The world

Latest! Zelensky arrives in the Kherson Kherson region | Zelensky | Kherson
Latest! Zelensky arrives in the Kherson Kherson region | Zelensky | Kherson

According to Reuters and the Associated Press on the 8th, Ukrainian President Zelensky arrived in the flood stricken area of southern Ukraine for inspection on the 8th local time. Previously, the Kakhovka Dam on the Dnieper River was bombed, causing flooding in the southern Kherson region. Currently, at least 5 people have died and several are missing. According to reports, Zelensky said on the "Telegraph" social media platform that he is evaluating the efforts of relevant departments to evacuate civilians, discussing emergency actions, and working to prevent large-scale environmental damage. He wrote, "We will evacuate people from potential flood areas based on the actual situation in this area, eliminate emergency situations that may arise from dam explosions, and organize life rescue efforts in flooded areas.". According to Ukrainian officials who arrived in the flood stricken area, at least 4000 people have been evacuated from both sides of the Dnieper River. Russia and Ukraine

Iran announces "major breakthrough", special moment missile | hypersonic | Iran
Iran announces "major breakthrough", special moment missile | hypersonic | Iran

According to a report on the website of the Christian Science Monitor on June 6th, Iran's new hypersonic missile "Conqueror" has made an appearance, stating that this will exacerbate tensions between Iran and the United States. According to reports, Iran announced on the 6th that it has manufactured a hypersonic missile with a speed of up to 15 times the speed of sound. As tensions continue in Iran US relations due to Tehran's nuclear program, this has added a new weapon to Iran's arsenal. The report points out that it is clear that the carefully edited footage broadcasted by Iranian state television is aimed at demonstrating that Tehran is still able to use weapons against enemies in most parts of the Middle East. According to reports, Iranian President Ibrahim Lehi said at the unveiling ceremony of the hypersonic missile, "Today, we feel that a deterrent force has been formed. This force is the pillar of lasting security and peace for regional countries."

Research in Sichuan and Hubei, State Councilor Chen Yiqin Graduates | Employment | State Councilor
Research in Sichuan and Hubei, State Councilor Chen Yiqin Graduates | Employment | State Councilor

During her research in Sichuan and Hubei, Chen Yiqin emphasized the need to accelerate the implementation of policies and measures for youth employment such as college graduates, and to focus on promoting the continuous recovery of employment. State Councilor Chen Yiqin recently conducted research on the employment of college graduates and other youth in Sichuan and Hubei.From the 6th to the 7th, Chen Yiqin visited Chengdu, Sichuan Province and Wuhan, Hubei Province, visiting enterprises, entrepreneurship incubation bases, on-site job fairs, and communities to conduct research on employment, entrepreneurship, internships, and recruitment services for young college graduates. She also hosted a call in Chengdu

92 provincial management cadres who are not suitable for their current positions have been adjusted!, Zhejiang's Action: Over the Past 5 Years of Mistakes | Implementation | Correction | Methods | Persistence | Errors | Zhejiang | Cadres
92 provincial management cadres who are not suitable for their current positions have been adjusted!, Zhejiang's Action: Over the Past 5 Years of Mistakes | Implementation | Correction | Methods | Persistence | Errors | Zhejiang | Cadres

On the afternoon of June 7th, the Zhejiang Provincial Government Information Office held a press conference, introducing the relevant situation around the theme of "implementing the 'three distinctions', motivating cadres to take on responsibilities, building a new era of party building highland that emphasizes diligence and integrity, and a political ecology that is clean, upright, and enterprising". According to the press conference, Zhejiang will resolutely adjust those cadres who are not responsible or suitable for their current positions, even if there are no violations of discipline or law. Over the past five years, a total of 92 provincial management cadres who are not suitable for their current positions have been adjusted. It is worth noting that since 2020, 231 cadres in the province have been promoted and reused after the disciplinary period has expired. For those cadres who are not responsible or suitable, even if there are no violations of discipline or law, we will resolutely adjust the press conference introduction. Zhejiang has successively made the "three good" construction of good class leaders, good teams, and good echelons, and created the Zhejiang Railway that stands at the forefront with courage

State owned enterprise CEO falsely accuses subordinates, Yunnan reports rare cases: harboring resentment and falsely accusing and framing after being reported problems | Liu | Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision | Reporting | False accusation | Superior | Zhang | Problem
State owned enterprise CEO falsely accuses subordinates, Yunnan reports rare cases: harboring resentment and falsely accusing and framing after being reported problems | Liu | Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision | Reporting | False accusation | Superior | Zhang | Problem

False accusers are mostly of the same level or subordinates, and it is not common for superiors to falsely accuse subordinates. On June 8th, a case was reported on the website of the Yunnan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, stating that Hu, the general manager of a state-owned company in a certain city of Yuxi City, harbored a grudge against Wei, an employee of the company's finance department, for reporting problems in his work to the organization. In retaliation against Wei, he instructed Liu, the finance department manager, to fabricate a shortage of over 700000 yuan of materials in Wei's warehouse during his tenure as the company's warehouse administrator. Wei was suspected of embezzlement of his position and reported the case to the economic investigation department of the public security organs, intending to hold Wei criminally responsible. Wei reported to the disciplinary inspection and supervision authorities the issue of Liu and others falsely accusing and framing him, and the disciplinary inspection and supervision authorities transferred the relevant clues to the public security organs for disposal. After investigation and verification by the public security organs, the behavior of Hu and Liu has been suspected

Gu Xiaoyuan, former Secretary of the Party Committee of Beijing Second Foreign Studies University, was found guilty of "double opening" and colluded with others to obtain huge amounts of state-owned property. He was suspected of accepting a crime, disciplinary action, public office, and disciplinary action
Gu Xiaoyuan, former Secretary of the Party Committee of Beijing Second Foreign Studies University, was found guilty of "double opening" and colluded with others to obtain huge amounts of state-owned property. He was suspected of accepting a crime, disciplinary action, public office, and disciplinary action

According to the Beijing Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, with the approval of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, the Beijing Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision has decided to expel Gu Xiaoyuan, the former Secretary of the Party Committee of Beijing Second Foreign Language Institute, from the Party and from public office. After investigation, Gu Xiaoyuan was found to be disloyal and dishonest to the Party, and opposed organizational censorship; Accepting gifts that may affect the fair performance of official duties in violation of the spirit of the Central Eight point Regulations; Violating regulations to seek benefits for others in employee recruitment and other work; Using power to seek benefits for family and friends; Taking advantage of their position, colluding with others to defraud huge amounts of state-owned property, and illegally accepting huge amounts of property from others. Gu Xiaoyuan seriously violated the political discipline, organizational discipline, integrity discipline, and work discipline of the Party, constituted serious violations of his duties, and was suspected of corruption and bribery crimes. He did not restrain or stop after the 18th National Congress of the Party, and did not show respect or stop after the 19th National Congress of the Party. Therefore, he should be taken seriously

A spokesperson for the Hong Kong Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs warns individual American politicians that the clamor to join forces to contain China in Hong Kong can only be a mere call! Rule of Law | Hong Kong | United States
A spokesperson for the Hong Kong Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs warns individual American politicians that the clamor to join forces to contain China in Hong Kong can only be a mere call! Rule of Law | Hong Kong | United States

In response to a letter from Chris Smith, Chairman of the China Committee of the Executive Branch of the United States Congress, and legislators Jeff Merkley, to the British Prime Minister, urging the UK and the US to coordinate their actions on the Hong Kong issue, jointly exerting pressure on China, and using the Lai Chi ying case to make baseless remarks and indiscriminately attack and smear Hong Kong's rule of law, a spokesperson for the Hong Kong Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed strong dissatisfaction and firm opposition. The spokesperson reiterated that since the implementation of the National Security Law, Hong Kong society has returned to a peaceful and peaceful state, and the various rights and freedoms enjoyed by Hong Kong residents in accordance with the law have been better protected. Hong Kong's development prospects are bright. Individual politicians from the United States and the West have repeatedly intervened recklessly in Hong Kong affairs and China's internal affairs, repeatedly wielding sanctions and attempting to engage in political intimidation. Their despicable tactic of "using Hong Kong to contain China" has long been known to the public. The spokesperson stated that Hong Kong is a rule of law society, and there is a need for law

Zhengzhou candidates report poor quality of unified pen matching in the examination room. Tracking: The manufacturer claims to be verifying and inspecting the quality | examination room | college entrance examination | personnel | issues | procurement | candidates | stationery
Zhengzhou candidates report poor quality of unified pen matching in the examination room. Tracking: The manufacturer claims to be verifying and inspecting the quality | examination room | college entrance examination | personnel | issues | procurement | candidates | stationery

Yesterday, on the first day of the 2023 college entrance examination, a candidate from Zhengzhou, Henan Province, reported that the quality of the neutral pen refills provided by the examination room was poor, resulting in too much ink or broken ink, causing the writing paper to be untidy and even unable to write. A netizen who claimed to be a candidate said that due to a problem with the pen refill, he changed four pens in a row, which made him very nervous. "There are plenty of spare pens in the exam room," a staff member of the General Recruitment Office of Henan Provincial Education Examination Institute told Pengpai News on the afternoon of June 8th. "Each candidate has four pens available for use in the exam room. If any problems are found with the pens, they can promptly report to the teacher for replacement.". Can candidates prepare their own neutral pens? The above-mentioned staff stated that according to regulations, students can only use uniformly purchased pens and cannot bring their own pens. The staff of the Zhengzhou Admissions and Examination Office previously accepted the surging new exam

Too much! Talk show actors turn MH370 out to be a laughing stock after losing contact | Joyslin | Jokes
Too much! Talk show actors turn MH370 out to be a laughing stock after losing contact | Joyslin | Jokes

A woman named Joyce Lin, originally from Singapore, recently sparked criticism on a talk show for using the Malaysia Airlines MH370 disconnection case as a joke theme. Talk show actor joked about the loss of Malaysia Airlines MH370. According to Singapore's Lianhe Zaobao, talk show actor Joyce Lin recently released a segment of her performance at the comedy club "comedy cellar" in Manhattan, New York, on the social media platform TikTok. In the video lasting over a minute, she first criticized Malaysia for "abandoning" Singapore in the past, and then mocked Malaysia for being a "developing country" many years later. Jocelyn Chia, a talk show actress born and raised in Singapore and now naturalized in the United States, recently joked about the Malaysia Airlines MH370 incident while performing in the United States. Joylyn said, "4

The new position at the department level has been clarified, and Wang Xiaoying, born in the 1980s, is a member of the Qinghai Provincial Association for Science and Technology Party Group
The new position at the department level has been clarified, and Wang Xiaoying, born in the 1980s, is a member of the Qinghai Provincial Association for Science and Technology Party Group

Previously, Wang Xiaoying, a female cadre born in the 1980s who was announced to be appointed as a department level leader, has assumed the position of new Secretary of the Party Group of the Qinghai Provincial Association for Science and Technology. According to the official website introduction of Wang Xiaoying's information map, the Qinghai Science and Technology Association is a mass organization of scientific and technological workers in Qinghai Province, and a people's organization under the leadership of the Provincial Party Committee. Wang Xiaoying was born in July 1982 in Shuangliao, Jilin. She graduated from the Department of Computer Science at Tsinghua University with a Ph.D. in Engineering. I started working at Qinghai University in August 2008 and served as the Executive Vice Chairman of the Department of Computer Technology and Applications. In June 2015, I was appointed as the Assistant to the President, and in May 2018, I became the Vice President. She mainly engages in undergraduate and graduate teaching in the field of computer science, with research interests in high-performance computing, parallel computing, green computing, and more. In May this year, the Organization Department of the Qinghai Provincial Party Committee issued a pre appointment notice:

Air tickets are cheaper than May Day, and multiple train trips are available in seconds. Train tickets for the first day of the Dragon Boat Festival are available for sale today | Shanghai | Air tickets
Air tickets are cheaper than May Day, and multiple train trips are available in seconds. Train tickets for the first day of the Dragon Boat Festival are available for sale today | Shanghai | Air tickets

On June 8th, train tickets for the first day of the Dragon Boat Festival holiday were sold out one after another. Shortly after the release of tickets, multiple trains on Shanghai Hangzhou, Shanghai Qingdao and other routes were sold out. On the Qunar platform, multiple popular routes are sold out within minutes of ticket release. According to data from Qunar, during this year's Dragon Boat Festival, popular destinations departing from Shanghai are Hangzhou, Suzhou, Nanjing, Beijing, Wuxi, Jiaxing, Wuhan, Ningbo, and Qingdao. The popular tourist destinations for Shanghai are Hangzhou, Suzhou, Beijing, Nanjing, Wuxi, Jiaxing, Wenzhou, Ningbo, Wuhan, and Hefei. With the opening of train tickets, there has been a significant increase in ticket bookings, and compared to May Day, the price of Dragon Boat Festival tickets has become cheaper. Qunar data shows that on June 21, Shanghai Fuzhou tickets were priced at 270 yuan, Shanghai Shenyang tickets were priced at 592 yuan, and on June 22, Shanghai Jinan tickets were priced at 380 yuan

Shoot a case! Department level officials manipulate "fake lawsuits" to embezzle 300 million public funds from Yueyang | Li Ping | public funds
Shoot a case! Department level officials manipulate "fake lawsuits" to embezzle 300 million public funds from Yueyang | Li Ping | public funds

On May 29th, the Intermediate People's Court of Yueyang City, Hunan Province, publicly announced the first instance verdict on the corruption, bribery, bribery, and illegal absorption of public deposits case involving six individuals, former director of the Legal Affairs Office of the Yueyang Economic and Technological Development Zone Management Committee, Li Ping, who had fraudulently obtained a total of RMB 323.356887 million through false litigation or the production of false litigation evidence four times. The picture shows Li Ping and others being tried in the Yueyang Intermediate People's Court. With the first instance verdict of this case, a department level official colluded with members of society both internally and externally to illegally embezzle over 300 million yuan of public funds through a "fake lawsuit", and the case gradually surfaced. How does a department level official of a grassroots unit collude with social personnel to embezzle 300 million yuan of public funds? Fictional advance funding construction

47 year old Postal Savings Bank Chief Information Officer Niu Xinzhuang promoted to Vice President Minsheng | President | Liu Jianjun | Chairman | General Manager | Niu Xinzhuang | Vice President | Postal Savings Bank
47 year old Postal Savings Bank Chief Information Officer Niu Xinzhuang promoted to Vice President Minsheng | President | Liu Jianjun | Chairman | General Manager | Niu Xinzhuang | Vice President | Postal Savings Bank

On June 8th, China Postal Savings Bank Co., Ltd. announced that according to relevant regulations, Niu Xinzhuang will assume the position of Vice President of Postal Savings Bank from June 6th. According to the resume, Niu Xinzhuang, born in 1976, has been serving as the General Manager of the Financial Technology Innovation Department of Postal Savings Bank since April 2020, and as the Chief Information Officer of Postal Savings Bank since July 2020. Formerly served as the Assistant General Manager, Deputy General Manager, Deputy General Manager, and General Manager of the Technology Development Department of China Minsheng Bank, as well as the Secretary and General Manager of the Party Branch of the Information Technology Department; Position of Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of Minsheng Technology Co., Ltd. After Niu Xinzhuang took office, the management team of Postal Savings Bank formed a "one official and four deputy" pattern: Executive Director and President Liu Jianjun, Executive Director, Vice President, and Chief Risk Officer Yao Hong, Vice President Xu Xueming, Vice President, and Board Secretary

Taikoo Li prohibits street photography due to "state-owned enterprise leaders holding hands"? Rumor Portrait Rights | Consumers | Leaders
Taikoo Li prohibits street photography due to "state-owned enterprise leaders holding hands"? Rumor Portrait Rights | Consumers | Leaders

On June 8, the incident of "leaders of state-owned enterprises holding hands" in Taikoo Li, Chengdu, continued to ferment, and issues such as whether street photographers are legal also caused discussion on the Internet. At the same time, a blogger posted a post saying: "The merchants in Taikoo Li have a strong desire to survive. After the Hu Mouyong incident was fermented nationwide yesterday, this yellow sign was immediately set up today!" There is a small line on the sign in the picture posted by the blogger, which shows "does not support any infringement of the consumer's portrait right; Shooting that affects the consumer's shopping experience; No commercial shooting without our permission is allowed; No shooting that blocks the line of sight of the tenant's shop is allowed." After verification by nine news reporters, the picture of the card was taken in 2020 and is a news matching picture. The card was not specially set up because of the Hu Mouyong incident. Nine news reporters then

A little bit of theory | Yan'an's cave dwellings have a Marxist Leninist series | Theory | Cave dwellings
A little bit of theory | Yan'an's cave dwellings have a Marxist Leninist series | Theory | Cave dwellings

The first book of the new book series "A little bit of theory" recommended "Coming from Yan'an - How does the CPC rise from danger?" In December 1940, when meeting comrades who returned from the front line to study at the Central Party School, Mao Zedong encouraged everyone to get used to "squatting in caves". Mao Zedong said, "It's unacceptable not to be used to squatting in caves. The caves in Yan'an are the most revolutionary, and they embody Marxism Leninism. The caves in Yan'an can command the anti Japanese struggle throughout the country." Mao Zedong also patiently explained, "Chiang Kai shek now lives more extravagantly than us, with western-style houses and electric lights, but the people of the whole country don't listen to him. Let's not look down on ourselves, don't look down on earthen caves. The hope of the whole nation is pinned on us, pinned on the earthen caves in Yan'an."

The Experience and Inspiration of the "Ten Million Project" Development | Rural | Inspiration
The Experience and Inspiration of the "Ten Million Project" Development | Rural | Inspiration

Zhejiang Province continues to deepen the "Ten Million Project", promote the transition from "material new countryside" to "human new countryside", and strive to build rural areas into a beautiful place where farmers can live and rely on their hearts

Almost all the "top leaders" of townships and county-level departments in the county have been investigated, and two consecutive county party secretaries have been arrested! One of the fallen directors, You Yongkai, is the top leader
Almost all the "top leaders" of townships and county-level departments in the county have been investigated, and two consecutive county party secretaries have been arrested! One of the fallen directors, You Yongkai, is the top leader

On June 7th, the Guizhou Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision issued a notice stating that You Yongkai, a member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Forestry Bureau of Qiannan Prefecture, is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Guizhou Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision. According to public information, You Yongkai was born in September 1973 in Weng'an, Guizhou. He started working in September 1992 and previously served as the Secretary of the Dushan County Party Committee and the Secretary of the Dushan Economic Development Zone Party Working Committee. In January 2022, the personnel appointment and removal information released on the official website of the Qiannan Prefecture Government showed that You Yongkai was appointed as the Deputy Director of the Qiannan Prefecture Forestry Bureau. It is worth mentioning that You Yongkai was appointed as the Secretary of the Dushan County Party Committee in December 2018. In the same month, his predecessor Pan Zhili was dismissed from his position as Secretary of the Dushan County Party Committee and Secretary of the Party Working Committee of the Dushan Economic Development Zone in Guizhou Province. In March 2019, the Guizhou Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision announced that Pan Zhili was involved

The inspection team of the Provincial Party Committee has been prosecuted for being an "insider"! Also served as the Director of Public Security Bureau, Li Chao | Director | Director of Public Security Bureau
The inspection team of the Provincial Party Committee has been prosecuted for being an "insider"! Also served as the Director of Public Security Bureau, Li Chao | Director | Director of Public Security Bureau

On June 8th, according to the official WeChat account of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Liaoning procuratorial organs lawfully prosecuted Li Chao for suspected bribery. It is reported that Li Chao, the former leader of the Liaoning Provincial Party Committee's inspection team, is suspected of bribery. The investigation by the Liaoning Provincial Supervision Commission has been concluded, and the case has been designated by the Liaoning Provincial People's Procuratorate for jurisdiction. It will be reviewed and prosecuted by the Shenyang Municipal People's Procuratorate in Liaoning Province. Recently, the People's Procuratorate of Shenyang City filed a public prosecution with the Shenyang Intermediate People's Court in accordance with the law. During the review and prosecution stage, the procuratorial organs informed the defendant Li Chao of his litigation rights in accordance with the law, interrogated the defendant in accordance with the law, and listened to the opinions of the defense counsel. The Shenyang People's Procuratorate charges that from 1998 to 2022, the defendant Li Chao used his position as the head of the Tax Investigation Department of the Criminal Investigation Detachment of the Panjin Public Security Bureau and the Investigation Detachment of Tax related Crime Cases of the Panjin Public Security Bureau

Fan Yi is under investigation! Director | Party Secretary | Fan Yi
Fan Yi is under investigation! Director | Party Secretary | Fan Yi

According to the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission of the Sichuan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, Fan Yi, secretary of the party group and director of the Sichuan Provincial Bureau of Statistics, is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law, and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision and investigation. Resume of Fan Yi Fan Yi, male, Han, born in November 1963, from Pengzhou, Sichuan, with an in-service university degree from the Party School of the Provincial Party Committee. He joined the work in December 1982 and joined the Communist Party of China in December 1986. From December 1982 to April 1992, he worked in Pengxian Grain Bureau; from April 1992 to September 1993, he served as Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Deputy Head of Beijunping Township, Pengxian County; from September 1993 to November 1997, Served as Secretary of the Pengzhou Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League and Director of the Pengzhou Finance Office; from November 1997 to February 2005, served as Pengzhou City

The former director and deputy director of the banking business department were investigated and reviewed on the same day | under supervision | by the bank
The former director and deputy director of the banking business department were investigated and reviewed on the same day | under supervision | by the bank

Li Shangwei, former director of the corporate business department of Bank of China Zhangye Branch, is subject to disciplinary review and supervision and investigation. Li Shangwei, former director of the corporate business department of Bank of China Zhangye Branch, is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law. He is currently undergoing disciplinary review by the Disciplinary Committee of Bank of China Zhangye Branch and supervision and investigation by the Ganzhou District Supervision Committee of Zhangye City. Resume of Li Shangwei Li Shangwei, male, Han, born in August 1973 in Zhangye, Gansu, bachelor degree, started work in July 1993, joined the Communist Party of China in April 2007. 1993.07-2005.10 Bank of China Zhangye Branch Staff 2005.10-2009.01 Bank of China Zhangye Branch Xianfu Street Branch Deputy Director 2009.01-2012.05 Bank of China Zhangye Branch Business Department Deputy Director

The former carried out a large-scale image project, leaving billions of debts, and You Yongkai was investigated! Former Secretary of the Dushan County Party Committee Image Project | Supervision Committee | County Party Secretary
The former carried out a large-scale image project, leaving billions of debts, and You Yongkai was investigated! Former Secretary of the Dushan County Party Committee Image Project | Supervision Committee | County Party Secretary

On June 7th, the Guizhou Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision issued a notice stating that You Yongkai, a member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Forestry Bureau of Qiannan Prefecture, is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Guizhou Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision. According to public information, You Yongkai was born in September 1973 in Weng'an, Guizhou. He started working in September 1992 and previously served as the Secretary of the Dushan County Party Committee and the Secretary of the Dushan Economic Development Zone Party Working Committee. In January 2022, the personnel appointment and removal information released on the official website of the Qiannan Prefecture Government showed that You Yongkai was appointed as the Deputy Director of the Qiannan Prefecture Forestry Bureau. The screenshot of the WeChat official account of the Guizhou Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision noticed that You Yongkai was appointed as the Secretary of the Dushan County Committee in December 2018. In the same month, his predecessor Pan Zhili was dismissed from his position as Secretary of the Dushan County Committee and Secretary of the Party Working Committee of the Dushan Economic Development Zone in Guizhou Province. two hundred and one

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded that foreign media said the United States, Japan and Taiwan will share reconnaissance UAV data International | China | UAV
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded that foreign media said the United States, Japan and Taiwan will share reconnaissance UAV data International | China | UAV

On June 8th, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin presided over a regular press conference.Wang Wenbin emphasized that the One China principle is a recognized basic norm in international relations and a universal consensus in the international community, and is the political foundation of China US and China Japan relations.China firmly opposes any form of military contact between countries that have established diplomatic relations with Taiwan. We urge relevant countries to abide by the One China principle and not create tense factors in the Taiwan Strait situation. China will firmly uphold its sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Li Zongwen has been prosecuted for treating money as fate! Previously reported as lacking in greed, suspected of accepting bribes | Gansu | Organization | Gansu Province | Utilization | Review | Suspected | Li Zongwen
Li Zongwen has been prosecuted for treating money as fate! Previously reported as lacking in greed, suspected of accepting bribes | Gansu | Organization | Gansu Province | Utilization | Review | Suspected | Li Zongwen

On June 8th, according to the official WeChat account of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the procuratorial organs in Gansu have lawfully prosecuted Li Zongwen for suspected bribery. It is reported that Li Zongwen, former member of the Party Committee and Deputy General Manager of Gansu Agricultural Reclamation Group Co., Ltd., is suspected of bribery. The case has been designated by the People's Procuratorate of Gansu Province for jurisdiction and will be reviewed and prosecuted by the People's Procuratorate of Zhangye City, Gansu Province. Recently, the People's Procuratorate of Zhangye City filed a public prosecution with the Intermediate People's Court of Zhangye City in accordance with the law. During the review and prosecution stage, the procuratorial organs informed the defendant Li Zongwen of his litigation rights in accordance with the law, interrogated the defendant in accordance with the law, and listened to the opinions of the defense counsel. The People's Procuratorate of Zhangye City filed a lawsuit accusing that from 2003 to 2016, the defendant Li Zongwen took advantage of his position as the General Manager and Chairman of Gansu Huangyanghe Agricultural and Commercial Co., Ltd. to act for him

Yi Huiman responded and found the reason! At a critical moment, A-shares saw a sharp upward trend, with just the price | real estate | A-shares
Yi Huiman responded and found the reason! At a critical moment, A-shares saw a sharp upward trend, with just the price | real estate | A-shares

China Fund News Taylor Brothers and sisters, today's crazy Thursday, with the speech of the Lujiazui Forum, A-share prices rose sharply in the afternoon. However, by the end of the day, the Shanghai Stock Exchange's gains had narrowed, and the GEM had slightly declined. Let's take a look at today's big events together. On the afternoon of the 8th, A-shares collectively rose and rebounded, with the Shanghai Composite Index rising nearly 1% at one point, followed by a slight decline in gains. As of the close, the Shanghai Composite Index rose 0.5%, the Shenzhen Component Index rose 0.13%, and the ChiNext Index fell 0.28%. A total of 1779 stocks in the two markets rose, 3229 stocks fell, and northbound funds bought a net 2.9 billion yuan. Let's find out the reason together. Today's rally has resonance in several aspects of news. Firstly, the real estate industry chain has surged. In terms of news, China Real Estate Network has pointed out in an article that the real estate industry is an important pillar industry of the national economy. Currently, there are still

A cadre from the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Ningde City voluntarily submitted to the case | voluntarily submitted | Urban and Rural Development Bureau | Housing | Party Group Member | Discipline Inspection Commission | Team Leader | Ningde City
A cadre from the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Ningde City voluntarily submitted to the case | voluntarily submitted | Urban and Rural Development Bureau | Housing | Party Group Member | Discipline Inspection Commission | Team Leader | Ningde City

Wu Yichou, former leader of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group of the Ningde Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision stationed at the Municipal Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau, is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law. He has voluntarily surrendered and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Ningde Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision. Resume of Wu Yichou: Wu Yichou, male, Han nationality, born in August 1966 in Shouning, Fujian, with an on-the-job university degree, started work in July 1986, and joined the CPC in March 1993. From July 1986 to August 2011, he served as a teacher at Shouning County Technical School, a cadre and clerk at the Ningde Regional Supervision Bureau, a clerk and deputy disciplinary inspector at the Ningde Regional Commission for Discipline Inspection, deputy director of the Propaganda and Education Department and deputy director of the Policy and Regulations Research Office of the Ningde Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection; From August 2011 to January 2015, served as a member of the Party Group and the leader of the Discipline Inspection Group of the Ningde Municipal People's Defense Office; January 2015

To prevent "drumming and spreading flowers", Hunan requires strict control of debt risks: how much financial resources are needed to accomplish many major tasks, drumming and spreading flowers | mechanisms | government debt risks | persistence | debt | risks | problems | government
To prevent "drumming and spreading flowers", Hunan requires strict control of debt risks: how much financial resources are needed to accomplish many major tasks, drumming and spreading flowers | mechanisms | government debt risks | persistence | debt | risks | problems | government

According to the Hunan Daily, during the special training class of the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government on June 6th, Shen Xiaoming, the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, demanded that when discussing the issue of debt risk, we must never eat too much food and overdraw the future, and resolutely prevent "drumming to spread flowers". He emphasized on the official website of the People's Government of Hunan Province that we must effectively shoulder the major political responsibility of preventing and resolving government debt risks, identify the root causes of problems from the perspective of development and political achievements, and face the problems politically and promote rectification. Proactively adapt to changes in the supply-demand contradiction of economic development, effectively establish new development concepts, and accelerate the transformation of development modes; We must adhere to doing our best and act within our capabilities, and never overestimate the future by spending too much money on tasks we have; Clarify the boundary between the government and the market, resolutely divest platform companies of their government financing functions, and strictly investigate and punish illegal borrowing, disguised fundraising, and other behaviors;

Media Review of "Hand in Hand Shopping": Public Opinion Anti Corruption Cannot Be Reduced to Online Violence, Shame, and Involvement | Internet | Public Opinion
Media Review of "Hand in Hand Shopping": Public Opinion Anti Corruption Cannot Be Reduced to Online Violence, Shame, and Involvement | Internet | Public Opinion

The phenomenon of state-owned enterprise executives holding hands with opposite sex shopping is still fermenting, and the woman involved has attracted a lot of attention. However, apart from questioning the issue of corruption and public order and good customs, many discussions are focused on peach blossom and some words and actions clearly go beyond the boundaries. Among countless "eating melon" comments, some people criticize women's appearance and clothing, and their words are full of yellow humiliation; Some people dig deep into their personal information and even encourage them to add groups and spread photos recklessly; The same dress from the online video has also been dug up, and buyers have made various comments that are not pleasing to the eye... What's even more shocking is that terms such as "dismissal dress" and "dopamine couple outfit" have inexplicably been trending on the hot search. For a while, scattered comments such as "losing weight and becoming a socialite" and "good leadership vision" have flooded the popular square. This raises the question of whether this is the current anti-corruption efforts on the internet or not

Zongzi export order! 280 tons have been sold this year! Have you eaten it? Order | Export | Zongzi
Zongzi export order! 280 tons have been sold this year! Have you eaten it? Order | Export | Zongzi

Zongzi is a traditional festival food in China. In recent years, more and more overseas consumers have fallen in love with this unique and soft taste. Both sweet Zongzi and salty Zongzi have attracted many fans. In some Zongzi export enterprises, overseas orders are growing. Bacon dumplings are the most common and classic Zongzi in Guangdong. Wrap the marinated pork belly, peeled mung beans, and salted egg yolks with glutinous rice, creating a rich and flavorful taste. Such a Zongzi has been popular in Liu Guozhu's enterprises for more than 20 years. Since the beginning of this year, export orders have seen a new round of growth. Liu Guozhu, General Manager of a food production enterprise in Shenzhen, Guangdong: There is approximately 40% growth. The customer is quite proactive and prepared early, and we also produce in advance. I haven't brought it up so much in previous years, but it started a month ago this year

Is the college entrance examination paper evidence of the wine case? It's true! Court Believes in Wine | Food Safety | Court
Is the college entrance examination paper evidence of the wine case? It's true! Court Believes in Wine | Food Safety | Court

On June 7th, the annual college entrance examination kicked off. Do you know that college entrance examination papers can also be used as evidence in court. In a product liability dispute involving wine and food safety in Ningxia at the end of last year, the plaintiff submitted a "2010 National Unified Examination Paper for Higher Education Enrollment" as evidence, which included a material question about grape cultivation and wine making. The first instance verdict of the case shows that the court accepted this evidence. The plaintiff sued for ten times compensation of over 93000 yuan and submitted the college entrance examination paper as evidence. It is understood that in August and September 2021, Liu purchased 16 bottles of liqueur wine produced by a liquor company in Gansu from an online store. Liu believes that according to national standards, liqueur wine is based on fermented wine and blended with substances such as white sugar

Yan'an Police: Explanation on Jiang Moumei's Release of False Reporting Video Report | Video | Police
Yan'an Police: Explanation on Jiang Moumei's Release of False Reporting Video Report | Video | Police

Regarding the situation where Jiang Moumei released false report videos, since July 2022, a resident of Baota District, Jiang Moumei, has repeatedly posted real name report videos online, claiming that "Zhang Mouying in Fuxian County, Yan'an defrauded him of more than 1 million yuan through false engineering, and public officials of the public security organs and procuratorates acted as protective umbrellas, sheltering suspects, and suppressing cases without investigation or action.". After investigation, it was found that Jiang and Zhang had a romantic relationship. In November 2011, Jiang met Zhang, a developer in Fuxian County, Yan'an City, through Zhang's introduction. Later, Jiang lent a total of 1.52 million yuan in principal to Zhang several times at a monthly interest rate of three parts. The first 200000 yuan loan was guaranteed by Zhang, while the rest was unsecured. After Zhang Mouying applied for a loan from Jiang Moumei, she has not paid any interest. The two settled the loan annually in the form of rolling interest. As of January 18, 2018, Zhang Mouying owed Jiang Moumei