The world

Communication: Wuwen West East African Medical Students Utilizing Chinese Wisdom to Benefit Homeland Rwanda | Traditional Chinese Medicine | Wisdom
Communication: Wuwen West East African Medical Students Utilizing Chinese Wisdom to Benefit Homeland Rwanda | Traditional Chinese Medicine | Wisdom

Xinhua News Agency, Changsha, July 2, Newsletter: No question about West and East African medical students using Chinese wisdom to benefit their homeland Xinhua News Agency reporters waiting for master's degree students to enter the school, Rwandan students Lin Qian and Gao Ruisi did not relax. They made a good study plan and planned to strengthen medical Chinese practice to prepare for the new semester. This pair of good friends from Rwanda are both graduates of the International Education College of Changsha Medical College majoring in clinical medicine. This fall, they will both enter Central South University for graduate studies. At the undergraduate level, the college has specially set up traditional Chinese medicine courses such as traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture and massage for international students. During the graduation practice, Lin Qian and Gao Ruisi spent one year in Changsha No.4 Hospital and rotated 13 departments. The study and practice of traditional Chinese medicine courses will expose them to a new medical field.

"Japan's selfish and selfish behavior should be condemned by all humanity" (International perspective) Fukushima | Ocean | Perspective
"Japan's selfish and selfish behavior should be condemned by all humanity" (International perspective) Fukushima | Ocean | Perspective

Recently, people from Fukushima and all over Japan held protests in Fukushima City to express their firm opposition to the discharge of Fukushima nuclear contaminated water to the sea. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Xiaoyu The nuclear-contaminated water discharge equipment of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Japan has recently ended its trial operation, and the construction of a submarine tunnel for the discharge of nuclear-contaminated water has also been completed. The Japanese government and Tokyo Electric Power Company have repeatedly pushed for preparations for the discharge of nuclear contaminated water to the sea, which has been continuously opposed and criticized by Japan and the international community. All parties urge Japan to face up to its concerns, effectively dispose of nuclear contaminated water in a scientific, safe and transparent manner, and accept strict international supervision. "The sea is the common property of the world, and it cannot be decided by Japan alone." On June 28, the president of TEPCO, Tomiaki Kozakawa, was strong at the general meeting of shareholders.

UN Coordinator in China: Inner Mongolia has achieved fruitful afforestation results, and China is an important player in addressing climate change
UN Coordinator in China: Inner Mongolia has achieved fruitful afforestation results, and China is an important player in addressing climate change

On July 1st, UN Coordinator in China, Chang Qide, gave a speech at the 11th World Peace Forum's "Climate and Multilateralism" Cooperation Group Discussion, affirming China's positive role in addressing global climate change. Chang Qide stated that China is an important global actor and has played a crucial role in addressing climate change. Its efforts in sustainable development, the utilization of renewable energy, and emission reduction are commendable. China's commitment to peaking carbon emissions by 2030 and achieving carbon neutrality by 2060 demonstrates its determination to take action on climate change. Chang Qide also gave an example that he recently visited the Kubuqi Desert in Inner Mongolia with the Executive Secretary General of the United Nations, Amina, to see the achievements of local afforestation work

"Played an important and constructive role in international and regional affairs" Shanghai Cooperation Organization | Global | Regional
"Played an important and constructive role in international and regional affairs" Shanghai Cooperation Organization | Global | Regional

"The Shanghai Cooperation Organization has played an important and constructive role in international and regional affairs, demonstrating strong vitality and broad development prospects." Mohammad Asif Nur, Director of the Islamabad Institute for Peace and Diplomacy in Pakistan, recently stated in an interview with our reporter that the Eurasian continent is a common home for regional countries, and maintaining peace and development on the Eurasian continent is a common expectation of the region and even countries around the world. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization shoulders important responsibilities for this. "In recent years, in the context of frequent regional hot topics, rising non-traditional security threats such as extremism and terrorism, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization has played a role in safeguarding regional security and stability, and jointly seeking economic prosperity. Nur stated that by continuing to carry out joint anti-terrorism exercises and cooperating to address traditional and non-traditional security challenges."

"SCO will confidently take new steps forward" conference | Organization | SCO
"SCO will confidently take new steps forward" conference | Organization | SCO

Former Deputy Secretary General of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Vladimir Portapenko, recently stated in an interview with our reporter that "the SCO will confidently take new steps forward.". Potaparco stated that since its establishment, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization has always adhered to the "Shanghai Spirit", continuously consolidated its member states' good neighborly friendship and political mutual trust, deepened cooperation in various fields, and played an important constructive role in international and regional affairs. He said that although it is necessary to make new plans both internally and externally, the SCO in the post pandemic era

Promoting China Africa Economic and Trade Cooperation to a New Level (Harmony) | Africa | Economic and Trade Cooperation
Promoting China Africa Economic and Trade Cooperation to a New Level (Harmony) | Africa | Economic and Trade Cooperation

China and Africa are good friends, good partners, and good brothers who share the same boat in the face of storms and help each other. Both sides actively explore new paths of cooperation, open up growth points for cooperation, and will undoubtedly promote China Africa economic and trade cooperation to a new level, helping to build a new era of China Africa community with a shared future. In the Benin Exhibition Hall, the diverse cotton varieties attract visitors to stop; In the Madagascar exhibition hall, vanilla pods, cocoa, and other items allow visitors to taste the "flavor" of African island countries; Inside the Congo Pavilion, exquisite copper sculptures, lifelike wood carvings, and more are dazzling... At the recently held 3rd China Africa Economic and Trade Expo, many African countries' specialties appeared on stage, showcasing the vitality and vigor of China Africa economic and trade cooperation.As the largest under the framework of the Forum on China Africa Cooperation

Central Africa on the the Belt and Road | Career | Belt
Central Africa on the the Belt and Road | Career | Belt

On June 29, at the Changsha International Convention and Exhibition Center, guests passed in front of the exhibition hall of the high-quality "the Belt and Road" achievements jointly built by China and Africa. Photographed by Chen Yehua, a reporter of Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, July 2, the title: Meng Jia, Wang Guansen and Liu Fangzhou, reporters of Xinhua News Agency on the "the Belt and Road", have implemented cooperation projects one by one, and gradually promoted agreement policies one by one... This year marks the 10th anniversary of the proposal to jointly build the "the Belt and Road", the concept of true, close and honest policy towards Africa, and the correct concept of righteousness and benefit. Over the past 10 years, China and Africa have worked hand in hand and continuously expanded their cooperation areas. The Third China Africa Economic and Trade Expo, with the theme of "seeking common development and sharing the future", was held in Changsha from June 29th to July 2nd. People from all countries gathered on the land of Sanxiang to plan for building a high-level community with a shared future for China and Africa. This is

Global Connection | Joining Hands with African Destiny | China | Connection
Global Connection | Joining Hands with African Destiny | China | Connection

Africa and China are separated by mountains and rivers, far apart, but they are good partners for cooperation and win-win, and good brothers for shared destiny. China and Africa work together to deepen cooperation and bring tangible benefits to the people of China and Africa. In the vast East African Plateau, the Mombasa Nairobi standard gauge railway in Kenya has become a beautiful scenic line. The Inner Mongolia Railway was constructed by a Chinese enterprise and opened to traffic on May 31, 2017. The construction of the whole line adopts Chinese standards, which is an important achievement of the joint construction of the "the Belt and Road" between China and Kenya. This year marks the 10th anniversary of the joint construction of the "the Belt and Road" initiative, as well as the 10th anniversary of the introduction of the concept of true, friendly and sincere policy towards Africa and the correct concept of righteousness and benefit. In the past 10 years, China and Africa have closely cooperated, and the friendship between China and Africa has crossed mountains and seas. Now standing at a new historical starting point, China will continue to work together with Africa to become even closer

World Weekly | The Endless Population of America's Poison Disease | Report | The United States
World Weekly | The Endless Population of America's Poison Disease | Report | The United States

June 26th is International Narcotics Day. According to a report by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, the United States is the world's largest consumer of drugs, with approximately 60% of the drugs produced globally imported into the United States. Last year, about 109600 people in the United States died from drug overdose, which not only set a historical record but also exceeded the total number of deaths from gunshots and car accidents in the United States that year. Fortune magazine bluntly stated that drugs have become the biggest public health problem in the United States. Some people stumble along, some lose consciousness and lie on the ground, and some make actions similar to self harm. This is not the setting of a zombie movie, but rather a terrifying scene that actually takes place in some first tier cities in the United States. The Daily Mail of the UK described Kensington Avenue, the largest city in Pennsylvania and the center of Philadelphia, as having now been eroded by drugs

"Rong Huo" returns to Rong! Chengdu Universiade Torch Relay Chengdu Station Launches Torch | Return to Chengdu
"Rong Huo" returns to Rong! Chengdu Universiade Torch Relay Chengdu Station Launches Torch | Return to Chengdu

Chengdu, July 2 (Xinhua) - Spanning mountains and rivers, spreading throughout the north and south of the country. After passing through five stops in Beijing, Harbin, Shenzhen, Chongqing, and Yibin, the torch of the 31st Summer Universiade returned to the host city of Chengdu. On the morning of the 2nd, the torch relay of the 31st Summer Universiade, Chengdu Station, was launched at Sichuan University. Lotus flowers bloomed in front of the magnificent Mingde Tower, exuding youth. The light of "Rong Huo" will illuminate the "vibrant Rong City". On July 2nd, teachers and students from Sichuan University cheered the torchbearers along the torch relay. Photo by Wang Xi, Xinhua News Agency: On the 2nd, it was the first day of the torch relay at Chengdu Station. The "Rong Huo" was held at Sichuan University, Chengdu Sports College, and Chengdu Vocational and Technical College, with 31 torchbearers from sports, civil aviation, education, medical, and science

Youth | China Africa | Economic and Trade Cooperation
Youth | China Africa | Economic and Trade Cooperation

On July 2nd, the third China Africa Economic and Trade Expo officially came to an end. Over the course of four days, 53 African countries, 12 international organizations, 30 domestic provinces, regions, and cities, as well as more than 1700 Chinese and African enterprises, business associations, and financial institutions, actively participated in the exhibition, with over 100000 visitors. A total of 120 projects have been signed by all parties, with a total amount of 10.3 billion US dollars, showcasing the strong vitality and resilience of China Africa economic and trade cooperation. On June 30th, at the high-end seminar on deep economic and trade cooperation between China and Africa, the International Trade and Economic Cooperation Research Institute of the Ministry of Commerce released the "Report on China Africa Economic and Trade Relations 2023". The report shows that China has maintained its position as Africa's largest trading partner for 14 consecutive years. In 2022, the trade volume between China and Africa further increased to 282 billion US dollars, reaching a historic high.

Building a communication platform to promote cooperation, upgrading, and innovation | Changsha | Cooperation
Building a communication platform to promote cooperation, upgrading, and innovation | Changsha | Cooperation

June 29, Changsha International Convention and Exhibition Center, participants in the selection of goods. Photo by Fu Cong On June 29, representatives of merchants visited the China-Africa Economic and Trade Cooperation Promotion Innovation Demonstration Park in Changsha Gaoqiao Market. Photo by Xu xing Changsha international convention and exhibition center, main exhibition hall of the 3rd china-africa economic and trade fair. Xinhua News Agency reporter Chen Yehua photographed the aspirant, not far from the mountains and seas. From June 29 to July 2, the third China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo was held in Changsha, Hunan. 53 African countries with diplomatic relations, 12 international organizations such as the United Nations Industrial Development Organization and the African Union, 30 domestic provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, more than 1700 Chinese and African enterprises, business associations and financial institutions actively participated in the meeting and discussed cooperation. Nearly 130 African ministerial officials, ambassadors to China and heads of international organizations attended the meeting, with 1700 foreign guests and domestic guests.

Grandmother, who was shot dead by police in France, calls for the unrest to be quelled as soon as possible
Grandmother, who was shot dead by police in France, calls for the unrest to be quelled as soon as possible

The Paris police in France have stated that they will make every effort to maintain security and order in the capital. Due to the ongoing escalation of police shooting of young people, riots have occurred in France for several consecutive days. On July 2nd, Laurent Nunez, the police chief of Paris, stated in a television interview that the level of unrest in the capital city of Paris has decreased, but the police will continue to maintain their police presence in Paris in the coming days and make every effort to maintain local security and order. Faced with the current riot situation, the grandmother of a teenager who was shot by the police issued a call on the 2nd, hoping that the nationwide riot can be quelled as soon as possible. She said that despite being in grief, some people create riots and destruction in the name of their grandchildren, which is not what their family wants.

Let's talk about innovation | Cheng Rui: Star Wish Satellite | Innovation | Cheng Rui
Let's talk about innovation | Cheng Rui: Star Wish Satellite | Innovation | Cheng Rui

In the new era of 10 years, China has accelerated the promotion of technological self-reliance and self-improvement, continuously strengthened basic research and original innovation, achieved breakthroughs in some key core technologies, and achieved important results in manned spaceflight, lunar exploration, satellite navigation, and other areas. Technological innovation is not easy, and tackling key core technologies is even more difficult. The new national system has given us the confidence to overcome difficulties. The documentary series "Everyone Talks about Innovation" jointly produced by the Propaganda Department of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, the External Propaganda Office of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, and the Wenhui Newspaper will be launched online from July 3, telling the vivid practice of Shanghai accelerating the construction of a globally influential science and technology innovation center from the perspective of experts. Today, we launched the first episode of Star Wish, following the footsteps of Cheng Rui, member of the Party Committee, member of the Board of the Academy, and head of the Scientific Research Management Department of the Institute of Micro Satellite Innovation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

The busiest passenger group is in the same box again! What are the ordinary people's experiences of "space travel" revealed| Busiest passenger group | Travel? | Passenger group
The busiest passenger group is in the same box again! What are the ordinary people's experiences of "space travel" revealed| Busiest passenger group | Travel? | Passenger group

What is the experience of dismantling thousands of screws every day in space? When can ordinary people achieve space travel? After the end of the mission of the "busiest crew", Cai Xuzhe made his first appearance in the same frame at the "Lecture". Chen Dong, Liu Yang and Cai Xuzhe revealed the secrets of "space travel" for you. Cai Xuzhe: waited for 12 years for this moment. At the swearing ceremony in 2010, Cai Xuzhe and his comrades made a solemn oath to the bright party flag, national flag and military flag. "Willing to fight for the manned space cause for life". He had prepared for this mission for 12 years, insisted on it for 12 years, and waited for 12 years. Cai Xuzhe was the only person living in the capsule in the Shenzhou XIV crew. Cai Xuzhe was called "the capsule" by netizens What four words would he use to describe this space home? China

One person has died and two people have been lost. A sudden heavy rainfall in Wuchuan County, Hohhot has triggered mountain flooding. Wuchuan County | Rainfall | Mountain torrents
One person has died and two people have been lost. A sudden heavy rainfall in Wuchuan County, Hohhot has triggered mountain flooding. Wuchuan County | Rainfall | Mountain torrents

On the noon of July 2nd, a sudden heavy rainfall occurred in the upstream of Daofanggou in Deshenggou Township, Wuchuan County, Hohhot City, triggering flash floods and causing three people to lose contact. After the accident, the city and county levels quickly organized departments such as public security, fire protection, emergency management, and health, as well as more than 320 people from towns and villages along the line, Xunda civilian rescue teams, and militia to carry out rescue operations. 31 rescue vehicles and machinery, as well as 3 drones, were used for search and rescue. Currently, one person has been found and no signs of life have been found. Efforts are being made to organize the search for the other two people. Here is a special reminder that it is currently the flood season, with frequent rainfall and strong local rainfall, which can easily lead to secondary disasters. Please pay close attention to weather changes when traveling, be vigilant, and take preventive measures. Emergency Management Bureau of Wuchuan County July 3, 2023

My response is that my granddaughter's video of "bathing a sick grandfather" has sparked controversy on the internet | Video | Granddaughter
My response is that my granddaughter's video of "bathing a sick grandfather" has sparked controversy on the internet | Video | Granddaughter

Recently, the video released by Ms. Shen from Sanming, Fujian, showing her granddaughter bathing her grandfather who cannot take care of herself has sparked a heated discussion on the internet. The video is a surveillance footage of a emaciated elderly man with his upper body bare and a towel wrapped around his lower body. Ms. Shen is taking a bath for him. The video caption reads, "People often say that I don't have face and feel embarrassed to take a bath for my grandfather. I feel disrespectful to the elderly. Oh, the elderly person has limited mobility, so should he crawl out and wash himself? When I was a child, he would pull on me with a bunch of feces and urine. What's so embarrassing about someone I grew up with?" Some netizens believe that Ms. Shen takes care of her grandfather with great filial piety, which is worthy of recognition. Some netizens also believe that it is filial behavior for granddaughters to take showers for elderly people with mobility difficulties, but posting videos of elderly people naked on the internet has the meaning of "consuming elderly people to attract attention". Video screenshot on July 2nd, Ms. Shen

What is it about?, The Director of the CIA also changed his name to the United States | China | Director
What is it about?, The Director of the CIA also changed his name to the United States | China | Director

On the issue of whether to "decouple" from China, William Burns, the director of the Central Intelligence Agency, who is accustomed to portraying the "China threat," recently changed his tone, emphasizing that he will not "decouple" from China, but at the same time claiming to "de risk.". On July 1st local time, CIA Director Burns gave a speech at the British think tank Dichilli Foundation. When discussing relations with China, he pointed out that due to the highly interdependent economies of the United States and China, "decoupling" from China would be foolish. But he changed his tone and said that the United States should strive to diversify its supply chain and achieve "risk reduction". Burns declared, "China is the only country that intends to reshape the international order while continuously enhancing its economic, diplomatic, military, and technological capabilities." "In today's world, no country is willing to be affected by key minerals and technologies."

In the first half of the year, there were over 180 changes in senior executives, and the fund industry continued to experience a trend of "handsome changes". Finance | Fund | Senior Management
In the first half of the year, there were over 180 changes in senior executives, and the fund industry continued to experience a trend of "handsome changes". Finance | Fund | Senior Management

Recently, several fund companies including BlackRock Fund, Xinhua Fund, and Morgan Fund have successively issued executive change announcements. According to data from Tonghuashun, as of July 2nd, there have been 37 changes in senior executives of fund companies since June, involving 26 fund managers including Galaxy Fund, Industrial Fund, and Fuanda Fund. Since the beginning of this year, the flow of high-end talents in the fund industry has remained fierce. According to incomplete statistics by First Financial reporters, as of July 2nd, a total of 182 senior executives under 86 fund managers have changed since the beginning of this year, while the number of senior executives changed during the same period last year was 168, involving 89 fund managers. It can be seen that the overall number of changes in senior executives of public funds has increased this year, with many institutions involved being managers of small and medium-sized public funds. Data shows that within this statistical range, the management scale is less than a thousand

Official reminder: Please ensure risk control for the brand and remove Cai Moukun from CCTV? The studio was previously included in the list of abnormal business operations... holding nearly 30 endorsement sales | Cai Xukun | list
Official reminder: Please ensure risk control for the brand and remove Cai Moukun from CCTV? The studio was previously included in the list of abnormal business operations... holding nearly 30 endorsement sales | Cai Xukun | list

Cai Xukun is trending again. On the 2nd, a netizen discovered that CCTV Video had taken down videos related to singer Cai Xukun. The reporter searched for Cai Xukun on the CCTV Video APP and CCTV Video Weibo, but there were no relevant results. When inputting Cai Xukun on CCTV, it also shows: Sorry, no video results related to "Cai Xukun" were found. On the evening of the 2nd at 20:21, searching for Cai Xukun in the CCTV news app could still find relevant content, but at 20:28, no information related to Cai Xukun could be found. Cai Xukun Studio was previously listed in the list of abnormal business operations. According to the National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System, on June 28th, the Market Supervision Administration of Tongzhou District, Beijing, listed Beijing Cai Xukun Film and Television Culture Studio in the list of abnormal business operations due to the inability to contact the registered residence or business premises. six

A sharp decline in scientific output?, After winning the Nobel Prize, the Nobel Prize | winner | scientist
A sharp decline in scientific output?, After winning the Nobel Prize, the Nobel Prize | winner | scientist

For many scientists, there is no greater achievement than winning the Nobel Prize. Since its establishment in 1901, this award recognizes breakthroughs that broaden human understanding of reality and change the world. But it may also be a productivity killer. A paper published by the National Bureau of Economic Research on June 24th showed that after winning the Nobel Prize, scientists often experience a sharp decline in output. According to a report in Science, researchers analyzed data from Nobel laureates in Physiology or Medicine from 1950 to 2010 and plotted changes in three factors after the award - the number of published papers, the influence of papers based on citation rates, and the novelty of ideas. Researchers determined the novelty level of each unique scientific idea in the paper through computer programs, and then based on each idea

Russian media: US investment banks use Ukrainian debt to make big profits | weapons | Ukraine
Russian media: US investment banks use Ukrainian debt to make big profits | weapons | Ukraine

According to data recently released by Bloomberg, Morgan Stanley's purchase of Ukrainian debt certified equity has achieved a high return rate of 47% in the past three months. In response, "Russia Today" TV commented on the 2nd that large US investment banks are taking advantage of the conflict between Russia-Ukraine conflict and the chaos of the Ukrainian market to make big profits by investing in Ukrainian debt. "Today Russia" TV host: What can be confirmed now is that these investors in Ukraine are making big profits from this. "Today Russia" TV writer Chris Ems: It's really a big profit, you're right. The current fact is that the Ukrainian market lacks regulation of foreign investors and there are no so-called antitrust laws. This is also what we call emerging markets, where there are no regulations, so you can do whatever you want. Today Russia

The Russian army suddenly began to attack cities and seize territories, and the battlefield situation underwent subtle changes in Kiev | Russian army | changes
The Russian army suddenly began to attack cities and seize territories, and the battlefield situation underwent subtle changes in Kiev | Russian army | changes

The battlefield situation is undergoing subtle changes. Unlike the large-scale counterattack by the Ukrainian army a while ago, the Russian army has suddenly begun to attack cities and occupy territories. This is not what I said, this is a CNN report, citing a briefing from Hana Maliyar, Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine. On July 2nd, Maria acknowledged that the Russian army had made some progress near the town of Vatov in eastern Ukraine, where "intense fighting is taking place. The enemy is attacking Bilohorivka and Serebrianka." Vatov has always been the main target of the Ukrainian army, as it is located on the main supply route of the Russian army. Capturing the town will have a significant strategic impact on the battlefield situation. But now, it is the Russian army attacking and the Ukrainian army retreating. This is just one of the multiple attacks by the Russian army. According to Maria's disclosure, the Russian military simultaneously attacked Afdivka and Ma

How Officials Overcome "Fear of Public Opinion" Public Opinion | Online | Officials
How Officials Overcome "Fear of Public Opinion" Public Opinion | Online | Officials

"People's Forum" magazine conducted a survey many years ago, and data showed that 70% of domestic officials suffered from "cyberphobia" at that time ". The main reason for fear is that "the fear of work omissions and other undesirable phenomena will be exposed and affect the future". The most worried about this are the propaganda cadres in charge of public opinion and the "top leaders" of the ruling party ". Now, from the Internet era into the era of mobile Internet, such fear is increasing, the scope is also expanding. From unit leaders to grass-roots staff, in addition to dealing with busy work, they are also closely monitoring public opinion. Even if it is a good thing for the convenience of the people, I am afraid that the wind will change suddenly and may "change" at any point. Fear of "public opinion" and "concern" is behind fear of "controversy" and "accountability". with its assumption of being in

Your account has changed! Someone has added over 10000 yuan. Quick check on interest settlement, provident fund, and account
Your account has changed! Someone has added over 10000 yuan. Quick check on interest settlement, provident fund, and account

Is there an extra amount of money in your provident fund account? If so, congratulations on the annual interest settlement of your provident fund! In the past few days, many netizens have posted their account records, and netizens have also stated that they have received an interest settlement of 14000 yuan. According to the Regulations on the Administration of Housing Provident Fund, the housing provident fund will be calculated at the national interest rate from the date it is deposited into the employee's housing provident fund account. According to relevant regulations of the People's Bank of China, the interest settlement date for the provident fund is June 30th of each year, and the interest settlement year is from July 1st of the previous year to June 30th of this year. After interest settlement, it will be automatically transferred to the employee housing provident fund account. Interest amount=personal account funds x actual deposit days x annual interest rate ÷ 360. The deposit interest rate of the employee housing provident fund account shall be uniformly implemented based on the one-year fixed deposit benchmark interest rate. Your housing surplus

People's Review: Promoting the Healthy and Standardized Development of the Virtual Human Industry Customers | Digital | Industry
People's Review: Promoting the Healthy and Standardized Development of the Virtual Human Industry Customers | Digital | Industry

In recent years, virtual anchors have launched news programs, digital employees interact with customers online, virtual idols have appeared on the theater stage... From entertainment media to financial technology, the application fields of the virtual human industry have continuously expanded, and a large number of virtual people have entered different positions, demonstrating their skills. According to predictions from relevant institutions, by 2030, the overall market size of China's virtual human industry will reach 270 billion yuan, becoming a new growth point for strengthening the digital economy. As a anthropomorphic image created through digital technology, the key to the flourishing of the virtual human industry lies in its broad market demand and rich application scenarios. From a consumer perspective, whether it is news broadcasts, stage performances, or life companionship, virtual humans that resemble humans in tone, appearance, and posture can provide people with an immersive interactive experience that integrates online and offline, such as emotional communication

Secretary General of the Secretariat for Cooperation between China, Japan, and South Korea: Expanding the Cake of Common Interest Cooperation between China, Japan, and South Korea | Qingdao | Secretary General
Secretary General of the Secretariat for Cooperation between China, Japan, and South Korea: Expanding the Cake of Common Interest Cooperation between China, Japan, and South Korea | Qingdao | Secretary General

The 2023 China Japan South Korea Cooperation International Forum will be held in Qingdao soon. This is an important platform for experts, scholars, former political figures, and senior diplomatic officials dedicated to cooperation between China, Japan, and South Korea to summarize the past and look forward to the future. This forum is held offline for the first time since 2020, and it is also the first time in four years that it has been held in China. Currently, the world's unprecedented major changes are accelerating, and cooperation between China, Japan, and South Korea can play a greater role in maintaining long-term stability and achieving common development in the region. The cooperation between China, Japan, and South Korea was born during times of crisis and grew in the process of turning danger into opportunity. 24 years ago, trilateral cooperation began in the cold wave of the Asian financial crisis, and has steadily advanced through complex changes in the international and regional situation. It has formed a comprehensive cooperation system with the leadership meeting as the core, 21 ministerial level meetings as the main body, and more than 70 dialogue mechanisms as support

The Chinese Embassy has coordinated to resolve and issued a reminder that 41 Chinese tourists are obstructed from entering Greece | residing | passengers
The Chinese Embassy has coordinated to resolve and issued a reminder that 41 Chinese tourists are obstructed from entering Greece | residing | passengers

Reminder to Greek travelers to confirm holding Schengen visas or valid residence permits. On June 30th, 41 Chinese passengers on flight CA863 from Beijing to Athens were obstructed while entering Greece. Relevant personnel came to Greece to apply for or renew their "golden visas" and only held electronic residence application confirmations obtained online. After coordinating with the Greek immigration management department as a special case, temporary entry procedures were processed for the above-mentioned personnel to solve the problem of detention. The Chinese Embassy in Greece reminds that the Greek immigration and immigration authorities have recently strengthened their scrutiny of electronic residence application confirmations obtained through online applications. To avoid situations where my citizen's entry is obstructed, please confirm that you hold a Schengen visa or a valid residence permit before boarding. If you have any questions, please contact the Embassy in Greece: 24-hour Consular Protection and Assistance Phone:+30-2

Qu Dongyu Reappointed as Director General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations China | Director General | Qu Dongyu
Qu Dongyu Reappointed as Director General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations China | Director General | Qu Dongyu

The 43rd session of the General Conference of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations held an election for the new Director General in Rome, Italy on the 2nd. Chinese candidate and current Director General Qu Dongyu was successfully re elected with a high number of votes. The election of the Director General of the Food and Agriculture Organization adopted an anonymous vote, with a total of 182 member states voting. Qu Dongyu received 168 votes and was successfully re elected. Qu Dongyu's new term will officially begin on August 1st, with a term of 4 years. According to public information, Qu Dongyu was born in 1963 and served as the Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of China. She has long been engaged in agricultural and rural work and has rich practical experience in policy planning, administrative management, reform and innovation, and international cooperation. He has served as Vice Chairman of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region and Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and has deeply participated in the United Nations, the G20, and the Asia Pacific region

What is the relationship between paying more and paying less? Grain insurance needs to be more "secure", as soon as compensation is paid, insurance companies | big players | relationships will be torn
What is the relationship between paying more and paying less? Grain insurance needs to be more "secure", as soon as compensation is paid, insurance companies | big players | relationships will be torn

During the busy season of summer harvest and farming, Half Moon Talk reporters went deep into multiple grain producing areas in Jiangxi to interview major grain growers. They were happy about the abundant summer harvest, but they were a bit uneasy about the issue of grain insurance compensation. Some major grain growers say that the government is now providing most of the funds to encourage them to purchase grain insurance. Everyone has a high enthusiasm for insurance, but when it comes to compensation, they often encounter various disputes, which makes them very injured. The government pays a large premium, can we compensate a little bit? Buying insurance for grain cultivation is an important agricultural policy widely implemented from the central to local governments. This year's No. 1 central document stressed that the implementation scope of full cost insurance and planting income insurance for rice, wheat and corn should be gradually expanded. Improving the agricultural insurance system is an effective means to enhance the ability of agricultural risk protection. Farmers themselves have limited ability to resist risks, and once they encounter a reduction in grain production and