The world

Taking Multiple Measures to Promote Student Mental Health (People's Current Review) Work | Students | Mental Health
Taking Multiple Measures to Promote Student Mental Health (People's Current Review) Work | Students | Mental Health

As an important component of health, mental health is a crucial cornerstone of life achievement and happiness. Nowadays, mental health issues have gradually extended from adult and occupational groups to adolescent groups, and are showing a trend of "younger age" development. Recently, the topic of student mental health has attracted social attention. Strengthening mental health education for adolescents has become a consensus in the current society as a whole. Some primary schools set up psychological commissioners in their classes to create a confident and loving campus atmosphere; Some middle schools advocate the concept of "positive education", transforming crisis intervention into educational opportunities; Some universities discover problems through psychological counseling and offer lectures to teachers in colleges with tense guidance relationships; In some places, volunteer service teams are established and experts are invited to send teachers to schools to meet the needs of school mental health services... In recent years, various regions and schools have actively explored and promoted

After being elected, he will be imprisoned. Former FBI director: Trump or wearing ankle shackles to accept presidential primary nomination. Trump | President | Director
After being elected, he will be imprisoned. Former FBI director: Trump or wearing ankle shackles to accept presidential primary nomination. Trump | President | Director

Former US President Trump. According to the Congressional Hill on the 4th, former FBI Director James Kommie stated that if Trump wins the Republican Party's 2024 presidential primary nomination, he will accept the nomination with shackles on his feet. Due to multiple criminal charges, Trump may face imprisonment after being elected. On the same day, Komi stated on a program that based on his work experience, Trump would be recognized by the Republican Party. However, Trump has driven America crazy, and he may wear ankle shackles when accepting nominations at Republican convention. Americans may also have a president who faces imprisonment after being elected. As a Republican, Komi stated that nominating Trump for president is precisely the current situation that the Republican Party has to face. He is concerned that "nominating someone who is undergoing criminal investigation and prosecution may not be able to..."

Multiple "85 generation" cadres have been promoted to department level, and another "85 generation" cadre has taken over! Recently, member of the Standing Committee | Yu Zhou | assumed new positions
Multiple "85 generation" cadres have been promoted to department level, and another "85 generation" cadre has taken over! Recently, member of the Standing Committee | Yu Zhou | assumed new positions

In recent years, more and more young cadres born in the 1980s and 1990s have appeared in important positions in local party and government departments. Recently, another cadre born in 1985 was appointed as a new employee. Yu Zhou, a "post-85" cadre who was introduced by Nanping, Fujian Province, as a doctor of Peking University eight years ago, has gone to Mount Wuyi to take office. According to the news of "Mount Wuyi News" on the WeChat official account, on June 1, a meeting of Mount Wuyi City's leading cadres was held, announcing that the Fujian Provincial Party Committee and Nanping Municipal Party Committee had decided that Yang Qingjian would serve as a member of the Standing Committee of Nanping Municipal Party Committee and continue to serve concurrently as the Secretary of Mount Wuyi Municipal Party Committee; Yu Zhou is a member, standing member and deputy secretary of Mount Wuyi Municipal Party Committee. The official website of Mount Wuyi Municipal Government has been updated recently, and Yu Zhou's resume appears in the column of "Municipal Government Leaders". According to public information, Yu Zhou, male, Han ethnicity, born in May 1987 in Luoshan, Henan Province, is a member of the Communist Party of China and a graduate student

Make every effort to maintain the safety of the college entrance examination, and two departments will launch a fierce attack: cracking down on illegal and criminal examinations | illegal and criminal activities | departments
Make every effort to maintain the safety of the college entrance examination, and two departments will launch a fierce attack: cracking down on illegal and criminal examinations | illegal and criminal activities | departments

According to the "Clean Net 2023" special action of the Ministry of Public Security and the unified deployment of the inter ministerial joint meeting on the national education unified examination work, since 2023, the national public security organs, together with education and other departments, have continued to maintain a high-pressure crackdown on various illegal and criminal activities related to examinations, and strictly punish those who organize exam cheating and illegally produce and sell specialized equipment for eavesdropping and stealing photos in accordance with the law. On the eve of the college entrance examination, public security organs in various regions have successively solved a number of cases of cheating and fraud related to organizing exams. Public security organs and education departments remind candidates not to bring electronic devices such as mobile phones into the examination center to avoid violating exam rules and discipline; Do not trust online information such as selling college entrance examination questions and answers to avoid being deceived. Organizing cheating among candidates in national education exams, providing exam questions and answers to candidates, replacing them in exams, selling or using none

"Can't I sit on someone else's hot stool?" Illness | Seating | Stool
"Can't I sit on someone else's hot stool?" Illness | Seating | Stool

In places such as buses, subways, and parks, it is inevitable that people will come into contact with "hot chairs". Recently, the topic of "why can't we sit on someone else's hot chair" rushed to hot search. A netizen asked, "Someone got off the bus, and a boy next to him wanted to sit, but was reminded by an aunt in the same bus to wait for the seat to cool down before sitting." I also heard my mother say similar things and I really want to know why? "? This topic quickly sparked discussion. Some people believe that sitting on hot stools that others have sat on is due to the possibility of infectious diseases. However, some netizens believe that this statement has no scientific basis. "I don't want to sit on hot stools because of psychological effects," or because "I have been educated and obedient since childhood." They say they often sit on "hot stools" on the subway, "when the stool cools down, the seat disappears." Sitting on hot stools

Co painting the harmonious coexistence of humans and nature, creating a beautiful picture of humanity | the world | the picture
Co painting the harmonious coexistence of humans and nature, creating a beautiful picture of humanity | the world | the picture

June 5th is World Environment Day. The theme of World Environment Day set by the United Nations this year is "reducing plastic and picking up plastic". The theme of China's June 5th Environmental Day is "Building a Modernization of Harmonious Coexistence between Human and Nature". In the current context of prominent global ecological and environmental issues, these themes embody the hope of humanity to jointly address environmental challenges and build a clean and beautiful world. The Earth is the home on which humanity relies for survival. However, it is facing increasingly severe challenges. Every year, over 14 million metric tons of plastic enter and damage aquatic ecosystems. Currently, more than 3 billion people worldwide are affected by ecosystem degradation. Environmental pollution causes about 9 million premature deaths each year, and over 1 million species of flora and fauna are at risk of extinction. Global warming is expected to rise by 1.5 degrees Celsius or even earlier around 2040... United Nations Environment

World Weekly | Tearing up the "US Bond" Agreement | Debt | Weekly
World Weekly | Tearing up the "US Bond" Agreement | Debt | Weekly

This week, the United States took a step back from the cliff of debt default and has not yet fallen off the cliff. But in Fox News's view, the United States has not fundamentally solved the problem of debt loss, it has just jumped from one pit to another. During this process, the two parties engaged in extreme tugs of war, and the US debt continued to tear and expand like a leaking ball, increasing the risk of an economic downturn in the United States. On June 3rd, at the White House, President Biden signed into law the previously passed Financial Responsibility Act in Congress. And the two parties in the United States have already entered a "grab credit" mode ahead of schedule. Senate Democratic Leader Schumer: We received more votes in favor because the bill pushed back the worst part of the Republican agenda. Senate Republican Leader McConnell: Speaker McCarthy and House Republicans Worth It

During the college entrance examination period, Beijing's delivery vehicles can enjoy these "welfare" examination points | surrounding | vehicles
During the college entrance examination period, Beijing's delivery vehicles can enjoy these "welfare" examination points | surrounding | vehicles

The reporter learned from the Beijing Public Security Traffic Management Bureau that the 2023 unified entrance examination for ordinary higher education institutions in Beijing will be held from June 7th to 10th, with 65000 candidates taking the exam in Beijing. It is expected that before and after the exam, there will be a concentrated traffic flow around the test points, with many test points in Xicheng, Dongcheng, and Haidian, and more candidates in the suburban test points. The Beijing traffic management department has developed personalized guidance plans for each examination site, deployed special maintenance positions, launched high-level attendance plans during the examination period, opened up temporary parking areas, and all iron and cavalry traffic police officers are on duty. They have strengthened traffic guidance and order maintenance around the examination site to ensure smooth road traffic. Nearly 4000 temporary parking spaces are available for free parking of vehicles for the 2023 college entrance examination. There are a total of 99 examination points set up in Beijing, located in 18 examination areas. Advance survey by Beijing Public Security Traffic Management Department

China Europe Train: Central Asian Love of "Steel Camel Team" in Xi'an | New Chapter | Camel Team
China Europe Train: Central Asian Love of "Steel Camel Team" in Xi'an | New Chapter | Camel Team

In 2013, a resounding whistle opened a new chapter in Shaanxi's opening-up to the outside world. The first international freight train from Xi'an to Almaty departs from Xinzhu Station and enters Kazakhstan through the Eurasian Continental Bridge channel. Over the past decade, the China Europe freight train assembly center has opened 17 main routes from Xi'an to Central Asian countries, achieving full coverage of major sources of goods in the Asia Europe region. The China Europe freight train has experienced an explosive growth from initially having one train per week to now having more than 10 trains per day. In 2022, a total of 4639 trains were opened, with core indicators such as operating volume, freight volume, and heavy container rate ranking first in the country. On the ancient camel bell road of the past, rows of "steel camel caravans" carrying various goods traveled westward, crossing time and space, telling the story of the long-standing Central Asian relationship. Provide a New Choice Day for New Energy Vehicles to Go Global

Promote the continuous growth and upgrading of new consumption models | Consumption | Models
Promote the continuous growth and upgrading of new consumption models | Consumption | Models

With the gradual implementation of multiple policies and the orderly recovery of consumption scenarios, China's consumption continues to rebound and improve. In April, the total retail sales of consumer goods increased by 18.4% year-on-year, 7.8 percentage points faster than the previous month. As the trend of consumption upgrading continues to emerge, continuously promoting the growth of new consumption models will bring new growth points for consumption expansion. The consumption data in April continued the continuous positive recovery trend since the beginning of this year. Especially with the rapid release of suppressed demand for service-oriented consumption in the early stages. The consumption of holiday travel, shopping, accommodation and catering is very popular. The number of tourists and tourism income during the May Day holiday, calculated according to comparable standards, have exceeded the level of the same period in 2019. At present, consumption presents some prominent characteristics. The consumption of contact services is growing rapidly. Residents go out shopping, dining, and traveling

Multinational figures: China clarifies its position clearly at the Shangri La Dialogue Area | China | China
Multinational figures: China clarifies its position clearly at the Shangri La Dialogue Area | China | China

On June 2nd, the 20th Shangri La Dialogue opened in Singapore. On the 4th, when the Chinese Minister of National Defense gave a speech at the conference, there were no empty seats on site. Many people from multiple countries who listened to the speech on site expressed that through this speech, they have gained a deeper understanding of China's position and views on the regional situation, China US relations, and international order. Dino Padi Jalal, former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia and former Indonesian Ambassador to the United States: I think this is a very useful speech that will let us know how China views military planning, geopolitical relations with the region and other parts of the world, China's views on Sino US relations, international order, and Taiwan and the South China Sea issues. I believe Indonesia is ready to cooperate with China to strengthen security in the region. As you can see, the venue is already full

China is Gradually Becoming a Global Innovation Source. Foreign Enterprises Invest in "Confidence Votes" and Continuously Increase Investment in Tesla | Musk | Global
China is Gradually Becoming a Global Innovation Source. Foreign Enterprises Invest in "Confidence Votes" and Continuously Increase Investment in Tesla | Musk | Global

CCTV News: Tesla CEO Elon Musk recently visited China and received high attention from both domestic and international audiences. From Procter&Gamble Chairman and CEO Jan Muren to Apple CEO Cook, from Mercedes Benz Chairman Kang Linsong to Starbucks Global CEO Nasihan, many high-level executives from multinational corporations have come to China this year to exchange, inspect, and discuss investments, casting a "vote of confidence" for the Chinese economy. The amount of foreign investment absorbed in the first four months increased by 2.2% year-on-year. According to the latest data from the Ministry of Commerce of China, the actual amount of foreign investment used in China from January to April this year was 499.46 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 2.2%. Against the backdrop of sluggish global economic growth, achieving such results is not easy. Foreign companies continue to increase investment and executives flock in, demonstrating their commitment to China's economic development

Unleashing Consumer Potential to Promote Consumption Upgrading and Doing a Good Job in Economic Development | Elderly Care | Article
Unleashing Consumer Potential to Promote Consumption Upgrading and Doing a Good Job in Economic Development | Elderly Care | Article

CCTV News: The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that efforts should be made to expand domestic demand and enhance the fundamental role of consumption in economic development. Non party personages are an important part of the multi-party cooperation and political consultation system led by the CPC. Commissioned by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, a national non party inspection team has been conducting research in Shanghai since April this year on how to further unleash consumption potential and promote consumption upgrading. Shanghai is accelerating the construction of a socialist modernized international metropolis and an international consumer center city with global influence. From revitalizing old neighborhoods, creating consumer cultural and tourism IPs, to expanding the application scenarios of consumption vouchers and promoting consumption through services, Shanghai has launched a "combination punch" to tap into consumption potential and promote consumption upgrading. The national non partisan inspection team visited the Shanghai International Auto Show, nursing homes, and shopping streets one after another

What signals did the Chinese Defense Minister's "Fragrance Meeting" speech release? Chinese Army | Taiwan | Incense Society
What signals did the Chinese Defense Minister's "Fragrance Meeting" speech release? Chinese Army | Taiwan | Incense Society

Military experts believe that Li Shangfu's clear reaffirmation of the Chinese government's solemn and principled stance on issues such as Taiwan deeply demonstrates the Chinese military's firm will and strong determination to defend national interests and safeguard national unity. Chinese State Councilor and Minister of National Defense Li Shangfu discussed "China's New Security" at the 20th Shangri La Dialogue on the 4th

[News Essay] The Meaning and Mission of Scholars Becoming Astronauts | Astronauts | Scholars
[News Essay] The Meaning and Mission of Scholars Becoming Astronauts | Astronauts | Scholars

On May 30th, the Shenzhou-16 manned spacecraft launch mission was a complete success, and the astronaut crew has successfully entered the Chinese space station. As the first manned flight mission since the completion of China's space station, the most eye-catching feature of this mission is the composition of the crew of the Shenzhou-16 spacecraft. The crew of Shenzhou 16 consists of three astronauts: Jing Haipeng, Zhu Yangzhu, and Guihaichao. Since the announcement of the list, netizens have been paying attention to the scholar astronaut Gui Haichao, who is only 36 years old and still wearing glasses. As a payload expert and professor at Beihang University, the emergence of Guihai Tide has broken people's previous understanding of the composition of astronauts, and also means that China's space station has truly entered the stage of application and development, and some people's in orbit space science research has truly begun to enter the main topic. This is a great progress. China

Do not seek fame (People's Forum), do not work hard, do not admire vanity in the era | Journey | Forum
Do not seek fame (People's Forum), do not work hard, do not admire vanity in the era | Journey | Forum

Empty talk harms the country and practical work promotes the country. "Socialism is achieved through hard work" reveals the true essence of working hard and starting a business.To shoulder a new mission and forge ahead on a new journey, Party members and cadres should learn their thoughts and take action, closely focus on the central task of the Party in the new era and new journey, truly focus on practical work, seek practical results, and focus on problems

Realize stable tracking! China's manned spacecraft has made significant breakthroughs in tracking and measurement of the blackout zone
Realize stable tracking! China's manned spacecraft has made significant breakthroughs in tracking and measurement of the blackout zone

"Discovering the target, tracking is normal!" These eight words are crucial for the safe landing of God Fifteen. This morning, as soon as the Shen-15 return module entered the blackout zone, the real-time high-definition image of the return module was accurately captured and transmitted to the Beijing Flight Control Center through onboard communication equipment. The stable tracking by technology personnel during its passage through the black barrier area indicates that China has made significant breakthroughs in tracking and measuring the return of manned spacecraft through the black barrier area. It is understood that when the spacecraft passes through the black barrier area, the wireless communication between the interior of the spacecraft and the outside world is abnormal or even interrupted, and can only rely on radar and optical equipment for tracking and measurement. Whether it is stable tracking of the spacecraft during this period, whether it is for tracking and guiding the spacecraft after the black barrier, or timely reporting of the spacecraft landing point, is extremely important. According to Zeng Qiangjie, the commander of the Dunhuang measurement and control area at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center

Look at the field from a different point of view to feel the outline of harvest joy under the color. Guangxi | Joy
Looking at the fields from a different perspective, let's experience the joyful outline of harvest under the colors. Guangxi | Joy

During the summer harvest season, everyone is busy and tense. From a different perspective, the contours of the fields are particularly full and the color blocks of the crops are particularly vivid. The sense of achievement itself is a kind of beauty. Huai'an, Jiangsu: Harvest of wheat by the Hongze Lake. Returning straw to the field for green fertilization and rushing to harvest wheat is an inevitable opportunity. In Hongze District, Huai'an, Jiangsu Province, harvesters are vigorously tending to 460000 acres of wheat. Here, the water network is dense, the soil is fertile, and the wheat is strong and full. The combine harvester shuttles back and forth, cutting, shelling, and threshing are completed in one go. Part of the straw is crushed on site and returned to the field to increase soil fertility. The fields are like colorful flat renderings, adorned with packed straw that can be used for feed, fertilizer, and new fuels. Straw turns around beautifully, grain particles return to the warehouse, and modern agriculture is so meticulous. Guangxi Bobai: Rice "Chasing Flowers"

How to prioritize power?, A Question to the End | Manned Lunar Landing for Space Development | China | Lunar Landing
How to prioritize power?, A Question to the End | Manned Lunar Landing for Space Development | China | Lunar Landing

The moon is a close neighbor of our blue planet and a transit station for humanity to move further into deep space. At present, China is carrying out the fourth phase of lunar exploration project. Not long ago, China also had a schedule for manned lunar landing. The new generation of manned rockets in China is expected to make its first flight in 2027, and it will also achieve the first Chinese landing on the moon before 2030. Aerospace development prioritizes power. Recently, the main engine of China's manned lunar landing rocket, the 130 ton pump rear swing liquid oxygen kerosene engine, developed by the Sixth Academy of Aerospace Science and Technology Group, completed its sixth test on the test bench. The cumulative test time of the engine reached 3300 seconds, and the working time exceeded 10 times the task time. This verified the reliability of the engine's operation and once again set a new record for single test of China's 100 ton engine. How difficult is the development of rocket high thrust engines? by

Chinese Stars | Meet Manned Lunar Landing! The new generation of manned launch vehicles has added multiple new technologies
Chinese Stars | Meet Manned Lunar Landing! The new generation of manned launch vehicles has added multiple new technologies

CCTV News: According to China's manned space engineering development plan, the development of the new generation of manned launch vehicles in China is progressing in an orderly manner. The newly developed manned rocket for launching China's new generation of manned spacecraft and lunar landers is expected to make its first flight in 2027. In order to meet the demand for manned lunar landing with a carrying capacity of 27 tons, the chief designer of the Long March 2F carrier rocket at the First Academy of Aerospace Science and Technology Group is easy to say that various research and development work is currently being carried out in an orderly and rapid manner. The core stage has a diameter of 5 meters and is bundled with a 5-meter diameter booster. In order to meet the demand for manned landing on the moon, the future lunar orbit has a carrying capacity of 27 tons, and the near Earth orbit has a carrying capacity of approximately 70 tons. Joining multiple new technologies such as intelligent flight to enhance reliability, according to the Long March 2F carrier rocket of the Aerospace Science and Technology Group First Institute

Successfully delivered! Shen-15 astronauts brought back over 20 kilograms of experimental sample space | samples | experiments
Successfully delivered! Shen-15 astronauts brought back over 20 kilograms of experimental sample space | samples | experiments

On June 4, 2023, the fourth batch of space science experiment samples of the China Space Station returned to the ground with the Shenzhou XV spacecraft return capsule, and delivered the space application system led by the Chinese Academy of Sciences at the Dongfeng landing site. At about 14:00 on the 4th, some experimental samples were transported to the Space Application Engineering and Technology Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing. The overall space application system and relevant experimental personnel checked and confirmed the basic status of the returned experimental samples, and handed over to relevant experimental scientists for follow-up research. The space application system, accompanied by the return module of the Shenzhou-15 spacecraft, carried out a total of 15 scientific project experimental samples, including life experiment samples such as cells, nematodes, Arabidopsis, and regenerated rice, as well as various alloy materials, new infrared detector materials, amorphous thin film materials, and other material experimental samples. The total weight of the downward experimental sample is over 20 kilograms

The anchor said that China Aerospace: Reliable, Stable, and Mature Stars | The Ocean | China Aerospace
The anchor said that China Aerospace: Reliable, Stable, and Mature Stars | The Ocean | China Aerospace

This morning, the three astronauts of Shenzhou-15 successfully returned to Earth. What are the details worth paying attention to during this return trip? After a six-month business trip on the space station, the Shen-15 crew finally safely returned home. After opening the cabin door, familiar sounds came out, and everyone felt good, in good condition, and in good health. Netizens who follow CCTV news live broadcasts should find that the most frequently heard words during the live broadcast are normal, clear, and feel good. The three high-frequency words reflect that China's aerospace not only has pioneering and innovative capabilities, but also is very reliable and stable. The technology is constantly maturing, and everything is arranged clearly, making people feel at ease and good. In fact, this time the three astronauts returned, from evacuating the space station to safely landing, the entire process is already familiar to everyone, giving the impression that everything is normal and everything is as usual. There is one

National Museum of Nature officially unveils its curriculum system | Museum | National
National Museum of Nature officially unveils its curriculum system | Museum | National

On June 5, 2023, the National Museum of Nature was officially unveiled in Beijing, marking a new chapter in the development process of China's natural museums. The National Museum of Nature, renamed from the Beijing Museum of Nature, is the only national and comprehensive natural museum in China. It represents the national protection, research, collection, interpretation, and exhibition of natural objects and natural heritage with historical, scientific, and artistic value in the process of human development.The construction of a national level nature museum has received enthusiastic attention from society and active support from the government since the birth of New China. In March 1951, the Cultural and Educational Committee of the Central Propaganda Department

Minister of Ukraine called it "unbelievable", foreign media: nearly half of Kiev's air defense tunnels cannot be used for time | inspection | Kiev
Minister of Ukraine called it "unbelievable", foreign media: nearly half of Kiev's air defense tunnels cannot be used for time | inspection | Kiev

According to the report on the website of Singapore's Lianhe Zaobao on June 5, a preliminary inspection conducted by the Ukrainian government showed that nearly half of the air raid shelters in the capital Kiev were closed or did not meet the use standards. Ukrainian Minister of Strategic Industry, Kameshen, called this "unbelievable". According to reports, on June 4th local time, Cameron stated that out of the 1078 air defense facilities visited on the first day of inspection, 359 were not ready, 122 were locked, and only 597 were operational. He said on social media "Telegram", "The fact that only half is open and ready is unbelievable to me. When we and the Mayor of Kiev selectively inspected the air raid shelters in the Obolon district, the vast majority of them were closed." The report stated that Cameron said the inspection work would continue. On June 1st,

Three private cars collectively ran a red light! Traffic police: No penalty for all cars | collective | private cars
Three private cars collectively ran a red light! Traffic police: No penalty for all cars | collective | private cars

Recently, three private cars collectively ran a red light at an intersection in Jiaxing, Zhejiang. However, the traffic police stated that they will not be punished and praised! What's going on? At around 7pm on May 25th, a flashing and honking fire truck at the intersection of Haichao Road on Haining 525 National Highway, led by a black sedan, drove rapidly towards the burning spot. At this time, the left turn signal at the intersection was red, and two private cars waiting for passage in front of them made a collective U-turn. They immediately gave way to the fire truck. The black leading car and the fire truck quickly passed through the intersection. "Quick! Follow me!" The black sedan driver waved his hand vigorously, indicating that the fire truck was following him. Surprisingly, the fire truck also had a private car leading the way? If the limited height fire truck at the west gate of the community cannot enter, I will immediately drive and have them follow me to enter through another gate of the community

Do you want to take medicine? Do you need surgery? Doctor's answer: A 58-year-old man developed a ground glass nodule in the lung four months after being tested positive
Do you want to take medicine? Do you need surgery? Doctor's answer: A 58-year-old man developed a ground glass nodule in the lung four months after being tested positive

After becoming positive in December last year, 58 year old Li has been worried that his lungs will be affected. In January of this year, he underwent a CT scan and no abnormalities were found. The CT report of the physical examination in April made Old Li panic: a ground glass nodule was added to his lungs. Old Li thought about how the nodule had grown suddenly since the examination three months ago did not show it? Feeling flustered, he quickly went to see Dr. Fan Junqiang, the chief physician of the Department of Thoracic Surgery at the Second Hospital of Zhejiang University. After carefully comparing Mr. Li's physical examination report, Director Fan found that this ground glass nodule had grown rapidly in a short period of time and was highly likely to be an inflammatory nodule. Old Li anxiously asked, "Doctor, do I need to have another examination to confirm?" Director Fan comforted Old Li, saying that the interval between going for the examination now is too short and has no reference value. At least three months should be left between the examinations. Old Li asked again, "Then I..."

There are no treatment drugs or vaccines yet!, Multiple countries have experienced infections with the coronavirus, chief physician | virus | coronavirus | coronavirus
There are no treatment drugs or vaccines yet!, Multiple countries have experienced infections with the coronavirus, chief physician | virus | coronavirus | coronavirus

On May 31st, according to the respiratory virus monitoring system of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States, since the spring of this year, the human leaning lung virus has shown a high incidence trend in various regions of the United States, and the virus is ravaging the intensive care units and pediatric hospitals in major hospitals. Human leaning lung virus, there have been reports in China! On June 3rd, the chief physician of the Infection Control Center of a tertiary hospital told the People's Daily Health Client that Li Dong, the chief physician of the Infection Comprehensive Department of Beijing You'an Hospital, had reminded that "the virus is not a new type of virus. It has appeared in the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Finland, Australia, Canada, Kenya, Norway, and other places. Children have also been found to be infected with the virus in Beijing, Chongqing, Shenzhen, and other places in China. The global infection burden is relatively high, and there is currently no specialized antiviral therapy to treat human leaning pulmonary virus, nor prevention."

Both sides expressed "satisfaction", which is beneficial for the meeting area of the "former adversaries" | two countries | adversaries
Both sides expressed "satisfaction", which is beneficial for the meeting area of the "former adversaries" | two countries | adversaries

According to Iran's Tasnim News Agency on June 3, the foreign ministers of Iran and Saudi Arabia held a meeting in South Africa to discuss plans to comprehensively restore relations and expand regional and economic cooperation between the two countries. According to reports, Iranian Foreign Minister Hussein Amir Abdulrahijan and Saudi Foreign Minister Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud held a meeting on June 2 in Cape Town, South Africa, on the sidelines of the BRICS Foreign Ministers' Meeting and the "Friends of the BRICS" Meeting. According to a report citing the website of the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Amir Abdulrahijan expressed satisfaction with the good progress made in bilateral relations, stating that the ambassadors of the two countries have been fortunate enough to be appointed, laying the foundation for the establishment of embassies and consulates between the two countries. He said that in the previous talks, both sides discussed the necessity of strengthening the commercial and economic relations between the two countries. He also stated that,

More than 100 people have been arrested!, "Empty set" government consumption voucher consumption | Government
More than 100 people have been arrested!, "Empty set" government consumption voucher consumption | Government

Approaching June 18th, in order to obtain the maximum price discount, many people would check for "coupons" before making purchases. However, some people have been using their brains. Recently, the Yinzhou Public Security Bureau in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province reported a fraud case involving "empty sets" of government consumption vouchers, arresting 102 individuals involved in illegal collection of government subsidies totaling more than 6.55 million yuan. A WeChat group received "consumption vouchers" for a cashout of 100 yuan. In January of this year, the Yinzhou Public Security Bureau learned a clue during work that someone had collected a large number of consumption vouchers in the WeChat group, connecting merchants to defraud consumption subsidies. After receiving the clues, the Yinzhou Public Security Bureau established a special task force. After analysis and judgment, the police found that Xu and others first purchased a large number of consumer vouchers online, then registered a shell company for false transactions, and used the merchant's POS machine for online banking settlement and other methods

She's gone! Only 31 years old... Child | Zhu Honglin | Child
She's gone! Only 31 years old... Child | Zhu Honglin | Child

When she was alive, she lit up stars for children with autism. After her death, she donated all her organs to help those in need. This angelic and kind girl is Zhu Honglin. Zhu Honglin is a rehabilitation specialist in the Children's Health Department of Yanjiang District Maternal and Child Health Hospital in Ziyang, Sichuan. She has always been committed to helping children with autism integrate into their families, schools, and society. In order to take care of children with autism well, Zhu Honglin has honed herself to be gentle, meticulous, and patient. A few years ago, Zhu Honglin was found to suffer from aplastic anemia, but she did not give up. The children continue to work, and she has treated more than 200 children. She said that as long as people are alive, they should help more people. Her work is special, and if halfway through, her work is special. Abandoning may have a negative impact on the child and their family when they learn about themselves