The world

In addition to China's experience, we need to rely on African solutions. Former Deputy Director General of UNESCO: Solving African Problems China | Development | Africa
In addition to China's experience, we need to rely on African solutions. Former Deputy Director General of UNESCO: Solving African Problems China | Development | Africa

Introduction: Africa is still in a state of underdevelopment due to multiple factors such as history and politics. For many years, the West has placed Africa under slavery and oppression, but now it slanders China for setting a "debt trap" in Africa, which is unsettling. In fact, since the reform and opening up, China has continued to actively assist in African construction while achieving its own development, expanding investment in Africa, and greatly promoting Africa's development and progress. In the future, Africa will further consolidate the China Africa partnership, learn from China's development experience, and use African solutions to solve African problems. We live in a world full of multiple challenges. Since the First Industrial Revolution, humanity has made significant progress in areas such as health, poverty reduction, education, infrastructure, and technological innovation. However, we still face severe poverty and income

Ambassador to China: looking forward to deepening cooperation with Chinese enterprises under the framework of the "the Belt and Road" International | China | enterprises
Ambassador to China: looking forward to deepening cooperation with Chinese enterprises under the framework of the "the Belt and Road" International | China | enterprises

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, July 25, "Under the framework of the 'the Belt and Road' cooperation, Chinese enterprises have played their own advantages, actively participated in global infrastructure construction, and built a major model project in countries along the line, which is an important window for us to understand China's development model and learn from China's development experience." On July 25, Miriya Jabul, Lebanon's ambassador to China, sent a heartfelt sigh after visiting China Railway Corporation. On the same day, more than 100 ambassadors from 70 countries and international organizations came to China Railway to learn about Chinese enterprises' efforts to carry out international cooperation, promote infrastructure connectivity, and actively integrate into the global supply chain, industrial chain, value chain, etc. in the process of high-quality joint construction of the "the Belt and Road". The ambassador to China listened to the introduction at the event site. Responsible for China Railway

International Monetary Fund Official: China is an Important Engine of World Economic Growth | International Monetary Fund | Economy
International Monetary Fund Official: China is an Important Engine of World Economic Growth | International Monetary Fund | Economy

On the 25th local time, the International Monetary Fund released the latest issue of the World Economic Outlook report. On the day of the report's release, Daniel Li, Director of the World Economic Research Office of the International Monetary Fund, stated in an interview with CCTV reporters that the Chinese economy currently accounts for one-third of global economic growth and remains an important engine for the world economy to continue moving forward. The report raises the global economic growth forecast for 2023 to 3.0%, which is 0.2 percentage points higher than the April forecast. Daniel Lee stated that the upward adjustment of global economic growth expectations for 2023 is due to the fact that although global economic growth has slowed down, its resilience has exceeded expectations, and some economies have recovered strongly. However, due to inflation and other reasons, the global economy has not yet emerged from its difficulties. International Monetary Fund World Economic Research Division

Appoint as acting mayor of a prefecture level city! There will be three female mayors in the province, and she will serve as the mayor of Hebei Province
Appoint as acting mayor of a prefecture level city! There will be three female mayors in the province, and she will serve as the mayor of Hebei Province

Yesterday, Liu Yuanguan announced his appointment as the new Vice Mayor and Acting Mayor of Langfang City. Li Guoyong, who had previously served as the Mayor of Langfang, had just been transferred to the position of Secretary of the Langfang Municipal Party Committee two days ago. On July 25th, the 18th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 8th People's Congress of Langfang City decided to accept Comrade Li Guoyong's resignation from the position of Mayor of Langfang City People's Government and appoint Comrade Liu Yuan as Vice Mayor and Acting Mayor of Langfang City People's Government. According to the Hebei Daily client on July 23rd, the Hebei Provincial Party Committee recently decided to appoint Comrade Li Guoyong as the Secretary of the Langfang Municipal Party Committee. In January of this year, Wang Litong, Secretary of the Langfang Municipal Party Committee, was transferred to the position of Deputy Governor and Party Group Member of the Hebei Provincial Government, Secretary, Director, and Inspector General of the Provincial Public Security Department, and member of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee of the Provincial Party Committee. Liu Yuan, female, a member of the Communist Party of China, currently serves as the Deputy Secretary of the Langfang Municipal Party Committee, Secretary of the Municipal Government Party Group, and Deputy Mayor of Hebei Province

Russia's countermeasures: ban on importing fish and seafood products from unfriendly countries and regions | country | region
Russia's countermeasures: ban on importing fish and seafood products from unfriendly countries and regions | country | region

According to a report by Russian news agency on July 25th, the website of the Russian Ministry of Economic Development announced that the Russian government has banned the import of fish and seafood products from unfriendly countries and regions. According to the news, "Russia prohibits the import of fish and seafood products from unfriendly countries and regions. The Ministry of Agriculture has stated that refusing to import such products from the European Union, the United States, and Norway will release some market space. These spaces will be filled by domestic producers who have the ability to meet domestic demand.". According to reports, unfriendly countries and regions include Australia, Albania, Andorra, Bahamas, United Kingdom, EU member states, Iceland, Canada, Liechtenstein, Micronesia, Monaco, New Zealand, Norway, South Korea, San Marino, North Macedonia, Singapore, United States, Ukraine, Montenegro, Switzerland, and Japan

China has introduced comprehensive policies to support the development of the private economy. Foreign media: Key Moments: Senior Management | Support | Key Moments
China has introduced comprehensive policies to support the development of the private economy. Foreign media: Key Moments: Senior Management | Support | Key Moments

China's private economy is experiencing significant benefits. Recently, the Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Promoting the Development and Growth of the Private Economy was released, which laid out a blueprint and pointed out the direction for the private economy to promote Chinese path to modernization and achieve high-quality development. It is affectionately referred to as the "31 private economy regulations" by the people. The development of private economy is constantly deepening with the deepening of reform and opening up. Nowadays, when it comes to the contribution of the private economy, people usually describe it as "56789", which means that the private economy contributes more than 50% of China's tax revenue, more than 60% of China's GDP, more than 70% of technological innovation achievements, more than 80% of urban labor employment, and more than 90% of the number of enterprises. The advantages and scale of private economic development are evident. For many years, the Party and government have always emphasized their support for the private sector

Comics | "De Risk" Magic Highlights American Hegemony Anxiety towards China | Risk | The United States
Comics | "De Risk" Magic Highlights American Hegemony Anxiety towards China | Risk | The United States

On the issue of relations with China, senior US officials have repeatedly stated that they do not seek confrontation, cold war, or decoupling with China, but instead focus on so-called "risk reduction". However, whether it is "decoupling" or "de risk", it ultimately reflects the anxious and indecisive mentality of the US side, which is restless and difficult to deal with. Faced with China's rapid development, the United States' hegemonic anxiety has become increasingly severe, and it is doing everything possible to contain and suppress China. However, "taking risks" towards China cannot dispel the demons of the United States and alleviate its hegemonic anxiety. As American economist Jeffrey Sachs said, the world does not require any hegemony, and the United States should abandon the idea of "leading the world.". Click on the link to learn more about Xinhua News Review: Behind "Risk Reduction" is American Hegemony Anxiety - Beware of the Language Trap of "Risk Reduction" - Part Three of the Review Series

Interview: Both sides can benefit from cooperation between the United States and China - Interview with American scholar Joseph Nye | Reporter | United States
Interview: Both sides can benefit from cooperation between the United States and China - Interview with American scholar Joseph Nye | Reporter | United States

Aspen, USA, July 25th (Xinhua) - Both sides can benefit from cooperation between the United States and China. Joseph Nye, an American political scholar and proposer of the concept of "soft power," recently stated in an interview with Xinhua reporters in Aspen, Colorado, USA, that the United States and China share common interests and should cooperate, and both sides can benefit from it. If the two countries demonstrate cooperation, their perception of each other will change. Joseph Nye said that the United States and China are both great powers, and both sides should establish a guiding framework for their relationship. On the one hand, they should set restrictions on competition, and on the other hand, they should seek potential areas of cooperation. "This should be our direction of effort.". He pointed out that if both the United States and China blindly emphasize that each other is a threat, then

To restore rationality, the US can inject stability into bilateral relations
To restore rationality, the US can inject stability into bilateral relations

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken recently announced in an interview with CNN that the United States is trying to consolidate "communication channels" with China, avoid conflicts between the two major countries, and "inject some stability into the bilateral relations". If what he said is true, the Biden administration should strive to translate these words into action. It is precisely the United States that overreacted and took extreme actions in the so-called "balloon incident" that hindered communication between the two sides. Today, thanks to the efforts of both sides, the communication between the two sides has been strengthened, as evidenced by the recent visits to China by three senior US officials, including Antony Blinken himself. However, given that the United States likes to say one thing and do another, it needs to make more efforts to promote further improvement in the relationship between the two countries. At the Shangri La Security Dialogue in June, the defense ministers of the two countries did not hold a meeting, and the United States was full of complaints and complaints about this

Multiple foreign media outlets suspect that Japanese nuclear contaminated water has been discharged into the sea! British media: 44 fish found in Fukushima harbor with excessive cesium content | Japan | harbor
Multiple foreign media outlets suspect that Japanese nuclear contaminated water has been discharged into the sea! British media: 44 fish found in Fukushima harbor with excessive cesium content | Japan | harbor

The plan of Japan to discharge contaminated water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant into the sea has been widely questioned. The Guardian reported on the 24th that the radioactive cesium content in the grouper caught by Tokyo Electric Power Company in the harbor of the Fukushima nuclear power plant in May this year exceeded Japan's safety limit by 180 times, which is not an isolated case. In the past year, 44 sea fish with excessive cesium content were found near the harbor of the Fukushima nuclear power plant, covering multiple species. The Associated Press reported in an interview in Fukushima that local fishermen generally oppose and question the government's plan to discharge nuclear contaminated water into the sea. A local fishing company executive said, "People don't believe in the government and Tokyo Electric Power Company." In addition, although Tokyo Electric Power Company denies that there has been a leak in the nuclear reactor, Japanese scholars have continued for 12 consecutive years

Research in the United States: Excessive proportion of African Americans among victims of large-scale shootings | Scale | United States
Research in the United States: Excessive proportion of African Americans among victims of large-scale shootings | Scale | United States

Los Angeles Street Overseas Network, California, July 26 (Xinhua) - According to Bloomberg on the 25th, a new study from Durham University shows that the proportion of African American victims in large-scale shooting incidents in the United States is too high, and shooting incidents are more common in cities with a larger African American population, indicating that structural racism may be on the rise. The US Gun Violence Archive defines a large-scale shooting incident as an event where at least four victims have been shot dead. Since 2014, there has been a continuous surge in large-scale shooting incidents in the United States. Research shows that the more African American people there are in an American city, the greater the likelihood of large-scale shooting incidents occurring. The results of this study have been published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Researchers say these findings overturn people's inherent understanding of the large-scale shooting incidents in the United States

Japanese expert: The Japanese government should consider alternative treatment options such as land-based storage of nuclear contaminated water. Japan | Fukushima | Storage
Japanese expert: The Japanese government should consider alternative treatment options such as land-based storage of nuclear contaminated water. Japan | Fukushima | Storage

On July 24th, Global Times correspondent in Japan, Yue Linwei, attended an online seminar organized by the Japanese civil society organization, the Atomic Power Citizen Committee. During the seminar, several Japanese experts called on the government to reconsider the plan to discharge Fukushima nuclear contaminated water into the sea. Japanese nuclear radiation measurement expert Mitsuko Amano pointed out in his speech that so far, Tokyo Electric Power Company has only analyzed a small part of the contaminated water storage tanks, and the data is seriously insufficient. Moreover, only the liquid in the middle layer of the nuclear contaminated water storage tank was sampled and analyzed, and the high concentration sludge and sediment located in the lower and bottom layers of the tank also lacked detection and analysis. On July 20th, multiple citizen groups in Japan held a rally in the center of Tokyo to protest against the Japanese government and Tokyo Electric Power Company's strong plan to discharge nuclear contaminated water into the sea. Amano Guang believes that the Fukushima nuclear contaminated water contains various types of pollutants

The Japanese government has cut off the "flesh" of Japanese companies. Overseas online reviews: Cooperating with the US "chip containment" strategy against China | Enterprise | United States
The Japanese government has cut off the "flesh" of Japanese companies. Overseas online reviews: Cooperating with the US "chip containment" strategy against China | Enterprise | United States

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida. On July 24th, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning responded to a question about the Japanese government's recent official implementation of export controls on semiconductor manufacturing equipment at a regular press conference, stating that "Japan has disregarded China's serious concerns and insists on introducing and implementing export control measures with clear targeting towards China. China is deeply dissatisfied and regretful, and has made solemn representations to Japan at different levels." Japan's export controls on semiconductor manufacturing equipment not only cater to the wrong practices of the United States, but also make economic and trade issues more secure, which is not conducive to the healthy and stable development of Sino Japanese relations. Japan's export control measures against semiconductor manufacturing equipment this time are artificially creating a new contradiction between China and Japan. Last year, China and Japan celebrated the 50th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic relations, and this year, the two countries will welcome the conclusion of a peace treaty

Domestic gasoline and diesel have increased by 275 yuan and 260 yuan per ton respectively. Starting from 24:00 today, the situation | price | gasoline and diesel
Domestic gasoline and diesel have increased by 275 yuan and 260 yuan per ton respectively. Starting from 24:00 today, the situation | price | gasoline and diesel

Based on recent changes in international market oil prices and in accordance with the current pricing mechanism for refined oil products, starting from 24:00 on July 26, 2023, domestic gasoline and diesel prices will increase by 275 yuan and 260 yuan per ton, respectively. After adjustment, the highest retail prices of gasoline and diesel in each province and central city are shown in the attached table. The relevant price linkage and subsidy policies shall be implemented in accordance with current regulations. The three major companies of PetroChina, Sinopec, CNOOC, and other crude oil processing enterprises should organize the production and transportation of refined oil products, ensure stable market supply, and strictly implement national pricing policies. Relevant departments in various regions should increase their efforts in market supervision and inspection, strictly investigate and punish behaviors that do not comply with national price policies, and maintain normal market order. Consumers can report price violations through the 12315 platform. Attachment: Maximum zero gasoline and diesel emissions in various provinces, regions, cities, and central cities

Vice Governor and Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee Cross Provincial Meeting | Standing Committee of the People's Congress | Governor
Vice Governor and Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee Cross Provincial Meeting | Standing Committee of the People's Congress | Governor

According to the WeChat official account of "Henan People's Congress", the fourth meeting of the Standing Committee of the 14th Henan People's Congress ended in Zhengzhou on July 26. The meeting voted to pass the personnel appointment and removal proposal, and decided to appoint Li Zhuo as the Deputy Governor of Henan Province. Li Zhuo has been working in Sichuan for a long time, serving as the former Secretary of the Ya'an Municipal Party Committee. According to public information, Li Xie was born in Bazhong, Sichuan in April 1968. He started working in July 1988 and joined the CPC in July 1987. He graduated from Chengdu Institute of Physical Education with a college degree in physical education. Li Zhuo worked at Chengdu Sports Institute in his early years. After 2001, he successively served as a member of the Standing Committee and Deputy County Mayor of Renshou County, Meishan City, Sichuan Province, as well as a member of the Standing Committee and Minister of the Organization Department of Renshou County, Deputy Secretary and County Mayor of Renshou County, and Secretary of Renshou County Committee. According to Meishan Daily, at that time

Famous Mouth on the Island: Taiwanese Army Ammunition Compared to Abing Ge's "Age" in the Continental Army | Ammunition | Taiwanese Army
Famous Mouth on the Island: Taiwanese Army Ammunition Compared to Abing Ge's "Age" in the Continental Army | Ammunition | Taiwanese Army

According to Taiwan's "Zhongshi News Network", an ammunition explosion occurred in the Xiangfeng Camp of the Third Branch of the Keelung Army Sixth Corps on the 24th. While carrying 120mm mortar ammunition, officers and soldiers exploded for unknown reasons, causing 7 minor injuries and 2 serious injuries.The ammunition purchased in recent years, including volcanic minesweepers, is almost all in US military inventory. The Taiwanese military is also preparing to extend its military service, which will only make the people anxious. Xie Hanbing said, "There are many ammunition that are much older than Abing Ge's age!" And no one actually knows how effective these ammunition are because it has always been placed there

The semiconductor industry in the United States is facing a shortage of 67000 workers by 2030, and the US Congress is pushing for the Chip Act factory | project | US Congress
The semiconductor industry in the United States is facing a shortage of 67000 workers by 2030, and the US Congress is pushing for the Chip Act factory | project | US Congress

The construction project of American chip factories may not have to wait and see. Members of both the House and Senate of the United States Congress have stated that they are pushing for a new legislation to ensure that the government completes environmental reviews of domestic chip factory related projects in a timely manner. The lawmakers pushing for this new bill have expressed their desire to place chip factory related projects within the purview of the US Department of Commerce, thereby simplifying its environmental review process. The new chip bill focuses on government regulation to "let go". "Last year, Congress made historic investments in the chip industry, which are driving innovation projects in San Diego and across the country." California Democratic Representative Peters said, "Unfortunately, government licenses and regulations are delaying projects that are already under construction simply because they have received funding from the chip bill."

Wang Song serves as the Deputy Director and Deputy Director of the Central Cyberspace Administration | Secretary | Deputy Mayor | Director | Wang Song | Central Cyberspace Administration | Information Technology |
Wang Song serves as the Deputy Director and Deputy Director of the Central Cyberspace Administration | Secretary | Deputy Mayor | Director | Wang Song | Central Cyberspace Administration | Information Technology |

The website image of the Office of the Central Cybersecurity and Information Technology Commission by Wang Song shows that Wang Song, who previously served as the Director of the Information Development Bureau of the Central Cybersecurity and Information Technology Office, has become the Deputy Director of the Central Cybersecurity and Information Technology Office. Wang Song, male, Han ethnicity, born in February 1971, is a member of the Communist Party of China. He holds a graduate degree, a PhD in engineering, and is a senior engineer. He has worked in Anhui for a long time, serving as the Secretary of the Yaohai District Committee of Hefei City, the Secretary of the Mengcheng County Committee of Bozhou City, the Deputy Mayor of Bozhou, the Standing Committee Member and Executive Deputy Mayor of Ma'anshan City, and the Deputy Secretary of the Huainan City Committee. In 2018, he was appointed as the Director and Party Secretary of the Anhui Provincial Data Resources Management Bureau, and later as the Director of the Information Technology Development Bureau of the Central Cyberspace Administration.

Su Bingtian sues NetEase for infringement and first instance compensation promotion | Su Bingtian | NetEase
Su Bingtian sues NetEase for infringement and first instance compensation promotion | Su Bingtian | NetEase

On July 26th, according to the Tianyancha App, the first instance judgment on the network infringement liability dispute between Su Bingtian and Guangzhou NetEase Computer Systems Co., Ltd. was recently made public. The court held that NetEase infringed the right of portrait, issued a statement on the infringing official account apologizing and compensated Su Bingtian for 3000 yuan of economic losses. According to the documents, the plaintiff Su Bingtian claimed that NetEase released a picture article titled "9 seconds 95! Su Bingtian stands out from the crowd! If he succeeds in having another name, he must be called Endeavour..." in the WeChat official account hosted by NetEase, used several portraits of Su Bingtian without authorization, and inserted commercial publicity information in the prominent position of the article, which infringed on Su Bingtian's portrait right, and requested the court to order the defendant to disconnect the infringement link, publicly apologize, and compensate the plaintiff for economic losses totaling 205000 yuan. NetEase Corporation

The Economic Research Institute of the National Development and Reform Commission solemnly declares that it will investigate, collect evidence and report! Company | Economic Research Institute of the National Development and Reform Commission | Report
The Economic Research Institute of the National Development and Reform Commission solemnly declares that it will investigate, collect evidence and report! Company | Economic Research Institute of the National Development and Reform Commission | Report

On July 23, the Economic Research Institute of the National Development and Reform Commission, through its WeChat official account "Guohong High end Think Tank", cracked down on counterfeiting and said that it had no relationship with Hunan CIC Comprehensive Holding Co., Ltd. It is worth mentioning that recently, several well-known central enterprises and institutions have successively issued "anti counterfeiting" statements. According to a statement released on July 23 by the Economic Research Institute of the National Development and Reform Commission, Hunan Zhongtou Comprehensive Holdings Co., Ltd. has recently registered the Institute as a shareholder holding 100% equity of the company under the guise of our company, and will report to relevant market regulatory authorities. In this regard, the Economic Research Institute of the National Development and Reform Commission solemnly declares as follows: 1. The company has no affiliation or equity relationship with the Economic Research Institute of the National Development and Reform Commission, and there is no investment, cooperation, or business relationship between the company

Duan Yijun, former Vice Governor of Sichuan Province, was transferred to the position of Deputy Director of the State Ethnic Affairs Commission
Duan Yijun, former Vice Governor of Sichuan Province, was transferred to the position of Deputy Director of the State Ethnic Affairs Commission

According to the official website of the State Ethnic Affairs Commission, Duan Yijun, former Vice Governor of Sichuan Province, has been appointed as the Deputy Director and Party Member of the State Ethnic Affairs Commission. Duan Yijun, male, Han ethnicity, born in July 1967, is an in-service graduate student and a member of the Communist Party of China. He has served as the Secretary of the Shiqu County Party Committee, the Standing Committee Member and Secretary General of the Garze Prefecture Party Committee, the Standing Committee Member of the Garze Prefecture Party Committee, the Secretary of the Kangding County Party Committee, the Deputy Director of the Provincial Public Security Department, the Deputy Director of the Provincial Safety Supervision Bureau, and the Director of the Provincial Emergency Management Department. He was appointed as the Secretary of the Liangshan Prefecture Party Committee in 2021 and was promoted to the Deputy Governor of Sichuan Province in January 2023. In the position of deputy governor, Duan Yijun is responsible for civil affairs, natural resources, housing and urban-rural development, affairs for retired soldiers, forestry and grassland, earthquake and geological disaster prevention and rescue, forest and grassland fire prevention and extinguishing, and other work. On July 25th, Duan Yijun resigned from his fourth position

Biden nomination! The Pentagon's "Number Three" is his position | Policy | Biden
Biden nomination! The Pentagon's "Number Three" is his position | Policy | Biden

The White House announced on July 25th that President Joseph Biden will nominate Derek Jolet to succeed as the Deputy Secretary of Defense for Policy, which is considered the Pentagon's "number three figure.". According to the Washington Post, Jolet is currently an adviser to Secretary of State Anthony Blinken. If his nomination is approved by the Senate, he will succeed Colin Carr, who left office this month. Several current and former officials have confirmed that the Deputy Defense Minister in charge of policies is responsible for managing multiple regional and thematic offices as well as multiple institutions. Qiao Leite will remain in his current position at the State Council until his nomination is approved. He is now offering advice and suggestions to Antony Blinken on promoting further normalization of relations between Israel and Arab countries and other Middle East and Asia Pacific affairs. Before Jolet's nomination was approved, the position of Deputy Defense Minister in charge of policy was represented by Carl's deputy, Sasha Beck.

Suspected of violating the law, is there a scalper ticket at the second trial of Wu Yifan? Lawyer: If it is true, Wu Yifan | Intermediate People's Court | scalper ticket
Suspected of violating the law, is there a scalper ticket at the second trial of Wu Yifan? Lawyer: If it is true, Wu Yifan | Intermediate People's Court | scalper ticket

On July 25, 2023, the Third Intermediate People's Court of Beijing announced that the court had held a court hearing in accordance with the law to hear the case of appellant Wu Yifan's rape and gathering for sexual activity. Due to the involvement of the victim's privacy, the case will be heard in a closed court session in accordance with the law. On July 26th, a reporter from Chao News discovered on a certain social media platform that a netizen posted a screenshot, which showed: "On July 25th, Wu Yifan's second trial site was located in the first row of the Beijing Third Intermediate People's Court, with 7000 seats available on a first come, first served basis. Lawyers brought them in." That day, the reporter searched for keywords such as "Wu Yifan scalpers" on another social media platform, and many netizens also posted screenshots such as "front row for Wu Yifan's second trial" and "front row for Wu Yifan's second trial". Screenshots of netizens' messages regarding this matter, synchronized consultation with Chao News reporters

There are also "PhDs" and "professors" leading tours Who is making money by relying on admission tickets to prestigious schools?, Free quota sales for students | behavior | tickets
There are also "PhDs" and "professors" leading tours Who is making money by relying on admission tickets to prestigious schools?, Free quota sales for students | behavior | tickets

This summer, Zhejiang University and other universities resumed campus reservation visits, with a large number of tourists flocking to the campus. Nowadays, as the summer vacation approaches halfway, there is still a steady stream of people from other schools hoping to visit and admire the charm of prestigious universities. Especially for parent-child "university tours", the popularity remains high. But the reporter found that many people have become scalpers, and there is a chaotic situation of reselling tickets to Zhejiang universities online. Who is really relying on the admission ticket of a prestigious school to make money? Why are they repeatedly banned? From 10 yuan to 600 yuan, tickets to prestigious schools can be sold as commodities. "Please show your admission code when entering the school." At the Xiangshan Campus of the Chinese Academy of Fine Arts, security guards at the entrance stopped "Feather" who wanted to visit the school and stated that the school is currently not open to the public. There are more than one tourist like "Feather" who wants to visit Gome during the summer. The reporter found that many websites

All courts have filed cases, and netizens have filed a lawsuit against Lawyer Lao Rongzhi for infringement. Lawyer Lao Rongzhi claimed to have been insulted by netizens in Xiamen and filed a private lawsuit against Jiang Yonglin | Lao Rongzhi | Defending Rights
All courts have filed cases, and netizens have filed a lawsuit against Lawyer Lao Rongzhi for infringement. Lawyer Lao Rongzhi claimed to have been insulted by netizens in Xiamen and filed a private lawsuit against Jiang Yonglin | Lao Rongzhi | Defending Rights

On November 30, 2022, the Higher People's Court of Jiangxi Province issued a second instance verdict on the case of Lao Rongzhi's intentional homicide, robbery, and kidnapping appeal, upholding the first instance death penalty verdict. At present, the case has entered the stage of death penalty review, and there has been a high level of discussion among netizens on whether the Supreme Court should approve the death penalty for Lao Rongzhi in recent months. Red Star News reporters have noticed that some netizens have repeatedly clashed with Lao Rongzhi's defense lawyer. On July 21, a netizen sued Xiong Da, an attorney entrusted by the family of Lao Rongzhi, for a dispute over network tort liability, which was filed in the Beijing Internet Court. Prior to this, Xiong Da believed that the behavior of netizens constituted insult and defamation, and filed a criminal prosecution with the court. The Haidian District Court in Beijing has also filed a case. ▲ Xiong Da once sued a netizen online for video damage caused by Lao Rongzhi's proxy lawyer's video posting

Duan Yijun's official website | Duan Yijun | Deputy Governor who resigned from his position as Deputy Governor yesterday after entering Beijing for his position
Duan Yijun's official website | Duan Yijun | Deputy Governor who resigned from his position as Deputy Governor yesterday after entering Beijing for his position

Yesterday, Duan Yijun resigned from his position as Vice Governor of Sichuan Province and was transferred from Sichuan. His new position is clear. According to the "Committee Leaders" section on the official website of the National Ethnic Affairs Commission, Duan Yijun has been appointed as the Deputy Director and Party member of the National Ethnic Affairs Commission. According to Duan Yijun's public resume as Deputy Director of the National Civil Affairs Commission and a member of the Party Group, Duan Yijun, male, Han ethnicity, born in July 1967, is an in-service graduate student and a member of the Communist Party of China. Duan Yijun, who has been serving in Sichuan Province for a long time, has served as a member of the Standing Committee and Secretary General of the Garze Prefecture Committee, Secretary of the Shiqu County Committee, and Chairman of the County Political Consultative Conference; Member of the Standing Committee, Secretary General, and Secretary of the Working Committee of the Garze Prefecture Committee; Member of the Standing Committee of the Garze Prefecture Committee and Secretary of the Kangding County Committee; Member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the Sichuan Provincial Public Security Department; Deputy Secretary of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Sichuan Provincial Safety Supervision Bureau; Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Emergency Management Department of Sichuan Province, Party Member of the Sichuan Coal Mine Safety Supervision Bureau

Intensively listen to the opinions and suggestions of at least 30 private enterprises, and since July, six leaders of the National Development and Reform Commission have taken separate actions in the manufacturing industry | entrepreneurs | leaders
Intensively listen to the opinions and suggestions of at least 30 private enterprises, and since July, six leaders of the National Development and Reform Commission have taken separate actions in the manufacturing industry | entrepreneurs | leaders

Facing the actual difficulties of the enterprise, listening to the policy suggestions of the enterprise, the official is taking continuous action. Following the three private entrepreneur symposiums hosted by Zheng Zhajie, Director of the National Development and Reform Commission, on July 3rd, 10th, and 17th, recently, officials in charge of the National Development and Reform Commission have extensively listened to the real ideas of private entrepreneurs, carefully studied the difficult issues and suggestions raised by enterprises through holding private enterprise symposiums or conducting on-site inspections in private enterprises. On July 26th, the National Development and Reform Commission announced that Li Chunlin, a member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the National Development and Reform Commission, had discussions and exchanges with private enterprises such as Huolala and Meikemeijia. During his research trip to Xinjiang, Fujian and other places, he also held a symposium with private enterprises such as Huafu Color Textile, Yunsheng Textile, Saike Medical, and Haichen Energy Storage to listen to their feelings and views on the current macroeconomic situation

Will it become the rest of this interest rate hike cycle? The Federal Reserve may raise interest rates by 25 basis points tomorrow morning. CPI | Market | Rest
Will it become the rest of this interest rate hike cycle? The Federal Reserve may raise interest rates by 25 basis points tomorrow morning. CPI | Market | Rest

The Federal Reserve will release its interest rate resolution at 2am Beijing time on July 27th. Currently, the market expects a 25 basis point rate hike in July, and the federal funds rate will rise to the 5.25% -5.5% range. In terms of inflation, data released by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics on July 12th showed that the US CPI increased by 3% year-on-year in June, slightly lower than market expectations of 3.1%, with a previous value of 4%. This is the 12th consecutive month of decline in the US CPI year-on-year increase since reaching a 40 year peak of 9.1% in June 2022, the smallest increase since March 2021. The core CPI of the United States increased by 4.8% year-on-year in June, lower than market expectations of 5%, with a previous value of 5.3%. Analyst Bai Xue from the Research and Development Department of Dongfang Jincheng told Paper that the rapid decline in CPI inflation in June was mainly due to the decline in inflation

Former Vice Chairman of the Xiangtan Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Liu Shuoko, was Double Opened: Issues of Money and Sex Trading and Card Gambling | Liu Shuoko | Money and Sex
Former Vice Chairman of the Xiangtan Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Liu Shuoko, was Double Opened: Issues of Money and Sex Trading and Card Gambling | Liu Shuoko | Money and Sex

According to the Hunan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, recently, with the approval of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee, the Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision conducted a case review and investigation into the serious violations of discipline and law by Liu Shuoke, former Deputy Secretary and Vice Chairman of the Xiangtan Municipal Political Consultative Conference. After investigation, Liu Shuoke, as a party member and leading cadre who has long served as the leader of the park, lost his ideals and beliefs, abandoned his original mission, ignored party discipline and national laws, distorted his views on power, and misplaced his values. He "relied on the park to eat the park" and alienated his public power into a tool for personal gain. Being disloyal and dishonest to the Party, and deliberately opposing organizational censorship; Violating the spirit of the eight point regulations of the central government and accepting gifts in violation of regulations; Lack of organizational awareness, concealing and not reporting personal matters; Utilizing the influence of one's position to profit relatives, obtaining large returns through private lending, leading to corrupt and corrupt life, and engaging in money and sex transactions; Pursuing low-level fun, long

Total assets exceeding 250 billion yuan! These two banks will merge with Bank of California | Banks | Merger
Total assets exceeding 250 billion yuan! These two banks will merge with Bank of California | Banks | Merger

According to CNN, on July 25th local time, Western Pacific Bank of America and Bank of California issued a joint statement, stating that the two banks will merge into a new bank with a total assets of $36 billion and raise $400 million in an equity transaction for the new bank. According to reports, the new bank after the merger of Western Pacific Bank and Bank of California in the United States will be named Pacific Western Bank, headquartered in Los Angeles, California. California Bank CEO Wolf will continue to serve as the CEO of the new bank. The new bank has over 70 branches in the California region, and the merger of the two banks is expected to be completed as early as later this year. After the Wall Street Journal first reported the news on the 25th, the US stock market closed on the same day, and the stock price of Western Pacific Bank of America fell by 27%