County, Haidong City, serving as Deputy Secretary of the Township Party Committee, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, Town Mayor, and Town Party Secretary

Appointment!, Four pig companies sign the "Mutual Non poaching Convention"? State Administration for Market Regulation: Violating the spirit of the Anti Monopoly Law in the market | labor force | non poaching convention
Appointment!, Four pig companies sign the "Mutual Non poaching Convention"? State Administration for Market Regulation: Violating the spirit of the Anti Monopoly Law in the market | labor force | non poaching convention

On July 31st, the State Administration for Market Regulation held talks with four pig farming enterprises, including Muyuan Food Co., Ltd., Wenshi Food Group Co., Ltd., Twins Co., Ltd., and Zhengda Investment Co., Ltd., in accordance with relevant provisions of the Anti Monopoly Law and the Regulations on Prohibiting Monopoly Agreements.Protecting and promoting fair competition in the labor market helps to promote the rational and orderly flow of labor factors, and is of great significance in creating a fair employment environment, improving a unified and standardized labor market system, and promoting high-quality development. On June 20, 2023, four companies, Muyuan, Wen, Twins, and Zhengda, as initiators, signed the "Mutual Non poaching Convention", advocating for non poaching and non dismantling, which violates the spirit of the Anti Monopoly Law and is not conducive to the construction of the company

The Russian army hits an important target, "tracking Zelensky..." Dnipro | Russian army | tracking Zelensky
The Russian army hits an important target, "tracking Zelensky..." Dnipro | Russian army | tracking Zelensky

According to the Hong Kong Asia Times website on July 30th, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported that the Russian military used "precision guided weapons" to strike a Ukrainian military command post located in the Dnipro region on the night of the 28th. According to reports, Ukrainian President Zelensky inspected the Dnipro region on the 28th, awarded medals to the Commander in Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Valery Zaluryne, and met with some Ukrainian military commanders, including Lieutenant General Sersky and Director of the Intelligence Agency of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense, Kirilo Budanov. Russian intelligence agencies closely monitor Zelensky's whereabouts. Therefore, Zelensky's itinerary of meeting with Ukrainian military leaders and intelligence agency leaders after arriving in Dnipro may have hinted at the location of the Dnipro regional command center. Buildings damaged in the Dnipro region due to a Russian missile attack on July 28th

Create a warm city business card! The "Early Shanghai" event jointly initiated and hosted by the reporting group has been launched, providing integrated services for two generations | Shanghai | Business Card
Create a warm city business card! The "Early Shanghai" event jointly initiated and hosted by the reporting group has been launched, providing integrated services for two generations | Shanghai | Business Card

On the afternoon of July 31st, the "Le Ling Shen Cheng · Early Shanghai" volunteer service activity jointly initiated by Shanghai Newspaper Group and the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China's Retired Cadres Bureau and other units officially kicked off. Ding Bo, Vice President of Shanghai Newspaper Group, and Bao Longgen, Deputy Director of the Municipal Party Committee Retired Cadres Bureau and Secretary of the Party Committee, jointly launched the "Le Ling Shen Cheng · Early Shanghai" volunteer service activity at Zhou Xinfang Drama Space Theater in Shanghai. As one of the supporting units, the News Morning Post actively participates in organizing and training the "News Morning Post Shanghai Memoirs Team" and provides a "Zhou Zhou Hao" publishing platform for the "Zhou Zhou APP"; Through the "News Morning News · Thoughtful", we invite the whole society to design "Early Shanghai" together, boldly imagine the "Early Shanghai" in ten years, and become the designers of "Early Shanghai". The "Early Shanghai" volunteer activity aims to

The Central Propaganda Department and the Political Work Department of the Central Military Commission jointly released 13 "Most Beautiful Revolutionary Soldiers in the New Era" Xi Jinping | Thought | Times
The Central Propaganda Department and the Political Work Department of the Central Military Commission jointly released 13 "Most Beautiful Revolutionary Soldiers in the New Era" Xi Jinping | Thought | Times

Thirteen officers and soldiers, including Pan Chao, Chen Congo, Ye Shengxue, Yuan Wei, Sun Jinlong, Zhang Meiyu, Li Yang, Gu Aiyun, Zhao Li, Xiang Yuedong, Liu Guangming, Zhang Weimin, and Cheng Lin, are advanced models that have emerged in the entire military force to strengthen ideological guidance, strengthen responsibility, and work implementation, and strive to promote the cause of building a strong military in the new era. Some of them persist

Secretary General of the Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference has been arrested, and after multiple "tigers" in Guizhou were investigated, the Supervisory Commission | Position | Secretary General
Secretary General of the Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference has been arrested, and after multiple "tigers" in Guizhou were investigated, the Supervisory Commission | Position | Secretary General

On the last day of July, another official from the Guizhou Political Consultative Conference fell from grace. According to the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission, Xiong Dewei, Secretary General of the Guizhou Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, member of the Party Group, Secretary of the Party Group, and Director of the Office, is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Guizhou Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision. Before his downfall, Xiong Dewei had been serving in the Guizhou Provincial Political Consultative Conference for over three years. In January 2020, he was appointed as the Secretary General of the Guizhou Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, a member of the Party Group, the Secretary of the Party Group of the government, and the Director of the Office, until this investigation. Earlier, he had served as the Director of the Ecological Environment Department of Guizhou Province and the Deputy Secretary of the Tongren Municipal Committee. Xiong Dewei had previously served as a leading cadre in local, provincial, and CPPCC systems, but now he has been arrested on suspicion of serious violations of discipline and law. Further investigation is needed to determine the extent of his violation of discipline and law

Strongly condemn!, My Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Deeply shocked, over 44 people have been killed and injured in a suicide bomb attack in Pakistan | Cape Province | Pakistan | Pakistan | Bombing | China | Terrorism | Attacks
Strongly condemn!, My Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Deeply shocked, over 44 people have been killed and injured in a suicide bomb attack in Pakistan | Cape Province | Pakistan | Pakistan | Bombing | China | Terrorism | Attacks

In response to the suicide bomb attack in Cape Province, Pakistan, a spokesperson for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated on July 31 in an interview with reporters that China firmly opposes all forms of terrorism and strongly condemns the bomb attack targeting civilians. A reporter asked, according to reports, on July 30th, a bomb attack occurred at a gathering site in the Bajaur tribal area of Cape Province, Pakistan, resulting in at least 44 deaths and more than 100 injuries. The Pakistani side referred to this incident as a terrorist attack. What is China's comment on this? The spokesperson stated that China is deeply shocked by the attack. We firmly oppose all forms of terrorism, strongly condemn the bomb attack targeting civilians, express condolences to the victims, and offer condolences to the families of the victims and the injured. The spokesperson said that China firmly supports Pakistan's efforts to promote national development

Director of the Political Department of the General Administration of Customs, Xu Dachun, appointed as Director of the Party Group of the Natural Resources Department | Director of the Political Department | General Administration of Customs | Resources Department | Party Group Member | Natural Resources | Xu Dachun
Director of the Political Department of the General Administration of Customs, Xu Dachun, appointed as Director of the Party Group of the Natural Resources Department | Director of the Political Department | General Administration of Customs | Resources Department | Party Group Member | Natural Resources | Xu Dachun

The leadership team of the Ministry of Natural Resources has recently welcomed a new member. On July 31st, Pengpai News found on the official website of the Ministry of Natural Resources that Xu Dachun, Director of the Political Department and Party Committee Member of the General Administration of Customs, has been a member of the Party Group of the Ministry of Natural Resources since July this year. In the leadership team of the Ministry of Natural Resources, Xu Dachun ranks between Zhuang Shaoqin, a member of the Party Group and Deputy Minister, and Liu Guohong, a member of the Party Group and Deputy Minister. According to the official resume, Xu Dachun, male, Han nationality, was born in Liaocheng, Shandong Province in March 1967, joined the CPC in January 1988, and started working in July 1990. He has an on-the-job postgraduate degree and a doctorate degree in engineering. Xu Dachun has previously served as the Director of the Mineral Resources Reserve Department of the Ministry of Land and Resources, the Director of the Shanxi Provincial Department of Land and Resources, the Director of the Personnel Department of the Ministry of Land and Resources, the Director of the Personnel Department of the Ministry of Natural Resources, and the Director of Natural Resources
