The world

Did a passenger jump into the track at the Tengzhou high-speed railway station in Shandong? Webmaster Service Hotline: Under investigation
Did a passenger jump into the track at the Tengzhou high-speed railway station in Shandong? Webmaster Service Hotline: Under investigation

On September 4th, a netizen posted a video claiming that a passenger jumped into the track inside the Tengzhou high-speed railway station in Shandong. The local police said they received a report and were to be handled by the railway police. The hotline staff of Tengzhou East Station Station Manager told reporters that an investigation is currently underway. A video posted by netizens shows that a man jumped into the track from the platform at the Tengzhou high-speed railway station when a high-speed train was approaching, with train number CRH308B-5831. Another video shows that there may be clothing underneath the same numbered train. A staff member from the Dongshahe Police Station next to the Tengzhou High speed Railway Station explained that at around 9 am, they received a report from the public that someone had committed suicide inside the station. However, the station was not under the jurisdiction of the local police station. After understanding the location, they transferred the alarm to the local police station. According to media reports, high-speed rail station staff claimed that the person who jumped the track was a passenger

Buy a million hand grenades? All the preparations of the Democratic Progressive Party are explaining one thing
Buy a million hand grenades? All the preparations of the Democratic Progressive Party are explaining one thing

According to Taiwanese media reports, due to the tense situation between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait, the Taiwanese military has commissioned the Chinese Academy of Sciences to produce 240000 Mk2 hand grenades domestically. The Taiwanese army will also spend 1.296 billion yuan from next year to 2026 to purchase M67 hand grenades from the United States, with an estimated acquisition of over 700000. The Taiwanese military will have nearly one million hand grenades by then. In addition, the DPP authorities will allocate nearly 4.9 billion yuan next year to purchase 14 sets of US made volcanic mine laying systems.

Local people: I can't finish picking up all the seafood. Picking up seafood in burlap bags, many beaches in Guangdong are experiencing low tide
Local people: I can't finish picking up all the seafood. Picking up seafood in burlap bags, many beaches in Guangdong are experiencing low tide

According to Guangdong TV's Electric Shock News on September 4th, Typhoon "Sula" made landfall in Zhuhai, Guangdong in the early hours of the 2nd, and its strength gradually weakened thereafter. Many beaches in Shantou, Shanwei, and other places are experiencing low tide, with seafood everywhere, including oysters, clams, snails... Some local residents are picking them up with burlap bags and buckets, shouting: they can't finish picking them up, they can't even finish them. According to a report from CCTV Finance, oysters, mussels and other seafood can be seen on the beaches of Shantou, forming tens of meters long seafood beaches. Many citizens come to pick them up after learning about them. Some citizens believe that these oysters grow naturally, but naturally grown oysters will firmly adhere to the reef. These oysters blown onto the beach are more likely to be artificially raised. It should be noted that seafood brought ashore by typhoons must be observed for freshness before consumption to ensure that it has not deteriorated or been contaminated before consumption

How to build an atomic bomb at home? Netizen: Can I see this with a monthly salary of 3500
How to build an atomic bomb at home? Netizen: Can I see this with a monthly salary of 3500

Dai Shuxi, a doctor of science of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and professor of the School of Physics and Electronics of Henan University, began to popularize his knowledge of science physics in Tiktok three years ago, and became a @ loving and true teacher Dai. His videos are always filled with "hardcore" content, discussing quantum mechanics, chip manufacturing, black holes, and so on. In order to break down seemingly difficult physics knowledge, he introduced it in the fun form of "how to make an atomic bomb", igniting the interest of netizens and providing in-depth explanations. At present, he has released over 300 videos and conducted multiple live broadcasts, receiving 1.51 million fans and 6.87 million likes. Recently, Tiktok held the "Open Class" conference, announcing the latest progress of the platform knowledge content and future support plans. It is reported that 93.2% of the double first-class universities have settled in Tiktok. In the past year, Tiktok has watched more than 1 billion live classes in colleges and universities

Sichuan freshmen report to Tongji and take the high-speed rail for free! And there are also three free meals a day
Sichuan freshmen report to Tongji and take the high-speed rail for free! And there are also three free meals a day

This year, Tongji University will provide free admission for 2023 Sichuan students. This is the "Tongji University First Button" high-speed rail student special train event organized by the Tongji University Sichuan Alumni Association in collaboration with the Tongji University Sichuan Enrollment Group, China Railway Chengdu Group Co., Ltd. On the evening of September 1st, 393 2023 Sichuan students and their parents will take the high-speed rail G3286 special train to reach Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station. The high-speed rail ticket fees for new students will be completely waived, and parents will also have free meals of three meals a day, including hometown cuisine and Shanghai cuisine. Tongji teachers and Sichuan volunteers will accompany them on this nearly 12 hour journey. The school has carefully designed a rich and diverse range of activities. Shi Qian, Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Economics and Management

The local health commission responded that a citizen in Wuhan died two days after taking traditional Chinese medicine
The local health commission responded that a citizen in Wuhan died two days after taking traditional Chinese medicine

On September 2nd, Ms. Wang, a resident of Wuhan, posted that "my mother passed away suddenly after taking traditional Chinese medicine from Wuhan Yekai Thai Medical Center for 40 hours. During the medication period, she repeatedly reported discomfort, which the doctor said was a normal phenomenon." Ms. Wang told Top News reporters that after her mother's death, the medical center did not actively contact her family members or express any condolences. On the 4th, a top news reporter called the Jianghan District Health Commission in Wuhan, and a staff member said, "The Health Commission has received a complaint and will conduct an investigation according to relevant procedures." Two days after taking traditional Chinese medicine, a citizen of Wuhan suddenly passed away. Ms. Wang said that her mother suspected an esophageal lump at Wuhan Union Medical College Hospital in early August and chose conservative treatment due to concerns about surgery. After seeing the Oncology Department and Difficulty and Miscellaneous Diseases Department at Yekai Thai Medical Center, I went to the outpatient department to register for medical treatment.

Three departments jointly deploy the Action Plan to Prevent Poverty and Employment
Three departments jointly deploy the Action Plan to Prevent Poverty and Employment

Recently, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the National Development and Reform Commission, and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs issued a notice to deploy actions to prevent the return to poverty and employment, further do a good job in providing employment assistance to the poverty-stricken population, make every effort to stabilize the scale and income of the poverty-stricken population's work, and firmly guard against the bottom line of large-scale return to poverty caused by unemployment. The action has identified seven key tasks. One is to expand and improve the mechanism for labor cooperation and docking. Establish an inter regional labor cooperation alliance, cultivate and promote a number of labor service brands, and strengthen the "seasonal" organized labor export. The second is to vigorously support the healthy development of employment assistance workshops. According to the principles of "upgrading one batch", "supporting one batch", "building one batch", and "adjusting one batch", we will classify and support the development of employment assistance workshops, and explore and promote models such as "enterprise+" and "consortium+". The third is to dig with all one's might

Key areas of benefits are frequently explained, and the Service Trade Fair highlights the "strong attraction" of the Chinese market
Key areas of benefits are frequently explained, and the Service Trade Fair highlights the "strong attraction" of the Chinese market

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, September 4th - The Economic Reference Daily published an article on September 4th titled "Key areas of positive news frequently explain the strong attraction of the Chinese market in the Service Trade Fair.". The article states that the 2023 China International Fair for Trade in Services is currently taking place in Beijing. With the theme of "Open Leading Development, Cooperation and Win Win Future", this year's China International Fair for Trade in Services has attracted more than 80 countries and international organizations to hold exhibitions, more than 2400 enterprises to participate offline, and over 500 Fortune Global 500 and industry leading enterprises to gather... The numbers show the international cooperation platform effect of the Fair, as well as the huge attraction of the Chinese market. At the same time, the benefits of expanding the opening up of service areas such as telecommunications, tourism, law, and vocational exams to the outside world, and orderly promoting the process of cross-border service trade opening up are still being continuously released. Accept Economic

Pragmatic cooperation between China and Africa brings new opportunities (international discourse)
Pragmatic cooperation between China and Africa brings new opportunities (international discourse)

Recently, experts from Africa attended a training course on desertification control in Xinjiang, China. The picture shows Chinese technicians introducing desert plants to African students at the Botanical Garden in the hinterland of the Taklamakan Desert. Recently, China Africa cooperation has steadily advanced and reached a new level. Recently, during the 15th meeting of BRICS leaders, a dialogue meeting between China and Africa was held. After the meeting, the Chinese side released three measures: the "Support for African Industrialization Initiative", the "China Assistance for African Agricultural Modernization Plan", and the "China Africa Talent Training Cooperation Plan". The promotion of pragmatic cooperation and upgrading between China and Africa has attracted attention from foreign media. Foreign media have commented that China Africa cooperation brings tangible and lasting benefits to both sides, and will also inject new momentum into global development. A reliable and sincere friend noticed on the website of Venezuela's Southern Television Station,

Worldview | Chain reaction triggered by a bizarre theft case
Worldview | Chain reaction triggered by a bizarre theft case

The British Museum never expected that a large number of cultural relics would be lost in its own museum, but it would trigger a chain reaction worldwide. And even today, the intensity is constantly escalating. Greece calls on the British Museum to return the marble statue of the Parthenon Temple; Nigeria demands that the British Museum return Benin's bronze artifacts; On Chinese social media, "Please Return Chinese Cultural Relics to the British Museum for Free" has become the top trending topic. Short dramas shot by self media bloggers have garnered millions of views since their release. Wave after wave of loud protests swept from all over the world, rushing towards the British Museum, which has long regarded itself as the "world art palace"... Recent content of "World View">>Revealing Secrets! What is the 70 billion yen big public relations defense against?> Click to view Sad Pacific: Japan's first seven days of sewage discharge into the sea>>Click to check

The 2023 China International Fair for Trade in Services: China's insistence on promoting high-level opening up to the outside world has far-reaching impacts
The 2023 China International Fair for Trade in Services: China's insistence on promoting high-level opening up to the outside world has far-reaching impacts

The Global Service Trade Summit of the 2023 China International Fair for Trade in Services was held on September 2 at the National Convention Center in Beijing.

Blue Hall Observation | Asian Games Vitality! Huiying China's High Quality Economic Development Strength
Blue Hall Observation | Asian Games Vitality! Huiying China's High Quality Economic Development Strength

The 19th Asian Games will be held from September 23 to October 8 in Hangzhou, the capital of Zhejiang Province, and five surrounding cities. As the highest sports competition platform in Asia and an international platform for peace and cultural exchanges, the Hangzhou Asian Games will soon welcome more than 12000 athletes, nearly 5000 technical officials, and tens of thousands of journalists. What are the highlights of the upcoming 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou, which have not been seen for 5 years and have gone through the test of the delayed epidemic? What kind of new scenery are there inside and outside the stadium? Recently, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs invited envoys and diplomats from more than ten Asian countries, including Thailand, East Timor, Nepal, and Kuwait, to visit Hangzhou, Shaoxing, Huzhou, Jiaxing Wuzhen, and other places to inspect the preparations for the Asian Games and the development of Zhejiang's digital economy, and experience the new cultural atmosphere of Jiangnan water towns. In Zhejiang

"I really like this gift from China"
"I really like this gift from China"

Not long ago, the "Bridge of Friendship between China and Laos" football stadium, led by CRRC Dalian Company, was unveiled at Zongpei Middle School in Vientiane, the capital of Laos. The children set foot on a professional and safe football field for the first time, enjoying the joy of playing football to the fullest. Zongpei Middle School is located in Xishadana County, Vientiane, and currently has 13 teachers and 279 students. As a public school, Zongpei Middle School relies mainly on government financial support. Principal Song Shawan Duan Nupeng said, "The children have always longed to play football on the lawn. Chinese friends have brought not only material help but also spiritual encouragement to the children." "Di..." As soon as the whistle sounded, the children couldn't wait to start playing on the green field. After receiving a beautiful curved pass from his teammate, fourth grade junior high school student Salesay Pisanuon inserted into the penalty area and lifted his foot to shoot,

German scholars are discussing "Chinese keywords", from "mutual learning and mutual learning" to "harmony but difference" cooperation | Keywords | Scholars
German scholars are discussing "Chinese keywords", from "mutual learning and mutual learning" to "harmony but difference" cooperation | Keywords | Scholars

Frankfurt, September 3 (Xinhua) - The "Chinese Keywords" Knowledge Sharing and Exchange Conference was held in Frankfurt, Germany on September 1. Participants jointly discussed Chinese keywords such as "mutual learning and learning" and "seeking common ground while reserving differences", calling on China and Germany to continue to strengthen cultural exchanges and jointly respond to global challenges through cooperation in multiple fields. According to the Institute of Contemporary China and the World Studies, the organizer of this exchange conference, based on the German reference book "Chinese Keywords: Civilization Concepts", German experts and scholars present conducted in-depth discussions on the theme of "Sino German dialogue and mutual learning of civilizations". Ashim Mitag, director of the Department of Sinology at the University of T ü bingen in Germany and sinologist, stated that the book "Chinese Keywords: Civilization Concepts" selects 80 keywords, which are divided into four parts: cultivation, people-oriented, good governance, and communication, roughly corresponding to the concept of "self-cultivation" in Chinese Confucian culture

He Justification | The United States used depleted uranium bombs to fuel the Russia-Ukraine conflict by unscrupulous means for its own self-interest
He Justification | The United States used depleted uranium bombs to fuel the Russia-Ukraine conflict by unscrupulous means for its own self-interest

The US State Department recently announced a new batch of military aid worth $250 million to Ukraine, including the highly hazardous depleted uranium bomb. This is tantamount to fuelling the Russia-Ukraine conflict and should arouse the vigilance of all parties concerned. Firstly, the delivery of such "toxic bombs" by the United States to Ukraine is likely to lead to reciprocal actions by Russia, making the situation even more severe. In March of this year, the UK Ministry of Defense confirmed that the Challenger 2 main battle tank supplied by the UK to Ukraine contained depleted uranium ammunition. In response, Russia announced the deployment of tactical nuclear weapons within Belarus. Secondly, the long-term harm of depleted uranium bombs to the environment cannot be ignored. Depleted uranium is a byproduct of the nuclear enrichment process used to manufacture nuclear fuel or weapons. Although its radiation levels are relatively low, if used in large quantities in the short term, it will still cause

The deadly fire in Hawaii has been raging for nearly a month. The affected population criticized the lack of US government aid for the fire | Federal | Government
The deadly fire in Hawaii has been raging for nearly a month. The affected population criticized the lack of US government aid for the fire | Federal | Government

On September 4th, according to the Guardian and USA Today, nearly a month after a deadly fire broke out on Maui Island in Hawaii, the struggling victims criticized the federal government for insufficient aid, making it difficult for them to continue living there. Foreign media reported that residents of Maui Island are working hard to find long-term housing and maintain their business, and they have found that the federal government's response to the fire has been scattered and insufficient so far. Shortly after the disaster, Panido, a resident of La Haina town on Maui Island, told the media that "we don't feel a lot of help from the outside world or the government.". On the contrary, local businesses and community groups are working hard to cope with this disaster. After the fire, the Federal Emergency Management Agency in the United States

Mirror View of the Service Trade Fair | Looking at the Technological Highlights at the Service Trade Fair
Mirror View of the Service Trade Fair | Looking at the Technological Highlights at the Service Trade Fair

This is a digital character shot on September 2nd at the National Convention Center. The 2023 China International Trade in Services Fair was held in Beijing from September 2nd to September 6th, with numerous technological products showcasing in the exhibition area, attracting visitors to stop and visit. This is a 3D digital human live streaming solution filmed on September 3rd at Shougang Park. On September 3rd, a visitor experienced a tour of Dunhuang based on AR/VR special effects at the China Mobile booth in Shougang Park, immersing themselves in the charm of Dunhuang murals. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Xin: On September 3rd, children had a simulated earthquake experience in Shougang Park. Photo by Zhang Yuwei, Xinhua News Agency: On September 3rd, visitors lined up at the exhibition booth of Beijing Anding Hospital in Shougang Park to experience the AI depression assessment system

Taiwan Affairs Office: The 5th Cross Strait Zhongshan Forum will be held in Zhongshan, Guangdong in early September
Taiwan Affairs Office: The 5th Cross Strait Zhongshan Forum will be held in Zhongshan, Guangdong in early September

Spokesperson of the Taiwan Affairs Office, Chen Binhua, stated on September 4th that the 5th Cross Strait Zhongshan Forum will be held in Zhongshan, Guangdong from September 7th to 9th. The theme of this forum is "Promoting the Struggle Spirit of Mr. Zhongshan and Jointly Seeking the Great Revival of the Chinese Nation". The event content presents a "1+3+5" section, which means that on September 7th, an opening ceremony will be held simultaneously online and offline on both sides of the Taiwan Strait; On September 8, three sub forum activities were held simultaneously in Guangzhou, Zhongshan and Macao, including "Sun Yat sen's Outlook on Development and Chinese path to modernization", "Deepening Cross Strait Economic and Trade Cooperation and Seeking High Quality Development", and "Promoting Mr. Sun Yat sen's Patriotic Thought and Inheriting Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture"; During the forum, the launch ceremony of the "Zhongshan Tour" and the "Taiwan High level Talent Introduction and Technology Achievement Transformation Platform in the Greater Bay Area" will be held for the high-quality development of Taiwan's investment, as well as the "Hundred Year Plan"

Ukraine and France reach an important agreement!
Ukraine and France reach an important agreement!

On the 3rd local time, Ukrainian President Zelensky stated that he had reached an important agreement with French President Macron on how to train Ukrainian pilots in France. On the other hand, the Vice Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, Medvedev, stated on the 3rd that starting from January 1, 2023, approximately 280000 people will join the Russian armed forces in the form of signed contracts. Zelensky stated on the 3rd that he discussed topics such as defense and food exports during his phone conversation with Macron. He has reached an important agreement with Macron on how to train Ukrainian pilots in France. But Zelensky did not disclose the specific content of the agreement. According to Reuters, Zelensky countered Western officials' claims on the 2nd that the progress of Ukraine's counterattack was too slow, stating that the Ukrainian army was moving forward. The Ukrainian army has launched nearly three counterattacks

Zhou Liyun was "double opened"
Zhou Liyun was "double opened"

According to the Beijing Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, with the approval of the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Beijing Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision has launched a case review and investigation into the serious violations of discipline and law by Zhou Liyun, former director of the Education, Culture, Health and Sports Committee of the Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. After investigation, Zhou Liyun lost his ideals and beliefs and engaged in superstitious activities; Accepting gifts and cash that may affect the fair performance of official duties; Not reporting personal matters truthfully; Obtaining large returns through private lending; Taking advantage of one's position to seek benefits for others and illegally accepting huge amounts of property from others. Zhou Liyun seriously violated the political discipline of the Party, the spirit of the Central Eight point Regulations, organizational discipline, and integrity discipline, constituted serious violations of his duties, and was suspected of accepting bribes. He also did not restrain himself or stop after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, with a serious nature and a bad impact, and should be dealt with seriously. According to the Regulations of the CPC on Disciplinary Actions

The President greets at the pier, and the Chinese Navy's "Ark of Peace" arrives in East Timor
The President greets at the pier, and the Chinese Navy's "Ark of Peace" arrives in East Timor

On September 3, local time, the Navy's "Ark of Peace" hospital ship arrived in East Timor, marking the fourth visit of a Chinese Navy ship to the country. The "Ark of Peace" arrived in East Timor to provide humanitarian medical services. On September 3, local time, the Navy's "Ark of Peace" hospital ship, which was carrying out the "Harmony Mission-2023" mission, arrived at the last stop of the mission after eight consecutive days of navigation. The Port of Dili in East Timor began its 7-day visit to East Timor and humanitarian medical services. This is also the fourth visit of a Chinese Navy ship to this country. On the same day, the East Timor government held a grand welcome ceremony at the pier, and President Jose Ramos Horta personally attended the ceremony and delivered a speech. The dance team wore ethnic costumes, sang and danced, and the Chinese overseas Chinese danced. Performed a dance

Former Ukrainian Defense Minister Discloses Important Information, Received $100 Billion in Weapons! On the day of being replaced
Former Ukrainian Defense Minister Discloses Important Information, Received $100 Billion in Weapons! On the day of being replaced

According to a report on the Russian television website on September 3rd, Ukrainian Defense Minister Aleksy Leznikov, who was just announced to be replaced by President Zelensky on the 3rd, stated in a recent interview that since Russia launched a special military operation in February last year, Western supporters of Ukraine have provided weapons worth at least $100 billion to Kiev, with the United States providing over $50 billion in weapons. At the same time, he defended the "effectiveness" of the procurement work of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense. According to the report, in an interview published by the Ukrainian state news agency on the 3rd, Leznikov disclosed the estimated total value of this aid. On the same day that this report was released, Ukrainian President Zelensky announced that he would replace Leznikov because the Ministry of Defense needed "new methods and forms of cooperation with the military and the entire organization."

The verdict will be announced at a later date, and the trial of the "Boai Special School Principal's alleged rape case" in Suixian County, Hubei Province will end. The defendant | Liu Aiye | Principal
The verdict will be announced at a later date, and the trial of the "Boai Special School Principal's alleged rape case" in Suixian County, Hubei Province will end. The defendant | Liu Aiye | Principal

On the morning of September 4th, Liu Aiye, the principal of Boai Special School in Suixian County, Suizhou City, Hubei Province, was charged with rape and the case was heard in Suixian County Court. According to a court subpoena provided by Chen Jun, the cousin of the victim student Chen Sisi, the cause of this hearing is rape. At around 12:00 on the 4th, after about three hours of trial, Chen Jun told the reporter from Pengpai News that the court announced an adjournment and will announce a verdict at a later date. Chen Jun said that the family learned from court staff that the trial was due to the discovery of omissions and the addition of rape charges. Previously, Liu Aiye was sentenced for the crime of forced indecency. The criminal judgment issued by the Suixian County Court in December 2022 shows that the defendant Liu Aiye is the former principal of Boai Special Education School in Suixian County. After trial, it was found that the defendant Liu Aiye opened a disability clinic in Group 4, Xujiazui Village, Anju Town, Suixian County in September 2010

Fujian, Xiamen, Jinjiang and other places have suspended classes, urgent notice! "Sea anemone" approaching
Fujian, Xiamen, Jinjiang and other places have suspended classes, urgent notice! "Sea anemone" approaching

Due to the impact of the typhoon, classes have been suspended in many places in Fujian ↓ Xiamen just now! The Education Bureau of Xiamen City has issued an emergency notice regarding the suspension of classes. Education bureaus of all districts, universities and directly affiliated schools in Xiamen have been affected by Typhoon No. 11 of this year, and with the approval of the Municipal Flood Control and Drought Relief Command, from 5:00 pm on September 4th to September 5th, all primary and secondary schools, vocational schools, and kindergartens in the city will be suspended. All types of extracurricular training institutions and childcare institutions will cease their activities, and universities in Xiamen will follow suit. Please urge the education bureaus and schools in each district to strengthen their main responsibility for flood and typhoon prevention, comprehensively investigate and rectify campus safety hazards, fully implement various safety prevention measures, comprehensively strengthen the safety management and service guarantee of teachers and students on campus, and ensure the safety of all teachers, students, and staff. Xiamen Education Bureau September 4, 2023 Quanzhou Jin

Former Deputy Minister of the United Front Work Department of the Central Committee, Cui Maohu, has been decided to be arrested
Former Deputy Minister of the United Front Work Department of the Central Committee, Cui Maohu, has been decided to be arrested

According to the Supreme People's Procuratorate on the 4th, the case of Cui Maohu, former deputy minister of the Central United Front Work Department and former director of the State Administration of Religious Affairs, suspected of accepting bribes has been investigated and concluded by the National Supervisory Commission, and transferred to the procuratorial organs for review and prosecution. Recently, the Supreme People's Procuratorate made an arrest decision against Cui Maohu on suspicion of bribery in accordance with the law. The case is being further processed. Cui Maohu was born in December 1965 in Xuanwei, Yunnan. He previously served as the Director of the Yunnan Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security and the Secretary of the Lijiang Municipal Party Committee. In May 2021, he was appointed as the Deputy Governor, and in November of the same year, he became a member of the Standing Committee and Secretary General of the Provincial Party Committee. In 2022, Cui Maohu was appointed as the Deputy Minister of the United Front Work Department of the Central Committee and the Director of the State Administration of Religious Affairs. It was investigated in March this year and opened on August 30th. The notice shows that Cui Maohu has lost his ideals and beliefs, abandoned his original aspiration and mission, lacked political consciousness, and implemented the decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee

The anti-corruption campaign never stops at the beginning of the school year! In the new semester, these university leaders will no longer be able to step onto the podium
The anti-corruption campaign never stops at the beginning of the school year! In the new semester, these university leaders will no longer be able to step onto the podium

At the beginning of the new semester, universities have made new progress in anti-corruption. On September 4th, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission released a quote from the Guangdong Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision: Wang Xiuming, Secretary of the Party Committee of Xinghai Conservatory of Music, is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Guangdong Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision. According to public information, Wang Xiuming, male, Han ethnicity, was born in September 1965 in Longchuan, Guangdong. PhD student and senior economist. He joined the CPC in April 1988 and started work in June 1989. From December 2008 to April 2013, served as a member of the Party Committee and Vice Dean of Guangdong University of Finance; From April 2013 to May 2015, served as the Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission; In June 2015, he was appointed as a member and secretary of the Party Committee of Xinghai Conservatory of Music. Xinghai Conservatory of Music

The studio responded that actress Jiang Yiyi has been reported for tax evasion! just
The studio responded that actress Jiang Yiyi has been reported for tax evasion! just

On the afternoon of September 4th, in response to the recent online disclosure that "Jiang Yiyi is suspected of tax evasion", @ Jiang Yiyi Studio issued a statement in response. Previously reported: On the afternoon of September 3 at 16:58, a netizen named "LHHHH" announced that he reported actor Jiang Yiyi's tax evasion to the tax bureau under his real name in February 2023, and received an inspection notice from the inspection bureau in July. On February 24, 2023, the Jinhua Municipal Taxation Bureau of the State Administration of Taxation replied online to the netizen's report: "Hello, the content you reported has been received according to the procedure.". The written notice on the inspection of clues for reporting tax violations by the Jinhua Municipal Taxation Bureau Inspection Bureau of the State Administration of Taxation released by netizen "LHHHH"

23 deaths caused by sudden exchange of fire in Syria
23 deaths caused by sudden exchange of fire in Syria

According to the AFP report on September 3, the British based Syrian Human Rights Watch said that some pro Türkiye armed men tried to penetrate into the northeast of Syria, and the Syrian government army fought with them on the 3rd, resulting in 23 deaths in the battle. According to reports, Rami Abdul Rahman, the head of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, said that the conflict between the two sides in Hassak province "resulted in the death of 18 armed personnel and 5 deaths on the Syrian government's side.". The rebel alliance supported by Türkiye is usually known by the name of "Syrian National Army", whose small units tried to infiltrate Hasek Province earlier that day. The government army and local armed forces affiliated with the Syrian Democratic Army have responded to the infiltration behavior. The report also said that since 2016, Türkiye has hit many times

"Sura" Landing and Guangdong's Interpretation of Responsibility through Action
"Sura" Landing and Guangdong's Interpretation of Responsibility through Action

Beijing, September 3rd - Around 3:30 am on September 2nd, Typhoon Sula, the 9th typhoon of the year, made landfall in Jinwan District, Zhuhai, Guangdong on a strong typhoon level, becoming the strongest typhoon to make landfall in Guangdong this year. Sula traveled westward and by 8:00 am on the 3rd, it was already on the surface of the Gulf of Tonkin. Its intensity level gradually weakened to a tropical storm and it will slowly move towards the southwest direction at a speed of 5-10 kilometers per hour. At 16:59 on the 31st. According to the official Weibo account of the China Meteorological Administration, "Sula" will make landfall along the coast of Guangdong from the night of the 31st to the morning of September 1st. The forecast shows that "Sula" will make landfall with strong typhoon or super typhoon levels, and may become the strongest typhoon to make landfall in the Pearl River Delta region since 1949. As "Sula" approaches, the emergency response of Guangdong Provincial Defense Bureau is gradually improving. August

The towering Yimeng Mountains and the magnificent Yihe River have nurtured the people of the revolutionary old areas and nurtured Linyi, a city with a long cultural tradition and a distinct red gene. Surprisingly, this prefecture level city in southern Shandong, which is neither the provincial capital nor adjacent to the sea, is actually the largest market cluster and an important logistics turnover center in the country, forming a pattern of "Yiwu in the south and Linyi in the north" in the field of commerce and trade. It is also the capital of e-commerce in the north, with the largest quantity of Kwai agricultural products in China, and has become a "live broadcast city" rich in online celebrities.Consolidate the advantages of "business"