The world

World Meteorological Organization: Last week was the hottest week on record | Meteorology | World Meteorological Organization
World Meteorological Organization: Last week was the hottest week on record | Meteorology | World Meteorological Organization

The World Meteorological Organization released a report on the 10th local time, stating that according to preliminary data, the world has just experienced the hottest week on record. In addition, June, which has just passed, was also the hottest month on record, with sea surface temperatures reaching new highs and the Antarctic sea ice area reaching a historic low. Christopher Hewitt, Director of Climate Services at the World Meteorological Organization, said, "The unusually warm months of June and early July occurred at the beginning of the development of the El Ni ñ o phenomenon. It is expected that the El Ni ñ o phenomenon will further intensify land and ocean heat, leading to more extreme temperatures and ocean heat waves." He also stated that as the El Ni ñ o phenomenon further develops, there may be more extreme weather, and these impacts are expected to continue until 2024.

The number of swimmers in summer has surged! How to determine whether the water quality of the swimming pool meets the standard? Two Clever Tips for Water Quality | Swimming Pool | Swimming Pool
The number of swimmers in summer has surged! How to determine whether the water quality of the swimming pool meets the standard? Two Clever Tips for Water Quality | Swimming Pool | Swimming Pool

Summer vacation has arrived, and the weather is hot. Parents cannot help but take their children to swimming pools and various water parks to play and cool off. The key to swimming in public swimming pools is to ensure that the water quality is qualified. As summer vacation begins, the number of swimmers in major swimming pools is rapidly increasing, and relevant departments have also increased their testing efforts accordingly. Law enforcement officers conduct water quality testing through professional equipment. How can ordinary consumers determine whether the water in a swimming pool is qualified? Next, I will teach you two small tricks. After entering the swimming pool, consumers can distinguish the quality of water by observing the clarity of the pool water. Feng Jingnan, the head of the Supervision and Law Enforcement Department of the Xicheng District Health Supervision Institute in Beijing: We can gently bend down and observe the condition of the underwater swimming lane through the water surface. If viewed further away, it indicates that the clarity of the swimming pool is better. If the turbidity exceeds the standard

The support policies for the real estate industry have been strengthened again! The People's Bank of China and the State Administration of Financial Regulation issued documents to support | real estate | central bank
The support policies for the real estate industry have been strengthened again! The People's Bank of China and the State Administration of Financial Regulation issued documents to support | real estate | central bank

After the reduction of LPR quotations for more than 5 years and the guidance of downward mortgage interest rates for residents, the support policies for the real estate industry have once again intensified. The People's Bank of China and the State Administration of Financial Supervision and Administration issued a notice on July 10, stating that if the relevant policies of the People's Bank of China and the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission on doing a good job in supporting the stable and healthy development of the current financial support real estate market have an applicable period, the applicable period will be uniformly extended to December 31, 2024. The policy extension involves two aspects, with a focus on the real estate supply side. Market analysis suggests that this will help further alleviate the financial pressure on real estate companies, reduce financial institutions' risk concerns about real estate loans, promote "guaranteed delivery of properties", and boost confidence in the real estate market. Extending the applicable period of relevant policies involves two aspects. One is the right

No vital signs left, another person was rescued from the Wufeng Mountain landslide in Hubei Province | Rescue | Life
No vital signs left, another person was rescued from the Wufeng Mountain landslide in Hubei Province | Rescue | Life

According to the on-site rescue team of the Wufeng Mountain Landslide Disaster Rescue and Disposal Command in Hubei Province, July 10th was the third day of the landslide, and the landslide rescue and disposal work is being carried out urgently and in an orderly manner. After a full search and rescue, two missing individuals were found on the 9th. One was rescued around 9:00 am that day, and another was rescued at 5:05 pm yesterday, but none showed any vital signs. The other 7 missing individuals are being fully searched and rescued. At present, more than 1000 rescue forces and standby personnel have been organized, including firefighting and rescue, armed police transportation, and construction units. More than 500 sets of rescue machinery and equipment have been dispatched, and "three shifts" and non-stop operations have been implemented. The first construction access road has been urgently repaired and the transportation of landslide earthwork has begun. The second construction access road is currently being rushed overnight. Three search and rescue teams were established on site, divided into

Kim Jong Un warns the United States not to invade the waters of North Korea's exclusive economic zone | reconnaissance aircraft | North Korea
Kim Jong Un warns the United States not to invade the waters of North Korea's exclusive economic zone | reconnaissance aircraft | North Korea

According to a report by the Korean Central News Agency, Kim Jong Un, Deputy Minister of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, said in a statement on the 10th that "the US Air Force's strategic reconnaissance aircraft crossed the maritime military demarcation line again around 5am today, invading North Korea's exclusive economic zone and conducting aerial reconnaissance of the eastern region of North Korea. After the North Korean Air Force issued a warning, the US reconnaissance aircraft briefly retreated, but crossed the maritime military demarcation line again around 8:50 am this morning, invading North Korea's exclusive economic zone and engaging in military provocation such as aerial reconnaissance.". Kim Jong Un warned that "North Korea will not directly respond to US espionage activities outside of North Korea's exclusive economic zone as long as the US does not invade the zone. However, if the US crosses the maritime military demarcation line and invades North Korea's exclusive economic zone again, North Korea will take clear and decisive action.".

The policy of boosting domestic demand is expected to intensify, with CPI remaining unchanged year-on-year and PPI falling in price | magnitude | domestic demand
The policy of boosting domestic demand is expected to intensify, with CPI remaining unchanged year-on-year and PPI falling in price | magnitude | domestic demand

Affected by factors such as the decline in pork and industrial product prices, the CPI entered a "zero growth era" in June. However, due to the continued decline in prices of major commodities such as oil and coal, as well as the high year-on-year comparison base, PPI decreased both month on month and year on year. According to data released by the National Bureau of Statistics on July 10th, in June, the year-on-year increase in CPI from 0.2% last month turned to flat, with a month on month decrease of 0.2%. The PPI decreased by 5.4% year-on-year, an increase of 0.8 percentage points from the previous month, and the lowest value since January 2016; The month on month decrease was 0.8%, and the decrease narrowed by 0.1 percentage points compared to the previous month. Overall, in the first half of this year, the CPI increased by an average of 0.7% from January to June, and the PPI decreased by an average of 3.1% from January to June. Prices are generally at a relatively low level. June C

"The dark horse" means "she"!, Is it certain to return to the "billion dollar era"? Summer box office boom summer season | film | era
"The dark horse" means "she"!, Is it certain to return to the "billion dollar era"? Summer box office boom summer season | film | era

With the continued popularity of the movie "The Disappearing She", this year's summer season has become even hotter. According to data from Cat's Eye Professional Edition, as of now, the total box office of the 2023 summer season has exceeded 7 billion yuan. Multiple films and TV shows such as "The Disappearing She," "In the Octagonal Cage," and "Transformers: Rise of the Mighty Warrior," among others, "The Disappearing She," the box office has exceeded 3 billion yuan, "In the Octagonal Cage," the box office has exceeded 900 million yuan, and "Transformers: Rise of the Mighty Warrior," the box office has exceeded 600 million yuan. In addition, many films will also be released, such as Ulsan's long-term painstaking work "The First Goddess", the new work of Happy Fried Dough Twists "Super Power Family", and other imported blockbusters, such as Mission Impossible 7: Deadly Liquidation, and Giant Tooth Shark 2: Abyss, are ready to launch, adding a fiery atmosphere to the hot summer. As part of the Spring Festival and National Day celebrations

South Korea sees a large number of "ghost babies"! Multiple people killed by biological parents and other ghosts | Korea | Baby
South Korea sees a large number of "ghost babies"! Multiple people killed by biological parents and other ghosts | Korea | Baby

According to Yonhap News Agency, the National Investigation Headquarters of the South Korean Police Agency stated on the 10th that as of 5pm local time on the 7th, local governments in South Korea have received 1069 reports of "ghost baby" incidents, and are investigating 939 of them, confirming that 34 people have died. The report states that "ghost babies" refer to children who have only hospital birth records but have not been registered for birth. At present, the number of deaths in these cases involving "ghost babies" has increased to 34. Among them, 11 people may have been killed, 19 people's cases have been closed without criminal suspicion, and another 4 people have been found to have been killed by their own parents, etc. suspect have been transferred to the prosecution. According to reports, South Korean police are concentrating their investigative efforts to search for 782 children whose lives are unknown. According to previous reports by South Korean media, initially, the South Korean police

Female singer suspected of performing promiscuous acts! The police intervened on suspicion of performing
Female singer suspected of performing promiscuous acts! The police intervened on suspicion of performing

According to a report on July 10th, South Korean singer Wah Sa was recently reported by a joint group of student parents for human rights protection on suspicion of performing promiscuity. The police have begun an investigation. Yesterday, this news hit the hot search and attracted attention. Hua Sha's real name is An Huizhen. She was born on July 23, 1995 and is a member of the South Korean female singing group MAMAMOO. It is reported that Huasha was invited to participate in the celebration of Sungkyunkwan University on May 12th. On that day, she performed a song, which sparked controversy due to her indecent movements. From the performance video, it can be seen that Huasha's attire was very hot that day, dressed in tight black short sleeves, paired with denim hot pants, and wearing high heels and long boots, singing and dancing passionately on stage. Huasha's stage performance was very immersive, but some large-scale and eye-catching movements sparked heated discussions among netizens. Some netizens believe that such large-scale actions can easily lead to damage

The National Expo has been suspended! Can this type of research group still be enrolled? Explanation | Society | National Museum
The National Expo has been suspended! Can this type of research group still be enrolled? Explanation | Society | National Museum

Recently, the National Museum issued a notice that starting from July 16th, no unit or individual is allowed to carry out explanatory activities inside the museum without permission. Prior to this, many educational institutions launched third-party explanation services and supported ticket booking, which were welcomed by parents. After the new regulations of the National Museum were introduced, some businesses have suggested that tourists consult and make appointments after July 16th. On July 9th, the National Museum of China issued a notice on regulating the order of explanations within the museum. Starting from July 16th, without the permission of the museum, no unit or individual is allowed to carry out explanation activities within the museum; Units that conduct lecture activities within the museum due to work needs must submit an application 5 days in advance, reporting materials such as lecture content, lecture personnel, activity process, safety responsibilities, etc. Before the National Museum, Henan

The involved amount is 160 million yuan, PS indecent photo extortion! More than 900 letters span across three provinces, involving Chen
The involved amount is 160 million yuan, PS indecent photo extortion! More than 900 letters span across three provinces, involving Chen

Criminals used their brainpower to manipulate the portraits of leading cadres into "erotic photos" for the purpose of making windfall profits, in order to extort money. In early May 2023, the Criminal Investigation Brigade of Yongxin County Public Security Bureau in Jiangxi Province received a report from a county postal staff stating that someone had used "PS" synthesis technology to create indecent photos and then sent them to public officials through letters or text messages for dissemination, reporting, informing relatives and friends, and other means of extortion. Along with the photos, there was also a "threatening letter". The general content of the letter stated: "I am an amateur detective who discovered your misconduct and requested a transfer of 180000 yuan in remittance", and attached a WeChat account ↓↓↓↓ Knocking The "Perfect" Division of Labor in the Fraud Gang In February 2023, one of the main culprits, Xiao, invited another main culprit, Chen, to his home for dinner

Why do some Western countries feel so "at ease"?, Japan's pollution plan has caused public anger | into the sea | plan
Why do some Western countries feel so "at ease"?, Japan's pollution plan has caused public anger | into the sea | plan

On July 10th, nearly a week has passed since the International Atomic Energy Agency released an assessment report on the discharge of contaminated Fukushima nuclear water into the sea. During this period, opposition from the international community such as Pacific island countries, the Philippines, Indonesia, South Africa, Peru, China, and South Korea has been heard incessantly regarding Japan's plan to discharge pollutants into the sea. In contrast, the performance of Western countries in the United States is intriguing. After the release of the evaluation report by the IAEA, the US State Department issued a statement welcoming the controversy surrounding Japan's sea discharge plan, while Western politicians remained largely silent. After reviewing reports from mainstream Western media, commentators at "International Sharp Review" have discovered some issues: for example, some Western media have extensively reported on the wording of Japan and the IAEA, using the term "nuclear treated water" instead of "nuclear contaminated water" and citing international opposition

The relevant public account has been pointed out to be problematic, and there may be a motive behind the "Ten Million Yuan Search for Dogs": No one answered the notice phone | Search for Dogs | Related
The relevant public account has been pointed out to be problematic, and there may be a motive behind the "Ten Million Yuan Search for Dogs": No one answered the notice phone | Search for Dogs | Related

Recently, a notice seeking a dog worth millions of yuan has attracted high public attention. The notice states that those who find and return their beloved dog Sirius will receive a reward of 10 million yuan. Upstream news reporters found through investigation that after the incident attracted attention and relevant departments intervened in the investigation, the contact person on the notice, Yang and his assistant, had their phones constantly turned off. There is evidence to suggest that the contact person in the notice, Yang Mouhan, may be related to Zhengzhou Bingjing Media Co., Ltd. Is there really a meritorious dog named Sirius? What is the motivation behind the release of this dog search notice by relevant parties? The relevant departments have intervened in the investigation. Assistant Yang made three phone calls requesting the deletion of the search for dogs post. Recently, the tens of millions of yuan search for dogs notice in Zhengzhou, Henan Province has attracted widespread attention from the outside world. A dog search notice that has attracted widespread attention/ According to the notice on the internet, I stated on 2023

Chinese journalists visit densely populated areas with unexploded ordnance, which has caused about 50000 deaths. More than 80 million cluster bombs from the United States are left behind by Lao journalists | Laos | Cluster Bombs
Chinese journalists visit densely populated areas with unexploded ordnance, which has caused about 50000 deaths. More than 80 million cluster bombs from the United States are left behind by Lao journalists | Laos | Cluster Bombs

According to official data from Laos, during the Vietnam War, the US military dropped 2 to 3 million tons of bombs on Laos. The US military has dropped approximately 270 million cluster bombs, with over 80 million remaining in Laos, causing serious and long-lasting disasters. Unexploded bombs alone caused approximately 50000 deaths. Until today, the local bomb clearance forces in Laos are still risking their lives to carry out detection and destruction work. The CCTV reporter recently visited the densely populated areas of unexploded ordnance in Laos and participated in the on-site explosive disposal work. During the Vietnam War, in order to destroy the road opened by Vietnam to the south through the narrow mountainous areas of Laos, the United States carried out a large-scale bombing operation on Laos, and the number of bombs dropped even exceeded the total number during World War II. Most of them are cluster bombs, and 10% of these weapons are dropped

Ukrainian Foreign Minister: NATO has relaxed its stance on Ukraine | NATO | Foreign Minister
Ukrainian Foreign Minister: NATO has relaxed its stance on Ukraine | NATO | Foreign Minister

According to Reuters on July 10th, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba said on the same day that NATO has decided not to demand Ukraine to comply with the NATO Member State Action Plan, which will shorten the process of Ukraine's accession to NATO. The plan sets targets that need to be met before joining the military alliance of NATO, according to reports. The Kremlin responded on the 10th that Ukraine's accession to NATO will have very negative consequences for Europe's security architecture, and Russia will consider this measure a threat that requires a stern response. On the eve of the NATO summit, Kuleba tweeted, saying, "After intensive talks, NATO allies have reached a consensus to cancel the NATO Member Action Plan in Ukraine's process of obtaining membership. I welcome this long-awaited decision, which will shorten our time joining the North."

How to determine the onset time of the ambush?, The dog days officially begin today with high temperatures | summer | summer
How to determine the onset time of the ambush?, The dog days officially begin today with high temperatures | summer | summer

The process of entering the summer and hot weather in meteorology is not a set of standards. Futian is determined on July 11th according to the ancient Chinese "Gan Zhi Ji Ri Fa", and this year's Three Futian officially begins. Do you know? The number of days during the summer solstice each year is not fixed, and the start date of the summer solstice is also different. As the folk proverb goes, "On the summer solstice, the number of gengs counts and the head falls.". However, the folk process of entering the summer and hot weather is not the same as the meteorological process of entering summer and high temperature. Fu Tian was determined according to the ancient Chinese "Gan Zhi Ji Ri Fa". The third day of the Geng Festival after the summer solstice is the first fu, the fourth day is the middle fu, and the first day of the Geng Festival after the beginning of autumn is the last fu, collectively known as the three fu. According to the Gregorian calendar, it occurs from mid July to mid August, regardless of geographical location. In the meteorological sense, the beginning of summer is

Why is it so difficult to take statutory paid annual leave?, Employees can only take 2 days off after 4 years of work and resignation
Why is it so difficult to take statutory paid annual leave?, Employees can only take 2 days off after 4 years of work and resignation

Recently, Ms. Xiao from Changzhou, Jiangsu Province, reported to reporters that she has worked in a company for 4 years and has never enjoyed paid annual leave. In June of this year, she applied for resignation due to personal reasons and was informed that she could enjoy this year's annual leave before leaving. However, as this year has just passed six months, the annual leave can only be "discounted" for two days. "Why is it so difficult to take statutory annual leave?" Ms. Xiao sighed. Around the Dragon Boat Festival this year, when the topic of "compensatory leave" became more popular, many people also called for the implementation of annual leave. Many netizens have suggested that instead of artificially creating a "golden week" of centralized leave through compensatory leave, it is better to actively implement paid leave, allowing employees and enterprises to independently arrange paid leave and staggered travel according to family and work needs. The reporter conducted an investigation and interview on how to implement annual leave.

Economic Daily: Disrupting the Supply Chain: China is Not Related | Item | Supply Chain
Economic Daily: Disrupting the Supply Chain: China is Not Related | Item | Supply Chain

Recently, the Ministry of Commerce and the General Administration of Customs issued a notice, deciding to implement export controls on gallium and germanium related items from August 1st. The US Department of Commerce claims to "firmly oppose" this, while some Western media outlets vigorously exaggerate that China's measures will cause damage to global supply chain stability. China's management measures for gallium and germanium related items are reasonable and legal, and have a positive effect on maintaining global supply chain stability. The attempt by the United States and the West to label China as a destroyer of the global supply chain is actually a case of thieves shouting and catching thieves. Gallium is mostly used in the semiconductor and solar cell industries, while germanium is widely used in fields such as fiber optic communication, infrared optics, solar cells, and nuclear physics detection. Implementing export controls on gallium and germanium related items is an international practice, and major countries around the world generally implement controls on them. Faced with the increasingly complex international situation, the Chinese government is concerned about gallium

Why has takeout become a major food waste disaster area when small portion food vendors and consumers are all neglected? "The more you gather orders, the more you save money" induces excessive ordering platforms | food | waste
Why has takeout become a major food waste disaster area when small portion food vendors and consumers are all neglected? "The more you gather orders, the more you save money" induces excessive ordering platforms | food | waste

In this era where you can eat all kinds of delicious food with just one finger, ordering takeout has become an increasing choice for more and more people. According to statistics, as of the end of 2022, the number of domestic and foreign food users has reached 520 million. However, the resulting waste of takeout food is also becoming increasingly serious. Recently, the State Administration for Market Regulation and the Ministry of Commerce issued the "Guiding Opinions on Utilizing the Leading and Driving Role of Online Catering Platforms to Effectively Prevent Food Waste in Takeout", requiring online catering platforms to play a leading and driving role in effectively preventing food waste in online catering business activities. "Online catering platforms connect businesses at one end and consumers at the other, which is an important link in stopping food waste." Chen Yinjiang, Deputy Secretary General of the Consumer Rights Protection Law Research Association of the China Law Society, said in a recent interview with a reporter from the Legal Daily

False advertising, falsifying evidence, and using violence to exert pressure! Uncovering the Black Industry Chain Account | Consumer | Advertising Behind the "unconditional full refund" Advertisement
False advertising, falsifying evidence, and using violence to exert pressure! Uncovering the Black Industry Chain Account | Consumer | Advertising Behind the "unconditional full refund" Advertisement

"Professional team guidance, one-on-one follow-up" and "unconditional full refund of any type of insurance"... Recently, some so-called "agent refund" advertisements have frequently appeared online, causing many consumers, especially the elderly, to be deceived. According to an investigation by Xinhua Vision reporters, some illegal elements, under the guise of "acting as agents to cancel insurance," use methods such as defaming insurance products and promising higher returns to induce consumers to maliciously complain or report insurance institutions to cancel insurance, charge high transaction fees, and even embezzle refund funds, gradually forming a black industry chain, seriously disrupting the order of the insurance market and infringing on the legitimate rights and interests of consumers. False advertising, forgery of evidence, and pressure to withdraw insurance are normal insurance consumption behaviors. According to general regulations, during the "hesitation period" of 10 or 15 days after purchasing insurance products, consumers may

How to respond to citizens' questioning?, Wenzhou's Ten Thousand Cadres Take turns Becoming "Telephone Operators" Cadres | Hotline | Telephone Operators
How to respond to citizens' questioning?, Wenzhou's Ten Thousand Cadres Take turns Becoming "Telephone Operators" Cadres | Hotline | Telephone Operators

Since September last year, Wenzhou has launched the "Ten Thousand Cadres on Hotlines" special action, allowing cadres from government agencies, enterprises, and institutions in the city to take turns "joining" and receive hotlines, run hotlines, and supervise hotlines at 12345. How do "on duty" cadres respond to the "soul torture" of citizens? How are the demands for people's livelihood being handled? A glimpse can be seen from the party newspapers in Zhejiang Province and Wenzhou City. 01 Four cadres "went to the hotline" for the first time to face citizens' "soul torture" 02 After answering the hotline, they found problems and started accountability and issued a governance plan "small property", which affected the people's livelihood. Property charges were the focus of complaints about people's livelihood. Zhang Tianchang, deputy director of Wenzhou Development and Reform Commission, and colleagues immediately urged relevant departments to check and deal with them after taking the supervision documents back. Subsequently, the National Development and Reform Commission also sorted out relevant property fees and motor vehicle parking services

A high school in Shanxi has been accused of illegally enrolling 413 students. Official response: A handling opinion has been formed! Student | Plan | Handling Opinions
A high school in Shanxi has been accused of illegally enrolling 413 students. Official response: A handling opinion has been formed! Student | Plan | Handling Opinions

Recently, multiple parents reported on online platforms that the New Hope Bilingual School in Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province plans to enroll 312 students in high school in 2022, but the actual number of students enrolled is 725. There are 413 students who have illegally enrolled or borrowed students outside of the plan. At the same time as the enrollment plan for private universities in Taiyuan in 2022, on a certain short video platform, someone openly arranged enrollment on behalf of Taiyuan New Hope Bilingual School in the background picture, with the content of "one quota, with xj". In response to this situation, relevant staff from the Education Bureau of Taiyuan City stated that the specific situation should be consulted with the Education Bureau of Yangqu County, where the school is located. A staff member from the Education Bureau of Yangqu County said in an interview with reporters that the preliminary situation is that the planned enrollment of New Hope Bilingual School in Taiyuan City in 2023 will be reduced by 112 people compared to 2022. The next step is to

The forms of receiving and delivering are becoming increasingly covert! Central Commission for Discipline Inspection Office Report: Strictly crack down on illegal gift and gift payments, from famous cigarettes and wines to "promotion fees" and "consulting fees" gifts | gift payments | forms
The forms of receiving and delivering are becoming increasingly covert! Central Commission for Discipline Inspection Office Report: Strictly crack down on illegal gift and gift payments, from famous cigarettes and wines to "promotion fees" and "consulting fees" gifts | gift payments | forms

At present, it is the 2023 academic promotion season, and disciplinary inspection and supervision agencies in many places have issued disciplinary reminders, strictly prohibiting party members and cadres from accepting gifts, cash gifts, consumption cards, WeChat red envelopes and other electronic cash gifts and vouchers through "academic promotion banquets" and "teacher appreciation banquets". They should take preventive measures in advance and clarify the red line of discipline and law. "On the third day after the end of the college entrance examination, we issued disciplinary requirements, reminding us to prioritize prevention. From recent years' supervision and inspection, the problem of illegally accepting gifts while taking advantage of the opportunity to enter higher education has significantly decreased." Qin Ziyang, director of the Party Conduct and Political Conduct Supervision Office of the Tongliao Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, introduced that disciplinary reminders require strict investigation of hidden variations such as early postponement, breaking down into smaller parts, and online gift collection, in order to continuously create a clean and honest social atmosphere. According to the statistical table on mental issues related to violations of the central eight point regulations previously released by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission, in May, the whole country

Debuting, daughter of late host Li Yong | Fatumi Li | Host
Debuting, daughter of late host Li Yong | Fatumi Li | Host

On July 10th, an industry insider shared a photo of Fatumi Lee, the daughter of the late host Li Yong, with the accompanying text "Welcome to our new actor - Fatumi Lee", announcing that she will debut as an actor. According to public information, Fatumi Lee was born on May 20, 2002, with a height of 170cm and a weight of 48kg. She graduated from Columbia University in the United States. In the language section of the materials, in addition to Mandarin, she also writes English, French, Japanese, Korean and other foreign languages. In addition, she is also skilled in piano, ballet, and writing. Netizens exclaimed, "I truly deserve to be a top student at Columbia University." Later, some netizens discovered that Fatumi Lee's Baidu Baike has also changed her profile to "Chinese mainland actress.". It is reported that as early as 2016, Fatumai·

Expert: Excessive sun protection is not advisable. Face the "grilling" of sunlight to test the ability of "facial kini" to appear frequently | vitamins | sunlight
Expert: Excessive sun protection is not advisable. Face the "grilling" of sunlight to test the ability of "facial kini" to appear frequently | vitamins | sunlight

With the continuous rise of temperature, people's attention to sun protection is also increasing. The reporter noticed that there are over 7.66 million notes related to "sun protection" on Xiaohongshu; The topic of "sunscreen" on Tiktok has been broadcast as many as 30.78 billion times; Various bloggers are constantly bombarded with evaluation videos related to sunscreen. Faced with the sun's "baking" test, there are endless products for sun protection from the face to the body, and even hair. The reporter searched various e-commerce platforms and found that ordinary sunscreen equipment such as sunscreen, sunscreen caps, sunscreen sleeves, and sunscreen clothes have become commonplace. "Face kini" like sunscreen masks and "all-round protection" long one-piece sunscreen clothes have also appeared. Many people have finished equipping themselves, and almost only two eyes are exposed from top to bottom. But is it really correct to be so sun proof? Excessive sun protection is not allowed

Fan Jinshi wrote in People's Daily: Let the Mogao Spirit be passed down from generation to generation through science | Protection | Mogao Spirit
Fan Jinshi wrote in People's Daily: Let the Mogao Spirit be passed down from generation to generation through science | Protection | Mogao Spirit

For decades, generation after generation of Mogao Caves people have upheld the spirit of Mogao, adhered to the desert, were willing to dedicate themselves, had the courage to take on responsibilities, and explored and made progress. The significant development of Dunhuang's cultural relics industry is a result of the Party and the state's high attention to Dunhuang's cultural relics industry. Like the spring breeze and rain moistening Dunhuang, Dunhuang's cultural relics industry has achieved today's success. As a grassroots cultural relic worker, I should consciously devote myself to the cultural relic cause of our country, face the problems and challenges faced by Dunhuang Grottoes, adhere to my original aspiration and mission, and fulfill my responsibilities to do a good job in the protection and inheritance of Dunhuang Grottoes. At the same time, Dunhuang has also shaped and accomplished me. Without Dunhuang, there would be no me today. In 1963, I graduated

This bank is disbanded! All operations have been cleared to zero and all business activities have been suspended in China
This bank is disbanded! All operations have been cleared to zero and all business activities have been suspended in China

Another bank has been approved for dissolution. Recently, the official website of the State Administration for Financial Regulation approved that Chongqing Liangping Aoxin Rural Bank plans to achieve market-oriented exit of rural banks through dissolution, and has cleared all deposit and loan businesses. Since the beginning of the year, several rural banks have withdrawn from the market, some directly disbanded, and some have "exited" due to being absorbed and merged. After nearly 14 years of operation, this bank disbanded. Recently, the Chongqing Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau issued an approval on the dissolution of Chongqing Liangping Aoxin Rural Bank Co., Ltd., which showed that Chongqing Liangping Aoxin Rural Bank Co., Ltd. plans to achieve market-oriented withdrawal of rural banks through dissolution and has cleared all deposit and loan businesses. The Chongqing Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau has approved the dissolution of Chongqing Liangping Aoxin Rural Bank and requested that the bank strictly comply with relevant laws and regulations

Part of the trillion yuan GDP urban doctoral programs are "suspended", with over 500000 doctoral students distributed on the "map": nearly 80% are doctoral students in provincial capitals | universities | GDP
Part of the trillion yuan GDP urban doctoral programs are "suspended", with over 500000 doctoral students distributed on the "map": nearly 80% are doctoral students in provincial capitals | universities | GDP

Article | Ma Xingyu, Zhao Yifan, Hu Yuanyuan, Zhang Ziyue, Dong Yuxin, Zhu Mengjie, and Zhang Tian. Recently, the news that the number of master's and doctoral graduates in this year's university graduates in Beijing has surpassed that of undergraduate students for the first time has touched many people's nerves. People suddenly realize that without realizing it, the doctoral student team in our country has grown to such an extent. In fact, as early as the previous round of degree review and authorization in 2020, 398 universities in China had already obtained doctoral degree authorization qualifications. If military academies and research institutions are added, the number has reached around 452. Obtaining the authorization qualification for doctoral degrees has always been a landmark event for universities to seek promotion and advancement. The possession of doctoral programs has also become an important indicator of the university's educational strength, and is an important basis for obtaining policy and resource support. In various places

Witnesses speak up, a woman was hit by a brick thrown from high altitude in Changchun night market and passed away | Wanda Plaza | Witnesses
Witnesses speak up, a woman was hit by a brick thrown from high altitude in Changchun night market and passed away | Wanda Plaza | Witnesses

Recently, a netizen posted that on the evening of June 22nd, her younger sister passed away in the night market snack street of Wanda Plaza on Hongqi Street in Changchun City, Jilin Province, when she was hit by a brick thrown from a high altitude. On July 10th, a Red Star News reporter contacted the victim's sister, Ms. Lou. Ms. Lou claimed that her sister is 28 years old and visited her high school classmates in Changchun from Beijing on June 22nd. That night, while shopping at the Wanda Plaza night market, she was hit and killed by a brick thrown from high altitude. Ms. Lou said that the police told her that the suspect was a man in Jiangxi in his 20s. Red Star News reporters learned from multiple sources that the man had previously dropped a canned cola from a height on June 17th. Witnesses told reporters that the man had also thrown bricks and beverage bottles in the first few hours of the day of the incident, and someone called the police, and the police had called the police.

Wanted Wu Guoxing! 25 people publicly offered as key rewards | Personnel | Wu Guoxing
Wanted Wu Guoxing! 25 people publicly offered as key rewards | Personnel | Wu Guoxing

Reward Notice: The Public Security Bureau of Huichang County, Jiangxi Province, adheres to the principle of putting the people at the center and thoroughly cracking down on cross-border telecommunications and network fraud activities. After issuing a notice urging key personnel of Huichang nationality to illegally stay overseas and engage in fraud to return to China within a specified period of time, some key personnel of Huichang nationality who illegally stay overseas and engage in fraud have successively returned to China, actively explained the problem, and have been lawfully reduced or exempted from punishment. But there is still a group of personnel who do not repent, remain stubborn, ignore policy propaganda and strong persuasion, delay or refuse to return to their home country. Now, Wu Guoxing, the suspect suspected of organizing others to illegally cross the border, is wanted; 25 individuals, including Zhong Haosheng, Luo Shixun, Ouyang Tao, Li Long, Cao Rong, Liu Zhisheng, who refused to return home due to illegal entry and exit, and long-term illegal stay abroad, were summoned and publicly offered rewards. Any submission made before August 15, 2023