The world

@Don't forget to pay attention to these major events after the college entrance examination and parents
@Don't forget to pay attention to these major events after the college entrance examination and parents

The 2023 National Unified Examination for Enrollment of Ordinary Higher Education Institutions in Beijing and the Graded Examination for Academic Level of Ordinary High Schools have come to an end. The Beijing Education Examination Institute reminds candidates to pay attention to these matters. Announcement of College Entrance Examination Results: On June 25th, college students can check their college entrance examination results. The minimum control score for admission to Beijing's high school and the distribution of "one point, one segment" scores will also be announced on the same day. The distribution of materials such as the "2023 Enrollment Major Catalogue of General Higher Education Institutions in Beijing" and the "2023 Enrollment Major Catalogue of General Higher Education Institutions in Beijing" will be conducted in June. These materials summarize numerous contents such as schools, major plans, and relevant codes for enrollment in Beijing, and are important materials for filling out preferences. As an important basis for filling out voluntary applications, candidates should pay special attention to the batch when looking at the undergraduate major directory

Leading with high standards, answering the same question together, and providing effective guidance (learning ideology, strengthening party spirit, emphasizing practice, and building new achievements) Theme | Guidance Group | Strengthening ideology, strengthening party spirit, emphasizing practice, and building new achievements
Leading with high standards, answering the same question together, and providing effective guidance (learning ideology, strengthening party spirit, emphasizing practice, and building new achievements) Theme | Guidance Group | Strengthening ideology, strengthening party spirit, emphasizing practice, and building new achievements

Late at night, the clock ticks. At the headquarters of the 43rd Central Guidance Group, staff and liaison officers from the guided enterprises exchange opinions on a plan. "Several requirements in the plan are hoped to highlight the characteristics of the company more prominently. Can they be adjusted in conjunction with the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee on the industry?" "In the process of sorting out the problem list, it is recommended to focus on small incisions. If the problem is specific, the measures will be more targeted."... The guidance group and enterprise personnel also reviewed the work plans of several other units, and after some reference, comparison, communication and polishing, the adjustment ideas of the plan gradually became clear. ". The 43rd Guidance Group of the Central Committee is responsible for contacting the weapons industry, weapons equipment, China Telecom, China Unicom, China Mobile, and China Satellite Network. Under the leadership and guidance of the Central Theme Education Leadership Group and its office

Sing the Song of Rural Revitalization in Yunling Land, Nujiang Grand Canyon | National | Earth
Sing the Song of Rural Revitalization in Yunling Land, Nujiang Grand Canyon | National | Earth

"Gaoligong Mountain is high, the water of Dulong River is long, and the gratitude of the Communist Party is higher than the mountains and longer than the water..." A song expressing gratitude echoes in the Nujiang Grand Canyon.Nowadays, the Nujiang River has nurtured new industries, and villages and cities have taken on a completely new look, moving towards an ecological state, an industrial state, and a cultural state. Yunnan adheres to agriculture and rural areas as its roots, rural scenery as its charm, and cultural characteristics

Important Measures to Promote High Quality and Full Employment High Quality | Skills | Measures
Important Measures to Promote High Quality and Full Employment High Quality | Skills | Measures

In the current and future period, the international environment is complex and ever-changing, the foundation for domestic economic recovery is not yet solid, and the unstable and uncertain factors of economic and social development are increasing. The impact of population aging, industrial intelligence, diversified employment, and diverse demands is superimposed, making the task of promoting high-quality and full employment arduous and arduous.

[Li Xiang China Youth Study Class] Micro video | The Party's Self Revolution is Forever on the Road Spirit | Thought | Youth
[Li Xiang China Youth Study Class] Micro video | The Party's Self Revolution is Forever on the Road Spirit | Thought | Youth

[This Golden Sentence] Full and strict governance of the Party is always on the way, and the Party's self revolution is always on the way. Solving the unique problems of the big party is a long-term and arduous process, which requires both unremitting efforts and concentrated efforts to eliminate all factors that affect the progressiveness and purity of the Party in a timely manner, eliminate all viruses that erode the Party's physical health, and ensure that the Party will never deteriorate, change color, and remain unchanged.

Creating a Fair Competition Market Environment for Business | Fair Competition | Market
Creating a Fair Competition Market Environment for Business | Fair Competition | Market

The recent executive meeting of the State Council emphasized the importance of creating a market-oriented, legal, and international business environment; Starting from the actual needs of enterprises, we will accelerate the implementation of targeted and high-value policy measures in batches, such as relaxing market access, promoting fair competition, and protecting intellectual property rights. The latest data released by the State Administration for Market Regulation shows that in the first quarter, 5.03 million new individual businesses were established nationwide, a year-on-year increase of 14.3%; There were 11000 new foreign-invested enterprises established nationwide, a year-on-year increase of 7.6%. Especially in March, there were 4818 new foreign-invested enterprises established nationwide, a year-on-year increase of 44% in a single month. The data of newly established business entities reflects their positive expectations for the Chinese economy. After years of "streamlining administration, delegating powers, and improving services" reform, China has significantly reduced the number of pre-approval processes, and foreign investment is allowed to

The Six Nation Declaration Implies China's "Economic Coercion"? Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Pointing directly to the US's own practices | country | economy
The Six Nation Declaration Implies China's "Economic Coercion"? Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Pointing directly to the US's own practices | country | economy

On June 12th, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin presided over a regular press conference. A reporter asked, according to reports, on the 9th, six countries including the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Japan issued a joint statement expressing serious concern about economic coercion and non market policies and behaviors related to trade. This approach poses a threat to the multilateral trading system, damages relations between countries, expresses concerns about practices such as "universal subsidies", anti competitive behavior of state-owned enterprises, forced technology transfer, and government intervention in corporate decision-making, and seriously concerns the existence of "forced labor" in the global supply chain, including state supported "forced labor". The report states that the statement did not specify a specific country, but it seems to imply China. What is China's comment on this? Wang Wenbin's data chart. The so-called statements issued by the United States' Five Eyes Alliance and Japan are easy to read

Arrested!, Former Counselor Yu Fuhua of Shandong Provincial Government | Personnel | Counselor
Arrested!, Former Counselor Yu Fuhua of Shandong Provincial Government | Personnel | Counselor

The case of Yu Fuhua, the former counselor of the Shandong Provincial Government, suspected of accepting bribes has been investigated and concluded by the Shandong Provincial Supervision Commission, and transferred to the procuratorial organs for examination and prosecution. Recently, the People's Procuratorate of Shandong Province made an arrest decision against Fuhua on suspicion of bribery in accordance with the law. The case is being further processed. Previously reported: Yu Fuhua was "double opened". According to the Shandong Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision on May 4, 2023, recently, with the approval of the Shandong Provincial Party Committee, the Shandong Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision conducted a case review and investigation into the serious violations of discipline and law by Yu Fuhua, the former counselor of the Shandong Provincial Government. After investigation, it was found that Yu Fuhua had abandoned his original intention and mission, lost his party spirit and principles, was disloyal and dishonest to the party, and deliberately opposed organizational censorship; Ignoring the spirit of the central eight point regulations and illegally accepting gifts and cash gifts; Violation of organizational personnel discipline, failure to truthfully explain issues during organizational inquiries, violation:

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded that South Korean officials spoke disrespectfully towards the Chinese ambassador. Ambassador Xing Haiming | Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded that South Korean officials spoke disrespectfully towards the Chinese ambassador. Ambassador Xing Haiming | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

On June 12th, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin presided over a regular press conference. A reporter from Yonhap News Agency asked that officials from the South Korean presidential office told Chinese Ambassador to South Korea, Xing Haiming, that if he fails to play a good role as a bridge, it will harm the national interests of both the country and the host country. What is China's response to this? Wang Wenbin's data chart. Regarding this, Wang Wenbin stated that Ambassador Xing Haiming's extensive contact and exchange with people from all walks of life in South Korea is his responsibility, with the aim of enhancing understanding, promoting cooperation, and maintaining and promoting the development of China South Korea relations. A reporter asked if there are any other positions that need to be expressed besides the position released by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs last weekend, as China and South Korea have each met with their ambassadors since the administration of South Korea's Yoon Seok yeol? Wang Wenbin stated that the South Korean side has made countermeasures against Ambassador Xing Haiming's meeting and exchange with Lee Jae ming, the leader of the opposition party in South Korea

He graduated as the first in his grade and studied in the Youth Class at the University of Science and Technology of China
He graduated as the first in his grade and studied in the Youth Class at the University of Science and Technology of China

Four years ago, Chen Baoji was admitted to the famous Youth Class at the University of Science and Technology of China with excellent grades. Four years later, he graduated with the highest academic ranking in his grade and is about to pursue a doctoral degree at the world-renowned research institution, the Max Planck Institute in Germany. How did this "child from another family" in the eyes of a parent and the "god of learning" in the eyes of a classmate be refined? Curiosity is the key to exploring the unknown world - televisions, computers, microwaves, refrigerators, washing machines... These household appliances were dismantled by Chen Baoji when he was a child. After dismantling, what appears before us is a pile of complex circuit boards. In order to figure out how they work, Chen Baoji tried every means to read books and search for information. After figuring it out, he reassembled the household appliances. All of this, parents see it in their eyes and silently support it. Parents are disorganized

Ministry of Foreign Affairs: A farce, the United States spreads rumors that China has set up a "spy center" in Cuba | Issue | Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Foreign Affairs: A farce, the United States spreads rumors that China has set up a "spy center" in Cuba | Issue | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

On June 12th, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin presided over a regular press conference. A reporter asked, although China and Cuba have denied recent reports of "espionage activities.". The US government announced over the weekend that they have information about China's establishment of a "spy center" in Cuba. What is China's comment on this? Wang Wenbin's data chart. Wang Wenbin stated that China's position on relevant issues was already expressed last week. In just two days, the US authorities and media have spread a series of contradictory information on the so-called "China building spy facilities in Cuba" issue, once again staging a farce of "the US denying the US". "False cannot be true, true cannot be false. No matter how much the United States spreads rumors and smears, it cannot destroy the sincere friendship between China and ancient times, nor can it cover up the United States' large-scale indiscriminate eavesdropping on countries around the world."

China Railway Group issues a solemn statement in its name | China Railway Group | Statement
China Railway Group issues a solemn statement in its name | China Railway Group | Statement

A solemn statement regarding illegal elements impersonating China Railway Group to commit fraud. Recently, China Railway Group received a call from the public inquiring about a program called "Eight Verticals and Eight Horizontals" that claimed to be a wealth management product authorized by China Railway Group. It released nine false investment and wealth management projects, including "Huanan Channel Construction", "Coastal Channel Construction", and "Jinglan Channel Construction", and used China Railway Group's company profile, news reports, and other content in the app for promotion. This behavior seriously infringes on the reputation of China Railway Group, constitutes infringement, and is also intentional fraud, damaging public interests, suspected of criminal offenses. China Railway Group has reported this to the public security organs and relevant administrative authorities. The following is a solemn statement: 1. The official website of China Railway Group is: http://www.china-railway.c

Many regions such as Liaoning and Jiangxi have taken action, and the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection has called for strict crackdown on the soil of "political fraudsters"
Many regions such as Liaoning and Jiangxi have taken action, and the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection has called for strict crackdown on the soil of "political fraudsters"

Six departments including the disciplinary inspection and supervision authorities in Liaoning Province recently jointly issued a notice on cracking down on "political fraudsters". This is also the first provincial-level notice issued to combat "political fraudsters". The notice directly calls out to "political fraudsters": to recognize the situation and immediately stop all fraudulent activities. Those suspected of fraud and other crimes must surrender as soon as possible and strive for leniency. After the central deployment, in addition to Liaoning, Jiangxi and other places have also taken action. And all of these places, without exception, emphasize the importance of eradicating the soil for the survival of "political fraudsters" in purifying the local political ecology. 【1】 The first provincial-level notice to crack down on "political fraudsters". After Liaoning issued a severe notice to crack down on "political fraudsters", Zhang Chun, a former second level inspector of the Liaoyang Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, became the first fallen cadre to be named and deceived. Zhang Chun

New Zealand Prime Minister announces delegation to visit China Minister of Education | Strategic Partner | Prime Minister
New Zealand Prime Minister announces delegation to visit China Minister of Education | Strategic Partner | Prime Minister

After more than four months in office, New Zealand Prime Minister Chris Hopkins announced his visit to China. According to reports from New Zealand National Radio, Reuters, and others, on June 12th local time, Hopkins announced at a press conference that he will lead a trade delegation to visit China at the end of this month. The delegation will include representatives from multiple fields and industries such as dairy products, tourism, and education. Hopkins said at a press conference, "The relationship with China is one of New Zealand's most important, extensive, and complex relationships." He pointed out that with the support of the upgraded version of the New China Free Trade Agreement, the economic and trade relationship between New Zealand and China has shown "incredible resilience" in recent years. The Governor of Chang'an Street noticed that in July 2018, the then Minister of Education of New Zealand, Hopkins, led a delegation to visit China to enhance educational exchange and cooperation between the two countries

Stimulating Cultural Vitality and Innovating Industry Development in China | Cultural Industry | Culture
Stimulating Cultural Vitality and Innovating Industry Development in China | Cultural Industry | Culture

More than 120000 cultural products were exhibited, with over 4 million attendees. More than 4000 cultural industry investment and financing projects were displayed and traded on site, with a total transaction volume of 3.42 billion yuan... On June 11th, the 19th China International Cultural Industry Expo and Trade Fair, which lasted for 5 days, came to an end, and the exhibition results reached a new high. As the highest standard, largest scale, most effective and influential exhibition in the field of China's cultural industry, the Cultural Expo has become an important engine for promoting the development of China's cultural industry, an important platform for Chinese culture to go global, and an important window for expanding cultural openness to the outside world. This year's Cultural Expo consciously undertakes the new cultural mission of the new era, focuses on the high-quality development and innovation of the cultural industry, and makes new contributions to accelerating the recovery of the cultural industry and exhibition industry, and promoting the inheritance and development of Chinese culture. Initial "Number"

The cumulative distribution of national student loans has exceeded 400 billion yuan, benefiting over 20 million students | loans | students
The cumulative distribution of national student loans has exceeded 400 billion yuan, benefiting over 20 million students | loans | students

National student loans, as an important part of China's university funding policy system, are an important measure to promote educational equity. The reporter learned from the Ministry of Education that since its implementation in 1999, more than 400 billion yuan in student loans have been issued, and more than 20 million students from economically disadvantaged families have been supported. The loan amount is constantly increasing. In the early stage of policy implementation, the maximum loan amount for full-time undergraduate and graduate students is 6000 yuan per person per year; In 2014, the maximum loan amount was raised to 8000 yuan per person per year for undergraduate and vocational students, and 12000 yuan per person per year for graduate students; In 2021, the maximum loan amount will be increased to 12000 yuan per person per year for undergraduate and vocational students, and 16000 yuan per person per year for graduate students. The loan term continues to extend. In the early stage of policy implementation, the term of the national student loan is 6 years after graduation to repay

Driving the equipment up the mountain mud as hand cream: A Story of a 80s Female Agricultural Mechanist's Grain Planting Machine | Manager | Agricultural Mechanist
Driving the equipment up the mountain mud as hand cream: A Story of a 80s Female Agricultural Mechanist's Grain Planting Machine | Manager | Agricultural Mechanist

Summer is the best season for planting. In the fields of hope, there are many agricultural machinery workers. Sun Hong, a female agricultural machinery worker from Xiuwen County, Guizhou, understands technology and loves agriculture, becoming a beautiful scenery in the fields. In Xiuwen County, Guiyang City, Guizhou Province, there are layers of high standard mountainous fields with undulating terrain, and a large number of mechanized equipment shuttles through the fields. Sun Hong, a female agricultural mechanic, skillfully operates a rice transplanter loaded with seedling trays in the field. Sun Hong, the person in charge of Guizhou Chunhai Agricultural Machinery Service Farmers Professional Cooperative: This is called a high-speed riding bowl seedling transplanting machine, which adopts three stages of pushing, delivering, and inserting for planting. This machine is currently in Guizhou, and the transplanting effect is quite good. Sun Hong, born in the 1980s, has worked in passenger vehicle services and also worked as a clothing salesperson. As most young people in the village choose to go out to work and abandon the land

Farmer's Uncle Becomes Popular Playing Piano: "The Sound of Piano on the Street" Warms a City's Public Welfare | Piano | The Sound of Piano
Farmer's Uncle Becomes Popular Playing Piano: "The Sound of Piano on the Street" Warms a City's Public Welfare | Piano | The Sound of Piano

Not long ago, a video of a construction worker improvising a piano on the streets of Shenzhen became popular on the internet. Why do pianos appear on the streets? What kind of story is behind it? The reporter found a worker playing the piano in a construction dormitory in Shenzhen. His name is Yi Qunlin, and people around him call him Lao Yi. Lao Yi comes from Yueyang, Hunan. He came to Shenzhen more than 20 years ago. Now, he and his son Yi Wenli are working as temporary builders in Shenzhen. Initially, it was his son Yi Wenli who filmed a video of him playing the piano on the street. Yi Wenli, the son of Yi Qunlin: When we passed by the subway entrance that day, we saw someone playing the piano there. We asked and said it was a charity piano, and anyone can play it. Then I encouraged my dad to go up and play it. Because I knew my dad could play the piano, I played a few songs with a playful mindset.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Japan's nuclear contaminated water discharge facility trial operation meeting, which harms the common interests of all mankind. Reporter | Position | Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Japan's nuclear contaminated water discharge facility trial operation meeting, which harms the common interests of all mankind. Reporter | Position | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

On June 12th, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin presided over a regular press conference. A reporter asked, what is the position and response plan of the Chinese government regarding the recent trial operation of Japan's nuclear contaminated water discharge facilities into the sea? Wang Wenbin stated that we have repeatedly expressed China's opposition to the unilateral decision you mentioned regarding Japan's discharge of nuclear contaminated water into the ocean. I would like to emphasize once again that Japan should not act out of self-interest, but rather let the international community bear the cost of pollution and damage to the entire ocean. This is an extremely selfish and irresponsible behavior. The Japanese approach, which is for their own selfish interests and harms the common interests of all mankind, cannot convince the people at home and abroad. It will only make Japan feel ashamed, harm the people of neighboring countries and Pacific island countries, and further undermine Japan's trust in the international community.

Putin will soon issue an 'ultimatum'. Report | Ukraine | Putin
Putin will soon issue an 'ultimatum'. Report | Ukraine | Putin

According to the website of Newsweek on June 10th, Margarita Simonyan, the editor in chief of Russian television, predicted today that Putin will soon issue an "ultimatum" regarding NATO aid to Ukraine. According to the report, Simonyan said in a new interview that she believes the West's free provision of weapons to Ukraine is "joining the war.". Simonyan said, "One morning, we will wake up to find that Putin issued an ultimatum the night before. He said that if F-16 fighter jets taking off from these country's airports continue to attack Russian territory, and if various weapons transported from these country's ports continue to be supplied to Ukraine, then we will consider these airports and ports as legitimate targets of war." The report also stated that Russia has the right to announce NATO without an ultimatum

It will only bring serious harm to Taiwan. Ministry of Foreign Affairs: DPP authorities are willing to be US pawns and cannon fodder. Taiwan compatriots | sell Taiwan | authorities
It will only bring serious harm to Taiwan. Ministry of Foreign Affairs: DPP authorities are willing to be US pawns and cannon fodder. Taiwan compatriots | sell Taiwan | authorities

On June 12th, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin presided over a regular press conference.May I ask if the spokesperson has any comments on this? Wang Wenbin's data chart.On the one hand, they openly clamored for the destruction of TSMC and formulated the so-called "destroy Taiwan" plan.Wang Wenbin pointed out that the DPP authorities are advocating for the "destruction of Taiwan" rhetoric

And reasoning | Following the United States to suppress China | Britain's opportunism only backfires on the British government | Urgent hope | The United States
And reasoning | Following the United States to suppress China | Britain's opportunism only backfires on the British government | Urgent hope | The United States

Faced with internal and external troubles, the British government did not face difficulties but chose to take shortcuts. Using China as a scapegoat can be described as killing two birds with one stone, diverting the attention of the British people and pleasing the US government. The Organisation for Economic Co operation and Development predicts that the UK's inflation rate in 2023 will be the highest among major economies. The British people are struggling to make ends meet, and the ruling Conservative Party is inevitably to blame. To make matters worse, the Conservative Party's anti epidemic violations have resurfaced, while also taking responsibility for the economic recession caused by Brexit. Faced with enormous pressure, the British government is not trying to find ways to solve the problem, but is doing everything possible to shift blame to other countries. The UK government recently announced that it will release a timetable for removing monitoring equipment produced by companies subject to China's National Intelligence Act from sensitive central government sites. The UK has not yet announced what exactly it is

The relationship between the two countries is like a "strong tree". Foreign Minister Hong: 77 days after the establishment of diplomatic relations, the Honduran Embassy in China opened its embassy. Reina | Cooperation | Big Tree
The relationship between the two countries is like a "strong tree". Foreign Minister Hong: 77 days after the establishment of diplomatic relations, the Honduran Embassy in China opened its embassy. Reina | Cooperation | Big Tree

On the morning of June 11th, the opening ceremony of the Embassy of Honduras in China was held at the Diplomatic Apartment outside Jianguomen in Beijing. State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang and Honduras Foreign Minister Reina jointly unveiled the plaque for the embassy. Reina stated that holding the opening ceremony of the Hong Kong Embassy in China during President Castro's state visit is of great significance. On March 26th of this year, China established ambassadorial level diplomatic relations with Honduras, which became the 182nd country to establish diplomatic relations with China. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Hong Kong over two months ago, the relationship between the two sides has developed rapidly. On the 10th, Castro visited the headquarters of the BRICS New Development Bank in Shanghai and officially submitted his application to join the bank. Honduras also stated that it will initiate negotiations on a free trade agreement with China as soon as possible. On the 11th, Honduran Foreign Minister Reina stated in an interview with Global Times reporters that,

The issue of child labor has become a systemic problem in the United States, exposing American style human rights hypocrisy and double standards in the United States | Black | Human Rights
The issue of child labor has become a systemic problem in the United States, exposing American style human rights hypocrisy and double standards in the United States | Black | Human Rights

June 12th is World Day Without Child Labor. The issue of child labor has attracted high attention from the international community, and many countries and international organizations have taken measures to protect the legitimate rights and interests of children. However, in the world's most economically developed country - the United States, the issue of child labor is alarming. According to statistics from the US Department of Labor, in 2015, 1012 children were illegally employed in the United States; By 2022, this number had surged to 3876 people. The public opinion points out that the above-mentioned data disclosed by the US government is only the tip of the iceberg, and the surge in child labor in the US has become a social problem, which is a worrying situation. The US food industry giant has been exposed to employing hundreds of child laborers on Grande Island, Nebraska, a small city with a population of only about 50000 people. At the beginning of this year, the largest food safety and hygiene service provider in the United States

The First China Honduras High level Entrepreneurs Exchange Conference was held in Beijing, China | Honduras | Enterprises
The First China Honduras High level Entrepreneurs Exchange Conference was held in Beijing, China | Honduras | Enterprises

On June 11th, about 200 political and business representatives from China and Honduras gathered in Beijing to attend the China Honduras High Level Entrepreneurship Exchange Conference. This is the first high-level entrepreneur exchange meeting between China and Honduras since the official establishment of diplomatic relations on March 26th, injecting new impetus into deepening practical economic and trade cooperation between the two countries. "Since the establishment of diplomatic relations, both sides have worked together with a sense of urgency to promote the strong start of bilateral relations on the basis of mutual respect, equality, mutual benefit, and common development, achieving a series of early gains and achieving a 'good start'," said Zhang Shaogang, Vice President of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade. Zhang Shaogang, Vice President of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, delivered a speech at the first China Honduras High level Entrepreneurs Exchange Conference. Xinhua News Agency reporter Pan Jie and Zhang Shaogang stated that China and Hong Kong have different resource endowments and strong economic complementarity,

Foreign media: abuse of sanctions and dollar hegemony by the United States to accelerate the process of "de-dollarization" the United States | US dollars | sanctions
Foreign media: US abuse of sanctions and US dollar hegemony accelerating the process of de dollarization | US dollar | sanctions

On June 7th, the "New Arab" news website reported that since the outbreak of the Ukraine crisis in 2022 and the comprehensive sanctions imposed by the United States on Russia, the process of "de dollarization" has accelerated, and the status of the US dollar is declining. The article states that the United States launched a comprehensive financial war against Russia, not only freezing Russia's US dollar foreign exchange reserves, but also kicking Russia out of the Global Interbank Financial Communications Association system, which became an important turning point in "de dollarization". The article states that the risk of the United States abusing sanctions has prompted more and more southern countries around the world to seek alternative currencies to the US dollar. The question now is no longer whether the hegemony of the US dollar will end, but when it will end. The article states that although Gulf Arab countries are not the key drivers of the "de dollarization" movement, they are also pragmatically participating in it. In the coming years, with the exchange rate against the US dollar

Multiple intentions reached through one-on-one negotiations! China and Hong Kong will continue to deepen practical cooperation. China | Honduras | Cooperation
Multiple intentions reached through one-on-one negotiations! China and Hong Kong will continue to deepen practical cooperation. China | Honduras | Cooperation

The first China Honduras High Level Entrepreneurs Exchange Conference, co hosted by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade and the Ministry of Economic Development of Honduras, was held in Beijing on the 11th. Business representatives from both sides at the meeting stated that China and Honduras have strong economic complementarity and broad prospects for economic and trade cooperation. The two sides will deeply tap into the potential for trade growth, unleash investment cooperation momentum, improve infrastructure connectivity, and continuously deepen practical cooperation. At the exchange meeting, more than 100 Chinese enterprise representatives from foreign trade, engineering, finance, telecommunications, tourism and other fields held one-on-one negotiations with visiting Honduran enterprise representatives. Some enterprises reached further communication intentions on site regarding the import of agricultural food, textile products, and investment in factories in Honduras. Honduran Foreign Minister Reina: The Chinese market has given Honduras a great opportunity, Honduras

Is Germany's attitude towards aiding Ukraine changing?! Ukraine wants to name the Taurus cruise missile that can strike underground targets, Taurus | cruise missile | Ukraine
Is Germany's attitude towards aiding Ukraine changing?! Ukraine wants to name the Taurus cruise missile that can strike underground targets, Taurus | cruise missile | Ukraine

A spokesperson for the German Ministry of Defense recently confirmed that Ukraine hopes that Germany will provide the Taurus cruise missile. If Germany agrees to provide the Taurus cruise missile, it will become the second country, after the UK, to publicly provide cruise missiles to Ukraine. What is the performance of the Taurus cruise missile? Why has Germany become less cautious about its aid to Ukraine than before? According to military observer Shao Yongling, the Taurus cruise missile is a type of defense zone outer space ground cruise missile jointly developed by Germany and Sweden. It is lightweight, highly accurate, and can strike strong underground targets. Compared to the "Storm Shadow" cruise missile assisted by the UK in Ukraine, the advantages of the "Taurus" cruise missile are reflected in its range and strike accuracy. Shao Yongling: Tour of Taurus

Absorb more than 200000 people to work and find employment at their doorstep! The National Development and Reform Commission has issued a central investment of 7.3 billion yuan in rural areas in 2023 to replace work with relief
Absorb more than 200000 people to work and find employment at their doorstep! The National Development and Reform Commission has issued a central investment of 7.3 billion yuan in rural areas in 2023 to replace work with relief

The National Development and Reform Commission has issued a central investment of 7.3 billion yuan in 2023 to attract more than 200000 people to work and employment at their doorstep. In order to implement the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference, Rural Work Conference, and the National Two Sessions, accelerate the implementation of work relief projects, and early stimulate the employment and income growth of disadvantaged groups, the National Development and Reform Commission has jointly approved a central special investment of 7.3 billion yuan in 2023 with the Ministry of Finance, accounting for more than 90% of the annual planned investment scale, and support more than 20 provinces in central and western China to implement more than 2000 rural small and medium-sized infrastructure construction projects, the labor remuneration for investment projects in work relief in the central budget will be comprehensively increased to 30% of central funds. Based on the above, and relying on the project, we will extensively carry out labor skills training, public welfare job development, and talent development

Detained, two villagers in Wenzhou organize a private dragon boat activity without authorization. Huang | Dragon Boat | Activity
Detained, two villagers in Wenzhou organize a private dragon boat activity without authorization. Huang | Dragon Boat | Activity

Two people in Rui'an City, Wenzhou were administratively detained by the police for organizing people to engage in folk dragon boat activities on the village river without reporting permission. On June 11th, the local police reported that on the 9th and 10th, villagers Huang and Li from Tangxia Town organized unauthorized activities to row dragon boats in the river. During the activities on the 9th, the dragon boat sank and all personnel on board fell into the water. After rescue efforts, no casualties were reported. The police have imposed administrative detention on Huang and Li for 9 and 7 days respectively in accordance with the law, and the case is under further investigation. In April of this year, the government of Ruian City issued a notice stating that, in view of the phenomenon of apportionment, vulgarity, superstition, and disorder in private dragon boat activities, it has been decided to continue to prohibit private dragon boat activities throughout the city in 2023. It is strictly prohibited for any unit or individual to organize and hold private dragon boat activities without authorization for any reason