The world

The short videos of "precise feeding" are invading the child's discourse system model | Parents | Video
The short videos of "precise feeding" are invading the child's discourse system model | Parents | Video

Nowadays, many parents are concerned about teenagers and children who are addicted to watching short videos. For example, some children of five or six years old open their mouths and shut their mouths, such as "old iron", "old six", "great intelligence", and "tied Q". Many of them are "brought" into the "pit" of various online games and game videos by the platform's algorithms. According to the Teenager Blue Book: Report on the Internet Use of China's Minors, the Internet penetration rate of minors has reached saturation, reaching 99.9% in the past six months, significantly higher than the national Internet penetration rate of 73%. Among them, "watching short videos" has surpassed "playing games" and "listening to music", ranking first in the category of internet usage by minors. The proportion of minors using various short video apps is as high as 65.3%. Facing the "precise feeding" of short video algorithms, home

Research report reveals the dangers under bright coatings: Children's playground mounts with lead levels exceeding hundreds of times the limit | coatings | danger
Research report reveals the dangers under bright coatings: Children's playground mounts with lead levels exceeding hundreds of times the limit | coatings | danger

Lead, a heavy metal, poses a significant threat to human health, especially causing irreversible damage to organs and systems during the growth and development stages of children. The high lead content in items used by children, such as toys and learning materials, has become an important factor affecting children's growth and development. Children exposed to lead may experience intellectual decline, developmental disorders, and lack of concentration. Recently, a research team released the Basic Research Report on Lead Content in Chinese Coatings. The research team measured the lead content in living environments and online coatings. Out of 85 environmental samples, it was found that nearly half of the industrial coatings sold online exceeded the lead standard. The orange mounts in a children's playground exceed the standard by hundreds of times. Behind the exceeding standards is the pursuit of bright colors by businesses in children's products. Under bright coatings, there may be huge hidden dangers. Chinese Coatings Containing Lead

New research finds that heart and lung cells respond differently to COVID-19 Cell | lung | virus
New research finds that heart and lung cells respond differently to COVID-19 Cell | lung | virus

The latest discovery by Australian researchers shows that the response of lung and heart cells to COVID-19 is quite different, which helps to develop a more accurate and effective COVID-19 treatment scheme. This study was conducted in collaboration with the Murdoch Institute for Children in Australia and the Peter Dolty Institute for Infection and Immunology. The related paper has been published in the American journal Stem Cell Reports. According to Murdoch Children's Research Institute, researchers infected heart and lung cells differentiated from human stem cells with COVID-19 respectively and observed their reactions to find out the impact of the virus on different organs. The study found that heart and lung cells have different responses to COVID-19, which helps the research team to find effective antiviral drugs for heart and lung cell infection respectively.

Ceasefire for 72 hours, both sides of the Sudanese conflict have reached another agreement to support | troops | reached an agreement
Ceasefire for 72 hours, both sides of the Sudanese conflict have reached another agreement to support | troops | reached an agreement

On the 17th, representatives of the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Force reached a 72 hour ceasefire agreement in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. The ceasefire will begin at 6am Khartoum time on the 18th. According to Saudi media reports, the Sudan conflict mediator Saudi Arabia and the United States announced the content of the agreement on the 17th. According to the agreement, both parties to the conflict agreed to cease all military operations within Sudan during the ceasefire period, allowing for the movement of personnel and the delivery of humanitarian aid activities within Sudan. In a statement released on the same day, Saudi Arabia and the United States called on both parties to the conflict to effectively implement the ceasefire agreement. The statement states that if the conflicting parties violate the agreement, the mediating party will consider postponing negotiations between the conflicting parties in Jeddah. The Sudanese Ministry of Health issued a statement on its Facebook account on the 17th, stating that the southern part of the Sudanese capital, Khartoum, was hit by an air raid on the same day, with at least 17

Causing 4 deaths, sudden! Department of the Three Vehicle Collision Accident on the Heyuan Expressway Section in Guangdong | Lighthouse in Dongyuan County, Heyuan City | Collision
Causing 4 deaths, sudden! Department of the Three Vehicle Collision Accident on the Heyuan Expressway Section in Guangdong | Lighthouse in Dongyuan County, Heyuan City | Collision

On June 17th, the reporter learned from relevant departments of the Heyuan Municipal Government in Guangdong that Heyuan held an emergency meeting to prevent road traffic accidents in the city. The meeting reported a major traffic accident on the Dengta section of the Guangdong Jiangxi Expressway in Dongyuan County, Heyuan City, which has resulted in four deaths. According to reports, at around 1:00 pm on June 17th, a three vehicle collision occurred on the Dengta section of the Guangdong Jiangxi Expressway in Dongyuan County, Heyuan City. The accident resulted in 4 deaths, including 2 deaths on the spot and 2 deaths despite ineffective treatment. It is reported that after the accident on the same day, the road section was temporarily sealed off and traffic control was temporarily implemented. The Heyuan Municipal Government has reminded relevant departments to manage construction site vehicles to ensure traffic safety throughout the city and avoid similar traffic accidents. In the hot summer, fatigue driving and other situations are prone to occur, resulting in traffic accidents. On June 11th at 8:47 am, one vehicle

Chinese Embassy in Iran: Reminder to Chinese Citizens in Iran to Prevent Theft and Robbery Cases | Chinese Embassy in Iran
Chinese Embassy in Iran: Reminder to Chinese Citizens in Iran to Prevent Theft and Robbery Cases | Chinese Embassy in Iran

Recently, the Chinese Embassy in Iran has received multiple reports of theft and robbery cases involving Chinese citizens in Iran. Many of them have been robbed of mobile phones by motorcycle enthusiasts. The Embassy in Iran reminds Chinese citizens to pay attention to the following matters: 1. Pay close attention to the social security situation in various parts of Iran, raise vigilance, enhance self security awareness, take good care of personal property and identity documents, and keep copies of important documents such as passports, visas, and residence permits for future use. 2. Not revealing wealth, not carrying a large amount of cash with you. Ensure that personal belongings are not removed from the eyes or hands when going out. Pay attention to suspicious individuals around, especially motorcycle riders and other "motorcycle enthusiasts". 3. Try to travel with as many people as possible and avoid traveling alone to unfamiliar places. Try not to travel at night. Lock the car doors and windows while driving, remain alert to any abnormal situations, and do not leave when leaving

Calling for a stable international energy market, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida will visit the three Middle Eastern countries of Saudi Arabia, the United States, and International in July
Calling for a stable international energy market, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida will visit the three Middle Eastern countries of Saudi Arabia, the United States, and International in July

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida plans to visit Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Qatar in mid July and hold talks with their respective leaders. According to the Japan Broadcasting Association and Kyodo News Agency, this visit is the second time that Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has visited the Middle East since January 2020. Fumio Kishida will exchange views on energy policies with the leaders of the three Middle Eastern countries during the talks. For the international oil market with uncertain prospects due to factors such as the situation in Ukraine, Kishida will call on heads of state to take measures to strengthen market stability. In addition, with the increase of measures by Middle Eastern oil producing countries to introduce renewable energy, Japan is considering showing support and confirming cooperation. Recently, the United States has also attempted to strengthen diplomatic ties with Middle Eastern countries such as Saudi Arabia. On the 8th of this month, the United States

Lavrov Statement: Agrees with China's Position Foreign Minister | Ukraine | Lavrov
Lavrov Statement: Agrees with China's Position Foreign Minister | Ukraine | Lavrov

According to the Russian newspaper website on June 17, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov announced that Moscow agreed with Beijing's principled position on the settlement of the Ukraine issue when meeting with reporters. Lavrov stated that during the meeting with Putin, African leaders mentioned the well-known Chinese version of the peace plan and the parts closely related to them, emphasizing the need for a consistent interpretation of the United Nations Charter and the non adherence to double standards. According to the report, the foreign minister revealed that Russia's African partners understand the view that in order to get rid of the Ukrainian crisis, it is necessary to start from its roots and "take specific actions to eliminate the factors that have been and are still undermining justice and security on the European continent for many years.". Lavrov also pointed out that the Russian side will not force anyone to take measures against countries that do not align with their stance

The former dean has been disciplined!, Do two patients undergo 34 chest CRs every 5 months? Health Hospital Set Medical Insurance Examination | Health Hospital | Chest
The former dean has been disciplined!, Do two patients undergo 34 chest CRs every 5 months? Health Hospital Set Medical Insurance Examination | Health Hospital | Chest

Recently, Xie, former director of Xingjiang Township Health Center in Xingguo County, Jiangxi Province, received a disciplinary decision. Previously, upon receiving clues regarding issues related to Xingjiang Township Health Center transferred by the audit department, the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team of Xingguo County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision stationed in the County Health Commission immediately conducted an initial review. During the initial screening process, the disciplinary inspection and supervision team of the County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision stationed at the County Health Commission and the County Health Commission retrieved the medical records of Xingjiang Township Health Center in the past two years, and a series of chest CR examination records caught the attention of the staff. The system shows that between March 2021 and August 2021, two patients underwent continuous chest CR examinations, one 22 times and the other 12 times, for a total of 34 times. "This radiation test is harmful to the human body, and under normal circumstances, it is not possible to conduct so many CR tests within six months." The staff decided to conduct an in-depth investigation. ▲

98 people have died from high temperatures in 2 states within 3 days, and northern India has been hit by extreme heat waves | Uttar Pradesh | invasion
98 people have died from high temperatures in 2 states within 3 days, and northern India has been hit by extreme heat waves | Uttar Pradesh | invasion

According to a report on the website of India Today on June 18th, northern India has been hit by extreme heat waves recently, with at least 98 people in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh dying from the high temperatures within three days. According to Indian media, from June 15th to 17th, at least 54 patients admitted to a regional hospital in Paria, Uttar Pradesh, died from the scorching heat, and at least 400 were hospitalized due to fever, breathing difficulties, and other health complications. In Bihar, 44 people have also died due to hot weather. A local doctor said that the deceased patients themselves suffered from some diseases, and extreme high temperatures worsened their condition. Some doctors also claim that due to a large influx of patients, hospitals are facing a shortage of stretchers. According to Indian meteorological data, the highest temperature in Bali, Uttar Pradesh on the 16th was 42.2 degrees Celsius, which is higher than

Suspend employment of graduates from Sichuan University? Response from the involved company to employees | Notice | Company
Suspend employment of graduates from Sichuan University? Response from the involved company to employees | Notice | Company

Shandong Huace responded by "suspending the employment of graduates from Sichuan University": Employees who posted it without authorization to gain popularity will be punished. On June 17th, a short video account of a company in Shandong issued a "notice" stating that due to Zhang's incident, "the employment of graduates from Sichuan University" was suspended, which subsequently sparked controversy online. On the afternoon of the 18th, the company involved responded to Jimu News reporters by stating that the notice was privately released by employees to gain popularity and has been taken down. The company will also punish the employees involved. The notice of suspension of employment for graduates from Sichuan University posted by the company on its short video account was posted on the "Huace Machinery Group" short video account, stating: "Suspension of employment for graduates from Sichuan University". The announcement was made at 7:18 am on June 17th. At present, this video has been deleted. Careful netizens have also found two typos in the main text of the above notice. one

New parking spaces, public toilets, charging stations, etc. will be added, and the Duku Highway will resume full operation in Xinjiang | Highway | Public Toilets
New parking spaces, public toilets, charging stations, etc. will be added, and the Duku Highway will resume full operation in Xinjiang | Highway | Public Toilets

On June 18th, the entire Duku Highway in Xinjiang resumed operation. This scenic avenue runs through the backbone of the Tianshan Mountains, with magnificent scenery along the way, forming a natural landscape painting that stretches for over 500 kilometers. Duku Highway starts from Dushanzi District, Karamay City in the north and ends at Kuche City, Aksu Prefecture in the south, with a total length of 561km, and half of the road sections are above 2000m above sea level. Affected by natural factors such as winter snowfall and icing in the Tianshan Mountains, traffic control is generally implemented from early November to May or June of the following year, with a closure period of up to 8 months. The Duku Highway is known as one of the most beautiful highways in China, with four seasons and ten miles of different days. It is the best route for tourism from northern Xinjiang to southern Xinjiang. Along the way, you can enjoy famous scenic spots such as Dushanzi Grand Canyon, Tangbula Grassland, and Bayinbuluke Grassland. In response to the peak tourist flow

Crossing Mountains and Seas to Pursue Dreams: Eight Min High Speed Railway | Fujian | Crossing Mountains and Seas to Pursue Dreams: Eight Min
Crossing Mountains and Seas to Pursue Dreams: Eight Min High Speed Railway | Fujian | Crossing Mountains and Seas to Pursue Dreams: Eight Min

In Fujian, where there are eight mountains, one water, and one field, there is a saying that "the Sichuan Road is difficult, and the Fujian Road is even more difficult.". As of the end of 2022, the total length of railways in Fujian Province has exceeded 4000 kilometers, including 1851.7 kilometers of railways with a designed speed of over 200 kilometers per hour, from the end of the road network where there is no inch of railway to the first province in China to have high-speed rail connecting cities. The density of high-speed railways ranks among the top in the country. Among the national "Eight Verticals and Eight Horizontals" high-speed railway channels, three of them cross the land of Fujian, and a blueprint for high-quality development is slowly unfolding in Fujian. On September 26, 2013, the Xiangpu Railway was opened for operation, and Fujian had a fast railway channel directly connecting to the inland; On December 28th, the Xiamen Shenzhen section of the Hangzhou Shenzhen Railway was opened, and the entire southeast coastal high-speed railway was connected. Tielong has achieved its dream speed

High Quality Development Research Tour | "Making Enterprises Come Home Like Going Home" Qingyuan enhances industrial attractiveness → Total Area | City | Enterprises
High Quality Development Research Tour | "Making Enterprises Come Home Like Going Home" Qingyuan enhances industrial attractiveness → Total Area | City | Enterprises

Qingyuan City in Guangdong Province is a city with a history of only 35 years. Although its total area accounts for more than 10% of the total land area of Guangdong Province, its industrial foundation is weak, and many people here have been living a slow life in small cities. However, in recent years, there have been new changes in "small" cities, and many large enterprises have come here. Why did they come to Qingyuan? What changes have been brought to people's lives here? Oupai Integrated Home Furnishings, a "small" city, was one of the first companies to arrive in Qingyuan from Guangzhou. When the reporter arrived here, it was just in time for the factory to finish work. The workshop temporarily quieted down, and the company manager enthusiastically led the reporter to the employee's living area. Zhong Bo, Secretary of the Party Branch of Qingyuan Oupai Integrated Home Furnishings Co., Ltd.: This is the cafeteria in our eastern living area, meeting my needs

"Million Project" Research Tour | Seeing the Future of Rural Areas from Here - Zhejiang Beautiful Countryside Research Tour Project | Hour | Rural
"Million Project" Research Tour | Seeing the Future of Rural Areas from Here - Zhejiang Beautiful Countryside Research Tour Project | Hour | Rural

In summer, the scenery in Jiangnan is picturesque. In the 20 years since the implementation of the "Thousand Village Demonstration and Ten Thousand Village Renovation" project, thousands of rural areas in Zhejiang have completed a beautiful transformation, unfolding a picture of clean village appearance, increased entrepreneurship and income, civilized rural style, and livable and business friendly. Starting from 2021, the "Ten Million Project" will shift towards the stage of "Thousand Villages for the Future, and Ten Thousand Villages for Common Prosperity". Through various explorations in rural areas of Zhejiang, reporters have seen the future of rural areas. The Beautiful Life Center in Meilin Village, Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou City, with efficient display on one screen, is distributed with digital public facilities such as 24-hour rural digital libraries, smart health service stations, unmanned gyms, and unmanned supermarkets. "In the past, we had to go to the city for medical treatment, and the cost of medicine and transportation was a significant expense. Now, smart healthcare in the village can solve it, and there are medicines provided by urban hospitals here." said Wei, a 65 year old villager

Central Radio and Television Financial Review | Promoting China's Shipbuilding Industry with the Sail of Independent Innovation | China | Financial Review
Central Radio and Television Financial Review | Promoting China's Shipbuilding Industry with the Sail of Independent Innovation | China | Financial Review

Riding the wind and waves, striving for strength towards the sea. From the initial bulk carriers to today's large cruise ships, China's shipbuilding industry is sailing at full speed towards the forefront. According to data from the China Shipbuilding Industry Association, in 2022, China's shipbuilding industry maintained the world's first international market share in three major indicators: completion volume, new order volume, and handheld order volume; China's shipbuilding industry has ranked first in the global market share for 13 consecutive years; Among the 18 main ship types, China has a total of 12 new booking units, ranking first in the world. Entering 2023, the development momentum of China's shipbuilding industry remains strong. From January to May 2023, the national shipbuilding completion volume was 16.47 million deadweight tons, a year-on-year increase of 15.4%; The newly undertaken ship orders amounted to 26.45 million deadweight tons, a year-on-year increase of 49.5%, accounting for 67.3% of the global market share. As of May

I am a Strong Country in Technological Innovation (Deep Focus) Teacher | Science | Technology
I am a Strong Country in Technological Innovation (Deep Focus) Teacher | Science | Technology

shandong qingdao xushui road primary school recently launched a scientific education activities, students learn homemade "paper cup rocket". Zhang Ying photographed the staff of the Everest Station of the Chinese Academy of Sciences explaining the functions of scientific instruments to the students of the Complete Primary School in Zhaxi Zong Township, Dingli County, Tibet on May 15. Xinhua News Agency reporter Sun Fei, General Secretary Xi Jinping, during an inspection tour of Yuying School in Beijing, stressed that he hoped that students would set up the ambition of "scientific and technological innovation and strengthening the country with me" from an early age, bravely become small scientists at the moment, and strive to become great scientists in the future. to contribute to the realization of China's high-level scientific and technological self-reliance. Science education is an important foundation to enhance the competitiveness of national science and technology, cultivate innovative talents and improve the scientific quality of the whole people. The quality of science education in primary and secondary schools is very important to cultivate students' scientific quality. How to do real school science education?

He questioned the European Parliament: What is the "lesson" for China Hong Kong | China | The European Parliament
He questioned the European Parliament: What is the "lesson" for China Hong Kong | China | The European Parliament

Irish member of the European Parliament, Mick Wallace, questioned why the European Parliament should interfere in Hong Kong affairs and teach China a lesson, advising Europe not to be so keen on interfering in others' affairs. On the 15th, the European Parliament passed a so-called Hong Kong related resolution, openly supporting anti China and anti Hong Kong elements, clamoring for sanctions against the Chinese central government and officials of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, gross interference in Hong Kong affairs and China's internal affairs, and wanton trampling on the principles of international law and basic norms of international relations. Irish member of the European Parliament, Mick Wallace, publicly criticized this resolution, questioning why the European Parliament is manipulating Hong Kong affairs and teaching China a lesson. He advised Europe not to be so keen on interfering in others' affairs. Wallace visited China in April this year and said that China and its people are admirable,

Is it normal to give points for filling out the wrong answer sheet in the middle school entrance examination? Jinan Education Examination Institute responds to parents | Examination | Jinan
Is it normal to give points for filling out the wrong answer sheet in the middle school entrance examination? Jinan Education Examination Institute responds to parents | Examination | Jinan

On the afternoon of the 15th, a head of a high school in Shandong province said that he received news from the school that a student had filled in the wrong answer sheet during the physics exam. The education examination department replied that considering the child's nervousness, they would give a normal score. Some parents protested against this, stating that the high school entrance examination is a serious matter, which not only violates the law but also violates the fairness of the examination. In the recorded conversation with a staff member from the education examination department provided by the parents, the parents warned the other party that this was seriously inappropriate. The other party said, "We have just received a notice that we will give a score for both horizontal and vertical writing, because we consider that the child was quite nervous at the time." On the afternoon of the 15th, a staff member of Jinan Education Examination Institute said, "After verification, the answer cards used for the physics subject in the middle school graduation grade of our city in 2023 have clear prompts and question numbers. Candidates should follow these instructions."

Official Announcement: Investigation and Handling of Misleading Sales of Beef jerky by Hohhot Specialty Stores | Yuquan District Market Supervision Administration | Specialty Stores | Hohhot
Official Announcement: Investigation and Handling of Misleading Sales of Beef jerky by Hohhot Specialty Stores | Yuquan District Market Supervision Administration | Specialty Stores | Hohhot

According to the "Ping An Qingcheng" WeChat official account, Yuquan District Market Supervision Administration reported on June 18 that after receiving complaints from netizens about the quality of beef jerky in Mongolian red specialty stores and Golden Grassland specialty stores around Dazhao Temple, Yuquan District Market Supervision Administration attached great importance and immediately carried out inspection and handling. After verification, it was found that the Mongolian Red Specialty Store and the Golden Grassland Specialty Store engaged in misleading consumer sales behavior, violating the Administrative Penalty Measures for Infringement of Consumer Rights. In accordance with the relevant provisions of the Consumer Rights Protection Law of the People's Republic of China, the Mongolian Red Specialty Store and the Golden Grassland Specialty Store were lawfully confiscated of their illegal gains and fined 10 times their illegal gains. At the same time, after research, it has been decided to suspend the staff responsible for food circulation at the Market Supervision and Administration Office of Dazhao Temple. Market regulatory authorities will further comply with

Ukraine makes demands to the West to counterattack "very difficult" Ukraine | military | demands
Ukraine makes demands to the West to counterattack "very difficult" Ukraine | military | demands

According to a report on the website of the Spanish newspaper "Daily News" on June 17th, a full week has passed since the Ukrainian army launched a counterattack. The army has made limited progress at several points on the front line, but has also encountered some setbacks, such as the destruction of more than a dozen Western armored vehicles and tanks that Ukraine recently received. Ukrainian Deputy Minister of Defense, Hannah Maria, admitted this week that "moving forward is very difficult.". According to reports, unlike Kiev's astonishing speed in reclaiming large territories in the second half of last year, Ukraine is now facing much more difficult tasks after the Russian military has established over 1000 kilometers of defense lines and fortifications in the occupied areas over the past six months. "Ukrainians are attempting to destroy command posts, troop supply logistics centers, and ammunition depots to weaken Russia's military capabilities," said Anton, a war research expert at Warwick University

Japan is brewing new actions - mentioning defense between China, North Korea, and Russia | Basic Principles | China, North Korea, and Russia
Japan is brewing new actions - mentioning defense between China, North Korea, and Russia | Basic Principles | China, North Korea, and Russia

According to a report by Yomiuri Shimbun on June 18th, the Japanese Defense Minister has formulated basic policies based on the Defense Industry's Production Foundation Strengthening Law, proposing to prioritize sustained combat capability and confidentiality capabilities when purchasing new weapons and equipment such as ammunition and ships, and deploy domestically produced weapons. According to reports, Yomiuri Shimbun recently learned about the content of the above-mentioned draft policy, which requires "learning from the lessons of the Russia Ukraine conflict" and mentions "active military activities in China, North Korea, and Russia.". The draft further claims that Japan's security environment is facing a new crisis, and that the importance of the defense industry is increasing in order for the Self Defense Forces to carry out their tasks. According to reports, Japanese companies have withdrawn from the defense industry citing low yields and other reasons. The draft believes that the foundation of Japan's defense industry is constantly being weakened. According to reports, in the procurement process

Famous football star arrested by Chinese police! Previously taken away at Shanghai Hongqiao Airport Criminal Detention | South Korea | Football Star
Famous football star arrested by Chinese police! Previously taken away at Shanghai Hongqiao Airport Criminal Detention | South Korea | Football Star

Previously, South Korean player Sun Jung ho was criminally detained by the public security organs of Liaoning Province, China, on suspicion of bribery by non-state employees. New news has emerged today, citing sources from the Yonhap News Agency that the Chinese public security organs have officially arrested him and entered the arrest and investigation stage, indicating that the case has begun judicial proceedings, and Sun Jung ho will be tried in court. Sun Zhunhao was taken away by the police before boarding at Hongqiao Airport. According to Yonhap News Agency, on May 12th, he was taken away at Shanghai Hongqiao Airport before boarding a plane returning to South Korea. On May 16, spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Wang Wenbin, responded to reporters' questions about Sun Jung ho's criminal detention, stating that it is understood that a South Korean citizen has recently been criminally detained by the Liaoning Provincial Public Security Bureau on suspicion of bribery by non-state officials. China is

Hua Chunying uploads a photo of the handshake between Chinese and American foreign ministers: hoping for the two countries to return to the consensus reached during the Bali summit. Qin Gang | China | Foreign Minister
Hua Chunying uploads a photo of the handshake between Chinese and American foreign ministers: hoping for the two countries to return to the consensus reached during the Bali summit. Qin Gang | China | Foreign Minister

On June 18, Hua Chunying, Assistant Foreign Minister and Spokesperson of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, uploaded on the social platform a photo of Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang shaking hands with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken before their talks in Beijing. Hua Chunying wrote, "It is expected that this meeting will promote the return of Sino US relations to the consensus reached by the two heads of state when they met in Bali last year." On June 18, Hua Chunying released a picture on the social platform, according to CCTV News, on the afternoon of June 18, Antony Blinken arrived at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse. Later, Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang held talks with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken. Earlier, when talking about Antony Blinken's visit to China, the Foreign Ministry spokesman said that the two sides would exchange views on China US relations and important international and regional issues of common concern. China will clarify its position and concerns regarding China US relations, and resolutely safeguard its own interests. according to

But it was not handed over to Putin. Several African delegations brought Zelensky's letter to Russia Africa | President | Delegation
But it was not handed over to Putin. Several African delegations brought Zelensky's letter to Russia Africa | President | Delegation

A delegation composed of seven African leaders and senior representatives, including South African President Ramaphosa and the rotating Chairman of the African Union, Comoros President Azali, visited Ukraine on the 16th and proposed ten suggestions for a peaceful resolution of the conflict. On the 17th, political delegations from multiple African countries visited St. Petersburg, Russia and held talks with Russian President Putin on issues such as the conflict in Ukraine and the agreement to export agricultural products from Black Sea ports. On June 17th local time, Russian President Putin held a 3-hour meeting with representatives of African dignitaries at the Constantine Palace in St. Petersburg. South African President Ramaphosa proposed ten suggestions to Russia for a peaceful resolution of the conflict at the meeting. He stressed that the Russia-Ukraine conflict must be resolved through diplomatic means, and all parties should ensure the harmonization of international agricultural products

Is it their crowdfunding?, Messi Salary International | Team | Salary
Is it their crowdfunding?, Messi Salary International | Team | Salary

Recently, Messi announced his joining of a Major League Baseball team, Miami International, and is about to embark on a new chapter in his professional career in the United States. For fans who like Messi, this decision may be a bit unexpected; For Messi himself, this seems to take him away from the core stage of world football; For both the new owner and the MLB behind him, signing Messi at a high crowdfunding price is like a reckless gamble. Recently, after finishing his trip to China, Messi has gone to Barcelona, Spain to start his brief vacation, and will then return to Argentina before heading to his new club, Miami International Club. Messi did not choose to throw a whopping 400 million euros in annual salary, or even offer a sky high price of 1.5 billion euros for three years to Saudi football giants, nor did he choose his former club Barcelona, who can continue to compete in European competitions.

Lotus beauty, straw fragrance! Many parts of the country have picturesque scenery, such as wheat, straw, and picturesque scenery
Lotus beauty, straw fragrance! Many parts of the country have picturesque scenery, such as wheat, straw, and picturesque scenery

The preparation for the purchase of summer grain in Xinjiang has started, with a storage capacity of 4.56 million tons. Recently, the purchase of summer grain in Xinjiang in 2023 has been gradually launched. At present, various regions have prepared a storage capacity of 4.56 million tons, which can meet the storage capacity demand for summer grain procurement in 2023. At the Jianggeles Township Grain Station in Yecheng County, grain grower Abdurehman Yasen successfully sold 500 kilograms of wheat through online reservation, with a transaction price of 2.6 yuan per kilogram. Abdul Reheman Yasen, a villager from Heinichaka Village, Jianggeles Township, Yecheng County: This year's reservation service is particularly convenient. There is no need to queue up when you arrive, and it will be sold out in three minutes. The service at the place where you receive the money is also too fast, and I am particularly satisfied. In order to facilitate the smooth sales of grain by farmers, Xinjiang actively promotes the online reservation method for purchasing summer grain. This year, Xinjiang is expected to purchase 3.3 million tons of wheat, and the entire region has been approved

What is the difference between elderly care centers that provide nearby care, diagnosis, rehabilitation, and other services embedded in the community? Construction | System | Community
What is the difference between elderly care centers that provide nearby care, diagnosis, rehabilitation, and other services embedded in the community? Construction | System | Community

Faced with the intensification of population aging, China continues to improve the construction of the elderly health system, continuously explore the model of combining medical and elderly care services, and take measures such as opening elderly care centers and increasing family care beds to continuously promote high-quality medical services to communities and households. In April of this year, the first batch of ten elderly care centers embedded in communities in Beijing began to provide services one after another. What services can elderly care centers provide compared to hospitals and nursing homes? Can we meet the diverse medical service needs of the elderly? The reporter arrived at the Yangfangdian Community Health Service Center in Haidian District, Beijing, and walked into the elderly care center. You can see the newly renovated ward, which is bright and comfortable. There is enough space next to the hospital bed to accommodate wheelchairs, and handrails are installed on the bedside and bathroom to prevent the elderly from falling. The ward has 20 beds exclusively for the elderly

53% of desertified land that can be treated in China has been treated (new data and new insights) Land | Country | China
53% of desertified land that can be treated in China has been treated (new data and new insights) Land | Country | China

This paper, Xi'an, June 17th. The reporter learned on the 17th at the 29th World Desertification and Drought Day National Home Commemorative Event: Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, my country has achieved remarkable results in desertification prevention and control. The task of sand control is 20.33 million hectares, 53% of the controllable desertified land has been controlled, and the rule of law, engineering, assessment, policy, technology promotion, investigation and monitoring system has been initially established, we have embarked on a road of sand prevention and control with Chinese characteristics that conforms to the laws of nature and national conditions. my country is one of the countries with the most serious desertification. Through continuous and systematic governance, the current desertification and desertified land is showing a trend of "overall improvement and acceleration of improvement. The results of the sixth national desertification and desertification survey show that the area of desertification and desertification land in the country has decreased net for four consecutive monitoring periods.

"618" Encounters Festivals, Online Shopping Highlights New Highlights Father's Day | Sales | Festivals
"618" Encounters Festivals, Online Shopping Highlights New Highlights Father's Day | Sales | Festivals

The transaction volume of high school entrance exam "good luck" products such as mother's cheongsam has increased dozens of times; The sales of popular Father's Day gifts such as tea sets and razors are on the rise; The diverse and personalized consumption of household atomizers, flowers, outdoor equipment, and other items is on the rise... "618" has arrived as scheduled, and "coincidentally" the college entrance examination season, Father's Day, and Dragon Boat Festival have presented many new highlights in the online consumer market. The Ministry of Commerce has designated this year as the "Consumer Boosting Year". Several experts stated in an interview with People's Daily Online that during the 618 shopping festival this year, various platforms will further improve consumer experience in terms of pricing, scenarios, logistics, and other aspects, serving the quality and personalized needs of consumers. At the same time, accompanied by exciting consumer promotion activities across the country, it will effectively create a good consumption atmosphere and actively help the consumer market steadily recover. 618 Encounters Festival Consumer Gift Network