The world

Xinhua News Review: NATO's manipulation of the "New Cold War" in the Asia Pacific region is unpopular with China | NATO | Current Review
Xinhua News Review: NATO's manipulation of the "New Cold War" in the Asia Pacific region is unpopular with China | NATO | Current Review

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, July 13th - NATO's manipulation of the "New Cold War" in the Asia Pacific region is unpopular. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xie Binbin and Ye Shuhong. In the new strategic concept document released last year, NATO positioned China as a "systemic challenge", but this year it has repeated the same old tune. At the just concluded Vilnius summit, NATO once again made baseless accusations and provocative remarks against China in the communique, deliberately exaggerating the so-called "China threat". Under the leadership of the United States, this monster with Cold War genes is increasingly becoming a military tool for the United States to maintain its global hegemony. Its black hand extending to the Asia Pacific region will undoubtedly pose a serious threat to regional security, stability, and world peace. The NATO summit communique on China is confusing right and wrong, full of Cold War thinking and ideological bias. More than 30 years after the end of the Cold War, NATO, as a product of the Cold War, still holds a zero sum game

International observation, fire, Europe's meddler in Asia-Pacific-NATO exacerbates international security risks Asia-Pacific | NATO | International
International Observation | European Intervention in Asia Pacific - NATO exacerbates international security risks Asia Pacific | NATO | International

Vilnius, July 13 (Xinhua) - European intervention in Asia Pacific - NATO exacerbates international security risks. The NATO summit was held from July 11 to 12 in Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania, by Xinhua journalist Ren Kekangyi and Xue Dongmei. At the summit, NATO pledged to provide Ukraine with more long-term support through the most comprehensive regional defense plan since the Cold War, and once again invited leaders of some Asia Pacific countries to attend. They also highlighted the so-called "China challenge" in the summit communiqu é, smearing China. Observers believe that the trend of the United States strengthening its control over Europe and pressing Russia through NATO is becoming increasingly apparent. At the same time, NATO is attempting to intervene in Asia Pacific affairs. The actions of NATO under the leadership of the United States may bring turmoil and unease to the region and the world. The relevant actions reflect NATO's most comprehensive regional defense since the end of the Cold War at the US Will Summit

Opponents of Japan's strong push for nuclear contaminated water discharge into the sea: This move will threaten the entire human ecosystem | society | water discharge into the sea
Opponents of Japan's strong push for nuclear contaminated water discharge into the sea: This move will threaten the entire human ecosystem | society | water discharge into the sea

Japan's strong push for the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant's plan to discharge contaminated water into the sea has sparked opposition from multiple parties. Opponents say that the long-term harm of nuclear contaminated water to global marine ecology and humanity cannot be ignored. Japan should listen to the voices and concerns of the international community and immediately stop this plan. Nigerian environmentalist Oluwafemi: The biggest problem with nuclear contaminated water being discharged into the sea is that it causes marine pollution, affects marine ecosystems, and has an impact on all humanity, especially public health. This is not something that can be ignored. I think Japan needs to step back and listen to the voice of the international community to ensure the safety of the environment and people around the world. Marshavik, President of Poland's Marshavik Publishing Group: I fully support the views of China and South Korea on the issue of Fukushima nuclear contaminated water discharge into the sea. This is completely unacceptable

The global supply chain needs to be "depoliticized", and "de risk" hides hidden risks | Supply Chain | China Net
The global supply chain needs to be "depoliticized", and "de risk" hides hidden risks | Supply Chain | China Net

Recently, "de risk" has gradually replaced "decoupling" as a high-frequency term in US and European policies towards China. In March this year, European Commission President von der Leyen publicly said that China's relations with Europe are neither black nor white, and that "decoupling" from China is not in Europe's interests. Europe should focus on "risk elimination". Subsequently, the Group of Seven (G7) issued a communiqu é at the Hiroshima Summit, stating that it should "de risk" China rather than decoupling it. At the same time, senior US officials have also made similar statements in cooperation on different occasions. Last week, when US Treasury Secretary Yellen visited China, he stated that the US does not seek to "decouple" from China, but rather "de risk" by achieving supply chain diversification. In just four months, the collective "revision" of policies towards China by the United States and European countries is not accidental, as it reflects the West's adoption of policies towards China

Global Connection | US Supply of Cluster Munitions to Ukraine Causes Widespread Controversy and Concerns Ammunition | Lethality | US
Global Connection | US Supply of Cluster Munitions to Ukraine Causes Widespread Controversy and Concerns Ammunition | Lethality | US

The US government has recently announced a new batch of military aid to Ukraine, including large lethal cluster ammunition classified as prohibited under US law, which has caused widespread controversy and concern in the international community. Cluster ammunition has stronger killing power and a greater likelihood of causing civilian casualties than regular ammunition. The US military has used cluster ammunition in the Vietnam War, Gulf War, Kosovo War, Afghanistan War, and Iraq War, causing extensive damage to civilian facilities and numerous civilian casualties. UN Secretary General's Deputy Spokesperson Haq stated that UN Secretary General Guterres does not want cluster ammunition to continue to be used on the battlefield. Guterres called on relevant parties to comply with the provisions of the Convention on Cluster Munitions and avoid the use of cluster ammunition in Ukraine. Since the escalation of the Ukrainian crisis in February last year, the US government has been constantly fueling tensions

US media: The US economy has entered a "default cycle", and consumers and businesses are feeling the pain of aggressive interest rate hikes | US | Enterprises
US media: The US economy has entered a "default cycle", and consumers and businesses are feeling the pain of aggressive interest rate hikes | US | Enterprises

On July 14th, a large number of consumer defaults have occurred in the United States. According to Bloomberg on the 13th, Slock, Chief Economist of Apollo Global Management, a US investment management company, said that although the Federal Reserve's interest rate hike cycle may be nearing its end, consumers and businesses are feeling the pain of ultra aggressive rate hikes, and the US economy has entered a "default cycle". Slock told Bloomberg TV on the same day that the default cycle in the United States has begun, with increasing default rates on car loans and credit cards, as well as rising default rates in high-yield bonds and loan markets. Slock stated that the current market situation does not indicate that the Federal Reserve's aggressive monetary tightening policy has not yet had a negative impact on the economy. On the contrary, the impact appears in less prominent areas, ultimately leading to a slowdown in economic development. Sloke Pre

Hua Chunying posted a picture questioning, "Who is subverting the international order?" The NATO summit communique smeared the China summit | NATO | communique
Hua Chunying posted a picture questioning, "Who is subverting the international order?" The NATO summit communique smeared the China summit | NATO | communique

The NATO summit was held in the Lithuanian capital Vilnius from July 11th to 12th. The summit communiqu é declared that China's ambition and "coercive policies" challenge NATO's interests, security, and values, posing a "systemic challenge" to security in the European Atlantic region. On the night of the 13th, Chinese Assistant Foreign Minister and Spokesperson Hua Chunying posted a picture on social media Twitter, questioning "Who is subverting the international order?" Regarding NATO's negative movements related to China, Hua Chunying first said, "China has coercive policies? Isn't NATO engaging in group politics and military actions around the world, threatening other countries with force, challenging global interests, security, and values?" "China is subverting the rule-based international order? Isn't it NATO trampling on international law and values?"

"The Human Rights of Internally Displaced Persons in Japan Faced with Many Challenges" (In depth Observation) Issue | Reporter | Human Rights
"The Human Rights of Internally Displaced Persons in Japan Faced with Many Challenges" (In depth Observation) Issue | Reporter | Human Rights

The 53rd session of the United Nations Human Rights Council was held in Geneva, Switzerland from June 19 to July 14. At the meeting, representatives from multiple countries and institutions criticized the victims of the Fukushima nuclear accident. In her report to the General Assembly, Cecilia Shimonis Damari, the then United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Internally Displaced Persons who visited Japan in 2022, pointed out that the Japanese government has many problems in safeguarding the human rights of internally displaced persons. Fukushima disaster victim Masako Noda in Japan stated that the Japanese government's rescue efforts for the victims of the Fukushima nuclear accident were inadequate and mishandled. 12 years after the Fukushima nuclear accident, there are still 31000 officially recognized and many unofficially recognized internally displaced persons. I am one of them. As the report reveals, internally displaced persons in Japan

One of the "Risk Reduction" in the United States: "Old Clothes and New Wears" International | Risk | Old Clothes
One of the "Risk Reduction" in the United States: "Old Clothes and New Wears" International | Risk | Old Clothes

Comic author: Tan Xiguang. Recently, some politicians in the United States and the West have frequently talked about the new term of "de risk-taking". In fact, the so-called "de risk-taking" is just a "new garment" put on for "decoupling", a trick of packaging old wine with new bottles and changing soup without changing medicine. The essence of "de risk-taking" is still to curb China's development and make "decoupling and chain breaking" more precise. The Foreign Affairs magazine pointed out in an article that the United States is promoting the concept of "de risk", which is actually restricting China's development in important areas such as chips and key raw materials, while also limiting the influence of the Chinese market on a global scale. The so-called "de risk-taking" in the US not only fails to "eliminate risks", but also disrupts the stability of the global supply chain, disrupts international economic exchanges and order, and brings huge impacts to economic globalization. by

This matter is the focus, Modi's visit to France, India | Modi | France
This matter is the focus, Modi's visit to France, India | Modi | France

Indian Prime Minister Modi arrived in France on the 13th to begin a two-day visit. He will attend the Bastille Day parade in France and discuss new major defense transactions between India and France. It is reported that Modi will hold a meeting with French President Macron and participate in the India France CEO Forum together. In addition, Modi will be invited as a special guest to attend the Bastille Day parade on the 14th. At that time, a team of the Indian Air Force and a squadron of Rafale fighter jets will participate in the celebration event on the Champs - É lys é es, commemorating the 25th anniversary of the establishment of a strategic partnership between the two countries. According to Agence France Presse, India is one of the largest buyers of French weapons, and Modi announced a milestone deal to purchase 36 Rafale fighter jets during his visit to Paris in 2015. Modi's visit to France this time is also a key focus of defense transactions. India

Strengthening Cooperation in the Field of Defense and Security of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Ministry of National Defense: Promoting the "Shanghai Spirit" Humanitarian | Military | SCO
Strengthening Cooperation in the Field of Defense and Security of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Ministry of National Defense: Promoting the "Shanghai Spirit" Humanitarian | Military | SCO

On the afternoon of July 14th, Colonel Tan Kefei, spokesperson for the Ministry of National Defense, answered questions from reporters regarding recent military related issues. Tan Kefei: The Shanghai Cooperation Organization has gone through an extraordinary 22 year journey and is growing stronger and stronger.At present, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) has established a multi-level cooperation mechanism in the field of defense and security, creating brands such as the "Peace Mission" joint exercise and the "Peace Horn" military music festival. To promote the construction of a SCO security community, to maintain common security and universal peace in the region and the world, the SCO has demonstrated its "SCO strength" and made "SCO contributions". In April this year, State Councilor and Minister of National Defense Li Shangfu attended the SCO Defense Ministers' Meeting in India, expressing China's willingness to work with all parties involved

"Fat Baby" and others have been arrested! Police soliciting criminal clues from gangs | illegal crimes | police
"Fat Baby" and others have been arrested! Police soliciting criminal clues from gangs | illegal crimes | police

On the 13th, the official account of "Safe Tongliao" released the "Notice on Soliciting the Clues of Illegal and Criminal Behaviors of suspect Bao Arishan and Other Groups", the full text of which is as follows: Recently, the notice on Soliciting the Clues of Illegal and Criminal Behaviors of suspect Bao Arishan and Other Groups, the public security organ of Tongliao City, after careful investigation, shot down the criminal groups of evil forces led by Bao Arishan. The following suspect have been arrested: Bao Arishan, Bao Tiezhuang, Saqiri Letu, Sachuri Latu, Saritula, Origeletu, Tuligur, Buendeliger, Yingchun, Wu Dongdong and other major suspects involved in the case, and they have all been arrested according to law. After investigation, the criminal gang has repeatedly engaged in illegal activities such as fighting, provocation, and detention in Lubei Town and surrounding townships of Zhalute Banner, causing significant negative social impact in the local area. To ensure safety

Explanation: There are significant issues with the discharge of nuclear contaminated water into the sea. Ministry of Foreign Affairs: The Japanese government uses compensation fees to appease the people | Japan | Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Explanation: There are significant issues with the discharge of nuclear contaminated water into the sea. Ministry of Foreign Affairs: The Japanese government uses compensation fees to appease the people | Japan | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

On July 14th, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin presided over a regular press conference. A reporter asked, according to reports, the Japanese government has allocated a special fund of 80 billion yen to subsidize the fishing industry in the Fukushima region. What is China's comment on this? "If there are no issues with the nuclear contaminated water that Japan is preparing to discharge into the sea, how will the fishing industry in the Fukushima area be affected? If the Japanese government is not feeling guilty, why use compensation to calm people down? This can only indicate that the discharge of nuclear contaminated water into the sea is really a problem, a big problem," said Wang Wenbin. Wang Wenbin pointed out that about 40% of the Japanese people, as well as people from China, South Korea, Russia, Pacific island countries, the Philippines, Indonesia, Peru and other Pacific coastal countries, strongly oppose Japan's push for sea discharge plans. Unfortunately, the Japanese government is concerned about

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded that the German government has released its first "China Strategy" meeting on bilateral relations. China | Strategy
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded that the German government has released its first "China Strategy" meeting on bilateral relations. China | Strategy

On July 14th, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin presided over a regular press conference. A reporter asked, yesterday, the German government announced its first "China strategy". How does China view this document and what impact does it have on bilateral relations? Wang Wenbin's profile picture shows that the Chinese side has taken note of the relevant documents released by the German side. We believe that in the name of reducing risks and dependence, practicing competition and protectionism, and making normal cooperation more secure and politicized, it will only backfire and artificially create risks. Drawing a line between values and ideology, advocating for so-called "competition between systems, interests, and values", is even more against the trend of the times and will only exacerbate the division of the world. He pointed out that in fact, the consensus between China and Germany far outweighs differences, cooperation far outweighs competition, and both sides are partners rather than rivals. In the current complex and turbulent international situation

Most of them originate from the United States. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Chinese government departments suffer from massive cyber attacks every day. Director | US | US
Most of them originate from the United States. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Chinese government departments suffer from massive cyber attacks every day. Director | US | US

On July 14th, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin presided over a regular press conference. A reporter asked, according to US officials, during the meeting between Wang Yi, Director of the Central Foreign Affairs Office, and Secretary of State Antony Blinken, the US side mentioned that the US government network system had been hacked, and said that it would take appropriate action to hold accountable. What is China's comment on this? Wang Wenbin's profile shows that Director Wang Yi expressed China's principled stance on cybersecurity issues during the meeting. Chinese government departments are suffering from massive cyber attacks almost every day, most of which originate from the United States. China has repeatedly introduced the situation to the international community. "China is the biggest victim of cyber attacks, and the United States should not label China indiscriminately," said Wang Wenbin.

Official announcement! The qualification for the position of another bank president has been approved. Shengjing Bank | President | Official Announcement
Official announcement! The qualification for the position of another bank president has been approved. Shengjing Bank | President | Official Announcement

On July 13th, Shengjing Bank announced that its President Liu Xu's qualifications for the position have been approved by regulatory authorities. The specific details are as follows - The official announcement of the approval of Liu Xu's qualifications shows that Shengjing Bank recently received a reply from the Liaoning Regulatory Bureau of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission regarding Liu Xu's qualifications, stating that he has been approved to serve as the President of Shengjing Bank. Liu Xu's term as the President of the bank shall commence from the date of receipt of approval and shall continue until the end of the term of this Board of Directors. According to the resume, Liu Xu is 55 years old, with a Bachelor's degree in Economics from Liaoning University and a Senior Economist. Previously served as Vice President of Shengjing Bank. On May 11, 2022, the board of directors of the bank approved the nomination of Liu Xu as a candidate for executive director of Shengjing Bank. Before joining Shengjing Bank, Liu Xu worked from September 2021 to April 2022

All involved personnel have been fined. Chinese Football Association: After the match, there was a conflict between players and officials of the two teams in China League One. RMB | fine | punishment | China | association | officials | club | football
All involved personnel have been fined. Chinese Football Association: After the match, there was a conflict between players and officials of the two teams in China League One. RMB | fine | punishment | China | association | officials | club | football

According to the website of the Chinese Football Association, on July 9, 2023, after the 103rd match of the 13th round of the Chinese Football Association First Division League, several players and officials from Jinan Xingzhou Football Club and Dandong Tengyue Football Club clashed. The Discipline Committee of the Chinese Football Association, in accordance with the Disciplinary Guidelines of the Chinese Football Association, punished Wang Mian, an official of Dandong Tengyue Football Club, by prohibiting him from entering the competition stadium for four matches, fined RMB 40000, and issued a notice of criticism to the club team, fined RMB 100000. Punish Shen Xiaochen, an official of Jinan Xingzhou Football Club, for entering the sports stadium for 5 matches, with a fine of RMB 50000. Player Moses Edu will be suspended for 5 matches, with a fine of RMB 50000. The club will also be criticized and fined RMB 100000.

Ministry of National Defense: Russian naval fleet visits Shanghai and holds joint exercises with China involving military | ships | Shanghai
Ministry of National Defense: Russian naval fleet visits Shanghai and holds joint exercises with China involving military | ships | Shanghai

On the afternoon of July 14th, Colonel Tan Kefei, spokesperson for the Ministry of National Defense, answered questions from reporters regarding recent military related issues. Tan Kefei: From July 5th to 11th, a fleet of warships consisting of the Russian Navy's Pacific Fleet's frigates "Loud" and "Perfect" visited Shanghai. During this period, naval officers and soldiers from China and Russia conducted mutual visits to ships, professional technical exchanges, and cultural and sports activities. After the departure of the Russian naval fleet, they conducted exercises on formation movement, communication, and maritime search and rescue with the Chinese Navy's Taiyuan ship in the waters east of the Yangtze River Estuary. This visit further consolidated the traditional friendship between the navies of the two countries, deepened friendly exchanges and practical cooperation. In recent years, the Chinese and Russian navies have had close exchanges and frequent interactions, and have achieved fruitful cooperation in areas such as group visits, exercises, cruises, and professional exchanges. Next, China is willing to work with Russia to strengthen both countries

Ministry of Foreign Affairs: The United States should lift relevant sanctions as soon as possible. Antony Blinken said that China and the United States should jointly prevent fentanyl from entering the United States | fentanyl | Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Foreign Affairs: The United States should lift relevant sanctions as soon as possible. Antony Blinken said that China and the United States should jointly prevent fentanyl from entering the United States | fentanyl | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

On July 14th, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin presided over a regular press conference. A reporter asked a question. American officials said that the two sides spent a lot of time discussing the issue of fentanyl during the meeting. Antony Blinken stressed the importance of joint efforts by both sides to prevent the flow of synthetic drugs, especially fentanyl and its precursors, into the United States, and discussed in depth the establishment of an illegal drugs working group. What is the spokesperson's comment on this? Wang Wenbin introduced that during the meeting, China and the United States communicated on the issue of fentanyl, and China expressed its principled position and concerns. Director Wang Yi pointed out that China is the country with the most resolute anti drug attitude and the most thorough policy in the world, and also one of the countries with the best records. In order to cater to the concerns of the United States and take into account the overall situation of Sino US relations, China made a decision a few years ago to classify fentanyl as a whole, and so far no second country has achieved this

Related technologies have been developed, and a new type of rare earth resource has been discovered in Guizhou, China: rare earths with great difficulty in selection, smelting, and separation | strategic | resources
Related technologies have been developed, and a new type of rare earth resource has been discovered in Guizhou, China: rare earths with great difficulty in selection, smelting, and separation | strategic | resources

According to the information released by the Chengdu Institute of Comprehensive Utilization of Mineral Resources of the China Geological Survey, an expert group composed of Mao Jingwen, an academician of the CAE Member, Hou Zengqian, an academician of the CAS Member, as well as core experts in the field of rare earth such as the China Rare Earth Society and the China Rare Earth Industry Association, has recently reviewed the project results. The expert group unanimously believes that the ancient terrestrial sedimentary rare earth deposits in the adjacent areas of Sichuan, Yunnan, and Guizhou are a completely new type of rare earth deposit. The project is led by Chengdu Comprehensive Utilization Institute and completed with the participation of Guizhou Geological and Mineral Exploration and Development Bureau and other units. The head of the research team of the Chengdu Comprehensive Utilization Institute project introduced that the "ancient terrestrial sedimentary rare earth deposit" exists in the bottom clay rock series of the Permian Xuanwei Formation in the adjacent area of Sichuan, Yunnan, and Guizhou, with an average grade of 0.39% for rare earth oxides

Release these heavyweight signals, can existing housing loans be adjusted? The latest statement from the central bank: lenders | mortgages | central bank
Release these heavyweight signals, can existing housing loans be adjusted? The latest statement from the central bank: lenders | mortgages | central bank

Another heavyweight news is coming from the real estate market. On the 14th, Zou Lan, Director of the Monetary Policy Department of the People's Bank of China, stated at a press conference held by the State Council Information Office that "in accordance with the principles of marketization and rule of law, we support and encourage commercial banks and borrowers to independently negotiate changes to contract agreements, or to issue new loans to replace the original inventory loans.". With multiple declines in LPR over a period of 5 years, there has been a constant call for interest rate adjustments on existing housing loans. Industry insiders point out that this is the first time that the financial management department has made a direct statement on the adjustment of existing mortgage interest rates. Next, will the interest rate of existing housing loans be adjusted and how will it be adjusted? How will it affect the borrower's wallet? How to adjust it? Dong Ximiao, Chief Researcher of Zhaolian, stated in an interview with China News Service that there are two possible approaches to adjusting the interest rates of existing housing loans: direct reduction and indirect reduction

China's foreign trade vitality is further enhanced, and the number of overseas orders for enterprises is increasing. Foreign trade | China | orders
China's foreign trade vitality is further enhanced, and the number of overseas orders for enterprises is increasing. Foreign trade | China | orders

CCTV News: Currently, the direct impact of weakened foreign demand on China's foreign trade is still ongoing. What is the trend of China's foreign trade in the second half of the year? From multiple leading indicators in the foreign trade market, can China's foreign trade continue to maintain stable growth in the second half of the year? As the only policy insurance institution in China, China Export Credit Insurance Company is an important force in safeguarding China's foreign trade exports, and its business data is closely related to the market. From the perspective of foreign trade enterprises applying for foreign buyer quotas in the first half of the year, which is an indicator of their intention to purchase insurance, the development vitality of foreign trade enterprises is continuously releasing. China's export price index has been consistently higher than the import price index for the same period since 2022. In May 2023, the export and import price indices were 105.3 and 95 respectively, with a difference of more than 10 percentage points, which is higher than since 2016

Efficient judicial services and full process litigation for the benefit of the people
Efficient judicial services and full process litigation for the benefit of the people

CCTV News: Without leaving home, people can appear in court to fight lawsuits; Lawyers can appear in court to answer lawsuits from thousands of miles away. The construction of smart courts in China's court system has promoted the innovation of trial methods and made judicial services more convenient and efficient. At the Intermediate People's Court of Zunyi City, Judge Ye Di is currently in court to hear a contract dispute. Unlike traditional court hearings, both the plaintiff and defendant did not attend the trial site, but instead conducted online trials through the internet. This is the third trial of this lawsuit. The plaintiff's company is headquartered in Shandong, and the acting lawyer also appeared in court in Shandong. It is understood that in the Zunyi Intermediate People's Court, about 30% of the cases are heard online, but in the Beijing Internet Court, the online trial rate is almost 100%. Online case review here

The implementation scope of full cost insurance and planting income insurance for the three major grain crops has been expanded to include all rural departments in major grain producing counties | premium | insurance
The implementation scope of full cost insurance and planting income insurance for the three major grain crops has been expanded to include all rural departments in major grain producing counties | premium | insurance

CCTV News: The Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and the State Administration of Financial Supervision and Administration issued a notice on July 13th to expand the implementation scope of the full cost insurance and planting income insurance for the three major grain crops to all major grain producing counties in China. According to the notice, starting from this year, the implementation scope of full cost insurance and planting income insurance for the three major grain crops of rice, wheat, and corn will be expanded to all major grain producing counties in China, providing insurance coverage for farmers and agricultural production and operation organizations to cover the full cost of agricultural production or planting income. Among them, full cost insurance is an agricultural insurance that covers the total cost of agricultural production, such as materialized costs, land costs, and labor costs, with the insured amount covered; Planting income insurance is an agricultural insurance that reflects the price and yield of agricultural products, and covers the level of protection for agricultural planting income. From the specific subsidy plan

Visiting the Main Media Center of Chengdu Universiade: Changing Face | Dong'an Lake | Universiade
Visiting the Main Media Center of Chengdu Universiade: Changing Face | Dong'an Lake | Universiade

This is the west entrance of the main media center for the Chengdu Universiade, filmed on July 13th. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Xi: The main media center of the Chengdu Universiade is located north of Dong'an Lake, facing the main stadium and torch tower of the opening ceremony venue Dong'an Lake Sports Park across the lake. Journalists from all over the world will conduct interviews and reports on the Universiade here, and the International Federation of Sports Federations News Committee office is also located here. The architecture of the main media center inherits the traditional Chinese academy culture, and the unique scene design creates an elegant Eastern atmosphere. The main media center will integrate the characteristics of Sichuan and Sichuan, showcasing intangible cultural heritage such as Sichuan brocade, Sichuan embroidery, Sichuan opera face changing, Sichuan bamboo qin, porcelain body and bamboo weaving. Media restaurants offer a variety of dining options, including unique Sichuan cuisine. It is reported that the main media center will enter 24-hour operation on July 25th, during the Universiade

Selling "Understanding Grain" and "Comfort Grain" to Good Farmers in a Stable Summer Grain Purchase Market | Enterprises | Comfort Grain
Selling "Understanding Grain" and "Comfort Grain" to Good Farmers in a Stable Summer Grain Purchase Market | Enterprises | Comfort Grain

CCTV News: The latest data released by the State Administration of Grain and Material Reserves shows that since the peak season of purchasing summer grain in June, various grain enterprises in the main production areas have purchased 31.9 million tons of wheat, which is roughly equivalent to the annual level. In 2023, diversified entities actively entered the market, and the summer grain procurement market continued to stabilize and improve. In Xia County, Yuncheng, Shanxi Province, there was continuous rainfall during the grain procurement process in 2023, but the overall procurement progress remained unchanged from the same period in 2022. Data shows that in the entire summer grain procurement process in 2023, the proportion of local processing enterprises and traders exceeded 60%, an increase of 15% compared to 2022. At the same time, with the participation of more market entities, the main purchasing departments of local grain can more efficiently complete the sales of old grain and the purchase of new grain with trading enterprises

Prigoren said "no", they nodded, the details came! Putin finished speaking privately | militarily | Putin
Prigoren said "no", they nodded, the details came! Putin finished speaking privately | militarily | Putin

According to TASS on July 13th, Russian President Putin stated in an interview with Businessman that since Russia does not have a private military organization law, such companies, including the Wagner Group, do not legally exist. According to the report, when asked by reporters whether the Wagner Group will continue to serve as a combat unit, Putin stated that the issue of legalizing private military groups is not easy to solve and needs to be discussed by the government and the State Duma. However, so far, such companies, including the Wagner Group, do not exist legally. Putin said, "Wagner's private military group does not exist!" He pointed out that Russia does not have a private military organization law, which means "there is no such legal entity.". Putin said, "There is this group, but it does not exist legally. This is related to actual legalization."

The municipal transportation bureau is honest: the designed passenger flow is not estimated enough, and the East Yangzhou Station is frequently complained of the difficulty of taxi hailing | Yangzhou | East Station
The municipal transportation bureau is honest: the designed passenger flow is not estimated enough, and the East Yangzhou Station is frequently complained of the difficulty of taxi hailing | Yangzhou | East Station

In the summer vacation, the number of tourists in Yangzhou, a famous cultural and tourism city, continued to grow. As a transportation hub, Yangzhou East High speed Railway Station was frequently complained that the exit could not directly access the underground taxi waiting area, and a large number of taxis and online taxi hailing stopped outside the station illegally to solicit passengers. Xia Zhengdong, Director of Yangzhou Transportation Bureau, stated that the above situation is objectively due to insufficient estimation of passenger flow design at Yangzhou East Station. Some taxis can only park on the ground to wait for passengers. The transportation department will cooperate with the public security department to strengthen management and solve the problem by widening nearby roads and building parking lots. Recently, the Yangzhou Municipal Party Committee and Government launched the integrated media political inquiry program "Political Affairs Face to Face", with the first episode focusing on the operation and management issues of Yangzhou East Station. According to reports, at around 9pm on June 21st, Yangzhou East Station experienced a wave of passenger flow before the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, with a large number of passengers leaving the station and leaving

Four people have signed a dispute memorandum on the same stage: 3 people have been dismissed and 1 person has been dismissed. In the Nanning parking fee incident, the public transportation group | issues | parking fees
Four people have signed a dispute memorandum on the same stage: 3 people have been dismissed and 1 person has been dismissed. In the Nanning parking fee incident, the public transportation group | issues | parking fees

The parking fee issue in Nanning, Guangxi has been delayed for a long time. On July 14th, the official concentrated on reporting the accountability and audit situation. Among them, the Nanning Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision stated in its latest notice that on May 8th, the signing of a Memorandum of Cooperation between the Qingxiu District People's Court of Nanning City and Nanning Huibo Parking Lot Service Co., Ltd. has attracted widespread attention from society to issues related to road parking fees in Nanning. Upon approval, the Nanning Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision has conducted an investigation and verification of issues related to road parking fees in Nanning. After investigation, the occurrence of issues related to road parking fees in Nanning has exposed that some units and leading cadres in Nanning have ignored the interests of the masses, leading to long-term ineffective resolution of their demands; Some lack a strong awareness of the rule of law and carry out related work in violation of the principles of fairness and justice; Some fail to fulfill their supervisory and management responsibilities properly, and address relevant issues

Russian media: The "Peter the Great" nuclear powered missile cruiser will be retired as a cruiser | nuclear powered | missile
Russian media: The "Peter the Great" nuclear powered missile cruiser will be retired as a cruiser | nuclear powered | missile

On July 14th, TASS reported, citing sources from the Russian Navy, that the Russian Navy has decided to officially retire the flagship of the Russian Northern Fleet, the Peter the Great nuclear powered missile cruiser, after the maintenance and modernization of the Admiral Nashmov nuclear powered cruiser is completed. Admiral Nashimov and Peter the Great are both Russian Kirov class heavy nuclear powered missile cruisers. The Peter the Great cruiser is the world's largest non aircraft carrier combat vessel, primarily used for anti ship, anti submarine, and air defense operations in the ocean. The cruiser Peter the Great began construction at the Baltic Shipyard on April 25, 1986, was launched on April 29, 1989, and officially entered service on April 19, 1998. Previously reported: