The world

Ecotourism turns green mountains into "golden mountains". Small Miao villages are rushing towards rural revitalization | Resource advantages | Ecotourism
Ecotourism turns green mountains into "golden mountains". Small Miao villages are rushing towards rural revitalization | Resource advantages | Ecotourism

CCTV News: The "Beautiful China New Scroll" witnesses the new chapter of beautiful China that is constantly being written on the new journey. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, significant steps have been taken in the construction of a beautiful China, and the stability of the ecosystem has been continuously improved. The battles to defend the blue sky, clear water, and pure land have been launched one after another. The sky is bluer, the mountains are greener, and the water is clearer, which is also the most intuitive feeling for the people. In recent years, Bijie City, located in the northwest of Guizhou Province, has firmly grasped the key element of "ecology" to achieve sustainable development, continuously amplified its advantages in ecological resources, developed ecotourism, promoted rural revitalization, and turned green mountains into "golden mountains". At the beginning of summer tourism, Huawu Village in Qianxi will welcome a continuous stream of tourists. The farmhouse run by villager Wang Guangyuan became lively early in the morning

Please keep this safe haven guide, flood prevention and disaster relief are in action | [Animation] Typhoon "Taili" hits the area | casualties | Typhoon
Please keep this safe haven guide, flood prevention and disaster relief are in action | [Animation] Typhoon "Taili" hits the area | casualties | Typhoon

【 Editor's note 】 Currently, the country is about to enter a critical period of "seven up and eight down" flood prevention. Some places are experiencing heavy rainfall, some rivers are experiencing floods exceeding the warning level, causing geological disasters such as flash floods and mudslides, resulting in significant casualties and property losses. Guangming Net and the News and Propaganda Department of the Ministry of Emergency Management jointly launched the "Flood Control and Disaster Relief in Action" series of animated products, guiding the public to strengthen safety awareness and build a strong line of defense for disaster prevention and reduction. Recently, Typhoon Tali has struck. Affected by typhoon, gale and rainstorm weather occurred in many places. How should the general public respond to the raging typhoon? When a typhoon strikes, doors and windows should be closed to prevent wind and rain from entering. At the same time, it is important to maintain smooth mobile communication, avoid electric shock, and be cautious of fires. During the impact of the typhoon, outdoor activities should be stopped and it is advisable not to go out as much as possible,

Good quality, strong resilience, and thriving vitality. The Chinese economy is "resilient and has a promising future" nationwide | market | economy
Good quality, strong resilience, and thriving vitality. The Chinese economy is "resilient and has a promising future" nationwide | market | economy

CCTV news: Recently, China's economic semi annual report has been released in succession. Today's CCTV News also reported that the scale of China's online retail market showed a steady growth trend in the first half of the year. The "red" arrow makes people feel that China's economy is strong and dynamic. Let's take a closer look below. In the first half of this year, the national online retail sales reached 7.16 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 13.1%. Sales of certain product categories have grown rapidly. In the first half of the year, 8 out of 18 monitored commodities saw growth rates exceeding double digits. Among them, gold, silver, jewelry, and communication equipment increased by 33.5% and 23.3% year-on-year, respectively. The growth trend of online service consumption is good. In the first half of the year, online catering sales increased by 27.9% year-on-year. Online tourism products and scenic spot tickets, as well as online entertainment sales, share the same score

Workers under high temperatures | Car inspectors under "high baking" ice cream | Frontline | Workers
Workers under high temperatures | Car inspectors under "high baking" ice cream | Frontline | Workers

Since the beginning of the summer, the continuous high temperature weather has brought enormous pressure to railway transportation. Railway workers have braved the scorching heat and stood firm on the front line, sweating profusely and facing the "grilling" test, always on the front line of their posts, safeguarding the safe operation of trains. The "hot bath" in the "sweating room" is on a dog day, and the temperature inside the carriage can reach up to forty or fifty degrees, making the whole carriage feel like a "sweating room". "Recently, the temperature has been too high, and the quality of the on-board air conditioning electrical equipment directly affects the comfort of passengers' travel. No matter what, there should be no malfunction. It's okay for us to sweat a little, it's said to be beneficial for weight loss." In the "steamer" like carriage, Feng Bo, the leader of the first class of electricity in the Xuzhou workshop, is still very optimistic, joking with colleagues who are also working. Speaking, Feng Bo drank in one breath

Seven departments: Leading the planning of the 2024 urban old community renovation plan. Owners | Residents | Communities
Seven departments: Leading the planning of the 2024 urban old community renovation plan. Owners | Residents | Communities

Beijing, July 20 (Xinhua) -- The Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development, the National Development and Reform Commission, and seven other departments recently issued a notice on solidly promoting the renovation of old urban communities in 2023, deploying various regions to solidly promote the implementation of the renovation plan for old urban communities, and planning the renovation plan for 2024 ahead. The notice proposes to reasonably arrange the renovation plan for old urban communities in 2024. Clarify the scope of renovation objects, vigorously renovate and upgrade residential communities that were built earlier, lost maintenance and management, had obvious shortcomings in facilities, and had a strong willingness to renovate by residents. Focus on renovating old urban communities that need to be renovated before the end of 2000. Encourage the rational expansion of renovation implementation units, and according to the needs of promoting the coordinated renovation of adjacent communities and surrounding areas, ensure the timely completion of the renovation of old communities before the end of 2000

Exploring the Origin of Chinese Characters in Freehand Writing in China | River Sound: Every stroke is in my heart! Chinese characters | Oracle bone script | River sound
Exploring the Origin of Chinese Characters in Freehand Writing in China | River Sound: Every stroke is in my heart! Chinese characters | Oracle bone script | River sound

When we write, we are touching confidence and paying tribute to traditional culture. Taking Chinese characters as the starting point, tracing their roots, looking at the world, and imagining the future, the cultural confidence accumulated over thousands of years will, with its unparalleled charm, allow more and more Chinese people to experience the long history of Chinese culture through dialogue with history. There are always those who can't understand my heart. "The universe is all in this stroke, expressing the story of China horizontally and vertically." "The familiar strokes are tattooed on my heart, square and square over and over again."... The lyrics are sung in Chinese characters, but in fact, they are also the memories of time and the palpitations of emotions that flow through our veins. We have never engraved the strokes of the Eternal Characters and Eight Methods in our minds, using Chinese characters to convey emotions in joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness has become an unchangeable habit. Horizontal and vertical strokes, point lifting and folding

Freehand Chinese Writing: Explaining "Characters" | Using Big Data to Crack Chinese Character Passwords and Make "Unprecedented Learning" Popular Database | Oracle Bone Script | Chinese Characters
Freehand Chinese Writing: Explaining "Characters" | Using Big Data to Crack Chinese Character Passwords and Make "Unprecedented Learning" Popular Database | Oracle Bone Script | Chinese Characters

Dahe Network News: Everyone has heard of oracle bone script, but do you know oracle bone script? How many oracle bone inscriptions are there? What do they all look like? As an ancient script, oracle bone script is far from the general public, and the revitalization and utilization of oracle bone script is a major issue that we need to research and solve at present. In 2019, Liu Yongge, a teacher from the School of Computer and Information Engineering at Anyang Normal University, led a team to develop the world's first free Oracle big data platform, "Yin Qiwen Yuan," which made a stunning debut, bringing Oracle closer to the general public. How will computers understand text from 3000 years ago? How can oracle bone inscriptions keep the "underdogs" cool when they collide with modern technology? How to showcase the charm of oracle bone script in a form that is popular among the public? Going deep into archaeological sites and mastering first-hand information is urgently needed for oracle bone inscriptions that have been dormant for 3000 years

Video | "Zi" Sees You from "Yu" - Legendary Chinese Characters with Horizontal and Vertical Phrases and Inscriptions | Symbols | Video
Video | "Zi" Sees You from "Yu" - Legendary Chinese Characters with Horizontal and Vertical Phrases and Inscriptions | Symbols | Video

Dahe Network News: Both horizontal and vertical are wise, and one flick and one depression are legendary. The reporter, together with netizens, explored the "secrets" related to Chinese characters in multiple museums in Henan by visiting the Jiahu Site, Yin Ruins Museum, Xu Shen Cultural Park, and other places. Here, where is the origin of Chinese characters? Who invented Chinese characters? Faced with these issues, Wu Yanfang's eyes were full of light. She said, "The carved symbols discovered at the Jiahu site are one of the earliest known embryonic forms of writing, ahead of ancient Egyptian papyrus and cuneiform script in the Two Rivers Basin." Carving refers to the ancient people carving some numbers or pictographic symbols on pottery, bamboo and wood pieces, or turtle shells to convey information. These symbols are familiar to Wu Yanfang. As the director of the Agang Temple Site Management Committee at the Jiahu Site in Wuyang, she prefers to use the engraved symbols to

Invitation for a Museum Tour, Poster | C-Site Cultural Relics: Visit Henan Museum | Text | Henan
Invitation for a Museum Tour, Poster | C-Site Cultural Relics: Visit Henan Museum | Text | Henan

The oracle bones record the origin of writing, while the revered bronze tells the magnificent scenery of civilization. Museums are the cultural soul of cities, recording history and leading the future. Henan is an important birthplace of Chinese civilization, with a profound historical heritage and rich cultural relics resources. There are over 340 museums of various types in the province. Walking in Henan, understanding China. The "treasure of many museums in Henan" crosses the long river of history and stands at position C to invite: Central Plains cultural relics witness Chinese civilization, come to Henan and embark on a museum trip! 1、 The Henan Museum has gone from igniting the first ray of dawn of Chinese civilization with the Yangshao culture to unveiling the mysterious veil of the Kingdom era at the Erlitou site in the summer capital; From the echoes of Jiahu bone flute spanning eight thousand years, to women

The Chengdu Universiade is about to open. 20000 volunteers: We are ready! Volunteers | Services | Universiade
The Chengdu Universiade is about to open. 20000 volunteers: We are ready! Volunteers | Services | Universiade

The 31st Summer Universiade for University Students is about to open, and volunteers have been fully deployed and are now in service. At the center of the Chuantou Tennis Stadium at this year's Universiade, volunteers are intensifying their practice. Volunteer Du Jiru for the 31st Summer Universiade: We are event volunteers, picking up balls for athletes, passing balls between us, holding towels, water for athletes, and doing some floor cleaning work. Today is our first day on duty, and everyone is working hard to serve the athletes well during the Universiade. CCTV reporter Du Siyuan: It is reported that there are a total of 20000 volunteers for the Universiade, distributed in various competition venues, non competition venues, and venue operation centers, providing volunteer services for the event and comprehensively ensuring the smooth and orderly progress of the event. As the most

Exploring the Science and Technology Project of the Chengdu Universiade and Bringing Rich Experiences | Universiade Village | Universiade Village Science and Technology
Exploring the Science and Technology Project of the Chengdu Universiade and Bringing Rich Experiences | Universiade Village | Universiade Village Science and Technology

The Chengdu Universiade Universiade Village is located at Chengdu University, with technology and green elements almost everywhere in the village. Entering the welcome center of the Universiade Village, the coffee automatic brewing robot is eye-catching. After giving instructions to the robot, just wait for a moment, and a cup of coffee brewed according to personal taste preferences can be delivered to guests. At the service desk of the welcome center, all athletes and delegation members can use intelligent translation intercom devices to communicate with service personnel. This intelligent translation intercom device also has a portable version available for all participants to use. The device supports real-time translation in over 80 languages, allowing participants to truly enjoy barrier free communication in Chengdu. There are still many new things in Dayun Village, such as 3D photography. The photos taken in this 3D studio are not flat photos, but rather a series of

Concentrated rectification of six prominent issues, and the launch of the "Clean Chengdu Universiade Network Environment Improvement" special action guarantee | Universiade | Network
Concentrated rectification of six prominent issues, and the launch of the "Clean Chengdu Universiade Network Environment Improvement" special action guarantee | Universiade | Network

On July 18th, the reporter learned from the Central Cyberspace Administration that in order to ensure the security of the Chengdu Universiade, the Central Cyberspace Administration issued a notice on carrying out the "Qinglang Chengdu Universiade Network Environment Improvement" special action, deciding to launch a 20 day "Qinglang Chengdu Universiade Network Environment Improvement" special action starting from July 18th. The special action will revolve around the Universiade and focus on rectifying the following six prominent issues: spreading false information related to the Universiade and related public policies, social and livelihood fields, fabricating rumors that may cause panic, such as disaster accidents, illegal crimes, and food product quality issues, especially the behavior of spreading rumors after the authoritative refutation information is released. One sided and distorted dissemination of information on sudden events, impersonating the identity of the parties or relevant personnel to speak out, and linking and stirring up old news and events; Malicious speculation

Hungarian Foreign Minister: Such a proposal is a shocking weapon | Ukraine | Foreign Minister
Hungarian Foreign Minister: Such a proposal is a shocking weapon | Ukraine | Foreign Minister

According to TASS on July 20th, the proposal by EU leaders to provide 20 billion euros in military aid to Ukraine within four years will prolong the country's hostile state for several years. This is the viewpoint expressed by Hungarian Foreign Minister Szyardo Peter on the 20th. He was attending a ministerial meeting of the European Union in Brussels at the time. Seydo said on the same day that the EU's High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, proposed allocating 20 billion euros over four years to fund weapons supplies to Ukraine. During a meeting with Hungarian journalists on the sidelines of the meeting, Sialdo said, "This is simply the establishment of a military regime that has lasted for many years." The Hungarian Foreign Minister emphasized, "So, you shouldn't be considering peace issues now, not just in the short term, but also in the long term."

The main city is waterlogged in many places, and local heavy rainstorm ponding | rainstorm | heavy rainstorm
The main city is waterlogged in many places, and local heavy rainstorm ponding | rainstorm | heavy rainstorm

According to the monitoring of Chongqing Hydrological Monitoring Station, from 8:00 on July 20 to 8:00 on July 21, there was moderate to heavy rain in the city, and local rainstorm to heavy rainstorm. 27 districts and counties, including Tongnan, Tongliang, Rongchang, Dazu, Hechuan, Jiangjin, Qijiang, Bishan, Yongchuan, Beibei, Shapingba, Jiulongpo, High tech Zone, Jiangbei, Yubei, Nan'an, Banan, Nanchuan, Fuling, Fengdu, Changshou, Shizhu, Qianjiang, Xiushan, Youyang, Pengshui, Wulong, experienced rainstorm, of which 8 districts and counties, including Tongliang, Dazu, Yongchuan, Beibei, Jiangbei, Bishan, Tongnan, and Jiangjin, experienced heavy rainstorm. The maximum daily rainfall occurred in Renhe Village, Pulu Town, Tongliang District, at 170 millimeters. Affected by rainfall, 16 small and medium-sized rivers in the city, including Bishan Bibei River, Meijiang River, and Jiangjin Daxi River, experienced a 1-3 meter flood process, and the highest water level did not exceed the warning water level. seven

Do you want to answer? Earth has received mysterious and regular signal signals for 35 consecutive years | personnel | regularity
Do you want to answer? Earth has received mysterious and regular signal signals for 35 consecutive years | personnel | regularity

Receiving mysterious cosmic signals has always been a topic of great interest for science fiction fans. In the science fiction work "The Three Body Problem", Ye Wenjie sends a signal at the Red Bank base, and the pacifist among the Three Body Problem people warns "Don't answer! Don't answer! Don't answer". However, a paper published in the journal Nature titled "Thirty Years of Long Cycle Radio Transient Activity" mentioned that researchers have found that since at least 1988, a mysterious extraterrestrial source has been regularly emitting radio waves at a frequency of 22 minutes towards Earth. After calculating 35 years of observation data, researchers have obtained an accurate pulse time that occurs every 1318.1957 seconds, with an error of one tenth of a millisecond. However, the signal is different from what was previously seen on Earth, and the source cannot be determined at present

The Ukrainian side hereby warns!, From midnight on July 21st, military supplies | ships | Ukraine
The Ukrainian side hereby warns!, From midnight on July 21st, military supplies | ships | Ukraine

According to the Russian Sputnik News Agency, the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense issued a statement on July 20, saying that from July 21, all ships sailing to Russia's Black Sea ports may be regarded by Ukraine as military material transport ships. According to reports, the Ukrainian Ministry of National Defense issued a statement on social media stating: "The Ukrainian Ministry of National Defense hereby warns that starting from 00:00 on July 21, 2023, all ships sailing in the Black Sea to Russian seaports or ports in the temporarily occupied areas of Ukraine may be regarded by Ukraine as military material transport ships and face corresponding risks." The statement also stated: "Starting from 5:00 on July 20, 2023, shipping in the northeast of the Black Sea and the Kerch Strait of Ukraine will be prohibited due to danger. Relevant navigation information has been notified to sailors." The Russian Ministry of National Defense announced on July 19 that starting from July 20, the Russian side will transport military supplies. "

A female college student in Taiwan was hit and killed by a falling air conditioner on the 17th floor. While waiting for the bus, she had to pay attention to the finance, air conditioning, and outdoor units
A female college student in Taiwan was hit and killed by a falling air conditioner on the 17th floor. While waiting for the bus, she had to pay attention to the finance, air conditioning, and outdoor units

According to Taiwan's "Zhongshi News Network" and "United Daily News", a 22-year-old female student from the Department of Finance at Taiwan Chengchi University and her sister were waiting for a bus at Xinpu MRT Station in Banqiao District, New Taipei City on the 20th when they were hit in the head by a vertically dropped air conditioning unit on the 17th floor. She passed away after being sent to the hospital. The air conditioning renovation worker surnamed Li involved was transferred to the local prosecutor's office for investigation on the charge of causing death due to negligence. It is understood that the 31 year old worker surnamed Li involved in the case was installing an upright window type air conditioning unit on the 17th floor of the building next to the bus station. It is suspected that the external unit on the installation rack was not locked properly, causing the center of gravity of the unit to be unstable and fall off. According to an air conditioner technician with professional certification, based on peer experience, there is a high probability of accidents caused by the upper and lower locking plates of the external unit not being locked or not being properly locked, as there is no locking plate analysis from the dropped air conditioner external unit. The installation technician may lack experience or be in a hurry.

The front of the "Eagle Falcon" is eye-catching, and the Fuxing is newly launched! Tailored Asian Games Special Train Appears Intelligent | Train | Asian Games
The front of the "Eagle Falcon" is eye-catching, and the Fuxing is newly launched! Tailored Asian Games Special Train Appears Intelligent | Train | Asian Games

At 10:30 am on July 21st, the Fuxing Asian Games intelligent multiple unit, tailored for the 19th Hangzhou Asian Games, was officially launched in Changchun. At the ceremony, the "Eagle Falcon" front end, created by CRRC Changchun Rail Transit Co., Ltd., was particularly eye-catching. The front end, designed based on bionics, can significantly reduce air resistance and is expected to save energy by 10%. Combined with lightweight body and overall energy-saving technology, a single train can save about 1.8 million kilowatt hours of electricity per year. The reporter saw that the appearance and interior of the train are themed around moistening Jiangnan, integrating urban landscape elements such as Hangzhou's pink walls, black tiles, and the surging Qianjiang River with high-speed trains. The vehicle is an 8-car, 4-motor, 4-trailer power distributed multiple unit, designed for a speed of 350 kilometers per hour, with a seating capacity of 578 people. It was purchased by Zhejiang Transportation Group and has a customized and green design

He cried bitterly and kowtowed, A fugitive from a 28 year fugitive murder case in Hunan has been arrested! Having children after seeing relatives | Tang | relatives
He cried bitterly and kowtowed, A fugitive from a 28 year fugitive murder case in Hunan has been arrested! Having children after seeing relatives | Tang | relatives

On July 13, with the suspect Yang being escorted back to Taoyuan, Changde, Hunan, a murder case 28 years ago was completely solved. On a spring night of 28 years, a major event shattered the tranquility of the chilly spring in Gaowan Village, Zoushi Town. The suspect, Mr. Sun, asked Mr. Li for a bicycle in Gaowan Village, Zou Town. The two sides quarreled. Mr. Zhang, who was eating with Mr. Li, thought that Mr. Sun didn't give them face, so he started to hurt Mr. Sun. Sun harbored a grudge for this and subsequently gathered Yang to go to Changde Cement Water Pipe Factory to retaliate against Zhang. After finding Zhang in the cement factory dormitory, Sun and Yang entered Zhang's dormitory and beat him, causing Zhang's spleen to rupture and bleed heavily. After being sent to the hospital, rescue efforts were unsuccessful and he died. After learning of Zhang's death, Sun and Yang fled in a hurry. After the case occurred, Taoyuan County

"Chang'an 30000 Miles" also has these "Easter eggs", such as the necklace of Princess Yuzhen and the hairstyle of a Yangzhou singer... In addition to poetry, Gao Shi | floral decorations | unearthed | Yuzhen | cultural relics | Li Bai | movies | Princess
"Chang'an 30000 Miles" also has these "Easter eggs", such as the necklace of Princess Yuzhen and the hairstyle of a Yangzhou singer... In addition to poetry, Gao Shi | floral decorations | unearthed | Yuzhen | cultural relics | Li Bai | movies | Princess

Recently, the movie "Three Thousand Li in Chang'an" became popular, and the Tang Dynasty culture represented by poetry captured countless viewers. Click to view: "Three Thousand Li in Chang'an" 48 poetry summary. In addition to many fleeting cultural relics in the poetry movie, many of them almost replicate the actual unearthed Tang Dynasty cultural relics. CCTV News, in collaboration with the National Museum, launched the cultural and museum popularization product "Cultural and Museum Calendar". Today, let's take a look at the exquisite Tang Princess. Starting from the "head" in the movie, Princess Yuzhen does not appear many times but is particularly important. She is the most beloved sister of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang, Li Longji. She is very willing to recommend the virtuous to him. In order to seek the recommendation of Princess Yuzhen, Gao Shi offers a gun dance. Wang Wei presented music, Li Bai presented poetry △ Qi Wang recommended talents and invited Princess Yuzhen as a guest, which allowed Wang Wei to enter politics. The scene of "Qiwang Night Banquet" in the movie

Putin: This region has significant strategic significance in the Arctic region
Putin: This region has significant strategic significance in the Arctic region

On the 20th local time, Russian President Putin inspected Novatek's factory located on the banks of Kola Bay in Murmansk Oblast, and visited the assembly and manufacturing process of the production line modules for the Arctic LNG 2 project. During his inspection, Putin stated that the Arctic region has significant strategic significance for Russia. Putin attended the launch ceremony of the transportation of the first production line of the Arctic liquefied natural gas project 2 to the Geda Peninsula via the northern sea route on the same day. During a meeting with representatives from Novatek, Putin stated that liquefied natural gas production projects are very important and have a comprehensive impact on Russia's entire economy. He said that the Arctic liquefied natural gas project 2 will proceed on time and with quality. The liquefied natural gas production project by Russian President Putin is undoubtedly very important, as it will have a comprehensive impact on the entire economy and enable Russia to

A comprehensive investigation is necessary. According to People's Daily Online, Lairong High Speed Railway has been reported for cutting corners: construction is crucial to human life | China Construction Eighth Bureau | Lairong High Speed Railway
A comprehensive investigation is necessary. According to People's Daily Online, Lairong High Speed Railway has been reported for cutting corners: construction is crucial to human life | China Construction Eighth Bureau | Lairong High Speed Railway

According to reports, recently, the labor subcontractor of the third section of Shandong Lairong High speed Railway and Henan Sanjie Industrial Co., Ltd. reported in real name that the construction general contractor, China Construction Eighth Bureau, is suspected of cutting corners and materials. The construction pile length of some threaded piles in some roadbed sections of the Lairong High speed Railway does not meet the design requirements, posing significant safety hazards. The person in charge of Sanjie Company stated that he has repeatedly reported issues to the project department head and on-site personnel of China Construction Eighth Engineering Bureau, and the response he received was: "If you can do it, do it, don't get lost.". Once this matter was reported by the media, it quickly sparked public opinion and sparked heated discussions. Is it true that high-speed rail has cut corners and materials? Is the length of the relevant construction piles really not meeting the design requirements and posing significant safety hazards? The public is paying attention to this matter and eager for the truth to surface soon, hoping that the relevant departments can provide an accurate explanation. Nowadays, the Shandong Provincial Department of Transportation

Apologize for using a fire extinguisher as a toy in a popular drama? Fire naming fire | Fire extinguishers | Toys
Apologize for using a fire extinguisher as a toy in a popular drama? Fire naming fire | Fire extinguishers | Toys

Recently, the TV series "My Human Fireworks" is currently airing. The scene of the male and female protagonists frolicking and frolicking while using fire extinguishers in the drama has sparked controversy. In response, Chaozhou Fire Department released a video pointing out issues with the use of fire extinguishers. Subsequently, Jia Shikai, the producer of "My Human Fireworks", apologized in an article and related topics made it to the hot search. On the 19th, @ Chaozhou Fire Department released a science popularization video, reminding that fire extinguishers are not toys and pointing out the errors in the use of fire extinguishers in the scene: "spraying up and down", "confined space", "dust inhalation", "arbitrary use", etc. According to the fire department's instructions, unauthorized use of fire protection facilities and equipment is an illegal act. According to Article 60, Paragraph 2 of Chapter 6 of the Fire Protection Law of the People's Republic of China, individuals who damage, misappropriate, or dismantle or stop using fire protection facilities and equipment without authorization will be warned or fined 500 yuan

Ni Yixin, former Vice Chairman of the All China Youth Federation and the first female PhD trained by Tsinghua University, passed away. | Educator | Ni Yixin
Ni Yixin, former Vice Chairman of the All China Youth Federation and the first female PhD trained by Tsinghua University, passed away. | Educator | Ni Yixin

The reporter from Pengpai News learned from the Department of Electrical Engineering and Applied Electronic Technology at Tsinghua University that Ni Yixin, an educator and scientist in the field of dynamic power systems in China, and a 1963 alumni of the Department of Electrical Engineering, passed away in Shanghai at 12:15 am on July 15, 2023, at the age of 77, due to illness and ineffective rescue efforts. Public information shows that Ni Yixin, female, was born in October 1946. In 1968, 1981, and 1983, she obtained her bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees from Tsinghua University, respectively. She was the first female doctoral student trained by Tsinghua University and also the first female doctoral student in the Chinese engineering industry. He has successively served as the deputy director of the Department of Electrical Engineering of Tsinghua University, the deputy director and director of the State Key Laboratory of Power System, the deputy director of the Tsinghua Hong Kong University Shenzhen Power System Research Institute, and the senior member of the International Society of Electrical and Electronic Engineers

The head of MI6 in the UK calls on Russians to become spies. UK | Russia | MI6
The head of MI6 in the UK calls on Russians to become spies. UK | Russia | MI6

According to the website of The Times on July 19th, the head of MI6 in the UK called on Russians to "join hands with us" and fled to engage in espionage activities for the UK. Richard Moore, the head of the UK's secret intelligence agency, said, "You know the exact address - come talk to us." He said that Russians can help end the bloodshed by engaging in espionage activities for Britain. "I invite them to do what others have done in the past 18 months and join us. Our doors are always open," he added. Moore made this speech at the official residence of the British Ambassador to the Czech Republic, Matt Field. According to a report by the Associated Press in Prague on July 19th, the head of MI6 in the UK stated on the 19th that British spies have been using artificial intelligence to block

Dunhuang camels collapse to the ground due to overloaded work? Scenic Area: No Camel Death Incident Reported by The Paper Reporter | Environment | Adjustment | Event | Personnel | Progress | Scenic Area | Camel
Dunhuang camels collapse to the ground due to overloaded work? Scenic Area: No Camel Death Incident Reported by The Paper Reporter | Environment | Adjustment | Event | Personnel | Progress | Scenic Area | Camel

Video screenshot. A video claiming that camels in Dunhuang, Gansu fell to the ground due to overloaded work under high temperatures has recently circulated online. Some netizens pointed out that the incident occurred in the Mingsha Mountain Crescent Spring Scenic Area. On July 21st, Pengpai News called the Mingsha Mountain Crescent Spring Scenic Area, and a staff member stated that there were no deaths of camels in the scenic area. Regarding the situation where camels cannot stand upright in online videos, the staff stated that it may be due to the camel's itching and the need to roll to alleviate it. At around 9:00 am on the 21st, a reporter from Pengpai News called the Dunhuang Tourism Bureau, and a staff member stated that the incident is currently under investigation and verification, and no response has been received from the scenic area. According to the aforementioned online video, a camel fell in the sand and was no longer able to stand. Another camel continued to make screams after falling, but was still forced to be pulled up. There were many nearby camels

Feeling low in summer? Pay attention to summer depression and high temperatures | Air conditioning | Depression
Feeling low in summer? Pay attention to summer depression and high temperatures | Air conditioning | Depression

"Air conditioning WIFI and watermelon, blooming in the scorching summer." In the eyes of many people, the particularly happy summer may be a painful torment for others. In recent years, summer depression has received increasing attention. What is summer depression, what are the factors that cause it, and how to prevent and treat it? The reporter conducted an interview on this matter. Experts point out that summer depression needs to be given more attention. The mental health department of Shanxi Norman Bethune Hospital is currently receiving treatment for the patient. Recently, Ren Yan, the deputy chief physician of the Department of Mental Health at Bethune Hospital in Shanxi, received a middle-aged female patient who became lazy during the summer. In her son's description, she, who was originally diligent, has recently become "lazy" and "doesn't want to do anything, doing anything is just acceptable.". In front of the doctor, the patient did not feel sick:“

Liu Feng's new appointment is decided by the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China
Liu Feng's new appointment is decided by the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China

According to the official website of State Power Investment Corporation, on the morning of July 20th, State Power Investment Group Co., Ltd. held an expanded meeting of the leadership team, announcing the decision of the Central Organization Department to appoint Comrade Liu Feng as the Vice General Manager and Party member of State Power Investment Group Co., Ltd. The above appointment shall be handled in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. Previously, Liu Feng held positions such as Assistant General Manager, Board Secretary, and Party Secretary of State Power Investment Corporation of China. State Power Investment Group Co., Ltd. is a super large state-owned important backbone enterprise directly managed by the central government, shouldering the important mission of ensuring national energy security. It was restructured and established by China Power Investment Group Corporation and State Nuclear Power Technology Co., Ltd. in May 2015. State Grid Corporation of China is the only state-owned enterprise in China that simultaneously leads the implementation of two major national science and technology projects and one national special task; It is the first company in our country to have light

Reveal this important signal! Former official announced "J-20 sharpens troops in the Taiwan Strait", and a new spokesperson for the Air Force appeared in the Air Force | News | J-20
Reveal this important signal! Former official announced "J-20 sharpens troops in the Taiwan Strait", and a new spokesperson for the Air Force appeared in the Air Force | News | J-20

According to @ CCTV Military, at the press conference of the 2023 Air Force Aviation Open Event · Changchun Aviation Exhibition held today, the newly appointed spokesperson of the Air Force, Colonel Xie Peng, made an appearance and introduced relevant information about the event. Xie Peng: Surprises and excitement like the J-20 and Y-20 will continue to increase. At the press conference, Colonel Xie Peng introduced the relevant information of the People's Air Force and aviation open activities. He stated that the People's Air Force is steadily advancing the research and development, as well as updating and upgrading of various types of equipment, based on operational needs and national strategic security considerations. Everyone remembers the surprises and excitement brought by the emergence of the J-20 and Y-20, and I believe that with the acceleration of the modernization construction of the Air Force, such surprises and excitement will continue to increase. During this year's aviation opening up event, which coincides with the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Korean War, the Air Force Department will be invited to participate

Formerly served as Vice Governor, she served as Director of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine for Disease Prevention | National | State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Formerly served as Vice Governor, she served as Director of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine for Disease Prevention | National | State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine

On July 21st, the latest information in the "Leadership Information" section of the official website of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine showed that Yu Yanhong, the Secretary of the Party Group of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, has also served as the Director of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Yu Wenming will no longer serve. Yu Yanhong is currently also a member of the Party Group of the National Health Commission and Vice Chairman of the All China Women's Federation. According to her public resume, Yu Yanhong was born in October 1962 in Shaoyang, Hunan. She graduated from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Hunan Medical University with a master's degree in Obstetrics and Gynecology. She holds a medical doctorate, is a professor, chief physician, and doctoral supervisor. Yu Yanhong is a well-known obstetrics and gynecology expert in China, who has served as the Vice President of Southern Hospital of Southern Medical University, Vice President of Southern Medical University, and President of Southern Medical University. He is an expert who enjoys special allowances from the State Council, a national level candidate for the New Century National Hundred and Ten Million Talents Project, and one of the top ten members of the Communist Party of China