The world

International Sharp Review | No Country or Person Left Behind on the Development Path | China | Global | One Country
International Sharp Review | No Country or Person Left Behind on the Development Path | China | Global | One Country

"We have witnessed and experienced firsthand the achievements of the combination of mycorrhizal technology and rural revitalization here. The mycorrhizal industry is full of vitality, and mycorrhizal technology has great potential." Recently, Peter Gail, a government official from the East Highlands Province of Papua New Guinea, learned about the stories of "turning grass into gold" during a meeting in Fujian Province, China. He said that he is prepared to further promote the development of the mushroom grass industry in Papua New Guinea. Not only in Papua New Guinea. At present, China's mycorrhizal technology has spread to 106 countries and regions worldwide, providing tangible impetus for implementing the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. On the 20th, China released a progress report on the implementation of the Global Development Initiative, which included this "small yet beautiful" poverty reduction project, becoming a microcosm of China's promotion of global common development. Development is the ultimate key to solving all problems. When

The Emergency Management Department dispatched a working group to the scene of the gas explosion accident in Yinchuan, Ningxia to guide rescue and treatment | accident | explosion
The Emergency Management Department dispatched a working group to the scene of the gas explosion accident in Yinchuan, Ningxia to guide rescue and treatment | accident | explosion

At around 20:40 on June 21st, a gas explosion occurred at a barbecue restaurant in Xingqing District, Yinchuan City, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. As of 8:00 am on June 22nd, the accident resulted in 31 deaths and 7 injuries. After receiving the report, the Emergency Management Department immediately made arrangements to fully organize search and rescue, do a good job in treating the injured, make every effort to reduce casualties, and quickly identify the cause of the accident. At the same time, a joint working group composed of the Ministry of Emergency Management, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development, and the State Administration for Market Regulation has rushed to the scene to guide the accident rescue and disposal work. The National Emergency Medical Research Center and the Emergency General Hospital have dispatched four experts to carry out emergency medical rescue work with the joint working group. The local firefighting and rescue team dispatched 20 vehicles and 102 people to the scene for disposal. As of 4:00 pm on the 22nd, the rescue operation has ended.

The case on the big screen is shocking! More than 15000 people from Sinopec simultaneously receive warning education on corruption | Key points | Case details
The case on the big screen is shocking! More than 15000 people from Sinopec simultaneously receive warning education on corruption | Key points | Case details

"Very regretful, I didn't expect to fall to this point." "The greedy devil grew bigger and bigger, eventually devouring himself." On the big screen, the scenes of the case were shocking and thought-provoking; In the conference room, the attendees looked serious and deeply shocked. On the morning of June 16th, China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation Limited held a warning education conference. The conference played a warning education video in the form of "on-site+video", and focused on reporting the investigation and handling of relevant cases. More than 15000 middle-level and above leaders in the Sinopec system received education simultaneously. "Relying on enterprises to eat enterprises is the biggest source of corruption in Sinopec." Ma Yongsheng, Secretary of the Party Group and Chairman of Sinopec, said that from Sinopec's perspective, although significant progress has been made in comprehensively and strictly governing the party, corruption still occurs from time to time, and the root cause is

Not only pandas eat bamboo shoots! This "national treasure" also knows the golden monkey | Nujiang | giant panda
Not only pandas eat bamboo shoots! This "national treasure" also knows the golden monkey | Nujiang | giant panda

Only "national treasure" giant pandas will eat bamboo shoots? No, the Nujiang Golden Monkey can do it too. Have you ever seen it? Recently, in the infrared camera images collected on the western slope of the Gaoligong Mountain National Nature Reserve in Yunnan, a Nujiang golden monkey was recorded breaking bamboo shoots and eating them on the ground. As a national treasure, the Nujiang Golden Monkey eats bamboo shoots as fragrant as a giant panda. At the same time, monitoring personnel from the National Lushui Management and Protection Bureau of Gaoligongshan once again captured videos and photos of a group of golden monkeys leisurely foraging, playing, chasing, and playing in the trees near the No. 58 forest on Dongpo. According to monitoring personnel from the Lushui Management and Protection Bureau of the Gaoligong Mountain National Nature Reserve in Yunnan, there are about 100 Nujiang golden monkeys on the eastern slope of Gaoligong Mountain, divided into three groups. The entire monkey group captured on that day was about 30. Nujiang River

It's not necessary to immigrate to Mars, according to an article by the Defense Science and Industry Bureau: Manned landing on Mars to the moon | Possibility | Life | Humanity | Article | Earth | Landing | Mars
It's not necessary to immigrate to Mars, according to an article by the Defense Science and Industry Bureau: Manned landing on Mars to the moon | Possibility | Life | Humanity | Article | Earth | Landing | Mars

On May 15, 2021, China's first Mars exploration mission, the Tianwen-1 probe, landed in a pre selected landing area in the southern part of the Martian Utopia Plain, leaving China's mark for the first time on Mars, marking an important step in China's interstellar exploration journey. The surging journalists noticed that the official WeChat official account of the News Propaganda Center of the State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense published an article on June 21, "Why is it difficult to buy a round-trip ticket to Mars?", which talked about China's latest thinking on manned landing on Mars. The article introduces that when it comes to manned moon landing on Mars, some fans may think: Human moon landing should be relatively confident. Recently, our country has already announced plans for manned moon landing before 2030; The experience of astronauts returning to Earth from space, which can be considered as landing on planets, is even more extensive. Therefore, with the experience of flying and landing

46 deaths! Security Minister dismissed, a women's prison riot in Honduras announced | Honduras | Riot
46 deaths! Security Minister dismissed, a women's prison riot in Honduras announced | Honduras | Riot

The forensic department of the Honduras government announced on the 21st local time that the riot that occurred the day before at a women's prison near the capital Tegucigalpa had resulted in 46 deaths. It is reported that this women's prison is located in Tamara, about 30 kilometers north of Tegucigal, Brazil. At the time of the incident, gunshots were heard and a fire broke out, emitting strong black smoke. At present, the prison has entered a state of emergency. After the riots, Honduran President Hiomala Castro stated on the 20th that the Hong Kong government is determined to combat organized crime and will take decisive measures to respond. Subsequently, Castro announced the dismissal of Antonio Sabillon, the Minister of Security of Honduras.

The student's reaction was bright. The principal "threw away" the 3500 word speech, and the graduation ceremony was held by the school | ceremony | student
The student's reaction was bright. The principal "threw away" the 3500 word speech, and the graduation ceremony was held by the school | ceremony | student

Every graduation season, speeches by university presidents become a hot topic. This year, a university's "shortest graduation speech" has become popular. During the graduation ceremony, the president threw away a 3500 word speech during heavy rain. On the morning of June 21st, Southwest University of Political Science and Law held the 2023 graduation ceremony. This year, the university also invited 200 representatives from the 2020, 2021, and 2022 graduates to return to participate in the "Sui Picking Ceremony". It is understood that on the day of the graduation ceremony, the president of Southwest University of Political Science and Law, Fu Zitang, summarized the originally prepared 3500 word speech into two knowledge points in order to prevent students from getting wet. "Knowledge and action are combined to create conscience, and morality and law are combined." "Practice in practice" and add, "This was originally my scripture."

Amazing! "God of War" and the Same Frame Spirit of the Taichung Mountains | Era | Same Frame
Amazing! "God of War" and the Same Frame Spirit of the Taichung Mountains | Era | Same Frame

More than 70 years ago, the older generation pilots of the Air Force Aviation Corps Flight Second Brigade, with an average age of less than 22 years old, formed a fighting style of "using me in the first battle, fearless of strong enemies, fighting bravely, and fulfilling our mission" on the battlefield of the Korean War. Time flies, and the spirit endures forever. Today, the officers and soldiers of the New Era Second Brigade take over the baton of building a strong army and write a new legend with their youth and struggle. Now, let us experience the spiritual temperament of this heroic team through a set of visual images. Why can the war eagle fly high to the blue?

These countries will not easily break ties with Russia, according to American media, the author | article | country
These countries will not easily break ties with Russia, according to American media, the author | article | country

On June 14th, the website of the Christian Science Monitor published an article titled "Despite the outbreak of war, post Soviet countries found it difficult to sever ties with Russia." The author was Fred Weil. The full text excerpt is as follows: The outside world has largely ignored the Victory Day parade held by Russia on May 9th this year. Against the background of the Russia-Ukraine conflict and the realistic threat of Ukrainian drone attacks, this year's military parade has been greatly reduced. But to the surprise of many analysts, Putin stood on the podium with leaders from seven other post Soviet countries, including five Central Asian countries, as well as Armenia and Belarus. After more than a year of immense pressure, most of these countries are seeking to distance themselves from Moscow and find alternative ways to trade, political connections, and security

Chinese representatives clarify their solemn stance!, On United Nations issues | human rights | positions
Chinese representatives clarify their solemn stance!, On United Nations issues | human rights | positions

On June 21, the Chinese representative clarified his firm stance on issues related to Xinjiang at the United Nations Human Rights Council. Yang Xiaokun, the Special Representative for Human Rights of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, exercised his right of defense at the 53rd session of the Council, stating his firm stance on issues related to Xinjiang, Tibet, Hong Kong, and strongly condemning a few countries such as the United Kingdom and Australia, as well as anti China non-governmental organizations, for abusing the Human Rights Council platform to spread false information and slander and smear China. Yang Xiaokun pointed out that China adheres to the people as the center, adheres to the path of human rights development that conforms to the trend of the times and suits its own national conditions, constantly improves the level of human rights protection in the process of promoting Chinese path to modernization, and promotes the free and comprehensive development of human beings. The human rights achievements are widely seen. At present, Xinjiang and Xizang enjoy sustained economic development, social harmony and stability, and the development of human rights is in the history

Dopamine dressing is on fire! Chen Jianbin also made the same item? Lawyer's reminder... color | dopamine | lawyer
Dopamine dressing is on fire! Chen Jianbin also made the same item? Lawyer's reminder... color | dopamine | lawyer

Recently, "dopamine dressing" has become popular on social media. Different colored hair clips, accessories, and contrasting clothing are like flipping over a color palette. Grandparents in their 80s, children born in the 2000s, doctors, white-collar workers, and other professionals have joined the "dopamine" queue. According to reports, "dopamine" is a neurotransmitter that releases dopamine from the brain when a person feels happy. From the perspective of color psychology, colors are closely related to emotions. Bright colors can bring happiness, relaxation, and positive emotions to people. "Dopamine dressing" is the coordination and matching of high saturation colors in bright colors, seeking coordination and balance. Colorful, sunny, and energetic colors are... "The synonym for dopamine dressing conveys a joyful and joyful emotion to people

Release of the "China Good People List" for the first quarter of 2023 | China | Good People Era
Release of the "China Good People List" for the first quarter of 2023 | China | Good People Era

On June 21, 2023, the release ceremony of the "China Good Person List" for the first quarter and the on-site exchange activity between national moral models and good people around them were held in Luoyang, Henan Province. After being recommended by various regions, praised and evaluated by netizens, and evaluated by experts, a total of 150 people have made it to the list, including those who are happy to help others, brave in their righteousness, honest and trustworthy, dedicated to their work, filial piety, love for the elderly, and good people around them. Among the good people on the list, Wang Lijuan, a Beijing "shadow puppet sister" who uses shadow puppetry skills to help disabled people find employment and is committed to inheriting intangible cultural heritage; Li Xiannan, a veteran from Jiangsu who kept his promise and devoted 36 years of filial piety to his fallen comrades; Jilin's "Good Taxi Brother" Tang Wanchun, who has fought fires five times in 13 years and inspired more than 500 taxi drivers around him to spontaneously form a volunteer service team; Chen Shenfu, a rural teacher from Chongqing who has been steadfast in the mountain village for 38 years and has illuminated children's paths out of the mountains; Innovative exploration

Firmly Defend the Ecological Protection Red Line (Green Home) Ecological | National | Red Line
Firmly Defend the Ecological Protection Red Line (Green Home) Ecological | National | Red Line

Tibetan antelope in the Qiangtang National Nature Reserve, Tibet. Xinhua News Agency reporter Jiang Fan photo of Hebei Zhangjiakou Huailai County Guanting Reservoir National Wetland Park. Sun Huijun photographed Guangxi Dayaoshan National Nature Reserve, forest rangers patrolling the mountain at Yinshan Protection Station. Gao Rujin took data from Huailai County, Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province. Guanting Reservoir is full of water and birds are flying. Guarding the Guanting Reservoir with a clear water, Huailai strictly implements the ecological protection red line system. "To build the capital's water conservation functional area and ecological environment support area, the ecological protection red line of Guanting Reservoir must not be touched." Huailai County, the relevant person in charge said. In the vast geographical map of our country, the national ecological protection red line has been delineated, and the red lines guard the areas with important ecological functions and fragile ecology. As one of China's ecological environment protection

Focus Interview: Cultivating a New and Innovative Campus for Youth | Innovation | Youth
Focus Interview: Cultivating a New and Innovative Campus for Youth | Innovation | Youth

CCTV News: Youth is the future of our country, the hope of our nation, and the future of innovation.Universities are gathering places for young scientific and technological talents, as well as places where students dream of setting sail. Classmates have youthful vitality and endless creative ideas, but lack experience and resources. How to enhance the innovation ability of young students and help them turn their ideas into reality? In recent years, some universities have put a lot of effort into helping students with scientific research innovation and achievement transformation. The students of the "Light and Shadow Transfer" project team at Nanjing University of Technology used their self-developed ultra-high definition infrared thermal imager to take photos of the Bund in the darkness. Returning to the laboratory, the project team imported the photos taken with a thermal imager into the computer, black

Good news! The progress bar for the construction of the Huafu Bridge on the Chongqing Kunming High speed Railway has been updated. Chongqing | High speed Railway | Bridge
Good news! The progress bar for the construction of the Huafu Bridge on the Chongqing Kunming High speed Railway has been updated. Chongqing | High speed Railway | Bridge

On June 21st, significant progress was made in the Sichuan Chongqing section of the Chongqing Kunming high-speed railway, and the final section of the Huafu Bridge on the Chongqing Kunming high-speed railway completed the construction of assembled beams, creating favorable conditions for the subsequent advancement of track laying on the Chongqing section of the Chongqing Kunming high-speed railway. The Huafu Bridge of the Chongqing Kunming High speed Railway is located in the Chongqing High tech Zone, with a total length of 1209.09 meters. It is a double track super large bridge and an important node project of the Chongqing Kunming High speed Railway. The upper structure of this super large bridge has a variety of types, basically covering most types of bridge upper parts. It not only includes prefabricated and cast-in-place simply supported box girders, but also includes 64 meter segmental assembly of simply supported box girders and 2 × 64 meter T-shaped continuous beam rotations. The segmental assembly beams are all constructed using the bonding method, making it the only segmental assembly beam on the Sichuan Chongqing section of the Chongqing Kunming high-speed railway, with a total of 15 spans. The maximum weight of a single segmental assembly beam reaches 183 tons,

This year's wheat harvest: mechanized harvesting accounts for over 99%, with over 800000 agricultural machinery workers competing for the sky and time. Wheat | homework | wheat harvest
This year's wheat harvest: mechanized harvesting accounts for over 99%, with over 800000 agricultural machinery workers competing for the sky and time. Wheat | homework | wheat harvest

This year's "Three Summer" wheat large-scale machine harvesting began on June 2nd, with over 600000 combine harvesters, over 800000 agricultural machinery operators, and more than 6100 emergency operation service teams fighting for the sky and time on the front line of wheat harvesting, with mechanized harvesting accounting for over 99%. During the wheat harvest period, the Agricultural Mechanization Station of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and China Agricultural University jointly built the Agricultural Machinery BeiDou Big Data Platform. Over 120000 harvesters equipped with BeiDou navigation were launched, and a total of 5.05 billion pieces of their operation information were captured during the entire harvest period, with a data size of over 30T. Looking at the difficulty of this year's wheat harvest through data, first of all, let's look at the difficulty of this year's wheat harvest: this is the center of gravity map of wheat harvesting operations during the 2022 wheat harvest period. In favorable weather conditions, the harvesting center of gravity shows an east-west alternation and a cascade of northward pushing

How do traditional culture and holiday economy complement each other?, This Dragon Boat Festival holiday for travel | tourism | holiday economy
How do traditional culture and holiday economy complement each other?, This Dragon Boat Festival holiday for travel | tourism | holiday economy

The Dragon Boat Festival holiday has arrived, and the festive atmosphere in various regions is rich. Major scenic spots have also started early to prepare for the arrival of the Dragon Boat Festival holiday passenger flow. Do you also have plans to travel this holiday? This year's Dragon Boat Festival holiday is combined with factors such as visiting relatives, traveling, and students traveling after the high school and college entrance exams. Will there be another crowded scene of "shoulder to shoulder" in various places? Let's take a look together. This year, the demand for tourism during the Dragon Boat Festival holiday is in a warm period. Following the unexpected release of demand during the May Day labor holiday, the demand for tourism during the Dragon Boat Festival holiday is in a warm period. The reporter learned from multiple platforms that during this year's Dragon Boat Festival holiday, the average prices of hotels and air tickets in domestic and multiple popular destinations for outbound travel will decrease compared to the May Day holiday. Beijing, Hangzhou, Guangzhou, Chengdu, and Qingdao will become popular destinations in China. China Tourism Research Institute predicts that Guangdong Hong Kong Macao University

Quickly investigate the cause of the gas explosion accident at a barbecue restaurant in Yinchuan, Ningxia: Establish an accident investigation team, Liang Yanshun | Work | Accident
Quickly investigate the cause of the gas explosion accident at a barbecue restaurant in Yinchuan, Ningxia: Establish an accident investigation team, Liang Yanshun | Work | Accident

The Standing Committee of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region urgently held a meeting to study the handling of gas explosion accidents in Xingqing District. Liang Yanshun presided over and delivered a speech. At around 20:40 on June 21st, a gas explosion accident occurred at a barbecue restaurant in Xingqing District, Yinchuan City. Liang Yanshun, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of the Autonomous Region, and Zhang Yupu, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Autonomous Region, rushed to the scene to guide rescue work and visited the injured at the hospital.

Russia Set up Special Agency to Study Xi Jinping's Ideological Characteristics of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era | Thoughts | Times
Russia Set up Special Agency to Study Xi Jinping's Ideological Characteristics of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era | Thoughts | Times

A Russian research office specializing in the study of Xi Jinping's thoughts on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era was recently established in Moscow. The research office was established by the famous Russian think tank and the Institute of China and Modern Asia of the Russian Academy of Sciences. It brings together important Russian experts and scholars to systematically study Xi Jinping's thoughts on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era. Kirill Babayev, director of the Institute of China and Modern Asia of the Russian Academy of Sciences, told reporters that Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics is a complete scientific system, and Russia needs to understand the ideological principles of contemporary China's national construction. Babayev said: it is the original intention of setting up the research office to let all sectors of Russian society understand Xi Jinping's thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, understand the ideological source of China's achievements in such development in the new era, and understand the direction of China's development in the future. Research Room vs. Xi

The most appropriate archaeological discovery: What does Zongzi look like more than 2000 years ago? Plants | Quercus Leaf | Zongzi
The most appropriate archaeological discovery: What does Zongzi look like more than 2000 years ago? Plants | Quercus Leaf | Zongzi

On the 21st, it was learned from the Henan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology that archaeologists found a large number of circular plant packages in the No. 8 tomb of the Yangcheng Site in Xinyang, Henan. The research found that the outer part of the package was mistletoe and the inner part was rice, millet and other grains. These mistletoe grains were the oldest Zongzi discovered by archaeology in China so far. Wu Zhijiang, the person in charge of the excavation site of Tomb 8 at the Yangcheng Site in Xinyang City, introduced that Tomb 8 is a noble tomb of the Chu State in the middle of the Warring States period, with a plane in the shape of "A", sitting from west to east, consisting of a tomb passage and a tomb chamber. During the excavation process, archaeologists discovered a large number of circular packages wrapped in leaves on the wooden table in the back room of the coffin chamber. The picture shows a circular plant package found in Tomb 8 of the Chengyangcheng Site. Provided by Henan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, there are 40 complete circular packages and many broken ones

Poetic China | Five Color New Silk Wrapped Corner Dumpling Fisherman Proud | Zongzi | Poetic China | Five Color New Silk Wrapped Corner Dumpling
Poetic China | Five Color New Silk Wrapped Corner Dumpling Fisherman Proud | Zongzi | Poetic China | Five Color New Silk Wrapped Corner Dumpling

The fisherman is proud of the enchanting pomegranate flowers in May, and the green poplar trees droop heavily with rain. Five colored new silk wrapped corner zongzi, sent on a golden plate. Sheng Xiao Hua Fan Pan Shuang Feng. It is the season of bathing in orchids that moves, and the wine of calamus is beautiful and pure. When playing with the oriole in the leaves, it still feels drowsy. Waiting leisurely to break through the screen window dream—— Ouyang Xiu, Song Dynasty. Ouyang Xiu, a native of the Song Dynasty, described the bustling scene of the Dragon Boat Festival in his "Fisherman's Pride". "Five colors of new silk wrapped dumplings" and wrapping Zongzi are important customs of the Dragon Boat Festival in China. People make Zongzi and celebrate the festival. The fragrance of zongzi is everywhere in China. On June 20th, in Hanjia Folk Village, Hongdao Street, Chengyang District, Qingdao City, Shandong Province, villagers displayed traditional handmade colorful zongzi. Xinhua News Agency reported that on June 20, people showed the wrapped Zongzi during the activity of "Dragon Boat Festival dumplings fragrance, harmonious neighborhood feelings" held in Shiwei Ancient Village, Dongmen Town, Luocheng Mulam Autonomous County, Guangxi. Xinhua News Agency

I am the inheritor of intangible cultural heritage | Dragon Boat Festival Jackie Chan | Culture | Inheritor
I am the inheritor of intangible cultural heritage | Dragon Boat Festival Jackie Chan | Culture | Inheritor

At the source of the Dragon Boat Festival, feel the beating oars and leaping waves, and feel the wind behind your ears; Witness a piece of wood carved into a dragon; Wearing a sachet, reminiscing about the ancient poet Qu Yuan; How these traditional Chinese cultural symbols can be revitalized in modern times. Today, let's walk into the traditional Chinese festival - Dragon Boat Festival. Final Review: Feng Xuan, He Xianfeng, Producer: Zhao Jianhua, Chief Director: Zhao Jianguo, English Translation: Wan Ruolin, Director: Li Dingding, Zhao Zhuofei, On site Director: Ji Ritai, Photography: Wang Jian, Zhang Qingxian, Producer: Qiu Guoliang, Zhao Tiandi, Lei Lei, Luo Jingyi, Editing and Color Adjusting: Wang Chengxu, Calligraphy: Liu Xiliang, Music Director: Peng Liang, Music Copyright: Songba Music Special Support: Miluo Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, Miluo Municipal People's Government Joint Presentation: Miluo Municipal Committee Propaganda Department, Miluo City Cultural and Tourism Bureau, Miluo City

He collapsed in bed... Media investigation into drug abuse among teenagers: there are loopholes in control!, Swallowing 18 dexmedetofen pills in one gulp | drugs | drugs
He collapsed in bed... Media investigation into drug abuse among teenagers: there are loopholes in control!, Swallowing 18 dexmedetofen pills in one gulp | drugs | drugs

International Drug Control Day on June 26th is approaching, and this year's theme is "Healthy Life, Green and Non toxic". In recent years, through high-pressure crackdowns, the high incidence of drug crimes in China has been effectively curbed. However, in the context of the continuous spread of the global drug epidemic, China still faces the dual pressure of "preventing the entry of drugs from outside and preventing drug abuse from inside", and the situation of the anti drug struggle is complex and arduous. Especially the abuse of new drugs such as anesthetic drugs and new psychoactive substances seriously endangers the physical and mental health of young people, and has become a key aspect of drug control work. Starting today, in order to continuously improve the public's awareness and ability to recognize, prevent, and reject drugs, the Rule of Law Jingwei Edition has launched a series of reports on "Combating Drug Crime and Safeguarding a Healthy Life". Please stay tuned. 18 pills, paired with a large glass of water, swallowed in one gulp at the age of 15

Why?, The Netherlands has finally recognized Indonesia's Independence Day as "8.17", but has encountered a backlash definition | Netherlands | Indonesia
Why?, The Netherlands has finally recognized Indonesia's Independence Day as "8.17", but has encountered a backlash definition | Netherlands | Indonesia

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Luther recently stated that the Netherlands "fully and unreservedly recognizes" the independence of Indonesia, which was once ruled by the Netherlands, on August 17, 1945. The Indonesian government welcomes this, but there have been many voices of dissatisfaction among the Indonesian public and even former high-ranking officials. According to the South China Morning Post on June 21st, some observers believe that the Netherlands' so-called recognition of Indonesia's Independence Day is "insincere", and some even consider it a "huge insult" to the Indonesian side because it "lacks necessary legal effects". According to the Indonesian International Daily on June 18th, the recognition of Indonesia's Independence Day by the Netherlands has gone through a tortuous process. Between 1945 and 1949, the Dutch colonial authorities and the Indonesian independence movement fell into a prolonged confrontation. The Dutch side argues that military actions against Indonesia are

Can the EU achieve its "chip ambition"? Policies frequently reflect strong intentions! Multiple constraints persist in the industry | chips | EU
Can the EU achieve its "chip ambition"? Policies frequently reflect strong intentions! Multiple constraints persist in the industry | chips | EU

Recently, the EU has been continuously deploying around the chip industry, including providing large subsidies, accelerating investment in factory construction, and improving technology and production capacity. Experts point out that the EU's launch of a series of chip industry policies reflects the EU's strong willingness to develop the digital economy and seek strategic autonomy. However, the EU still faces multiple challenges in policy implementation. Accelerate the reshaping of the competitiveness of the chip industry. According to the EU website, the European Commission has recently approved an "important project of common interest in Europe" and announced an investment of 22 billion euros for chip project subsidies, of which 8.1 billion euros are for national assistance and approximately 13.7 billion euros are for private investment. This project will invest in all key points of the chip supply chain, including materials such as wafers; Equipment for wafer production, chip production, packaging and assembly, and testing; Chip design and design automation

The head of the tax bureau has been using taxes for personal gain for a long time! He is the first tax official in this area to be investigated for this crime, the head of the tax supervision commission
The head of the tax bureau has been using taxes for personal gain for a long time! He is the first tax official in this area to be investigated for this crime, the head of the tax supervision commission

Recently, under the guidance of the Office of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission stationed at the State Administration of Taxation and the Party Building Work Bureau of the State Administration of Taxation, a warning education film jointly shot by the Discipline Inspection Group of the Party Committee of the Hunan Provincial Taxation Bureau and the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Commission of Changsha City is widely broadcasted in the national tax system. The film focuses on the disciplinary and illegal case of Li Yuqi, former senior organizer of the Changsha Taxation Bureau in Hunan Province. It clearly reproduces the transformation process of Li Yuqi breaking through the bottom line, crossing the red line, and entering the abyss of illegal and criminal activities step by step. In November 2021, Li Yuqi was filed for review and investigation, and in May 2022, he was expelled from the party and dismissed from public office. Since August 2022, the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group of the State Administration of Taxation has been exploring and carrying out "group, local, and tax" cooperation to deepen the use of cases to promote reform, focusing on bridging the gap, in response to the problems exposed by the Li Yu case

Xinhua Review | Building the Foundation of the Road to Socialism with Chinese Characteristics - Deeply Understanding the Major Significance of "Two Combinations" Series Review Part 4: China | Socialism | Foundation
Xinhua Review | Building the Foundation of the Road to Socialism with Chinese Characteristics - Deeply Understanding the Major Significance of "Two Combinations" Series Review Part 4: China | Socialism | Foundation

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 21. Title: Building a solid foundation for the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics-a deep understanding of the significance of the "two combinations. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out at the symposium on cultural heritage and development, why is our socialism different? Why can it be vibrant and vibrant? The key lies in Chinese characteristics, and the key to Chinese characteristics lies in the combination of the two. "Combination" has built a solid foundation for the road, made the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics have a broader and far-reaching historical depth, and expanded the cultural foundation of the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has focused on rooting socialism with Chinese characteristics in the fertile soil of Chinese culture, and integrating communist beliefs, socialist beliefs and Chinese

Li Qiang Arrives in Paris for Official Visit to France and Attends the New Global Financing Contract Summit Li Qiangcheng | France | Global
Li Qiang Arrives in Paris for Official Visit to France and Attends the New Global Financing Contract Summit Li Qiangcheng | France | Global

On the afternoon of June 21st local time, at the invitation of the French government, Premier Li Qiang arrived at Paris Orly Airport by chartered flight to make an official visit to France and attend the New Global Financing Compact Summit. State Councilor and Secretary General of the State Council Wu Zhenglong and other accompanying personnel arrived on the same plane. On the afternoon of June 21st local time, at the invitation of the French government, Premier Li Qiang arrived at Paris Orly Airport by chartered flight to make an official visit to France and attend the New Global Financing Compact Summit. The ceremonial soldiers lined up on both sides of the red carpet to pay their respects, and French Minister of the Interior Darmanin waited at the airport to greet them. Xinhua News Agency reporter Ding Haitao took a photo of Li Qiang walking down the gangway, and the ceremonial soldiers lined up on both sides of the red carpet to pay tribute. French Minister of the Interior Darmanin and Chinese Ambassador to France Lu Shaye waited at the airport to welcome them. Li Qiang stated that France is a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council and

What signals have been released? The two founders that Jack Ma trusted most, "Arhat", took over Alibaba CEO | Group | Jack Ma
What signals have been released? The two founders that Jack Ma trusted most, "Arhat", took over Alibaba CEO | Group | Jack Ma

After making several semi official appearances and returning to the spotlight, Jack Ma suddenly took a sharp turn and Alibaba Group completed a lightning fast reshuffle: 51 year old Zhang Yong handed over his scepter four years after reaching the peak of power; Cai Chongxin and Wu Yongming, the two "18 Arhat members" that Ma Yun trusted most, took over as Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO of Alibaba Group respectively. On June 20th, Zhang Yong, Chairman and CEO of Alibaba Holdings Group, announced through a letter to all members that with the approval of the group's board of directors, Zhang Yong will step down from his position as Chairman and CEO of Alibaba Holdings Group on September 10th this year. Zhang Yong will then serve full-time as Chairman and CEO of Alibaba Cloud Intelligent Group. At the same time, with the approval of the board of directors of Alibaba Holding Group, Cai Chongxin, the executive vice chairman of the group, will serve as the chairman of the group's board of directors; Wu Yongming

Dragon Boat Festival knowledge: Why hang mugwort and wear sachets? Yulan | Name | Dragon Boat Festival
Dragon Boat Festival knowledge: Why hang mugwort and wear sachets? Yulan | Name | Dragon Boat Festival

Another year Dragon Boat Festival. Avoiding plague health care, remembering the sages... Around these festival themes, the folk gradually formed a variety of customs such as eating zongzi and wearing sachets. Cheng Peng, an assistant researcher at the Institute of Literature of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, said that in traditional Chinese culture, the five colors "green, red, white, black, and yellow" that symbolize the five parties and five elements are regarded as auspicious colors. During the Dragon Boat Festival, children will be tied with five-color silk thread, implying "exorcism". The Dragon Boat Festival also has the custom of smearing children's foreheads with realgar. The typical method is to use realgar wine to draw the word "king" on the forehead of children, one to use realgar to drive poison, and the other to use tigers to calm evil. In addition to eating zongzi, what other interesting customs are there during the Dragon Boat Festival? What is the "Dragon Boat Festival"? The Dragon Boat Festival has rich cultural connotations, and the original meaning of the word "duan" in the "Dragon Boat Festival" is "positive", and "noon" is "middle".