The world

Sentenced on the same day, former CEO and chairman of a state-owned enterprise worth billions
Sentenced on the same day, former CEO and chairman of a state-owned enterprise worth billions

The former corrupt "partner" was sentenced on the same day and sentenced to 11 years and 11 and a half years in prison in the first trial. According to a recent announcement by the Intermediate People's Court of Haidong City, Qinghai Province, on September 15th, the Haidong Intermediate People's Court held a public hearing to announce the bribery cases of Xie Kangmin, former deputy secretary and president of Qinghai Salt Lake Industry Co., Ltd., and Wang Xingfu, former secretary and chairman of Qinghai Salt Lake Industry Co., Ltd. Xie Kangmin, male, Han ethnicity, born in May 1963, from Huaiyang, Henan Province. The court found that from 2005 to 2021, the defendant Xie Kangmin served as the General Manager of the Development Company of Qinghai Salt Lake Industry Group Co., Ltd., Vice General Manager and Vice President of Qinghai Salt Lake Industry Group Co., Ltd., Vice President and President of Qinghai Salt Lake Industry Co., Ltd., and Metal Magnesium of Qinghai Salt Lake Industry Group Co., Ltd

Double opened!, Yu Shengbao, former Vice President of Mount Huangshan People's Hospital
Double opened!, Yu Shengbao, former Vice President of Mount Huangshan People's Hospital

A few days ago, with the approval of the CPC Mount Huangshan Municipal Committee, the Mount Huangshan Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision Commission put Yu Shengbao, the former member of the Party Committee and vice president of Mount Huangshan People's Hospital, on file for review and investigation on serious violations of discipline and laws. After investigation, Yu Shengbao, as a party member and leading cadre, lost his party spirit, abandoned his original mission, disregarded the spirit of the central eight point regulations, and illegally accepted gifts and gifts. He handed over the expenses that should be paid by himself to others for payment; Not reporting personal matters in accordance with regulations; Taking advantage of one's position, illegally seeking benefits for others in the procurement of medical equipment, job transfers, etc., and illegally accepting property. Yu Shengbao seriously violated the Party's organizational discipline, integrity discipline, and daily life discipline, constituting serious violations of his duties and suspected of bribery crimes, as well as bribery crimes committed by non-state employees. He also refused to restrain himself or stop after the 18th or even 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,

Two pharmaceutical companies apologize!, Involving bribery
Two pharmaceutical companies apologize!, Involving bribery

Recently, two apology statements were posted on the Yunnan Provincial Drug Centralized Procurement Platform. Yunnan Baiyao's subsidiary Traditional Chinese Medicine Decoction Branch and Guangdong Yifang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Chinese Medicine, received a notice from the Yunnan Provincial Government Procurement and Transfer Center regarding the proposed rating of dishonest behavior of pharmaceutical enterprises due to their involvement in bribery cases. The two pharmaceutical companies apologized for this. According to business information, Yunnan Baiyao Yinpian Company is a branch of Yunnan Baiyao. The company stated in an apology statement that recently, the Yunnan Provincial Government Procurement and Transfer Center issued a notice on the proposed rating of dishonest behavior in pharmaceutical enterprises. The notice was based on a judgment on a certain hospital, which mentioned that the former regional manager of Yunnan Baiyao Traditional Chinese Medicine Decoction Branch was suspected of personal bribery. Yunnan Baiyao Yinpian Company attaches great importance to this: on the one hand, it actively cooperates with judicial authorities to handle cases

Intervention on the string?, The Japanese yen has broken below the psychological level of 148 against the US dollar, and the Bank of Japan continues to raise the "pigeon"
Intervention on the string?, The Japanese yen has broken below the psychological level of 148 against the US dollar, and the Bank of Japan continues to raise the "pigeon"

There is no doubt that in today's latest interest rate resolution, the Bank of Japan kept the benchmark interest rate unchanged at -0.1%, kept the 10-year treasury bond bond yield target near 0%, and maintained its forward-looking guidance unchanged, in line with market expectations. However, the Bank of Japan's dovish stance does not fully meet market expectations. Earlier, Bank of Japan Governor Kazuo Shibata stated in his first independent interview since taking office that if the Bank of Japan has confidence in sustained price and wage increases, ending negative interest rates is one of the feasible options. This stance has been interpreted by the market as a hawkish stance. But today, the Bank of Japan stated that inflation expectations are showing signs of accelerating, and the Japanese economy is gradually recovering. It will continue to patiently implement loose policies to achieve price targets and accompany wage growth; Despite rising prices, consumption is still warming up

Two departments have issued notices to prevent the spread of African swine fever from Sweden to China
Two departments have issued notices to prevent the spread of African swine fever from Sweden to China

On September 7, 2023, Sweden urgently reported to the World Organization for Animal Health that there was one African swine fever outbreak among wild boars in the Fagoshta region of the country. In order to protect the safety of China's animal husbandry and prevent the spread of the epidemic, in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws and regulations such as the Customs Law of the People's Republic of China, the Law of the People's Republic of China on Entry and Exit Animal and Plant Quarantine, and its implementation regulations, it is hereby announced as follows: 1. It is prohibited to directly or indirectly import pigs, wild boars, and their products from Sweden. 2、 It is prohibited to send or carry pigs, wild boars, and their products from Sweden into the country. Once discovered, all items will be returned or destroyed. 3、 Animal and plant waste, swill, etc. unloaded from ships, aircraft and other transportation vehicles entering Sweden shall be subject to disinfection and disposal under the supervision of customs and shall not be disposed of without authorization. 4、 Border inspection and other departments

More than one person in Hong Kong has entered the selection stage, and China's fourth batch of preparatory astronaut selection
More than one person in Hong Kong has entered the selection stage, and China's fourth batch of preparatory astronaut selection

The selection process for China's fourth batch of reserve astronauts is currently underway. It is reported that more than one candidate in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region has entered the selection stage. The fourth batch of preparatory astronaut selection work in China was launched last year, and for the first time, payload experts were selected in the Hong Kong and Macao regions. The Innovation, Technology and Industry Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government recently stated that the Hong Kong region has received over 100 applicants. After the preliminary election and selection, more than one candidate has entered the preliminary stage, including both males and females. Next month, relevant personnel will go to Hong Kong to further understand the candidate's situation. Load experts are a type of classification for astronauts based on their missions, referring to researchers conducting scientific and applied research experiments in space stations. Candidates need to meet relevant conditions such as physical fitness, education level, and professional scope. China Manned Space Engineering News

Follow the entire network! Leg fracture, suspected liver damage... Giant pandas sneak into villagers' homes
Follow the entire network! Leg fracture, suspected liver damage... Giant pandas sneak into villagers' homes

On September 21st, in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, a wild panda entered the homes of villagers in Diaoyutai Village, Zhouzhi County, causing concern. It was then sent to the Qinling Giant Panda Research Center for rescue. According to the latest news from @ Shaanshi News, after expert diagnosis, the giant panda is about 15 years old and weighs about half of the normal weight of a giant panda; Its front teeth and canine teeth are severely worn; There is an old fracture of the fibula in the right hind leg, which has not yet been cured; Inflammation of the knee joint; There is a large amount of fluid accumulation in the abdominal cavity; Abnormal liver function, suspected of liver damage. Mental panic, lack of appetite and drink, no bowel movements have been seen since returning. A 15-year-old wild giant panda is equivalent to the middle and old age of humans, as the average lifespan of pandas is only about 20 years. A 15-year-old giant panda has already passed two-thirds of its life. Previously reported on September 21st, Shaanxi

Promote new and greater achievements in targeted aid to Xinjiang
Promote new and greater achievements in targeted aid to Xinjiang

The work in Xinjiang holds a special and important position in the overall work of the Party and the state, which is related to the construction of a strong country and the overall rejuvenation of the nation. The just held 9th National Conference on Targeted Assistance to Xinjiang summarized the significant achievements and valuable experience of targeted assistance in the new era, and pointed out the direction for carrying out the next stage of work with higher quality.The targeted assistance to Xinjiang demonstrates the political advantages of the Party's leadership and the enormous superiority of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics. The Second Central Xinjiang Work Symposium in 2014

A New Industrial Landscape Painted in the North and South of Tianshan Mountains
A New Industrial Landscape Painted in the North and South of Tianshan Mountains

In the production workshop of Chuanning Biotechnology Co., Ltd. in the Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture of Xinjiang, a large fermentation tank is steam sprayed thin, and antibiotic intermediates are being generated; In the cloud computing industrial park in Karamay, thousands of computers are working day and night, providing powerful computing support for enterprises around the world;How to help emerging industries enter the fast lane of development? In the golden autumn season, the interview team enters Xinjiang

The two sides of the Taiwan Strait share the same lineage of Chinese culture. The Three Xiang and Four Rivers shine everywhere, shining like a thousand year old university
The two sides of the Taiwan Strait share the same lineage of Chinese culture. The Three Xiang and Four Rivers shine everywhere, shining like a thousand year old university

On September 22, Taiwan, China. com, Changsha reported that "the sound of wind and rain, the sound of reading, the sound of family affairs, state affairs, and world affairs". The ancient Chinese emphasized poetry and etiquette, and no matter which generation, they regarded reading as a top priority. In the thousands of years of historical circulation, academies, carrying sparks of civilization and thought, have emerged. Only Chu has talent, and it is prosperous here. For thousands of years, the Three Xiangs and Four Rivers have nurtured the Hunan culture of "worrying about the world, daring to be the first, persevering, and accepting all", and have achieved a group of cultural masters shining in the brilliant galaxy. In the past few days, the 18th Cross Strait Media Joint Journalist Team of "Wu Dao Nan Lai Xiang Jiang Xing" has visited Lianxi Academy in Daozhou, Shigu Academy in Hengyang, and Yuelu Academy in Changsha, further experiencing Hunan's long history and splendid culture in the atmosphere of books.

Thousands of miles are still neighbors, and the youth is full of novelty - written on the occasion of the opening of the 6th China Arab Expo
Thousands of miles are still neighbors, and the youth is full of novelty - written on the occasion of the opening of the 6th China Arab Expo

In the golden autumn season, we gather together in Jiangnan to celebrate the grand event. The 6th China Arab Countries Expo, with the theme of "Joining Hands with the New Era to Seize New Opportunities and Share a New Future," was held in Yinchuan, Ningxia from September 21st to 24th. This is a ten-year agreement - it coincides with the tenth anniversary of the "the Belt and Road" initiative. It has been ten years since the China Arab Economic and Trade Forum was upgraded, and it has become an important platform for China and Arab countries to jointly build the "the Belt and Road" high-quality development.The ten-year grand event created a new situation by the Diannong River. At the opening ceremony, more than a thousand guests from government departments and representatives from nearly 60 countries and stationed institutions in China entered the venue one after another

Canadian officials admit to monitoring Indian diplomats in Canada: "Allies have provided some intelligence."
Canadian officials admit to monitoring Indian diplomats in Canada: "Allies have provided some intelligence."

On the 21st local time, a Canadian official stated that the previous allegations of India's involvement in the shooting of a Canadian Sikh were based on surveillance of Indian diplomats in Canada and intelligence provided by important allies. The official stated that the surveillance communication involved Indian officials and Indian diplomats in Canada, with some intelligence provided by members of the Five Eyes Alliance, which includes the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada. But the official did not disclose which specific ally provided intelligence, nor did they provide detailed instructions on how to obtain these communication contents. According to CCTV News, on September 21st local time, Canadian media reported that the Canadian government is reducing the number of staff in its diplomatic mission to India, citing concerns about the safety of its employees. A spokesperson from a relevant Canadian government department said,

Do not provide proof of purchase for the first home! Multiple regions continue to launch new strategies, while another provincial capital relaxes purchase restrictions
Do not provide proof of purchase for the first home! Multiple regions continue to launch new strategies, while another provincial capital relaxes purchase restrictions

Continue to optimize real estate policies in multiple regions. On September 22nd, Changsha relaxed its real estate purchase and sales restrictions. Among them, the restrictions on the first set of commercial housing in restricted areas were lifted. Residents who do not have housing in the restricted areas in Changsha can directly purchase their first set of housing without providing proof of household registration, social security, personal income tax, etc. At the same time, the sales restriction policy has been adjusted to allow for the transfer of commercial housing after 4 years of online signing and filing. On the same day, Huizhou also introduced a new policy to stabilize the real estate market, which proposed implementing policies such as "recognizing houses but not loans" and gradually relaxing the lower limit of interest rates for commercial personal housing loans for first homes; For families with multiple children who purchase their first self owned housing and receive their first provident fund loan, the maximum loan amount will be increased by 20%; Promote the "mortgage transfer" model for second-hand houses, etc. Industry insiders believe that the adjustment of purchase restrictions in Changsha is different from other cities, with only the cancellation of restrictions on the purchase of first homes

Lighting up the torch of the Asian Games in everyone's heart, burning together in Hangzhou, silently exchanging batons - starting today
Lighting up the torch of the Asian Games in everyone's heart, burning together in Hangzhou, silently exchanging batons - starting today

Countdown to one day, the light of the Asian Games will once again kiss the dream of a torch crossing mountains and seas to ignite the land of the Asian Games in Hangzhou. The light of the Asian Games is deeply hidden in the hearts of over 65 million people, and everyone has a reason to "ignite" for the Asian Games - a frying spoon is the "torch" of Huang Xuelin, the deputy general manager of Wang Runxing Restaurant. He has been cooking for 32 years, hoping to use this frying spoon to make delicious food and share it with visitors from all over the world; The steering wheel in hand is the "torch" of Huang Feihua, the secretary of the Party branch of Hangzhou Love Taxi and Love Racing Team. He created his own "Handbook of Grounding and Learning English" with a slightly Hangzhou dialect pronunciation to welcome visitors from all directions; A pipa is the "torch" of Zhou Chenfei, Secretary General of Hangzhou Performing Arts Association and pipa performer of Yifeng National Orchestra. With her pleasant music, she makes

How to quickly clear customs with kayaks, gymnastics mats, etc., and transport nearly 5-meter-long poles from Doha to Hangzhou
How to quickly clear customs with kayaks, gymnastics mats, etc., and transport nearly 5-meter-long poles from Doha to Hangzhou

As the opening ceremony of the Hangzhou Asian Games approaches, delegations from multiple countries and regions have arrived in Hangzhou one after another. On September 21st, the Hangzhou Asian Games welcomed the highest peak of single day entry for delegations. Bicycles, golf clubs, gymnastics mats, and even kayaks... Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport not only welcomes guests from all over the world, but also faces the challenge of loading and unloading various special luggage. These days, Chen Lei has been too busy to touch the ground. He is the international sorting project manager of Xiaoshan International Airport. Just the day before yesterday, a oversized piece of luggage caused him trouble. What is oversized luggage? It is reported that oversized luggage with dimensions exceeding 100cm x 60cm x 40cm is considered oversized luggage, which is further divided into regular oversized luggage and special oversized luggage. Ordinary oversized luggage cannot pass through and be placed due to weight and size issues

The way to open a new friendship is very special, let's have a cup of green tea! In MMC
The way to open a new friendship is very special, let's have a cup of green tea! In MMC

With the start of various Asian Games events, the main media center of the Hangzhou Asian Games is gaining popularity, and journalists from various countries have been in place. There are familiar faces and reports of "new life". Recently, in the media, journalists often shoot visiting videos to interview friends who come from afar, and thus extend many interesting topics. For example, how to quickly get closer to the people around you when you first arrive? Nayef Alfeeli from Kuwait has been here for two days. The daily routine is to go to the tea break and have a cup of tea, and then communicate with the people around for a moment. Here, green tea and exquisite Hangzhou style snacks are served at designated locations every day. Miss, dressed in traditional Chinese clothing, sat upright at the tea table, pouring water and twisting leaves for the reporters who came to rest... It was quite elegant. Nayef said, this is an exclusive memory of Hangzhou. Taste this green tea

World Theory: American Media: The United States Implements Global Cyber Hegemony but finds it difficult to bridge its own "digital divide"
World Theory: American Media: The United States Implements Global Cyber Hegemony but finds it difficult to bridge its own "digital divide"

On September 21st, China Daily reported that the US Congress is moving towards the possibility of a government shutdown as early as next month, and there is currently no sign that the ongoing differences between the two parties on budget issues will soon come to an end. At the same time, according to the US Capitol Hill website on the 20th, the funding for an "affordable connectivity plan" aimed at ensuring that all Americans can connect to the fast Internet and thus narrow the "digital divide" in the United States is expected to run out in the spring of 2024. Katherine de Witt, the author of a screenshot article on the website of Capitol Hill and the director of the Pew Charity Trust's broadband access program, pointed out that the two parties must now find opportunities for cooperation without delay to bring tangible benefits to the public. One important project is to gain support from politicians and voters from both parties

What is the story behind the Asian Games emblem that is hard to find? Trendy News Interview with Designers
What is the story behind the Asian Games emblem that is hard to find? Trendy News Interview with Designers

Did you change the countdown commemorative badge for the Asian Games, the West Lake Ten Scenic Spots badge, and the traditional Chinese festival series badge today? With the approach of the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou, various themed badges have become a hot topic around the Asian Games, and exchanging badges has become a trend. A small Asian Games emblem not only embodies the spirit of the Asian Games and promotes sports culture, but also carries the charm of urban culture and historical heritage. How to draw inspiration from excellent traditional culture and integrate with modern civilization also tests the skills of badge designers. U0026nbsp; The team led by Yu Pengcheng, a licensed commodity designer for the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou, has been planning and designing over 200 badges for the Games since 3 years ago. Through exquisite badges, this group of "90s generation" designers also

Investigation into "Black Prisons" Abroad in the United States | Non human Experience of Prisoners in Former Bagram Prison, Afghanistan
Investigation into "Black Prisons" Abroad in the United States | Non human Experience of Prisoners in Former Bagram Prison, Afghanistan

According to the Pajawak news agency in Afghanistan, on the 19th, Stanikzai, Acting Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Afghan Interim Government, accused the United States of violating Afghan airspace during an inspection in Panjahir Province, but did not provide a specific case. Stanikzai also stated that militarily speaking, the United States and NATO have been defeated in Afghanistan, but they are still engaged in political and information warfare in Afghanistan. Both now and in the past, the Afghan people are living under the shadow of the United States. In the US Overseas Prison Investigation series, we focus our attention on the Bagram Prison in Afghanistan. Interview with CCTV reporter | Former inmates of Bagram Prison: The US military does nothing wrong>Bagram Prison is located 40 kilometers north of the Afghan capital Kabul, adjacent to Bagram Air Force Base. In 2001, the United States

The impact of the American auto workers' strike on geometry
The impact of the American auto workers' strike on geometry

The major strike in the US automotive industry shows no signs of easing. A week ago, the Federation of Automobile Workers in the United States officially launched a strike against the three major American automakers - General Motors, Ford Motor, and Stellantis Group. This is the first time in over 80 years since the establishment of the United Automobile Workers of America that automobile workers have simultaneously launched a strike against the "Big Three" in Detroit. According to public information, the Federation of Automobile Workers of America is one of the largest worker associations in the United States, with a membership of up to 146000 in General Motors, Ford, and Stellantis, accounting for approximately 56% of all workers in the US automotive manufacturing industry. According to convention, employees of the Federation of Automobile Workers in the United States sign contracts with the Detroit Big Three every four years. Due to the failure of both parties to reach a labor management agreement through negotiation before the deadline, American car workers angrily "took action"

Xinhua All Media+| Sharing Excitement of the National Asian Games - Observation of the "Benefiting the People Asian Games"
Xinhua All Media+| Sharing Excitement of the National Asian Games - Observation of the "Benefiting the People Asian Games"

On the land of the Yangtze River in September, people welcome the long-awaited Asian Games. From promoting national fitness through venue construction, to enhancing urban management efficiency through intelligent digitization, and to ensuring and improving people's livelihoods in development, the Hangzhou Asian Games continue to amplify the benefits of the Asian Games for the people. Successfully hosting the "Asian Games for the benefit of the people" highlights the unremitting pursuit of the people's aspirations for a better life on the new journey. On September 20th, citizens chatted on benches next to the theme signs of the Asian Games. Xinhua News Agency reporter Yan Linyun photographed the nationwide welcome to the Asian Games, and the Asian Games benefiting the whole nation with the thrilling dart competition. The dry land curling was thrilling, and activities such as playing diabolo and spinning tops drew cheers from onlookers... At the fun park fair held at the Li Ning Sports Park in Hangzhou, folk sports experts showcased their skills, and the competition was in full swing. Li, located in Genbei Xincheng, Shangcheng District

"Get out of the US military base! Get out of NATO!"
"Get out of the US military base! Get out of NATO!"

According to Reuters, on September 21st, Bulgarian police clashed with supporters of the country's extreme nationalist party, the Ba'ath Party. Supporters of the Ba'ath Party protested against the pro Western government's policies, demanding that the government collectively resign and close NATO military bases. It is reported that hundreds of protesters opposed to Bulgaria's support for Ukraine in the Russia-Ukraine conflict gathered in front of the Bulgarian National Assembly building, waving the Bulgarian and Russian flags and demanding an early general election. Bulgaria has held five elections in the past two years. Many people are shouting "resigning", while fully armed riot police are protecting government buildings, including the Ministry of National Defense. Some protesters threw eggs at the Ministry of Defense building. According to reports, Bulgaria, which has transported weapons to Ukraine, lifted the import ban on Ukrainian grains last week. six

Build a resource link platform! The Shanghai Stock Exchange Center has laid the "green and low-carbon" track for maker competitions, stimulating innovation potential
Build a resource link platform! The Shanghai Stock Exchange Center has laid the "green and low-carbon" track for maker competitions, stimulating innovation potential

Recently, the 2023 "Maker China" Shanghai SME Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition "Green and Low Carbon" preliminary race, guided by the Shanghai SME Development Service Center and hosted by the Shanghai Equity Custody Trading Center, was officially launched in the trading hall of the Stock Exchange Center. The aim is to stimulate innovation potential, gather entrepreneurial resources, create an innovative and entrepreneurial atmosphere, and promote the concept of green development. The "Maker China" competition is a platform for small and medium-sized enterprises and makers to exchange and showcase, incubate projects, connect industry and finance, and collaborate on innovation. Its purpose is to explore and cultivate a group of excellent projects and teams, promote new products, technologies, models, and formats, promote the transformation, upgrading, and growth of small and medium-sized enterprises into specialized, refined, and innovative small and medium-sized enterprises, and support the integration and innovation of large, small and medium-sized enterprises. Secretary and Chief of the Party Branch of Shanghai Small and Medium sized Enterprise Development Service Center

Gold medal! The Second National Vocational Skills Competition for Students from Pudong University
Gold medal! The Second National Vocational Skills Competition for Students from Pudong University

At the second Vocational Skills Competition of the People's Republic of China held recently, Zeng Xiaojun, a 2020 undergraduate nursing student from Shanghai Health Medical College, won the gold medal in the health and social care project with outstanding performance. This is one of the 10 gold medals won by the Shanghai delegation in this competition, and the only gold medal won by Pudong students. The Vocational Skills Competition of the People's Republic of China is currently a comprehensive national vocational skills competition with the highest competition specifications, the most competition projects, the largest participation scale, the highest skill level, and the widest influence range in China. The theme of this competition is "Skills for Talent and Skills for the Country". It consists of two categories: World Competition Selection and National Competition Selection, with a total of 109 events. More than 4000 participants from 36 national delegations participated in Tianjin. Zeng Xiao'an represents Shanghai in participating in World Skills

Shanghai Jinding 19-01 plot officially started construction, with the first pile of the 180 meter high twin towers being laid
Shanghai Jinding 19-01 plot officially started construction, with the first pile of the 180 meter high twin towers being laid

The development and construction of seven "golden flowers" have made new progress. On September 21st, the Shanghai Jinding 19-01 plot officially started construction. Bi Guiping, Deputy District Mayor of Pudong New Area, attended the groundbreaking ceremony. Shen Neng, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Jinqiao Group, stated that the commencement of the Jinding 19-01 plot will push the development and construction of Jinding to a new climax, laying a new pattern of all-round and three-dimensional interconnection, and will build a new model of deep integration between large-scale TOD complexes and subway rail transit. As the largest gateway section for the construction of Jinding, with a construction volume of over 300000 square meters and a 180 meter high twin tower, the completed area will overlook the entire Jinding and overlook Jinhuan and Jinwan, activating the industrial upgrading of the Jinqiao area and completing the magnificent transformation of the entire region. The Shanghai Jinding 19-01 plot office and commercial new construction project is located in Jinqiao Town, Pudong,

Lujiazui Old Community Transforms into an "Open Air Art Museum"
Lujiazui Old Community Transforms into an "Open Air Art Museum"

"It's really beautiful. Do you still need to go to the art museum to see an exhibition? Our community is like an 'open-air art museum'!" In mid September, amidst the admiration of the residents, with the poster and preface of the 'Liu Yi Community Exhibition: From the Inner Wall of the Art Museum to the Outer Wall of Dongyuan 2' exhibition, the first phase of the 'open-air art museum' was officially completed after it was put on the wall in Dongyuan 3 Village, which belongs to the residential area of Lujiazui Dongyuan 2. The "Open Air Art Museum" in Dongyuan Second Residential Area is another "Art Community" project launched by the famous curator and initiator of the "Community Hub Station", led by Wang Nanming, following projects such as the "Star Dream Parking Shed" in Dongchang New Village, the "Loudao Art Museum" in Dongchang Building, and the "Art Elevator" in Shixin Community on the streets of Lujiazui. When it comes to the whole year from planning to implementation of the project, Wang Nanming has a feeling: "The 'art community' is..."

Citizens can make online and offline appointments for vaccination, and Pudong influenza vaccine will be available for use
Citizens can make online and offline appointments for vaccination, and Pudong influenza vaccine will be available for use

In the past two days, influenza vaccines arrived in Pudong successively. After receiving the vaccines, each community health service center pushed appointment information on the center's WeChat official account, which was the first time to start this round of influenza vaccination. On the afternoon of the 20th, the reporter visited the Jinqiao Community Health Service Center. At 2 pm, the planned immunization clinic at Jinqiao Community Health Service Center on Jialin Road in Pudong was visited by a continuous stream of citizens, many of whom were influenza vaccine recipients. They mainly came from citizens who made online and on-site appointments. The influenza vaccine at the center officially started at 8 pm that day. Lu Qing, director of the prevention and protection department of Jinqiao Community Health Service Center, introduced that "influenza vaccine appointments can be made online through WeChat official account 'Disease Control U Health', or offline on-site appointments, of which offline appointments are mainly for the elderly who will not make online appointments

Pilot free trade zones across the country will further deepen cooperation and exchange, form a goose formation pattern, and achieve fruitful exploration results
Pilot free trade zones across the country will further deepen cooperation and exchange, form a goose formation pattern, and achieve fruitful exploration results

Since the establishment of the Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone, what breakthrough achievements have been made in the construction of China's pilot free trade zone over the past decade? What explorations have been carried out in various free trade zones based on their respective realities? How can free trade zones in different regions better cooperate and progress together under the strategy of upgrading free trade pilot zones in the future? On September 20th, at the Cooperation Sub Forum of the 10th Anniversary Theme Forum of China Pilot Free Trade Zone Construction, relevant leaders from the Ministry of Commerce, Beijing, Shandong, Guangdong, Hainan, Sichuan, and Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone Lingang New Area delivered keynote speeches, sharing and exploring the theme of "better serving the new development pattern with the linkage development of the pilot free trade zone", focusing on deepening cooperation and exchange in the pilot free trade zone, accelerating the promotion of linkage development, and forming a joint development force. The construction of free trade zones and free trade ports has achieved fruitful results,

Nobel laureate talks about technology driven globalization: China lags behind in the fields of digital services and artificial intelligence
Nobel laureate talks about technology driven globalization: China lags behind in the fields of digital services and artificial intelligence

Nobel laureate in economics Christopher Pizarides is a staunch supporter of economic globalization. At the 10th anniversary forum of the Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone held on September 20th, he delivered a speech titled "The Development of Economic Globalization and China's Contribution to the World Economy.". In his speech, Pisarides mentioned that globalization is the result of global industrial division of labor, using the automotive industry as an example. So far, the largest foreign investment project in China is Tesla's Shanghai super factory located near the port in Pudong. "I believe that the rapid expansion of China's electric vehicle industry in recent times must be related to this development. Seeing foreign electric vehicle leaders layout here, peers will think, 'This seems like a good idea, why don't we do it? This is also beneficial for humanity as a whole.'",

How to cultivate innovative talents in leading areas from an early age? Pudong Innovation Education Exploration Appears at Shanghai Education Expo
How to cultivate innovative talents in leading areas from an early age? Pudong Innovation Education Exploration Appears at Shanghai Education Expo

Pudong, which is building a leading area, is eager for innovative talents. Recently, the 20th Education Expo "Shanghai Education Live Streaming" with the theme of "co creating first-class urban education and co building the dream of becoming an education powerhouse" entered the "Pudong Time". Pudong Basic Education, which accounts for a quarter of the city's total, showcased many explorations in cultivating innovative talents and cultivating innovative talents across different stages. Four "Innovation" Alliances Consolidate the Soil for Cultivating Innovative Talents Pudong is an education region with over 1000 campuses in 653 primary and secondary schools, and 56000 faculty members serving 550000 students; Pudong is also the only regional education comprehensive reform demonstration zone in the city, and is one of the two experimental areas of the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission's "Research and Practice of Creative Comprehensive Curriculum in Schools Based on Regional Characteristics" project. The location characteristics of Pudong and

Decision to appoint Chen Jie as Vice Mayor, Report on the Fourth Meeting of the Standing Committee of the 16th Shanghai Municipal People's Congress | Situation | ShanghaiStrictly abide by the Party Constitution, Party rules, and Party discipline. The Party Group of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, the Party Group of the Municipal Government, and the Party Group of the Municipal Political Consultative Conference held separate meetings to firmly support the Central Committee's decision on the Party Central Committee | Politics | Party GroupCan Shanghai connect with the greenways of these cities? Official: Proposed Preparation of Greenway Construction Standards for the Yangtze River Delta | Standards | Yangtze River DeltaChen Jining, Gong Zheng, and colleagues from the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee exchanged their experiences and insights on thematic education research based on their respective experiences. Education | Municipal Party Committee | ThemeThe Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference awarded commemorative plaques to members and standing committee members of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference who are no longer re elected in ShanghaiPropose ideas and measures around releasing domestic demand, and the Chairman's Meeting of the Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference deliberates on key research reports and measures | ideas | research