The world

Japan still needs to reflect on itself and eliminate its legacy, with international acclaim stating that it has surrendered after 78 years. On the one hand | Japan | International
Japan still needs to reflect on itself and eliminate its legacy, with international acclaim stating that it has surrendered after 78 years. On the one hand | Japan | International

On August 15, 1945, Japan was defeated and declared unconditional surrender. This day was supposed to be a day for Japan to reflect on itself, but to this day, Japanese media still refer to it as the so-called "end of war day", and some Japanese politicians and right-wing forces openly worship Yasukuni Shrine. The legacy of militarism is still spreading within Japan. On the one hand, Japanese politicians insist on worshipping ghosts in an attempt to glorify militarism. The Yasukuni Shrine is an important symbol of Japanese militarism's aggressive war, enshrining 14 Class A war criminals, including Hideki Tojo. But for a long time, some Japanese politicians have insisted on openly paying homage to the so-called "heroes". But in essence, it is just to beautify the history of Japanese militaristic aggression, challenge the victorious achievements and wars of the world's anti fascist war

[Chinese Online Review] Hawaii's "Unprecedented" Fire Shines into the American Governance War, Maui Island, Hawaii | Time | United States
[Chinese Online Review] Hawaii's "Unprecedented" Fire Shines into the American Governance War, Maui Island, Hawaii | Time | United States

On August 8th local time, a raging wildfire broke out on Maui Island, Hawaii, United States, according to China Net commentator Huazhang. As of the 13th, the fire has caused 96 deaths and approximately 1300 people are missing. Hawaii Governor Josh Green said at a press conference, "With the difficult progress of search and rescue efforts, the number of casualties may further increase." According to statistics, this is the deadliest wildfire disaster in the United States in a century. Clay Tranicht, a tropical fire researcher at the University of Hawaii, Manoa, stated that this is the deadliest wildfire in Hawaii to date. Mountain fire is merciless, it shows people the super destructive side of nature. At the same time, the various performances of the US government in emergency management also indicate that the significant losses caused by this wildfire are both natural disasters and man-made disasters. Disaster prevention facilities

US police officers who subjected black people to cruel crimes during law enforcement attempted to frame victims to cover up the scandal, man | police | scandal
US police officers who subjected black people to cruel crimes during law enforcement attempted to frame victims to cover up the scandal, man | police | scandal

On August 15th, American citizens protested against police brutality in law enforcement overseas. According to The Guardian on the 14th, six white former police officers in Mississippi admitted to abusing black people. During a law enforcement process in January, they subjected two black men to torture for an hour and a half, and later attempted to frame the victims to cover up the scandal. On January 24th this year, in a predominantly white community, a white neighbor complained that two black men, Jenkins and Parker, shared a room with a white woman. During the raid, the police abused these black men with electric guns without a search warrant. Officer Elward stuffed the gun into Jenkins's mouth and pulled the trigger. Jenkins later tore his tongue and fractured his chin, making it impossible to speak. The court documents also show that the police engaged in racism against Jenkins and Parker

Interview: "China's position on the Afghanistan issue deserves praise" - Interview with interim government spokesperson Mujahid Xinhua News Agency | Reporter | Position
Interview: "China's position on the Afghanistan issue deserves praise" - Interview with interim government spokesperson Mujahid Xinhua News Agency | Reporter | Position

Kandahar, Afghanistan, August 15 (Xinhua) - "China's stance on the Afghanistan issue is commendable." - Interview with Afghan interim government spokesperson Mujahid Zou Xuemian Zhao Jiasong, Afghan interim government spokesperson Mujahid recently said in an interview with Xinhua in Kandahar that Afghanistan attaches great importance to developing bilateral relations with China and appreciates China's role in the Afghanistan issue. "Our relationship with China is very important, and we attach great importance to it, especially in the economic and diplomatic fields," Mujahid said. "China's position on the Afghanistan issue is commendable!" On August 30, 2021, as the last US transport plane took off from Kabul International Airport, the 20-year Afghanistan War ended with the hasty withdrawal of US troops. To this day, Afghanistan still

Make Beautiful China's "Appearance" Higher, Overseas Online Review: The First National Ecological Day Comes Ecology | China | Appearance
Make Beautiful China's "Appearance" Higher, Overseas Online Review: The First National Ecological Day Comes Ecology | China | Appearance

On April 30th, tourists were boating and relaxing in Xiaoyu Village, Shangsuan Town, Jinning District, south bank of Dianchi Lake. On August 15th, China welcomed its first National Ecological Day, and various forms of ecological civilization promotion and education activities were carried out across the country. National Ecological Day is China's first festival with the theme of "ecology", highlighting the important position of China's ecological civilization construction in the new era, and will better awaken people's sense of achievement and pride in building a beautiful China.Lay the groundwork for green development and run around in various regions

CCTV Journalist Observation | UK Inflation "Fever" Remains, People's Lives in Danger | Bank of England | Inflation | Reporter
CCTV Journalist Observation | UK Inflation "Fever" Remains, People's Lives in Danger | Bank of England | Inflation | Reporter

The inflation rate in the UK continues to be high, and in order to curb inflation, the Bank of England has raised interest rates multiple times. However, this has led to many businesses experiencing excessive pressure and even going bankrupt. This result will ultimately suffer the common people. CCTV reporter Chen Lincong: The hospital behind me is St. Thomas Hospital located in the center of London. At the entrance of the hospital, junior doctors are on strike. Junior doctors: In the past 15 years, the salaries of junior doctors in the UK have decreased by 35%. Our demand is to restore salary income to the same level as before. Our lives are becoming increasingly difficult to sustain. In the past 9 months, primary doctors in the UK have held 5 strikes, resulting in a total of 778000 hospital appointments being cancelled. And this is just a protest by professionals from various industries in the UK against the difficulties inflation poses in their lives

International observation | History cannot be forgotten! Beware of Japan's New Militarism Trends Government | NATO | Trends
International observation | History cannot be forgotten! Beware of Japan's New Militarism Trends Government | NATO | Trends

On August 15, 1945, Japan announced unconditional surrender. The shocking Nanjing Massacre, the infamous 731st Army of the invading Japanese army, and the inhumane "Three Glories Policy"... The invading Japanese army committed countless heinous crimes in China. However, Japan selectively "forgets" its history and only emphasizes its side as a "victim of war" in commemorative events such as the Hiroshima nuclear explosion. Some Japanese politicians also openly worship the Yasukuni Shrine, which enshrines Class A war criminals from World War II. Since last year, the Kishida government has made significant adjustments to its security and foreign policy, which has led Japan to abandon pacifism and return to militarism. Analysts point out that Japan's new militaristic movement not only causes panic and unease among the Japanese people, but also exacerbates the impact on neighboring Asian countries and the international community

China Securities Journal | Xinhua News Agency | Economy
China Securities Journal | Xinhua News Agency | Economy

Beijing, August 14th (Xinhua) - The China Securities Journal published an article on August 14th titled "The Fair for Trade in Services Unleashes Confidence in Opening up to the Outside World and Jointly Promotes World Economic Recovery.". According to the article, on August 13th, a reporter from China Securities News learned from the "I'm Waiting for You at the Service Trade Fair" press conference of the 2023 China International Service Trade Fair that the 2023 Service Trade Fair will be held from September 2nd to 6th at the National Convention Center and Shougang Park. The annual theme is "Open Leading Development, Cooperation and Win Win the Future", with an exhibition size of approximately 155000 square meters, 9 special topics, and six categories of activities including the Global Service Trade Summit. Zhang Yi, Deputy Director of the China Center for International Economic and Technological Exchange, stated at the press conference that hosting this year's Fair for Trade in Services is conducive to further unleashing China's unwavering confidence in promoting high-level opening-up to the outside world

Details disclosed! The 35 billion yuan hydrogen production project in Jiuquan has been terminated due to being a "fake state-owned enterprise". China Guangtong Technology Co., Ltd. | Project | Hydrogen Production
Details disclosed! The 35 billion yuan hydrogen production project in Jiuquan has been terminated due to being a "fake state-owned enterprise". China Guangtong Technology Co., Ltd. | Project | Hydrogen Production

On June 21st, a bidding announcement for the EPC general contracting of a 4GW photovoltaic off grid hydrogen production project in Gansu was released on the China Tendering and Bidding Public Service Platform. The document shows that the bidding entity is Zhongguangtong Technology Co., Ltd., and the project's funding source is self raised funds of 35 billion yuan. The bidding was only a few days ago, and the project was terminated on June 26th due to a change in the procurement plan. According to media reports, after the equity penetration, Zhongguangtong Jiuquan is a sixth level subsidiary of the state-owned enterprise State Power Investment Group Co., Ltd. Shortly thereafter, State Grid Investment Corporation of China issued a statement stating that "Zhongguangtong Technology Co., Ltd. is not a subsidiary of our group, and all its bidding and other activities, as well as the projects it publishes, are not related to our group." The reporter found that in the "List of Counterfeit State Owned Enterprises Announced by Central Enterprises" officially published by the State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, six companies began with "Zhongguangtong"

Three people are still missing, and the flood and debris flow disaster in Xi'anweizipingshan has resulted in 24 fatalities and rescue efforts
Three people are still missing, and the flood and debris flow disaster in Xi'anweizipingshan has resulted in 24 fatalities and rescue efforts

On August 15th, CCTV News reported that at around 6:00 pm on August 11th, a sudden flash flood and mudslide disaster occurred in Jiwozi Group, Aiziping Village, Luanzhen Street, Chang'an District, Xi'an City, due to short-term heavy rainfall. As of now, 24 people have died and 3 have been lost. The reporter learned at the rescue site today that firefighting, public security and other rescue teams are still making every effort to search and rescue missing personnel at the disaster site. This disaster caused 2 households to be damaged, 3 areas on National Highway 210 were severely damaged, 21 areas were slightly damaged, 1 35 kV power line malfunctioned, and 55 communication base stations were shut down. Today, local roads, electricity, and communication have all been restored. At the same time, we are continuing to carry out risk elimination and reinforcement work for key areas and river embankments to prevent secondary disasters from occurring.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Serious negotiations have been made with the Japanese side, and Fumio Kishida is offering sacrificial fees to the Yasukuni Shrine. Wang Wenbin | Regular press conference of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Serious negotiations have been made with the Japanese side, and Fumio Kishida is offering sacrificial fees to the Yasukuni Shrine. Wang Wenbin | Regular press conference of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

On August 15th, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin presided over a regular press conference. A reporter from Kyodo News Agency of Japan asked, it is reported that today Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida offered sacrificial fees to Yasukuni Shrine in his personal name. In addition, one of the cabinet members, Takashi Hayao, also visited Yasukuni Shrine. What is China's response to this? Wang Wenbin stated that 78 years ago today, August 15, 1945, Japan accepted the Potsdam Proclamation and declared unconditional surrender. The Chinese people, together with the people of the world, defeated the Japanese militarist aggressors and fascism. This is a great victory of justice over evil, light over darkness, and progress over reactionary forces, which will forever be engraved in the history of the justice cause of the Chinese nation and humanity. Wang Wenbin pointed out that the Yasukuni Shrine is a spiritual tool for Japanese militarism to launch foreign aggression wars

Is there a risk of leakage? Tesla's latest response comes with data | China | Risk
Is there a risk of leakage? Tesla's latest response comes with data | China | Risk

In response to recent media reports that Tesla is prohibited from entering Yueyang Airport due to Tesla's Sentinel mode, there is a risk of leakage. Tesla China responded through its official WeChat account on the evening of August 14th, providing further explanation for its Sentinel mode and stating that the company has established a data center in China to achieve localized data storage. All data generated by the sales of vehicles in the Chinese Mainland market will be stored in China. Meanwhile, Tesla revealed to reporters that its data center is located within the Shanghai Lingang Super Factory. The company also stated that the previous "No Tesla Entry" sign at Yueyang Airport has been removed and vehicles can enter. However, this statement has not been confirmed by the local public security organs. And this incident also raised concerns about A-share data security related concepts

Does China plan to conduct a new round of military exercises? Ministry of Foreign Affairs Response Principles | US and Taiwan | Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Does China plan to conduct a new round of military exercises? Ministry of Foreign Affairs Response Principles | US and Taiwan | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

On August 15th, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin presided over a regular press conference. Reuters reporter asked, does China have any plans to conduct a new round of military exercises after Lai Ching te returns to Taiwan this Friday? Wang Wenbin's profile shows that we have already expressed China's position on Lai Qingde's "transit" to the United States.Wang Wenbin pointed out that the collusion between the United States and Taiwan, using "transit" as a pretext to arrange for Lai Ching te to engage in political activities in the United States, seriously violates the One China principle and seriously damages China's sovereignty and territorial integrity.Wang Wenbin emphasized that,

Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Support Cuba in Holding the Havana Summit of the Group of 77 and China
Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Support Cuba in Holding the Havana Summit of the Group of 77 and China

On August 15th, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin presided over a regular press conference. A reporter asked, what is your comment on the upcoming meeting of the Group of 77 and China in September? What is your comment on Cuba serving as the rotating chairman of the Group of 77 and China? Wang Wenbin stated that the Group of 77 and China is a mechanism for cooperation among developing countries, and has always adhered to upholding international fairness and justice and defending the common interests of developing countries. The Chinese side appreciates the work done by the Cuban side as the rotating presidency for 2023, supports the hosting of the Havana Summit of the Group of 77 and China, and looks forward to the summit making positive contributions to strengthening solidarity and cooperation among developing countries and jointly addressing challenges.

A "plane disturbance" was arrested, and on the flight, the phone was not turned off, the cabin ran recklessly, and the flight attendant was pushed down. | Flight | Phone
A "plane disturbance" was arrested, and on the flight, the phone was not turned off, the cabin ran recklessly, and the flight attendant was pushed down. | Flight | Phone

The reporter learned from the Public Security Bureau of Capital Airport that the airport police have carried out two special operations, namely the summer public security crackdown and the rectification of "aircraft disturbance". Recently, they have strictly and quickly investigated and dealt with an "aircraft disturbance" incident that occurred on a flight from Urumqi to Beijing. The passengers involved have been administratively detained in accordance with the law. On the day of the incident, the East District Police Station of the Capital Airport received an alarm from the airport operation control center. On a flight from Urumqi to Beijing, a passenger caused trouble during the taxiing, takeoff, and climb stages of the plane. Despite multiple dissuasions from the crew, it affected the order inside the cabin. When the plane arrived at the Capital International Airport, six police officers rushed to the scene as soon as possible, took the involved passenger Zhan away, and summoned him to the police station in accordance with the law. After investigation by the police, it was found that during the taxiing process of the plane about to take off, Zhan continued to use his phone to reply

The "Physical Examination Results" of the Marine Ecological Environment in Jiaozhou Bay continue to improve. Typical | China | Ecological Environment
The "Physical Examination Results" of the Marine Ecological Environment in Jiaozhou Bay continue to improve. Typical | China | Ecological Environment

Xinhua News Agency, Qingdao, August 14th - The results of the physical examination of the marine ecological environment in Jiaozhou Bay continue to improve. Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Kai: Jiaozhou Bay is a typical bay near China's coast. In recent years, Qingdao City, located in Jiaozhou Bay, Shandong Province, has continuously improved the health of the ecosystem in Jiaozhou Bay since 2003 through unremitting green governance measures. Jiaozhou Bay is an important fishing ground on the Jiaodong Peninsula and a natural bay with beautiful scenery and excellent environment. But since the 1990s, with the acceleration of urbanization and population growth in Qingdao, the local industry, agriculture, and aquaculture have developed rapidly, leading to a continuous increase in sewage and wastewater discharge. On the other hand, the development of tourism, transportation, and offshore engineering construction has also had a huge impact on the ecological environment of the bay, and the environmental problems in Jiaozhou Bay are becoming increasingly prominent. according to

112 National Green Factories Rising in Beijing Nationwide | BOE | Factories
112 National Green Factories Rising in Beijing Nationwide | BOE | Factories

Beijing, August 14th (Xinhua) - Overlooking BOE's 8.5 generation factory in Yizhuang, Beijing, rows of solar photovoltaic panels cover the roof. A wastewater recovery system is installed in the factory area to achieve 100% recycled water production. Including the Beijing factory, the photovoltaic installed capacity of BOE's nationwide factories reaches 114 megawatts, which is equivalent to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by about 60000 tons. On the occasion of the first National Ecological Day, the reporter learned from the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Economy and Information Technology that, like BOE, more and more factories in Beijing are moving forward in a "green" direction. The number of national level green factories in the city has reached 112, and green and low-carbon are becoming the "new standard" for high-quality development in the capital. What is a green factory? According to national standards, green factories refer to those that have achieved land intensification, harmless treatment of raw materials, clean and purified production, and resource utilization of waste

Whole basin system research! The scientific research team for ecological protection in the Yellow River Basin is doing this ->High quality | Yellow River Basin | System
Whole basin system research! The scientific research team for ecological protection in the Yellow River Basin is doing this ->High quality | Yellow River Basin | System

Recently, the scientific research team jointly established by Chang'an University and the Institute of Earth Environment of the Chinese Academy of Sciences carried out scientific surveys in the upper, middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River basin, providing scientific data support for ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River basin. This scientific examination involves multiple disciplines such as ecology, hydrology, geology and geomorphology, disasters, transportation, cultural tourism, etc., with the participation of experts from multiple disciplines, who collaborate and deepen cooperation with each other. Vice President Fan Wen of Chang'an University: Through systematic research across the entire river basin, provide scientific data and decision-making consultation to support ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River Basin. Li Zhenhong, Deputy Director of the National Key Laboratory of Loess Science: We use modern observation technology, equipment, and methods to obtain ecological and geological environmental background data, as well as economic and social background data for the entire upper, middle, and lower reaches of the Yellow River Basin

"Haze Grey" → "Normal Blue" He spent ten years filming to witness the changes in Beijing's sky PM2.5 | Beijing | Normal Blue "He used
"Haze Grey" → "Normal Blue" He spent ten years filming to witness the changes in Beijing's sky PM2.5 | Beijing | Normal Blue "He used

Nowadays, many people like to post "Beijing Blue" on their social media, which means the beautiful blue sky of Beijing. In the past decade, the air quality in Beijing has significantly improved, with PM2.5 dropping to 30 micrograms per cubic meter in 2022. The speed of air quality improvement has also been dubbed a "miracle" by the United Nations Environment Programme. With the continuous improvement of air quality, people's sense of gain is also constantly increasing. Since the beginning of 2013, Beijing citizen Zou Yi has been taking photos of the sky with his phone every day, regardless of whether it is cloudy, sunny, rainy or snowy. Today, he has been taking photos for 3922 days, truly witnessing the transformation of Beijing's sky from "haze gray" to "normal blue". Citizen Zou Yi: Every day, I take such a "plain" photo. What can I do with taking a photo? Actually, there's nothing we can do. But if we persist

Caring for Green Mountains, Green Waters, Green Production and Lifestyle, Becoming Action Conscious, Green | Asian Games | Life
Caring for Green Mountains, Green Waters, Green Production and Lifestyle, Becoming Action Conscious, Green | Asian Games | Life

CCTV News: On August 14th, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province held a launching ceremony for the green Asian Games volunteer service activities and special activities such as the Ecological Tour around the Lake to welcome the Asian Games. By organizing a series of activities, we aim to further integrate the awareness of ecological civilization into the hearts and minds of this Asian Games. On the morning of August 14th, the Hangzhou Municipal Green Volunteer Service Team was established and the Green Asian Games Volunteer Service Activity was launched. The Hangzhou Municipal Green Volunteer Service Team was established, and each district, county, and city established a brigade. The volunteer service team will combine the construction of a beautiful Hangzhou and the guarantee of the Green Asian Games, strengthen coordination and linkage, actively create a "everyone is a supervisor, everyone is a volunteer" atmosphere of national green participation, and form a new trend of national green volunteer civilization. Welcoming the Asian Games - "I Reduce 1 gram for Blue Sky" Ecological Tour Around the Lake was also held on the same day, adhering to the principle of "caring for green mountains and rivers, forging health"

Heilongjiang: Significant Recovery of Wildlife Conservation Population Staff | Camera | Heilongjiang
Heilongjiang: Significant Recovery of Wildlife Conservation Population Staff | Camera | Heilongjiang

Recently, staff from Muling Forestry Bureau Co., Ltd. of Longjiang Forest Industry Group rediscovered the wild Northeast tiger "Wanda Mountain No.1" through field infrared cameras during routine patrols. On April 23, 2021, the wild Northeast tiger "Wanda Mountain No.1" entered Linhu Village, Baiyuwan Town, Mishan City, Heilongjiang Province. The relevant departments of Heilongjiang Province carried out field rescue on it and released it to the Laoyeling Mountains of Changbai Mountain on May 18, 2021. Zhao Yue, a research assistant at the feline animal research center of the National Forestry and Grass Administration of Northeast Forestry University, introduced that the "Wanda Mountain No.1" appearing in the video was captured in April this year. From the footage, it appears to have shiny fur and much stronger than before. "Wanda Mountain 1" captured by an infrared camera. In addition to "Wanda Mountain No.1", the staff also worked on two other infrared cameras

An increase of 8.23% compared to the same period last year! The monitoring results of summer migratory birds in Qinghai Lake for 2023 have arrived → Biodiversity | Qinghai Lake | Same period last year
An increase of 8.23% compared to the same period last year! The monitoring results of summer migratory birds in Qinghai Lake for 2023 have arrived → Biodiversity | Qinghai Lake | Same period last year

From August 4 to 13, the Administration of Qinghai Lake National Nature Reserve, together with Qinghai Normal University, Henan University, Tsinghua University, Northwest Normal University, Institute of Zoology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Hydrobiology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Northwest Plateau Biology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Zoology of Shaanxi Province and other institutions of higher learning and scientific research, completed the comprehensive survey of biodiversity of Qinghai Lake National Nature Reserve in 2023 in 10 days. The monitoring results of waterbirds show that a total of 46 species and over 116600 waterbirds were recorded in 24 major waterbird habitats, including Bird Island and Haixin Mountain; Among them, there are 121 black necked cranes, a national first-class key protected wild animal, 7 horned grebes, 583 black necked grebes, 10 swans, 4 white waisted curlew, and flipping stones

Heze, Shandong: Fragrant melons and fruits create a "sweet" landscape. Sunshine | Grapes | Heze, Shandong
Heze, Shandong: Fragrant melons and fruits create a "sweet" landscape. Sunshine | Grapes | Heze, Shandong

Heze, August 15th (People's Daily) - On an endless thousand acre orchard, rows of grape trellises come into view, with clusters of plump grapes hanging down, purple like gemstones and green like jade. Under the sunshine, they emit a intoxicating aroma... Currently, it is the season when fruits and melons are ripe and on the market. In an ecological agriculture high-tech industrial park in Heze, Shandong, bright red apples cluster around green leaves, making people drool. Rows of pear trees are lush with branches and leaves, resembling autumn pears in the shape of a full moon. They are densely packed and hanging on the branches. "There are grape varieties such as Sunshine Rose and Summer Black, and here are Autumn Moon Pear and Asus Apple." The relevant person in charge of the park explained, "Our industrial park has planted 400 acres of Autumn Moon Pear, 400 acres of Apple, and 200 acres of Grape. The orchard adopts integrated water and fertilizer, and follows the requirements of 'one control, two reductions, and three basics'."

HD Large Picture | Yongchuan, Chongqing: Mechanized Operation for Rice Harvesting Press Fast Forward Button for Rice | Reporter | Yongchuan, Chongqing
HD Large Picture | Yongchuan, Chongqing: Mechanized Operation for Rice Harvesting Press Fast Forward Button for Rice | Reporter | Yongchuan, Chongqing

On August 13th, the rice mechanized harvesting operation site was captured in Jinmen Village, Ji'an Town, Yongchuan District. Since August, nearly 600000 acres of rice in Yongchuan District, Chongqing have gradually matured, and mechanized operations have pressed the fast forward button for rice harvesting. Yongchuan District is one of the main grain production areas in Chongqing. In recent years, the local government has fully implemented rice planting subsidy policies, coordinated the construction of high standard farmland, vigorously promoted agricultural production mechanization, strengthened agricultural technology services, effectively ensured food security, and promoted sustained income growth for farmers. Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Quanchao reported on the scene of rice mechanized harvesting operations captured on August 13th in Jinmen Village, Ji'an Town, Yongchuan District. Wang Quanchao, a journalist from Xinhua News Agency, captured the scene of rice mechanized harvesting operations in Jinmen Village, Ji'an Town, Yongchuan District on August 13th. Xinhua News Agency

Hebei: "Green Channel" Smooth Post Disaster Reconstruction Financial Support Factory | Loan | Hebei
Hebei: "Green Channel" Smooth Post Disaster Reconstruction Financial Support Factory | Loan | Hebei

Shijiazhuang, August 14th (Xinhua) -- Hebei Province: "Green Channel" Smooth Post Disaster Reconstruction Financial Support Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Taoxiong arrived at Hebei Genghong Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd. located in Baichigan Town, Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province on the afternoon of the 13th. With the sound of clanging, a scaffolding over 8 meters high on the exterior wall of the factory building was completed, and the deputy general manager of the company, Wang Fen, was discussing the next step of repairing the roof of the factory with the workers. Hebei Genghong Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd. is a modern agricultural enterprise focusing on purple corn planting and deep processing. The production workshop and planting area are located on both sides of the Beijuma River. Affected by the rainstorm and flood, the plant and production equipment were damaged to varying degrees. "At present, our company's most urgent tasks are factory maintenance, production equipment maintenance and replacement, and procurement of raw materials.",

Hebei Province promotes the replacement of farmland and helps farmers restore agricultural production technology as soon as possible
Hebei Province promotes the replacement of farmland and helps farmers restore agricultural production technology as soon as possible

CCTV news: In order to minimize the adverse impact of rainstorm and flood on agricultural production, Hebei has organized agricultural technology experts to go deep into the field to provide technical guidance, promote replanting and replanting of farmland, do a good job in fertilization and pest control after rain, and help farmers resume agricultural production as soon as possible. In Tongmeilu Village, Yuanshi County, Shijiazhuang City, agricultural technology experts brought cabbage seeds and walked into the fields to guide villagers in planting Chinese cabbage. It is understood that there are more than 2300 acres of crops in the village, including more than 2000 acres of corn, all of which have suffered from varying degrees of waterlogging, and some corn seedlings have withered, yellowed, and gone extinct. The maturity period of Chinese cabbage is about 55-75 days, and the yield of commercial vegetables per mu can reach over 12000 kilograms, helping villagers stop losses and increase income. 8000 acres of soybean and corn compound planting in Anping County, Hengshui City, with agricultural technology experts delving into the fields and promoting it

The production and living order in the disaster stricken areas of Beijing Tianjin Hebei and Northeast China are accelerating the restoration of agriculture, flood control, and daily life
The production and living order in the disaster stricken areas of Beijing Tianjin Hebei and Northeast China are accelerating the restoration of agriculture, flood control, and daily life

CCTV News: In recent days, multiple regions and relevant departments in China have made every effort to do a good job in flood prevention and disaster relief. At present, the flood control work in Tianjin is still ongoing, and the production and living order in the disaster stricken areas of Beijing Tianjin Hebei and Northeast China is accelerating. Tianjin: Some of the people who have been resettled have returned to their villages one after another, and the flood discharge work in Tianjin continues. The water level of the Daqing River fluctuates slowly and falls back. The discharge volume of Yongding River continues to decrease and enters the final stage of water withdrawal. Tianjin lifted the red flood warning for Yongding River on the 14th. As of 24:00 on August 13th, Tianjin has transferred and resettled more than 86000 people, of which more than 33000 have returned home. National Flood Control Administration: In response to the adjustment of Tianjin's flood control emergency response to level three, on August 14th, the National Flood Control Administration adjusted Tianjin's flood control level two emergency response to level three. National Defense Office

The vast space in China's manufacturing industry will bring sustained profitability to foreign-funded enterprises. State Council | News | China
The vast space in China's manufacturing industry will bring sustained profitability to foreign-funded enterprises. State Council | News | China

CCTV News: Recently, the State Council issued the "Opinions on Further Optimizing the Foreign Investment Environment and Increasing the Attraction of Foreign Investment". 24 policy measures have been proposed in six aspects, including improving the quality of foreign investment utilization and ensuring the national treatment of foreign-invested enterprises. On the afternoon of August 14th, at the State Council Policy Regular Briefing held by the State Council Information Office, officials from relevant departments such as the Ministry of Commerce interpreted this policy document. The person in charge of the Ministry of Commerce introduced that the Opinion has four main characteristics: first, expanding the breadth and depth of opening up to the outside world; second, improving the level of investment and operation facilitation; and third, increasing the guidance for foreign investment. Assistant Minister of Commerce Chen Chunjiang: The fourth is to strengthen the promotion and service guarantee of foreign investment. For example, establishing and improving the roundtable conference system for foreign-invested enterprises. Make good use of the original free trade agreement

Chain brands sinking into rural markets, making multiple efforts to enrich the people's "money bags" to help improve consumption quality in counties, towns, and markets
Chain brands sinking into rural markets, making multiple efforts to enrich the people's "money bags" to help improve consumption quality in counties, towns, and markets

CCTV News: The "Three Year Action Plan for County level Commerce" clarifies the construction tasks of the three-level commercial system at the county, township, and village levels. What is the current development status of these three levels of regions? The connection between the county and the city, as well as the countryside, is becoming an important driving force for stabilizing growth and promoting consumption. In the past, exclusive 24-hour chain convenience stores in big cities were increasingly sinking into county towns, injecting new impetus into the economic development of counties. Recently, Shenmu City, Shaanxi Province welcomed the first 24-hour chain convenience store, with sales reaching 20000 yuan on the first day. Convenience store inventory covers a wide range of products from food and drink to fast-moving consumer goods, and can update and iterate products in a timely manner based on consumer trends, big data, and other factors. At the same time, the local area has also built logistics and warehousing bases that radiate throughout the city and counties, solving the problems of "daily buying", "emergency buying", and "release"

Three policy measures have been introduced to stabilize foreign investment expectations and boost foreign investment confidence in China. Introduction. Here | Foreign investment
Three policy measures have been introduced to stabilize foreign investment expectations and boost foreign investment confidence in China. Introduction. Here | Foreign investment

CCTV News: In order to attract and utilize foreign investment more vigorously, China has recently issued the "Opinions on Further Optimizing the Foreign Investment Environment and Increasing the Attraction of Foreign Investment". At the State Council's regular policy briefing held on August 14th, relevant authoritative departments made specific introductions. The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Finance stated on August 14th that policy measures will be introduced from three aspects to actively stabilize foreign investment expectations and boost confidence in foreign investment in China. Fu Jinling, Director of the Economic Construction Department of the Ministry of Finance, introduced that China's tax system treats domestic and foreign enterprises equally. Foreign funded enterprises shall pay corresponding taxes in accordance with tax laws and regulations, and may also enjoy various current tax preferential policies in accordance with regulations. On this basis, in order to attract foreign investment in China, some special tax preferential policies have also been introduced. Central financial arrangements for foreign trade