The world

【 Da Guo Xin Cun: Following the Footsteps of General Secretary 】 Putuo, Zhejiang: "Harmony and Beauty on the Island" Harvests a Stable and Happy Spirit | Island | Putuo, Zhejiang
【 Da Guo Xin Cun: Following the Footsteps of General Secretary 】 Putuo, Zhejiang: "Harmony and Beauty on the Island" Harvests a Stable and Happy Spirit | Island | Putuo, Zhejiang

The theme of "New Villages in a Great Country: Following the Footprints of General Secretary" is about national rejuvenation and rural revitalization.The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that "the most arduous and arduous task of building a socialist modernized country in all respects still lies in rural areas. We will prioritize the development of agriculture and rural areas, adhere to the integration of urban and rural development, and facilitate the flow of urban and rural factors. We will accelerate the construction of an agricultural power and solidly promote the revitalization of rural industries, talents, culture, ecology, and organizations." The People's Forum website has launched a series of reports on "New Villages in Great Countries: Following the Footprints of General Secretary", telling the story of the vast rural areas of China

People's Sports Talk: Chengdu Universiade opens a new chapter in world youth exchange and cooperation. Global | College Students | Youth
People's Sports Talk: Chengdu Universiade opens a new chapter in world youth exchange and cooperation. Global | College Students | Youth

The Summer Universiade is the highest standard and largest sports event for college students worldwide. The Universiade has always been known as the "Little Olympics". The 31st Summer Universiade attracted 6500 athletes from 113 countries and regions to participate. Among them, there are 35 countries in Asia, 36 countries in Europe, 15 countries in the Americas, 24 countries in Africa, and 3 countries in Oceania. From the perspective of event design, schedule design, and composition of participating athletes, the Chengdu Universiade is a sports event for young college students around the world. Youth from different countries and regions, with different skin colors, gather together for a common dream, competing and showcasing their talents on the platform of the Universiade. Undoubtedly, the Universiade is aimed at by the world's youth, where they compete and move towards greater success

People's Forum Online Review | Talent Introduction: Don't Demand "Hats for Talent" | Talent | Forum Network
People's Forum Online Review | Talent Introduction: Don't Demand "Hats for Talent" | Talent | Forum Network

The National Organization Work Conference pointed out that efforts should be made to build a high-quality governing backbone team capable of shouldering the heavy responsibility of national rejuvenation, and accelerate the construction of a world important talent center and innovation highland. The way to innovation lies only in obtaining people. To meet the needs of people, one must broaden their path and store them. Currently, a talent war is raging in many places, with high-level, highly educated, and skilled talents in high demand, creating a favorable environment for recognizing, loving, respecting, and utilizing talents. However, the phenomenon of relying solely on academic qualifications, academic titles, and talent titles to determine positions and allocate resources still occasionally exists in a few regions, which undermines the effectiveness of talent attraction. Talent introduction should be based on talent rather than hat. We should adhere to a demand oriented approach, start from reality, and introduce talents with strong innovation ability, great innovation potential, and precise matching of needs

He is undoubtedly the most beautiful reverse walker!, Gongshi Evaluation | Their Core Area | Emergency | Retrograde
He is undoubtedly the most beautiful reverse walker!, Gongshi Evaluation | Their Core Area | Emergency | Retrograde

Recently, the Central Propaganda Department and the Emergency Management Department announced to the whole society the advanced deeds of the "Most Beautiful Emergency Management Workers" in 2023, showing us the most beautiful demeanor of these emergency managers who are fearless of going against the trend. Some of these fearless warriors voluntarily volunteered, "seven in and seven out" to explode the core area and uphold their mission; Some have fought for more than 30 years on the front line of forest firefighting, enduring the test of life and death time and time again. Some of these brave warriors who go against the trend walk through the mine tunnels, silently guarding the safety of the miners; Some hold onto the plateau, measuring 100000 square kilometers of land with their feet to ensure the safety of the area; Some are the first emergency responders in rural areas, rooted at the grassroots level and silently dedicating themselves; Some are professional teams who take orders in times of crisis and demonstrate the image and responsibility of a great country in international rescue efforts. Some of these diligent fighters bow their heads and willingly become young children

Xin Xiangyang: Xi Jinping's Discussion on Marxist World Outlook and Methodology Historical Materialism | Dialectical Materialism | Marxism
Xin Xiangyang: Xi Jinping's Discussion on Marxist World Outlook and Methodology Historical Materialism | Dialectical Materialism | Marxism

The report of the Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that the people of the CPC deeply realized that only by combining the basic principles of Marxism with China's specific reality, with China's excellent traditional culture, and adhering to the application of dialectical materialism and historical materialism, can we correctly answer the major issues raised by the times and practice, and can we always maintain the vitality and exuberance of Marxism. We must adhere to and develop Marxism in combination with China's specific realities on the one hand, and on the other hand, we must use the Marxist worldview methodology to solve China's problems, rather than memorizing and repeating its specific conclusions and phrases, let alone treating Marxism as an unchanging dogma.

Approved by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China: Decision to expel them from the Party Guo Jingang | Shanxi Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection | Central Committee of the Communist Party of China
Approved by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China: Decision to expel them from the Party Guo Jingang | Shanxi Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection | Central Committee of the Communist Party of China

This morning, two officials from Shanxi Province were simultaneously punished - the Shanxi Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision announced that Guo Jingang, former member of the Party Committee and Deputy General Manager of Shanxi Provincial State owned Capital Operation Co., Ltd., and Li Jinping, former Secretary and Director of the Party Group of Shanxi Provincial Development and Reform Commission, were both punished. According to the notification of the two persons, Guo Jingang and Li Jinping were expelled from the Party according to the Regulations of the CPC on Disciplinary Actions, the Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China, the Law of the People's Republic of China on Administrative Sanctions for Public Officials and other relevant provisions, after being studied at the meetings of the Standing Committee of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Shanxi Province and the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, and reported to the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection for deliberation and approval of the CPC Central Committee. According to the "Shangguan River" investigation, this year, some officials who are subject to disciplinary action also need to report to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China for approval. They are all members of the provincial party committee in their respective provinces. all

Tiger has been expelled from the party! The original unit has accepted the position of Deputy Secretary of the Central Inspection | Party Group | Unit
Tiger has been expelled from the party! The original unit has accepted the position of Deputy Secretary of the Central Inspection | Party Group | Unit

Just now, a "tiger" was expelled from the party - at 4 pm, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection announced that Li Dong, a former member of the party group and deputy general manager of State Energy Investment Group Co., Ltd., had been expelled from the party for serious violations of discipline and law. The report shows that Li Dong has lost his ideals and beliefs, deviated from his original mission, had a indifferent political consciousness, and deliberately opposed organizational censorship; Ignoring the spirit of the central eight point regulations, accepting arrangements for banquets, tourism, golf and other activities in violation of regulations for a long time, and accepting gifts in violation of regulations; Not reporting personal matters in accordance with regulations, and favoritism in adjusting and promoting cadres; Violating regulations by owning shares in non listed companies, and engaging in illegal employment and remuneration in private enterprises after retirement; Without any disciplinary bottom line, recklessly relying on coal to eat coal, engaging in power and money transactions under the guise of "investment" and "agency" for a long time, and using their positions to facilitate others in product sales, business operations, and other areas for profit,

For the first time in six years, South Korea will conduct air strikes and civil defense exercises for the entire population this month
For the first time in six years, South Korea will conduct air strikes and civil defense exercises for the entire population this month

The South Korean Ministry of Administrative Security has stated that South Korea will conduct a nationwide civil defense exercise this month, simulating enemy air strikes and conducting safety evacuation exercises. It is reported that this is the first time in six years that South Korea has conducted such exercises for the general public. On August 2nd, Yonhap News Agency quoted the South Korean Ministry of Administrative Security as saying that South Korea will conduct a 20 minute "air raid civil defense exercise" throughout the country at 2:00 pm on August 23rd. This is also the first time in six years since August 2017 that the South Korean government has held such exercises for the general public. It is reported that civil defense exercises are divided into two categories: air raid exercises and disaster exercises, and South Korea's exercise will simulate the situation of enemy air strikes and exercise the evacuation process. The exercise will be conducted in the order of sounding the air defense alarm, issuing a warning, and lifting the alarm. The air defense warning will be issued on the afternoon of August 23rd

What did he experience?, A 3-year-old boy suddenly has convulsions in his limbs and a purple complexion. He returned to normal 10 minutes ago, lady | child | boy
What did he experience?, A 3-year-old boy suddenly has convulsions in his limbs and a purple complexion. He returned to normal 10 minutes ago, lady | child | boy

Eyes rolled up, limbs twitched, complexion turned purple, teeth clenched... If your child suddenly did this, would you be scared out of control? Ms. Zhang, the mother of Bao, had this heart wrenching experience. Here is her self description: 3-year-old Xiao Bao was right in front of me with his teeth tightly closed, his eyes turning white, his whole body weak, and he lost consciousness. My first reaction was to pick him up and rush towards the hospital, and all the way, I relentlessly gouged his throat to make him vomit. He bit through all four fingers, causing them to bleed and swell, and there was no sensation at all. I shouted his name all the way, as if I was about to lose him the next second... What exactly happened? Ms. Zhang's child, Xiaoyu, is 3 years old this year. Last night, while eating at her grandmother's house, her appetite was not good, and she began to feel a bit mentally weak on the way home by car. Because Xiaoyu was able to communicate normally and did not experience any fever symptoms at the time,

Russian media: A Russian defector has been arrested in Tambov Oblast, Russia
Russian media: A Russian defector has been arrested in Tambov Oblast, Russia

According to the Russian Sputnik News Agency, Moscow, on August 2, the Russian Federal Security Service reported that the security forces had detained a resident of Tambov State who was planning to join the Ukrainian armed forces at that time, and has now filed a case for "preparing to betray the country". The notice states: "A Russian citizen in Tambov Oblast is suspected of preparing to defect to the enemy and his illegal activities have been stopped. A Russian citizen sent an email to a representative of a Ukrainian nationalist organization in order to join the Ukrainian army. The organization recruited and trained... volunteers from Russian citizens. They have been criminally charged with 'preparing to defect'." The notice also states that from April 2023 to June 2023, the suspect searched and studied professional literature on tactical medicine, field defense, weapons, and military equipment, and then attempted to conduct research through Turkey

Ministry of Foreign Affairs: stop strengthening military ties between the United States and Taiwan and arming Taiwan in any name and by any means | China | military
Ministry of Foreign Affairs: stop strengthening military ties between the United States and Taiwan and arming Taiwan in any name and by any means | China | military

The spokesman of the Foreign Ministry answered questions from reporters about the US government's decision to provide military assistance to Taiwan, China. Q: The US White House website recently announced that it has decided to provide military assistance worth about 345 million US dollars to Taiwan, China. This is the first time the Biden administration has used the "presidential withdrawal power" to provide assistance to Taiwan. What is China's comment on this? A: The supply of weapons by the United States to Taiwan, China seriously violates the one China principle and the provisions of the three Sino US joint communiques, especially the August 17 communique, seriously harms China's sovereignty and security interests, and seriously undermines China US relations and peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. The Chinese side is strongly dissatisfied and firmly opposes this, and has made solemn representations to the US side.We urge the US to strictly adhere to one

Behind the Niger Coup: American Black Hand Reaches African Assault Teams | West Africa | United States
Behind the Niger Coup: American Black Hand Reaches African Assault Teams | West Africa | United States

The US independent investigation website "Interception" recently revealed that one of the leaders involved in the Niger military coup, the commander of the Niger Special Operations Forces, Musa Salau Balmou, had received training from the US military. The website also pointed out that since 2008, African military officers trained by the United States have participated in a total of 11 coups in West Africa. Analysts point out that cultivating pro American forces, intervening in regional conflicts, cracking down on strategic competitors and anti American countries has become a common means for the United States to consolidate its hegemony. On June 12, 2023, US Army Special Operations Commander Braga met with Niger Special Operations Force Commander Balmou at Niger Air Force Base. "The infiltration of external forces has led to coups in multiple countries in Africa."

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs Responds to Journalists' Questions on China | Labor | Enterprises Regarding US Sanctions on Chinese Enterprises for "Forced Labor"
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs Responds to Journalists' Questions on China | Labor | Enterprises Regarding US Sanctions on Chinese Enterprises for "Forced Labor"

On August 2nd, a spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs answered a reporter's question regarding the US's sanctions on Chinese companies under the pretext of "forced labor": According to reports, on August 1st, the US included some Chinese companies in the list of relevant entities under the pretext of "forced labor". What is China's comment on this? Answer: The so-called "forced labor" in Xinjiang was originally a century long lie fabricated by anti China forces to smear China, which is completely opposite to the fact that the labor rights and interests of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang are effectively protected. The United States, based on lies, implements the so-called "Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Law", wantonly undermines international economic and trade rules, and damages the stability of international industrial and supply chains. The inclusion of Chinese entities in the relevant sanctions list by the United States, expanding the scope of suppression against Chinese enterprises, is essentially undermining the prosperity and stability of Xinjiang and curbing China's development. The Chinese side strongly condemns and firmly opposes this, and will

Can't get off the highway? "Invitation letter" intercepts out of town rescue teams? Response from relevant departments in Zhuozhou → Power | Management Bureau | Zhuozhou
Can't get off the highway? "Invitation letter" intercepts out of town rescue teams? Response from relevant departments in Zhuozhou → Power | Management Bureau | Zhuozhou

Starting from July 31st, professional rescue teams from all over the country have been rushing to Zhuozhou to provide support. However, multiple rescue teams have reported that according to regulations, civilian rescue teams from other regions need to apply for an invitation letter from the local emergency management department before cross provincial rescue, and then report to the local emergency management department. After obtaining approval, the rescue team can depart. Due to not receiving the invitation letter from the local authorities in Zhuozhou, some teams are in a dilemma of not knowing what to do. But on the afternoon of August 2nd, staff from the local armed forces department in Zhuozhou told First Financial that there were no restrictions on whether there were "invitation letters" for rescue teams from other places. "As long as it is a professional rescue team, they can come. There is an urgent need for submarines, submarines, medicine, life jackets, and bring these things." Before August 1st, a notice circulated among the rescue teams:“

Chen Changhong has been appointed as the Deputy Secretary General of the Hubei Provincial Party Committee and Director of the Provincial Party Committee Office, Department of Civil Affairs | Provincial Party Committee | Archives | News | Archives Bureau | Hubei | Hubei Province | Chen Changhong
Chen Changhong has been appointed as the Deputy Secretary General of the Hubei Provincial Party Committee and Director of the Provincial Party Committee Office, Department of Civil Affairs | Provincial Party Committee | Archives | News | Archives Bureau | Hubei | Hubei Province | Chen Changhong

According to the official website of the Hubei Provincial Archives Bureau, from July 25th to 26th, in order to continue learning, promoting, and implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and mobilizing the provincial archives system to do a good job in rectifying and implementing the feedback from the National Archives Bureau on the supervision and inspection of Hubei's archives work, the Hubei Provincial Archives Bureau organized an online training course on the construction of institutional archives business based on the China National Knowledge Infrastructure. The news mentioned that this training class was held with the consent of the leaders of the provincial party committee. Chen Changhong, Deputy Secretary General of the Provincial Party Committee and Director of the Provincial Party Committee Office, personally reviewed the training plan. The above official information shows that Chen Changhong, who was originally the Party Secretary and Director of the Hubei Provincial Department of Civil Affairs, has now served as the Deputy Secretary General of the Hubei Provincial Party Committee and Director of the Provincial Party Committee Office. According to publicly available information, Chen Changhong, male, born in August 1968, of Han ethnicity, from Xiantao, Hubei, holds a university degree. one hundred and ninety-nine

The Two Offices have issued the Opinions on Establishing a Party Regulations and National Legal List System for Leading Cadres to Know and Understand. Constitution | Enhancement | Regulations | Needs | Regulations | Laws | Leading Cadres | Learning
The Two Offices have issued the Opinions on Establishing a Party Regulations and National Legal List System for Leading Cadres to Know and Understand. Constitution | Enhancement | Regulations | Needs | Regulations | Laws | Leading Cadres | Learning

Recently, the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the General Office of the State Council issued the "Opinions on Establishing a List System of Party Regulations and National Laws that Leading Cadres should Know and Know", and issued a notice requiring all regions and departments to conscientiously implement it based on actual situations. The full text of the "Opinions on Establishing a List of Party Regulations and National Laws that Leading Cadres should Know and Know" is as follows. In order to deeply implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, promote leading cadres to take the lead in respecting rules, learning, abiding by rules, and using rules, and take the lead in respecting law, abiding by laws, and using the law, in accordance with the requirements of the "Plan for the Construction of a Rule of Law in China" and other regulations, the following opinions are proposed on establishing a system for leading cadres to know and understand party regulations and national legal lists.

Promoted to a new position, Tang Xiang, Anhui's "Internet celebrity" County Magistrate, Beijing | Tang Xiang | County Magistrate
Promoted to a new position, Tang Xiang, Anhui's "Internet celebrity" County Magistrate, Beijing | Tang Xiang | County Magistrate

Tang Xiang, the temporary deputy county head of the Taihu Lake County, Anqing City, Anhui Province, who was loved by netizens as a "cyber celebrity", has just been promoted after assuming the post of deputy director of Anqing Municipal Government's liaison office in Beijing, and has already served as director of Anqing Municipal Government's liaison office in Beijing. On August 2, 2023, the People's Government of Anqing City issued a notice on the work positions of Comrades Tang Xiang and others: The People's Government of Anqing City issued a notice on the work positions of Comrades Tang Xiang and others. The people's governments of each county and district, as well as various departments and directly affiliated institutions of the municipal government, have decided after research that Comrade Tang Xiang will be appointed as the director of the Municipal Government's Liaison Office in Beijing; Comrade Li Aibin is appointed as the Deputy Director of the Municipal Medical Security Bureau; Comrade Yin Jinsheng serves as the Deputy Director of the Municipal Housing Provident Fund Management Center; Dismiss Comrade Xu Xianshun from his position as Deputy Director of the Municipal Housing Provident Fund Management Center. August 2023

How complex is Li Tie's case?, One person is suspected of five counts of bribery | Staff | Case
How complex is Li Tie's case?, One person is suspected of five counts of bribery | Staff | Case

Nine months after being investigated, former head coach of the Chinese men's football team, Li Tie, once again appeared in the public eye on suspicion of bribery, bribery, unit bribery, bribery of non-state employees, and bribery of non-state employees. He has recently been prosecuted by the Hubei procuratorial organs. Previously, football industry insiders revealed that Li Tie has a strong appetite and many means to accumulate wealth. Today's notice from the procuratorial organs revealed the other side of the problem. He is suspected of five charges, including both "receiving money" and "sending money". One person is suspected of five crimes, which reflects the complexity of the case and also confuses many people, making it difficult to distinguish the differences between them. Professor Peng Xinlin from the Law School of Beijing Normal University told the Governor of Chang'an Street that the above five charges, from the perspective of the types of legal interests infringed upon, some of them belong to the crime of corruption and bribery that infringes on the integrity of state officials, such as the crime of accepting bribes

How was K396 rescued?, Trapped for two days and two nights with rainfall | Passengers | K396
How was K396 rescued?, Trapped for two days and two nights with rainfall | Passengers | K396

Affected by the 5th typhoon of this year, Dussuri, the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region continues to experience heavy rainfall. On July 30th, due to heavy rainfall, the K396 passenger train from Wuhai West, Inner Mongolia to Fengtai, Beijing was forced to stop at Luopoling Railway Station in Mentougou District, Beijing. The safety of over 900 passengers is touching the hearts of countless people. This morning, good news came that the first batch of 328 passengers have safely arrived at Fengtai Station in Beijing. At around 4:30 pm, the second batch of nearly 500 passengers also safely arrived at Beijing Fengtai Station. 01 Trapped: The train was stopped in an emergency during the rainstorm. According to the original plan, train K396 should depart from Wuhai West Station in the evening of July 29 and arrive at Fengtai Station in the morning of July 30. However, a sudden heavy rainstorm stranded the train less than 70km from Fengtai Station

National Development and Reform Commission: 100 million yuan to support emergency recovery and reconstruction after disasters in Beijing and Hebei rainstorm | flood disaster | Hebei
National Development and Reform Commission: 100 million yuan to support emergency recovery and reconstruction after disasters in Beijing and Hebei rainstorm | flood disaster | Hebei

The National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) disclosed on the afternoon of the second day that it has issued an emergency investment of 100 million yuan to support emergency recovery and reconstruction after rainstorm and flood disasters in Beijing and Hebei. Recently, Beijing and Hebei suffered from severe rainstorm and flood, causing casualties and property losses. According to reports, the National Development and Reform Commission conscientiously implemented the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, actively responded to the impact of extreme heavy rainfall, and made every effort to do a good job in flood control and disaster relief. It urgently allocated 100 million yuan from the central budget to be used for emergency recovery and reconstruction of infrastructure and public service facilities in areas severely affected by rainstorm and flood disasters in Beijing and Hebei. Previously, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Emergency Management also urgently allocated 110 million yuan of central natural disaster relief funds to support the three provinces in flood prevention and disaster relief work, which will be coordinated by local governments for emergency rescue and disaster relief, with a focus on disaster relief

And remember personal first class merit, Beijing sacrificed firefighter Feng Zhen and was approved as a martyr mountain flood | rescue | firefighter
And remember personal first class merit, Beijing sacrificed firefighter Feng Zhen and was approved as a martyr mountain flood | rescue | firefighter

The reporter learned from the Beijing Municipal Fire Rescue Brigade that on August 2nd, the Ministry of Emergency Management approved Comrade Feng Zhen, a first-class firefighter who sacrificed his life at the Bei'anhe Fire Rescue Station in Haidian District, Beijing, during the rescue of trapped people in the flash flood on Bei'an Hebei Road. The National Fire Rescue Bureau commemorated Comrade Feng Zhen's personal first-class merit. At 11:49 am on July 31st, the command center of the Haidian District Fire Rescue Brigade in Beijing received a report that three people were trapped in the Haidian Driving School Zhonglian Automobile Trading Market due to a flood. Rescue forces were immediately dispatched to the scene for disposal. At 12:15, when the rescue team at Xixiaoying Small Station was driving to Bei'an North Road, they suddenly encountered a crowd trapped in a flash flood and beckoned to the team for help. The situation was extremely critical. Commander Feng Zhen ordered immediate parking to organize rescue operations and to use fire trucks to establish ropes on site

After serving his sentence but not yet being released from prison, he was taken away for investigation and sentenced to another three and a half years. Officials were sentenced to six and a half years in prison for bribery. Fact | Presented | Court | Bribery | Liu Tiewei | Shenyang | Defendant | Wang Jiahui
After serving his sentence but not yet being released from prison, he was taken away for investigation and sentenced to another three and a half years. Officials were sentenced to six and a half years in prison for bribery. Fact | Presented | Court | Bribery | Liu Tiewei | Shenyang | Defendant | Wang Jiahui

Wang Jiahui, who served as the deputy district level inspector of Hunnan District, Shenyang City before falling off the horse, and also served as the deputy director of the Comprehensive Construction Department of the Office of the Hunnan New City Construction Work Leading Group, was sentenced to six years and six months in prison on December 19, 2016 by the Hunnan District Court of Shenyang City for bribery in the first instance. Wang Jiahui was sentenced to six years and six months in prison in 2016 for accepting bribes. After the first instance verdict, the Wang family will appeal against the verdict. At the same time, the prosecution also filed a protest. But they were all rejected by the second instance court. The sentence of Wang Jiahui was originally scheduled to end in June 2022. Prior to this, a case of joint bribery between Liu Tiewei and Wang Jiahui occurred, and Liu Tiewei was arrested. On June 11th, the Heping District Supervision Commission of Shenyang City retrieved Wang Jiahui from Dalian Nanguanling Prison for investigation and found that Wang Jiahui had bribed 900000 yuan in the case

Injuries to 9 people for unknown reasons, exposure to pose ...... Taiwan army's "Hanguang 39 exercise" is frequently criticized program | political theory | Taiwan army
Injuries to 9 people for unknown reasons, exposure to pose ...... Taiwan army's "Hanguang 39 exercise" is frequently criticized program | political theory | Taiwan army

The frequent occurrence of this exercise has sparked criticism and criticism from the public opinion on the island. The picture shows "Han Guang Exercise No. 39". On July 24th, during the actual military exercise of the "Han Guang Exercise", an ammunition explosion occurred in the Xiangfeng Camp of the Third Branch of the Keelung Army's Sixth Corps. While transporting 120mm mortar ammunition, officers and soldiers exploded for unknown reasons, resulting in 7 minor injuries and 2 serious injuries.

In the blink of an eye, it's 3000 yuan more expensive! Netizens are confused: The price increase has reached nearly 200%, and the overall increase in ticket prices for National Day overseas flights | Hangzhou | Increase
In the blink of an eye, it's 3000 yuan more expensive! Netizens are confused: The price increase has reached nearly 200%, and the overall increase in ticket prices for National Day overseas flights | Hangzhou | Increase

Where to go for the National Day holiday? What is the price of buying a plane ticket now? Although summer vacation is only halfway through, many people have started planning their National Day outings. But recently, many netizens have posted that overseas flights have skyrocketed a lot! This year's National Day holiday and Mid Autumn Festival are consecutive holidays, with a total of 8 days off. The holiday period starts from September 29th and ends on October 6th. The Chao News reporter searched online for outbound flights departing from Hangzhou, and found that compared to the summer vacation, the ticket prices for the National Day holiday have increased comprehensively. Among them, the most expensive one is a direct flight from Hangzhou to Osaka, with a round-trip cost of over 10000 yuan. Compared to the round-trip ticket price of over 3000 yuan in August, the price has increased by nearly 200%. Why is the National Day airfare so expensive? This year's National Day holiday has 8 days, and some Asian countries do not have visas from Europe or the United States

Taiwanese netizen sighs: Zhang Zhongmou has already predicted that TSMC will erupt in conflict with local labor unions in the United States | TSMC | Taiwan
Taiwanese netizen sighs: Zhang Zhongmou has already predicted that TSMC will erupt in conflict with local labor unions in the United States | TSMC | Taiwan

According to a report from Reference News Network, TSMC's plant in Arizona, USA is lagging behind and has announced an extension of production from 2024 to 2025. TSMC Chairman Liu Deyin attributed this to a shortage of labor with special expertise in building wafer factories. Meanwhile, union leaders in Arizona criticized TSMC for using this as an excuse to introduce "lower paying foreign workers," sparking heated discussions among netizens. According to reports, Alan Butler, one of the largest unions in Arizona and president of the Arizona Construction and Trade Association, wrote a column in a local business magazine criticizing TSMC for blaming local workers for the delay in the US factory. Butler stated that local laborers have been experienced in building and assembling wafer factories for Intel for 40 years. However, TSMC did not specify where the local workers were

Guangdong Province reports that Gu Xingwei, former director of the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, has been dismissed from public office due to bribery and other cases involving the use of agricultural project approval power. | Issue | Gu Xingwei
Guangdong Province reports that Gu Xingwei, former director of the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, has been dismissed from public office due to bribery and other cases involving the use of agricultural project approval power. | Issue | Gu Xingwei

The Guangdong Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision has publicly announced 8 cases of violations of discipline and law in the field of rural revitalization. The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China emphasized the need to resolutely punish the "fly greed" around the people. The Second Plenary Session of the 20th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection deployed an in-depth crackdown on unhealthy practices and corruption in the field of rural revitalization, while the Second Plenary Session of the 13th Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection called for careful supervision and implementation of the Rural Revitalization and the "High quality Development Project for Hundred Counties, Thousand Towns, and Ten Thousand Villages". Recently, the Guangdong Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision publicly reported 8 cases of violations of discipline and law in the field of rural revitalization. Gu Xingwei, former Deputy Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, took advantage of his approval power for agricultural projects to commit bribery. From 2005 to 2023, Gu Xingwei took advantage of his positions as Deputy Director of the Agricultural Office of the Provincial Party Committee, Deputy Director of the Provincial Department of Agriculture, and Director of the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs to assist multiple private entrepreneurs in applying for and obtaining approval for national and provincial modern agricultural products

How many people in the country are called "Jianjun"?, Guess Navy | Male | Individual
How many people in the country are called "Jianjun"?, Guess Navy | Male | Individual

Today, on August 1st Army Day, we have launched a plan to search for "military construction". Currently, we have found 922096 "military builders". When it comes to "military construction," everyone will say, "Who doesn't know how many" military constructions "there are in the country?" Do you know how many "military constructions" there are in the country? How many "Jianjun" were born on August 1st? Which province in the country has more people called "Jianjun" Here, look at the answer ↓↓ After consulting with the public security department, we found out that there are currently 922096 people called "Jianjun" in China. Among them, there are 881599 males and 40497 females, and 3690 people called "August 1st" in China. Among them, there are 3267 males and 423 females with birthdays on August 1st. "Jianjun" has 63814 people, and Hunan Province has the most "Jianjun" in China

Renewal!, The Road to a Strong Army | Ten Years of Amphibious Operations | Transportation | Renewal
Renewal!, The Road to a Strong Army | Ten Years of Amphibious Operations | Transportation | Renewal

Fighting on the battlefield, facing the ocean, piercing through the clouds, sharpening the long sword, and seizing the high ground... Ten years of strong military strength. The People's Army has been forging ahead, striving for technological strength. CCTV's military 4K ultra high definition images show the People's Army's hardcore strength. Heavy fists and fierce tiger movements break through bamboo and iron armor, forming a formation to fight on the battlefield. Each set of boxing techniques is constantly honing, reliable, and effective. The roar is our confidence to stand upright. Precision, timeliness, and management are essential for technological advancement. New domain and new quality combat forces, unmanned intelligent combat forces, and multiple types of helicopters such as iron wings, spinning reconnaissance, armament, and transportation, make the People's Army "fly". On the future battlefield, accelerating capability upgrades and transitioning towards a new type of army, splitting the waves and deep blue into the ocean. From the "101" Nanchang ship to the "108" Xianyang ship, eight 055 ships will be deployed

Super Flame Promotion Video Salute to Civilian Personnel, Road to Strong Military | "Youth" Out of "Blue" Work Department | Politics | Civilian Personnel
Super Flame Promotion Video Salute to Civilian Personnel, Road to Strong Military | "Youth" Out of "Blue" Work Department | Politics | Civilian Personnel

Born for the army and marching towards battle, put on "Peacock Blue" and join the civilian phalanx. Your life will be different from now on. On August 1st, the Army Political Work Department's Civilian Personnel Bureau and the Army Political Work Department's Propaganda and Culture Center released a promotional video for army civilian personnel titled "Youth Out of Blue" to pay tribute to the civilian personnel group who dedicate their youth to "Peacock Blue". Click on the video and turn up the volume ↙Blue is the sky, blue is the sea, blue is the stars, blue is the ideal. Let youth decorate the blue and turn it into camouflage. In the tide, crystal clear waves become a "land". Together, we create a wonderful world. We are in the prime of our lives, integrating into the steel tide to protect peace and vitality. We aim for the centenary goal, escort and revitalize our way. Tomorrow, our struggle is related to victory and defeat. When that day comes, there will be you and me

Sudden night raid! Zelensky: Severe Destruction of the Odessa Region | Port | Zelensky
Sudden night raid! Zelensky: Severe Destruction of the Odessa Region | Port | Zelensky

According to foreign media reports, the Ukrainian Danube port of Izmir was attacked earlier on August 2nd. Ukrainian President Zelensky stated on the same day that the earlier explosion caused serious damage to the southern region of Ukraine. Earlier reports from foreign media: Ukrainian port facilities in Odessa have been attacked again. According to Agence France Presse, Ukrainian officials reported on August 2nd that Russian drones launched an attack on the Odessa region in southern Ukraine, causing damage to the port infrastructure. According to reports, Oleg Kiper, the Governor of Odessa Oblast in Ukraine, said: "Due to the attack, local port facilities and industrial infrastructure caught fire, and a lift was damaged." He also said that the emergency department is dealing with the situation on site, and there are currently no reports of casualties. According to Reuters, Kippel stated on the "Telegraph" social media platform that,