The world

How hardcore is this year's military training, such as marching on rainy nights, target training, and firing mortars?
How hardcore is this year's military training, such as marching on rainy nights, target training, and firing mortars?

Pay attention to "CCTV News" with blue dots, tie up your blankets, put on a kettle, put on camouflage, and gather in an orderly manner. On the late night of September 2nd, accompanied by the sound of "departure", Tsinghua University's undergraduate military training officially launched. The school's art troupe's military band played a resounding horn, accompanying students on a journey of 20 kilometers. The sudden heavy rain on the road did not dampen the enthusiasm of students. The grand team dressed in raincoats continued to march in the darkness, from night to dawn. Students measured the inside and outside of the campus with their footsteps, leaving unforgettable memories for their college careers. The beginning of the school season, there were also many university military training "hard cores out of the circle". Come and take a look ↓ Here Do you have any memories of your youth? 💪💪Nighttime training with resounding steps. Recently, more than 5000 teachers and students from 40 platoons of Shanghai Jiao Tong University have started a 15 kilometer night training session

Hong Kong primary and secondary schools welcome the start of school day. The Secretary for Education of the Special District Government encourages students to become pillars, Cai Ruolian | Secretary | Students
Hong Kong primary and secondary schools welcome the start of school day. The Secretary for Education of the Special District Government encourages students to become pillars, Cai Ruolian | Secretary | Students

Hong Kong, September 4th (Xinhua) - Due to the impact of Typhoon Sura, the opening day of primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong, originally scheduled for September 1st, has been moved to the 4th. On the opening day of the school year, Tsai Ruo lien, Director of the Education Bureau of the Special Administrative Region Government, attended the opening ceremony of Po Leung Kui Ma Kam ming Secondary School and Ma Tau Chung Government Primary School. On September 4th, the Secretary for Education of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, Tsai Ruo lien, visited Po Leung Kuk Ma Kam Ming Secondary School and participated in the flag raising ceremony. In her speech at the opening ceremony of Po Leung Kuk Ma Kam Ming Secondary School, Tsai Ruo lien praised the school for actively promoting positive education to enhance students' psychological well-being. She introduced professional support from the outside world to help students learn positive psychological concepts and organized diverse activities to cultivate their character strengths. She also appreciates the school's full efforts in promoting national education, deepening students' understanding of Chinese culture and the country

Multiple ministries further strengthen the implementation of employment policies to help enterprises better enjoy policy dividends
Multiple ministries further strengthen the implementation of employment policies to help enterprises better enjoy policy dividends

CCTV News: Recently, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, together with multiple ministries, issued notices on employment assistance for poverty-stricken populations and strengthening the implementation of employment policies, striving to stabilize the scale and income of migrant workers, and further improve the awareness and implementation rate of employment support policies. The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the Ministry of Finance recently issued a notice on further strengthening the implementation of employment policies. The notice proposes to launch a rolling promotion of "Employment Policy Around Us" in the near future, and deploy inventory checks to verify the progress of employment policy implementation, focusing on whether there are problems such as delayed acceptance of applications, delayed review after acceptance, and delayed disbursement after review. Priority will be given to ensuring the various subsidy policies determined by the central government and implementing the bottom line policy for disadvantaged individuals. Require all regions to vigorously promote the "direct subsidy and fast processing" policy

The construction of the Greater Bay Area is steadily advancing, and Hong Kong and Macao are actively integrating into the overall development of the country
The construction of the Greater Bay Area is steadily advancing, and Hong Kong and Macao are actively integrating into the overall development of the country

CCTV News: The construction of the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area is steadily advancing, and Hong Kong and Macao are actively integrating into the overall development of the country. Just a few days ago, the Development Plan for the Shenzhen Industrial Park of the Hetao Shenzhen Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone was announced to the public, further helping Shenzhen and Hong Kong break through the constraints of cross-border flow of scientific and technological innovation factors and open sharing of resources. The Hetao Shenzhen Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone, with an area of only 3.89 square kilometers, spans across Shenzhen and Hong Kong, committed to building a world-class innovation highland. Nowadays, here, top scientists gather, major scientific research institutions gather, multiple high-quality scientific research projects from 5 Hong Kong universities have landed, and Guangdong Hong Kong Macao youth innovation and entrepreneurship bases have become places where many Hong Kong and Macao youth start their dreams. From the Hetao Shenzhen Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone, to the Hengqin Guangdong Macao Deep Cooperation Zone, and then to the Qianhai Shenzhen Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation

Focusing on high-quality development | From the perspective of the Smart Expo, Chongqing's construction of a new digital economy highland
Focusing on high-quality development | From the perspective of the Smart Expo, Chongqing's construction of a new digital economy highland

On September 4th, 2023, the China International Intelligent Industry Expo opened in Chongqing. A smart connected new energy vehicle, connected to information technologies such as artificial intelligence and cloud computing on one end and the manufacturing industry chain upstream and downstream on the other, is gradually evolving into a new type of intelligent terminal that deeply integrates digital technology and the real economy. On September 4th, 2023, the China International Intelligent Industry Expo opened in Chongqing, focusing on the annual themes of "Intelligent Connected New Energy Vehicles" and Digital China. Through exhibitions, discussions, competitions, and other forms, it presented a panoramic view of the innovative achievements of the intelligent industry represented by intelligent connected new energy vehicles and the forefront of digital economy development. It attracted over 500 key enterprises to participate with the latest products, and a batch of new products, technologies, applications, and models

Xinhua All Media+2023 China International Intelligent Industry Expo kicked off
Xinhua All Media+2023 China International Intelligent Industry Expo kicked off

On September 4th, visitors visited and learned about new energy vehicles in the Selis exhibition hall of the 2023 Smart Expo. On that day, the three-day 2023 China International Intelligent Industry Expo opened at the Chongqing International Expo Center. This year's Smart Expo will carry out a series of activities around four major professional sectors: intelligent connected new energy vehicles, intelligent equipment and intelligent manufacturing, new generation information technology, and smart cities. Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Quanchao, Huang Wei, Tang Yichu, and Jia Yin reported that on September 4th, at the iFlytek exhibition hall of the 2023 Smart Expo, the iFlytek industrial inspection robot interacted with the audience. On September 4th, at the Tencent exhibition hall of the 2023 Smart Expo, staff demonstrated WeChat palm swiping. On September 4th, at the Huashu Robot Exhibition Hall of the 2023 Smart Expo, guests visited the robot work equipment. On September 4th, the audience at 2

The "tiger" engaged in image engineering and political achievement engineering has been sentenced to life! Central Commission for Discipline Inspection official report: This is a serious form of corrupt behavior!
The "tiger" engaged in image engineering and political achievement engineering has been sentenced to life! Central Commission for Discipline Inspection official report: This is a serious form of corrupt behavior!

According to CCTV News, today, the Intermediate People's Court of Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province publicly announced the verdict of Chen Jiadong, former director of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Xiamen City, Fujian Province, in the case of bribery, corruption, and abuse of power. Chen Jiadong, who illegally received 94.15 million yuan in property and caused losses of 190 million yuan in state-owned property, was sentenced to life imprisonment in the first instance. The court found that from 2000 to 2022, Chen Jiadong, taking advantage of his position as Deputy Secretary of Linzhi Prefecture Committee of the Xizang Autonomous Region, Executive Deputy Commissioner of the Regional Administrative Office, Deputy Secretary and Mayor of Ningde Municipal Party Committee, Secretary and Director of the Party Leadership Group of the Forestry Department of Fujian Province, Secretary and Director of the Party Leadership Group of Zhangzhou Municipal Party Committee of Fujian Province, and Secretary and Director of the Party Leadership Group of the Standing Committee of Xiamen Municipal People's Congress, provided assistance to relevant units and individuals in forest land approval, project contracting and other matters, and illegally received money

Female cadres require brick joints to be free of dust, soil, and sand particles? Latest official response from Jinzhou, Liaoning
Female cadres require brick joints to be free of dust, soil, and sand particles? Latest official response from Jinzhou, Liaoning

Recently, a video of a female cadre assigning hygiene work in Jinzhou, Liaoning has sparked controversy. In the video, the female cadre asked her subordinates to clean each brick joint without dust or sand, and even personally demonstrated how to do it. On September 4th, staff from the Urban Management Bureau of Guta District in Jinzhou claimed that the woman was a cadre of the Guta District government. On the afternoon of September 5th, a reporter from Da Wan News contacted a staff member surnamed Wei from the government of Guta District. The other party said that after the online video continued to ferment, they had also organized a special team to deal with this matter, hoping to provide feedback on the real situation to society. The staff member stated that the day was a public welfare activity organized by government officials in Guta District. "The government work committee organized weekend time to help some old residential areas in the district clean up the roads." The staff member told reporters that due to the outdated environmental facilities in the old residential areas,

Macron refuses to send troops!
Macron refuses to send troops!

On September 2nd, the website of the Frankfurt Report in Germany published an article titled "France's Long Farewell to Africa", compiled as follows: Given the recent military coups in French speaking countries in Africa, French President Macron has broken the tradition of French military intervention. His predecessor once emphasized the need to abandon postcolonial interference. When the situation is critical, French soldiers are always sent to the former "backyard" to restore order. The last time he did this was Socialist Party President Hollande, who sent troops to the Central African Republic and Mali. But Macron's approach is consistent with Germany's usual foreign policy. He condemned, demanded, and issued warnings, hoping for sanctions and regional organizations, but gave up taking on major military responsibilities. Although Macron does not rule out supporting the Economic Community of West African States military

The northernmost high-speed railway has made new progress, crossing permafrost regions for many years
The northernmost high-speed railway has made new progress, crossing permafrost regions for many years

The reporter learned from China Railway Harbin Bureau that at 13:00 on September 5, with the last 715 ton, 32 meter long box girder accurately landed at the designated location, all the bridges of the Harbin-Yichun High-speed Railway pilot project were completed, laying a solid foundation for the track laying of the whole line. The Harbin Yichang High speed Railway starts from Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, passes through Suihua City and ends at Yichun City. The main line is 299km long and the design speed is 250km/h. Harbin-Yichun High-speed Railway is composed of Harbin Tieli Section and Tieli Yichun Section. Among them, the pilot project of the Tieyi Railway started construction in 2021, which is the northernmost high-speed railway under construction in China and also the first high-speed railway in China to cross permafrost regions. The lowest temperature in the construction area of the entire Tieyi Railway can reach minus 40 degrees Celsius, with 14 island shaped structures distributed along the line, including rich ice permafrost, multi ice permafrost, saturated ice permafrost, and soil containing ice layers

New Zealand woman's "plate size" surgical instrument left in the abdomen after cesarean section
New Zealand woman's "plate size" surgical instrument left in the abdomen after cesarean section

A report released by an official from the New Zealand Ministry of Health on the 4th revealed that a woman had left a plate sized surgical instrument in her abdominal cavity after undergoing a cesarean section. The official determined that the medical institution involved had infringed on the rights and interests of patients. According to a report cited by CNN, a woman in her twenties underwent a cesarean section at the Oakland City Hospital in 2020. For 18 months after surgery, she suffered from chronic pain and underwent multiple examinations including X-ray scans, but no abnormalities were found. It wasn't until 2021, when she was in an emergency department at the Auckland City Hospital due to unbearable pain, that a CT scan revealed an incision retraction device in her abdominal cavity, and she underwent surgery to remove it. Incision distractors are used in surgical procedures to fix and retract skin tissue, with a diameter of up to 17 centimeters. Due to being

Is consumer product co branding really 1+1>2?, LV, Maotai, and Naixue were all involved in it
Is consumer product co branding really 1+1>2?, LV, Maotai, and Naixue were all involved in it

In the past two days, Maotai and Luckin's "Sauce Flavored Latte" have swept across major social media platforms. Currently, the first day sales of a single sauce flavored latte have exceeded 5.42 million cups, with sales exceeding 100 million yuan, becoming a successful cross-border linkage. In fact, co branding of tea, coffee, ice cream, and other consumer goods is no longer a new phenomenon. In April this year, coffee brand Mannercoffee and Huawei jointly launched limited edition drinks. Previously, Mannercoffee also launched a joint product with high-end skincare brand HR Helena. Mannercoffee also collaborated with LV to launch a joint canvas bag, which was once queued up for purchase. Afterwards, Mannercoffee also teamed up with JIMBEAM to launch two specialty drinks, "Tangli American" and "Hi Stick American".

Each serving of 8 milliliters does not affect driving. A restaurant in Changsha has launched Maotai hotpot: it will pour wine in front of customers
Each serving of 8 milliliters does not affect driving. A restaurant in Changsha has launched Maotai hotpot: it will pour wine in front of customers

On September 4, the "Soy Sauce Latte" launched by Kweichow Moutai and Ruixing triggered a heated debate. A hot pot restaurant in Changsha has also seized the opportunity to launch "Sauce flavored Maotai Hot Pot", which has also become a hot topic on Weibo. In the comment area of this topic, many netizens said that "without Kweichow Moutai's authorization, be careful of the defendant's infringement". The reporter found through investigation that the promotional posters of the store are basically the same as the packaging of Kweichow Moutai, with "adding 8ml 53 degree Kweichow Moutai" as the core selling point. The official customer service representative of Maotai stated that there is currently no relevant cooperation with the hot pot restaurant. And if Maotai liquor is used for advertising, this behavior already constitutes infringement. In this regard, the lawyer stated that adding Maotai liquor itself is not infringing, but using it as a selling point to promote the trademark to the outside world constitutes infringement. Maotai Hot Pot Suspected of Infringement Ji Ruixing and Kweichow Moutai Push

Former Deputy Minister of the Asset Management Department of China Grain Reserves Corporation, Gao Zhengqian, has been expelled from the party: seeking benefits for others in areas such as grain exports
Former Deputy Minister of the Asset Management Department of China Grain Reserves Corporation, Gao Zhengqian, has been expelled from the party: seeking benefits for others in areas such as grain exports

According to the disciplinary inspection and supervision team of China Reserve Grain Management Group Co., Ltd. and the Mentougou District Supervision Committee of Beijing, recently, the disciplinary inspection and supervision team of China Reserve Grain Management Group Co., Ltd., together with the Mentougou District Supervision Committee of Beijing, conducted a case review and investigation into the serious violations of discipline and law by Gao Zhengqian, former deputy director of the Asset Management Department of China Reserve Grain Management Group Co., Ltd. After investigation, it was found that Gao Zhengqian seriously violated the spirit of the Central Eight point Regulations by accepting and using golf practice cards gifted by management and service recipients; Violating organizational discipline, failing to truthfully explain issues to the organization during conversations or inquiries, and failing to truthfully report to the organization on situations such as the spouse's investment in registering an overseas company, and their joint investment in purchasing property overseas with their spouse; Violation of integrity discipline, with Gao Zhengqian's knowledge, his spouse borrows Gao Zhengqian's management and services for free

"Planting Artemisia annua on the One Side": There is no scientific evidence to prove that Artemisia annua is a direct allergen of rhinitis, and Ordos responded by "removing Artemisia annua on the Other Side"
"Planting Artemisia annua on the One Side": There is no scientific evidence to prove that Artemisia annua is a direct allergen of rhinitis, and Ordos responded by "removing Artemisia annua on the Other Side"

Recently, the peak of medical visits caused by thunderstorm asthma in Hohhot and other areas of Inner Mongolia has attracted public attention. The pollen of Artemisia plants widely planted in the local area is widely considered as the main allergen for patients with allergic rhinitis. Therefore, during the mature and spreading period of Artemisia pollen in July and August, many regions in Inner Mongolia carry out campaigns to eliminate Artemisia to reduce its impact on allergic populations. However, due to the fact that Artemisia plants are also local heroes in desertification control, there has been an awkward scene of "pulling out Artemisia while planting Artemisia". Recently, a netizen pointed out on the message board of People's Daily Online that "the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Ordos City, disregarding the health of patients with allergic rhinitis to Artemisia annua, still planes to sow Artemisia annua seeds, which goes against the Artemisia annua removal action."

Japanese people plan to file a lawsuit!
Japanese people plan to file a lawsuit!

Over a hundred Japanese citizens plan to collectively file a lawsuit with the court this week, requesting a ruling to stop the discharge of contaminated water from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. On September 4th, Agence France Presse reported that there were over 100 plaintiffs, including fishermen from Fukushima and surrounding areas. They plan to submit this lawsuit to the Fukushima District Court on the 8th. The plaintiff stated that the Japanese government had previously stated that it would seek the consent of its own fishermen before making a decision to discharge nuclear contaminated water, but the former had reneged on the promise, "ignoring strong opposition from Fukushima and the National Fisheries Organization of Japan, and implementing the wrong policy.". "Emissions that deepen the suffering of victims of nuclear accidents can never be allowed," the plaintiff's statement said. Despite strong domestic and international opposition, Japan launched the discharge of contaminated water from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant on August 24th, which could last for 20 to 30 years

A response has arrived, "Rumors circulating online that Hu Shinan from China Shipbuilding Jiuyuan abused cats."
A response has arrived, "Rumors circulating online that Hu Shinan from China Shipbuilding Jiuyuan abused cats."

China Shipbuilding responded to the incident of "Hu Shinan, an employee of the company, abusing cats": it was untrue information against the incident of "Hu Shinan, an employee of China Shipbuilding Jiuyuan, abusing cats online". @ China Shipbuilding hereby declares as follows: Since the middle of July 2023, China Shipbuilding Jiuyuan, China Shipbuilding WeChat official account, microblog and other backrooms have successively received the information of "Hu Shinan, an employee of China Shipbuilding Jiuyuan, abusing cats online". China Shipbuilding Ninth Institute attaches great importance to it and promptly contacted our employee Hu Shinan to inquire about the situation. He himself also promptly reported to the local police station where he resides. According to our understanding, Hu Shinan's own Weibo and Bilibili accounts are quite similar to the cat abuse image publisher in online messages, which led to malicious speculation that he was the image publisher. Someone with ulterior motives then spliced the relevant information with Hu Shinan's photos and spread the message "Hu Shinan Cat Abuse in China Shipbuilding Ninth Academy" on Weibo, WeChat and other platforms

Nanchong police: successfully beat down the family style criminal group led by Jiang Wen and Jiang Wu | suspect | police
Nanchong police: successfully beat down the family style criminal group led by Jiang Wen and Jiang Wu | suspect | police

Shunqing District Branch of Nanchong Municipal Public Security Bureau issued a notice on September 4, announcing that a family style criminal group had been successfully eliminated, soliciting clues of Jiang Wen, Jiang Wu and other criminal groups and urging suspect to surrender. The notice said that recently, the Shunqing District Branch of Nanchong Public Security Bureau successfully defeated the family style criminal group headed by Jiang Wen, Jiang Wu, Jiang Xuelin and Zhao Huiming, and arrested suspect Yao Lili, Chen Shuang, Xie Linjun, Mo Guoze, Liu Chongting, etc. The public security organs have preliminarily identified that the criminal group has been engaged in illegal lending, violent debt collection and other illegal activities in Nanchong and surrounding cities and counties for a long time. At present, the case is under further investigation. The local police stated that in order to severely crack down on crime, defend legal authority, and maintain social fairness and justice, they hope that the general public and victims will actively report, expose, and prosecute

What is the purchasing power really like?, Indian tourists are becoming new targets of competition among Southeast Asian countries
What is the purchasing power really like?, Indian tourists are becoming new targets of competition among Southeast Asian countries

Recently, Thailand's newly appointed Prime Minister Saita stated that he is considering introducing visa free policies for Chinese and Indian tourists. Prior to the pandemic, China had long been Thailand's largest source of foreign tourists. Recently, there has been a rapid increase in Indian tourists visiting Thailand. As of 2022, the cumulative number of Indian tourists visiting Thailand has reached nearly 1 million, making it the second largest source of foreign tourists in Thailand. Now, Thailand plans to offer the same policy benefits to Chinese and Indian tourists. In a report released in May this year, the Asian Development Bank stated that in terms of the international tourism market, India may become the "next China" in the next 10 years. Parit, Senior Researcher at the South Asian Institute of the National University of Singapore, told First Financial reporters that India's economic growth is not limited to manufacturing, but also includes tourism as a driving force for the world economy

Starting from today, Hangzhou will implement the policy of "recognizing houses but not loans"
Starting from today, Hangzhou will implement the policy of "recognizing houses but not loans"

On September 5th, the reporter learned from relevant departments in Hangzhou that based on optimizing the standards for determining the number of housing units in personal housing loans in November last year, Hangzhou has made further adjustments to its housing credit policies in accordance with the principle of city specific policies and the latest requirements of the Notice on Optimizing the Standards for Determining the Number of Housing Units in Personal Housing Loans issued by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development, the People's Bank of China, and the State Administration of Financial Supervision. The purpose of this adjustment is to adhere to the positioning that houses are for living, not for speculation, better meet the rigid and improved housing needs of residents, support the first home purchase demand, and promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market in Hangzhou. After adjustment, when a resident family applies for a loan to purchase commercial housing, if their family members do not have a complete set of housing under the name of this city, regardless of whether they have used the loan to purchase housing

China Meteorological Administration: Typhoon intensity in China is relatively strong this year
China Meteorological Administration: Typhoon intensity in China is relatively strong this year

On September 5th, Zhang Jiancheng, Deputy Director of the National Meteorological Center, stated that although the number of typhoons generated and landed in China this year is relatively small, the intensity is strong, the path is complex, the impact range is wide, and the risk of disasters is high. At a press conference held by the China Meteorological Administration on the same day, Zhang Jiancheng said that as of September 5th, there were a total of 12 typhoons generated in the South China Sea Northwest Pacific region this year, with 2 fewer typhoons generated compared to the same period in history. Among them, four typhoons made landfall in China, including "Taili", "Dussuri", "Sula", and "Haikui", which is one less than the same period in history. Zhang Jiancheng said that the intensity of this year's typhoon was relatively strong, and the No. 5 typhoon "Dussuri" went deep into the inland, causing extreme rainstorm disasters in the north; Typhoon No. 11, Haikui, made landfall in Taiwan on September 3rd and then again in Fujian and Guangzhou on the morning of September 5th

Recommendation for COVID-19 control: All individuals aged ≥ 6 months and without contraindications for vaccination should receive influenza vaccine
Recommendation for COVID-19 control: All individuals aged ≥ 6 months and without contraindications for vaccination should receive influenza vaccine

The Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention released the "Technical Guidelines for Influenza Vaccine Prevention and Vaccination in China" today. The new version of the guidelines has been updated and revised based on the 2022 version, forming the "Technical Guidelines for Influenza Vaccine Prevention and Vaccination in China". The updated guidelines mainly include the following aspects: firstly, new research evidence has been added, especially research results in China, including influenza disease burden, vaccine efficacy, vaccine safety monitoring, vaccine prevention cost effectiveness, etc; Secondly, the relevant policies and measures for influenza prevention and control issued by the National Health Commission and the National Bureau of Disease Control and Prevention over the past year have been updated; Thirdly, the types of influenza vaccines used on the domestic market for the years 2023-2024 have been updated; Fourthly, updated the composition of trivalent and quadrivalent influenza vaccines for this year; Fifth, 2023 has been updated

China's private rocket successfully launched for the first time at sea! Ceres One | Private Rocket
China's private rocket successfully launched for the first time at sea! Ceres One | Private Rocket

At 17:34 on September 5th, with the support of the offshore launch team from Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center, private rocket company Xinghe Power Aerospace from Beijing successfully completed the launch mission of the Ceres 1 sea launched carrier rocket in the Yellow Sea area, successfully sending the 21 to 24 stars of the Tianqi constellation into the predetermined orbit of 800 kilometers. This is the first time a Chinese private rocket company has successfully launched a sea launch mission. Previously, the Ceres 1 carrier rocket successfully launched 8 consecutive land launches. Unlike land launch, launching satellites at sea is a new mode with strong flexibility, good task adaptability, and excellent launch economy. It can flexibly select launch points and landing areas, meet various orbital payload launch needs, and effectively solve the long-term safety concerns of the outside world. But due to the high technical difficulty, there are only

Suzhou, the "strongest prefecture level city": the future total industrial output value will exceed 1 trillion yuan by 2035
Suzhou, the "strongest prefecture level city": the future total industrial output value will exceed 1 trillion yuan by 2035

Suzhou, a strong manufacturing city in the Yangtze River Delta, seeks to cultivate new development momentum. In early September, the Suzhou Municipal Government issued the "Work Opinions on Accelerating the Cultivation of Future Industries", aiming to promote future industries such as the metaverse and hydrogen energy, and enhance the city's new competitive advantages. According to the Opinion, Suzhou aims to break through a batch of key core technologies that fill domestic gaps by 2030, effectively connect future industries with strategic emerging industries and advantageous leading industries, and achieve a total industrial output value of over 500 billion yuan in the future; By 2035, one to two future industry innovation clusters with a value of 100 billion yuan will be formed, leading the country, and the total output value of future industries will exceed one trillion yuan. Meanwhile, Suzhou aims to cultivate more than 10 future industrial innovation platforms by 2030; Nurture more than 20 future industry chain leaders and optimize large, medium, and small enterprises

Each cow gains nearly a hundred pounds in weight! Journalist's undercover investigation: Beef flowing to wholesale markets, etc., cruel! Inject water to live cows
Each cow gains nearly a hundred pounds in weight! Journalist's undercover investigation: Beef flowing to wholesale markets, etc., cruel! Inject water to live cows

Recently, a citizen reported that there was a buffalo injection dens on the Seven sisters Mountain in Houjie Town, Dongguan City. The cattle dealers brought cattle here every day to inject water to increase the weight of the cattle. According to this clue, Southern+journalists carried out a secret investigation on the dens. Each cow injected about 50 liters of water. Following the clue provided by the reporter, Southern+journalists found this buffalo injection dens on the Seven sisters Mountain in Houjie Town, Dongguan City. In late August, for several consecutive days at noon, two red trucks filled with cows were delivering them to the shelter for water injection. The location of the water buffalo lair here is concealed, with a small area surrounded by trees or iron sheets, making it difficult for passersby to see the interior. Next to the hideout is a cemetery, with only a simple shed inside. The roof of the shed is woven fabric, and below it is an iron frame used to transport cows

Why can't the street lights in Nanjing Gaochun, which have been "blind" for many years, light up? Staff: Building street lights is just an icing on the cake
Why can't the street lights in Nanjing Gaochun, which have been "blind" for many years, light up? Staff: Building street lights is just an icing on the cake

Ms. Chen, a resident of Gaochun District, Nanjing, reported to the "Political Style Hotline" that the street lights on both sides of a township road at her doorstep have been damaged for three to four years but have not been repaired and have become decorations, causing them considerable trouble for night travel. Citizens have repeatedly reported that they have not made any changes. Ms. Chen introduced that there is a 6.6 kilometer long township road from the Guchenghu Bridge in Gaochun District, Nanjing, along the Hubin Road to the Huanhu Line. The two rows of street lights along the road are not lit all year round. Nearly 5 kilometers north of the Yongfeng Line are solar panel street lights, and nearly 2 kilometers south of the Yongfeng Line are powered by the power grid. Due to the lack of other lighting at night and the pitch black road conditions, vehicles passing by will turn on their high beams, especially the dump truck with high beams on. Ms. Chen always feels scared every time she rides by. The southern end of this road connects to Hua

International experts: Service trade promotes economic growth, China creates a favorable business environment to boost confidence
International experts: Service trade promotes economic growth, China creates a favorable business environment to boost confidence

The 2023 China International Trade in Services Fair will be held in Beijing from September 2nd to 6th. On September 4th, multiple international political and business figures stated at the 10th China Enterprise Globalization Forum that service trade is crucial for global economic growth, and China's creation of a good business environment gives confidence to foreign businesses. Service trade is crucial for economic growth. Australian Ambassador to China, Fu Guanhan, emphasized that investment and trade are crucial for economic recovery and growth. There is broad cooperation space between Australia and China in areas such as digital education. We hope that the two countries can engage in sustainable and constructive dialogue, forums and other forms of cooperation, seize current opportunities, promote economic growth and common prosperity in both countries and regions. The representative of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development in China, Hai Bo, pointed out that global trade in services is crucial for countries

New Knowledge in Service Trade | How to Spark New Sparks in Service Trade between China and the UK?
New Knowledge in Service Trade | How to Spark New Sparks in Service Trade between China and the UK?

On September 2, 2023, the China International Fair for Trade in Services opened. As the guest of honor, the UK has sent the largest business delegation to China to participate in the exhibition in four years. The UK Pavilion, with the theme of "Together, See You Haven't Seen Before", showcases the unique fusion of British tradition and innovation. What are the new highlights of service formats showcased in the UK Pavilion of the Fair for Trade in Services? As the world's second largest exporter of services, services account for 27% of UK exports to China. What new growth opportunities are there in the future? In the first seven months of this year, China's total import and export of services increased by 8.1% year-on-year. What new opportunities will it bring to international partners? CCTV News reporter takes you and the British Trade Ambassador to China, Du Tao, to stroll and chat, poke videos, and experience the British style of service trade together! Producer | Liu Xinxi, Luo Xi, Producer | Li Wenting, Reporter | Xue

2023 Service Trade Fair | Interview: Looking forward to attracting more Chinese tourists through the Service Trade Fair - Visit Abdul Kalin, Minister of Tourism, Creative Industries, and Performing Arts of Sarawak, Malaysia Tourism | China | Creative
2023 Service Trade Fair | Interview: Looking forward to attracting more Chinese tourists through the Service Trade Fair - Visit Abdul Kalin, Minister of Tourism, Creative Industries, and Performing Arts of Sarawak, Malaysia Tourism | China | Creative

Kuala Lumpur, September 5th (Xinhua) - Looking forward to attracting more Chinese tourists through the China International Fair for Trade in Services - Visiting Minister of Tourism, Creative Industries, and Performing Arts of Sarawak, Malaysia Abdul Kalin. Xinhua reporter Wang Yi, Mao Pengfei, Minister of Tourism, Creative Industries, and Performing Arts of Sarawak, Malaysia Abdul Kalin recently stated in an interview with Xinhua that he looks forward to the 2023 China International Fair for Trade in Services helping Sarawak attract more Chinese tourists. This visit to China to attend the service trade fair is the first time that Adukalim has visited China since the COVID-19, and he said he has been looking forward to it for a long time.In 2019, Sarawak received nearly 40000 Chinese tourists

The scale of service trade has grown significantly, and the "the Belt and Road" service trade cooperation has broad prospects
The scale of service trade has grown significantly, and the "the Belt and Road" service trade cooperation has broad prospects

The 2023 China International Trade in Services Fair is being held in Beijing. Yesterday, the sixth "the Belt and Road" Service Trade Cooperation Forum was held during the CIFIT. Chinese and foreign guests said that with the gradual deepening of the cooperation mechanism and the gradual improvement of the cooperation network, the the Belt and Road service trade cooperation will usher in greater development opportunities. In recent years, the scale of global service trade has been continuously increasing, with an average growth rate exceeding that of goods trade. The World Trade Organization predicts that by 2040, the proportion of service trade in global trade will reach 50%, and its proportion in global trade will rise to one-third. At the forum, the guest said that in recent years, the scale of service trade between China and countries and regions along the "the Belt and Road" has grown significantly. Dorothy Tengbo, Deputy Executive Director of the United Nations International Trade Center: As we often mention,