The world

Fang Shouyi was "Double Opened" by the Civil Affairs Department | Discipline | Fang Shouyi
Fang Shouyi was "Double Opened" by the Civil Affairs Department | Discipline | Fang Shouyi

According to the Liaoning Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision: Recently, with the approval of the Liaoning Provincial Party Committee, the Liaoning Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision conducted a case review and investigation into the serious violations of discipline and law by the former Party Secretary and Director Shouyi of the Provincial Department of Civil Affairs. After investigation, Fang Shouyi lost his ideals and beliefs, abandoned his original mission, ignored the spirit of the central eight point regulations, and illegally received gifts; Violating organizational principles and seeking benefits for others in the selection and appointment of cadres; Using the convenience of one's position to seek benefits for others in business operations, job promotions, etc., and illegally accepting property. Fang Shouyi seriously violated the Party's organizational discipline and integrity discipline, constituted serious violations of his duties, and was suspected of accepting bribes. He also did not restrain himself or stop after the 18th National Congress of the Party, which was of a serious nature and had a negative impact, and should be dealt with seriously. According to the Regulations of the CPC on Disciplinary Actions, the People's Republic of China

Is a newborn left in the outpatient hall of a hospital in Heilongjiang? Official Notice of Treatment | Xu Moumou | Outpatient Clinic
Is a newborn left in the outpatient hall of a hospital in Heilongjiang? Official Notice of Treatment | Xu Moumou | Outpatient Clinic

At 8:10 am on June 8th, 25-year-old pregnant woman Xu, accompanied by her husband, went to Bayan County People's Hospital for treatment. When she arrived at the outpatient hall, she experienced abdominal pain symptoms. When her husband picked her up, the fetus was automatically delivered. The lobby staff found out and contacted the obstetrician and gynecologist. Subsequently, the obstetrician escorted the mother Xu to the obstetrics for treatment, and the emergency department nurse transferred the baby to the emergency room. After consultation, the baby was found to be premature. In order to receive more effective treatment, it was urgently escorted by County 120 ambulance to Harbin Children's Hospital for treatment. The mother, Xu, was hospitalized at the County People's Hospital. At present, mother and baby are safe. Bayan County Health Bureau June 9, 2023

Li Guicai was expelled from the party organization | work | expelled from the party
Li Guicai was expelled from the party organization | work | expelled from the party

According to the Liaoning Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, recently, with the approval of the Liaoning Provincial Party Committee, the Liaoning Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision conducted a case review and investigation into the serious violations of discipline and law by Li Guicai, the former deputy inspector of the Provincial Department of Land and Resources. After investigation, Li Guicai lost his ideals and beliefs, abandoned his original mission, was disloyal and dishonest to the Party, and opposed organizational censorship; Ignoring the spirit of the eight point regulations of the central government and giving gifts and cash to officials in violation of regulations; Violating organizational principles and engaging in favoritism, persuasion, and intervention in the selection and appointment of cadres; Unauthorized receipt of gifts, organization of public funded tourism, public funded food and drink, and use of public funds for gift giving; Failure to fulfill legal responsibilities in administrative law enforcement work; Engaging in inappropriate sexual relationships with others; Violation of the bottom line of discipline and law, taking advantage of their position to illegally occupy public property, seeking benefits for others in business operations, and illegally accepting huge amounts of property

She is also the spokesperson for the image of Chinese military academies! Recalling Military Academy Life: I cried the first time I ran 3000 meters, except for Liu Yang, the representative of the Military Academy and the spokesperson
She is also the spokesperson for the image of Chinese military academies! Recalling Military Academy Life: I cried the first time I ran 3000 meters, except for Liu Yang, the representative of the Military Academy and the spokesperson

She is the first aircraft carrier in China, a member of the Liaoning ship. A video of her shouting to military aircraft from the Liaoning ship has attracted much attention. In March of this year, she appeared in the representative channel as a representative of the National People's Congress. She is the "spokesperson for the image of Chinese military academies." Zhu Yuemeng, why did she choose to apply for military academies and how life has brought her growth? Please see her military school years. Click to watch the video ↓ "The opportunity is here! I signed up decisively". When mentioning her first encounter with military academies, Zhu Yuemeng admitted, "Before applying for naval academies, I didn't have a deep understanding of the navy, but when I was in high school, there were several TV dramas that were particularly popular, especially one called" Flag Academy ". My university went to enroll students in our high school, and the person in charge said, 'This is our first time recruiting female students.' I thought to myself, 'This is the opportunity, so I decided to sign up!'

The disciplinary commission of this province has reported violations of eating and drinking: a small number of cadres are still violating discipline despite the wind!, How to deal with 6 leading cadres | problems | food and drink
The disciplinary commission of this province has reported violations of eating and drinking: a small number of cadres are still violating discipline despite the wind!, How to deal with 6 leading cadres | problems | food and drink

In order to solidly promote the special education and rectification of six leading cadres who seriously violated the spirit of the eight point regulations of the central government, the Qinghai Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision has issued the "Ten Prohibitions" disciplinary requirements for party members and cadres to violate food and drink regulations throughout the province. Five supervision and reporting methods have been announced, and public security organs and market supervision departments have jointly carried out open investigations and secret investigations at the provincial, state, and county levels, accepting and disposing of a batch of problem clues. The following is a report on the illegal eating, drinking, and drunk driving issues investigated and dealt with after the mobilization and deployment of the special education campaign to promote reform through cases throughout the province: 1. Li Xing, the person in charge of the Safety Supervision Department of the Provincial Transportation Hospital, and others engaged in illegal eating and drinking. On May 19, 2023, the "Illegal Eating and Drinking Code Reporting" platform received reports that from the 12th to the 16th, Li Xing organized three illegal gatherings of colleagues and bosses in hotels, private restaurants, and other places. Li Xing is currently undergoing disciplinary action

Implementing dual standards both domestically and internationally?, Starbucks "Star Gift Card" Users | Management Fee | Star Gift Card
Implementing dual standards both domestically and internationally?, Starbucks "Star Gift Card" Users | Management Fee | Star Gift Card

Does Starbucks' Star Gift Card have a dual standard in terms of deferred management fees, both domestically and internationally? Previously, Pengpai News reported that Starbucks "Star Gift Card" charged users an extension management fee. After more than 300 cards expired, users were charged more than 3000 yuan in management fees. Users questioned the unreasonable deduction, which attracted widespread attention. The Starbucks China official website states that the card is valid for three years and management fees will be charged upon expiration; In the process of further investigation, a reporter from Pengpai News found that there is still a situation of differential treatment between domestic and international rules for the "Star Gift Card". In the terms of use of Star Gift Cards in multiple countries, the validity period of the card is not set, and no management fees are charged. In response to the differences between domestic and international sources, Pengpai News reporters have contacted Starbucks personnel multiple times, but as of the time of publication, no response has been received. According to the official website of Starbucks China, "Star Gift"

Promoting the Modernization of a Large Population Scale through High Quality Livelihood Construction | People | Population
Promoting the Modernization of a Large Population Scale through High Quality Livelihood Construction | People | Population

One important aspect is based on the higher standards and requirements of promoting modernization with a huge population size for people's livelihood construction, based on the practical foundation of China's outstanding achievements in people's livelihood construction since the new era, focusing on breaking the constraints of the current national conditions on high-quality people's livelihood construction, and promoting high-quality development of people's livelihood undertakings. The significance of high-quality livelihood construction in promoting modernization with a huge population is significant. High quality livelihood construction is a key goal in promoting modernization with a huge population. Realize people's desire for a better life

The Ideological Connotation and Practical Requirements of Common Prosperity | Social | Requirements for Common Prosperity
The Ideological Connotation and Practical Requirements of Common Prosperity | Social | Requirements for Common Prosperity

Realizing common prosperity is not only an important goal of socialist modernization, but also an ideal state set by Marxism for future society. Marx and Engels described the significant characteristics of future society that are different from previous societies as follows: "The development of social productive forces will be so rapid that even though production will be aimed at the prosperity of all people, the time that everyone can freely dispose of will still increase." Looking back at the relevant discourse of Marxist classic writers, understanding their theories and ideas on achieving common prosperity is beneficial for us to solidly promote common prosperity in the new era

Jin Guanping: Building a "Green Great Wall" for Sustainable Development | Ecology | Jin Guanping
Jin Guanping: Building a "Green Great Wall" for Sustainable Development | Ecology | Jin Guanping

Continuing to promote the construction of the "Three North" project is conducive to regional sustainable development and the sustainable development of the Chinese nation. Building this "Green Great Wall" will make new contributions to building a beautiful China. The fragile ecological environment and severe desertification are prominent characteristics of the "Three North" region. More than 40 years ago, the "Three North" project started simultaneously with the reform and opening up, which is an important landmark project in the construction of ecological civilization. It has achieved tremendous ecological, economic, and social benefits and achieved

Jointly Opening a New Chapter in China Hong Kong Friendship (Ambassador's Essay) Taiwan | Honduras | Ambassador
Jointly Opening a New Chapter in China Hong Kong Friendship (Ambassador's Essay) Taiwan | Honduras | Ambassador

This is the first state visit of the President of Honduras to China, which is of great significance in the history of the development of China Hong Kong relations. During the visit, the two heads of state will hold a historic meeting to jointly plan and lead the future development of China Hong Kong relations, pointing out the fundamental direction for deepening political mutual trust, promoting practical cooperation, and enhancing people's friendship between the two countries, injecting strong momentum. Honduras is located in the northern part of Central America, with a land area of 112500 square kilometers. It was once a glorious hinterland of the Mayan civilization in history. Honduras is rich in natural resources, with coffee, bananas, white shrimp, palm oil, and other yields ranking among the top in Latin American and Caribbean countries. On March 26th this year, China and Honduras signed a joint communiqu é establishing diplomatic relations

Chen Yanbin: Making New Breakthroughs in High Quality Economic Development Modernization | Supply | Economy
Chen Yanbin: Making New Breakthroughs in High Quality Economic Development Modernization | Supply | Economy

Without solid material and technological foundations, we cannot hope to build a great modern socialist country in all respects.The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China emphasizes that "high-quality development is the primary task of comprehensively building a socialist modernized country", which further points out the direction for future work. The next few years are a crucial period for the comprehensive construction of a socialist modernized country to begin. It is necessary to promote the construction of a new development pattern and make significant progress in building a modern economic system, promote the effective improvement of quality and reasonable growth of quantity in the economy, and make new breakthroughs in high-quality economic development. promote

Weekly Economic Observation: Breaking Down Hedges and Replacing Soil to Build a Unified Large Market Nationwide | Market | Economy
Weekly Economic Observation: Breaking Down Hedges and Replacing Soil to Build a Unified Large Market Nationwide | Market | Economy

Recently, the relevant person in charge of the National Development and Reform Commission stated that in order to build a unified national market, it is necessary to demolish the "fence" and replace the "soil" that breeds the "fence". We should be good at using reform ideas and methods, further improving relevant institutional mechanisms and supporting systems, and cultivating a "soil" conducive to the construction of a unified national market. This deployment is timely and necessary. Since the issuance and implementation of the "Opinions on Accelerating the Construction of a National Unified Market" by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council last year, with the joint efforts of all parties, the construction of a national unified market has achieved preliminary results, social consensus has been further strengthened, and the implementation path of key tasks has been further clarified. It has played a positive role in stabilizing development expectations, releasing market vitality, reducing transaction costs, and promoting smooth circulation. Demolition and Restriction of National Unification Cities

"China remains an important engine of global economic growth" Economic Development | China | Economy
"China remains an important engine of global economic growth" Economic Development | China | Economy

"Recently, multiple international institutions such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund have raised their expectations for China's economic growth this year, which fully demonstrates the international community's confidence in the prospects of China's economic development. Former World Bank economist Mwangji Vajira recently stated in an interview with our reporter that China's economy maintains stable growth rate, injecting more positive energy into the world's economic recovery.". On June 6th, the World Bank released its latest Global Economic Outlook report, which predicts that the Chinese economy will grow by 5.6% in 2023, an increase of 1.3 percentage points from the January forecast. Vajila analyzed that during this year's Spring Festival, the Chinese consumer market has ushered in a "good start", and the hot "Spring Festival economy" has raised expectations for the Chinese economy from all sectors, indicating that the overall operation of the Chinese economy is expected to rebound this year. With the middle

Japanese scholar: Nuclear contaminated water discharge plan has the lowest cost but poses far-reaching risks to the ocean | Plan | Water discharge
Japanese scholar: Nuclear contaminated water discharge plan has the lowest cost but poses far-reaching risks to the ocean | Plan | Water discharge

Recently, Tokyo Electric Power Company injected seawater into the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant's contaminated water discharge tunnel. According to Japanese media reports, excessive levels of radioactive elements have been found in fish in the harbor of the nuclear power plant. The Fukushima nuclear accident caused serious pollution in the coastal areas of northeastern Japan. However, the Japanese government did not seriously reflect and learn from the Fukushima nuclear accident. Instead, it decided to discharge the contaminated water from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant into the sea and repeatedly advocated for the so-called "safety" of the contaminated water. This has been continuously opposed by people from both domestic and international communities. People in multiple regions: Japan must stop polluting the ocean. The Fukushima coast has the world's strongest ocean currents, and according to predictions from marine research institutions, radioactive materials will spread to most parts of the Pacific Ocean within 57 days from the date of discharge

Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: China will continue to contribute to the recovery of the world economy and open up to the outside world | Economy | Spokesperson
Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: China will continue to contribute to the recovery of the world economy and open up to the outside world | Economy | Spokesperson

Beijing, June 8th (Xinhua) - Chinese economy will continue to play an engine role and contribute to the recovery of the world economy, said Wang Wenbin, spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on June 8th. Welcome more foreign-funded enterprises to invest and develop in China, deeply cultivate the Chinese market, and share the benefits of development. At the regular press conference that day, a reporter asked: The World Bank and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development have recently released the latest reports, raising their economic growth expectations for the world and major economies in 2023. The World Bank predicts that the Chinese economy will grow by 5.6% in 2023, while the OECD predicts that the Chinese economy will grow by 5.4% in 2023. Both mentioned that China's reopening has brought impetus to the development of the world economy. What is China's comment on this? Wang Wenbin said that in recent times, many international organizations and institutions, including the United Nations, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, etc

If the conflict refuses to take sides, European polls on China are vastly different from those in the United States! More people believe that China is a partner competitor | China | United States
If the conflict refuses to take sides, European polls on China are vastly different from those in the United States! More people believe that China is a partner competitor | China | United States

According to Time magazine, this coincides with French President Macron's statement in April this year that "Europe should not be involved in the Taiwan Strait dispute," despite criticism from some officials in the United States and the European Union at the time. The reality of European public opinion refusing to bind the US strategy towards China has left some media feeling frustrated. The US National Review has stated that "Europeans are not reliable allies, and the US has to..."

Ignoring public opinion and going against the current, asking three questions about the safety of Japan's nuclear contaminated water discharge into the sea | handling | public opinion
Ignoring public opinion and going against the current, asking three questions about the safety of Japan's nuclear contaminated water discharge into the sea | handling | public opinion

June 8th every year is World Oceans Day established by the United Nations. This year's theme is "Ocean Planet: Tidal Changes", aimed at informing the public about the impact of human activities on the ocean and promoting the collective protection of the ocean by all humanity. However, the Japanese government has gone against the trend, disregarding protests and dissatisfaction from the international community, and insists on forcefully promoting the Fukushima nuclear contaminated water discharge plan. Recently, Tokyo Electric Power Company injected seawater into the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant's contaminated water discharge tunnel, and the entire discharge project is scheduled to be completed by the end of this month. It is expected to gradually discharge contaminated water into the sea starting from July. So where is Japan's strong push for Fukushima nuclear contaminated water to be discharged into the sea wrong? What are the serious consequences it brings? Question 1: Is sea discharge the only option? Of course not, in fact, even Japan itself has proposed

"Theft and robbery have become an epidemic in the United States" (in-depth observation) report | 2022 National Retail Security Survey | United States
"Theft and robbery have become an epidemic in the United States" (in-depth observation) report | 2022 National Retail Security Survey | United States

Whole Foods Inc. recently closed a branch in downtown San Francisco. The company stated that frequent theft and robbery cases near the supermarket have led to a deterioration of street security, and the company has had to temporarily close this branch to ensure the safety of its employees. The large chain pharmacy in the United States, Walgreen, has recently closed several stores in San Francisco. Volgrim spokesperson Phil Caruso stated that organized theft and robbery crimes seriously affect the normal operations of major retailers in San Francisco. "In the past few months, our store in San Francisco has experienced a continuous increase in theft and robbery incidents, which is five times the national average level of chain stores. To address this issue, we have invested 46 times the national average level of chain stores in security costs for all branches in San Francisco."

The National Development and Reform Commission's disciplinary inspection "insider" has been named! As a postdoctoral researcher, he has a special feature: disciplinary inspection | National Development and Reform Commission
The National Development and Reform Commission's disciplinary inspection "insider" has been named! As a postdoctoral researcher, he has a special feature: disciplinary inspection | National Development and Reform Commission

The China Discipline Inspection and Supervision Daily reported today on a special "job training". This article focuses on the warning education meeting held on the afternoon of June 1st by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission's disciplinary inspection and supervision team stationed at the National Development and Reform Commission. More than 60 cadres from the disciplinary inspection and supervision team, as well as in-service cadres from the disciplinary commission stationed in the unit, attended the meeting. It is worth mentioning that at this warning education meeting, multiple disciplinary inspection cadres who violated laws and regulations were named, including Ma Zhongyu, former Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, and Deputy Director of the National Information Center, and Guo Gang, former second level researcher of the Discipline Inspection Department of the State Grain Reserve Bureau. The article states that some of these officials involved in the case have collapsed their ideals and beliefs, deteriorated politically, and directly disclosed the reported letters they handled to the informants; Yes

Mutual compatibility: The profound cultural heritage of combining the basic principles of Marxism with excellent traditional Chinese culture | China | Basic Principles
Mutual compatibility: The profound cultural heritage of combining the basic principles of Marxism with excellent traditional Chinese culture | China | Basic Principles

This is the systematic understanding we have gained in exploring the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and it is the greatest weapon for us to achieve success. The premise of "combination" is mutual agreement. Marxism and excellent traditional Chinese culture have different sources, but they have a high degree of compatibility with each other. Mutual compatibility is the key to organic integration. Looking at the long history of time and space, it can be found that the combination of the basic principles of Marxism with the excellent traditional Chinese culture has deeply influenced the evolution of modern Chinese thought and culture, and promoted various conflicting ideological trends of Marxism

【 Guangming Forum 】 Cultivating Digital New Energy for High Quality Development | Forum
【 Guangming Forum 】 Cultivating Digital New Energy for High Quality Development | Forum

【 Guangming Forum 】 Authors: Sun Chenshuo and Xu Xin. Recently, the 2023 China International Big Data Industry Expo was held in Guiyang, providing us with another window to observe the development of the digital economy. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the proposal of a series of forward-looking deployments such as the construction of new digital infrastructure, the deepening of digital transformation, and the integration of digital economy and real economy development are transforming the massive data resources contained in China's huge population and market, as well as the rich application scenarios brought by a complete industrial system, into a dividend of data elements. Compared with other major economies around the world, China's digital economy has formed favorable conditions in terms of the largest online consumer market, the largest industrial digital infrastructure scale, and the strongest digital infrastructure. Digital technology and digital economy are the pioneers of the world's technological revolution and industrial transformation

Guangming Forum: Strengthening Cultural Confidence and Devoting to Building Modern Chinese Civilization Marxism | Culture | The Chinese Nation
Guangming Forum: Strengthening Cultural Confidence and Devoting to Building Modern Chinese Civilization Marxism | Culture | The Chinese Nation

Strengthen cultural confidence and safeguard the foundation of modern Chinese civilization. The splendid and long-standing Chinese excellent traditional culture is the spiritual bloodline of the Chinese nation and the fundamental preservation of modern Chinese civilization. Originating from ancient songs, dances, and sacrificial ceremonies, originating from the Book of Changes in the Xia, Shang, and Zhou dynasties, and laying a foundation

Guangming Review: A Strong Country in Technological Innovation with Me Beijing Yuying School | Innovation | Science and Technology
Guangming Review: A Strong Country in Technological Innovation with Me Beijing Yuying School | Innovation | Science and Technology

In the classroom, teachers and students told the General Secretary that they were using their knowledge of linear motion, curved motion, oblique motion, etc. to design and build roller coaster models using building blocks for verification.I hope that students can establish the ambition of "technological innovation and building a strong country with me" from a young age, and bravely become small scientists in the present and strive to become big scientists in the future, contributing to the realization of China's high-level technological self-reliance and self-improvement. Studying hard is the primary task of students and a necessary path for their growth and success. Creativity and innovative consciousness all come from diligent learning. Technology is the foundation of national strength, and innovation is

Establishing a new trend in wedding customs (observed by commentators) and curbing high priced dowry families | dowry | new trends
Establishing a new trend in wedding customs (observed by commentators) and curbing high priced dowry families | dowry | new trends

To curb high priced dowries and promote the transformation of customs is a blessing for a beautiful marriage and a guardian of social civilization. In Yanhu District, Yuncheng City, Shanxi Province, the dowry quota has been written into village regulations and publicly displayed on the wall; In Yuncheng County, Shandong Province, the New Era Civilization Practice Collective Wedding advocates "low dowry and zero dowry", capturing the romantic moments of the wedding in a civilized and simple way; In Feixiang District, Handan City, Hebei Province, family members who have been awarded the title of "Good Family for Changing Customs and Customs" can receive various preferential policies such as free medical examinations... Changing customs and reducing burdens for love, various regions will work together to guide people to actively embrace new marriage customs and start a happy life. Animal wine competes in the autumn society, and the flute and drum welcome the newlywed. Since ancient times, weddings have carried people's hopes for a better marriage and family. The newlyweds enter into a white head agreement through various ceremonial rituals such as accepting gifts, inviting dates, and welcoming each other, arousing their love for marriage and family

"Industrial rice" also needs intelligent manufacturing (micro). Industry | Enterprises | Manufacturing
"Industrial rice" also needs intelligent manufacturing (micro). Industry | Enterprises | Manufacturing

The industrial Internet, supported by digital technology, has promoted the efficient flow of production factors such as data, provided more support for enterprises to carry out product innovation, business model innovation and technological innovation. Conforming to the general trend of economic and social digital transformation, and promoting traditional industry enterprises to carry out digital transformation in a scientific and efficient manner, it is an indispensable industrial necessity, although it is not an eye-catching screw to stimulate the vitality of business entities, shape new competitive advantages, and achieve high-quality development. From everyday watches and phones to speeding cars, high-speed trains, and spacecraft traveling in space, its presence is everywhere. Screws, also known as fasteners, are one of the most basic and versatile mechanical components widely used in industries such as engineering and construction, automotive manufacturing, energy machinery, aerospace, and others. They are known as "industrial rice". me

Strive to become an expert in your job (People's Forum) Era | Skills | Forum
Strive to become an expert in your job (People's Forum) Era | Skills | Forum

To work hard and start a business, one must have both strong political skills and strong abilities.In an unprecedented era of change, if one's knowledge is insufficient, vision is not broad, and ability is not strong, it will delay things; For personal growth and progress, it is difficult to achieve success without a diamond or a few brushes, if one's moral character is not in line with one's position and their abilities are mediocre.

Jiangsu Official Announcement: 19 people appointed as the Dean of New Vocational College | Jiangsu | Official Announcement
Jiangsu Official Announcement: 19 people appointed as the Dean of New Vocational College | Jiangsu | Official Announcement

People's governments of various cities and counties, provincial committees, bureaus, and directly affiliated units: After careful consideration, it has been decided to appoint Liu Shihu as the Director of the Provincial Government Research Office; Appoint Chen Honghong as the Director of the Provincial Medical Security Bureau; Appoint Lu Feng as the Deputy Director of the Provincial Radio and Television Station and the General Manager of the Provincial Radio and Television Group Co., Ltd., and dismiss him from his positions as Chairman and Editor in Chief of Jiangsu Zhongjiang Network Media Co., Ltd; Appoint Zhou Dongliang as the Chairman of the Provincial Performing Arts Group Co., Ltd; Appoint Huang Jin as the Dean of Jiangsu Police Academy with a probationary period of one year; Appoint Xing Weihong as the President of Jiangsu University, with a probationary period of one year, and dismiss him from the position of Vice President of Nanjing University of Technology; Appoint Yang Yumin as the President of Nantong University with a probationary period of one year; Appoint Yang Xinzhong as the Deputy Secretary General of the Provincial Government; Appoint Wang Yuhua as the Deputy Director of the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and dismiss him from the position of Provincial Ecological Environment

What are the commercial tricks behind the "Street Photography Holy Land"?, Hangzhou Hubin, Beijing Sanlitun, Chengdu Taikoo Li Units | Street Photography | Holy Land
What are the commercial tricks behind the "Street Photography Holy Land"?, Hangzhou Hubin, Beijing Sanlitun, Chengdu Taikoo Li Units | Street Photography | Holy Land

Yesterday, the woman involved in the Taikoo Li street shooting incident in Chengdu was suspended from work and topped the hot search list. The Propaganda Department of China Petroleum Beijing Project Management Company responded to media reports that both parties involved have been suspended from work and are under investigation by the Commission for Discipline Inspection. The company's leadership is currently holding a meeting to discuss the matter. The company's disciplinary commission has intervened in this matter and the incident is currently under investigation. Taikoo Li urgently signs and prohibits street photography? Yesterday, a picture was widely circulated online, with multiple signboards erected in Taikoo Li, displaying: "We do not support any photography that infringes on consumer portrait rights and affects consumer shopping experience; we do not allow any commercial photography without our company's permission..." A blogger posted, "After the Hu Yong incident escalated nationwide yesterday, this yellow signboard was immediately erected today!" Earlier, Taikoo Li had a notification board for relevant photography reminders. After verification by reporters, the picture of the signboard was taken on 2

Crack the "Heavenly Book"! All the foxtail millet in the world comes from wild Chinese species | foxtail millet | Tianshu
Crack the "Heavenly Book"! All the foxtail millet in the world comes from wild Chinese species | foxtail millet | Tianshu

On the 8th, a study by the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences was published in the journal Nature Genetics. The results of the Crop Science Research Institute of the institute have cracked the "Heavenly Book" of high-quality genome maps of foxtail millet, confirming that foxtail millet from all over the world comes from China. "We conducted an in-depth analysis of 1844 core germplasm resources of foxtail millet and its wild species, the green dog tail grass, and discovered 1084 important trait related loci and genes, and drew the first high-quality map genome of foxtail millet." Diao Xianmin, the corresponding author of the paper and researcher at the Crop Science Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, told Science and Technology Daily reporters that based on high coverage depth sequencing, the population structure, classification, and evolutionary relationship of foxtail millet wild species, agricultural varieties, and modern cultivated varieties were clarified, elucidating the origin of foxtail millet and the process of domestication and improvement; These population genetic evidence clearly indicate the origin of foxtail millet, that is, the whole world

On the same day, two employees of China Railway Qinghai Tibet Group Co., Ltd. announced that they were being investigated as senior engineers and assistant engineers
On the same day, two employees of China Railway Qinghai Tibet Group Co., Ltd. announced that they were being investigated as senior engineers and assistant engineers

On June 8th, according to the website of the Qinghai Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, Li Zhenfeng, former assistant engineer of the Geku Railway Construction Command of China Railway Qinghai Tibet Group Co., Ltd., is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law. He is currently undergoing disciplinary review by the Discipline Inspection Commission of China Railway Qinghai Tibet Group Co., Ltd. and investigation by the Huangnan Prefecture Supervision Commission. On the same day, the website of the Qinghai Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision announced that Yang Zhidong, former deputy commander and senior engineer of the Xining Station Reconstruction Project Construction Command of China Railway Qinghai Tibet Group Co., Ltd., was also under investigation. He is currently undergoing disciplinary review by the Discipline Inspection Commission of China Railway Qinghai Tibet Group Co., Ltd. and investigation by the Huangnan Prefecture Supervision Commission due to suspected serious violations of discipline and law. Resume of Li Zhenfeng: Li Zhenfeng, male, Han ethnicity, born in February 1968 in Gaoling, Shaanxi, with a college degree. He started working in April 1988 and joined in June 2003