The world

The "Multiplier Effect" of Stimulating New Energy Growth (Linking Commentator: Promoting High Quality Development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt ①) Economic and Social | Development | Linking
The "Multiplier Effect" of Stimulating New Energy Growth (Linking Commentator: Promoting High Quality Development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt ①) Economic and Social | Development | Linking

Starting today, this edition will launch a series of comments, connecting commentators from party newspapers in provinces and cities along the Yangtze River, summarizing the achievements and inspirations of high-quality development in the Yangtze River Economic Belt—— Editor's interlocutor: Li Zheng, commentator of this newspaper, Xiao Qing, commentator of Hubei Daily. Li Zheng, commentator of Hubei Daily: When it comes to the changes in the Yangtze River Economic Belt, people are fond of talking about a scene: "Smiling Elves" Yangtze River finless porpoises playing in the waves, and the "Linjiang Rust Belt" where the chemical industry once gathered has transformed into the present

Full page observation of People's Daily: Adhering to a systematic approach to governing the ecological environment
Full page observation of People's Daily: Adhering to a systematic approach to governing the ecological environment

System concept is a fundamental idea and working method. Ecological environment governance is a complex systematic project that must continuously strengthen the systematic, holistic, and collaborative nature of various aspects of ecological civilization construction, and pay attention to overall planning and coordinated promotion. This observation edition combines the practices and achievements of ecological civilization construction in some places, and explores the use of systematic concepts to govern the ecological environment——

Guangming Current Review: The Spirit of Educators Defining High Standards of Teacher Ethics General Secretary | Spirit | Educator
Guangming Current Review: The Spirit of Educators Defining High Standards of Teacher Ethics General Secretary | Spirit | Educator

On the eve of the 39th Teacher's Day, the National Excellent Teacher Representative Symposium was held in Beijing.

Promoting Urban Renewal with Systematic Thinking (New Theory)
Promoting Urban Renewal with Systematic Thinking (New Theory)

Urban renewal is an important means of promoting high-quality urban development. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposes to "improve the level of urban planning, construction, and governance, accelerate the transformation of the development mode of mega cities, implement urban renewal actions, strengthen urban infrastructure construction, and create livable, resilient, and smart cities.". From Chongyong Street in Beijing, to three lanes and seven alleys in Fuzhou, Fujian, from memorial archway Street in Chaozhou, Guangdong, to Daijia Lane in Yuzhong, Chongqing... In practice, many places have taken the implementation of urban renewal action as a starting point, and made great efforts to embroider, improving the living environment, protecting cultural heritage, and expanding space resources. In recent years, more and more old streets and alleys have become new landmarks, becoming a window for people to appreciate the charm of the city. According to incomplete statistics, in 2022, 571 cities nationwide implemented 65000 urban renewal projects. this

【 Guangming Review 】 Accelerating the Digital Transformation of Small and Medium Manufacturing Enterprises | Manufacturing | Enterprises
【 Guangming Review 】 Accelerating the Digital Transformation of Small and Medium Manufacturing Enterprises | Manufacturing | Enterprises

【 Guangming Review 】 Author: Liu Zhiyang; At the 21st China International Equipment Manufacturing Expo recently held by Liu Jianyi, a large number of intelligent equipment that applies cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, industrial Internet of Things, and digital twins made a concentrated appearance, demonstrating that digitization and intelligence are accelerating their coverage in China's manufacturing industry. Accelerating the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry is an important part of building a modern industrial system, with the transformation and development of small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises being particularly crucial. Since the beginning of this year, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology have launched pilot projects for the digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises in cities, aiming to reduce the cost of digital transformation for small and medium-sized enterprises and stimulate their enthusiasm and creativity for transformation. Small and medium-sized enterprises are an important force in promoting the development of the real economy. Utilizing digital and intelligent technologies to provide comprehensive and full chain support for small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises

Stimulating Consumer Vitality, 【 Ground Review Line 】 Feitian Net Review: Innovative Cultural and Tourism Supply
Stimulating Consumer Vitality, 【 Ground Review Line 】 Feitian Net Review: Innovative Cultural and Tourism Supply

Building smart cultural tourism and creating immersive experience scenes; Launch scenic spot ticket packages to promote the development of comprehensive tourism; In recent years, with the deep integration of culture and tourism and the continuous development of the market, the demand for cultural and tourism consumption in China has shown a clear trend of upgrading, by exploring distinctive resources and strengthening service integration. Demand drives supply, supply creates demand. China has entered the era of mass tourism, with new tourism supplies, formats, and models constantly emerging, bringing new experiences to tourists and injecting new vitality into the development of the cultural and tourism industry and the expansion of cultural and tourism consumption. Digital technology innovation consumer experience. The progress of science and technology has created conditions for creating immersive cultural and tourism scenes. With the help of technologies such as big data, 5G, and artificial intelligence, as well as virtual reality, holographic projection, and intelligent interaction, immersive experiences have become popular throughout the country in recent years, bringing people stronger scenes

Profoundly grasping the practical path of building a socialist cultural power through dialectical unity | viewpoints | culture
Profoundly grasping the practical path of building a socialist cultural power through dialectical unity | viewpoints | culture

Author: Chen Peihao's culture is related to the foundation and fortune of the country. The Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China clearly proposed to build a cultural power by 2035, sounding the horn of promoting the construction of a socialist cultural power.

【 Guangming Forum 】 Empowering Cultural Construction in the New Era with Technological Innovation Digital | Culture | Technology
【 Guangming Forum 】 Empowering Cultural Construction in the New Era with Technological Innovation Digital | Culture | Technology

【 Guangming Forum 】 Author: Fang Li;The 2023 Beijing Cultural Forum, with the annual theme of "Inheriting Excellent Culture and Promoting Exchange and Cooperation," opened in Beijing on the same day.

New Observations on Made in China: Seeking New Quality Productivity from New Industries
New Observations on Made in China: Seeking New Quality Productivity from New Industries

This new vocabulary that leaps into the public's view affirms the new driving force behind the development of new industries, defines the decisive force in promoting economic development in the new era, and points out the main direction of high-quality economic development in China. The core of new quality productivity lies in innovation. Unlike traditional productive forces, new quality productive forces are driven by technological innovation, led by new industries, oriented towards industrial upgrading, and aimed at enhancing core competitiveness. They integrate digital technologies such as artificial intelligence and big data, emphasizing more on the inherent quality of development. In stimulating quality, efficiency, and driving force changes, they can lead to a path of low input of production factors, high resource allocation efficiency, and low resource and environmental costs

The deputy secretary of the county party committee, deputy district chief, and others have found someone to cover the bill! Central Commission for Discipline Inspection Office Report: No one can do anything special, the Deputy Secretary of the District Party Committee has been investigated for drunk driving
The deputy secretary of the county party committee, deputy district chief, and others have found someone to cover the bill! Central Commission for Discipline Inspection Office Report: No one can do anything special, the Deputy Secretary of the District Party Committee has been investigated for drunk driving

On the evening of the 13th, the website of the Hunan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision publicly announced the serious violations of discipline and law by 11 party members and cadres in Shaoyang City. According to the announcement, recently, the Hunan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision has urged the Shaoyang Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision to seriously investigate and punish 11 party members and cadres, including Yang Qifan, former deputy secretary of the Beita District Committee and former director of the United Front Work Department of the District Committee, who violated the law by eating, drinking, and driving under the influence of alcohol. The China Discipline Inspection and Supervision Daily published a comment today titled "Strike Those Who Expose Their Head in the Face of Wind Violation", pointing out that serious investigation and public notification of this issue once again sound the alarm bell for party members and cadres. In the face of discipline and rules, no one can take chances, and no one can do anything special. The red line of discipline and law is a high-voltage line, and whoever touches it will be electrocuted. After being investigated for drunk driving, the deputy secretary of the district committee asked the boss to report that on the evening of June 2, 2022, the then North Tower of Shaoyang City

The latest Russian frigate has been launched!
The latest Russian frigate has been launched!

On the 14th local time, Russian satellite news agency reported that Russia's latest frigate "Sharp" has officially joined the Russian Pacific Fleet. According to Russian media reports, the "Sharp" has a length of 104.5 meters, a width of 13 meters, a draft depth of 7.95 meters, a total displacement of 2200 tons, a speed of up to 27 knots, a duration of 15 days, and a maximum range of 3500 nautical miles. The "Sharp" is a 20380 type frigate built by Amur Shipyard, which began construction in 2016 and was launched in July 2021. This type of frigate is mainly used to detect and destroy enemy ships and submarines in nearshore areas, cover landing operations, and conduct nearshore patrols. The main attack weapon of this type of frigate is the Uranus anti-ship missile system equipped with X-35 cruise missiles, as well as the Prism

The first ambassador to China was him, and after the establishment of diplomatic relations
The first ambassador to China was him, and after the establishment of diplomatic relations

According to CCTV News, on September 14th local time, President Castro of Honduras presided over the inauguration ceremony and appointed Salvador Enrique Monkada as the first Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Honduras to the People's Republic of China. 78 year old Salvador Enrique Monkada is a renowned pharmacologist and scientist in Honduras. The Governor of Chang'an Street noticed that on September 7th local time, the first Chinese Ambassador to Honduras, Yu Bo, had submitted his credentials to the President of Honduras, Castro. The government of Honduras stated that with the exchange of first ambassadors between the two countries, it marks a further deepening and development of bilateral relations. On March 25 this year, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Honduras issued a statement, officially announcing the "break of diplomatic relations" with Taiwan, China. The next day, China and Honduras officially established diplomatic relations, and Honduras became

He took over the baton across provinces!, After the female prosecutor took office in Beijing
He took over the baton across provinces!, After the female prosecutor took office in Beijing

The Sichuan Provincial Procuratorate has recently welcomed a new Party Secretary. According to the news of "Sichuan Procuratorate" on WeChat official account, on September 10, Lin Yiying, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Chief Procurator of Zhejiang Provincial Procuratorate, led a team to Sichuan to carry out research. On the day of the arrival of the research team, both sides held a symposium on the counterpart assistance work of the procuratorial organs in Zhejiang and Sichuan provinces. Wang Lin, Secretary of the Party Group of the Sichuan Provincial Procuratorate, presided over the symposium and expressed sincere welcome and gratitude to Prosecutor General Lin Yiying and his delegation for their visit to Sichuan for research. This means that Wang Lin, who previously served as the Deputy Secretary and Vice President of the Party Group of the Shaanxi Provincial High Court, has now become the Secretary of the Party Group of the Sichuan Provincial Procuratorate. According to public information, Wang Lin was born in February 1967 in Bozhou, Anhui. A member of the Communist Party of China, professor, doctoral student in law, and doctoral supervisor. After graduating from the Law Department of Northwest University of Political Science and Law in 1988,

Hangzhou police reported "a man impersonating a courier and entering the house for robbery"
Hangzhou police report

Recently, in a residential area in Shangcheng District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, a man impersonated a courier and knocked on the door, attempting to forcibly enter and rob. This incident has attracted widespread attention on the internet. On September 15th, the Shangcheng Branch of Hangzhou Public Security Bureau issued a police report on this matter. The full text of the notice is as follows: At around 7:42 am on September 11, 2023, our bureau received a report from the public stating that a stranger had broken into their home and had now fled. The public security organ immediately launched the major police response plan and arrested the suspect Lin on the same day. After investigation, Lin fled from another city to our district to commit a crime with the intention of seeking property. On the day of the incident, Lin falsely claimed to have delivered a package at the doorstep of the victim's house and deceived them into breaking into the room. He was discovered by his family and fled the scene. At present, Lin has been criminally detained by the public security organs in accordance with the law, and the case is being further processed. Previously, online transmission monitoring

BBC report: Russian fighter jets once "fired missiles" at British military aircraft
BBC report: Russian fighter jets once "fired missiles" at British military aircraft

According to the Associated Press, the BBC reported on September 14th that a Russian military pilot "intentionally" fired missiles at a Royal Air Force reconnaissance aircraft in the Black Sea international airspace last year. For this incident, the Russian side previously stated that it was caused by a "technical malfunction". The BBC reported that communication intercepted by the British military showed that on September 20, 2022, after receiving ambiguous orders from Russian ground stations, the pilot of the Soviet Su-27 fighter jet opened fire on an "unarmed" British reconnaissance plane, while the co pilot of the Su-27 fighter jet attempted to stop him. The report states that the Royal Air Force's "Rivet" electronic reconnaissance aircraft has sensors that can intercept electronic communication, and the crew can hear related calls. According to reports, in public, British officials handled this matter in a low-key manner

Maybe right beside you, it's shocking! These eavesdropping and photo stealing equipment
Maybe right beside you, it's shocking! These eavesdropping and photo stealing equipment

Heilongjiang Public Security has cracked a major case of production and sale of eavesdropping and photo stealing equipment, including power banks, lighters, sockets, car keys, data cables... The disguised eavesdropping and photo stealing equipment transmits the collected information to specific software for processing, and the plot of the movie "Whispering Storm" unfolds right beside us. Recently, the Public Security Bureau of Raohe County, Heilongjiang Province successfully cracked a major case of production and sale of eavesdropping and photo stealing equipment, uprooting a black industrial chain of illegal production and sale of specialized eavesdropping and photo stealing equipment from technology research and development to component manufacturing, and then to finished product assembly and sales. In November 2022, the Raohe County Public Security Bureau received a report from citizens that a suspicious group was found on a social media app, which could purchase modified eavesdropping and photo stealing equipment such as speakers, watches, power banks, sockets, lighters, etc. This clue has aroused the attention of the police

A borrower has signed a replacement agreement, and the countdown to the batch adjustment of interest rates for existing first home loans
A borrower has signed a replacement agreement, and the countdown to the batch adjustment of interest rates for existing first home loans

"I have called the handling branch several times to inquire about the housing loan situation, and the other party is all on the phone." "Recently, many customers have been calling to inquire about the adjustment of the interest rate of existing housing loans every day. We often work overtime until after 10 pm, and we don't even have time to eat." On one hand, there is the borrower's urgent expectation for the adjustment of the interest rate of existing housing loans, and on the other hand, the bank salesperson works overtime to ensure the smooth progress of related work. At present, the countdown to the batch adjustment of interest rates for existing first home loans on September 25th has entered a "ten day" countdown. In addition to announcements by state-owned banks, joint-stock banks, urban commercial banks, and rural commercial banks on reducing the interest rates of existing first-time housing loans, several rural banks have recently joined the ranks. According to interviews with reporters, in order to improve the convenience of applications, multiple banks have launched the "stock mortgage interest rate adjustment" on the mobile banking app

Finally, the culprit has been identified... The entire building has undergone DNA testing, and cigarette butts have been dropped from the sky! A 4-month-old baby girl was scalded
Finally, the culprit has been identified... The entire building has undergone DNA testing, and cigarette butts have been dropped from the sky! A 4-month-old baby girl was scalded

Recently, a 4-month-old baby girl was scalded by a cigarette butt thrown from a height in a residential area in Zhengzhou, Henan. Ms. Huang, the mother, reported to the police. The police collected blood from her building to verify DNA, and the suspect who threw cigarette butts has been identified. A 4-month-old baby was hit and burned by a cigarette butt. On August 25th this year, Ms. Huang was walking downstairs in a stroller, passing by a slope near the elevator hall when an unextinguished cigarette butt fell from the sky. She immediately checked and found that the child had been crying all along. Later, she found burn marks on the cigarette butt on the child's neck. "The child used their own neck to extinguish the cigarette butt..." Ms. Huang posted online videos related to the child's burn treatment. From the video, it can be seen that there are large red spots and some small blisters on the child's neck. It is understood that Ms. Huang's unit building has a total of 26 floors, with 5 households on each floor. Community

When anti-corruption efforts are underway in the pharmaceutical industry! Within 2 days, 2 people were investigated and 3 people were "double opened"
When anti-corruption efforts are underway in the pharmaceutical industry! Within 2 days, 2 people were investigated and 3 people were "double opened"

On the morning of September 15th, the website of the Guizhou Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision simultaneously released two messages: Zhou Fuliang, former Party Secretary of the Second People's Hospital of Liupanshui City, is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Liupanshui Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision; Zhang Yue, member of the Party Committee and Vice President of the Fifth People's Hospital of Zunyi City, is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Zunyi Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision. The anti-corruption efforts in the pharmaceutical industry continue to advance. Shangguan Hui noticed that three medical and health officials in Sichuan were dismissed on the same day yesterday. "Clean Sichuan" issued three consecutive notices yesterday: Chen Mingquan, former Party Secretary and Dean of Ziyang Mental Hospital, Zhang Dejun, former Deputy Party Secretary and Dean of Deyang Second People's Hospital, and Zhang Zonghui, former Party Branch Member and Deputy Director of Nanchong Disease Prevention and Control Center, who seriously violated discipline

Jing'an and you say Hi!, Everything is updated
Jing'an and you say Hi!, Everything is updated

The new image film "Hi Jing'an" has been launched! The sound of Jing'an is serene, friendly, and hopeful. The first ray of sunshine in the morning brushes over tall buildings and falls on the river. The morning running youth by the Suzhou River leave behind a smiling face as they pass by. The bell of Jing'an Temple rings the pulse of the city, awakens the greenery of the streets and alleys, spreads the beauty of life. Every day in Jing'an is a brand new day! The voice of Jing'an inherits, develops, and connects to historical sites, while the light of ideals and sparks shuttle through cultural and museum venues. Throughout history, the imagination of boundless neighborhoods is filled with the fragrance of books, and cultural heritage is infused with childlike commercial buildings. Multiple opportunities converge with global resources, gathering "Gathering Jing'an, in Shanghai, for the whole country, and connecting the world". A business card of Jing'an's dialogue with the world has been polished, exploring and discovering in the world, moving forward with history and the future!

Surprisingly, no one has received the award!, Unexpected! 25.57 million yuan lottery prize
Surprisingly, no one has received the award!, Unexpected! 25.57 million yuan lottery prize

In early August of this year, the Welfare Lottery Distribution Center in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province released the "Search for People Inspiration" to search for the winner of the 25.57 million yuan prize. On the evening of July 16th, the 2023081 Chinese Welfare Lottery Double Color Ball Game held its first prize draw, with a total of 6 wins in the current national lottery. Among them, 3 wins "Flower Falling" and Suzhou won the first prize for over 25.57 million yuan. This is also the largest double color ball prize in Suzhou this year. According to system searches, this winning lottery ticket was sold at the 32055636 Welfare Lottery betting station at 102 Xinhang Road, Yangshe Town, Zhangjiagang City, Suzhou. The ticket was issued on July 14, 2023 at 18:21:32. It is a single lottery ticket with a machine selected price of 18 yuan. The 9-bet number uses a "three three get nine" betting method, which means that the 1-bet number is three times the number. This betting method is relatively unique, as it

Chairman's live broadcast room dances to thank the audience, selling over 1 million yuan in 10 hours of live streaming. In 44 years, the domestic brand "Yumeijing" has made its debut on the internet: overnight entry into major platforms. Official | Brand | Platform
Chairman's live broadcast room dances to thank the audience, selling over 1 million yuan in 10 hours of live streaming. In 44 years, the domestic brand "Yumeijing" has made its debut on the internet: overnight entry into major platforms. Official | Brand | Platform

On September 15th, Yu Meijing appeared on Weibo's hot search. On September 13, Yu Meijing, a 44 year old Chinese children's cream brand, announced the opening of Xiaohongshu and Tiktok official accounts and tried to broadcast live. On September 14th, Yu Meijing officially announced her full entry into major platforms, "Finally Connected to the Internet.". That night, Yu Meijing's Chairman Shi Bin appeared on her first live broadcast, dancing to thank the audience. As of 10:00 on September 15th, the number of fans of Yu Meijing has risen to 845000. According to data from Cicada Mama, as of 24:00 on September 14th, after 10 hours of live streaming, sales amounted to 1 million to 2.5 million yuan. Recently, various "divine operations" of traditional Chinese products have sparked online discussions, and the CP of the Group Business Warfare Department is also playing very well. Bee flower sales are out of stock and they have started selling Hongxing Erke. The anchor of Hongxing Erke uses bee flower to wash hair with shoes, while Yu Meijing has just paid attention to it

The effect is counterproductive, as the US continues to hype up technology sanctions against China
The effect is counterproductive, as the US continues to hype up technology sanctions against China

In the past two weeks, discussions about the expiration of US sanctions against China have flooded the US public opinion arena. Some voices are starting to hype up the need to escalate sanctions against China. The stress response of the United States is consistent with the description of a spokesperson for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs: the United States is constantly promoting competition, but what the international community sees is that the United States is using its national machinery in the name of competition to gain an advantage, using the full government, all-round, and all-round measures to suppress and contain China, and engaging in a war of tariffs, trade, technology, chips, and rules. Seeing the various performances of the United States, Tan Zhu has a feeling: the United States thinks that upgrading its sanctions against China can contain China, but it is still too unfamiliar with China. Who is the one hyping up the escalation of sanctions against China? Tan Zhu used big data to sort out recent reports on US media sanctions against China and extracted relevant US departments that appeared in them. It can be observed that the American public

A group of cadres from Dunmiao in Henan are stepping onto the positions of county and city leaders
A group of cadres from Dunmiao in Henan are stepping onto the positions of county and city leaders

According to a recent announcement by the Organization Department of the Luohe Municipal Party Committee in Henan Province, Wang Zhongwei, Deputy Secretary of the Yancheng District Party Committee and Secretary of the Songjiang Street Party Working Committee, is proposed to be nominated as a candidate for county mayor. Wang Zhongwei, male, Han nationality, born in November 1984, is an in-service graduate student and a member of the Communist Party of China. He has served as the director of the Henan Provincial Price Certification Center and other positions. In 2021, he came to work in Yancheng District, Luohe City as a "Dunmiao" cadre. According to a previous report by Henan Daily, the Advanced Manufacturing Development Zone, Luohe Food Vocational College, and Provincial Zhongyuan Food Laboratory in Yancheng District are all located within their jurisdiction. Songjiang Street is not only the carrier of social functions in the development zone, but also the front line of urban-rural integration development in Yancheng District. It is also the forefront of economic and technological development in Luohe City, with heavy tasks and responsibilities. In October 2021, when Wang Zhongwei took office, he took over

191 North Korean athletes participated in athletics, gymnastics, basketball, weightlifting and other events, and registered for the Hangzhou Asian Games
191 North Korean athletes participated in athletics, gymnastics, basketball, weightlifting and other events, and registered for the Hangzhou Asian Games

According to Agence France Presse on September 14th, the organizing committee of the Hangzhou Asian Games stated that North Korea has 191 athletes registered to participate in next week's Asian Games, indicating that the country is ready to end its isolation from the international sports stage, which has lasted for more than three years. According to the report, according to information provided to registered media on the website of the Hangzhou Asian Games, North Korea will participate in events such as athletics, gymnastics, basketball, football, boxing, and weightlifting in the Chinese city of Hangzhou. At the beginning of 2020, after the outbreak of the epidemic, North Korea closed its already tightly controlled borders and missed the Tokyo Olympics postponed to 2021 due to the epidemic. Subsequently, the International Olympic Committee banned North Korea from participating in the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics due to its failure to participate in the Tokyo Olympics. On September 1st, the mascots of the Asian Games, "Congcong", "Lianlian", and "Chenchen", were featured in the main media center

The governor is here first!, Before the Australian Prime Minister's visit to China
The governor is here first!, Before the Australian Prime Minister's visit to China

According to the Canberra Times website on September 14th, as the first Governor of South Australia to step onto Chinese soil since 2019, Peter Malinowskas has realized the budding relationship between Australia and its largest trading partner. According to reports, shortly after Australian Prime Minister Albanese announced that he would visit China before the end of the year, on the 14th, Malinowskas visited China. Local producers hope that the increasing dialogue can demonstrate that Australia has once again won favor after years of punitive trade restrictions and hawkish rhetoric. According to reports, after the governors of Victoria and Western Australia visited China earlier this year, Malinowskas led a delegation from various fields such as education, wine, agriculture, aquaculture, and tourism

The US: Never accept it!, Russia expels two US diplomats
The US: Never accept it!, Russia expels two US diplomats

The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced the expulsion of two American diplomats. According to Reuters, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on the 14th the expulsion of two American diplomats, claiming that they have maintained contact with a Russian suspected of cooperating with foreign countries. The US later responded that Russia's move lacked basis, and the US State Department will summon the Russian Ambassador to the US on this matter. Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Two US diplomats engaged in illegal activities in Russia. On the same day, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement stating that it summoned US Ambassador to Russia Lynn Tracy and submitted a note to him. The Russian side pointed out that the actions of the first secretary of the US Embassy, Jeffrey Seilin, and the second secretary, David Bernstein, do not match the identity of diplomatic personnel. They declared these two US diplomats as "unwelcome people" and demanded that they leave within seven days. The statement states that these two individuals from the United States

Alibaba's new CEO, the youngest "18 Arhat"
Alibaba's new CEO, the youngest "18 Arhat"

Author: Yin Jie, this year's Teacher's Day is a day for Alibaba to bid farewell to the old and welcome the new. On September 10th, his previous head, Zhang Yong, Chairman and CEO of Alibaba Holdings Group, stepped down, and the new head, Cai Chongxin, took over as Chairman of the Board, with Wu Yongming as CEO. As for the former, everyone is familiar with it. As for the latter, everyone asks, "Who is Wu Yongming?" The youngest "Eighteen Arhat" According to public data, Wu Yongming is 47 years old, graduated from the computer department of Zhejiang University of Technology in 1996, and then joined the "China Yellow Pages" company founded by Ma Yun. One year later, Wu Yongming followed Jack Ma to Beijing and was responsible for the technical development of the website of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation at that time. In 1999, he followed Jack Ma back to Hangzhou and founded Alibaba. Appointed as C

Reported, a state-owned salt enterprise was acquired by a Japanese company? Official statement: It is a rumor
Reported, a state-owned salt enterprise was acquired by a Japanese company? Official statement: It is a rumor

On September 14th, Xuetian Salt Industry Group Co., Ltd. issued a solemn statement, stating that the recent nuclear contaminated water discharge incident in Japan has caused public concern, and hot food safety information has received much attention. The monitoring of Xuetian Salt Industry Group Co., Ltd. found that we media number fabricated false information about the acquisition of Xuetian Salt Industry Group Co., Ltd. by Japanese enterprises, and released and spread it on multiple Internet platforms. The following is a solemn statement from Xuetian Salt Industry Group Co., Ltd. regarding the above-mentioned illegal behavior: 1. As a state-owned listed enterprise under the supervision of the State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Hunan Province, Xuetian Salt Industry Group Co., Ltd. has never had any contact with Japanese enterprises regarding any acquisition matters, and the relevant network infringement information has seriously damaged the reputation and brand image of Xuetian Salt Industry Group Co., Ltd. Xuetian Salt Industry Group Co., Ltd. has

Suzhou: False information circulating online about the merger of Suzhou Industrial Park into Gusu District
Suzhou: False information circulating online about the merger of Suzhou Industrial Park into Gusu District

Recently, there has been false information circulating online about the merger of Suzhou Industrial Park into Gusu District. According to the Suzhou Civil Affairs Bureau, in February 1994, the State Council issued a reply on the development and construction of Suzhou Industrial Park. After research by the Jiangsu Provincial Government, it was decided to reorganize Loufeng Township in the suburbs and the four towns of Kuantang, Xietang, Weiting, and Shengpu in Wu County under the direct jurisdiction of the Suzhou Municipal People's Government. It was also agreed that the Suzhou Industrial Park Management Committee, an agency dispatched by the Suzhou Municipal Government, would exercise administrative management functions in the five townships mentioned above. In October 2021, according to the approval of the Municipal Government on changing the administrative divisions of Loufeng, Xietang, Weiting, and Shengpu streets, the administrative regions of Loufeng, Xietang, Weiting, and Shengpu streets were adjusted, and Jinjihu street was added. At present, the Suzhou Industrial Park Management Committee is in charge of managing Loufeng and Xie in Huqiu District

Decision to appoint Chen Jie as Vice Mayor, Report on the Fourth Meeting of the Standing Committee of the 16th Shanghai Municipal People's Congress | Situation | ShanghaiStrictly abide by the Party Constitution, Party rules, and Party discipline. The Party Group of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, the Party Group of the Municipal Government, and the Party Group of the Municipal Political Consultative Conference held separate meetings to firmly support the Central Committee's decision on the Party Central Committee | Politics | Party GroupCan Shanghai connect with the greenways of these cities? Official: Proposed Preparation of Greenway Construction Standards for the Yangtze River Delta | Standards | Yangtze River DeltaChen Jining, Gong Zheng, and colleagues from the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee exchanged their experiences and insights on thematic education research based on their respective experiences. Education | Municipal Party Committee | ThemeThe Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference awarded commemorative plaques to members and standing committee members of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference who are no longer re elected in ShanghaiPropose ideas and measures around releasing domestic demand, and the Chairman's Meeting of the Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference deliberates on key research reports and measures | ideas | research