The world

A trillion dollar market has arrived! Nearly 70 car models participated, new energy vehicles for rural areas | new energy | market
A trillion dollar market has arrived! Nearly 70 car models participated, new energy vehicles for rural areas | new energy | market

On June 16th, the 2023 New Energy Vehicles Going to the Countryside Campaign, jointly organized by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the National Development and Reform Commission and other five ministries, was officially launched in Wuxi, Jiangsu. From June to December this year, we will promote the application of new energy vehicles in rural areas through various means. Currently, the new energy vehicle market in China is continuing to grow rapidly. Facing the vast rural market, how can new car sales further sink, how should charging stations be laid out and constructed, and what innovative application scenarios are there in the future? On the morning of June 16th, at the launch site of the new energy vehicle campaign in Wuxi, Jiangsu, multiple car companies showcased new energy vehicles for promotion. It is understood that a total of 69 car models from 30 companies participated in the rural activities this year. In order to encourage consumers to purchase cars, Wuxi city also

Xin Shiping: Don't Let the Wind of Formalism Blow Away Urban Greening Place | City | Urban Greening
Xin Shiping: Don't Let the Wind of Formalism Blow Away Urban Greening Place | City | Urban Greening

Following the trend of greening, seeking novelty and introducing "internet famous" flowers and trees, and "big trees entering the city and becoming forests overnight" leads to low survival rates and high costs... In some areas, there are problems in urban greening work such as mutual following, greed for foreign interests, and a desire for quick success and instant benefits, which urgently need to be alerted and effectively corrected. Urban greening is related to the improvement of urban ecological environment, the quality of living environment, and the happiness of people's lives. It is an ecological engineering and also a livelihood engineering. Data shows that from 2012 to 2021, the green coverage rate of urban built-up areas in China increased from 39.59% to 42.42%, and urban greening work has made significant progress. Overall, it has developed from quantitative growth to qualitative optimization. However, it should also be noted that formalistic practices that are detached from reality and do not respect laws have brought strict measures to urban greening work in some places

The doctoral team has started construction! Netizen: Why aren't these glasses floating? Radiation | Biology | Crew
The doctoral team has started construction! Netizen: Why aren't these glasses floating? Radiation | Biology | Crew

Within about two weeks of entering the space station, the "doctor crew" of Shenzhou 16 quickly carried out a lot of work, such as material sorting, loading and extravehicular work. Three astronauts were in orbit to carry out space radiation biology device extravehicular work and quickly entered the working state! Click on the video, let's take a look at ↓ 1 China's first extravehicular radiation biology exposure experiment Shenzhou 16 has carried out a lot of work since it entered the space station on May 30, 2023, including the extravehicular work of the space radiation biology exposure experiment device in the Mengtian experiment module. The astronauts installed the load to the load transfer mechanism and then closed the cargo airlock compartment door of the Mengtian experiment module. Through this device, the research on the biological effects of environmental factors such as the biological effects of space particle radiation on the sample materials sample provided raw

What is monkeypox? What are the transmission routes? You need to understand the contagiousness of these knowledge | Central Health Emergency Center | Pathways
What is monkeypox? What are the transmission routes? You need to understand the contagiousness of these knowledge | Central Health Emergency Center | Pathways

Recently, cases of monkeypox virus infection were detected during surveillance in Beijing and Guangzhou. On the 15th, the National Health Commission and the National Bureau of Disease Control and Prevention invited experts to conduct scientific popularization on the prevention and treatment of monkeypox. The general public has limited exposure to monkeypox virus, so there is no need to worry too much. Monkeypox is a zoonotic viral disease caused by monkeypox virus infection, which has mainly spread in West and Central Africa in the past. Since May last year, multiple countries in Europe and America have reported monkeypox outbreaks, marking the first human to human transmission in non epidemic areas. On July 23, last year, the World Health Organization announced that the monkeypox epidemic constituted an "international public health emergency of concern", reaching its peak in August last year. The epidemic gradually decreased and had reached a lower level by the end of December last year. On May 11 of this year, the World Health Organization announced that the monkeypox epidemic was no longer a public health emergency

What signal?, The central bank has continuously lowered interest rates, with a 10 month interval between SLF | interest rate | central bank
What signal?, The central bank has continuously lowered interest rates, with a 10 month interval between SLF | interest rate | central bank

Policy interest rates have been cut in succession! Following a 10 basis point cut in the 7-day reverse repo operation rate and the standing lending facility rate on June 13, the medium-term lending facility rate was also cut by 10 basis points on the 15th. Analysts expect the interest rate quoted in the loan market to be announced on the 20th to be adjusted. Why is the central bank cutting interest rates intensively at this time? What kind of signal is transmitted? Can the mortgage be paid less again? On June 15, the 7-day reverse repo operation rate and the MLF rate. Interest rates "linkage" down According to the central bank's official website on the morning of the 13th news, the central bank to interest rate bidding to carry out 2 billion yuan reverse repurchase operation, interest rates fell to 1.9. On the evening of the 13th, the central bank released the latest SLF interest rate table. After the SLF rate cut, the overnight variety was 2.75 per cent, the 7-day variety was 2.90 per cent and the 1-month variety was 3 per cent.

The US debt crisis is still ongoing, and the root cause remains unresolved. | The US | Crisis
The US debt crisis is still ongoing, and the root cause remains unresolved. | The US | Crisis

Just as the debt ceiling crisis narrowly passed, the United States is brewing a new round of borrowing. According to US media recently, the US Treasury Department will issue US $850 billion of treasury bond within four months. JPMorgan estimates that by the end of this year, the US government will need to borrow $1.1 trillion in short-term treasury bond bonds. Investors are concerned that this will trigger a new round of turbulence in the US financial market. Experts point out that the recently passed debt ceiling bill in the United States cannot fundamentally solve the debt ceiling crisis. As the snowball of US debt continues to grow, the US financial system will continue to be under pressure, and the US economy and the credibility of the US dollar will also be further impacted. New deep-seated risks have emerged. Recently, US President Biden signed a bill on the federal government's debt ceiling and budget. The bill temporarily suspends the effectiveness of the debt ceiling until early 2025,

The reason is still unknown, Yunnan has experienced 35 earthquakes in 20 days! Villagers: Like the sound of gunfire from a coal mine... The government has intervened. | Miaoshan Village | The government
The reason is still unknown, Yunnan has experienced 35 earthquakes in 20 days! Villagers: Like the sound of gunfire from a coal mine... The government has intervened. | Miaoshan Village | The government

Since May 26th, the peaceful life of villagers in Miaoshan Village, Puji Town, Zhenxiong County, Yunnan Province has been disrupted. In less than 20 days, Miaoshan Village has been plagued by continuous earthquakes, and many villagers have also experienced significant cracks in their homes due to the vibrations. Villagers have expressed their shock. On June 16th, the reporter learned from the local area of Zhenxiong that monitoring data from the earthquake department showed that at least 35 ground tremors had occurred in Miaoshan Village since May 26th. Currently, multiple departments in the county have formed working groups to investigate the incident, and the cause of the tremors has not been confirmed. ▲ Monitor and record footage of villagers leaving their homes after a vibration. According to multiple surveillance videos obtained by the reporter from the source/interviewee, at around 10:26 am on June 13th, accompanied by a loud bang, the house shook significantly

Heartbreak! The fund manager born in the 1980s suddenly passed away, Lu Yang | Fund | Manager
Heartbreak! The fund manager born in the 1980s suddenly passed away, Lu Yang | Fund | Manager

China Fund News Taylor Fund Circle suddenly reported bad news, with Lu Yang, the general manager of well-known investment firm Shanghai Botong Investment Management Co., Ltd., passing away from a heart attack on June 15th. Recently, news came from within the industry that Lu Yang, the general manager of Botong Investment, had a sudden heart attack and passed away on June 15th. A message sent to a customer through a channel shows that Botong Investment has provided two solutions: one is to suggest liquidation and the customer redeems; The second option is to change the fund manager. Taylor confirmed this matter from investors close to Portone. According to public information, Lu Yang was born in 1982 and holds a Master's degree in Applied Mathematics from Peking University. He has over 10 years of experience in securities investment and is known for achieving absolute returns. In January 2008, I joined the China Financial Futures Exchange and was responsible for the development of risk control systems. In May 2009, joined Donghai Certification

As the guest of honor, confirm! Honduras will participate in this year's CIIE China | Honduras | Identity
As the guest of honor, confirm! Honduras will participate in this year's CIIE China | Honduras | Identity

According to the website of Honduras Daily on June 15th, Honduras will participate in the China International Import Expo to be held in Shanghai this year. According to reports, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Honduras, Eduardo Enrique Reina, has confirmed that the country will participate as a guest of honor at the China International Import Expo to be held in Shanghai, China in November 2023. The foreign minister said, "Honduras will participate in the CIIE held in Shanghai in November this year as a guest of honor, and Honduran products will usher in a window of opportunity." Recently, the Honduran government announced that the first batch of 11 Honduran enterprises exporting coffee and white shrimp to China have been certified. According to reports, the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry of Honduras and the National Agricultural and Food Health and Safety Administration have taken necessary measures to ensure that Chinese customs allow domestic products to be produced

They're here! First See Zelensky Africa | Countries | First See Zelensky
They're here! First See Zelensky Africa | Countries | First See Zelensky

According to Deutsche Presse-Agentur, South African President Ramaphosa and other African leaders arrived in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, by train on June 16. They will hold talks with Ukrainian President Zelensky. According to reports, after holding talks with Zelensky, the leaders of these African countries will travel to Russia over the weekend to hold talks with Russian President Putin. The African leadership delegation's visit aims to mediate a ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine, and Zelensky and Putin have previously expressed their willingness to meet with the delegation. It is reported that in addition to Ramafosa, the African leaders' delegation also includes the heads of state of Senegal, Congo, Zambia and Comoros, as well as the Egyptian Prime Minister Mustafa Madbury, and the President of Uganda, who is infected with COVID-19, sent a former Prime Minister to visit on his behalf. On June 15th, representatives of African leaders

Macron requests acceptance from BRICS countries? The profound meaning behind it is South Africa | President | Country
Macron requests acceptance from BRICS countries? The profound meaning behind it is South Africa | President | Country

On June 14th, the Russian news agency website published an article titled "Jumping onto the Last Carriage: Macron Requesting Acceptance from BRICS Countries" by Dmitry Koselev. The article excerpt is as follows: Of course, this may be another media hype, but even so, there are still many things behind this matter. What I am saying is that French President Macron has requested South African President Ramaphosa to invite him to attend the BRICS summit to be held in Johannesburg in August. Alright, only the French newspaper "Public Opinion" quoted sources as reporting this news. The source also said that the South African President has decided to first discuss with the leaders of other BRICS countries - Brazil, Russia, India, and China. The so-called world order is in some trouble. This refers to the mechanisms that govern countries around the world: world trade rules, international law, certain

Early Reading | China's First Focus on Solving Its own Problems | China | Problems
Early Reading | China's First Focus on Solving Its own Problems | China | Problems

Good morning! Watch the news "early reading" is coming! On Saturday, June 17, 2023, the lunar calendar April 30, Shanghai was overcast to cloudy with occasional showers, 23~27 ℃ § Today's Attention to Xi Jinping: China First Focuses on Solving Its Own Problems On June 16, ※, President Xi Jinping met with Bill Gates, Co-Chairman of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in Beijing. Xi Jinping expressed his appreciation for Gates and his foundation's long-term commitment to promoting global poverty reduction, health, development and public welfare and charity. Xi Jinping stressed that at present, the world's unprecedented changes in a century are accelerating. I have proposed the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative and the Global Civilization Initiative, with the aim of providing Chinese solutions to global challenges. China is focused on solving its own problems first. China as a

Corruption has lasted for nearly 16 years!, Hou Shaoze Audited by Guokai Securities | President | Hou Shaoze
Corruption has lasted for nearly 16 years!, Hou Shaoze Audited by Guokai Securities | President | Hou Shaoze

On June 16th, according to the report from Pengpai News, the Intermediate People's Court of Binzhou City publicly held a first instance trial of the bribery case of Hou Shaoze, former president of Guokai Securities. The People's Procuratorate of Binzhou City dispatched personnel to appear in court to support the prosecution, and the defendant Hou Shaoze and his defense counsel appeared in court to participate in the lawsuit. According to the People's Procuratorate of Binzhou City, from August 2000 to January 2016, Hou Shaoze took advantage of his positions as Assistant to the Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Weihai City Government, Secretary of the Working Committee and Director of the Management Committee of Weihai Torch High tech Industrial Development Zone, Deputy Director of the International Finance Bureau of China Development Bank, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Vice President, and President of China Development Securities Co., Ltd. to seek benefits for others in applying for support funds, coordinating loan disbursements, and accepting gifts from others totaling more than 30.78 million yuan. He should be prosecuted for bribery according to law

Publicity by the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee: 10 County Party Secretary Intended to be Commended for Work Style | Efficiency | County Party Secretary
Publicity by the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee: 10 County Party Secretary Intended to be Commended for Work Style | Efficiency | County Party Secretary

The publicity of the proposed circular praising outstanding county party committee secretaries who performed prominently in the revolution of revolutionary efficiency of style is to deepen the revolution of revolutionary efficiency of style and play the leading role of advanced models. The provincial party committee decided to select a group of outstanding county party committee secretaries who performed prominently in the revolution of revolutionary efficiency of style, encourage and guide the majority of party members and cadres to further change their style, improve their efficiency, focus on implementation and promote development, and make new contributions in promoting the realization of the "3815" strategic development goal of our province and writing the chapter of Chinese path to modernization in Yunnan. Through the recommendation of the state party committee and the organization and inspection of the provincial party committee's organization department, the provincial party committee has determined 10 candidates to be announced for commendation. In order to fully promote democracy, widely listen to opinions, and accept social supervision, the list of candidates is now publicly announced from June 16, 2023 to June 25, 2023. common

Former Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan: "Looking East" Becomes Middle Eastern Geopolitical Choice China | Cooperation | Politics
Former Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan: "Looking East" Becomes Middle Eastern Geopolitical Choice China | Cooperation | Politics

Introduction: In recent years, China has actively developed relations with Middle Eastern countries and closely cooperated with Saudi Arabia in industries such as petrochemicals and communications. In March of this year, China facilitated a historic reconciliation between Saudi Arabia and Iran. Saudi Arabia has also taken an important step towards joining the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. The "special relationship" between Saudi Arabia and the United States will continue, but China has heard strong calls to strengthen regional cooperation in its deep participation in Middle East economic affairs. Turning to China is becoming a new geopolitical choice in the Middle East, causing an impact on the "Western centric" pattern. This July, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Summit will be held in New Delhi, India. The summit will make several major decisions, one of which is about Saudi Arabia joining the organization. On March 29th, Saudi King Salman signed a document recognizing Saudi Arabia as a dialogue partner of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization

Ministry of Foreign Affairs: China will continue to uphold fairness and tirelessly strive for an early, comprehensive, just and lasting solution to the Palestinian issue
Ministry of Foreign Affairs: China will continue to uphold fairness and tirelessly strive for an early, comprehensive, just and lasting solution to the Palestinian issue

On June 16th, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin presided over a regular press conference.Wang Wenbin stated that China has always attached great importance to the Palestinian issue, firmly supported the just cause of the Palestinian people to restore their national legitimate rights, and has made unremitting efforts to this end.Wang Wenbin said that since the beginning of this year, Pakistan has

Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Happy to see foreign-funded enterprises investing and developing in China, deeply cultivating the Chinese market. China | Market | Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Happy to see foreign-funded enterprises investing and developing in China, deeply cultivating the Chinese market. China | Market | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

On June 16th, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin presided over a regular press conference. A reporter asked, "Since the beginning of this year, many well-known executives from foreign companies have come to China. Their businesses involve multiple fields such as automobiles, consumption, manufacturing, healthcare, finance, and electronic technology. What is the spokesperson's comment on this?"? Wang Wenbin said that we are happy to see foreign-funded enterprises investing and developing in China, deeply cultivating the Chinese market, and sharing development opportunities. Since the beginning of this year, the Chinese economy has continued to recover, and the super resilience and huge attractiveness of the Chinese market have continued to emerge. Recently, some foreign business associations in China have released reports showing that the majority of foreign companies interviewed are still optimistic about the prospects of China's economic development. Among them, more than half of German companies plan to increase investment in China in the next two years, nearly 60% of American companies hold a positive attitude towards China's economic recovery, and 86% of British companies

Can donate to school, Hangzhou Jumping Bridge to save people, little brother Mom: house and money cannot be collected, little brother | Peng Qinglin | School
Can donate to school, Hangzhou Jumping Bridge to save people, little brother Mom: house and money cannot be collected, little brother | Peng Qinglin | School

@A reporter from China Blue News learned that Peng Qinglin, a young man who jumped off a bridge to save people in Hangzhou, was given a house as a gift by a certain enterprise in Zhangjiajie City. In addition, the government of Sangzhi County in Zhangjiajie, Hunan Province, and the Zhejiang Chamber of Commerce in Zhangjiajie, among other institutions, also gave him tens of thousands of yuan in bonuses. On the afternoon of the 16th, Sangzhi County also brought Peng Qinglin the honor of bravery and righteousness. Faced with the enthusiasm and kindness brought by the people of his hometown, Peng Qinglin said that he accepted the honors and rewards given by the government. But the company donated rewards to him, and he hopes to give back to the education cause in his hometown. Peng Qinglin's mother said, "We don't accept houses or money. My son also said that this money is hard-earned money earned by the family's business. If you want to donate, you can donate the money to school." Recently, delivery boy Peng Qinglin jumped off a bridge over 10 meters high to save someone, causing compression of his thoracic spine

Non safety production accident, emergency bureau: After investigation, the public reported that a coal mine in Jining had concealed the report of a fatal accident | Reported | Accident | Wenshang County | Shi Mou | Pengpai News | Personnel | Coal Mine
Non safety production accident, emergency bureau: After investigation, the public reported that a coal mine in Jining had concealed the report of a fatal accident | Reported | Accident | Wenshang County | Shi Mou | Pengpai News | Personnel | Coal Mine

Recently, some people reported to Pengpai News that a fatal accident occurred at Yiqiao Coal Mine in Wenshang County, Jining, Shandong Province on April 15th. One person died in an accident while working underground. After the accident, the coal mine did not report to the relevant department in accordance with regulations, which is considered as concealment. Regarding this matter, on June 16th, staff from the Emergency Management Bureau of Wenshang County responded to Pengpai News that after investigation, it was not a safety production accident. The public reported that he had previously worked at Yiqiao Coal Mine and recently learned about an accident that had occurred at Yiqiao Coal Mine during a conversation with former colleagues. A man who described himself working at Yiqiao Coal Mine told Pengpai News that on the morning of April 15th, he saw an ambulance at the wellhead and later learned that an accident had occurred underground. The man introduced that according to his understanding, a coal mine worker surnamed Shi worked in the

Shenzhou 9 flew into space, 11 years ago today Shenzhou | astronauts | Shenzhou 9 | today
Shenzhou 9 flew into space, 11 years ago today Shenzhou | astronauts | Shenzhou 9 | today

Today is June 16th, exactly 11 years after the launch of Shenzhou-9. Shenzhou-9 is the second space trip of astronaut Jing Haipeng, and also his first time serving as commander. Together with Liu Wang and Liu Yang, he has created multiple firsts, including the first manual rendezvous and docking, and the first Chinese female astronaut's "flying" into space. Let's review them together. On June 16, 2012, the Long March 2F Yao 9 carrier rocket took off, and three astronauts, Jing Haipeng, Liu Wang, and Liu Yang, flew into space aboard the Shenzhou 9 spacecraft. On June 18th, the Shenzhou-9 manned spacecraft and the Tiangong-1 target spacecraft achieved automatic rendezvous and docking. As the commander of the crew, astronaut Jing Haipeng opened the experimental cabin door of the Tiangong-1 target spacecraft and entered it in a floating attitude. This was his second space trip. Astronaut Scenery

The public's anxiety is intensifying, and South Korea is still pretending to be confused? Prime Minister's remarks lead to criticism, Japan's nuclear pollution discharge into the sea rehearsal Fukushima | South Korea | Nuclear pollution
The public's anxiety is intensifying, and South Korea is still pretending to be confused? Prime Minister's remarks lead to criticism, Japan's nuclear pollution discharge into the sea rehearsal Fukushima | South Korea | Nuclear pollution

At the beginning of Japan's rehearsal for the discharge of Fukushima nuclear wastewater into the sea, there was a heated debate in South Korea. It is reported that Tokyo Electric Power Company began trial operation of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant's nuclear sewage discharge facility on June 12th to confirm the operation of the core equipment. On the same day, South Korean Prime Minister Han Deju stated in a parliamentary inquiry that if the contaminated water from Fukushima nuclear power plant is scientifically treated and meets the standards, he can drink it. This has sparked questioning and criticism from the largest opposition party, the Common Democratic Party. On the 14th, Lee Jae ming, the leader of the Democratic Party of the United States, said at a meeting, "If you can drink it, why does Japan still discharge it into the sea? Is it appropriate for the South Korean Prime Minister to play the role of a spokesperson for Japan?" The Democratic Party of the United States questioned that the South Korean government's attitude towards Japan's discharge into the sea is not transparent and clear, which has caused dissatisfaction among the South Korean people

Forward reminder to parents! These 5 situations may be illegal fundraising! Name | Elderly | Situation
Forward reminder to parents! These 5 situations may be illegal fundraising! Name | Elderly | Situation

Recently, some elderly care service institutions and enterprises have implemented illegal fundraising activities under the guise of "elderly care services" and "healthy elderly care", using "high interest and high return" as bait to absorb funds from the elderly, causing serious property damage and mental harm to the elderly, and posing significant risks and hidden dangers. On June 15th, the Ministry of Civil Affairs issued a risk warning in response to these situations, reminding elderly people to consciously stay away from illegal fundraising. According to the "Risk Warning on Illegal Fundraising in the Field of Elderly Care Services" issued by the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the manifestations of illegal fundraising in the field of elderly care services are mainly divided into the following five forms: illegal fundraising under the name of elderly care service institutions. Some enterprises do not have physical elderly care service institutions, do not actually take in elderly people and provide care services, but carry out activities through temporary rental of elderly care service institution venues, and claim to cooperate with elderly care service institutions

Driving the economy to continue to rebound and improve, the good news is here! The Executive Meeting of the State Council has proposed a series of policy measures, including capital markets and the economy
Driving the economy to continue to rebound and improve, the good news is here! The Executive Meeting of the State Council has proposed a series of policy measures, including capital markets and the economy

According to CCTV News, the State Council executive meeting held on June 16th discussed a series of policy measures to promote sustained economic recovery and improvement. The action plan to increase support for financing of technology-based enterprises and the Regulations on the Supervision and Administration of Private Investment Funds were reviewed and approved, and the Degree Law of the People's Republic of China was discussed. Figure: A quick overview of the main points of the news broadcast: focusing on four aspects, namely, strengthening macro policy regulation, focusing on expanding effective demand, strengthening and optimizing the real economy, and preventing and resolving risks in key areas, the study proposed a number of policy measures to give priority to supporting start-up technology-based enterprises, and to accelerate the formation of a financial service support system focusing on equity investment and linked with "equity, loan, debt, and insurance", and take more effective measures to crack down on illegal financial activities such as illegal fund-raising in the name of "private funds"

Reached an agreement! Putin will visit Türkiye's President "soon" | Türkiye | Putin
Reached an agreement! Putin will visit Türkiye's President "soon" | Türkiye | Putin

According to Reuters, Russian media said that Russian President Putin and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan had reached an agreement that Putin would visit Türkiye "soon". The report points out that this will be Putin's first visit to a NATO member country since the outbreak of the Russian Ukrainian conflict on February 24, 2022. After the Russia-Ukraine conflict, Putin rarely visited abroad. The Interfax news agency quoted Yuri Ushakov, assistant to the Russian President for international affairs, as saying: "The President of Türkiye has issued an invitation to visit. Putin and Erdogan have reached an agreement that the visit will take place in the near future, but we have not yet discussed the specific date." The report mentioned that Erdogan won another five-year term in Türkiye's presidential election last month. Since the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, he has been trying to maintain good relations with both Russia and Ukraine.

Tan Zhenghong, former member of the Standing Committee and Secretary General of the Yueyang Municipal Party Committee, has been expelled from the Party. Discipline | Yueyang Municipal Party Committee
Tan Zhenghong, former member of the Standing Committee and Secretary General of the Yueyang Municipal Party Committee, has been expelled from the Party. Discipline | Yueyang Municipal Party Committee

Recently, with the approval of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee, the Hunan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision conducted a case review and investigation into the serious violations of discipline and law by Tan Zhenghong, former standing committee member and secretary-general of the Yueyang Municipal Party Committee. After investigation, it was found that Tan Zhenghong lost his ideals and beliefs, abandoned his original mission, and wanted to become both an official and a wealthy person. He turned public power into a tool for personal gain, and was enthusiastic about serving as a platform for unscrupulous merchants. He engaged in political and commercial collusion, power and money transactions, and believed in "having power but not using it when it expires". As he approached retirement, he was even more reckless, and his views on power became increasingly distorted, causing him to crazily accumulate wealth. Ignoring the spirit of the central eight point regulations, accepting gifts in violation of regulations for a long time, seeking pleasure, and repeatedly accepting golf activities arranged by management and service recipients in violation of regulations; Lack of organizational awareness and failure to truthfully explain issues during inquiries; Being an official without integrity, illegally borrowing money from management and service recipients, and obtaining large returns through private lending

Today's Refusal (June 16, 2023) National Library | Report Conference | Parent Child
Today's Refusal (June 16, 2023) National Library | Report Conference | Parent Child

On June 16, 2023, the Chinese Internet joint rumor dispelling platform rumored that the National Library held an expert seminar on the theme of "advocating parent-child reading" and charged a fee? Truth: Recently, some criminals impersonated the name of the National Library and held an expert report on "Advocating Parent Child Reading, Creating a Bookish Family, Promoting Traditional Culture, and Strengthening Core Literacy" for parents, students, and teachers, and charged relevant fees. In this regard, the National Library solemnly declares that our library has never organized or authorized any organization or individual to carry out related activities. Any public event held under the name of the National Library shall be subject to the official website and series of official new media releases of the National Library. Any organization or individual who counterfeits the name of our library, forges seals, official documents, or infringes upon our library

No violation, Lv Liang's official response to "elementary school book fees": Xinhua Bookstore issued a notice to pre collect teaching and auxiliary fees for students | book fees | elementary school
No violation, Lv Liang's official response to "elementary school book fees": Xinhua Bookstore issued a notice to pre collect teaching and auxiliary fees for students | book fees | elementary school

According to the "Leadership Message Board" of People's Daily Online on June 15th, in response to comments from netizens about "elementary school charges book fees, are book fees waived for compulsory education", the Social and Public Opinion Office of the Lvliang Municipal Party Committee in Shanxi Province replied that Fenyang Xinhua Bookstore has issued advance payment notices to various primary and secondary schools in Fenyang City, collecting student teaching auxiliary fees. The teaching auxiliary materials are books listed in the teaching auxiliary catalog of the Shanxi Provincial Department of Education, and there is no illegal collection of textbook fees. This netizen left a message on the "Leadership Message Board" of People's Daily on April 23, questioning the collection of book fees during the primary school stage. It is said that during the primary school stage in Fenyang City, Lvliang, book fees have been collected. Taking Yumenhe Primary School in Fenyang City as an example, on April 20th, the first grade collected a book fee of 260 yuan per student, and on April 23rd, the third grade collected a book fee of 290 yuan per student. The teachers of each class clearly stated in the class group that

Fuyang City Mayor Liu Yujie and Executive Vice Mayor Hu Mingwen are proposed to be appointed as new members of the Fuyang City Committee | Deputy Mayor | Hu Mingwen
Fuyang City Mayor Liu Yujie and Executive Vice Mayor Hu Mingwen are proposed to be appointed as new members of the Fuyang City Committee | Deputy Mayor | Hu Mingwen

Liu Yujie, the current mayor of Fuyang City in Anhui Province, and Hu Mingwen, the executive vice mayor, are expected to take office. On June 16th, Pengpai News learned from relevant departments that the Organization Department of the Anhui Provincial Party Committee recently released a cadre inspection notice, in which Liu Yujie, Deputy Secretary of the Fuyang Municipal Party Committee and Mayor, is the proposed candidate for further employment. Hu Mingwen, member of the Fuyang Municipal Party Committee Standing Committee and Executive Vice Mayor, plans to be promoted to the position of department level leader. According to public information, Liu Yujie, male, born in January 1969 in Dangshan, has a postgraduate degree and has served as a member of the Standing Committee and Secretary of the Wuhu Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, as well as a member and Secretary General of the Anhui Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. He was appointed as the Deputy Secretary of the Fuyang Municipal Committee in 2019 and was elected as the Mayor of Fuyang City in June 2021. Hu Mingwen, male, born in July 1970, native place: Mount Huangshan, birthplace: Hefei, postgraduate degree from the Party School of the Provincial Party Committee, former

Why suspend interest rate hikes?, Federal Reserve
Why suspend interest rate hikes?, Federal Reserve

Hot Q&A | Why Does the Federal Reserve Suspend Rate hikes? The Federal Reserve announced a pause in rate hikes after its monetary policy meeting ended on the 14th. This marks the first time the Federal Reserve has pressed the "pause button" after 10 consecutive rate hikes in over a year, marking a new phase in the rate hike cycle that began in March 2022. Why is the Federal Reserve suspending interest rate hikes at this time in the face of still high inflation? When will the interest rate hike be restarted? Why is the Federal Reserve in a dilemma of both fighting inflation and preventing financial risks? Why suspend interest rate hikes? On June 14th, Federal Reserve Chairman Powell attended a press conference in Washington. The Federal Reserve Board of the United States concluded its two-day monetary policy meeting on the 14th and announced that the target range for the federal funds rate, which ranges from 5% to 5.25%, will remain unchanged. From 2022

Arrested, 18 years old, Beijing police reported "fans rushing to embrace Messi": Di Moumou stands | fans | rushing to the field
Arrested, 18 years old, Beijing police reported "fans rushing to embrace Messi": Di Moumou stands | fans | rushing to the field

On the evening of June 15th, during a football match held at the Workers' Stadium, a fan jumped from the stands and rushed into the stadium to embrace his favorite player. After running on the field, he was taken away by the staff, resulting in a temporary interruption of the game. Violation of the rules of the game will result in punishment by the referee, and even red and yellow cards will be given as a warning. Fans who observe the same rules will also face legal consequences if their behavior goes beyond the boundaries. The Chaoyang Public Security Bureau has lawfully detained the fan who rushed into the stadium last night and ordered him not to enter the sports venue for 12 months to watch similar matches. Excited, the fan also expressed apologies for his behavior and accepted punishment from the public security organs. He hopes that the public will be punished. Fans take it as a warning, abide by rules and regulations, and work together to maintain good order on and off the field