The world

"The 'the Belt and Road' injects impetus into the development and prosperity of a jointly built country" (jointly building the "the Belt and Road"), our reporter | Iraq | injects
"The 'the Belt and Road' injects impetus into the development and prosperity of a jointly built country" (jointly building the "the Belt and Road"), our reporter | Iraq | injects

Prospective view of the central processing station of the Hafaya oilfield in Iraq. The Hafaya oilfield in southern Iraq is located in the Missan province and is one of the seven major oil fields in the country. The oilfield currently produces 20 million tons of oil annually, making it the largest operator project of China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) overseas and playing an important role in ensuring Iraq's energy exports. Haider Rubai, chairman of the Iraqi China Friendship Association, said in an interview with our reporter that Iran China energy cooperation is an important part of the joint construction of the "the Belt and Road", and the Chinese enterprise projects have made positive contributions to Iraq's economic recovery and people's livelihood development. Iraq wants to ride the fast train of China's development. Recently, reporters went to the oil field to interview. In the vast fields, drilling rigs are working intensively. On a work platform several tens of meters high, the lifting machine slowly lifts

Hotspot Q&A: Why can the tension caused by the Wagner incident be quickly eased? Action | Organization | Event
Hotspot Q&A: Why can the tension caused by the Wagner incident be quickly eased? Action | Organization | Event

Moscow, June 25th (Xinhua) - Hot topic Q&A: Why can the tension caused by the Wagner incident quickly ease? Xinhua News Agency reported on the evening of June 24th that the founder of the Russian private military entity Wagner organization, Prigoren, accepted the suggestion of Belarusian President Lukashenko to stop the organization's operations in Russia and take further measures to ease the tension. Members of the Wagner organization stopped moving within Russia and turned back to the field camp. The members and heavy equipment of the organization completely left the area where the headquarters of the Southern Russian Military Region was located late on the 24th. The Wagner organization was suspected of inciting rebellion late at night on the 23rd, leading to tension within Russia. On the evening of the 24th, the tense situation moved towards easing. How was this achieved? On June 24th, Russian President Putin delivered a televised speech to deter rebels.

"Deeply Benefiting from Africa China Cooperation" Initiative | Global | Cooperation
"Deeply Benefiting from Africa China Cooperation" Initiative | Global | Cooperation

"The eradication of absolute poverty, the overwhelming victory in the fight against corruption, and the remarkable improvement of the ecological environment... In the past 10 years, China has made many remarkable achievements, which are inseparable from the strong leadership of the CPC. We pay close attention to China's development, and hope to learn more from it." Peter Kagwanga, director of the Kenya African Policy Research Institute, said in an exclusive interview with our reporter a few days ago. Kagwanga stressed that the CPC adheres to the people centered development thought, and is always committed to working for the happiness of the people, so that the achievements of modernization can benefit all people more and more equitably. Kagwanga has visited China multiple times, experiencing the haze of the past and leaving a deep impression on the current "Beijing Blue". He said with deep emotion, "China's green development practice has made us realize that economic development and environmental protection

Building an institutional system conducive to basic research
Building an institutional system conducive to basic research

We must deepen the reform of the basic research system and mechanism, accelerate the construction of a favorable institutional system for basic research from four aspects: talent cultivation, funding investment, project organization, and environmental protection, and provide systematic guarantees for promoting the high-quality development of basic research. Establish a basic research talent training system guided by talent quality. An excellent team of basic research talents is the foundation for strengthening China's basic research capabilities

Nuclear contaminated water discharge into the sea is a risky gamble that endangers humanity (International Forum) Water discharge into the sea | Countries | Forum
Nuclear contaminated water discharge into the sea is a risky gamble that endangers humanity (International Forum) Water discharge into the sea | Countries | Forum

On the issue of Fukushima nuclear contaminated water disposal, the Japanese side has an obligation to take all measures to avoid environmental pollution, and has an obligation to fully consult with countries that may be affected, and respond to the reasonable concerns of the international community, especially neighboring countries, with a responsible attitude. Tokyo Electric Power Company recently launched the trial operation of Fukushima nuclear contaminated water discharge equipment, indicating that the Japanese side is pushing forward the plan to discharge nuclear contaminated water into the sea despite opposition from all parties. The irresponsible discharge of nuclear contaminated water by the Japanese government into the ocean will cause serious damage to marine resources and ecosystems, and have adverse effects on international public health security and the vital interests of people in the Asia Pacific region. There has never been a precedent in the world of discharging nuclear contaminated water into the sea. The discharge of contaminated water from Fukushima nuclear power into the sea is not a personal matter of the Japanese side, but a major issue concerning global public health. Since April 2021, the Japanese government has unilaterally

Consolidate the spiritual power of building modern civilization of the Chinese nation, strengthen cultural confidence and self-improvement Marxism | Culture | The Chinese nation
Consolidate the spiritual power of building modern civilization of the Chinese nation, strengthen cultural confidence and self-improvement Marxism | Culture | The Chinese nation

Author: General Secretary Zhang Yan Xi Jinping's important speech at the forum on cultural inheritance and development, from the strategic height of the overall development of the cause of the party and the state, comprehensively and systematically expounded a series of major theoretical and practical problems in the inheritance and development of Chinese culture. It is our new cultural mission in the new era to continue to promote cultural prosperity, build a cultural power and build a modern civilization of the Chinese nation at a new starting point ", it also calls on us to" strengthen cultural self-confidence, undertake missions, work hard, and work together to create a new culture that belongs to our era and build a modern civilization of the Chinese nation ". General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech pointed out the basic laws and fundamental characteristics of inheriting the excellent traditional Chinese culture and building the modern civilization of the Chinese nation.

Editorial: This "American disease" is really incurable in China | Problem | United States
Editorial: This "American disease" is really incurable in China | Problem | United States

Just before US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in Beijing that the two countries would strengthen cooperation to solve the fentanyl problem, the US Department of Justice later sued Chinese citizens who were trapped in a third country by "fishing for law enforcement" because of the fentanyl problem, and staged a very typical American performance of calling on China to cooperate while discrediting and attacking China. On the 23rd local time, the US Department of Justice sued four Chinese companies and eight Chinese citizens on suspicion of producing and selling fentanyl chemical precursors, which is also a landmark event in which the US has been hyping up the fentanyl issue and playing the fentanyl card for some time. From unjustified sanctions on Chinese drug control agencies, to smearing, slandering, and illegally sanctioning Chinese companies, and then to this vicious "fishing law enforcement" that lures and brings criminal prosecution, the United States has unilaterally shifted blame and treated internal and external diseases

Guangming Current Review: When Traditional Culture Meets Digital Civilization, Modernization | Culture | Current Review
Guangming Current Review: When Traditional Culture Meets Digital Civilization, Modernization | Culture | Current Review

[Guangming Review] Author: Zhang Yan. From June 25 to 27, the Nishan Dialogue on Digital Civilization of the World Internet Conference was held in Qufu, Shandong. This is the first thematic event held by the International Organization of the World Internet Conference after its establishment. The dialogue is themed on "the era of artificial intelligence: building a digital world of exchange, mutual learning and inclusiveness". In today's world, digital technology is fully integrated into various fields and processes of human society, and artificial intelligence has become an important symbol of human civilization progress. With the rapid development of generative artificial intelligence models, their impact on human civilization is increasing day by day, and the opportunities and challenges brought by artificial intelligence have become two ends of the scale. As for why we chose to hold the dialogue on digital civilization in the birthplace of Confucius and the birthplace of Confucianism, the relevant person in charge of the World Internet Conference said that it was held in Nishan

"Our Greatest Treasure to Success" (People's Perspective) Socialism | China | Treasure
"Our Greatest Treasure to Success" (People's Perspective) Socialism | China | Treasure

Marxism has profoundly changed China, and China has greatly enriched Marxism. At the symposium on cultural inheritance and development, General Secretary Xi Jinping explained the significance of the "two combinations" from five aspects. From now on, this edition will launch a series of comments to deeply understand the spiritual essence of the "two combinations" with the broad masses of readers, and more consciously promote the combination of the basic principles of Marxism with China's specific reality and with China's excellent traditional culture. -- Only when the tree of Marxist truth is rooted in the fertile historical and cultural soil of one's own country and one's own nation, can one think of the nation through civilization and look at the past to see the future. When inspecting Yuelu Academy in Changsha, Hunan, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that "the truth must be localized". In Zhu Xiyuan on the bank of Jiuqu River in Wuyi Mountain, Fujian, General Secretary Xi Jinping

There is still room for improvement in service trade (People's Review) Service | Trade | Review
There is still room for improvement in service trade (People's Review) Service | Trade | Review

Knowledge intensive services have high added value and good growth potential, which is an important development trend in global service trade. Service trade is an important component of international trade and an important field of international economic and trade cooperation. A welcome change in recent years is that knowledge intensive service trade has grown into a new engine driving the growth of China's service trade. The data recently released by the Ministry of Commerce shows that from January to April this year, the import and export of knowledge intensive service trade reached 905.79 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 13.1%, accounting for 43.5% of the total import and export of services. Among them, the export of knowledge intensive services reached 538.48 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 18%. The rapid growth of knowledge intensive service trade with high added value and high technological content indicates that China's competitiveness in service exports has significantly increased and is climbing towards the high-end of the value chain

Make Good Use of "Great Ideological and Political Courses" to Cultivate New People and Modernize | Socialism | Political Courses
Make Good Use of "Great Ideological and Political Courses" to Cultivate New People and Modernize | Socialism | Political Courses

Not long ago, the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China conducted the fifth collective learning on building an education strong country.We should make good use of the "Great Ideological and Political Course", continuously innovate and practice, strengthen the education of ideals and beliefs for young people, and guide them to become new generations worthy of the responsibility of national rejuvenation. Improve the pertinence and attractiveness of ideological and political courses. The younger generation is curious about new things and has their own channels and ways to receive information

Encourage researchers to boldly explore (innovate) the ecosystem | innovation | researchers
Encourage researchers to boldly explore (innovate) the ecosystem | innovation | researchers

Focusing on cultivating a scientific research ecosystem that encourages innovation and tolerates failure can encourage researchers to boldly explore, challenge the unknown, and dare to encounter real problems that may lead to death or death, and form an innovative trend of not fearing failure and pursuing success. Recently, during an interview with FiberHome Communication Technology Co., Ltd., it was learned that in response to the challenges of large network transmission capacity and high speed in the digital age, the company has creatively proposed a new concept of "smart optical network". The smart optical network has never been done before, and the technology development cycle is long and the investment is large, which carries a certain risk of failure. The company assesses its researchers based on their research contributions, regardless of the success or failure of the research and development process. As long as the output results are valuable, they will be recognized. Encouraged by this mechanism, researchers have made bold attempts and are determined to tackle key issues, ultimately turning the concept of smart optical networks into reality. Now, they are accelerating their implementation,

World Weekly | Positive outlook on the BRICS system, triggering a global gold rush valley | Countries | Global
World Weekly | Positive outlook on the BRICS system, triggering a global gold rush valley | Countries | Global

On January 24, 1848, a carpenter named James Marshall discovered gold in the ditch of a sawmill in Sacramento Valley, California, USA. This has triggered a "gold rush". British scholar Ben Wilson defined the "gold rush" as the beginning of the modern world. Because it has ushered in a golden age of economic development. This week, the topic of the "gold rush" has once again sparked heated discussions. However, the term "gold" here does not only refer to luck and opportunities to acquire wealth, but also to the increasingly optimistic BRICS system. On June 22, 2023, the New Global Financing Compact Summit opened in Paris. At the meeting, Brazilian President Lula unleashed his firepower on developed Western countries. Brazilian President Lula: To be honest, who has complied with the Kyoto Protocol? who

Also known as "knowing progress" (Jin Tai's essay), also known as "knowing stopping" cadres | landing | essay
Also known as "knowing progress" (Jin Tai's essay), also known as "knowing stopping" cadres | landing | essay

Ordinary daily necessities, gift packaging bags that are reluctant to throw away, and floor lamp lampshades made from old curtains... Walking into Comrade Song Qingling's former residence, simple and plain original display items come into view, attracting visitors to stop and watch. Comrade Song Qingling's noble character of diligence, thrift, self-restraint, and service to the public is admirable. As the ancients said, "Do not be blinded by personal desires.". A decent job, broad prospects, a beautiful life... In life, there are always various desires. Moderate desire drives one to strive, but excessive desire can cause one to suffer greatly. Whether a person can control their desires, have more composure in the face of temptation, be more indifferent to material fame and fortune, and eliminate the desire for injustice tests their character and demonstrates their realm. In the Zhou Enlai Memorial Hall in Shaoxing, Zhejiang, there hangs a

Putin's handling of crisis in the Kremlin: Exposed footage | Time | Putin
Putin's handling of crisis in the Kremlin: Exposed footage | Time | Putin

According to reports from media outlets such as "Russia-1 Channel" and Russian satellite network, on the 25th local time, "Russia-1 Channel" television station released footage of Russian President Putin's handling of the "Wagner incident" on the 24th. On June 24th local time, Russian President Putin dealt with the Wagner incident in the Kremlin. In the footage of the "Moscow Kremlin Putin" program on the "Russia 1 Channel" television station, the host stated that although it was Saturday that day, Putin still started working early in the morning. The footage also shows that Putin delivered a televised speech to the entire Russian population at 10am local time on the 24th, in which he stated that Russia will not allow further division in response to the Wagner incident that occurred that day. The program also exposed Putin's relationship in the office with

Qingdao police: 3 people including the club leader were arrested, 1 person died, and a martial arts club was injured. Martial arts | Chengyang District | Police
Qingdao police: 3 people including the club leader were arrested, 1 person died, and a martial arts club was injured. Martial arts | Chengyang District | Police

On June 26th, the Chengyang Branch of Qingdao Public Security Bureau issued a situation report. The notice shows that a case of intentional injury occurred in a martial arts club in Chengyang District recently, causing one person to die and three suspect to be found. The main content of the report is as follows: On June 18, 2023, around 14:00, a intentional injury case occurred in a martial arts club in Chengyang District, resulting in one person's death. After the incident, the public security organ quickly seized three suspect, including the head of the martial arts club, and has taken criminal coercive measures according to law. The case is under further investigation. On June 26, 2023, according to previous online reports, the victim was an 8-year-old boy from Chengyang Branch of Qingdao Public Security Bureau.

He was also promoted to a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, and the central government approved his appointment as a "parachute" from the central government! Last week, the country | official website | local
He was also promoted to a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, and the central government approved his appointment as a "parachute" from the central government! Last week, the country | official website | local

In the past week, both provinces have welcomed a new member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee. According to Liaoning Daily on June 19th, the central government approved Comrade Jiang Tianbao as a member and standing committee member of the Liaoning Provincial Committee. The Liaoning Provincial Party Committee has decided to appoint Comrade Jiang Tianbao as the Minister of the Organization Department of the Liaoning Provincial Party Committee. According to the "Jiaxing Release" WeChat official account, on the afternoon of June 20, Zhao Cheng, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee and head of the Propaganda Department, came to Jiaxing to pay homage to the Red Boat and visit the Nanhu Revolutionary Memorial Hall. This news shows that Zhao Cheng, who previously served as the Vice President of Xinhua News Agency, has become a member of the Standing Committee of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee and Minister of Propaganda. In addition, last week, several officials including a former standing committee member of the municipal party committee and deputy to the provincial government took office. The two provinces have welcomed new members of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, who have been under the jurisdiction of the Municipal Party Committee. According to the public resume of the former Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, Jiang Tianbao, male, Han nationality, born in February 1968, has been serving in Beijing

This year, the 24th "tiger" fell out with 9 central enterprise managers, and the central inspection has just ended. The National Supervisory Commission and management personnel
This year, the 24th "tiger" fell out with 9 central enterprise managers, and the central inspection has just ended. The National Supervisory Commission and management personnel

In the past week, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection has laid the 24th "tiger" of this year. Yesterday, on the first day after the end of the long holiday, Xu Wenrong, former Deputy Secretary of the Party Group and Deputy General Manager of China National Petroleum Corporation, accepted disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission. In addition, last week, one "tiger" was arrested, tried, sentenced, and multiple officials were investigated. According to the public resume of the 24th "Tiger" incident this year, Xu Wenrong, male, born in June 1961, graduated from China University of Petroleum with a bachelor's degree in 1982, and obtained a doctoral degree in management from China University of Petroleum in 2006. He is a professor level senior engineer. Xu Wenrong, who has been working in the energy system for a long time, was appointed as the Assistant General Manager of China Petroleum Group in January 2004. Since May 2011, he has successively served as the leader of the China Shipping Discipline Inspection Group

The State Administration of Taxation optimizes the application method for R&D expense deduction to help enterprises enjoy preferential policies in advance
The State Administration of Taxation optimizes the application method for R&D expense deduction to help enterprises enjoy preferential policies in advance

Transforming Theme Education Achievements into Measures for Benefiting Enterprises - The State Administration of Taxation optimizes the declaration method for R&D expense deduction to help enterprises enjoy preferential treatment in advance. Recently, the State Administration of Taxation issued a notice on optimizing the policy of R&D expense deduction for prepayment declaration, which stipulates that from 2023, eligible enterprises can apply for preferential treatment for R&D expense deduction in the first half of the year during the July declaration period each year.The policy of additional deduction for video R&D expenses is a special preferential policy that incentivizes enterprises to increase their R&D investment, and belongs to a type of tax based preferential treatment for corporate income tax. Simply put, it is calculating corporate income tax

How to strictly abide by the red line of 1.8 billion mu of arable land? Three questions will help you understand the main points. 25th | Farmland | Red Line
How to strictly abide by the red line of 1.8 billion mu of arable land? Three questions will help you understand the main points. 25th | Farmland | Red Line

From a space perspective, China is colorful, and the farmland within it not only looks colorful, but is also the core essence of firmly holding China's rice bowl. The 25th is the 33rd National Land Day, with the theme of "Saving and Intensive Land Use, Strictly Observing the Red Line of Farmland". How to strictly abide by the red line of 1.8 billion mu of arable land? How to implement it? China is a country with a large population but limited land, a large country with small farmers, and food security has always been regarded as the "greatest of the country". Cultivated land is the foundation of grain, and to firmly stabilize China's rice bowl, protecting cultivated land is the core principle. We look for answers to three questions on how to "conserve and intensively use land, and strictly adhere to the red line of cultivated land.". How to achieve agricultural land conservation and intensification? We need to go to different places to see how different regions achieve conservation and intensive agricultural land. In recent years, Jiangxi, Jiangsu and other regions have improved their agricultural practices by

During the Dragon Boat Festival, there are an average of 1.321 million daily border inspections for entry and exit
During the Dragon Boat Festival, there are an average of 1.321 million daily border inspections for entry and exit

The National Immigration Administration announced today that during this year's Dragon Boat Festival, border inspection agencies across the country inspected a total of 3.963 million inbound and outbound personnel, with a daily average of 1.321 million, an increase of about 2.3 times from last year's Dragon Boat Festival and 64.6% from the 2019 Dragon Boat Festival. Among them, 2.048 million people entered and 1.915 million people left the country; There were 1.967 million mainland residents entering and exiting the country, 1.673 million Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan residents, and 323000 foreigners. 176000 inbound and outbound transportation vehicles were inspected, an increase of 1.6 times compared to last year's Dragon Boat Festival. According to the unified deployment of the National Immigration Administration, the national border inspection agencies mobilized all police officers and took multiple measures to ensure smooth customs clearance at ports during the Dragon Boat Festival. Predict in advance and announce to the public the peak flow period of inbound and outbound personnel at the port, and provide reminders and guidance

State Administration of Financial Supervision and Administration: Since the beginning of this year, the banking industry has continuously increased its support for key areas and weak links, year-on-year | loans | key areas
State Administration of Financial Supervision and Administration: Since the beginning of this year, the banking industry has continuously increased its support for key areas and weak links, year-on-year | loans | key areas

The reporter learned from the State Administration for Financial Supervision and Administration that since the beginning of this year, banking and financial institutions have continuously increased their support for key areas and weak links. As of the end of May, the balance of loans from banking and financial institutions to the manufacturing industry reached 30 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 18.9%. Among them, medium and long-term loans in the manufacturing industry increased by 37.2% year-on-year. Loans for high-tech manufacturing increased by 26.1% year-on-year. In the first five months, manufacturing loans from banking and financial institutions increased by 2.6 trillion yuan, a growth rate higher than the same period last year. Meanwhile, inclusive small and micro enterprise loans continued to grow rapidly in the first five months. As of the end of May, the balance of loans for inclusive small and micro enterprises in China was 26.1 trillion yuan, an increase of 2.6 trillion yuan from the beginning of the year, a year-on-year increase of 25.5%, and 14.7 percentage points higher than the growth rate of various loans;

Xinhua Viewpoint | Over 3000 people held accountable! What issues will the second round of central ecological and environmental protection inspections focus on? Problem | Ecological Environment | Ecology
Xinhua Viewpoint | Over 3000 people held accountable! What issues will the second round of central ecological and environmental protection inspections focus on? Problem | Ecological Environment | Ecology

Recently, the second round of central ecological and environmental protection supervision and handover issues, as well as the accountability work, have been fully completed. The inspection team transferred 158 accountability issues to the inspected objects, and the inspected objects were held accountable seriously, accurately, and effectively. A total of 3371 people were held accountable. What is the situation of accountability? What are the key points of inspection work? Xinhua Vision reporters interviewed relevant authoritative figures. More than half of the personnel were subject to party discipline and government penalties. From May 2020 to June 2022, the second round of central ecological environment protection inspection was divided into six batches to complete the inspection feedback on 31 provinces, regions, cities, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, and 6 central enterprises. Strict accountability is an inherent requirement of ecological and environmental protection inspections, as well as an effective means to promote inspection and rectification work and solve ecological and environmental problems. Public data shows that 31

"Wisdom" Summer Management China Grain See China Harvest Map → National | Li Yuhuan | Wisdom
"Smart" Summer Management of Chinese Grain Looking at China's Harvest Map → National | Li Yuhuan | Smart

The three summer seasons of summer harvest, summer planting, and summer management are coming to an end this week. The large-scale machine harvest in the main wheat producing areas has basically ended, which also means that most areas have entered the summer field management time, which is commonly known as summer management. The summer tube is the last link of the three summers and also the key to abundant autumn grain production. As the saying goes, "three parts are planted, seven parts are managed.". So, what is the main focus of summer management in the "Three Summers"? Let's find the answer from the map. Spring sowing, summer growing, autumn harvest, and winter storage are the experiences that Chinese people have summarized from life and work for thousands of years. In summer, the scorching and full passion envelops the entire earth, and all natural things are lush and beautiful, growing vigorously, and crops are no exception. The farmers who have just finished summer harvest and summer planting have no time to spare. Summer is the time for the growth, development, and yield formation of autumn harvest crops

The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security launches the Youth Employment Service Campaign for Graduates | Employment | Youth
The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security launches the Youth Employment Service Campaign for Graduates | Employment | Youth

The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security recently issued a notice to deploy the launch of the 2023 Youth Employment Service Campaign for college graduates and other young people. From July to December, the campaign will focus on the 2023 college graduates who have left school but are not employed and unemployed young people registered with human resources and social security departments at all levels, strengthen policy implementation, service guarantee, rights protection, and assistance in difficult situations, and strive to ensure that unemployed graduates and registered unemployed young people with employment intentions can achieve employment or participate in employment preparation activities by the end of the year. This action requires that by the end of June, human resources and social security departments at or above the prefecture level generally issue open letters or service announcements, displaying the directory of institutions, service lists, recruitment channels, and channels for seeking help, to provide job seeking guidance and convenience for young people such as unemployed graduates. By the end of June, local human resources and social security departments

Fighting at the forefront of the anti drug battlefield (building a higher level of safe China) Drug | Anti drug | Level
Fighting at the forefront of the anti drug battlefield (building a higher level of safe China) Drug | Anti drug | Level

Located on the border between China and Myanmar, Baoshan in Yunnan is at the forefront of drug control. In order to severely crack down on drug violations and crimes, the drug enforcement police in Baoshan have made continuous efforts in blocking drug entry channels, carrying out full chain crackdowns, preventing new types of drug crimes, and helping drug rehabilitation personnel return to society, achieving one result after another. Today is the 36th International Anti Drug Day, and our reporter recently walked into the front line of drug control in Baoshan to record the touching stories of the vast number of anti drug police officers fighting at the forefront of the anti drug battlefield. Located near the "Golden Triangle", with a long border and complex terrain, Baoshan in Yunnan has always been at the forefront of drug control. During peak periods, on average, one drug trafficking case is cracked every three days

Starting the "Ten Million Project" for Youth Integration into Rural Construction for Twenty Years, the Youth Flavor of Villages Becomes More and More Strong | Young People | Youth
Starting the "Ten Million Project" for Youth Integration into Rural Construction for Twenty Years, the Youth Flavor of Villages Becomes More and More Strong | Young People | Youth

In Xiaopu Town, Changxing County, Huzhou City, on the southwest bank of the Taihu Lake Lake, there is a village named after "Huaxi". The arrival of young people has brought back the limpidity of the former "Jiangnan Water Town". In 2016, Wang Yunfeng returned to Huaxi Village after graduating from university and became a village cadre. He still remembers the scene when he first returned to the village: most of the water in the village had turned green and smelly, and there were still dead fish and rotten shrimp floating on the water surface... Years of development and construction have caused serious damage to the water environment of Huaxi Village, with more than 200 rivers classified as inferior Class V water bodies. Later, hundreds of rivers and ponds in the village were treated, and the ecological environment and appearance of the village completely changed. Now, the clean Huaxi Village has returned. In June 2003, Zhejiang launched the "Thousand Village Demonstration and Ten Thousand Village Renovation" project throughout the province,

Running in the "Three Summers" - Observing Harvest in Modern Technology | New Energy. Hunan Xiangtan | Harvest
Running in the "Three Summers" - Observing Harvest in Modern Technology | New Energy. Hunan Xiangtan | Harvest

CCTV News: One grain of millet turns into ten thousand seeds, which is not only the effort of humans and the help of nature, but also the new energy bestowed by modern technology. When we leap over the mountains and seas, overlooking the earth, we will see the unique scenery brought by the new agricultural technology in the magnificent field scenery. Pengshui, Chongqing: The growth of corn on slopes is good, and the level of fertilization in the air is high. In the mountainous corn fields of Pengshui, Chongqing, two drones are working together to spray pesticides. It takes 8 minutes to complete 40 acres of land, without the need for people to step deeper or shallower on the slopes. The corn in Pengshui Mountain is currently popping up. Drones fertilize in the air, moistening things silently, it's really high-level. Xiangtan, Hunan: The pest control team is very environmentally friendly. The rice in the 10000 acre demonstration field in Xiangtan, Hunan has just entered the filling period when the pest, the stem borer, arrived. The local insect spy team is a soybean on the field ridge. Soybean Chacha

They stick to their posts, electricity under high temperatures | projects | high temperatures
They stick to their posts, electricity under high temperatures | projects | high temperatures

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 25th (Xinhua) - Under high temperatures, they held their posts while Xinhua reporters Fan Xi, Wang Youling, and Chen Feng were directing construction at the project site. Xinhua News Agency reporter Fan Xi has been experiencing continuous high temperatures in many areas since the beginning of summer. Under the scorching sun, many workers braved the heat waves and battled the high temperatures, fighting on the outdoor front line, interpreting the spirit of love and dedication with sweat and dedication. Mountain city Chongqing, construction site of Metro Line 18. At noon on the 25th, Chen Feng, the project leader of China Railway 19th Bureau, shuttled between various processes, checking the quality of steel reinforcement binding, checking whether the construction of the bridge pier support system meets the plan, and monitoring whether the crane operation meets the specifications... His work clothes were soaked in layers of white salt by sweat. At the construction site, there are sixty to seventy cranes and over a thousand people working on various work surfaces during the peak hours. Bridge pier level

This year, the national express delivery business volume has reached 60 billion pieces. China's express delivery business volume
This year, the national express delivery business volume has reached 60 billion pieces. China's express delivery business volume

The national express delivery business volume has reached 60 billion pieces this year, which is 172 days ahead of reaching 60 billion pieces in 2019 and 34 days ahead of 2022, according to monitoring data from the State Post Office. Since June, multiple e-commerce platforms across the country have successively launched mid year promotional activities, driving a new round of growth in express delivery business volume. According to data, during the e-commerce promotion period from June 1st to June 18th, the daily average business volume of express delivery exceeded 400 million pieces, further expanding the market size. Flowing sorting lines, speeding express delivery vehicles, a delivery guy walking through the streets, and parcels arriving as scheduled... A bustling scene not only showcases the strong resilience of the express delivery industry's development