The world

Chengdu Universiade Achieves Youth Dreams, Overseas Online Review: "Flying towards the Sun" China | Sports | Universiade
Chengdu Universiade Achieves Youth Dreams, Overseas Online Review: "Flying towards the Sun" China | Sports | Universiade

On July 28th, the opening ceremony of the 31st Summer Universiade was held at the main stadium of Dong'an Lake Sports Park in Chengdu. This is the entry of the Chinese college student sports delegation at the opening ceremony. On July 28th, the 31st Summer Universiade of Chengdu presented a "sunny" opening ceremony to the world, with the "Rongbao" dancing joyfully, athletes stepping on colorful Sichuan embroidery, and the "Sun God Bird" flying across time and space. Every second is not wasted, every minute is wonderful. This grand event allows the world to appreciate the dazzling brilliance of the "Pearl of Bashu", and also demonstrates the youthful power of young athletes from all over the world to achieve their dreams in Chengdu. The Universiade is a grand event for college students, and young people are the absolute protagonists at the opening ceremony. Amidst the roar of the audience, the entry of the Chinese university sports delegation

Expert: The recent interest rate hike by the Federal Reserve will impact the US job market, affecting 70% of homeowners to repay loans. The Federal Reserve | United States | Homeowners
Expert: The recent interest rate hike by the Federal Reserve will impact the US job market, affecting 70% of homeowners to repay loans. The Federal Reserve | United States | Homeowners

Federal Reserve Chairman Powell Overseas Network, July 28th - According to a report by Russian news agency Sputnik on July 28th, a US wealth manager said that the latest interest rate hike by the Federal Reserve is aimed at curbing the job market as a means of controlling inflation, and 70% of US homeowners will be affected in repaying their loans. On the 26th, the Federal Reserve announced another 25 basis point rate hike, raising the target range of the federal funds rate to between 5.25% and 5.5%, reaching the highest level in 22 years. David Tavel, co-founder and financial expert of ProChain Capital, a hedge fund company in the United States, said that the Federal Reserve is causing Americans to lose their jobs and reducing demand for commodities by suppressing consumption. Tavel said that during the pandemic, the inflation rate in the United States increased, and the US government continued to print money for the next 18 months

Multinational military exercises suspended, sudden! Helicopter crash in the United States | Accident | Personnel | Crew | Helicopter | Soldier | Report | Australia
Multinational military exercises suspended, sudden! Helicopter crash in the United States | Accident | Personnel | Crew | Helicopter | Soldier | Report | Australia

According to the BBC website on July 29th, a military helicopter crashed off the coast of Queensland, Australia, causing four people to go missing. According to the report, the incident occurred on the evening of the 28th, when Australian and US troops were conducting night exercises near Lindemann Island. Australian Defense Minister Richard Mars stated that the search and rescue operation has been launched immediately. He said that an MRH-90 "Tai Ban Snake" helicopter crashed around 10:30 pm local time. Mars said at a press conference on the morning of the 29th, "The four crew members have not been found yet." He said, "It is still in the early stages, and more information about this incident will be provided later." The report stated that the helicopter was participating in the largest military exercise between Australia and the United States, the "Escort Saber"

Still running for president, Trump: Even if convicted of criminal charges, President | Handling | Program | Campaign | Conviction | United States | Accusation | Trump
Still running for president, Trump: Even if convicted of criminal charges, President | Handling | Program | Campaign | Conviction | United States | Accusation | Trump

On July 29th, according to Fox News, former US President Trump stated on a program that even if he is convicted of criminal charges, he will continue to run for the 2024 US presidential election. On the 28th, during a radio program, when asked if Trump would terminate his campaign if convicted, he gave a negative answer, "Absolutely not. There are no provisions in the US Constitution." On the 27th, a special prosecutor appointed by the US Department of Justice filed new charges against Trump for "improper handling of classified documents.". In the indictment, the prosecution accused Trump of instructing his subordinates to delete the surveillance footage of his private residence at Haihu Manor. In addition, the prosecution also added an accusation against Trump of intentionally retaining state secrets. Previously, Trump“

The responsibility does not lie with China. Chinese Ambassador to Canada: The current China Canada relationship is facing difficulties and lies | Maskoka | Challenges | Global | China | China Canada relations | China | Ambassador
The responsibility does not lie with China. Chinese Ambassador to Canada: The current China Canada relationship is facing difficulties and lies | Maskoka | Challenges | Global | China | China Canada relations | China | Ambassador

On July 21st, Ambassador Cong Peiwu was interviewed by local media "Today's Maskoka" in Grevenhurst, Ontario, answering questions from reporters on China Canada relations, climate change, and more. Ambassador Cong stated that the current China Canada relationship is facing difficulties, and the responsibility does not lie with China. Adding some politicians who cling to Cold War mentality, using ideological lines, constantly hyping up lies and false information such as "China threat" and "China interference", seriously poisoning the atmosphere of bilateral relations. China's development is an opportunity rather than a challenge or threat to Canada. A healthy and stable China Canada relationship is a common expectation of the two peoples and also in line with the common interests of both sides. Canada should work with China to enhance understanding, focus on cooperation, and promote the return of China Canada relations to the right track on the basis of mutual respect and seeking common ground while reserving differences. Ambassador Cong stated that climate change is a global challenge that requires all parties involved

It's NATO's fault for this. The Ukrainian counterattack did not go smoothly. Hollywood | Ukraine | NATO
It's NATO's fault for this. The Ukrainian counterattack did not go smoothly. Hollywood | Ukraine | NATO

On July 26th, the website of Newsweek reported that Ukrainian President Zelensky may receive a Hollywood like welcome in Western capitals, but the Ukrainian president has already stated that the slow progress of the Kiev counterattack indicates that real war is not a Hollywood movie. According to reports, there are many reasons for the limited achievements of the Ukrainian counterattack, and the strong defense capabilities of Russia are also one of the factors. But some experts point to a less obvious factor: NATO. They said that NATO artificially set a deadline for launching a counterattack and failed to provide sufficient preparation for the Ukrainian army. "For Ukraine, this is not as smooth as they hoped," said Glenn Grant, a military analyst who provided advice to the Ukrainian military. Professor Graham Allison of Harvard University in the United States mentioned this

Do first tier cities have the conditions to land?, Hot discussion on "house recognition but not loan recognition": An intermediary has held a meeting to study house recognition | Shanghai | First line
Do first tier cities have the conditions to land?, Hot discussion on "house recognition but not loan recognition": An intermediary has held a meeting to study house recognition | Shanghai | First line

This week, there has been continuous positive news about the real estate market. First, a high-level meeting proposed "timely adjustment and optimization of real estate policies", followed by a call from the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development. The industry believes that a new round of loose policies in the real estate market is about to unfold. In terms of specific policies, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development's proposal of "recognizing houses but not loans" has received great attention. At present, only first tier cities and a few strong second tier cities are left with strict implementation of the "house recognition but loan recognition" policy. If the "house recognition but not loan recognition" policy can be implemented, it will stimulate the recovery of the real estate market in these cities. But experts also point out that if the policy of "recognizing houses but not loans" is fully implemented in first tier cities, there may be situations where housing prices rise too quickly. The transaction volume of second-hand houses in first tier cities has been declining for several months. After the Spring Festival this year, the real estate market in core cities such as Beijing and Shanghai has rebounded, with developers and real estate brokerage companies

The Ministry of National Defense Answers Taiwan's Questions, Threats, Defense, Situation, Military Affairs, China, and Japan on the Japanese Government's 2023 Edition of the Defense White Paper
The Ministry of National Defense Answers Taiwan's Questions, Threats, Defense, Situation, Military Affairs, China, and Japan on the Japanese Government's 2023 Edition of the Defense White Paper

Spokesperson of the Ministry of National Defense, Tan Kefei, answered questions from reporters regarding the Japanese government's adoption of the 2023 version of the Defense White Paper. Tan Kefei: The new version of the Japanese Defense White Paper firmly opposes the erroneous understanding of China, deliberately portrays the so-called "Chinese military threat", smears and hypes up the normal construction, development, and military activities of the Chinese military, rudely interferes in China's internal affairs, and stirs up regional tensions. We have firmly opposed this and have made solemn representations to the Japanese side. The Chinese military has always been a steadfast force in maintaining world peace and stability, never challenging anyone, let alone threatening anyone. On the contrary, in recent years, Japan has continuously broken through the constraints of the "Peace Constitution" and the principle of "exclusive defense", significantly increased defense spending, advocated the development of so-called "counterattack capabilities", and went further and further on the path of military expansion, following individual major powers to form targeted "small circles",

Italian expert: China promotes equality and sharing of global cyberspace. International | Cyberspace | Global
Italian expert: China promotes equality and sharing of global cyberspace. International | Cyberspace | Global

International online article: Recently, the website of Modern Diplomacy in Europe published a signed review article by Italian economist and international relations expert Giancarlo Elia Valores, stating that China plays a positive role in promoting fairness, justice, and open sharing in the global cyberspace. The article points out that China continues to increase investment in research and development, focuses on achieving high-level technological self-reliance and self-improvement, strengthens the management of cyberspace in accordance with domestic policies, regulations and international law, promotes the construction of a community with a shared future in cyberspace, and effectively maintains cyberspace security. Referring to the risks and challenges in cyberspace, the article takes the Internet as a new battlefield to seek military advantages, promotes the concept of deterrence and attack, introduces military alliances into cyberspace, expands the risk of network friction and conflict between countries, and threatens world peace and security; network

The Q2 China Foreign Investment Business Environment Research Report shows that multinational corporations have stable investment confidence in China. Foreign funded enterprises | China Council for the Promotion of International Trade | Research
The Q2 China Foreign Investment Business Environment Research Report shows that multinational corporations have stable investment confidence in China. Foreign funded enterprises | China Council for the Promotion of International Trade | Research

On July 28th, the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade released the "Research Report on the Business Environment of Foreign Investment in China in the Second Quarter of 2023". The report shows that nearly 90% of the surveyed foreign-funded enterprises are satisfied with the indicators of obtaining business premises, paying taxes, completing completion procedures, resolving commercial disputes, installing municipal public infrastructure, market access, cross-border trade, and promoting market competition in China. More than 90% of the surveyed foreign-funded enterprises are satisfied with the foreign investment policies introduced by the central government since the fourth quarter of 2022, and nearly 90% of the surveyed foreign-funded enterprises are satisfied with the foreign investment measures introduced by local governments. At the press conference held on the same day, Sun Xiao, spokesperson for the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, stated that the research report reflects that since the beginning of this year, with the overall recovery of China's economy, multinational enterprises have stable investment confidence in China, and foreign investors

The European Central Bank's "Nine Plus" Difficulty in Solving Inflation Pressure Nine Plus | European Central Bank | Inflation
The European Central Bank's "Nine Plus" Difficulty in Solving Inflation Pressure Nine Plus | European Central Bank | Inflation

The picture shows the Euro logo taken on July 27th in Frankfurt, Germany. Since July 2022, the European Central Bank has initiated 9 consecutive interest rate hikes, with a cumulative increase of 425 basis points. High inflation is a key factor that prompted the European Central Bank to decide on a "nine in one" policy, and the external environment is difficult to be optimistic, which further strengthens the European Central Bank's "stability seeking" mentality. The eurozone economy has now entered a dilemma of "high inflation at the beginning and weak growth at the end", which has led to the rapid squeezing of the room for maneuver in the monetary policy of the European Central Bank. Considering the current high risk of economic recession in the Eurozone and the accumulated burden of banking and financial risk pressures from the United States, the European Central Bank still needs to maintain its composure in the future and adopt a more flexible approach to adapt to the actual situation of the Eurozone based on the "stable inflation" decision-making approach

Strengthening Supervision, Hainan Audit Office: Accelerating Final Accounts, Delayed Settlement of Epidemic Prevention and Control Work Costs, and Illegal Payment of Funds | Expenditure | Audit Office | Hainan Province | Audit | City/County | Funds | Epidemic Prevention and Control
Strengthening Supervision, Hainan Audit Office: Accelerating Final Accounts, Delayed Settlement of Epidemic Prevention and Control Work Costs, and Illegal Payment of Funds | Expenditure | Audit Office | Hainan Province | Audit | City/County | Funds | Epidemic Prevention and Control

"Since the outbreak of COVID-19, especially the '0801' epidemic in our province last year, the purchase, distribution and management of epidemic prevention and control materials have always been a concern of the masses." On July 26, a press conference was held on the implementation of the provincial budget and other financial revenue and expenditure audits in Hainan Province in 2022. Wang Shenghui, Deputy Director of the Audit Department of Hainan Province, made the above introduction when answering questions from reporters. He also mentioned that "provincial leaders attach great importance to the implementation of epidemic prevention and control policies and the use of funds. They require relevant departments to" lead the rectification, accelerate expenditures, "and" accelerate final accounts, strengthen supervision. "The Provincial Audit Office has organized epidemic prevention and control audits for two consecutive years, promoting the improvement of settlement mechanisms, preparing settlement plans, clarifying settlement subjects, payment standards, and expenditure responsibilities for various matters, and promoting finance and finance at all levels."

Cross provincial new appointment, the commander of the provincial military region, Guangzhou | Guangdong Disabled Persons Federation | new appointment
Cross provincial new appointment, the commander of the provincial military region, Guangzhou | Guangdong Disabled Persons Federation | new appointment

According to the WeChat official account of the "China Disabled Persons' Federation", the eighth congress of the Guangdong Disabled Persons' Federation was held in Guangzhou on the morning of July 18. It was mentioned that Zhang Gong, commander of the Guangdong Military Region, attended the opening meeting. The above information shows that Zhang Gong has already served as the commander of the Guangdong Military Region. Zhang Gong was once the chief of the aviation staff of the North Sea Fleet and the deputy chief of staff of the East China Sea Fleet, and was promoted to the rank of Rear Admiral of the Navy in June 2019. Public reports in 2022 showed that Zhang Gong had already served as the commander of the Jiangxi Military Region, and was transferred to Guangdong. The former commander of the Guangdong Military Region was Major General Zhou He, who was promoted to the rank of Rear Admiral in 2021. He took over from Zhang Liming as commander of the Guangdong Military Region in, and later served as a member of the Standing Committee of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee.

The Japanese government acknowledges: delayed reporting of harmful substance leaks by the US military for up to 4 years, perfluorinated | requirement | event
The Japanese government acknowledges: delayed reporting of harmful substance leaks by the US military for up to 4 years, perfluorinated | requirement | event

Japanese government officials admitted on the 28th that the US military stationed in Japan informed Yokota Base in 2019 of fire extinguishing agent leaks containing perfluorinated and perfluoroalkyl substances from 2010 to 2012, but the Japanese Ministry of Defense only released the relevant information this year. This means that Japanese people have been unknowingly drinking potentially contaminated water for over a decade. On the 28th, Japanese Defense Minister Yasuhiro Hamada said at a press conference that it took the Ministry of Defense four years to convey the contents of the report to local governments such as Tokyo after receiving reports of fire extinguishing agent leaks from the US military. He apologized and stated that "the information obtained should be promptly provided to the relevant local governments.". The Japanese Ministry of Defense stated that various reasons led to the delayed reporting of the leak. According to the Ministry of Defense, the main reasons for the delayed reporting of up to four years include the need for coordination with the US military, and the Ministry of Defense

The US military's "Reaper" drone almost collided with Russian fighter jets MQ | Syria | US military
The US military's "Reaper" drone almost collided with Russian fighter jets MQ | Syria | US military

According to a report on the website of the Russian Sputnik News Agency on July 29, the website of the Russian Ministry of Defense announced that Oleg Gurinov, deputy director of the Russian Mediation Center for Conflict Parties in Syria, said that an MQ-9 "Death" UAV of the "International Alliance" led by the United States nearly collided with a Russian aerospace force Su-34 fighter in Syria. According to reports, at 7:55 am on July 28th, a "League of Nations" MQ-9 drone was found dangerously approaching a Russian Air Force Su-34 fighter jet at an altitude of 5000 meters in the Nafra settlement area of Laka Province. The Russian Ministry of Defense also stated that in the face of the MQ-9 Reaper drone, which could potentially cause an air collision, Russian military pilots quickly took action with advanced technology, successfully avoiding a collision between Russian fighter jets and the drone. Gulinov also stated that the Russian Aerospace Forces are fighting

And after thawing for more than 48 hours, "Blue Frog" restaurant was fined 50000 yuan: cookies expired for 2 hours and 5 minutes, and the Market Supervision Bureau investigated | operation | use | hours | cookies | Blue Frog | food | Beijing
And after thawing for more than 48 hours, "Blue Frog" restaurant was fined 50000 yuan: cookies expired for 2 hours and 5 minutes, and the Market Supervision Bureau investigated | operation | use | hours | cookies | Blue Frog | food | Beijing

On July 28th, the Beijing Municipal Administration for Market Regulation announced to the public the third batch of typical cases in the field of people's livelihood this year. Among them, the internet famous restaurant "Blue Frog" was ordered to rectify its use of cookies that exceeded the food's shelf life. On March 31, 2023, law enforcement officers conducted daily supervision and inspection on the parties involved and found that at 13:50 on March 31, Blue Frog Catering Management Co., Ltd.'s cookies operated at the bar were marked with an expiration date of "2023-03-31 11:45:50", exceeding the shelf life of 2 hours and 5 minutes. Upon further investigation, the above-mentioned biscuits are named "Frozen Coffee Pastry" and stored under conditions below -18 ℃. The shelf life after thawing is 48 hours, and by the time law enforcement officers inspect them, the biscuits have been thawed for more than 48 hours. According to the relevant provisions of the Food Safety Law, the Beijing Municipal Supervision Bureau is responsible for

Blooming for the World, Chengdu World | China | Chengdu
Blooming for the World, Chengdu World | China | Chengdu

Author: Jiang Wei is like a sparkling silver UFO descending from the sky, landing on the banks of Dong'an Lake in Chengdu. This is the main stadium of the opening ceremony of the 31st Summer Universiade - Dong'an Lake Sports Park. For many days, it has been solemn, peaceful, and serene, like a grand collection of poems, waiting for people to open the cover. Every seat and track there is like a line of poetry, waiting for college athletes and millions of spectators from all over the world to passionately recite. This is a grand festival that gathers the dreams and strength of youth, a boiling moment of creating miracles and cheering from the masses. Now, this moment has arrived. The torch is burning brightly, reflecting the blue sky of Chengdu, the colorful flowers of youth, and the athletes who are taller, faster, and stronger

Targeted Efforts to Strengthen Private Economy Policy | Economic Development | Economy
Targeted Efforts to Strengthen Private Economy Policy | Economic Development | Economy

In the face of the new situation and new requirements, the recently issued Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Promoting the Development and Growth of the Private Economy proposed practical measures to promote the development and growth of the private economy, which lowered the requirement for equal treatment of state-owned enterprises and private enterprises from the system, providing institutional guarantee for the private economy to better integrate into the development process of Chinese path to modernization. The Opinion focuses on key issues in the development of the private economy, clearly proposing the need to "continuously optimize a stable, fair, transparent, and predictable development environment", accurately responding to the core concerns of private economy development, making policies more in line with the practical needs of private economy development, enhancing the sense of security and gain of enterprises, and helping the private economy to achieve stability and progress. A stable policy environment can stabilize the expectations of private economic development. The continuity and stability of policies directly affect the investment of private enterprises

High temperature weather calls for green production, lifestyle, climate change | economy and society | weather
High temperature weather calls for green production, lifestyle, climate change | economy and society | weather

Since the beginning of this year, rounds of extreme heat weather have arrived early. More meteorological monitoring data and research conclusions are also confirming that with the intensification of global warming, high temperatures above 35 ℃ will start earlier and end later in the future, with an increasing number of high temperature days and stronger intensity. Experts have pointed out that "normal" summer has become rare, and extreme weather is gradually becoming a norm that all humans must face. We are not far from the disaster at all. Global climate change is not limited to high temperatures. Due to the fact that the global climate is an inseparable ecosystem with strong butterfly effects and chain reactions within it. Long term high temperature will lead to lack of precipitation and accelerated evaporation of fresh water stock, which in turn will make the water level of Rivers and Lakes drop rapidly, which will affect the oceans, water resources, food security, ecosystems and even

Economic Daily Commentator: Achieving Dreams and Achievements in Brave Striving for Excellence | On the Field | Dreams
Economic Daily Commentator: Achieving Dreams and Achievements in Brave Striving for Excellence | On the Field | Dreams

After more than 4 years of careful preparation, the 31st Summer Universiade for University Students has kicked off in Chengdu, Sichuan. This is an international sports event full of youthful charm, Chinese characteristics, and the atmosphere of the times. Tens of thousands of athletes of different skin colors, races, and civilizations will pursue their dreams here and compose a stirring youth movement. The grand event of youth, youth is undoubtedly the protagonist. On the field, the average age of 411 participants in China is only 22.9 years old, with a desire to "bring glory to the motherland, the nation, and add color to life". They constantly break through themselves and exceed their limits; Outside the competition venue, more than 20000 young volunteers have devoted themselves to various competition services, silently dedicating themselves to the smooth progress of the competition. Through the window of the Universiade, one can see the patriotism, hard work, and selflessness of the young people attending the event

To stabilize foreign trade, we need to give full play to the role of private enterprises as the main force. Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Promoting the Development and Growth of the Private Economy
To stabilize foreign trade, we need to give full play to the role of private enterprises as the main force. Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Promoting the Development and Growth of the Private Economy

"Encourage the improvement of international competitiveness" and "Encourage private enterprises to expand overseas business" - these are the clear requirements proposed in the recently released "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Promoting the Development and Growth of the Private Economy". This programmatic policy document, which has the highest standard and most authoritative support from the Party Central Committee for the development of the private economy in recent years, has released a strong policy signal to support the private economy. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee and the State Council have attached great importance to optimizing the development environment of private enterprises, strengthening the confidence of private entrepreneurs in their development, and promoting high-quality development of the private economy. Private enterprises have steadily increased their foreign trade development and have become the main force in China's foreign trade development for four consecutive years. In 2019, private enterprises surpassed foreign-invested enterprises in import and export for the first time, becoming the largest foreign trade entity in China; In 2022, private enterprises accounted for the total import and export value of China

These two women's football teams have won the championship and runner up! Ministry of Education congratulatory letter to Youth | World | Ministry of Education
These two women's football teams have won the championship and runner up! Ministry of Education congratulatory letter to Youth | World | Ministry of Education

The Ministry of Education sends a congratulatory letter to the Chinese delegation of the 27th World High School Football Championship. The Chinese delegation of high school sports is pleased to learn that the women's football team of Licheng No.2 High School in Jinan City won the championship and the women's football team of Baoding No.1 High School won the runner up at the 2023 World High School Football Championship. Sixteen years later, the Chinese high school women's football team once again stood on the highest podium of this international competition and won the championship and runner up of this competition, setting a new historical record for this international competition since its establishment in 1972. It has won honor for our country and written a new chapter in the development of school sports in our country. We extend warm congratulations to you! In this competition, the men's football teams of Tsinghua University Affiliated Middle School and Renmin University of China Affiliated Middle School also had good performances

Explore the pricing and sales of commercial housing based on the "unit area"! Enlarge the move here! Land | Real Estate Enterprises | Commercial Housing
Explore the pricing and sales of commercial housing based on the "unit area"! Enlarge the move here! Land | Real Estate Enterprises | Commercial Housing

According to Hefei Daily, on the afternoon of July 28th, Yu Aihua, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, presided over a special meeting to study and plan the city's real estate work. City leaders Zhang Quan, Dan Hu, and He Fengyang participated.Given that there is still a good trend of "two lottery numbers" in the real estate market of Hefei urban area, that is, real estate companies need to lottery numbers for bidding on land in Hefei, and citizens need to lottery numbers for purchasing houses in some areas, the meeting has clarified the need to urgently improve the following:

France refuses to acknowledge that the leader of the Niger coup has declared himself the "new leader" of the country
France refuses to acknowledge that the leader of the Niger coup has declared himself the "new leader" of the country

According to Reuters, on the 28th local time, Nigerian coup leader Abdulrahman Chiani announced on Nigerian national television that he has become the chairman of the Niger National Defense Council. An official stated in a statement that the chairman is a national leader. According to Agence France Presse, the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated on the 28th that France does not recognize the "new leaders" of Niger who have seized power. France believes that President Bazum of Niger remains the "only president" of the country. In addition, the EU has threatened to reduce aid to Niger, calling it a "serious attack on stability and democracy.". The United States has also warned that it may "cease security and other cooperation," but its approximately 1000 soldiers stationed in Niger are currently on standby. According to previous reports, on the 26th local time, Niger's elected President Bazum

"We will never sacrifice ourselves", Deputy Prime Minister of Poland: Extending the import ban on cheap food from Ukraine, neighboring countries | Poland | Ukraine
"We will never sacrifice ourselves", Deputy Prime Minister of Poland: Extending the import ban on cheap food from Ukraine, neighboring countries | Poland | Ukraine

According to the report of Deutsche Presse-Agentur in Warsaw on July 28, Polish Deputy Prime Minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski told his own radio station on the 28th that Poland decided to extend its ban on the import of cheap food from neighboring Ukraine beyond September 15. With the approval of Brussels, EU member states Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria have closed markets for importing wheat, corn, rapeseed, and sunflowers from Ukraine to protect their agricultural sectors. The report states that the transit of Ukrainian agricultural products to third countries is not affected by import bans. However, due to the fact that too much Ukrainian food was initially left behind during transit through Poland, resulting in a sharp drop in Polish food prices, Polish farmers held protests in the spring. ▲ Information image: Polish Deputy Prime Minister Yaroslav Kaczynski. Polish news agency cites Kaczynski's

The reason is actually China, they oppose the transfer of nuclear submarines | Virginia | Reason
The reason is actually China, they oppose the transfer of nuclear submarines | Virginia | Reason

According to a report on the Brisbane Times website on July 28th, Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese stated that he still believes Australia will receive the United States' Virginia class nuclear submarine, despite almost half of the Republican senators opposing the plan. The reason is that providing nuclear submarines to Australia in competition with China would dangerously weaken the US Navy's nuclear submarine capabilities. According to reports, 23 Republican senators, including US Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell, wrote to President Biden on the 27th Australian time, stating that they do not support plans to provide nuclear submarines to Australia unless the US doubles its domestic construction capacity. ▲ Data image: The US Navy's "Virginia" class nuclear submarine has left the factory despite the planned deployment of the Anglo American alliance in Huasheng, Australia

Multiple people assume new deputy positions in central ministries and commissions, and central and local personnel are undergoing further adjustments
Multiple people assume new deputy positions in central ministries and commissions, and central and local personnel are undergoing further adjustments

1、 One week's quick review of personnel: Wang Song, the central ministry, as the deputy director of the Central Cyberspace Office, Duan Yijun, as the deputy director of the National Civil Affairs Commission, Zhao Changhua, as the deputy minister of the Ministry of Justice, Liu Jun, as the deputy director of the State Administration of Market Supervision, Yang Guorui, as the deputy director of the State Administration of Radio and Television, Wang Song, as the deputy director of the National Internet Office, Wang Changlin, as the deputy president of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Chen Changsheng, as the deputy director of the Development Research Center of the State Council, Liu Liehong, as the director of the National Data Bureau, Liu Guangyuan, as the deputy director of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Zhang Chengzhong, as the deputy governor of Hebei Province, Wu Qing, as the deputy secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee Li Shue, Vice Governor of Henan Province, Lin Tao, Vice Governor of Guangdong Province, Chen Dong, Fujian Province

Warning: Foreign military intervention is not allowed!, Niger's coup initiator Chiani publicly reveals the reasons for the coup, foreign | military | coup
Warning: Foreign military intervention is not allowed!, Niger's coup initiator Chiani publicly reveals the reasons for the coup, foreign | military | coup

According to Agence France Presse (Agence France Presse) on July 28th, General Abdulrahman Chiani, the captain of the Niger Presidential Guard, who led to the resignation of President Mohammad Bazum, made his debut as a new national figure on the same day. The instigators of the military coup also warned that no foreign military intervention is allowed. Chiani appeared on national television on the 28th and read out a statement as the Chairman of the National Committee for the Defense of the Motherland. Chiani, referred to by his colleagues as the head of state, stated that the coup was due to "a deterioration in the security situation.". Niger has suffered from violent activities by jihadist organizations in recent years. According to reports, Chiani stated that under President Bazum's rule, there were always "political speeches" trying to make people believe that "everything is good," but "the cruel reality is death, displacement, humiliation, and frustration.". His watch

High Quality Development Research Tour | Production Transformation towards Stability, Green Investment towards Innovation - Shandong's Green, Low Carbon, and High Quality Development Frontline Industry | Proportion | High Quality
High Quality Development Research Tour | Production Transformation towards Stability, Green Investment towards Innovation - Shandong's Green, Low Carbon, and High Quality Development Frontline Industry | Proportion | High Quality

Spindles spin, spinning invisible fine yarns into spindles. Several female workers rode electric bikes through it, reaching out and lightly hooking to connect the broken yarn. In the workshop of Shandong Weiqiao Entrepreneurship Group, the sound of machine spinning and weaving is like a galloping horse, allowing reporters to witness the prosperity of production. Huang Pingyi, Deputy General Manager of the group, raised his voice and told that production should be stable, transformation should be green, and investment should be new. Recently, reporters visited multiple enterprises and parks in Shandong, and up close experienced the pulse of accelerating economic recovery and improving quality. Stable: Revenue has steadily increased. At Shandong Tianrui Heavy Industry Co., Ltd., axial magnetic levitation technology has been applied to products such as blowers, vacuum pumps, and air compressors, replacing traditional power, with significant energy-saving and noise reduction effects. "Magnetic levitation power does not have rotational friction, and the energy-saving effect is generally above 30%."

High quality development research tour | Reporter's note: Looking at the contrast between "precision" and "intelligence" in exquisite cities | Weihai, Shandong | Reporter
High quality development research tour | Reporter's note: Looking at the contrast between "precision" and "intelligence" in exquisite cities | Weihai, Shandong | Reporter

In the rain, the research tour in Weihai, Shandong began. The street is clean and orderly, with undulating terrain and three parts scattered, very exquisite. This is the first impression that Weihai gives people. "Exquisite City" is the direction of Weihai's development. In the pursuit of exquisite planning, exquisite design, meticulous construction, meticulous management, precise service, and shrewd growth, the people of Weihai have distilled six connotations of "refinement". After a day of research, we felt the delicacy of Weihai. The two pairs of "contrasts" discovered during the research also amazed us at the unique "precision" and "intelligence" in Weihai's high-quality development. Zhaobei Bay in Huancui District has a factory area of 1.4 million square meters for China Merchants Jinling Shipbuilding Company. Entering from the factory gate, turning left and right, towering gantry cranes come into view one after another, and the ships built or repaired in the dock are more than expected