The world

Police: Under investigation, a teacher from a high school in Shouyang County, Shanxi Province has been accused of "seducing" female students and reported. | Materials | Students
Police: Under investigation, a teacher from a high school in Shouyang County, Shanxi Province has been accused of "seducing" female students and reported. | Materials | Students

On June 30th, according to a picture circulating online, a female student named Wang, who claimed to have graduated from Shouyang County No.1 Middle School in Shanxi Province, reported that a male teacher surnamed Wu had "repeatedly seduced female students" at the school. On July 2nd, the Shouyang County Public Security Bureau issued a police report, stating that the relevant parties had reported the case and the public security organs were investigating. The New Yellow River reporter saw that female student Wang claimed to be one of the victims in the report materials, and said that the male teacher surnamed Wu "first started sending various chicken soup words to female students by caring about them, so that their female students developed feelings of admiration for them and engaged in abnormal teacher-student relationships with them.". The reporting materials further mentioned that the male teacher surnamed Wu, under the pretext of tutoring and tutoring, required female students to participate in various places such as his home, parents' home, school office, and in the car

Russian Ambassador to Cuba: Putin has received an invitation from the Cuban side to visit. International | Airlines | Flights | Reports | Visits | Russia | Putin | Cuba
Russian Ambassador to Cuba: Putin has received an invitation from the Cuban side to visit. International | Airlines | Flights | Reports | Visits | Russia | Putin | Cuba

Russian Ambassador to Cuba Victor Coronalli recently stated that President Putin has received an invitation from the Cuban side to visit the country. However, it is still too early to discuss the preparations for Putin's visit to Cuba. According to Reuters on July 3rd, Coronalli told Russia News Agency that Putin has received an invitation from Cuba, but it is unclear how Putin will arrange it. Last November, Cuban President Miguel Diaz Canel visited Russia. Coronalli stated that since the beginning of this year, Cuba has received 66000 Russian tourists. With the resumption of regular flights to Cuba by Russian airlines, Russia may have 100000 tourists visiting Cuba this year. According to CCTV News on July 2nd, Air Russia announced on July 1st that after more than a year of grounding in Cuba, Russia

Will the US Treasury Secretary and President's climate envoy visit China this week? The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will respond. Reporter | China and the United States | Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Will the US Treasury Secretary and President's climate envoy visit China this week? The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will respond. Reporter | China and the United States | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

On July 3rd, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin presided over a regular press conference. A reporter asked that US Treasury Secretary Yellen will visit China from July 6th to 9th. Can the Ministry of Foreign Affairs share more information and what are China's expectations for Yellen's visit? Wang Wenbin's profile shows that the Chinese side has released a message regarding this visit. Regarding the specific issues you mentioned, we suggest that you inquire with the competent authorities. Another reporter asked, according to reports, US Treasury Secretary Yellen and former US Secretary of State and current President's climate envoy Kerry will visit China this week. What does China hope to gain through these two dialogues? Wang Wenbin stated that China and the United States maintain communication on dialogue and exchanges at all levels. Regarding the specific visit you mentioned, it is recommended that you inquire with the competent authorities.

The Taiwan military has adjusted its deployment to prevent the PLA from launching a 3-minute assault on the PLA's fighter jets
The Taiwan military has adjusted its deployment to prevent the PLA from launching a 3-minute assault on the PLA's fighter jets

"The People's Liberation Army has surpassed the Taiwanese military in both the number of fighter jets and pilots." Wang Bingzhong said that if the Taiwanese military really wants to "block" the PLA's future normal cruises, it will only accelerate the depreciation of Taiwanese fighter jets, and the already limited number of Taiwanese pilots will be even more exhausted. Retirement of Taiwan Army

Hong Kong Police National Security Department: 8 anti China and Hong Kong riots, including Luo Guancong and Guo Rongkeng, have been wanted by the country | National Security Law | Police
Hong Kong Police National Security Department: 8 anti China and Hong Kong riots, including Luo Guancong and Guo Rongkeng, have been wanted by the country | National Security Law | Police

The National Security Department of the Hong Kong Police held a press conference today, during which Chief Superintendent of the Department, Li Guihua, stated that since the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law, the Department has arrested 260 people, of which 79 have been convicted. Li Guihua said that the National Security Department had noticed that anti Chinese rebels against Hong Kong continued to commit acts endangering national security overseas, and that the National Security Law had been enacted with extraterritorial law enforcement effect. The police had previously wanted 8 people, including Ren Jianfeng, Yuan Gongyi, Guo Fengyi, Guo Rongkeng, Xu Zhifeng, Meng Zhaoda, Liu Zudi and Luo Guancong. Statement from the National Security Office in Hong Kong: We firmly support the Hong Kong police's lawful arrest of anti China and Hong Kong fugitives. On July 3, the National Security Office in Hong Kong issued a statement expressing our firm support for the Hong Kong police's lawful arrest of Ren Jianfeng, Yuan Gongyi, Guo Fengyi, Guo Rongkeng, Xu Zhifeng, Meng Zhaoda, and Liu Zu

Discounts and fee reductions! Multiple banks have taken action to pay attention to | wealth management products | banks
Discounts and fee reductions! Multiple banks have taken action to pay attention to | wealth management products | banks

Recently, multiple banks have lowered deposit interest rates, which has increased the attention to wealth management products. During the visit, the reporter found that some banks have also introduced preferential measures for discounted wealth management fees, which has attracted many residents to come for consultation. Ms. Xu Hui, who lives in Beijing, attaches great importance to financial management in her daily life. She told reporters that recently, many banks have lowered their deposit interest rates and she is looking for more cost-effective asset preservation methods than deposits. In order to attract wealth management customers, many banks have further launched discounts on reducing wealth management fees, which has made Xu Hui even more tempted. During the visit, the reporter found that since June, several bank wealth management institutions, including Bank of China Wealth Management, Xingyin Wealth Management, and CMB Wealth Management, have successively lowered the rates of their multiple products. In the past two weeks, more than 30 bank wealth management products have announced rate adjustments. Industry insiders say that "lowering fees"

Approved by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China: Intermediate candidate appointed as a new position! Recently, two provinces have welcomed new deputy secretaries and alternate members of the Provincial Party Committee | Central | new positions
Approved by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China: Intermediate candidate appointed as a new position! Recently, two provinces have welcomed new deputy secretaries and alternate members of the Provincial Party Committee | Central | new positions

According to Sichuan Observation, recently, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China approved Comrade Shi Xiaolin as the Deputy Secretary of the Sichuan Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China. Shi Xiaolin. According to the publicly available resume, Shi Xiaolin, female, Han ethnicity, was born in May 1969 with a Master's degree in Business Administration. Shi Xiaolin is currently an alternate member of the 20th Central Committee, Deputy Secretary of the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee, Secretary of the Chengdu Municipal Party Committee, and also serves as the First Secretary of the Chengdu Garrison District Party Committee. Shangguanhui noticed that not long ago, a former standing committee member of the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee also took office. On May 19th, the website of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security announced that the State Council will appoint and dismiss national staff members. Among them, Li Yunze was appointed as the Director of the State Administration for Financial Supervision and Administration. Li Yunze is currently an alternate member of the 20th Central Committee, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the State Administration for Financial Regulation. Li Yunze takes office as a former member of the Standing Committee of the Sichuan Provincial Committee and Executive Vice Governor.

Resolutely following the path of peaceful development, Ministry of Foreign Affairs: China has always adhered to a defensive national defense policy. Region | US | Policy
Resolutely following the path of peaceful development, Ministry of Foreign Affairs: China has always adhered to a defensive national defense policy. Region | US | Policy

Regarding the US hype about the "China military threat theory", Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin stated at today's regular press conference that some people in the US have ulterior motives and confuse right and wrong, repeatedly hyping up the "China military threat theory" is essentially seeking excuses for their own military expansion, maintaining military hegemony, and undermining regional peace and stability. I would like to point out that China has always adhered to a defensive national defense policy and steadfastly pursued the path of peaceful development. The growth of China's military power is an increase in the world's peace force, which helps to maintain peace and stability in the Asia Pacific region and the world. Achieving complete reunification of the motherland is the common aspiration of all Chinese people. We are willing to strive for the prospect of peaceful reunification with the utmost sincerity and effort, and at the same time, we will not allow anyone or any force to separate Taiwan from the motherland. We urge the US to abide by the One China principle and the China US relationship

Pay close attention to the local security situation and be cautious when going out. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs reminds Chinese citizens in France again. France | China | Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Pay close attention to the local security situation and be cautious when going out. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs reminds Chinese citizens in France again. France | China | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

On July 3rd, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin presided over a regular press conference. A reporter asked if there were reports of a Chinese tour bus being smashed in Marseille, France on June 30th. Can the spokesperson provide the latest information on the handling of the incident and any suggestions for Chinese citizens in France? Thank you. According to Wang Wenbin, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Chinese Embassy in France have been closely monitoring the personal safety of Chinese citizens in France recently, issuing timely reminders, and taking measures to safeguard the safety and legitimate rights and interests of Chinese citizens in France. Wang Wenbin introduced that a Chinese tour group was affected by riots during their trip to Marseille, France. The bus window they were riding on was smashed, and several people were slightly injured. The Chinese Consulate General in Marseille immediately activated the consular protection emergency mechanism, assisted the travel group in reporting to the police and carrying out emergency response, and made representations to the French side. The group of tourists has now

Passengers queue up under the scorching sun! 12306 responded that a local train station does not allow passengers to enter the waiting hall
Passengers queue up under the scorching sun! 12306 responded that a local train station does not allow passengers to enter the waiting hall

On the 1st, in Hunan, a passenger posted a video claiming that after buying a train ticket, Zhuzhou Chaling South Station was unable to enter the waiting hall inside the station to wait. In the scorching summer, passengers carrying large and small bags could only wait on the square outside the waiting hall. The video released by passenger "Gentle Hedgehog" shows that the glass door of the waiting hall is tightly closed, with words such as "Chaling South Station" and "Ticket based Waiting" written on the door. Due to the inability to enter the waiting hall, passengers carrying luggage lined up on the square. The weather was hot, and some people were holding umbrellas, including some children. The passenger questioned, saying, "It's like an oven outside. Let's stand outside and not enter the waiting hall, and how many years old babies are there..." Others also questioned, "I've been to many train stations in various provinces, and Chaling South Station is really not allowed to enter the waiting hall after purchasing tickets. It's too inhumane!"

Taiwan private school "exit tsunami" hit! In July, colleges and universities stopped running teachers | schools | Taiwan
Taiwan private school "exit tsunami" hit! In July, colleges and universities stopped running teachers | schools | Taiwan

Entering July, the crisis of private schools leaving Taiwan continues to spread. Zhongzhou University of Science and Technology and Capital University in Taiwan will cease operations on July 31st, with Zhongzhou University of Science and Technology having been established for 54 years. Not long ago, three universities in Taiwan, Global University of Science and Technology, Mingdao University, and Datong College of Technology, announced the cessation of enrollment in 2023 and will cease operations from July 31 next year. The picture shows Zhongzhou University of Science and Technology in Taiwan. The image is from China Times, and behind the "exit" of private schools is the increasingly severe trend of "fewer children" in Taiwan. According to statistics from the Taiwan Ministry of Internal Affairs, the number of newborns in Taiwan for the whole year of 2022 was only 138986 million, which is a new low in history since the availability of statistical data; And the death toll exceeded 200000, the highest in history. Taiwanese media cited the above data as pointing out that the number of births is far away

Suddenly in Japan! Explosion building in Tokyo city center | Tokyo city center | Japan
Suddenly in Japan! Explosion building in Tokyo city center | Tokyo city center | Japan

According to the Japan Broadcasting Association, at around 3:15 pm local time on the 3rd, an explosion occurred in a building in the center of Tokyo, Japan. At around 3:15 pm local time on the 3rd, an explosion occurred in a building in the center of Tokyo, Japan. According to nearby residents, they first heard a loud noise and later discovered that the building emitting the explosion was on fire, with smoke filling the scene. After the firefighters arrived, they began firefighting operations. There are reports that building glass was shattered in the explosion and scattered on the streets. Currently, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department is conducting a detailed investigation into the incident. It is reported that the Shinbashi area where the explosion occurred is located in the center of Tokyo, surrounded by many office buildings, shops, and restaurants.

Rescue failed and passed away. A tour guide from a travel agency in Beijing, led by the Summer Palace, was unable to receive medical treatment due to heatstroke. | Natural disaster | Tour guide
Rescue failed and passed away. A tour guide from a travel agency in Beijing, led by the Summer Palace, was unable to receive medical treatment due to heatstroke. | Natural disaster | Tour guide

The reporter learned from several tour guides in Beijing that on July 2nd, a local tour guide in Beijing passed away due to heatstroke while leading a group tour of the Summer Palace. Despite unsuccessful rescue efforts, he passed away. Recently, Beijing has experienced continuous high temperatures, setting a historical record for the highest temperature exceeding 40 ℃ for three consecutive days. The tourism market in Beijing has also rapidly heated up with the arrival of summer, reminding tourists and outdoor workers to pay attention to heatstroke prevention and cooling. In addition, the Beijing Municipal Emergency Bureau, together with relevant units, has recently analyzed the natural disaster risk situation in the Beijing area in July 2023 and determined that the city will enter a period of high incidence of natural disasters in July. Among them, the risk of extreme heat wave disasters cannot be ignored. The Municipal Emergency Bureau introduced that in July, it is expected that the precipitation in this city will be close to the same period as usual, and the average temperature will be higher than the same period as usual. Recently, there have been multiple occurrences in this city

Tourists claim that their hands were trembling while filming the video, and cracks appeared on the support pillars of the "fastest super roller coaster in North America"! Roller coaster emergency closure for tourists | amusement park | support pillars
Tourists claim that their hands were trembling while filming the video, and cracks appeared on the support pillars of the "fastest super roller coaster in North America"! Roller coaster emergency closure for tourists | amusement park | support pillars

According to reports from media such as The New York Times and ABC on July 2nd, on June 30th local time, a roller coaster at an amusement park in Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, was spotted by tourists with cracks on the top of its support column and has since been temporarily closed. Related videos show that when a roller coaster carrying multiple passengers is speeding past, not only can cracks be clearly seen on the support pillars, but even the top of it can be seen moving noticeably. According to relevant video screenshots, it is understood that this amusement park is the Karlovins amusement park, and the roller coaster with cracks captured by tourists is "Anger 325". It is reported that "Anger 325" was first opened to the public in 2015, with a construction cost of approximately $30 million. According to information on the official website of Karlovins Amusement Park, "Anger 325" is "the highest and fastest in North America."

Being slapped with a five-star red flag!, The US Communist Party wants to show off the moon | USA | Republican Party
Being slapped with a five-star red flag!, The US Communist Party wants to show off the moon | USA | Republican Party

Recently, the Republican Party in the United States posted photos on social media, boasting that "there is only the American flag on the moon," but netizens slapped them with facts, and some even posted photos of the five-star red flag. In this tweet on June 26th, the official Twitter account of the Republican National Committee in the United States posted a picture of an American astronaut landing on the moon, accompanied by an article saying, "Have you ever seen the flags of other countries on the moon? I don't think so." However, such ignorant self congratulatory remarks quickly attracted onlookers. In the comment section, several people directly posted pictures of the Chinese flag on the moon as a response. Some netizens also bluntly stated, "Your tweets have been outdated for 50 years." "Just search online and you'll find out." Someone accompanied a report by the British Broadcasting Corporation to educate the Republican Party in the United States: "In the United States..."

Response from the Tourism Bureau: Under processing, the official documents of Weihai City are now the "Yibin City" government | Information | Official Documents
Response from the Tourism Bureau: Under processing, the official documents of Weihai City are now the "Yibin City" government | Information | Official Documents

On July 1, some netizens found that the expression "Yibin City" appeared in the "Information Disclosure Guide of Weihai Tourism Bureau" released on the official website of Weihai Municipal Government on March 3, 2015. Netizens questioned: plagiarism does not change the word? On July 3, nine news reporters searched the official website of Weihai Municipal People's Government and found that there was such a thing. The first paragraph of the "Weihai Tourism Bureau Information Disclosure Guide" is: "In order to better provide government information disclosure services, and to facilitate the public to quickly and accurately find government information disclosed by the Yibin Municipal Government and municipal administrative agencies in accordance with the law, in accordance with the" the People's Republic of China According to the Regulations on the Disclosure of Government Information, this guide is formulated." At noon on July 3, nine news reporters called the Weihai Tourism Bureau Office on the matter, and its staff said that the relevant situation had been reported to the leaders.

Taiwan Netizen Fried Pot: I love my tax money. Taiwan media reported that the former British Prime Minister had collected nearly NT $4 million from Taiwan. The Democratic Progressive Party | Britain | Foundation | Tax | NT $| Visit | Truss | Authorities
Taiwan Netizen Fried Pot: I love my tax money. Taiwan media reported that the former British Prime Minister had collected nearly NT $4 million from Taiwan. The Democratic Progressive Party | Britain | Foundation | Tax | NT $| Visit | Truss | Authorities

In May this year, former British Prime Minister Thomas Truss visited Taiwan, China.The relevant news has sparked a heated discussion among netizens on the island, who have all criticized their "heartache for my tax money". According to media reports such as CCTV News, Truss visited Taiwan, China from May 16 to 20, not only met with Cai Yingwen and Lai Qingde, the leaders and vice leaders of the Taiwan authorities, but also delivered a speech at the invitation of the "Vision Foundation". According to the extra income of members announced by the British Parliament a few days ago, the "Vision Foundation" paid Truss 80000 pounds to attend the event and give a speech. In addition, the foreign affairs department of the Taiwan authorities also entertained approximately £ 1841 worth of airfare and accommodation, equivalent to over NT $430000. island

[Sense China] Common prosperity highlights the value advantages of Chinese path to modernization Modernization | China | Common prosperity
[Sense China] Common prosperity highlights the value advantages of Chinese path to modernization Modernization | China | Common prosperity

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that "Chinese path to modernization is the modernization of common prosperity for all people." This is a major strategic choice made by the people of the CPC in the new era by scientifically applying the basic principles of Marxism, deeply grasping the overall trend of human society development, focusing on achieving the second centennial goal, and setting foot in the new historical stage of China's development. It reflects the fundamental value pursuit of taking the people as the center, and highlights the distinctive value background of Chinese path to modernization.

Maintain strategic focus in promoting Chinese path to modernization Politics | Risk | Strategy
Maintain strategic focus in promoting Chinese path to modernization Politics | Risk | Strategy

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that in the face of rapid changes in the international situation, the party insists on putting national interests first, giving priority to domestic politics, maintaining strategic determination, carrying forward the spirit of struggle, and firmly grasping the initiative of China's development and security. "Maintaining strategic stability" is a distinctive feature of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core in governing the country in the new era, and it is also an important part of the strategic thinking of Xi Jinping's thoughts on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that to achieve the goals we have established, we must not only have the strategic determination to "fly through chaotic clouds and still be calm", but also have the enterprising spirit of "not being a hero without the Great Wall. On the new journey of building a modern and powerful socialist country in an all-round way and realizing the goal of the second century, we must continue to maintain strategic determination and win greater victories. Firmly theoretical and self-confident war

Scholz explains why Germany does not provide cruise missiles: they do not want Ukraine to use them to attack Russian territory cruise missiles | Taurus | Ukraine
Scholz explains why Germany does not provide cruise missiles: they do not want Ukraine to use them to attack Russian territory cruise missiles | Taurus | Ukraine

According to TASS, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz stated in an interview with German television on July 2 that the German government does not want Ukraine to use the long-range weapons provided to it to strike Russian territory regarding the issue of not providing Taurus cruise missiles. Scholz said, "In short, we will carefully review all requests. However, the principle that I and US President Biden both agree on is valid for us: we do not want the weapons provided to be used to attack Russian territory, but to defend Ukraine and help it regain its territory." The German Prime Minister, when answering whether he believed the conflict in Ukraine would continue until the end of his term as Prime Minister, stated that he was not clear about this. He said, "But I have every reason to reiterate that we must adjust to the state of enduring war and be prepared to do as much as possible."

[Li Xiang China] Scientific Guidance for Comprehensively Pushing Forward the New Great Project of Party Building in the New Era Xi Jinping | Thought | Times
[Li Xiang China] Scientific Guidance for Comprehensively Pushing Forward the New Great Project of Party Building in the New Era Xi Jinping | Thought | Times

On the occasion of the 102 anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping gave important instructions on party building and organizational work, requiring a profound understanding of the important thinking of the Party Central Committee on party building, and in-depth implementation of the general requirements of party building in the new era and the party in the new era. Organizational line, in-depth advancement of the new great project of party building in the new era. The National Organization Work Conference formally put forward and systematically expounded "General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thoughts on party building" for the first time, which is a landmark milestone in the history of the development of Marxist party building theory and the history of party building of the Communist Party of China. General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thought on party building is an important part of Xi Jinping's thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, a scientific summary of the theoretical development and practical experience of party building in the new era, and a Marxist theory of party building in China.

The methodology of investigation and research follows page number | report | methodology
The methodology of investigation and research follows page number | report | methodology

Investigation and research are the heirlooms of our party. Recently, the "Work Plan for Promoting Investigation and Research throughout the Party" was issued, emphasizing the importance of promoting investigation and research, and taking good steps to start a good situation. It clearly put forward the overall requirements of "adhering to the Party's mass line", "seeking truth from facts", "adhering to problem orientation", "adhering to overcoming difficulties", and "adhering to a systematic concept". From a methodological perspective, a systematic summary of the investigation and research work was made, providing important guidance and strong deployment for the Party to promote investigation and research, do current work well, and plan future development. Taking the mass line is the fundamental method of investigation and research. The people are the main body of wisdom and strength, as well as the main body of society. Investigation and research must adhere to the Party's mass line. The mass line is not only the fundamental work line of the Party, but also the basis for conducting investigations and research

The Hong Kong Garrison holds a youth special military camp opening activity | Open | Military Camp
The Hong Kong Garrison holds a youth special military camp opening activity | Open | Military Camp

CCTV News: The troops stationed in Hong Kong will hold military camp opening activities from July 1st to 3rd. Yesterday was the second day of the open event, and over 4000 young students from multiple Hong Kong schools spent a meaningful weekend in the military camp. At 10 o'clock in the morning, at the Stonecutters Barracks, the Honor Guard of the Three Services stationed in Hong Kong marched out with strong and powerful steps to protect the flag. Accompanied by the magnificent "March of the Volunteers", the teenagers raised the national flag and sang the national anthem together with the officers and soldiers of the People's Liberation Army. In the subsequent military course performance, it suddenly rained heavily. The officers and soldiers braved the rainstorm to show the audience the military music queue, fighting techniques, assassination exercises, hunter fighting and other courses. The Hong Kong Military Exhibition Center is a popular check-in point for teachers and students to visit. Under the guidance of commentators, young people not only appreciate the long history and brilliance of the Chinese nation, but also appreciate it

New Discovery of Mount Fuji in Japan! During the empty window period, there were actually 6 quiet eruptions. Research | Investigation | Mount Fuji, Japan
New Discovery of Mount Fuji in Japan! During the empty window period, there were actually 6 quiet eruptions. Research | Investigation | Mount Fuji, Japan

According to a report compiled by Japan's Headlines, a research team consisting of the University of Tokyo and the Fujiyama Institute of Science in Yamanashi Prefecture has recently released the latest research results. Through investigation of the sediment at the bottom of Lake Shanzhong, they found that Mount Fuji actually experienced at least 6 unknown eruptions during the eruption window period. This indicates that the volcanic activity of this era may have been underestimated before. By investigating the volcanic ash layers containing volcanic debris in the geological strata, we can determine the scale and duration of past volcanic eruptions. However, there are also cases on land where volcanic ash layers are not fully residual due to erosion and other reasons. The research team focused on the well preserved bottom of the lake and investigated the sediment collected from the bottom of Shanzhong Lake over the past 8000 years in 1998. They also excavated a hole about 20 meters deep on the lakeside to investigate the strata

Chinese people have received it for the first time, congratulations! This international honor is international | nurse | international
Chinese people have received it for the first time, congratulations! This international honor is international | nurse | international

On July 1st, local time, at the International Nurses Association Conference held in Montreal, Canada, the International Nurses Association and the Nightingale Foundation presented the 2023 International Achievement Award to 94 year old Chinese nurse Zhang Jinyuan. This was the first time a Chinese person had received this honor, and after winning the 39th Nightingale Award in 2003, Zhang Jinyuan once again received international honors for Chinese nurses. This was at the International Nurses Association Conference held in Montreal, Canada. Due to her old age, Zhang Jinyuan was unable to go to the venue to receive the award. She expressed her gratitude to the conference via video. Zhang Jinyuan was born in 1929 in a prestigious family in Nanchang, Jiangxi. By chance, Zhang Jinyuan, who was originally a young lady in the old society, came into contact with the story of Nightingale, who saved lives and helped the wounded. This also inspired her to aspire to become a nurse

Minister of National Defense Li Shangfu Meets with the Commander in Chief of the Russian Navy
Minister of National Defense Li Shangfu Meets with the Commander in Chief of the Russian Navy

On July 3rd, State Councilor and Minister of National Defense Li Shangfu met with Russian Navy Commander in Chief Yevmenov in Beijing.China is willing to work with Russia to implement the important consensus of the two heads of state and continuously enrich the connotation of the comprehensive strategic partnership of cooperation between China and Russia in the new era. Under the strategic guidance of the two heads of state, military exchanges and cooperation between the two countries have steadily developed. I believe that with the joint efforts of both sides, the relationship between the two armies will continue to deepen and solidify, constantly making new progress and reaching new heights. China and Russia have close and frequent naval exchanges, and we hope that both sides can strengthen communication at all levels, regularly organize joint exercises and patrols, expand practical cooperation in professional fields, and maintain regional and even global cooperation

Does the official Philippine tourism promotional video feature Indonesian and Thai scenery? Philippine Tourism Bureau urgently delisted and launched an investigation into the Philippines | Tourism Bureau | Indonesia
Does the official Philippine tourism promotional video feature Indonesian and Thai scenery? Philippine Tourism Bureau urgently delisted and launched an investigation into the Philippines | Tourism Bureau | Indonesia

According to the Independent on July 2nd, the Philippine Tourism Board recently launched an official tourism promotional video, in which a Filipino blogger pointed out that the multiple locations featured in the video are not the Philippines at all, but landscapes from countries such as Indonesia, Brazil, and Thailand. At present, the Philippine tourism department has taken down the video. The Indonesian terraced fields featured in the promotional video were mentioned by Filipino blogger Sas Rogando Sassot in a Facebook post. The tourism promotional video featured Indonesian rice terraced fields, Brazilian sand dunes, and scenes of Thai lakes. It is reported that on June 27th, the Philippine Tourism Authority released a tourism promotional event with the theme of "Falling in Love with the Philippines", which cost $900000. This promotional video was produced for the event. After being pointed out by the blogger, the Philippine Tourism Board removed the promotional video. Responsible for producing the

Protest against Japan's nuclear wastewater discharge into the sea, demand an increase in minimum wage, "Yoon Seok yeol regime steps down!" 400000 South Korean workers begin a two-week labor strike | strike | workers
Protest against Japan's nuclear wastewater discharge into the sea, demand an increase in minimum wage, "Yoon Seok yeol regime steps down!" 400000 South Korean workers begin a two-week labor strike | strike | workers

According to Yonhap News Agency on July 3rd, the National Democratic Labor Union of South Korea has launched a two-week general strike from July 3rd to 15th, with an expected participation of 400000 to 500000 people, calling for the resignation of the Yoon Seok yeol regime. According to the South Korean labor community, the Chairman of the Democratic Labor General Committee, Leung Ching soo, and other relevant personnel held a press conference in front of the presidential palace in Seoul at 10 a.m. on the 3rd, announcing the launch of a general strike. From 10am to 1pm on the same day, trade unions in 15 regions across the country, except Seoul, will also hold press conferences and announce the start of strikes. Members of the South Korean Democratic Labor Union held a rally with slogans. The Democratic Labor Union stated that the tone and goals of this strike are to "comply with public opinion to urge the resignation of the Yoon Seok yeol regime," "raise the minimum wage," "legislate the Yellow Envelope Law," and stop Japan's nuclear wastewater treatment

Russian media reports: CIA recruits troops for Ukraine in these countries, Syria | Ukraine | Country
Russian media reports: CIA recruits troops for Ukraine in these countries, Syria | Ukraine | Country

According to the website of the Russian newspaper "Viewpoint" on July 2nd, due to the slow progress of the Ukrainian war, the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States has begun recruiting Kurdish militants for the Ukrainian army in Syria. According to reports, Russian military and diplomatic sources stationed in Damascus told Russia News Agency that the US is in talks with the Syrian Kurdish armed "People's Protection Forces" and several Arab tribal leaders regarding this matter. Sources mentioned that at the end of May, a news agency quoted the Russian Foreign Intelligence Agency as saying that the Tanfu base in Syria was used by the United States to train armed militants to carry out terrorist attacks in Russia. According to Turkish media reports, armed elements from the "People's Protection Forces" have been fighting in Türkiye since the spring of 2022. These people have been involved in the war against the extremist organization ISIS since 2014 and have extensive experience

Riots have also occurred in Switzerland, with arrested individuals following France | Age | Switzerland
Riots have also occurred in Switzerland, with arrested individuals following France | Age | Switzerland

According to Deutsche Presse-Agentur, the Swiss news agency said on July 2 that police arrested seven people after a group of people gathered in the Swiss border city of Lausanne and destroyed shops. The report stated that this riot was clearly influenced by the riots in France, which borders Switzerland. Swiss police reported that over 100 young people gathered in Lausanne late on July 1st. The report states that these young people's actions are a response to the recent violent protests in France. ▲ Information image: According to reports from Lake Geneva in Switzerland, six of the arrested individuals were between the ages of 15 and 17, and one was 24 years old. According to Agence France Presse, although the riots in Lausanne were not on the same scale as those in France, those involved in the riots used stones to smash some shop windows. Lausanne police claim that someone posted on social media