The world

Promote the improvement and upgrading of industrial parks! This town is building a "digital intelligence" characteristic integrated industrial park
Promote the improvement and upgrading of industrial parks! This town is building a "digital intelligence" characteristic integrated industrial park

A "Digital Business Innovation Port" and a "Digital Intelligence Industrial Park", relying on the good opportunity of the expansion of Zhangjiang Science City, Tang Town actively promotes the upgrading of industrial parks, breaks through the bottleneck of industrial development, and takes intelligent manufacturing and digital economy as the leading industries. It will create an integrated industrial park with "digital intelligence" as its characteristic, integrate Zhangjiang science and technology innovation, industrial integration development, and regional integration cooperation, with the goal of building the "East First Park of Science City". The transformation of the industrial park is based on the original Wanggang Industrial Community, with an initial planned area of 2.77 square kilometers. In 2002, Tangzhen and Zhangjiang Group formed Shanghai Bank Card Industrial Park Development Co., Ltd. to build a financial information service industry base in Shanghai. Therefore, the Tangzhen Industrial Park currently has four boundaries: east to Gutang Road and south to Longdong Avenue,

It's really interesting, these new era civilization practice experience activities
It's really interesting, these new era civilization practice experience activities

During the summer vacation, various streets and towns provided rich and colorful activities for children. Many children also participated in the new era civilization practice experience around them. Let's take a look together. The New Era Civilization Practice Sub center of Sanlin Town organized a "Learn New Ideas, Be a Good Successor" knowledge popularization and orientation check-in competition. The first launch event was recently held at the Yide Community Cultural Activity Center, with 10 groups of parent-child families participating. The check-in content mainly revolves around five major themes: rule of law and civilization, ecological and environmental protection, Party history learning and education, national defense education, and network security. The aim is to guide minors to love the Party and love their country, have lofty ideals, and grow into socialist builders and successors with comprehensive development in morality, intelligence, physical fitness, aesthetics, and labor. At the beginning of the event, parent-child families formed teams to clock in and set up a national defense knowledge Q&A session on the first floor, combined with the support of the two hosts

Cohesion Front Beach · 2023 IHG Youyue Meeting East Sports Ironman Trithlon Enterprise Challenge held
Cohesion Front Beach · 2023 IHG Youyue Meeting East Sports Ironman Trithlon Enterprise Challenge held

Recently, the 2023 IHG Youyue Club East Sports Ironman Triathlon Enterprise Challenge of the Shanghai Urban Amateur League was launched at the Moon Bay of the Oriental Sports Center of Shanghai Pudong Development Bank. White collar workers from nearly 50 companies walked out of the office and gathered at the Triathlon Stadium to experience the charm of sports. This year, the number of participating companies has reached its largest scale since the establishment of the competition. The total registered assets of the participating companies are nearly trillions, and the industry types and fields they are distributed in are more diverse than in previous years. On the premise of continuing to participate in previous years, companies such as finance, automotive, aviation, real estate, international schools, accounting firms, and football clubs have also attracted nearly 20 new industries, including hotels, universities, hospitals, commerce, dairy, electrical brands, human resources institutions, sports brands, and chemical enterprises, to participate in the competition. The location of the companies has also expanded from scratch

Chemical giant SABIC Shanghai R&D Center Landing in Pudong for Ten Years: Continuously Increasing Investment and Construction in China
Chemical giant SABIC Shanghai R&D Center Landing in Pudong for Ten Years: Continuously Increasing Investment and Construction in China

In 2013, Saudi Basic Industries, one of the world's largest chemical industry leaders, officially completed and opened its research and development center located in Pudong, Shanghai. As one of SABIC's 19 global research and development centers, the initial investment scale of the center was 100 million US dollars. Its completion at that time also marked another major milestone for SABIC in China. Ten years later, as an important component of SABIC's global innovation network, the Shanghai R&D Center has 20 laboratories and over 500 employees, including more than 170 researchers. The total number of patent applications exceeds 360, and extensive cross industry chain cooperation is carried out, deeply integrating into the Chinese industry university research network. Over the past decade, we have received strong support from the Chinese government. Standing at a new starting point in the decade, we are also eagerly looking forward to witnessing SABIC's success in Pudong

Criticized as a "human oddity", Xie Changting, the "representative of Japan," spoke wildly
Criticized as a "human oddity", Xie Changting, the "representative of Japan," spoke wildly

"I think this is the cycle of showing kindness in times of adversity." According to Global Times citing Taiwan's China Times News Network on the 4th, Taipei's representative to Japan, Hsieh Chang ting, recently posted on social media claiming that Japanese seafood has been boycotted by the mainland since the Japanese government released contaminated water from the Fukushima nuclear plant. Some Taiwanese expatriates are calling for more consumption of Japanese seafood, which is "empathy". The content of the article shows that he not only "acted on his own" by purchasing dried scallops imported from Japan, but also claimed that "they are similar to usual and have a delicious taste". He even brought out relevant data released by the Japanese Ministry of Environment to demonstrate the safety of seawater. On August 24th, Taipei's representative to Japan, Hsieh Chang ting, posted a screenshot on social media. The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Japan started discharging contaminated water into the sea. Two days later, Hsieh Chang ting openly declared, "The world is concerned about the issue of radioactivity."

I have responded that university teachers who deliver takeout have been questioned for running 2000 orders per month
I have responded that university teachers who deliver takeout have been questioned for running 2000 orders per month

In a lecture in late August this year, Xing Bin, a teacher at the School of Literature at Linyi University in Shandong, shared his experience as a delivery man from December 2022 to January 2023. After the organizers of the lecture published Xing Bin's self narrative article online, it attracted the attention of netizens. "In a month, I delivered over 2000 orders, contacted hundreds of merchants, and knocked on over 2000 doors. On average, I rode a motorcycle for 210 kilometers, walked 32000 steps, and climbed 110 floors every day. The professional contrast between" university teacher "and" delivery rider "quickly made the incident popular. However, Xing Bin mentioned in the article that he delivered over 2000 orders in a month, and some netizens questioned the authenticity of the number of orders delivered.". Xing Bin's experience as a food delivery worker. Based on the experience of a senior rider running orders, he runs within a month

Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs answers questions from reporters regarding the promulgation of the Foreign State Immunity Law
Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs answers questions from reporters regarding the promulgation of the Foreign State Immunity Law

Q: The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of China recently reviewed and passed the State Immunity Law of the People's Republic of China on Foreign Countries. This law adjusts China's previous position of "absolute immunity" and authorizes Chinese courts to accept cases involving foreign countries as defendants. May I ask why the Chinese side has made this adjustment? Answer: Formulating the Foreign State Immunity Law is a normal legislative activity of the National People's Congress of China. This law refers to international practices and makes provisions on the issue of foreign state immunity, aiming to improve China's foreign state immunity system, provide legal basis for Chinese courts to hear civil cases involving foreign countries and their property, protect the legitimate rights and interests of parties, safeguard the equality of national sovereignty, promote friendly exchanges with foreign countries, and assist China in a higher level of opening up to the outside world. The Foreign State Immunity Law confirms that foreign countries and their property enjoy immunity in China

How will these "black technologies" at the Service Trade Fair change our lives? Reporter | Beijing | Technology
How will these "black technologies" at the Service Trade Fair change our lives? Reporter | Beijing | Technology

The 2023 China International Fair for Trade in Services is currently being held in Beijing. On September 4th, the Fair for Trade in Services welcomed its first public open day. As the largest comprehensive exhibition in the global service trade field, the Fair brings together many new technologies and achievements from around the world in the field of service trade. How to build high-rise buildings in the future? How does the teacher teach? What will be the differences between sports and fitness in the past? How will technology change our lives? Today's question to the end, let's pay attention to the new technologies at the Service Trade Fair. How can technology empower skyscrapers to rise from the ground? Is it unbelievable that workers in Beijing, thousands of kilometers apart, can make tower cranes on construction sites in Wuhan work according to instructions with just a flick of their fingers? How does technology help skyscrapers rise from the ground? Let's go to this year's service trade together

The British Museum is hypocritical, The Guardian: Refusing to return looted cultural relics identity | World | The Guardian
The British Museum is hypocritical, The Guardian: Refusing to return looted cultural relics identity | World | The Guardian

On September 2nd, The Guardian reported that the identity of a victim of theft may help the British Museum reflect on the return of stolen goods. Western museums still tend to believe that they are culturally open, with the aim of promoting world diversity and promoting international understanding of world civilization. But in recent years, progressives have begun to oppose this view, believing that some of the cultural relics exhibited, especially those looted, should be returned to their original country of origin. After a series of theft incidents at the British Museum, this cultural war reignited. According to reports, about 2000 cultural relics have been stolen from the museum in recent years, leading to the dismissal of one librarian and the resignation of the director. Countries such as Nigeria and Greece have once again called for the return of looted cultural relics. They believe that the British Museum can no longer claim to be "a safe treasure trove."

Where is the most popular check-in point on the first public open day of the Service Trade Fair? Service Trade Fair | Audience | Public
Where is the most popular check-in point on the first public open day of the Service Trade Fair? Service Trade Fair | Audience | Public

September 4th is the first public open day of this year's Fair for Trade in Services. There are many new technologies, achievements, and applications in this Fair. How will they change our lives? Take you to see it firsthand ↓ Experience the magnificent digital central axis with naked eye 3D live experience. In previous service trade fairs, cultural and tourism services have been one of the most popular exhibition areas among audiences. 817 companies participated in the special exhibition on cultural and tourism services at this year's Service Trade Fair. The main exhibition area showcases the grand narrative of Beijing's central axis through technologies such as naked eye 3D, satellite remote sensing, digital twins, and cloud rendering. This digital axis has also become one of the popular check-in points for this year's Service Trade Fair. Science and technology enabled new cultural and tourism boutique routes were intensively unveiled in this year's cultural and tourism services exhibition, which attracted 33 countries along the "the Belt and Road". Live concentrated exhibition

It's really not a clothing trade fair, Qianbi Tower | This "clothing trade fair" | China | Trade Fair
It's really not a clothing trade fair, Qianbi Tower | This "clothing trade fair" | China | Trade Fair

"I've been waiting to see nice clothes, fabrics from various countries, and so on, but the news says that the Service Trade Fair is a service trade fair, not a clothing trade fair. It's careless! These posts that treat" service trade "as" clothing trade "are more like jokes made by netizens.". But these comments and comments have given a deep sense of history and a touch of warm fireworks to the ongoing Service Trade Fair in Beijing. This is the Shougang Park of the 2023 Service Trade Fair, filmed on August 31st. Xinhua News Agency reporter Ren Chao took a picture of the optimization and transformation of foreign trade structure over the past few decades, from "clothing trade" to "service trade"; The word "change" refers to the transformation and upgrading of the development model of a major country. "Invisible" is everywhere, "intangible" is everything. Let me first explain the origin and destination of the Service Trade Fair to everyone

It's not safe anywhere, for African Americans, white | adult | American
It's not safe anywhere, for African Americans, white | adult | American

In recent days, the shooting of African American pregnant women by Ohio state police during law enforcement has continued to escalate. On the 24th of last month, in Brendon, Ohio, 21-year-old Takia Young was stopped by two police officers on suspicion of theft when she left a supermarket and returned to her car, and was ordered to get off the car. Takiya denied stealing and attempted to drive away, but was shot dead by the police through the car window. Her unborn child also did not survive. After the local police recently released a law enforcement video, Takiya's family accused the involved police of "serious abuse of force and power," emphasizing that Takiya's death "could have been avoided.". Why are they living in anxiety? Screenshots from CBS reporting? At present, the investigation into this incident is still ongoing. However, incidents of police violence that could have been avoided are far more than just this one.

Former US Ambassador to China, Baucus: American companies have a responsibility to help with "terrible" US China relations | Max Baucus | United States
Former US Ambassador to China, Baucus: American companies have a responsibility to help with "terrible" US China relations | Max Baucus | United States

On September 2nd, Forbes magazine website published an article titled: Former US Ambassador to China, Max Baucus, stated that companies have a responsibility to help "bad" US China relations. Former Ambassador to China, Max Baucus, recently stated that as US China relations enter a downward cycle, US companies can play an important role in stabilizing "bad" relations. Baucus served as the US Ambassador to China. He said, "If there is no strong commercial relationship between the United States and China, we will fall into real harm at the geopolitical level... The real ballast is enterprises. The two countries need each other economically. We are like conjoined babies, which is not widely known." Baucus said that the US China relationship has been bad for more than a decade, and Trump's trade policies and demonization of China have accelerated this trend. Biden dispatched the Secretary of Finance, Secretary of State, and Secretary of Commerce to visit

The budget proposal is stuck in Congress, and the US government may face another "shutdown" crisis. The US | Report | Crisis
The budget proposal is stuck in Congress, and the US government may face another "shutdown" crisis. The US | Report | Crisis

October 1st marks the new fiscal year for the US federal government, however, due to the federal government's budget still being stuck in Congress, it has not been approved. On September 3rd, CBS reported that US Secretary of Commerce Gina Redmond expressed great concern in the US business community that a "shutdown" of the US government on October 1st would pose a significant challenge to the US economy. Last month, the White House announced that it is urging Congress to pass a short-term spending agreement to provide funding for the federal government, in order to avoid a shutdown before the start of the new fiscal year on October 1st due to lack of funds. The "deadline" is approaching, and the "party struggle" farce has resurfaced. The US government is once again in a "shutdown" crisis. As the deadline approaches, the ugly state of "party struggle" will once again be exposed. Although the US Congress

Take you to experience the new highlights of cultural and tourism integration, "Check in" 2023 Service Trade Fair Cultural and Tourism | Special | Service Trade Fair
Take you to experience the new highlights of cultural and tourism integration, "Check in" 2023 Service Trade Fair Cultural and Tourism | Special | Service Trade Fair

Beijing, September 4th (Xinhua) - Appreciate the central axis of ginkgo leaves and experience the beauty of ancient time; "Crossing" into the Summer Palace in ancient paintings, experiencing the magnificent scenery of the three mountains and five gardens; Imagine "poetry and the distance" and choose a trip that you can go on as you please... Walking in the cultural and tourism service special exhibition area of the 2023 Service Trade Fair, creativity surges everywhere, and in the digital light and shadow, it showcases the confidence and innovation of Chinese culture, as well as many new highlights of cultural and tourism integration—— The beauty of traditional culture is within reach. "Every leaf painting requires three years of sedimentation and production, so it is the art of time." In the main exhibition area of cultural and tourism services in the Shougang Park of the Service Trade Fair, Shi Liang, the inheritor of Beijing style leaf painting intangible cultural heritage, is telling the audience about the production process of leaf painting. Within the exquisite frame, small ginkgo leaves are painted with bell towers, drum towers, etc

Chinese New Generation Looking at China: Cai Yifan: Hope China's high-speed rail can also be built to Kunming, Yunnan, Myanmar | Myanmar | Cai Yifan
Chinese New Generation Looking at China: Cai Yifan: Hope China's high-speed rail can also be built to Kunming, Yunnan, Myanmar | Myanmar | Cai Yifan

Cai Yifan, a Burmese international student currently studying at Yunnan Normal University, felt both familiarity and unfamiliarity upon arriving in Kunming, Yunnan. The familiar ones are similar natural and linguistic environments, while the unfamiliar ones are numerous modern skyscrapers and convenient transportation facilities. In the transformation of strangeness and familiarity, he gradually fell in love with the Crossing the bridge noodles in Yunnan, began to marvel at the cultural landscape of Yunnan, and envied the neighboring Laos with a China Laos railway connecting China. He sighed at how much convenience China's development has brought to neighboring countries, and hoped that in the future, China's high-speed rail could also be built to Myanmar. In this issue of "The New Generation of Chinese Americans Looking at China", let's get closer to the fourth generation of Chinese Americans, Cai Yifan, and listen to him tell the story of China in his eyes.

Hangzhou Asian Games | Wind Comes from the East, Tide surges by the Qiantang River - China Sports Olympics after the Tokyo Olympics | China | East Comes, Tide surges by the Qiantang River
Hangzhou Asian Games | Wind Comes from the East, Tide surges by the Qiantang River - China Sports Olympics after the Tokyo Olympics | China | East Comes, Tide surges by the Qiantang River

Beijing, September 4th (Xinhua) - At the Tokyo Olympics, the Chinese delegation won 38 gold medals, equaling the best performance in foreign Olympic competitions. Over the past two years, Chinese athletes have worked hard and courageously, showcasing a more open, confident, and respectable image of China to the world, and becoming leaders and practitioners in the construction of a sports powerhouse. On July 23, 2021, the Chinese delegation entered the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympics. Xinhua News Agency reporter Cao Can photographed the Asian sports world entering "Hangzhou time", as the host Chinese delegation will welcome the most important "mock exam" of the Paris Olympic cycle. Our mission is on our shoulders, and we strive with ourselves. Chinese sports will take new and solid steps by the Qiantang River. In 2021, Chinese athletes who participated in the Tokyo Olympics only had a brief rest

Watching Zhejiang before the Asian Games | Passing on the Exciting Events Record the Asian Games Story - Visiting and Observing Media at the Hangzhou Asian Games Main Media Center | News | Events
Watching Zhejiang before the Asian Games | Passing on the Exciting Events Record the Asian Games Story - Visiting and Observing Media at the Hangzhou Asian Games Main Media Center | News | Events

The neatly arranged main news center workspace and release hall, complete living and work facilities, and meticulous volunteer services... The 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou is about to open, and the main media center, which is responsible for news release, media operation, and other functions, has recently made a brilliant debut. Both in terms of hardware facilities and software services, "Media Home" is ready to welcome domestic and foreign journalists who come to report on the Asian Games. "Media Home" made a brilliant debut during the recently held Media Open Day event. More than 250 media reporters walked into the "Media Home" in advance to gain an on-site understanding of the spatial layout and functional division of the main media center. It is understood that the main media center of the Hangzhou Asian Games is located at the Hangzhou International Expo Center and also within the competition venue group of the Hangzhou Asian Games, adjacent to the Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center Stadium and the Olympic Sports Center Tour

Chinese smart home appliances expand overseas market research and development | employees | market
Chinese smart home appliances expand overseas market research and development | employees | market

South African employees are debugging the Hisense home appliance prototype that is ready to be put into local stores. Li Yindan photographed Thai employees operating on Haier's air conditioning production line. Chen Aizhao, a worker, works in the production workshop of Shaanxi Kangjia Intelligent Home Appliance Co., Ltd. located in Xi'an International Port Area. Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Bowen took a group photo in front of the TCL booth at the 2023 S ã o Paulo International Consumer Electronics and Home Appliances Exhibition. During the 2022 Berlin International Consumer Electronics Exhibition, visitors are learning about smart kitchen equipment in front of the Casarte booth, as reported by our reporter Shi Yuanhao. Our reporter Li Qiang photographed the world's largest container ship, the Mediterranean Irina, carrying smart home appliances and other products produced in the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area for export overseas. Wei Jinsong's photo follows China

Notice on Further Strengthening the Implementation of Employment Policies by Two Departments | Policy | Employment
Notice on Further Strengthening the Implementation of Employment Policies by Two Departments | Policy | Employment

Beijing, September 4th (Xinhua) - The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the Ministry of Finance recently issued a notice calling for further increasing awareness of employment support policies, strengthening the implementation of employment policies, and enhancing the sense of gain for workers and employers. The relevant person in charge of the Employment Promotion Department of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security introduced that in the near future, we will focus on promoting the classification of employment policies, launch a rolling promotion of "employment policies around us", publish policy lists by group classification, and carry out policy promotion and interpretation of "understandable, clear, and clear" items, explaining policy content, enjoyment conditions, handling processes, application channels, and other elements. Notify the deployment of inventory checks on the progress of employment policy implementation, and carry out a major investigation of the progress of employment policy implementation since 2021, as well as a review of problem rectification.

Mirror View of the Service Trade Fair | International "Moments" Countries in the Service Trade Fair | Conference Center | International
Mirror View of the Service Trade Fair | International "Moments" Countries in the Service Trade Fair | Conference Center | International

On September 4th, visitors learned about smartphones equipped with Qualcomm Snapdragon chips at the Qualcomm booth at the National Convention Center. The 2023 China International Fair for Trade in Services, which is currently being held in Beijing, has attracted multiple countries and international organizations to set up exhibitions and events. As China continues to promote high-level opening-up to the outside world, the "circle of friends" of the Fair for Trade in Services is becoming larger, and the level of internationalization and specialization is increasing. On September 4th, at the South Korean booth at the National Convention Center of the Fair for Trade in Services, visitors took photos as a souvenir. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Mengqi: On September 4th, at the Japan booth of the National Convention Center of the Fair for Trade in Services, visitors were tasting whiskey. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Mengqi: On September 4th, a visitor was shopping at the Iranian booth at the National Convention Center of the Fair for Trade in Services. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Xin

The Ministry of Water Resources and the China Meteorological Administration jointly issued a meteorological warning and warning for the red mountain flood disaster
The Ministry of Water Resources and the China Meteorological Administration jointly issued a meteorological warning and warning for the red mountain flood disaster

Beijing, September 4th (Xinhua) - The Ministry of Water Resources and the China Meteorological Administration jointly issued a meteorological warning for red flash floods at 18:00 on the 4th. It is expected that from 20:00 on the 4th to 20:00 on the 5th, there is a high possibility of flash floods occurring in some areas of eastern and southern Fujian, with a high probability of flash floods occurring in some areas of southern Fujian. The red warning areas are Longhai District, Pinghe County, Yunxiao County, and Zhangpu County in Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province; The orange warning area includes Longwen District and Zhao'an County in Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province, as well as Lianjiang County and Mawei District in Fuzhou City. The Ministry of Water Resources and the China Meteorological Administration also pointed out that other regions may also experience flash floods due to local short duration heavy rainfall. Therefore, all regions need to pay attention to real-time monitoring, flood prevention and early warning, and risk avoidance measures.

Like these brave and lovely people!, Warm shots of hematopoiesis | stem cells | shots around me
Like these brave and lovely people!, Warm shots of hematopoiesis | stem cells | shots around me

Recently, Zhao Junqing, a staff member of the 25th Institute of the Chinese Academy of Astronautics and Technology, successfully completed the collection of hematopoietic stem cells after 4 hours of collection, bringing hope to an 11 year old child and becoming the 600th non blood related hematopoietic stem cell donor in Beijing. On a busy day in May, Zhao Junqing received a call from the Beijing Red Cross Donation Center. When he learned that a patient had successfully matched him through a bone marrow bank and needed to donate, he immediately had an answer in his heart. Regardless, he had to complete this matter. Zhao Junqing's decision received strong support from his unit and family. On July 25th, Zhao Junqing followed the donation procedure and came to the Beijing Red Cross Donation Service Center to watch his blood. Slowly flowing along the infusion tube, a smile appeared on his face“

But they are really capable of doing practical things. Young people are promising. Wenzhu: Why do the villagers say, "Don't look at Xiaowen, young people travel | Wenzhu | practical things."
But they are really capable of doing practical things. Young people are promising. Wenzhu: Why do the villagers say, "Don't look at Xiaowen, young people travel | Wenzhu | practical things."

"Standing here and looking south, I can embrace the whole of China!" Located in Beiji Village, Mohe City, in the Greater Khingan Mountains region, it is the northernmost town in China. The representative of the 20th National Congress, Deputy Mayor of Mohe City, and Party Secretary of Beiji Town, Wen Zhu, is like a "Arctic bamboo" rooted here. Over the past decade, she has grown from a college student village official to a township cadre. From helping villagers design personalized homestays, to turning the "Shenzhou Arctic" into a new tourist check-in destination, how to make her hometown's tourism "internet celebrity" become "long-lasting" is a new topic facing Wenzhu. This year, the passenger flow has increased again, and Wenzhu has conducted door-to-door visits and surveys to solicit opinions from villagers on the development of the tourism industry in the village. "Each homestay in every household should have its own unique characteristics and not look the same." "Some vendors in tourist attractions may have a lower price on the ground, but they cannot let this be the case."

National Medical Insurance Administration: Building a "15 minute medical insurance service circle" to facilitate the public's "nearby services". State Council | Medical Insurance | National
National Medical Insurance Administration: Building a "15 minute medical insurance service circle" to facilitate the public's "nearby services". State Council | Medical Insurance | National

On the afternoon of September 4th, the State Council Information Office held a routine briefing on the State Council's policies, introducing relevant information on the Regulations on the Handling of Social Insurance. Huang Huabo, Deputy Director of the National Medical Security Administration, stated that the Regulations have made clear requirements in regulating medical insurance operations and optimizing medical insurance services. Next, the National Medical Insurance Administration will fully implement the requirements of the Regulations, promote higher quality, efficiency, and convenience of medical insurance services, and continuously enhance the sense of gain and satisfaction of the people. One is to further improve the list of medical insurance government services. In the early stage, the National Medical Insurance Administration formulated a list of medical insurance government service items, unified the service standards for 28 commonly used medical insurance businesses, and achieved standardized and unified handling processes and deadlines. Next, the National Medical Insurance Administration will continue to deepen the standardization of medical insurance services

Get off at any station with stunning scenery! This new high-speed rail line has become popular for tourism | high-speed rail | new line
Get off at any station with stunning scenery! This new high-speed rail line has become popular for tourism | high-speed rail | new line

On August 31st, the entire Guinan high-speed railway line was put into operation. This steel dragon, carved like a meticulous painting, opened up a new channel from "colorful Guizhou" to "magnificent Guangxi" in the southwestern hinterland of China. It depicts a new travel scene of traveling to Guizhou and Guangxi by high-speed rail, connecting the beautiful scenery. The new high-speed rail line brings "tourism fever" to the Guinan high-speed railway, with a total length of 482 kilometers, crossing the Guizhou Plateau, the Miaoling Mountains and 90000 Mountains, crossing the beautiful Miao village of Yaozhai, the dreamy karst landscape, and the ancient Maonan Mountains, connecting the two provinces and regions as representative tourist destinations. Sitting on the Guinan high-speed railway train, you can enjoy the karst mountains and lush forests along the route through the car window. Our family came from Liupanshui specifically to see Xiaoqikong. We used to really want to come, but Libo didn't have a train and it was too far to drive. Now we have Liupanshui

"Intelligence" Travels Thousands of Miles - Revealing the Technological Power Behind the Cross Sea High Speed Railway - Fuxing Express | EMU | Technology
"Intelligence" Travels Thousands of Miles - Revealing the Technological Power Behind the Cross Sea High Speed Railway - Fuxing Express | EMU | Technology

At around 9 o'clock on September 4th, a high-speed train with a silver gray background and red, orange, and yellow painted "ribbons" fluttering on its body stopped at Fuzhou South Station. The golden "Fuxing" characters on its body were particularly eye-catching. The fastest designed cross sea high-speed train in China, the Fuzhou Xiamen High Speed Railway, welcomed the "Fuxing" intelligent high-speed train's "debut". On September 4th, the "Fuxing" intelligent multiple unit train stopped at Fuzhou South Station. What is the experience of riding the "Fuxing" with a designed speed of 350 kilometers per hour, crossing the blue ocean, and enjoying intelligent transportation? The reporter walked into the carriage and a strong sense of technology rushed towards him. The top of the carriage is equipped with a TV, which can display train operation and entertainment program information on separate screens; The seats have been fully upgraded, adding electric leg rests and equipped with USB charging interfaces, expanding the seating space and improving comfort; Wei

The captain specially flew around the island, and retired veterans from Xisha flew back home for free on a special plane for their entire lives | Xisha | Captain
The captain specially flew around the island, and retired veterans from Xisha flew back home for free on a special plane for their entire lives | Xisha | Captain

A day of Xisha people, a lifetime of Xisha love! Two years, five years, eight years... They practice the Xisha spirit of "loving the country, loving the island, and enjoying the ends of the earth" through their actions, rooting themselves in Xisha and making contributions to it. This departure is not a vacation or a business trip to study, but a genuine departure from this blue land. What I took off was military uniform, but what I couldn't take off was Xisha Qing; Leaving behind is youth, taking away is lifelong care and memory. When the plane climbed to an altitude of 270 meters, it circled the island, allowing these glorious sentinels from the sky to take another look at the sea they had once guarded with their youth and sweat. Thank them for dedicating their youth and passion to the military and coastal defense, and for their contributions to the country and the people. Veteran, cherish it all the way!

Chongqing: Digital Economy Leading Innovation and Development Intelligence | Intelligence | Digital Economy
Chongqing: Digital Economy Leading Innovation and Development Intelligence | Intelligence | Digital Economy

The picture shows the Chongqing United Microelectronics 8-inch characteristic process pilot line, with R&D personnel operating the equipment. The digital industry cluster is flourishing, traditional manufacturing is undergoing intelligent transformation, and digital technology application scenarios are becoming more diverse... Since the beginning of this year, Chongqing has solidly promoted the construction of "Digital Chongqing", vigorously developed the digital economy, continuously promoted the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy, accelerated the construction of a modern industrial system led by the digital economy, and continuously accelerated the pace of digital industrialization and industrial digitization, injecting new momentum into high-quality economic and social development. Empowering traditional manufacturing with over 1000 robots for collaborative operation, laser welding operates at high speed, and a new energy vehicle is assembled and produced every 3 minutes... This is the intelligent production scenario of the Selis Smart Factory located in Liangjiang New Area, Chongqing. Artificial intelligence, IoT

Dedicated to guarding "Youthful Youth", Vice President and Vice President of the Rule of Law | Rule of Law | Youth
Dedicated to guarding "Youthful Youth", Vice President and Vice President of the Rule of Law | Rule of Law | Youth

On June 1st of this year, the Supreme People's Procuratorate released a set of data in the "White Paper on Juvenile Prosecutorial Work".Youth legal education benefits both the present and the future.In January 2022, the "Regulations on Prosecutors Serving as Vice Presidents of the Rule of Law" jointly issued by the Supreme People's Procuratorate and the Ministry of Education officially came into effect, and the work of Vice Presidents of the Rule of Law entered a "practical" stage.