The world

Exploring Green in Qinling Mountains
Exploring Green in Qinling Mountains

As an important ecological security barrier in China, how can the Qinling Mountains region balance high-quality development and high-level protection? Recently, the reporter followed a high-quality development research team to travel through the Qinba Mountains in southern Shaanxi Province, witnessing the achievements of implementing the new development concept and transforming the economic development mode in the local area. "The wall panels of the factory building are new building materials that we produce ourselves, which are both cost-effective and environmentally friendly," said Ma Yong, a staff member at the Shaanxi Lingnan Jiatai New Green Building Materials Production Project workshop located in Shangzhou District, Shangluo City. In response to the challenge of tailings treatment, the local government is vigorously developing a circular economy. "The use of tailings in the production of environmentally friendly building materials not only reduces the overall cost by about 10%, but also has characteristics such as fire insulation, sound insulation, and noise reduction." Ji Jiawei, General Manager of Shaanxi Lingnan Jiatai Building Energy saving Materials Technology Co., Ltd., said that the first phase of the project

Integrated "Competition Exhibition and Performance Exhibition" to compete in unique skills and skills
Integrated "Competition Exhibition and Performance Exhibition" to compete in unique skills and skills

The second National Skills Competition will be held in Tianjin from September 16th to 19th. This is currently the comprehensive national vocational skills competition in China with the highest competition standards, the most competitive projects, the largest participation scale, the highest skill level, and the widest impact range. On September 15th, at the pre competition press conference of the second National Skills Competition, officials from relevant departments such as the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the Tianjin Municipal Government introduced the relevant information of the competition. It is understood that the competition will be held at the National Convention and Exhibition Center, with the theme of "Skills for Talent and Skills for the Country". A total of 109 competition events will be held, with 4045 participants from 36 domestic delegations participating. From the perspective of project quantity, the scale expansion increment. The competition is divided into two categories: the selection of the World Championship and the selection of the National Championship. The focus of the selected national events in this competition has increased by 20

Wait for me!, Asian sports professionals: Hangzhou
Wait for me!, Asian sports professionals: Hangzhou

The 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou will open on September 23rd. Xinhua News Agency's reporters from multiple Asian countries recently interviewed local sports professionals and asked them to freely discuss their expectations for the Hangzhou Asian Games. From athletes preparing for the Asian Games to officials in the sports department, from traditional athletes in athletics, boxing, and other sports to new players in esports, interviewees have expressed their hope that Hangzhou, a beautiful city, can continue the spirit of the Asian Games. Athletes will go all out here and strive to the highest level. Asian countries and regions will use sports as a medium to unite and achieve glory and dreams. Reporter: Jin Hao, Yang Changga, Ridi, Du Dapeng, Alia, Ali Tariktana, edited by Li Linyin, copy: Xu Xiaolei, produced by the International Department of Xinhua News Agency

Another year of harvest
Another year of harvest

In the golden autumn season, various parts of the country are entering the harvest season one after another, and farmers are grabbing the harvest to dry, creating a delightful harvest scene in the fields. On September 13, 2023, farmers were drying chili peppers on the Pearl Beach in Shiba, Heiquan Town, Gaotai County, Zhangye City, Gansu Province. On September 11, 2023, in Changfa Village, Guanhuan Town, Li County, Changde City, Hunan Province, farmers were picking luffa. On September 10, 2023, in Xihu Village, Lixianghu Town, Nanchuan District, Chongqing, farmers were drying the harvested red chili peppers, corn, mung beans and other crops. On September 8, 2023, in Hongxing Village, Moyang Town, Luodian County, Qiannan Buyi and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Guizhou Province, farmers were harvesting rice. CICPHOTO

The 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou is about to start, and Chinese and foreign athletes are busy preparing for the competition
The 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou is about to start, and Chinese and foreign athletes are busy preparing for the competition

>The 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou is approaching, and Chinese and foreign athletes are preparing to make new breakthroughs in the Asian Games. The Chinese track and field team will compete in the 2023 National Track and Field Relay Championships, which will start today in Shaoxing, Zhejiang. Chinese track and field team members practice through competitions to prepare for the Asian Games. In the men's adult group 4x100m relay preliminaries, the national team consisting of Chen Jiapeng, Xie Zhenye, Yan Haibin, and Chen Guanfeng competed, marking the first appearance of the Chinese athletics team's Asian Games relay lineup this season. Xie Zhenye teamed up with three post-00s teammates to compete. Chinese track and field team member Xie Zhenye: Give it your all at the Asian Games, and then compete for gold instead of silver. The new generation of Chinese Taekwondo team is constantly growing and entering the National Training Base of Beijing Sport University. The Chinese Taekwondo team is intensifying its training. Previous session

Hangzhou is full of new skins for the Asian Games!, today
Hangzhou is full of new skins for the Asian Games!, today

As the Asian Games approach, Hangzhou has also put on a "new skin". From small alleys to green belts on the roadside, from open spaces in residential areas to traffic lights at intersections, there are dazzling Asian Games elements everywhere. How hard does Hangzhou put in to welcome the Asian Games? How strong is the atmosphere of the Asian Games now? Let's take a look together ↓ Hangzhou transforms into a magical flower sea. Recently, the Qiantang River Asian Flower Theme Park has officially opened, with over 200 types of flowers forming the "Asian Flower Carpet". The park competes to open up in the park, with rich and colorful colors that make people "wow" step by step. The romantic flower sea at night has turned into a magical sea of light, beautiful and dynamic. The green belt along the road is full of fresh flowers blooming freely, and the elevated road is surrounded by clusters of flowers. Vehicles on both sides of the elevated road seem to stroll in the flower sea. Not only that, there is a community for living

The scale of civil aviation passenger transportation in China reached a historic high in August
The scale of civil aviation passenger transportation in China reached a historic high in August

Beijing, September 15th (Xinhua) - Li Yong, Deputy Director of the Aviation Safety Office of the Civil Aviation Administration of China, stated on September 15th that in August, the scale of China's civil aviation passenger transportation reached a historic high, with a passenger transportation volume of 63.964 million, a year-on-year increase of 98% and a 4.5% increase compared to the same period in 2019. Li Yong said at the regular press conference of the Civil Aviation Administration of China that in August, the aviation transportation market maintained a good recovery trend, with a total transportation turnover of 11.61 billion tons per kilometer completed by the entire industry, a year-on-year increase of 87.4%. The overall scale of aviation transportation has exceeded the level of 2019 for two consecutive months. The passenger transportation scale of domestic routes increased by 11.2% compared to the same period in 2019, while the passenger transportation scale of international routes recovered to 52% of the same period in 2019. The scale of civil aviation cargo and mail transportation has reached 636000 tons, compared to 20

Focus Interview | Water Governance and Revitalization China Answer Sheet
Focus Interview | Water Governance and Revitalization China Answer Sheet

>Water is the foundation of life, the source of civilization, and a key resource for achieving sustainable development and maintaining ecological stability. The 18th World Water Resources Conference, with the theme of "Water and Everything: Harmonious Coexistence between Man and Nature", was held in Beijing from September 11th to 15th. This is the first time this conference has been held in China. Experts, scholars, and representatives from 83 countries and regions, 36 international organizations, and more than 850 water related institutions participated in this conference to jointly seek water resource protection and development. At the meeting, China's achievements, ideas, and experiences in water management attracted high attention from representatives from various countries. In the western region of China, the Shiyang River, which originates from the northern foothills of the Qilian Mountains, is the third largest river in the inland water system of the Hexi Corridor in Gansu Province. The river has a total length of 250 kilometers and flows through Liangzhou District and Minqin County of Wuwei City to the terminal lake

Where is the next market opportunity? They say they are still "in China" globally | China | opportunities
Where is the next market opportunity? They say they are still "in China" globally | China | opportunities

"Any trend in China will bring business opportunities. Thailand, the world's largest exporter of durian, has witnessed how the consumption boom in China has driven rapid global demand growth in a short period of time. A recent report on the website of the Spanish newspaper" The Economist "cited an economist's report stating that in the past two years, durian imports from China accounted for 91% of global demand.". The August economic data released by the Chinese government on the 15th confirms the enormous attractiveness of the Chinese consumer market to the world. In August, the total retail sales of consumer goods in China increased by 4.6% year-on-year, 2.1 percentage points faster than the previous month. "China's economic data has improved" and "China's retail sales have exceeded expectations"... Foreign media have paid attention to the positive recovery of the Chinese economy. Behind these data lies a coveted business opportunity from the outside world. Since the beginning of this year, the world economy has recovered

Xu Nankai accepted the review and investigation and proactively explained the issues to the organization
Xu Nankai accepted the review and investigation and proactively explained the issues to the organization

According to the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission of Jiangxi Province, Xu Nankai, former chairman of the Supervisory and Judicial Committee of the People's Congress of Jiangxi Province, is under investigation and investigation. Xu Nankai, former chairman of the Supervisory and Judicial Committee of the People's Congress of Jiangxi Province, is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and has voluntarily reported issues to the organization. Currently, he is undergoing disciplinary review and supervisory investigation by the Jiangxi Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision. Resume of Xu Nankai: Xu Nankai, male, Han nationality, born in September 1960 in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, with an on-the-job postgraduate degree, started work in March 1978, joined the CPC in August 1980, and worked in Shangrao City, Yichun City, the Political and Legal Committee of the CPC Jiangxi Provincial Committee, the Organization Department of the CPC Jiangxi Provincial Committee, and the People's University Supervision and Judicial Committee of Jiangxi Province.

Pudong Quality and Safety Knowledge into Campus Activities Full of Goods, Promoting Quality Culture and Planting "Quality Seeds"
Pudong Quality and Safety Knowledge into Campus Activities Full of Goods, Promoting Quality Culture and Planting "Quality Seeds"

2023 is the beginning year of implementing the "Outline for Building a Quality Strong Country". In order to vigorously promote the quality culture of "quality inherits the original intention, quality strengthens Pudong", and sow "quality seeds" in the hearts of young people, Pudong actively carries out the "Quality and Safety Knowledge into Campus" 2023 Quality Month publicity activity. "When choosing learning supplies, we must go to formal shopping malls and stores to purchase branded products, pay attention to the smell, and it is recommended to purchase non fragrant stationery. We should try not to choose strange and complex stationery. Recently, law enforcement officers from the Zhangjiang Market Supervision Office walked into Sunqiao Elementary School and introduced the potential hidden dangers and reasons in toys and stationery to students through" micro classrooms ", PPT presentations, case analysis, communication and interaction, with a special focus on the quality of" colored clay "," ultra light clay "and other" internet famous "toys."

"The Voice of Pujiang Data Trading" was launched with great success
"The Voice of Pujiang Data Trading" was launched with great success

On September 14th, the leading data element market comprehensive service platform, "Pujiang Data Trading Voice", created by the Shanghai Data Exchange, was officially launched. Based on the whole country and facing the entire industry, it summarizes the most comprehensive data element market information, extracts the most authoritative data trading expert views, and constructs the most complete data commerce ecosystem service system. It is reported that "Pujiang Data Trading Voice" covers multiple sectors such as data products, digital commerce services, digital commerce activities, expert achievements, and industry trends. Its aim is to provide a one-stop professional platform for market entities such as governments, digital commerce, trading institutions, research institutions, and industry associations to obtain the latest developments in the data element market, reduce information search costs, improve the efficiency of data trading services, improve the construction of the digital commerce ecosystem, and promote the further opening and development of the data element market. Relying on "Pu"

Continuous relay between Guizhou and Shanghai to "awaken" life, causing passengers to experience sudden illnesses in the air
Continuous relay between Guizhou and Shanghai to "awaken" life, causing passengers to experience sudden illnesses in the air

"Emergency Response Notification: Upon receiving a notification from the crew, a sudden emergency medical operation incident occurred on CZ3651 flight, and one passenger on board became unconscious. The Shanghai branch initiated a Level 4 emergency response, and the Guizhou company's crew is handling it properly." On September 14th, an emergency message suddenly popped up on the operation platform of China Southern Airlines Guizhou company, which touched the hearts of all duty personnel in the two support units. At 8:23 on the same day, flight CZ3651 from Guiyang to Shanghai Pudong Airport took off smoothly. 32 minutes later, Ms. Shen, a passenger, walked out of the restroom with a pale face and stumbling steps, almost fainting. Upon seeing this situation, the on duty crew members of China Southern Guizhou Airlines immediately stepped forward to assist. After being checked and inquired by the flight attendant Hou Shuang, it was found that Ms. Shen has a stubborn immune system disease and currently feels dizzy

Assist retired soldiers in entrepreneurship! New Area Veterans Entrepreneurship and Innovation Training Camp Opened
Assist retired soldiers in entrepreneurship! New Area Veterans Entrepreneurship and Innovation Training Camp Opened

On September 15th, the Pudong New Area Veterans Entrepreneurship and Innovation Training Camp opened as a post competition coaching service project for the third "Rongchuang Dongfang" Pudong New Area Veterans Entrepreneurship and Innovation Competition. It provided targeted coaching to 22 award-winning enterprises and teams, helping them achieve better results in higher-level competitions. The current Veterans Entrepreneurship and Innovation Competition was launched on August 4th, with a total of 59 projects competing in two categories: Rongyao Group and Rongxin Group, respectively in emerging industries, traditional industries, and life service industries. In the end, 38 projects entered the finals, and 22 projects stood out in the final on August 23rd, winning first, second, and third prizes in each category. The Pudong New Area Veterans Entrepreneurship and Innovation Training Camp is one of the new innovation points launched in this competition. It is jointly organized by the New Area Veterans Affairs Bureau and the New

Why do teenagers read Su Shi? Pu Tu Holds a Reader Meeting for "15 Lectures on Intensive Reading of Su Shi"
Why do teenagers read Su Shi? Pu Tu Holds a Reader Meeting for "15 Lectures on Intensive Reading of Su Shi"

For thousands of years, Su Shi has always been a "super idol" in the hearts of countless Chinese people, a cultural giant in the form of an encyclopedia. Recently, Cui Ming, the award-winning book author of the "Chinese Good Books" award for the year 2021, brought his new book "Classics for Classroom Reading 8:15 Lectures on Intensive Reading of Su Shi" to the Pudong Library to hold a lecture and reader meeting on "Suddenly Climbing the tallest tower, with a poor vision: Why do teenagers read Su Shi?". "Su Shi's thoughts, life, and literary realm are towering towers in cultural history. Reading Su Shi and understanding him can broaden our horizons and elevate our character. Therefore, in the process of reading Su Shi, we are like climbing a tower, which can be said to be 'suddenly climbing the highest tower, with a thousand poor eyes'." Cui Ming said that this new book is a "Su Shi Biography" written for teenagers, introducing the comprehensive "Dongpo World". "

Pudong Art Museum solicits beautiful memories of "era and people" from citizens
Pudong Art Museum solicits beautiful memories of "era and people" from citizens

At present, the "Liu Xiangcheng Camera · Era · People" exhibition currently on display at the Pudong Art Museum has aroused countless viewers' memories. As one of the most important Chinese photographers since the 20th century, Liu Xiangcheng's documentary photography works showcase the development and changes of Chinese cities and the rich daily lives of citizens in the 1970s and 1990s, almost shaping the "national face" that China displayed to the world in the early stages of reform and opening up. As viewers who have experienced this era firsthand, encountering these scenes, costumes, and even the special emotions conveyed by people in works during exhibitions will deeply empathize and move them. Now, the Pudong Art Museum has launched a special series of activities to collect and display old photos, inviting audiences to participate in the review of the era's images, using individual stories to outline the collective memories of several generations.

Shanghai Shipyard independently develops and solves key problems in automobile transport ships, assisting in the development of "national ships, national manufacturing, and national transportation"
Shanghai Shipyard independently develops and solves key problems in automobile transport ships, assisting in the development of "national ships, national manufacturing, and national transportation"

In recent years, China's automobile exports have been continuously increasing, driving the rapid development of the automobile transport ship construction market. China Shipbuilding Group Shanghai Shipbuilding Research and Design Institute has provided solid technical support for Chinese shipyards to undertake large-scale construction orders. The independent research and development of PCTC has successfully achieved the goal of "national ship manufacturing and national vehicle transportation", solving the key problem of global supply chain shortage of ship equipment for China's automobile exports, and has been selected as one of the top ten innovative cases of international shipping in Pudong New Area in 2022. Zhang Zhuo, the chief expert of ship types at the Shanghai Shipbuilding Institute, said, "The world's first 7500 berth LNG dual fuel vehicle transport ship has fourteen decks and can accommodate 7500 standard vehicles. The bow of the ship is a wave piercing straight bow, and our self-developed twisted rudder is installed in the tail area. Its energy-saving guide pipe and propeller are both efficient inside the ship."

Accelerate the progress! New progress in the construction of airport connecting lines
Accelerate the progress! New progress in the construction of airport connecting lines

The shield tunnel of Section 13 has started, and the "Three Centers" project has completed the corridor elevation. The construction of airport connecting lines has made new progress in multiple aspects recently. On the construction site of the 13th section of the urban railway airport connecting line, which was invested and constructed by Shanghai Shentie and undertaken by Shanghai Construction Engineering, with the successful completion of the 9-meter air cushion mud water balance shield tunneling machine "Jianshun", the section from Pudong Airport Station to the planned T3 terminal of the 13th section has officially entered the shield tunneling construction phase. The 13th section of the project is located in Zhuqiao Town, Pudong New Area, with a total length of approximately 5.7 kilometers, including the Pudong Airport working shaft, south turn ramp bridge pier replacement, section tunnel and related ancillary works. Among them, the section from Pudong Airport Station to the planned T3 Terminal Station has a left and right double track length of about 3.03 kilometers, with two connecting passages. Two 9-meter mud water pressure balance shield tunneling machines are used in the interval

Basic establishment of the "four major systems" for institutional innovation, and Shanghai Free Trade Zone "sharpening a sword in ten years"
Basic establishment of the "four major systems" for institutional innovation, and Shanghai Free Trade Zone "sharpening a sword in ten years"

"Ten years of sharpening a sword", the Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone adheres to bold experimentation, daring innovation, and independent reform, focusing on investment, trade, finance, and post event supervision, forming a number of basic and core institutional innovations. It has basically established an institutional system that is connected with international economic and trade rules, a risk pressure testing system that is compatible with an open economic system, a government governance system that is compatible with modern governance capabilities, and a reform coordination system that is compatible with national strategic requirements. In the past decade, the negative list of foreign investment access has been reduced from 190 to 27 in line with international economic and trade rules. The Shanghai Free Trade Zone has basically established an institutional system that is in line with international economic and trade rules. With the goal of promoting cross-border free flow and market-oriented allocation of factor resources, we will further deepen investment management and trade regulation,

What should we do? The prosecutor teaches you how to deal with online risks, as children become addicted to games and suffer from cyberbullying
What should we do? The prosecutor teaches you how to deal with online risks, as children become addicted to games and suffer from cyberbullying

The internet is closely related to our daily lives, but the accompanying risks such as internet addiction, illegal infringement, cyberbullying, and personal information leakage also pose challenges to everyone's lives. Especially for teenagers, lack of sufficient recognition and prevention abilities may have a negative impact on their growth. With the arrival of the National Cybersecurity Awareness Week, the program "Smart Cube" by East Shanghai Voice invited prosecutor Cao Ying and prosecutor assistant Gao Jingyi from the Purple Lilac Team of the Pudong New Area Prosecutor's Office to enter the FM106.5 live broadcast room and interact with everyone on the topic of network security risk prevention. Prosecutor Cao first pointed out that the internet is like a double-edged sword, bringing us many conveniences. However, once minors become addicted to the internet, it will seriously damage their physical and mental health. At the prosecutor's office

The export of construction machinery in the customs area of Shanghai increased significantly, and domestic "big players" became popular, "the Belt and Road"
The export of construction machinery in the customs area of Shanghai increased significantly, and domestic "big players" became popular, "the Belt and Road"

Recently, the "Linda" roll on/roll off wheel carrying 40 new heavy-duty machinery loaders from the "XCMG" brand was fully loaded and ready to be shipped to Saudi Arabia at the Haitong International Automobile Terminal in the Waigaoqiao Port area of Shanghai. On the same afternoon, 91 construction machinery vehicles from brands such as "China National Heavy Duty Truck" and "XCMG" departed from the port at the Shanghai Military Industry Road Terminal. After completing customs supervision, they were loaded onto the bulk carrier "BULKTEC" and set sail for the Cooperative Republic of Guyana. It is worth noting that Saudi Arabia and Guyana are both countries jointly building the "the Belt and Road". This year marks the tenth anniversary of the "the Belt and Road" initiative. In the past ten years, the "the Belt and Road" initiative has driven nearly a trillion dollars in investment, significantly accelerated investment in major overseas engineering projects in key areas such as infrastructure construction, domestic excavators, dump trucks and other industries

French media: Al Qaeda threatens to attack France and Sweden
French media: Al Qaeda threatens to attack France and Sweden

Paris, September 15 (Xinhua) - The French news agency BFMTV reported on September 15 that the extremist organization "Al Qaeda" recently accused France and Sweden of "going to war on Islam" and threatened to launch attacks on these two countries. The report states that Al Qaeda's branch in Yemen has recently claimed through social media that it wants to "retaliate against Europe, especially France and Sweden.". The French Terrorism Analysis Center reminds the French government to be highly vigilant as Al Qaeda is rebuilding its ability to launch attacks from overseas, especially in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and the Sahel region of Africa. French Interior Minister Darmanin recently pointed out in a program on French television that France faces a "very high" risk of attacks from overseas, and the possibility of "endogenous" attacks from within France is also very high. “

Korean Central News Agency: Kim Jong un Visits Russia's Gagarin Aircraft Manufacturing Plant
Korean Central News Agency: Kim Jong un Visits Russia's Gagarin Aircraft Manufacturing Plant

Seoul, September 16 (Xinhua) - North Korean Workers' Party General Secretary and State Councilor Kim Jong un arrived in the main industrial city of the Amur River in Russia's Far East on September 15 and visited the Gagarin Aircraft Manufacturing Plant, according to a report by North Korean Central News Agency. According to the report, during the visit, Kim Jong un boarded the Su-57 fighter jet to learn about advanced aircraft technology and flight performance, and watched a flight demonstration of the Su-35 fighter jet. In addition, Kim Jong un also learned about the performance of the aircraft produced by the factory. The report also said that Kim Jong un was deeply moved by the self-reliance potential and modernization level of Russia's aircraft manufacturing industry. The Gagarin Aircraft Manufacturing Plant is one of the important bases for Russia's defense industry and aviation transportation industry.

Don't bring big trees into the city, don't detach from reality and build big parks and squares. Xinhua News Agency Review: Cities should establish a concept of great greening
Don't bring big trees into the city, don't detach from reality and build big parks and squares. Xinhua News Agency Review: Cities should establish a concept of great greening

Urban construction should prioritize the beauty of nature and integrate good mountains, water, and scenery into the city. Vigorously carrying out ecological restoration and restoring green mountains and rivers to cities requires us to establish a grand greening concept that respects nature and laws, expand urban green ecological space, improve urban environmental quality, use small plots of land as much as possible for greening, increase "pocket parks" and "palm green areas", and enhance the city's ability to resist and mitigate natural disasters. Respect nature and laws, establish a grand greening concept, strengthen red line constraints, and manage the three control lines of farmland and permanent basic farmland protection red line, ecological protection red line, and urban development boundary. The concept of large-scale greening should focus on "small pieces", and urban greening should be combined with urban infrastructure construction, renovation of old communities, and improvement of idle land. Micro spatial governance should be done well, and urban greening should not be detached from reality

We should not favor one over the other!, "Human rights are not distinguished by priority, and the Chinese Ambassador makes a joint statement on behalf of developing countries."
We should not favor one over the other!, "Human rights are not distinguished by priority, and the Chinese Ambassador makes a joint statement on behalf of developing countries."

On behalf of developing countries, the Chinese Ambassador made a joint statement calling for the importance of economic, social and cultural rights. On September 15th, Ambassador Chen Xu, the Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations Office at Geneva and other international organizations in Switzerland, made a joint statement on behalf of developing countries such as Egypt, South Africa, Bolivia, and Pakistan at the 54th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, calling for a balanced promotion of all human rights, including economic, social and cultural rights. The joint statement pointed out that human rights are not prioritized and should not be biased. All parties should engage in constructive dialogue and cooperation on the basis of equality and mutual respect, and balance the promotion of various human rights. The joint statement emphasized that current economic, social, and cultural rights have not received equal attention as civil and political rights, further exacerbating inequality. The joint statement calls for the United Nations to take solving problems as the starting point and correct them

"Hundreds of foreign intelligence personnel have been eliminated"
"Hundreds of foreign intelligence personnel have been eliminated"

According to a report by Russian media Newsru News on the 15th, the Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, Patrushchev, released an article stating that the Russian government has "eliminated" hundreds of foreign spies in recent years. Data image: Patrushchev, Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation. Patrushchev wrote in the Russian foreign intelligence agency's internal magazine "Spy" that the United States and Europe are spending a lot of money training young puppet leaders who will be used to organize coups and establish pro Western regimes. They are puppets of the West, receiving money and instructions from the Central Intelligence Agency, MI6, and other Western intelligence agencies. In recent years, hundreds of foreign intelligence agency employees and other intelligence and subversive personnel involved in organizations targeting Russia have been identified and eliminated. Former Russian high-ranking officials: The Russian government has "eliminated" several

Why has the death toll from wildfires in Hawaii, USA decreased? According to the expert's explanation, 115 people were revised to 97 people
Why has the death toll from wildfires in Hawaii, USA decreased? According to the expert's explanation, 115 people were revised to 97 people

Los Angeles, September 15th (Xinhua) - The director of the Maui County Police Department in Hawaii, Peltier, announced on September 15th that based on the latest results of DNA testing, the number of victims in the August wildfire on Maui Island in Hawaii has been revised from 115 to 97. Peltier said at a press conference held on the same day in Maui that the identities of 74 victims have been confirmed so far. The number of missing persons has also been revised to 31, a significant decrease from the 66 announced last week. Experts from Maui County and the US military explained at this press conference that many of the bodies of the victims have been shattered and they have had to spend a lot of time identifying them. One of the initial criteria for evaluating the number of victims was the number of transport bags, but the remains of the victims may be divided into different transport bags. Experts also say that some animal remains are mistakenly believed to be

To build 2000 container style convenience stores, make their debut in Beijing! Fast store opening speed
To build 2000 container style convenience stores, make their debut in Beijing! Fast store opening speed

With the acceleration of the construction of the 15 minute convenient living circle, more and more new convenient network points are opening at the doorstep. On September 16th, a containerized convenience store was unveiled in the Jinhuan community of Dahongmen. Residents can buy fresh vegetables without leaving the community. The store is also equipped with laundry services, maintenance services, lock and key services, as well as charging facilities, first aid kits, toolboxes, etc., bringing real convenience to residents. Early in the morning, the newly opened convenience store attracted many residents to come and experience. Unlike ordinary stores, the unique container style store looks like a large truck, with a green "front end" and a long "body". The store glass also has a prominent "no overnight vegetables, no overnight meat" label. "That's great, you don't have to leave the community to buy groceries anymore." Ms. Xie, a resident of Jinyuan Community, was very pleased and said

The "textbook" and chat examples of fraud gangs in northern Myanmar have been exposed! Set as a female white-collar worker in her thirties in Myanmar | Fraud | Example
The "textbook" and chat examples of fraud gangs in northern Myanmar have been exposed! Set as a female white-collar worker in her thirties in Myanmar | Fraud | Example

Recently, Voice of China interviewed Mr. Zhang, a Ph.D. from the Chinese Academy of Sciences who had been scammed into a scam park in Myanmar for over a year. Afterwards, Mr. Zhang provided two materials obtained from the Myanmar fraud gang to Voice of China, one for the so-called "learning of business expertise" and the other for "chat examples". The so-called "business professional knowledge" consists of 16 pages, which provide detailed requirements for hardware equipment understanding, personal image shaping, and other aspects. For example, in the field of personal image creation, fraudsters require victims to shape themselves into independent divorced women aged 32 to 40 and standing between 1.68 to 1.72 meters tall. In the "Chat Example", 21 chat screenshots specifically demonstrate how fraud gangs can use their portrayed identities to chat with middle-aged and elderly men, and then lead them into the trap of financial fraud. Mr. Zhang said that in order to

How to go on the road of domestication of imported fruits?, The price of Herm è s in the grape industry has plummeted
How to go on the road of domestication of imported fruits?, The price of Herm è s in the grape industry has plummeted

In recent days, topics such as "Sunshine Rose Grape Price Diving" and "Why Sunshine Rose is Getting Cheaper" have become hot topics on the search engine. The sunshine rose originated in Japan. Due to its low production and good sales, it was once known as the "Herm è s of the grape world". Many years ago, when it entered people's sight, it was sold at a maximum price of 300 yuan per kilogram, but now it is cheap to 10 yuan per kilogram. Not just sunshine roses. In recent years, consumers have been pleasantly surprised to find that imported fruits such as Chilean cherries, Australian mixed citrus, Tunisian soft seed pomegranates, and French prunes have gradually achieved localization. Even the "King of Fruits" durian, which was successfully planted in Hainan this summer, has been supplied to the market. After the localization of excellent foreign fruit varieties, the planting scale has rapidly increased, naturally leading to more affordable fruit prices. So, how did "foreign fruits" settle down in China? it

Decision to appoint Chen Jie as Vice Mayor, Report on the Fourth Meeting of the Standing Committee of the 16th Shanghai Municipal People's Congress | Situation | ShanghaiStrictly abide by the Party Constitution, Party rules, and Party discipline. The Party Group of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, the Party Group of the Municipal Government, and the Party Group of the Municipal Political Consultative Conference held separate meetings to firmly support the Central Committee's decision on the Party Central Committee | Politics | Party GroupCan Shanghai connect with the greenways of these cities? Official: Proposed Preparation of Greenway Construction Standards for the Yangtze River Delta | Standards | Yangtze River DeltaChen Jining, Gong Zheng, and colleagues from the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee exchanged their experiences and insights on thematic education research based on their respective experiences. Education | Municipal Party Committee | ThemeThe Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference awarded commemorative plaques to members and standing committee members of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference who are no longer re elected in ShanghaiPropose ideas and measures around releasing domestic demand, and the Chairman's Meeting of the Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference deliberates on key research reports and measures | ideas | research